Sprites, Jets, and Elves

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Sprites form at plasma irregularities in the lower ionospher

Unread post by StefanR » Mon May 12, 2014 5:07 pm

At first I thought this might be interesting , but reading through the newsarticle I got disappointed once more.
So just for the laughs and to cheer everyone up, I report of the following which was reported on the website
of the prestigious Penn State:
Atmospheric sprites have been known for nearly a century, but their origins were a mystery. Now, a team of researchers has evidence that sprites form at plasma irregularities and may be useful in remote sensing of the lower ionosphere.
"We are trying to understand the origins of this phenomenon," said Victor Pasko, professor of electrical engineering, Penn State. "We would like to know how sprites are initiated and how they develop."
Well seems promising, right? Victor displays some good intentions in trying to understand things. And what is
wonderful here is that he and his team found evidence of the initiation an development of sprites. That seems
wonderfullly interesting news. The article continues with some previous observations of sprites, and telling us
how they did their research:
Recent modeling studies show that plasma irregularities in the ionosphere are a necessary condition for the initiation of sprite streamers, but no solid proof of those irregularities existed.

The researchers studied video observations of sprites, developed a model of how sprites evolve and disappear, and tested the model to see if they could recreate sprite-forming conditions. They report their results today (May 7) in Nature Communications.
Brilliant insights led to idea that a certain instability or irregularity must lead to discharging expressed as the
sprite phenomenon. So it was time to get out the models and do some real science:
Careful examination of videos of sprites forming showed that their downward hanging filaments form much more rapidly than in the horizontal spread, leading the researchers to suggest that localized plasma irregularities cause the streamers to propagate.
But first having watched the videos some more, they change the necessity of the irregularities, it's not initiatory
but they help in propagation. Seems to me as describing a different function, but what does that matter......
So back to modelling:
The researchers used a two-dimensional cylindrical symmetric plasma fluid model, a mathematical model of the ionization movements in the sprite, to study sprite dynamics. They then used the model to recreate optical sprite creation. From this recreation, the researchers determined where the sprite streamers originated, and they could estimate the size of the plasma irregularity.
Well moving from videos to actual real sprites in the models, it seems they found their irregularities there....in the models. Though it does seem they go back to the irregularities as initiatory cause of sprites, although I'm confused now if this pertains to the mathematical model or the stuff that happens in the atmosphere. At least they saw computer streamers, and make determinations and estimations from them. Seems reasonable, for sure they will relate them to the stuff that happens in the air. But first back to real science:
Further analysis suggested some potential causes of these plasma irregularities. The most obvious seems to be the existence in that area of a previous sprite. For the sprites examined, there were no previous sprites in that area that occurred close enough in time, unless there were long-lasting irregularities. However, the researchers are unsure how such long-lasting events could occur.
Wait wait wait, so there is a cause that initiates sprites, they said it were plasma instabilities/irregularities, and
after deep analysis they found one potentially obvious cause for generating irregularities, or is a obviously potential cause (?), and this cause is.....another sprite that previously was in the same area. But as this has never been observed with the actual stuff in the atmosphere, the research team will hang on to this possibility, because it is so logically obvious.
Another possible source for the irregularities is meteor events. The D region of the ionosphere is in the upper part of the atmosphere where most meteors can exist, because once they enter the denser, lower atmosphere, they burn up due to atmospheric friction.
So not satisfied with logical obviousness they propose another cause of irregularities... meteors. Because as everyone knows there are few options left after the chicken/egg solution above and those are big bangs, black holes, and collisions of things. And as big bangs and black holes are options of last resort, collisions of stuff was the choice of the day. Meteors colliding with the atmosphere, that ought to do the trick. Why? Because they burn up. It just hasn't been detected or observed yet in relation to initiating irregularities that initiate sprites.
"This technique can be used for remote sensing in the ionosphere as well," said Pasko. "Using high speed videos and fluid models we may be able to see other things that go on in the ionosphere and better understand the effects of various natural phenomena on very low frequency radio communications."
So Viktor is is proposing to give them some more time watching videos and fluid models to see things in the ionosphere. I think it is a good proposal, I only would advise some magic mushrooms, because I think Viktor and his team will see much much more in their fluid models.

