Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu May 12, 2011 5:49 am

The Promise of Shiloh ... hiloh.html
In the "Gospel in the Garden" we considered the very first prophecy given in the Torah, namely, God's promise that through the "seed of the woman" would come one who would slay the serpent and crush the kingdom of Satan (Gen. 3:15)

Eve initially had hoped that her firstborn son was the promised child, but Cain later proved to be a murderer. The martyrdom of her righteous son Abel necessitated that the promised seed would descend through another child, and therefore the Torah describes the birth of Seth ("appointed"), the third son of Adam and Eve.

Apart from the "godly line of Seth," however, the subsequent lineage of humanity was marked by anarchy and bloodlust, so that the Torah describes the human condition as "every intention of the thoughts of man's heart was only evil continually" (Gen. 6:5).

After nine generations from Adam, the LORD "had enough" and was ready to wipe humanity from the face of the earth. The Torah then traces the genealogy (toldot) of Seth through ten generations (from Adam), until his descendant Noach is described as the only tzaddik (righteous man) remaining in the earth (Gen. 6:6-9).

After the great cataclysm, we learn that Noah's son Shem was chosen to be the one through which the "line of the Messiah" would come. When Noach said, "Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem", he prophesied that the coming redemption would come through the line of Shem (not through Canaan or Japheth), and therefore Shem was chosen to be humanity's high priest.

From the line of Shem would descend Abram, the tenth generation from Noah, and therefore the twentieth from Adam. Abram, of course, is the original patriarch of the Jewish people who was tested to offer up his "only begotten son" (his own "promised seed") as a sacrifice upon Mount Moriah, the location of the future Temple. The patriarchal promise of the coming seed was therefore made (or reaffirmed) no less than ten times in the Torah (corresponding to the ten utterances that created the universe). The Redeemer would therefore come from the "God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

The next development of the promise of coming Redeemer occurred on the deathbed of the patriarch Jacob. When the time came for Jacob (i.e., Israel) to die, he called all his sons together to bless them (Gen. 49:1-28). According to midrash, Jacob wanted to tell his sons about the "End of Days" when the Messiah would come, but was prevented by the Holy Spirit. According to Rashi, God prevented Jacob because He does not want anyone to know the "day or the hour" when the great King of Israel would appear. Jacob, however, foretell that from the tribe of Judah would come the Messiah: "The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to him shall be the obedience of the people" (Gen. 49:10).

Interestingly, the name "Judah" is spelled using all the letters of the Name YHVH, with the addition of the letter Dalet. Just as the tribe of Judah later was directly stationed in the front of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in the camp formation in the wilderness, so the Holy Temple (i.e., Moriah) would later become part of Judah's territory in the promised land. Likewise, Yeshua Himself - a descendant of King David - was crucified and resurrected in the land of Judah. Truly the promised "Seed of Judah" represents the "doorway of the LORD" and is rightly named "the One whom his brethren would praise."

The Promised Seed was to be born of a woman (Gen. 3:15), to dwell in the "tents of Shem" (Gen. 9:26) and descend from the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Gen. 12-28). Furthermore, as Jacob's prophecy makes clear, the tribe of Judah would be known as Gur Aryeh, a "Young Lion," who would be praised, made victorious, and rule over the other tribes of Israel (Gen. 49:8-9). Indeed, from the royal tribe of Judah would come the Messiah, the anointed King of Israel, whose authority would ultimately expand into a worldwide dominion (Gen. 49:10). As later prophecies clearly foretell, the great "Young Lion of the Tribe of Judah" is none other than Yeshua, the Son of God, unto whom every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess, that He is indeed the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings... The day of His coming draws near...
In Genesis 12-14, we can see Abram and his dealings with others. First we saw him going down to Egypt in Genesis 12:10-20 where he was afraid for his life and had Sarai pretend she was his sister. In Genesis 13 Abram returned to Canaan where there was friction between himself and his nephew Lot. Finally in Genesis 14 Abram went to battle against the kings of the east in order to rescue Lot. Throughout each of these chapters, the focus of the promise from God was largely upon the promise of the land.

Now there is a change. Though the land will still be mentioned as a part of the promise, our focus will be more upon the descendants of Abram and the seed that shall flow from him. This seed motif is a familiar one to Genesis. It was introduced in Genesis 3 where we were given the promise of the seed of the woman. It was traced through the line of Seth to Noah and then through Noah’s son, Shem, down to Abram. The ongoing promise has been that there will eventually come a seed of the woman who will destroy the binding work of the serpent and who will reunite man with God.

With the promise to Abram, the promise has not been limited to one seed, but an entire nation that is to be devoted to the Lord. This promise had particular ramifications to the original readers of the book of Genesis. This promise concerned the Israelites in the wilderness for whom Moses was writing this work.
Sarah's Abduction (Genesis 12:10-20 and 20:1-18)
[10]Now there was a famine in the land, and Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while because the famine was severe. [11] As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, "I know what a beautiful woman you are. [12] When the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife.' Then they will kill me but will let you live. [13] Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you."

[14] When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was a very beautiful woman. [15] And when Pharaoh's officials saw her, they praised her to Pharaoh, and she was taken into his palace. [16] He treated Abram well for her sake, and Abram acquired sheep and cattle, male and female donkeys, menservants and maidservants, and camels.

[17] But the Lord inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram's wife Sarai. [18] So Pharaoh summoned Abram. "What have you done to me?" he said. "Why didn't you tell me she was your wife? [19] Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I took her to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife. Take her and go!" [20] Then Pharaoh gave orders about Abram to his men, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and everything he had.

[1] Now Abraham moved on from there into the region of the Negev and lived between Kadesh and Shur. For a while he stayed in Gerar, [2] and there Abraham said of his wife Sarah, "She is my sister." Then Abimelech king of Gerar sent for Sarah and took her.

[3]But God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, "You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken; she is a married woman."

[4] Now Abimelech had not gone near her, so he said, "Lord, will you destroy an innocent nation? [5] Did he not say to me, 'She is my sister,' and didn't she also say, 'He is my brother'? I have done this with a clear conscience and clean hands."

[6] Then God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know you did this with a clear conscience, and so I have kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her. [7] Now return the man's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, you may be sure that you and all yours will die."

[8] Early the next morning Abimelech summoned all his officials, and when he told them all that had happened, they were very much afraid. [9] Then Abimelech called Abraham in and said, "What have you done to us? How have I wronged you that you have brought such great guilt upon me and my kingdom? You have done things to me that should not be done." [10] And Abimelech asked Abraham, "What was your reason for doing this?"

[11]Abraham replied, "I said to myself, 'There is surely no fear of God in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.' [12] Besides, she really is my sister, the daughter of my father though not of my mother; and she became my wife. [13] And when God had me wander from my father's household, I said to her, 'This is how you can show your love to me: Everywhere we go, say of me, "He is my brother." ' "

[14]Then Abimelech brought sheep and cattle and male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham, and he returned Sarah his wife to him. [15] And Abimelech said, "My land is before you; live wherever you like."

[16]To Sarah he said, "I am giving your brother a thousand shekels of silver. This is to cover the offense against you before all who are with you; you are completely vindicated."

[17]Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife and his slave girls so they could have children again, [18] for the Lord had closed up every womb in Abimelech's household because of Abraham's wife Sarah.
Three times in Genesis a Patriarch passes his wife off as his sister to a foreign ruler, thereby putting them into danger of a potentially unwanted sexual liaison. In each case it is the Patriarch who claims to be in danger.

Two of the stories feature Abraham claiming Sarah is his sister, once in his interaction with Pharaoh and later with Abimelech. The third episode involves Isaac presenting Rebekah as his sister to Abimelech. All the narratives are variants of the same theme. In each case the Patriarch fears for his life, tells the king that his wife is his sister, the Matriarch seems to go along with the plan, the king discovers the truth and explains to the Patriarch that he had nothing to fear and he certainly would not have brought a married woman into his harem; the Patriarch ends up rich. In all cases the Patriarch appears to have imagined the danger and reacted by deception. The Patriarchs put the Matriarchs into danger for their sexuality and possibly their lives. As Cheryl Exum says in each case 'a man practically throws his wife into another man's harem in order to save his skin.'

The Patriarchs had God's promises but still feared for their lives. 2 One might have thought they would rely on God to fulfill His promises. Shortly later after the Pharaoh incident, but before the Abimelech incident, God explicitly tells Abraham 'do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield' (15:1). Abraham's response is 'I continue to be childless' (15:2).

Perhaps that is the connection. The promise of descendants was not to the Matriarchs, only to the Patriarchs; Sarah was introduced to us as barren and having no child (11:30) almost as a definition of her identity. They could have additional wives, and in the case of Abraham he did. Some scholars consider Abraham's descendants as the key focus of his life.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Thu May 12, 2011 5:57 am

Sons of Noah
The three sons of Noah, according to the Bible, were to be responsible for the re-populating of the world after the flood. Though Noah had three sons, it would be Shem through whom the "promised seed of the woman" would be transmitted. Shem was to be the father of the Semitic line of descent, which included the Jews, as well as Syrians and Arameans, among others.

