It may be shocking for the supporters of the big bang theory, which is very much supported with COBE's observations of the lower infrared or microwave background cosmic radiation, referred to as the red shift to know that we also have other radiations with similar properties but on the upper side of the electromagnetic spectrum, which I will refer to it as the Blue Shift Cosmic Radiation. The existence of blueshifts simply dumps the best evidence that the red shift is a result of an expanding universe which started from a hot big-bang.
We do have evidence that our solar system is approaching external radiating sources at very high speeds, and we do as well have evidence of X-ray and Gamma ray emitting cosmic bodies. Taking the case of approaching one such cosmic body, at relativistic speeds, then, its radiation will be blue shifted to the upper frequency band. At its limiting velocity, it's radiation frequency would be very close to the theoretical limit of Planck frequency, which I refer to as the ultra-cosmic radiation band, the radiation responsible for the gravity equivalent radiation pressure. In the EMRP gravity theory, the gravitational force field on earth equates to the radiation pressure of this ultra cosmic blue shifted radiation, which is due to the relative motion between earth and the mentioned preferred frame. Similarly, the gravitational force field on the whole solar system (for example, to another solar system) is due to the relative motion between the solar system and the same preferred frame. Same applies to galaxies, galaxy clusters, etc... with each upper level travelling at a lower relative velocity to its nested system. As we go higher in the cosmic hierarchy level, the red shifted frame will go higher in frequency, and the blue shifted frame will get lower, until, we reach the top hierarchy level, that of the fixed stars, in which no doppler shift will be observed relative to itself. Note however that the gravitational forces of the fixed stars, will then be sourced by the doppler effect of the relative motion between them and all the moving parts within the universe! Thus the redshift which we detect in our CMBR is in fact equivalent to the blue shift seen from the fixed stars location, and is the responsible radiation for the gravitational force holding the fixed stars.
An estimate for this upper blue shifted cosmic frequency can be found based on the EMRP theory and the known ratio for the electrostatic and gravitational forces of an electron.
Electric force field for 2 electrons Fe= e2/4.pi.eo.r2
Gravitational force field for 2 electrons Fg= GMe2/r2
It follows that the ratio Fe/Fg for 2 electrons = 4.17E42
I have already shown that the radiation pressure is inversely proportional to the squares of the frequency.
The electrostatic force is a result of the radiation pressure exerted by the frequency of the electrons internal energy: fe=mec2/h=1.236E20Hz. Frequency fg= frequency of radiation pressure equivalent to gravity. So, we have:
Fe/Fg = fg2/fe2
4.17E42 = fg2/ 1.236E202
From which we get fg = 2.52E41Hz
The ratio of Fe/Fg for different types of particles is known to be different, but if gravity is always acting on Plancktons, we should get the same frequency for fg regardless of which particles we take into consideration. So, let's now try to find fg analysis the situation between two protons. Taking the mass of a proton as 1.67E-27kg, and the magnitude of its charge equal to that of an electron:
Electric force field for 2 protons Fe= e2/4.pi.eo.r2
Gravitational force field for 2 protons Fg= GMp2/r2
So the ratio of Fe/Fg for 2 protons = 1.24E36
Frequency of the protons internal energy fp=mpc2/h=2.265E23Hz
From Fe/Fg = fg2/fp2 .. we get:
1.24E36 = fg2/ 2.265E232
From which we get again fg = 2.52E41Hz
We can now directly compute the equivalent mass of a photon like particle having the internal frequency fg which would be equivalent to our proposed Planckton and also equivalent to Le Sage theorised particle.
MPlanckton= fg*h/c2
MPlanckton= 1.86E-9kg or 1.86ug ... so heavy but so small!
The peak wavelength and hence the diameter of the building block of matter is equal to c/f = 1.19E-33m, which is 29.36 times Planck Length. It is easy to understand that the black body curves of all matter are simply replicas of the distribution curve of the existing Plancktons around their peak wavelength value. All kinds of energy are just downshifted copies of the same distribution curve, and that's why all black body radiation curves fit the same plot.
From fg we can now determine the relativistic velocity that electrons, protons, and indeed all observed matter in our universe have relative to the cosmic background source. Substituting for fg and fe in the relativistic doppler equation,
fg/fe = SQRT[(1+b)/(1-b)]
2.055E21 = SQRT[(1+b)/(1-b)]
4.223E42 * (1-b) = 1+b
b = v/c = (4.223E42-1)/(4.223E42+1) = 1
This clearly shows that while incoming radiation is approaching us at the speed of light, the outgoing radiation is also receding us at the speed of light. This situation is analogous to the electron cloud of a hydrogen atom as described in the spherical standing wave model of the particle.
The EMRP theory is based on the existence of both redshift and blueshift radiations, which are nothing but the incoming and outgoing waves forming the standing wave medium of propagation for all electromagnetic radiation. Although with our present technology we are still incapable of directly measure or even electrically detect such proposed high frequency of the blue shifted component, powerful energy source that reach our present limit of detection have been confirmed, and so, its existence should be of no surprise, nor in conflict to any known theory. The standing wave formation proposed here is the same geometric spacetime fabric proposed by Einstein, which would also better define the older notion of the aether.