One cop out from my side, I haven't yet read the official published article. So it is probable I totally got the wrong idea from this article authored by A'ndrea Elyse Messer., the surname of whom perhaps might not bode well.

http://news.psu.edu/story/314975/2014/0 ... ionosphere
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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by StefanR » Tue May 13, 2014 11:19 am

So to be fair let me give a link to the following pdf by Pasko et al. as it is a recent survey of literature:
Toward Better Understanding of Sprite Streamers:
Initiation, Morphology, and Polarity Asymmetry

Abstract This paper presents a literature survey on the recent developments related to
modeling studies of transient luminous events termed sprites and sprite halos that are
produced at mesospheric and lower ionospheric altitudes in the Earth’s atmosphere by
lightning. The primary emphasis is placed on publications that appeared in the refereed
literature starting from year 2010 and up to the present date. The survey focuses on the
interpretation of morphological features observed in sprites. We introduce parameters
typically used for quantitative description of electron avalanches and discuss the importance
of space charge effects on different spatial scales, including sprite halos (exhibiting
10s of km transverse extents) and sprite streamers (requiring submeter resolution for
accurate description). A special emphasis is placed on the interpretation of initiation and
development of sprite streamers captured in high-speed video observations and a critical
review of the most recent modeling efforts related to these observations. We also discuss
fundamental reasons for polarity asymmetry in existing sprite observations indicating that
vast majority of sprites with well-developed streamer structure are produced by positive
cloud-to-ground lightning discharges.
http://www.ee.psu.edu/directory/faculty ... SG2013.pdf

And a sort of accompanying article, about the morphological features of streamers:
High-Speed Observations of Sprite Streamers

Abstract Sprites are optical emissions in the mesosphere mainly at altitudes 50–90 km.
They are caused by the sudden re-distribution of charge due to lightning in the troposphere
which can produce electric fields in the mesosphere in excess of the local breakdown field.
The resulting optical displays can be spectacular and this has led to research into the
physics and chemistry involved. Imaging at faster than 5,000 frames per second has
revealed streamer discharges to be an important and very dynamic part of sprites, and this
paper will review high-speed observations of sprite streamers. Streamers are initiated in the
65–85 km altitude range and observed to propagate both down and up at velocities normally
in the 106–5 9 107 m/s range. Sprite streamer heads are small, typically less than a
few hundreds of meters, but very bright and appear in images much like stars with signals
up to that expected of a magnitude -6 star. Many details of streamer formation have been
modeled and successfully compared with observations. Streamers frequently split into
multiple sub-streamers. The splitting is very fast. To resolve details will require framing
rates higher than the maximum 32,000 fps used so far. Sprite streamers are similar to
streamers observed in the laboratory and, although many features appear to obey simple
scaling laws, recent work indicates that there are limits to the scaling.

Some how these streamers remind me in a way of something in a thread about superconductivity
,I believe, showing these electric breakdowns in magnetic films were one has these vortices proceeding
in the streamers, or at least what seems to be a close analogy. I have to look it up, or perhaps it is already in
this thread.
These sprites phenomenon somehow seems to make with me a connection with what I have read of this
chimney activity discussed by Celeste and Solar, but it is probably just superficial.
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by StefanR » Tue May 13, 2014 11:37 am

This was it:
Dendritic flux avalanches in superconductors
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 4783#p4783
It is a very nice thread, I think, with many interesting posts and contributions of many members
some years ago. Seems like ages ago, but reading the different thoughts again, gets it right back
in mind.
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by seasmith » Tue May 13, 2014 6:38 pm

StefanR wrote:

I agree.
Without getting into the possible E and H dynamics at this time, at least in similitude of ~vertical and horizontal propagations ?

http://download.springer.com/static/pdf ... 9&ext=.pdf

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by StefanR » Wed May 14, 2014 10:14 am

Well it is something also brought forth by the authors, on p.4 in that paper:
Sprite streamers are phenomenologically similar to electrical discharges observed in
laboratory experiments (see reviews by Pasko 2007; Ebert et al. 2010), and it is natural to
compare analyses of streamers observed in laboratory experiments with sprite streamer
observations. This may indicate the extent to which laboratory experiments, typically
performed at ground pressure, can be related to sprite streamers in near vacuum at 80 km
altitude where, although the many processes involved may be the same, their ranking in
importance may be different.
So the streamers and magnetic flux lines or dendritic flux avalanches like in the green image above are
interesting, or the streamerheads and beads in sprites and the electric vortices in the tips
of those dendrites.
I'm a bit hesitant with making the analogy with the chimneys of Celeste and Solar, but I
was wondering if perhaps an analogical sprite phenomenon is present or has shaped the
inner structure of chimney and is a "dark" phenomenon? And perhaps just as there are
C-sprites, carrot sprites and full sprites you have these morphologies in chimneys?
Well I'm going totally in phantasy mode here but it has a certain appeal. ;)
Of course though, as the quote states, the same same forces are present, it is the regimes
in which they play that determines their manifested hierarchy, dynamic and timescales.
But I think you get my electron avalanche drift. :D
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by leo vuyk » Wed May 14, 2014 11:44 am