1. Ham - son of Noah

It is interesting to note that immediately after Noah passes out naked, the Bible introduces Ham as the father of Ca'naan (v. 22).

For when Noah comes to, and discovers what Ham did, it is Ca'naan, the son of Ham, that Noah curses, not Ham! Ham's heart of rebellion had been exposed. Not only was it rebellion against his father's authority, but ultimately it was rebellion against God and His authority. Consequently, Ham will become a servant of the other two sons of Noah. This attitude of resentment in Ham would one day expose itself, not only in Ham, but also in Ham's descendants. As a father, Noah could not directly curse his son. Instead, he curses Ca'naan, his grandson, Ham's son.

This curse, though pronounced on Ca'naan, was a Hamitic curse, aimed at Ham and all of his descendants, not only Ca'naan.

The sons of Ham are Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Ca'naan, and it is from this line that will be subject to the other sons of Noah and their descendants.

This curse will eventually create much tension between the descendants of the sons of Noah.

Cush - son of Ham (Ethiopians, Arabians, Babylonians)

Cush, in the Bible, is the same as "Ethiopia". The people of Cush first moved southward, into Arabia. From Arabia they crossed the Red Sea into modern day Ethiopia.

The most memorable of Cush's sons was Nimrod , chief architect of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod chose to settle down in the Tigris-Euphrates river valley. Nimrod founded his kingdom in Babel, where he attempted to erect a tower to the heavens.

It was Nimrod who built such cities as Babel (Babylon), Erech, or Uruk, the legendary home of Gilgamesh, Accad, the future namesake of the Akkadian Empire, closely tied with the Sumerian Empire , and Nineveh, made famous centuries later by the prophet Jonah.

Mizraim - son of Ham - Egyptians, Philistines

Mizraim is the ancestor of the Egyptians. In scripture, Mizraim is also used to identify Egypt. Psalm 105:23 calls Egypt "the land of Ham".

Some scholars take this to indicate that Ham accompanied Mizraim in the initial settlement of the Nile Valley. The word "Mizraim" is plural. Some suggest that this was just a form of Mizraim's name. The exact form of his name is not known, however, some writers and scholars claim that perhaps the founder of Egypt's first dynasty, Menes, was in fact Mizraim.

2. Japheth - son of Noah

Of the sons of Noah, Japheth's genealogical line is the least accounted for in Genesis. Genesis 10:2-4 lists Japheth's line.

The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras. The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittim and the Rodanim.From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.

Japheth was to become the father of the Indo-European nations, also referred to as Gentiles. Genesis 9:27 makes an interesting observation about Japheth.

3. Shem - son of Noah

Genesis 10:21 begins the list of the descendants of Shem. Of the three sons of Noah, Shem knew that "the seed of the woman" would be carried through his descendants, and it was up to him and his line to transmit and carry the knowledge of God through the generations.

Shem lists his own descendants to the fifth generation, whereas Ham is only listed to the third generation and Japheth only to the second. It would seem reasonable to believe that Shem lost touch with much of the family after the Dispersion at Babel. In all probability, Shem was the only one of the sons of Noah that remained nearby, choosing not to migrate to Babel with the other sons of Noah.

Evidence suggests that he settled near the family of his great-great grandson Peleg for his last years. It is interesting to note that before any of Shem's sons are listed, Shem is listed as the father of the children of Eber . It is from "Eber" that the term "Hebrew" came from.

Verse 5 also makes mention of "Japheth, the elder". Some versions favor the interpretation of this verse as, "Shem, the elder brother of Japheth". However, the Masoretic and Authorized Version favor the interpretation that Japheth was the elder of the sons of Noah.

From these passages it can be determined that the eldest son of Noah was indeed Japheth. He was 1-3 years older than Shem.

The Nations of Shem

Shem & His Sons - Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, and Aram

Elam - son of Shem – Elamites
Asshur - son of Shem - early Assyrians
Arphaxad - son of Shem - forerunner of the Israelites

Albeit very little is known of Arphaxad, he is one of the most important sons of Shem in regards to the "seed of the woman".

God had promised Noah to increase his seed upon the earth, and Shem was that son of Noah through which God would bring forth the Jews and Arabs.

Arphaxad, son of Shem, is in the direct line leading to Abraham. Thus, he is an early ancestor of the Israelite people.

Though Arphaxad probably had more than one son, only one son is listed, Salah. A possible, and indeed the most probable, explanation for this would be that it was from Arphaxad to Salah that the "seed of the woman" was transmitted to the next generation.

Likewise, only one son of Salah is mentioned, Eber. Eber, like his father before him, was chosen to carry the "seed of the woman" through to the next generation.

Genesis 10:25-30 depicts the descendants of Arphaxad through Joktan.

"And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one, Peleg, for in his day the earth was divided; and his brother's name, Joktan. And Joktan begat Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and Jerah, and Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, and Obal, and Abimael, and Sheba, and Ophir, and Havilah, and Jobab: all these were the sons of Joktan. And their dwelling was from Mesah, as thou goest unto Sephar, a mount of the east." (KJV)

Thirteen sons of Joktan are listed in these verses. It is believed that all thirteen settled in Arabia.
Ophir and Sheba are both undeniably sited in Arabia, the former linked with a region known for its gold, the latter associated with the Sabeans.

Genesis 11:10-26 lists the descendants of Arphaxad through Peleg.

"These are the generations of Shem: Shem was a hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood: And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.

And Arphaxad lived five and thirty years, and begat Salah: and Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.

And Salah lived thirty years, and begat Eber: and Salah lived after he begat Eber four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.

And Eber lived four and thirty years, and begat Peleg: And Eber lived after he begat Peleg four hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters.

And Peleg lived thirty years, and begat Reu: And Peleg lived after he begat Reu two hundred and nine years, and begat sons and daughters.

And Reu lived two and thirty years and begat Serug: and Reu lived after he begat Serug two hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters.

And Serug lived thirty years, and begat Nahor: And Serug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.

And Nahor lived nine and twenty years, and begat Terah: And Nahor lived after he begat Terah a hundred and nineteen years, and begat sons and daughters. And Terah lived seventy years and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran."

Peleg is more known for the event that took place immediately preceding his birth, the division of the earth.

In all, twenty three verses in Scripture are dedicated to Arphaxad and his descendants. This is more than any other of the sons of Noah and their descendants. Obviously, there was something very special and important about Arphaxad, even though he is the least known about of Shem's sons.

It was in the days of Eber, leading up to the birth of Peleg, that the incident with the Tower of Babel took place. This is the division Scripture is talking about in relation to Peleg.

Aram - son of Shem - the Arameans (same as Syrians)

Uz - son of Aram, son of Shem

Thus the following is an attempt at a comprehensive list of Shem's descendants.

Assyrians (with Ham)
Arameans (a.k.a. Syrians)

Genesis 10:21-29 gives the genealogy of the Semitic line starting with Shem, through whom the "promised seed" would be carried into the new world.

An interesting detail is added to this genealogy in Genesis 10:25. Peleg, a direct descendant of Abraham, is listed, and alongside his name is the added notation that, "in his time the earth was divided".

The name Peleg means, "division". Apparently something drastic happened in the days leading up to the birth of Peleg that divided the earth.

The exact nature of this division is not mentioned in this verse, but immediately following this genealogical record, in Genesis 11, is the story of the Tower of Babel, and the division of languages.

The natural assumption is that the Tower of Babel occurred in the days leading up to Peleg's birth. It thus becomes important to study the times leading up to the birth of Peleg, and how these times affected the history of Israel.
Genesis 10:25 states that Eber was the father of Peleg. Eber is a fascinating figure in the history of Ancient Israel. Eber is so important that Shem is listed specifically as the "father of all the children of Eber" (10:21).

Eber was Noah's great-grandson through Shem. This placed him as a contemporary of Nimrod. Eber was a righteous man, as is evident in that the "promised seed" is through his line. He is a direct descendant of Abram. Though Eber and Nimrod lived at the same time, and came from the same family, they were very different men.
Ancient Israel's line of descent from Shem to Abraham is as follows:

Shem brought forth Arphaxad, who brought forth Salah, who brought forth Eber, who brought forth Peleg, who brought forth Reu, who brought forth Serug, who brought forth Nahor, who brought forth Terah, who was the father of Abram.

The direct line of the promised seed travels from Shem through his son Arphaxad, and down to Abram.
Genesis 10:32 summarizes the Table of Nations. As stated earlier, Shem was the son of Noah whom scholars credit as writing the Table of Nations.