Blue Shift vs Red Shift
- junglelord
- Posts: 3693
- Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:39 am
- Location: Canada
Blue Shift vs Red Shift
I found this today while doing some research. Ultra cosmic radiation. That is radiation with a higher frequency then gamma rays. I had thought about that before. Interesting stuff.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord
- Guest
Re: Blue Shift vs Red Shift
What are "fixed stars"?Similarly, the gravitational force field on the whole solar system (for example, to another solar system) is due to the relative motion between the solar system and the same preferred frame. Same applies to galaxies, galaxy clusters, etc... with each upper level travelling at a lower relative velocity to its nested system. As we go higher in the cosmic hierarchy level, the red shifted frame will go higher in frequency, and the blue shifted frame will get lower, until, we reach the top hierarchy level, that of the fixed stars
- junglelord
- Posts: 3693
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- Location: Canada
Re: Blue Shift vs Red Shift
I think its only a relative position to the universe at that level. I think it goes back to framedragging and the radiation shadow effect and its relationship to the aether at that level.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord
- Posts: 1148
- Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:17 am
Re: Blue Shift vs Red Shift
the picture of the day is of comet holmes, what if?
what if comet holmes is not moving, what if a circulation of space is moving in the opposite direction of the percieved path of comet holmes?
And that the growing lump of mass called the comet is coalescing the content of the flow into mass?
The fact that the object called the comet appears to be moving, and to a slower area of space movement that we the observer are submerged in it is in a way, is possibly the fundemental fault of our observation/s, we are concentrating on the formed /forming mass, when we possibly should be observing the circulating pathway of the apparent movement of the comet.
Because the circulation is not visable to our limited senses, it in effect doesn't exist to us, but the formed mass does, so we see it as moving, this is what I have been trying to get across as relevant to the sun/moon and planets, in that it is not the formed things that are moving per say, but that the currents of circulating space is what is moving, and we observe via the substance of space, hence the colours and timings are all over the place as regards the actual reality.
what if comet holmes is not moving, what if a circulation of space is moving in the opposite direction of the percieved path of comet holmes?
And that the growing lump of mass called the comet is coalescing the content of the flow into mass?
The fact that the object called the comet appears to be moving, and to a slower area of space movement that we the observer are submerged in it is in a way, is possibly the fundemental fault of our observation/s, we are concentrating on the formed /forming mass, when we possibly should be observing the circulating pathway of the apparent movement of the comet.
Because the circulation is not visable to our limited senses, it in effect doesn't exist to us, but the formed mass does, so we see it as moving, this is what I have been trying to get across as relevant to the sun/moon and planets, in that it is not the formed things that are moving per say, but that the currents of circulating space is what is moving, and we observe via the substance of space, hence the colours and timings are all over the place as regards the actual reality.
- junglelord
- Posts: 3693
- Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:39 am
- Location: Canada
Re: Blue Shift vs Red Shift
Great call Kevin. If I see gravity as a radient pressure, I need not be moving, but rather the aether.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord
- Posts: 1148
- Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:17 am
Re: Blue Shift vs Red Shift
Hence my interest in the so called gravity.
We are under pressure, bearing down on me, bearing down on You, pressure.
Look at the sea, do you see the flows?
Do you see the currents moving within that which is called the sea?
With special cameras they can, but what do they see, in the sea?
Scale is what matters, but it's so complex i can't describe it, so I stick to K.I.S.S.
As above, so below, simply describes the scale of creation, in that at all levels, from whatever observation point, the scale outwards and inwards will be mirrored.
But, the observation point will be only relevant to it's position, and anything viewed from there by whatever means of scaling is involved , will only observe as per the scale outward relevent to its positioning.
We are a consequence of the position we are in, lots of words can be thrown in like frequency/harmonics/wave lengths etc etc, but it's only the particuler mixture relevent to here and now that matters, a few seconds ago was a different cake mixture , thus a different position and TIME.
We have mastered the rainbow as such, the colours , but it's what lies over the rainbow, along the yellow brick road that counts, we need to consult the wizard about that ?
But as a hobbit, the wizard normally knocks on my door.
Hence my interest in the so called gravity.
We are under pressure, bearing down on me, bearing down on You, pressure.
Look at the sea, do you see the flows?
Do you see the currents moving within that which is called the sea?
With special cameras they can, but what do they see, in the sea?
Scale is what matters, but it's so complex i can't describe it, so I stick to K.I.S.S.
As above, so below, simply describes the scale of creation, in that at all levels, from whatever observation point, the scale outwards and inwards will be mirrored.
But, the observation point will be only relevant to it's position, and anything viewed from there by whatever means of scaling is involved , will only observe as per the scale outward relevent to its positioning.
We are a consequence of the position we are in, lots of words can be thrown in like frequency/harmonics/wave lengths etc etc, but it's only the particuler mixture relevent to here and now that matters, a few seconds ago was a different cake mixture , thus a different position and TIME.
We have mastered the rainbow as such, the colours , but it's what lies over the rainbow, along the yellow brick road that counts, we need to consult the wizard about that ?
But as a hobbit, the wizard normally knocks on my door.
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