Hi Stefan,
I have been away for a while but found your interesting sprite story tody.
My own assumptions about sprites are based on my Quantum Fuction Follos Form model, proposing that sprites are temporary ball lightnings at higher altitudes.
Atthe same time my assumption is that these phenomena are related with a new physics model of the creation of Quantum knots by the real interlocking of propeller shaped real photons of EM interference.
see perhaps: http://vixra.org/abs/1104.0044

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by leo vuyk » Wed May 14, 2014 3:05 pm

Amore direct connetion is this: http://vixra.org/pdf/1104.0044v5.pdf
or for more info about the model : http://vixra.org/pdf/1405.0224v2.pdf

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by StefanR » Thu May 15, 2014 11:33 am

Hi Leo,

Glad you liked the posts, it is a very interesting subject.
I have to admit I will have to stay with the articles for the moment.
They are a fascinating read and do ask for some perusing from
my side, and my mind isn't ready yet to add the dynamics of
Higgs, Black Holes and multiverses in there.
It is a pity though that the paper on the plasma irregularities
forming sprites is behind a paywall, I would be interested in
their arguments concerning this meteor-hypothesis. But it will
have to wait for the moment.

The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.

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Atmospheric Gravity Waves Seen in Sky by Airglows

Unread post by quantauniverse » Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:15 pm

Some leading authorities in astronomy say that atmospheric gravity waves can be seen by chemiluminescent red and green airglows. Carnegie says airglows are similar to auroras, and are over 100 km high in the sky, where excited oxygen atoms emit the greenish color from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. The auroras and airglow emissions are from rotating bundles of vacuum flux tubes where electric currents move and interact to form Birkeland currents.

http://holographicgalaxy.blogspot.com/2 ... arths.html

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Re: Atmospheric Gravity Waves Seen in Sky by Airglows

Unread post by Sparky » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:06 am

Will we ever be able to surf those waves? :? :?
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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by leo vuyk » Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:34 pm

IMHO, Hyperion shows a central growing process like corals do.
So perhaps Hyperion is something in between an electric Comet and a Moon.
see: https://www.flickr.com/photos/93308747@ ... hotostream

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by Zendo » Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:00 am

http://news.psu.edu/sites/default/files ... aments.jpg

Look at the topmost picture of the irregularities though. It looks like bulges/vortices forming in a cell of the ionosphere.

A hypothesis:
1. A double layer forms hindering charge flow from one layer to the one below. Incoming charges eventually piles up in the top-most layer (aka. the Debye sheath) and through irregularities in the flow of charges in the top layer a bulge with a high concentration of positively charged ions are pulled down towards the more negatively charged sheath underneath (start of a kink instability perhaps?).

2. As one of the ion bulges accelerate towards and meets the bottom negatively charged layer (Like this: http://www.csm.ornl.gov/SC98/vortex1.gif) there is a circut break and free charge flow between the layers. A massive amount of charge suddenly moves connected by the bulge/vortex guided circuit bridges causing the double layer to explode revealing the now the arc mode of the plasma.

You see here (looking frame by frame) how one of the bulges suddenly reaches a point, just to release a shockwave of charges into a seemingly invisible field (plasma in dark mode) underneath, followed by the other instabilities in the Debuye sheath.


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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by leo vuyk » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:22 pm

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by nick c » Sat Oct 25, 2014 2:39 pm

I have received several complaints about your posts.
You have to cease posting (or links to) your personal theories on the Planetary Science or Electric Universe boards. You have several theads on the NIAMI board (and those should probably be merged) please keep your speculations there.

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Re: Sprites, Jets, and Elves

Unread post by leo vuyk » Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:28 pm

Thank you Nick,
I will follow the line.


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