From Ham 30 nations are listed, 26 nations are listed under Shem, and 14 under Japheth. In all, 70 nations are mentioned from the sons of Noah.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri May 13, 2011 7:10 am

The Anunnaki ... yss-E-Vegh
Many scholars have translated the word "Abyss" to mean, a deep body of water. Likewise, Assyriologists assume the Sumerian "Abzu" is a mythological deep body of fresh water, an underground water source. However, considering the ways in which both the Abyss and Abzu are described in ancient texts and depicted on cylinder seals, it's highly unlikely that any such translation is completely revealing or entirely accurate. In this book, I will describe how and why such translations are incorrect and provide a feasible set of alternative viewpoints for your consideration

According to biblical texts, there's a hidden door to the "Abyss" and "Bottomless Pit" in the vicinity of the Euphrates River, a stargate of sorts. It has been there buried under the ruins of the ancient Mesopotamian city of Eridu for thousands of years. It's my contention, that this Abyss mentioned in the bible, is also referred to in Sumerian texts as the "Abzu," and is associated with a Sumerian god known as "Enki-Ea."....The Abzu or Engur, is further described as a doorway from which Enki-Ea arrived on the Earth and over which he built the Temple of E.ABZU at Eridu, to facilitate its usage.

Yes, you heard me right: usage. But to what end would he be using it? Certainly not for fresh water when the Euphrates was close at hand and abundantly fresh. If this "Abzu" was also the doorway from his "land" to the Earth, in what fashion would he be using it then? How did it function and just where exactly is his "land?"

Stranger still, in the biblical texts, the Abyss (Abzu) is "opened" with a key and locked with a key. If this Abyss were a literal body of water, how would one go about unlocking and locking it with a key? Is it all a metaphor for some unseen spiritual dimension with a spiritual, not literal, key? I think not and in this book, I will attempt to prove just such a point.

In addition to sharing my discoveries regarding the Abyss/Abzu, I will also be providing alternative explanations as to the identity of the ancient Sumerian gods, known as the Anunnaki. There is much confusion amongst scholars, researchers and laymen, as regards the identity of the Anunnaki. Some refer to them as extraterrestrials, which technically, is correct. However, there is another layer to that definition which many either don't see, refuse to see or simply ignore. Some refer to them as demons, which is incorrect, and a point I will discuss briefly later in the book. Some refer to them as the biblical Nephilim, also an incorrect analogy. Some refer to them as the "gods" of the ancients, and although technically correct, I intend to prove this was a case of mistaken identity on the part of the ancient peoples, rather than the reality of the situation. And some believe the ancients were worshiping the stars, and had simply deified them in their art and literature.

Although there is sufficient evidence to suggest the ancients did indeed worship the stars and planets, there exists a logical explanation for why they did so that does not require calling them delusional, or simply dealing in metaphors for the stars in every text and art form. Generally-speaking, the Sumerian texts were historical not fictional metaphors.

As a natural outcropping of the discovery of the true identity of the Anunnaki, the Abyss and Abzu become clearly identified and vice-a-versa. In other words, the Anunnaki and the Abyss go hand in hand and further define one another. This is an essential point and one that requires careful consideration, if you wish to correctly understand the entirety of the events of ancient Sumer, Akkadia, Babylon and biblical prophecy.

(Disclaimer: I, by no means, understand the entirety of prophecy or history. However, the subject of the Anunnaki and the Abyss/Abzu, is one I have found highly significant. It hasn't been given sufficient research by the mainstream theological, archaeological and historical communities, in my opinion). So, without further ado, my short ebook on the topic of "The Anunnaki and the Abyss!"

Few people agree on the identity of the Sumerian Anunnaki. However, one viewpoint seems to be generally accepted by many people of many disciplines: The Anunnaki were worshipped as gods by the Sumerian people. To understand why such an event occurred, one must also understand the timeframe.

Ancient Sumer was the first civilization on the planet (to date). It was ushered in by the Anunnaki, who taught the people music, the sciences, astronomy, languages (both spoken and written), mathematics, herbology, manipulation of the environment, hybridization of crops, genetic manipulation of livestock, religion, sexual promiscuity, war, mining for resources, jewelry-making, tailoring, blacksmithing, architecture, art, poetry, human sacrifice, and the whole gamut of "civilized behaviors."

In fact, these events are not only outlined in the writings of the ancient Sumerians, but also in the Bible, the pseudopigraphia of the Hebrews and the ancient texts of the Hindu. In the midst of all this, was Enki-Ea, the Anunnaki Lord of the Abzu. As a result, this book will deal primarily with Enki or Enki-Ea, as his role in the events in which the Abzu plays a prominent part, is paramount in understanding the whys and wherefores of the Abyss, the Bottomless Pit, the behavior of the ancient peoples, and the prophetical biblical texts (both Old and New Testaments).

Enki was not only the Lord of the Abzu and creator of the Temple of the E.ABZU at Eridu, he was purported to be the creator of the human race in the ancient Sumerian texts. This is, of course, in direct contradiction with biblical texts in which Elohiym (God of the gods) is the creator of humanity. How this contradiction occurred and what it means to us today, is the premise of "The Anunnaki and the Abyss."

Therefore, let us investigate this Enki character further so we can ascertain once and for all, who the Anunnaki were and how they impact us. In addition to creating "humans" (and I use that word loosely), Enki purportedly created "monsters," such as various animal-human hybrids, in his Temple of E.ABZU at Eridu. In short, he was playing with the genetics of the various species of life on this planet. So rather than saying he created humans, it would be more correct to say he created another form of human from pre-existing humans. He also designed a race of supermen, known in the biblical texts as the "Nephilim." These supermen were entrusted with positions of authority, and became rulers, leaders and kings. One such example was "Gilgamesh", King of Uruk, who considered himself two-thirds god as a result of his lineage from the Anunnaki and Enki.

Upon first encountering "humans" on the planet, Enki determined they were in need of an upgrade, according to the Sumerian texts. They were uncivilized, and ran about sans clothing, drinking from the rivers like the animals and living pretty much free of the trappings of civilization. So he set about creating his supermen and their first "civilization" by melding Anunnaki DNA with human DNA and installing his creatures in the seats of power as rulers of the masses. And so began the Sumerian civilization. Does any of this sound familiar? It should. Enki is undoubtedly the source of the biblical "Serpent in the Garden of Eden." The unwitting humans, upon which he preyed, became his first test subjects, who would be "upgraded" for kingship, enlightened, as it were, "knowing good and evil." These "became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." (Genesis 6:4)

Enki's primary motivation was the business of creating Nephilim to rule over the people and exact penance and slavery from them once they were "civilized." According to the biblical texts, the creators of the Nephilim were the "sons of God,", who came down from heaven and created mighty men. In other words, they were angelic beings who created human hybrids either through genetic manipulation or via sexual intercourse with the pre-existing population. So where does that leave Enki and the Anunnaki? If you haven't guessed it by now, Enki and the Anunnaki were the Fallen Angels of the biblical texts. Who else would be the ruler of the "Bottomless Pit" but the Lord of the Abzu!

Unfortunately, once humans were civilized and the hybrid population began to increase, chaos ensued. The animal and human genomes were so polluted, sickness and disease were rampant. The environment became polluted also and the entire destiny of humankind was in the balance. Among the many horrors of this timeframe, were a nuclear war [5] and the onset of rampant cannibalism, during which the Nephilim began to eat the human population as a food source. These events lead up to the Flood of Mesopotamian tradition, spoken of in the Bible and in Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian texts.

It's no small wonder that the Fallen Angels/Anunnaki responsible for such a fiasco, were forced to go back through the door of the Abzu by the biblical God, after which the thing was "locked" and buried under several feet of silt and rock, so that they could not return here....that is, until the events of Revelation 9 occur.

Yes, the Anunnaki who were responsible for the deaths of literally millions, who were instrumental in the pollution of all life on the planet, who assisted in necessitating the Flood, who were involved in our expulsion from Eden, and who had preyed on our species for millennia are going to return via the "stargate" many of them employed to get here in the first place.

'How so?' you might ask. Answer: They were not the only Anunnaki in the universe, and time has a way of providing the means to anyone who has the determination to meet a goal. ....In fact, after the Flood, more Anunnaki came to re-infiltrate the planet and the genome.

Apparently, we were easy picking and not too terribly discerning. Undaunted by the punishment inflicted on their brethren, other Anunnaki returned to continue their program of systematic annihilation of the human species as an eternal life form. And therein lies the clincher and the mystery, the point repeatedly hidden from our race by principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in high places (otherwise known as The Powers That Be or TPTB).

You see, human beings were and are eternal, capable of being resurrected to eternal life in their own bodies but the human-hybrid Nephilim were not, as their bodies were not created by God. As a result, their eternal spirits were left to roam eternity without a physical form, without the ability to touch, feel, eat, smell, or enjoy eternity. These became the demons, who, in their efforts to regain what they had lost, attempted (and still do) to possess the physical bodies of living beings.

(Note: This also clearly separates them from the Anunnaki. They are the human-hybrid offspring of the Anunnaki and not the Anunnaki, themselves. Although the two have been confused in historical texts, this was most likely the result of the combining of both under one umbrella, for ease of reference: like father, like son; like Fallen Angel, like Demon).

