If everything is connected, why cannot I access your mind?

What is a human being? What is life? Can science give us reliable answers to such questions? The electricity of life. The meaning of human consciousness. Are we alone? Are the traditional contests between science and religion still relevant? Does the word "spirit" still hold meaning today?

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Re: If everything is connected, why cannot I access your mind?

Unread post by Antone » Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:47 am

Siggy_G wrote: We [can't] access other minds, because that would require access to the exact same EM signals and in the exact same structural manner as they are distributed within their brain.
I agree with this assessment.

By way of analogy, you might say that a radio is just as connected to all of the radio signals moving through the air as it is to the one that is playing on the radio at the moment. So why is it that only one station plays at a time?

First, the radio is tuned to one station.

Second, sometimes more than one station does play--and the result is a garbled noise that can be hard to make sense of.

In the same way, I believe people 'tune' in to their own particular "frequency". But just as the radio can pull in more than one signal, so can the human mind. ESP, and other paranormal phenomena may be just that. And although the Hollywood version of this almost certainly doesn't exist--there is a fairly convincing body of evidence that suggests that people can 'tune' into things they shouldn't be able to. Statistically, the numbers are quite significant--although even the best still seem to get things wrong more often than they get them right.

Another possibility is that some forms of mental illness may be caused (in part) by tuning in to unusual 'frequencies'... and the person's inability to deal with what they perceive.

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Re: If everything is connected, why cannot I access your min

Unread post by jtb » Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:02 am

I have had many paranormal experiences in my life (born 1949). I believe my background was partially responsible for my experiences. I grew up on a farm with 8 brothers and sisters. We only went to town when it rained and we couldn't work. In those days you didn't speak unless spoken to: at home or in school, so I listened and learned. When I graduated from HS and had to function in society I realized I had a speech problem, and had to train myself to communicate verbally.

As a result of this isolation, when very young, I would believe that I actually physically heard people near me ask a question, and I would answer it. They never said a word, but I answered them. I would be surprised when they told me they were thinking what I answered, but never spoke it.

I have had out of body experiences, visits by demonic spirits that I rejected, heard voices as clear as a bell with no one in the room, dreams that came true, and I knew when something extraordinary happened to someone close to me and exactly when it happened. When I grew older I became desensitized.

In 1998 I was having coffee with a friend and he showed me a number relationship between himself and his wife. He really manipulated the numbers to show the relationship. He added numbers until he got a single digit. My birthday 4/6/1949: 4 + 6 + 1949 = 1959, 1+ 9 + 5 +9 = 24: 2 + 4 = 6. My wife's birthday also adds to 6, as well as the combination of my children's birthdays. I then noticed that almost everything in my life added to the number 6: my home phone #, work phone #, CC #, car license plate, home address when converting position in the alphabet to a digit, work address, hotel room number and flight number when traveling; almost everything I did added to the # 6.

When 911 happened, I was staring at my promotion orders thinking to myself, how could an idiot like this be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. I then noticed that both my order number and the date of the order added up to the number 6. This was too much of a coincidence. I then asked God what he was trying to tell me. I came to the conclusion that he was trying to tell me that he was the general and to stop trying to do his job. After this the numbers stopped. The last time I saw the number 6 was demobilizing from a tour in Iraq in 2009. I was billeted in building 1986, which adds to the number 6, in room number 6.

Everything is connected, but not everyone's mind is sensitive to every connection. We're like snowflakes: everyone is different. If you could access everyone's mind and heart you would be God.


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