For example, Gilgamesh bemoans his hopeless situation as a Nephilim in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Because he was not fully angelic, nor fully human, he would be destined to roam the earth as a demonic spirit upon the death of his physical body. He attempts to learn the secrets of eternal life and immortality from the biblical Noah, but returns empty-handed. His fate had already been sealed by the Anunnaki who had created him. The actions of his life, as King, were certainly evidence enough that he was not a righteous man, nor was he acting in the best interests of his people. He spent a good portion of his time creating more Nephilim of his own, by sexually accosting the brides of his kingdom on the eve of their weddings, thereby assuring that every first born child in his kingdom, would be Nephilim.

This is why the tradition of the "First Born," became so important to the royal classes for literally millenia. Did you ever wonder why the "Angel of Death," killed only the "first born" of Egypt commemorated in the Hebrew Passover? Well, now you know. If positions of authority and power were to be handed out to the population, one had to be sure they were "worthy" of it. Apparently, worthiness was measured by the amount of "angelic" blood one had flowing in their veins, which ironically, guaranteed them a chance of the good life while in their physical bodies with little to no chance of a good life in the hereafter. It’s not a very attractive proposition.

The rationale behind the bloodline inheritances went deeper, however, than simply blood. These were "mighty" people. They were highly skilled in some fashion, being incredibly talented, incredibly strong, or incredibly intelligent. They had supernatural gifts, as well, such as extra-sensory perception, the ability to seemingly defy various aspects of the physical universe and presumably perform "magical" feats of derring-do. In short, they were so far ahead of the common man that they were easily able to enslave them in the name of their Anunnaki progenitors. I have only to remind you of the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), to illustrate just how advanced the Nephilim were. These hybrids understood physics, complex mathematical computations, large scale resource management, architecture, advanced astronomy and geometry, before most of the world had even figured out how to count to 20 on their toes and fingers or read, for that matter.

All of this leads us to the next topic: if the Anunnaki/Fallen Angels came to earth from some other place, what is that place, and how did they get here?

Typically referred to as Hell, the domain of the Fallen Angels is an enigmatic place. Biblically and historically, Hell is said to be many things including: a fiery place of torment, a burial heap outside the city limits, the grave, the Bottomless Pit, the Abyss, and the Underworld. Several concepts have been melded together to form that one infamous and enigmatic residence of the Fallen Angels. When taken together, they describe various aspects of "Hell," which I think is the best possible answer to the question of what Hell actually is: rather than a single four word description, we can combine its many aspects for a clearer picture. For example, if Hell were literally the grave, how could it also be a place of torment or the Bottomless Pit? If it were literally a burial heap outside the city limits, how could it also be the underworld or a fiery place of torment?

Now combine the concepts: It's obviously connected to the "underground"; thusly the grave, Bottomless Pit and Abyss references amazingly also confirms it as the Sumerian Abzu, the Greek Hades and the Roman Pluto (not to be confused with the planet Pluto)! In other words, these concepts validate and as a whole, describe, at least one of the major domains of the Fallen Angels mentioned repeatedly, in nearly every culture in history. I say "one of the major domains," because, like it or not, the Fallen Angels have also set up housekeeping on Earth and around Earth space, as well. In fact, it is my contention that the Fallen Angels are more than partially responsible for most UFO activity and "alien" abductions encountered by humans down through the annals of history.

Let's take, for example, the Anunnaki "Igigi" of Akkadian and Babylonian fame. The cuneiform word "gi" is the symbol for sexual intercourse, to deflower sexually. "" means in Akkadian, inu "eye", and is combined with the symbol for deflowering sexually. "Igigi" can then be translated to mean, the "Watchers", the "Eyes in the Sky" who deflower sexually (et. al., the Anunnaki/Fallen Angels). Yet, according to the Sumerian texts, the Igigi were the Greater gods and didn't come to the earth, but remained up in the sky, circumnavigating the globe. So how is it they "Deflowered" anyone while being uninvolved in the activities of the humans on the planet? It’s called abduction, my friends, abduction. And they are still at it today.

It says in the Bible that the Apocalypse would feature aspects quite similar to the days of Noah leading up to the flood, such as a huge population of Nephilim created by Anunnaki involvement with our species, abuse of the environment, genetic manipulation of life on the planet, poisoning of our food sources, and so on, mostly as a result of their Nephilim progeny carrying out the Anunnaki agenda.

Here we go again. How ironic that even in the face of historical precedence, we are right back where we started from. Who is really in control of this planet? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count. Sadly, many from the UFO community do not recognize the danger of the Anunnaki. After all, they say, "Didn't the extra-terrestrials save us from launching nuclear bombs at one another?" "Aren't they more advanced on the evolutionary scale?" This, they believe, is evidence that the aliens/Anunnaki/Fallen Angels, have our best interests at heart.

However, many don't take into consideration the past of the Anunnaki and that their final agenda has not yet been met: that is, the annihilation of humans as an eternal LIFE-Form. As a human, if you die, your body can still be resurrected to eternal life. As a result, any actions they may or may not take, whether seemingly good or bad, will inevitably lead to the latter for as many people as possible. That's the plan, and it is clearly outlined in scripture with hundreds of other ancient texts from various cultures to verify the historical precedence. Don't believe me? Think I'm just a crazy Bible thumper? Read the Hindu Mahabharata. Let me reiterate: THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS

Anyway, back to the topic of that enigmatic domain of the Fallen Angels. Some believe the Anunnaki came from Nibru and believe Nibru is another planet, elsewhere in the solar system. However, Nibru is spoken of in the Sumerian texts as the holy city of Enlil, containing his temple the E-Kur, which sits on a mountain surrounded by cedar trees with a gate up to the heavens:

"In the city, the holy settlement of Enlil, in Nibru, the beloved shrine of father Great Mountain, he has made the dais of abundance, the E-kur, the shining temple [...]" "Enlil , when you marked out the holy settlements, you also built Nibru, your own city." - Quotations from "Enlil in the E.KUR"

According to Sumerian texts, Enki travels to Nibru, Enlil's city, where he meets with the other Anunnaki, including Enlil and they proceed to get totally drunk. No gates, no fanfare, no heaven-earth bond, he just travels to Nibru. This Nibru, my friends, is/was not another planet. It was right here on good ole' Terra (Earth) at Enlil's city.

However, the Abzu does lead to some otherworldly place and that place is most likely not the literal center of the Earth or "underground." The only thing that is or was underground was the "door" to the “stargate” itself, called the Abzu which leads to Erkalla or Kurnugi (among other distant places in the universe), the land of no return (for humans, anyway), the land of darkness, pain, sorrow, and so forth, very "Abyssian" if you ask me!

Conversely, Enlil, an Anunnaki and Enki's father or brother, depending on which story you read, appears to have had a “stargate” of his own at E.KUR in Nippur, called the DUR.ANKI, the heaven-earth bond, which lead to the Courtyard of "An" in "heaven", who was the premiere Anunnaki. Both of these "stargates" have seven gates between Earth and their final "mentioned" destinations.

The salient point to remember here is that they were all sons of Jehovah Elohiym (, other creations) and not literally Elohiym themselves (although I have seen them described as Elohiym (diminutive)). As yet, I have no reason to believe that "An" was Elohiym either, but I have plenty of reason to believe Enlil and Enki were Angels created by Elohiym in a different creation cycle before our time. The gods and the greater gods, were most likely the fallen angels and the fallen archangels in many cases, and would correspond with the Sumerian Anuna and the Anunnaki/Igigi. There's historical precedence for this viewpoint in the ancient Hebrew texts, the Bible and various other ancient texts. I believe these texts indicate that the fallen angelic beings were "stuck" as it were, in the physical universe and have to rely on technology in order to traverse the reaches of space, having been stripped of the ability to cross the dimensions into God's presence (They were "cast out of Heaven").

However, the holy angels and archangels have an entirely different set of abilities and options, from what I can ascertain. They are primarily messengers, and stay out of human affairs with the exception of when under direct commandment from God, which typically involves protecting humans from the fallen angels. In fact, many times in the Old Testament and New, you can read about the angels protecting humans from various problems almost always directly associated with the fallen angels in some aspect. The good news is if you're an abductee or don't wish to become one, there is someone who can protect you from abduction by these extraterrestrial, fallen angels. His name is Jesus.

So there you have it. The Fallen Angels, in most cases, are extraterrestrials, responsible for many (if not all) legitimate accounts of abductions and sightings. They have employed technology to mimic the works of God down through the millennia. By manipulating the physical realm with dramatic outcomes, they have convinced many that the spiritual does not exist and that all instances of the miraculous are/were simply clever aliens using technology or explainable by the sciences, as they have done for thousands of years.

They've implanted their hybrids in the highest offices of our lands and in the seats of power of every major institution and corporation, for as long as there have been seats of power to sit upon. If you've ever wondered why you couldn't get ahead in life, no matter how hard you tried, you have only to give thanks for your humanity (and do give thanks for it).

The invisible ceiling we've all suspected existed in the higher echelons of power, does indeed exist. We may no longer have to wear our place in the caste system boldly painted our foreheads today, but that doesn't mean we aren't still categorized for success or failure from the moment of birth. Any variation or deviation from the poverty and servitude normally assigned the lowly human race by the fallen angels and their prodigy, is truly a miracle of God. If you're successful give thanks to God, repeatedly, because literally billions of humans down through the history of planet Earth have not been as fortunate.

Now, to tie all the ends together into a cohesive unit, Revelation 9, in the New Testament of the Bible, explains in detail the re-opening of Enki's "Abzu":

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.”

A "star fall(ing) from heaven," is a biblical idiom for describing a fallen angel descending to earth, which I believe is further identified as a fallen angel descending to earth in a spacecraft, a UFO. Upon reaching the Earth, he opens the Abyss with a key.

Obviously, he's not opening the ocean with a key, so this "Abyss" reference is the same as the reference to the "Abzu": it's underground and it's an entrance or exit, as the case may be. In fact, it's underground in the same vicinity (i.e., near the Euphrates) as Enki's Abzu! Coincidence? I think not.

Furthermore, it's also called the "Bottomless Pit." As far as I am aware, there's nothing "Bottomless", about the depths of the Earth. But there is something bottomless about a “stargate”, a wormhole or any variation thereof.

“And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.”

There are two very interesting coincidences in the above verse: 1) Wasn't the first King of Egypt called the "Scorpion King" and 2) Aren't there abduction stories that describe the abductors as appearing like bugs of various sorts - praying mantis aliens, grey bug-eyed aliens, and so on? Let's look into their descriptions further:

“And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.”

Sounds like an invasion of UFOs with extra-terrestrial pilots, to me. And they don't appear to be employing any stealth technology -- no need to I guess, since by then, their agenda is fully set and loaded for deployment. The magnitude of sound may enhance the sheer fear factor such an event would naturally inspire in the average human being. In fact, they are so noisy; the sound of their "wings" is like the sound of many horses running to battle, obviously causing the ground to shake with their powerful presence.

“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”

This one had me puzzled for a long time. How did Enki, our resident Lord of the Abzu, become Apollyon and Abaddon? I researched the etymology of both names and found an interesting coincidence. In a branch of the Euphrates River that separates Iraq from Iran, is a little island called "Abadan." Abadan is an ancient Arabic family name that means "Watcher of the Water."

Yes, my friends, there was the etymological origins of our Enki-Ea, in living color. From (an online encyclopedia): Abadan is named for Abbad, a member of the Abbasid dynasty who founded the city in the 8th century. Some etymological experts, however, believe the name to have originated from the Persian word "ab" (water) and the root "pa" (guard, watch).

And here's where things get really interesting: What if they've already discovered the burial site of Enki's stargate? Maybe the stargate was Saddam's "weapon of mass destruction"? After all, we're being visited by alien spacecraft on a regular basis, these days. And Saddam was certainly a busy little archaeologist prior to the invasion. He was even rebuilding Babylon, that proverbial "Gateway of the Gods." There are even TV shows and a movie on the subject of star gates (see Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate (the movie)) with, oddly enough, a very similar premise! All coincidence? Are you kidding me?


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri May 13, 2011 7:43 pm

Last edited by lizzie on Fri May 13, 2011 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri May 13, 2011 7:55 pm

The Stargate Machine – the Solitron Vortex Generator

From an aerial view one can see that a solitron vortex generator is shaped like a keyhole, an anhk. Perhaps if you “lock” onto the correct frequencies, you can open the stargate machine and enter the higher dimensions.

Aerial View of Vatican City ... index.html
Below we can see that within the "keyhole" of the Vatican courtyard is yet another symbol: two crosses superimposed on each other. This is the symbol from which the British Union Jack flag is derived. This is where we get the term "double-crossers."

Baghdad stargates – the Unveiling
Scroll down to the "Monument to the Unknown Soldier". Take note that it was specifically exempt from destruction by the Yanks. Notice the latitude 33 and longitude 44.

Note that Phoenix, AZ, namely Tempe/Scotsdale is at that latitude; big blue obelisk and Egyptian style canals there; PLUS, the fuggers perform ceremonies on these crucial spots. Recall the Democratic "Debates" of 2004? Nothing but ceremony. There were ceremonies performed all over the world in synchronicity then the new American Embassy in Baghdad is ENORMOUS. Obviously, we're there for the long-term, no matter how many Iraqi civilians or U.S. soldiers are killed.

The photos on these sites look as if the aliens who used the Iraqi stargate made a point of declaring their raison d'etre to the earth's inhabitants, right at their entry and exit point. Talk about 'in your face'.

For more examples of this alien "style", check out the Denver Airport, Hoover Dam and Dubai.
Solitron Vortex Generators in Baghdad

Solitron Vortex Generators in Egypt ... 285#p51438
Yes, and think about what got the Templars in trouble in the first place: they dug up something in the ruins of Jerusalem, which we know from Sitchin is the site of the Anunnaki's Command Centre. Now think about these two questions:

1. What is the most restricted and most secure place on Earth today? It is not the White House. It is not the Pentagon. It is not Kremlin. It is the Dome on the Rock in Jerusalem. Or it’s Area 51. It’s one of those two. Or rather they are probably about equal. Now what does it tell you, the mere fact that those two can be listed side by side like this? They are fundamentally of the same nature, major ET sites on Earth.

2. What is the never-ending conflict between Israel and Palestine all about? It's about Jerusalem. Even more specifically, about who ought to own that Sacred Spot. It is the apple of the dispute. Now why is it so special? Why is it worth risking World War III over? We know why it was so important in the past - it was the Anunnaki Command Centre. But why is it so important *now*? Is it merely because of its ancient history? I doubt that. What if there is some interplanetary communication equipment still operating there TODAY.
I have interpreted this ‘fiery furnace’ as a zone of frequency or vibration that is the mouth of a stargate or a wormhole. When the three wise men entered this gateway they traveled to a distant place, possibly to the center of our Milky Way galaxy, or possibly to Planet X, and returned with the Son of God.

Buried deep beneath the sands of Iraq are the secrets of the Shining Ones of Planet X. There are 10,000 archaeological sites scattered through the country, most of them not fully excavated. In Iraq historical monuments are a matter of national security. This is because they mark the locations of the secrets of the Shining Ones. ... 300#p51714

According to biblical texts, there's a hidden door to the "Abyss" and "Bottomless Pit" in the vicinity of the Euphrates River, a stargate of sorts. It has been there buried under the ruins of the ancient Mesopotamian city of Eridu for thousands of years. It's my contention, that this Abyss mentioned in the bible, is also referred to in Sumerian texts as the "Abzu," and is associated with a Sumerian god known as "Enki-Ea."....The Abzu or Engur, is further described as a doorway from which Enki-Ea arrived on the Earth and over which he built the Temple of E.ABZU at Eridu, to facilitate its usage.

If this "Abzu" was also the doorway from his "land" to the Earth, in what fashion would he be using it then? How did it function and just where exactly is his "land?"

Stranger still, in the biblical texts, the Abyss (Abzu) is "opened" with a key and locked with a key. If this Abyss were a literal body of water, how would one go about unlocking and locking it with a key? Is it all a metaphor for some unseen spiritual dimension with a spiritual, not literal, key?

Some Alternate Theories of Pyramid Construction
According to the authors of Pyramid Energy: The Philosophy of God, the Science of Man (Delta-K, 1987), the above pictured "Caduceus Coil" was used to levitate the stone blocks that were used to build the pyramids. Pathways were built, flanked by rows of sphinxes, along which a solitron field spiraled, powered by coil generators. Priests used tuned coils (misidentified by Egyptologists as djed pillars), one passive (on the left, above) and one active (on the right, above). The active coil was grounded to a "Sacred Spot" and tapped into the planetary energy grid. The reason present-day scientists cannot duplicate this simple feat is because "they have not studied the power source called the world grid." Hardy & Killick further explain:

The ancient people used the grid to achieve levitation and worldwide communication. This is why pyramids are found all over the world. The Cheops pyramid in Egypt is a coil generator and was built to tap into the grid. The main control panel for this grid was the Ark of the Covenant. [p. 169]

This theory may sound silly but an amazing number of people propose similar explanations. Andrew Collins, author of Gods of Eden: Egypt's lost legacy and the genesis of civilisation (Headline, 1998), cites a 10th-century Arab historian who recorded a folk tale about the origin of the Great Pyramid. According to the story, the builders struck the stone blocks with a special rod, causing them to levitate and float through the air for the distance of "one bowshot." Collins insists that "the ancient Egyptians were able to set up some kind of sustained sound vibration that enabled the building blocks to defy gravity." He adds, "Although simply a legend, there are traditions from all around the world that speak of the movement of stone blocks and the construction of walls and buildings by sonic levitation."
Earth Grid Research
This is a quick write-up of my ongoing research into the earth grid.

Within the spherical center of large masses is a neutral center. John Keely worked extensively with the vibrational neutral centers of resonating masses. I define the neutral center as a point at which the gravitational field sums to zero but gravitational potential is quite high. If sufficiently high, time slows to a crawl and becomes imaginary, meaning spacetime breaks down and opens a window into other dimensions and densities. The centers of stars and planets are windows.

Neutral centers can be created electromagnetically via radially converging or diverging electric current pulses, spherical standing waves in piezoelectric materials or via the radial null vectors of large masses as described above.

The earth’s own neutral center is a dimensional window that vibrates at frequencies resonant with the earth’s own spherical harmonics. I’m not certain whether these spherical harmonics correlate to mechanical, electromagnetic, or gravitational vibrations. Whatever the case, standing waves are set up that create equally spaced node and antinodal points on earth’s surface. These points are spaced in various configurations matching the Platonic solids: tetrahedron, octahedron, cube, icosahedron, and dodecahedron.

These standing waves pull from the central dimensional window multiple vortical conduits. Unlike a neutral center which has a null point in the middle of a sphere, these vortical conduits have a null axis inside a tubular vortex. They pierce the earth’s surface at the aforementioned node or antinode points.

Thus, there are dimensional window points spaced equally apart on the earth’s surface – these are the primary earth grid points and correspond to the vertices of the Platonic solids. Their electromagnetic configuration includes little if any magnetic, electric, or gravitational components except in special circumstances at special times. Their primary electromagnetic structure consists of potential fields, both magnetic, electric, and gravitational potential, which are not easily detectable.

Based on calculations, one possible magnetic profile of such a conduit should consist of circular magnetic fields that are weakest at the center and increase in magnitude with distance from the center, a vector plot looking similar to how wheat is laid down in crop circles. This is exactly the reverse of how ordinary magnetic fields behave, which drop off with distance instead.

Safe to say, specialized instruments are needed to detect these gridpoints. Such conduits may, however, alter the dynamic characteristics of oscillating electric and magnetic fields brought into them, so a device that can measure displacement current would suffice.

So assuming the earth grid network is distributed like the corners of Platonic solids, plotting the grid would require placing each solid within the globe, aligning one vertex to a chosen geographic location and rotating the rest of the vertices to find all other points. There may be other grids, but here I’m dealing solely with the Platonic grid.

Richard Hoagland has investigating the tetrahedral model. Placed within the earth, a tetrahedron with vertex at the north pole has the other three points touching 19.47 degrees south of the equator, and an inverted tetrahedron will have base vertices touching 19.47 degrees north, which falls right on the Hawaiian islands on earth and the Big Red Spot on Jupiter. But the other four Platonic solids are just as important.

The Becker-Hagens Grid incoporates both the Platonic solids and the hexakis icosahedron to create a grid of 62 points.

I realized the map showed a grid system that conformed precisely to a dodecahedral configuration overlaid upon the globe. So it seems the ancients were well aware of the earth grid and Platonic solids correspondence — most likely it used to be standard knowledge. ... 3e7#p33060
This was constructed by Tesla in the 1920's, and was said to be a strange device, as it when it is turned on, you can hear it lock into the rotation of the earth.

The Earth is a secondary 0 time reference because its rotation is inertially related to the solar system, which is inertially related to our galaxy system, on down to the Universe.

The Universe rotates around "the" 0 time point.

The device is described as utilizing the principle of a "one-body system". That is, whereas for a rotating body, each point of a different radius from the center within that body, has a different orbit by virtue of its radial depth.

In the "one- body system, each orbit has the same radius, but the center points of the orbits do not coincide. There is no common axis, no concentricity, and therefore no radial depth, as in true two-dimensional rotation with a fixed radial depth.

Now, there is a common point around which the center of mass of the eccentrics and the center of mass, as a whole gyrate, but these centers are points without radial depth even though they vary in radius of orbit. The center of gyration always lies directly between them, and this represents two opposed radii, and because each radius is represented by a point, they have no depth.

Stability of gyrations occurs with increase of power.

A very stable time reference was required from the 0 time generator, during the Montauk days and this produced two 30Hz. waves referenced to 0 time.

One was connected to the computer and synchronized the clock, or timing function. The other modulated the white noise generator, and by adjusting the phase between the two, the whole operation could be monitored.

X" the center of mass, in this schematic, is the intersection of planes Y and Z ( eccentric masses) or a potential dimensional doorway.

The system is such that a counterclockwise rotational motion occurs of the whole body, with a superimposed counterclockwise gyration, or precession, bringing about a motion of the device, perpendicular to this plane, or outwards (from the page or screen).

This invention, although incorporating the usual mechanical and centrifugal principles, was said to be potentially dangerous in that it caused a field effect, from the "anti-electromagnetic field drive that builds with increasing gyrations.

It is explained that this interactions of motions is similar to that of the electron around the nucleus of the atom, but whereas the electron follows the left-hand rule, this system follows the right hand rule.
Zero Time Reference Generator--an oscillator that can be used to drive the
coils of a delta t antenna or any other type of antenna structure (octahedral, tetrahedral, cube).

A coil wound around each half of a ship or other object each driven by separate oscillators synced with an adjustable ends use a phase angle to create a scalar type wave. This would distort the field matrices of matter encompassed within this solitron field or electromagnetic Klein bottle.

Some systems have been powered by 500 kilowatt generators others have been purported to use several megawatts and sometimes even more. Some experiments use a three coil structure use of vacuum tubes mentioned.

A relationship exists between the zero time reference generator and nuclear magnetic resonance

Zero time reference in radar refers to the time reference of the schedule of events during one cycle of operation.
The Hyperdimensional Oscillator™ is based on the famed Teslascope, the device that Nikola Tesla invented to communicate with other planets. In effect it is a transducer, capable of converting the high frequency of cosmic rays to an energy field which can interface with the human mind. We can use these energies for healing the human body, or simply allow them to guide and instruct us as Tesla did.
The Unveiling
Do a little ray work on obelisks, war memorials, church spires, etc. They are all part of the control grid, which we're just now beginning to understand.

The ancient Egyptian obelisks were carved from one stone.

List of famous obelisks throughout the world:

Several in Rome, notably Vatican Square
New York City, Central Park
Washington Monument, Washington D.C.
Place de la Concorde, Paris
City of London (with ties to the Templars)

These phallic symbols anchor the perverted masculine principle. Our history of war after war after war is the manifestations of masculinity gone bonkers.

This is a summary of what I have found out about ley lines. I’ve been doing some research into the Solitron Vortex and how it works with ley lines especially how it has the ability to re-direct the ley line energy in 8 different points of the compass, how the Solitron vortex is usually found in buildings such as mosques, churches of all denominations, financial institutions, and basically all controlling aspects of the matrix we live in, or in Saddam’s case, he was creating them himself in abundance!

And lastly how the ley line net created is programmed at Stonehenge in a negative way towards mankind’s polarity, or male energy.

So we have June 22 Solstice coming up and TPTB are planning to do a bit of earth warbling with help from the Great Pyramid, with the activation of a Telsa coil within the great chamber.

I then had the opportunity to feel what a ley line does to the body which isn't nice; this would be in line with its negative programming. I now know how to disable that negative programming of a ley line.

I went to a few country towns today and found some very interesting things which made a typical ley line matrix.

Solitron vortexs are all made up of obelisks and clock tower types of structures combined, of course, with the scattering of phone towers in the surrounding countryside and nice hidden angles are used to direct ley lines through 2 local council reception areas!

Nice work there by the grid masters.

There's one in DC, one in Bennington, VT and one on High Point, NJ. If you connect all three, they form a straight line.

Remember the name of the first campaign in 2003- shock and awe? We could not
figure out why they would give a campaign such a tongue twisting weird name.
So we did some research and found "Sheckinah", an ancient Hebrew word for 'Portal of the Gods'

An obelisk structure is a natural negative energy generator. That is why they chose such a structure, along with its phallic male dominance message.

So if you put an obelisk on a known NI ley line you will change the energy to PI, and create a further PI ley network in another seven directions as projections to further destroy the energetics of the land.

Mobile phone towers do the same thing and that is what the gifting is all about.

PI= Positive Ion=DOR
NI=Negative Ion=POR


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri May 13, 2011 9:49 pm

Abram who later was renamed by his “God” as Abraham (2123 BC to 1948 BC) Abraham’s most significant accomplishment is that as the role of the Hebrew Patriarch and through diffusion also as the Patriarch of the Christians and Muslims.

Abram was born in the city of Nippur and lived in Ur with his father. Nippur and Ur were two of the original twelve “City-States” of Sumeria. The significance of the number twelve here is in the fact of the twelve main deities of the Sumerian Pantheon of Gods (One God or Goddess per one City-State).

In the family of Abram we find a priestly family of royal blood, a family headed by a Nippurian high priest who was the only one allowed into the temple's innermost chamber, there to receive his God’s words and convey it to king and people.

Terah, then, was seemingly an Oracular Priest, one assigned to approach the “Stone that Whispers” in order to hear the deity's words and communicate them to the lay hierarchy. A similar function was assumed in later times by the Israelite High Priest, who alone was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies (the inner temple precincts), approach the Dvir (“Speaker”), and “hear the voice [of the Lord] speak unto him from off the overlay which is upon the Ark of the Covenant, from between the two Cherubim.”

During the Israelite Exodus, at Mount Sinai the Lord proclaimed that his covenant with the descendants of Abraham meant that “ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests.” It was a statement that reflected the status of Abraham's own descent: a royal priesthood.

In 2096 BC Terah moved his family from Ur to Harran (a mirror city of Ur also worshipping the same deities.) In 2048 BC Abram was instructed by his god to move again.

Terah was the father of Abram, Nahor, and Harran; and Harran had a son named Lot. Harran died before his father in Ur of the Chaldees, the place of his birth.

Abram married Sarai (her name meaning ‘Princess’) his half-sister. Now Sarai was not able to have any children. Terah took his son Abram, his daughter Sarai, and his grandson Lot (Harran's son) and left Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan. But they stopped instead at the village of Harran and settled there. Terah lived for 205 years and died while still at Harran.

It is significant to note that the Bible places Abram before his brother Harran but in all likelihood Harran was the eldest. After Harran’s pre-mature death Abraham would come first on the “Family chart” as was the practice of the day when denoting lineal descent of Sumerian families.

This is given further credence in the Bible just by mentioning the fact that Harran died and mentioning his other children - specifically Milcah (her name meaning ‘Queenly’) and Iscah and then later Lot. That Nahor the younger brother of Abram also married the very same Milcah (his neice, daughter of his brother Harran) is mentioned as well.

The inclusion of Lot when Terah left Ur is also significant to lineal descent. If Harran was Terah’s first son and Lot was in turn Harran’s eldest son then Lot’s claim to the “Family Birth-right” would have been stronger than Abram’s. Also noteworthy is the fact that Nahor, Terah’s other son married his niece Milcah, Lot’s sister and daughter of Nahor’s brother Harran.

This by-play of Lot’s rightful claim seemingly comes to a head later in Genesis 13, 7 when there was strife between the herdsmen of Lot and the Herdsmen of Abram.

The question is why do the writers of Genesis take such pains to discredit Lot and his legitimacy? Apparently he still held some special favor in the eyes of the God he was loyal to, for that God also made nations of the sons of Lot.

Why was there any interest in Lot at all other than as a companion to Abram when leaving Ur and Harran? Why was his fate described in so much detail? Why allow the sons of his incestuous unions with his daughters to become the “Fathers of Nations”.

Seemingly the biblical writers felt a special need to legitimize Abram’s claim to the “Birth-right”. Did Lot also have a covenant with their God to be the “Father of Nations”? Or was the mention of Lot’s sons/grandsons a way for the authors to assuage their complicity in removing Lot as the legitimate heir?

The customs and Laws by which the Hebrew Patriarchs lived were apparently the same laws by which Kings and Noblemen of ancient Sumeria were bound, therefore it stands to reason that since the “Rules of Succession” and the laws were handed down from the gods the same rules of succession and rights of the children should be followed as they were followed by the “Gods”.

Abram who was deprived of a son by the barrenness of his wife Sarai and so had a son Ishmael by his wife’s maidservant Hagar. Ishmael, however, was excluded from the patriarchal succession when Sarai bore Isaac to Abraham.

Simply put, Abram needed an heir by his half-sister to claim the birthright for his son! Ishmael wouldn’t do at all.

Further cementing Abram’s claim for his descendants Isaac married Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel who was the son of Nahor and Milcah (his uncle and his cousin). Two of Jacob’s (Israel, Issac and Rebekah’s son) wives were Leah and Rachel daughters of Laban, son of Bethuel who was the son of Nahor and Milcah.

A note of similarity rings here with the sibling rivalry of the Sumerian Gods Enki and Enlil. Though Enki was first born, Enlil was heir apparent as he was born of their father Anu’s official Spouse, Antu.

Another parallel is that both Abram and later Isaac made no bones about proclaiming their respective wives were also their sisters (though technically Isaac’s wife Rebekah was his cousin). This is significant in that it has puzzled many scholars due to the biblical prohibition against sexual relations with relatives.

The Sumerian/Babylonian records indicate that Enki tried several times with his half sister Ninhursag (also a daughter of Anu but by a different mother than Enki or Enlil’s) to conceive a son who would have more of a blood claim on the throne than did Enlil.

Enlil and his wife Ninlil’s son Nana/Sin was not Enlil’s heir, but Enlil’s son Ninurta whom he had with his half-sister Ninharsag was Enlil’s heir. This method ensured a “purer seed” would inherit the “Birth-right”.

Also with what has been established of the Elohim/Annunaki sciences incest practiced to an extent would be beneficial to the purity of a bloodline. Mitochondrial DNA is the key. Having a child with your half-sister from the same father would be all right as the MtDNA is passed through the female line and there is no chance of genetic defect.

The early Hebrew rules of succession were nothing more than a mirror image of the rules of succession for the Elohim/Annunaki.

An understanding of the pantheon of Sumerian Gods and Goddesses is critical to understand why Terah a resident of Ur moved his entire clan (and son Abram) to Harran after being instructed to do so by his God.

Ur was the city of the God Nanna/Sin and during an earlier war and power struggle among the Annunaki he had to flee his beloved city and was exiled. This he bore by constructing a new city, Harran, which was made to resemble Ur, its temples, buildings and streets almost exactly.

Babylonia, or Chaldea, whose capital city was Ur, became a nation about this time. The founder was Izddhubar, or Nimrod. Terah, the father of Abram, who became the progenitor of the Hebrew people and the faiths of Judaism and so Christianity and Islam, in 2096 BC removed his family from the land of Chaldea, from the city of Ur, and went westward intending to arrive in Canaan, but instead came to Harran and stayed there (Gen. 11:31).

This event is singular by reason of Abram's importance in religious history, but an examination of what was happening in Babylonian culture gives telling evidence regarding the birth of monotheism, and Abram's role in this change from humanity's long history of recognizing a pantheon of gods, to the merging of all gods into One.

The tales of Abraham's interaction with the entity that singled him out to become a people are written in the early chapters of the book of Genesis. Only later during the time of Moses does the entity name himself as Yahweh. It is not known if the entity with whom Abraham spoke was the same as he who manifested to Moses five hundred years later. In the time of Moses, approximately 1500 BC, the family of Abraham was living in the land of Egypt and had fallen back into the practice of worshiping many gods.

Did Terah leave the land of Chaldea in rejection of Marduk? Was his patron god another, or did he continue to recognize the older pantheon? It is certain that he took with him from Chaldea the notion of many gods; his relatives in Harran continued worshiping the pantheon. Genesis 31:29-35 tells us Rachel stole the household gods. In verse 29 we hear Laban naming only one of those gods as Abraham's. Through Joseph we understand that the notion of this one god as patron of Abraham's descendents survived into Egypt. The god was forgotten, and then by force he re-manifested to bring the Hebrews out of slavery.

As a result of the merging of the Canaanite pantheons with the new Hebrew monotheism, in at least one Canaanite text “El” (God) identifies himself as Yerah and his spouse Nikhal. Yerah is a Semitic rendition for “Moon” – the God better known as Sin; and his spouse “Nikhal” is a Semitic rendition of Ningal, the Sumerian name for the spouse of the Moon-god.

Yahweh was derived from the Canaanite Yerah the name of the generic “El”, which in Semitic means Moon. Sin was the moon god of the Sumerians, the Yerah of the Canaanites and the Yahweh of the Hebrews and the Allah of the Muslims!

Additionally Nanna/Sin/Yerah/Yahweh/Allah was the Sumerian God of Ur, the land which Abraham (the Hebrew and Muslim Patriarch), son of Terah (who was a Sumerian high Priest) was from. Abraham was sent to Harran which was also a city ruled by the Sumerian god Sin.

Thus begins the biblical tale, in chapter 14 of Genesis, of an ancient war that pitted an alliance of four kingdoms of the East against five kings in Canaan. It is a tale that has evolved some of the most intense debate among scholars, for it connects the story of Abraham, the first Hebrew Patriarch, with a specific non-Hebrew event, and thus affords objective substantiation of the biblical record of the birth of a nation.

The tablets describe a war of wide-ranging magnitude, in which a king of Elam, Kudur-laghamar, led an alliance of rulers that included one named Eri-aku and another named Tud-ghula - names that easily could have been transformed into Hebrew as Khedor-la'omer, Ariokh, and Tidhal

“As historical records have established, it was Shulgi who in the twenty-eighth year of his reign (2068 BC) gave his daughter in marriage to an Elamite chieftain and granted him the city of Larsa as a dowry; in return the Elamites put a “foreign legion” of Elamite troops at Shulgi's disposal. These troops were used by Shulgi to subdue the western provinces, including Canaan. It is thus in the last years of Shulgi's reign when Ur was still an imperial capital under his immediate successor Amar-Sin that we find the historical time slot into which all the biblical and Mesopotamian records seem to fit perfectly.

The reading of biblical chronology puts Abraham in the middle of the most momentous events of that time as an active participant. The century of Abraham - the hundred years from his birth to the birth of his son and successor Isaac - was thus the century that witnessed the rise and fall of the Third Dynasty of Ur.

Terah took his son Abram, his daughter Sarai, and his grandson Lot (Harran's son) and left Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan. But they stopped instead at the village of Harran and settled there. Terah lived for 205 years and died while still at Harran.

No explanation is given in the bible for leaving Ur, and there is also no time stated, but the time frame can be reconstructed if we relate the departure to events in Mesopotamia in general and in Ur in particular.

Abraham was seventy-five when he proceeded later on from Harran to Canaan. If Abraham, as we have concluded, was born in 2123 BC, he was a child of ten when Ur-Nammu ascended the throne in Ur, The city of Nannar-Sin.

Abraham was a young man of twenty-seven when Ur-Nammu was slain on a distant battlefield after inexplicably falling from Anu's and Enlil's favor.

The year of Ur-Nammu's fall was 2096 BC; could it not have been the year when - under the impact of the event or as a consequence thereof - Terah and his family left Ur for a faraway destination, stopping off at Harran. The family stayed on in Harran all through the following years of Ur's decline and Shulgi's reign.

And Abram departed as God had spoken unto him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Harran.

Once again, no reason is given for the crucial move. The chronological clues, however, are most revealing.

When Abraham was seventy-five years old the year was 2048 BC - the very year of Shulgi's downfall!

Because Abraham's family directly continued the line of Shem, Abraham has been considered a Semite (possibly derived from ‘Shem-ite’), on whose background, cultural heritage, and language were Semitic, as distinct from the non-Semitic Sumerians and the later Indo-Europeans. In the original biblical sense, all the peoples of greater Mesopotamia were descended of Shem, “Semite” and “Sumerian” alike. There is everything to support the image of a family rooted in Sumer from its earliest beginnings, hastily uprooted from its country and birthplace and told to go to an unfamiliar land.

Sumerian myths tell that the god named from among them to rule the new age was Marduk, a grandson of the great Anu, and first son of Enki. In their many myths Marduk was the instigator of much contention, secretly harboring a desire to rule the earth and the gods.

When Marduk was given the rule he so long desired, a strange change in the mythology of the region took place - everything was rewritten with Marduk given the credit for all heroic acts, even the planet, ‘Nibiru’, was renamed ‘Marduk’. In short both the creative force of Nibiru which formed the solar system as we know it and the greatness of the earlier pantheon became notions ascribed to but one of the pantheon to gods! It was at this time that Terah left the land of his birth and of his people and went westward away from Chaldea, better known as Babylon.

Taken in this light Abraham emerges not as the son of immigrant aliens but as the scion of a family directly involved in Sumerian affairs of state!

In their search for the answer to the question of “Who Was Abraham?” some scholars have seized upon the similarity his designation as a Hebrew (simply BR or Ibri) and the term Hapiru which in the Near East could have easily been transformed to Habiru, by which the Assyrians and Babylonians in the eighteenth and seventeenth centuries BC called bands of pillaging western Semites.

Genesis 17: 1-6, provides us with the time and manner in which Abraham was transformed from a Sumerian nobleman to a west Semitic potentate, under a covenant between him and his God. Amid a ritual of circumcision, his Sumerian name AB.RAM meaning “Father's Beloved” was changed to the Akkadian/Semitic Abraham meaning “Father of a Multitude of Nations” and that of his wife SARAI meaning “Princess” was adapted to the Semitic Sarah.

It was only when he was ninety-nine years old that Abraham became a ‘Semite’.

Abraham’s Wife Sarai’s name means “Princess” and since she was a half-sister of Abraham we can take it for granted that either Abraham's father or Sarah's mother was of royal descent. Since the daughter of Abraham's brother Harran also bore the royal name Milkha meaning “Queenly”, it follows that it was through the father of Abraham that the royal blood flowed.

It was a family that not only could claim descent from Shem but which kept family records tracing its lineage through generations of first born sons: Arpakhshad and Shelach and Eber; Peleg, Re'u and Serug; Nahor and Terah and Abraham, taking the family's recorded history back for no less than three centuries!

But of greatest interest, to this very day, has been the meaning of the name Eber and the reason for bestowing it upon the firstborn in 2351 BC and from which has stemmed the biblical term Ibri (“Hebrew”) by which Abraham and his family identified themselves.

Eber clearly stems from the root word meaning “to cross,” and the best scholars had to offer in explanation was to seek the non-workable Habiru/Hapiru connection.

Such a look at the Sumerian roots of the family and the name provides an answer that startles for its simplicity. The term Ibri (“Hebrew”).... clearly stemmed from Eber, the father of Peleg, and from the root “to cross.”

The biblical suffix “i” when applied to a person, meant “a native of”. Likewise, Ibri meant a native of the place called “Crossing”; and that, precisely, was the Sumerian name for Nippur: NI.IB.RU - the Crossing Place, the place where the pre-Diluvial grids crisscrossed each other, the original Navel of the Earth.

The dropping of the “n” in transposing from Sumerian to Akkadian/Hebrew was a frequent occurrence. In stating that Abraham was an Ibri, the Bible simply meant that Abraham was a Ni-ib-ri, a son of Nippurian origin!

As the name Eber indicates, it was in this time - the middle of the twenty-fourth century BC - that the family's association with Nippur had begun. Nippur was never a royal capital; rather, it was a consecrated city, Sumer's “religious center,” as scholars put it. It was also the place where the knowledge of astronomy was entrusted to the high priests and thus the place where the calendar - the relationship between the Sun, and Moon in their orbits - was originated.

It has long since been recognized that our present-day calendars derive from the original Nippurian calendar. All the evidence shows that the Nippurian calendar began circa 4000 BC, in the age of Taurus.

All during Shulgi's reign in Ur, the family of Terah stayed at Harran. Then, on Shulgi's demise, the divine order came to proceed to Canaan. Terah, who was already quite old, stayed in Harran. The one chosen for the mission was Abraham - himself a mature man of seventy-five. The year was 2048 BC; it marked the beginning of twenty-four fateful years - eighteen years encompassing the war-filled reigns of the two immediate successors of Shulgi (Amar-Sin and Shu-Sin) and six years of Ibbi-Sin, the last sovereign king of Ur.

It is undoubtedly more than mere coincidence that Shulgi's death was the signal not only for a move by Abraham, but also for a re-alignment among the Near Eastern gods. It was exactly when Abraham, accompanied by an elite military corps, left Harran - the gateway to the Hittite lands - that the exiled and wandering Marduk appeared in “Hatti land.” Moreover, the remarkable coincidence is that Marduk stayed there through the same twenty-four year period, the years that culminated with the great Disaster.

It was against this background of fast developments that Abraham was ordered to go to Canaan. Moving expeditiously to Canaan, Abraham and his wife, his nephew Lot, and their entourage continued swiftly southward.

“From there “Abraham journeyed farther, still going toward the Negev.” The Negev - the dry region where Canaan and the Sinai Peninsula merge - was clearly Abraham's destination.

The significance of Mount Moriah - Abraham's first focus of interest - was that in those days it served, together with its sister mounts Mount Zophim (“Mount of Observers”) and Mount Zion (“Mount of Signal”), as the site of Mission Control Center of the Anunnaki. The significance of the Negev, its only significance, was that it was the gateway to the Spaceport in the Sinai.

The mission of Abraham was a military one: to protect the space facilities of the Anunnaki - the Mission Control Center and the Spaceport!

After a short stay in the Negev Abraham traversed the Sinai peninsula and came to Egypt. Not being ordinary nomads, Abraham and Sarah were at once taken to the royal palace. By our reckoning the time was circa 2047 BC, when the Pharaohs ruling in Lower (northern) Egypt who were not followers of Amen (“The Hiding God” Ra/Marduk”) were facing a strong challenge from the princes of Thebes in the south, where Amen was deemed supreme.

“Who were the “other gods” that were winning the allegiance of Canaanite cities? They were Marduk, scheming from nearby exile, and his son Nabu, who was roaming eastern Canaan, gaining supremacy and adherents.

The battle with these Canaanite kings was thus a late phase of the war and not its first purpose. Almost a century ago, in a thorough of Kadesh-Barnea, it was concluded that the true target of the invaders was El-Paran, which was correctly identified as the fortified oasis of Nakhl in Sinai's central plain.

Why had they gone there, and who was it that blocked their way at Kadesh-Barnea, forcing the invaders to turn back?

The only answer that can make sense is that the significance of the destination was its Spaceport and Abraham was the one who blocked the advance at Kadesh-Barnea. From earlier times Kadesh-Barnea was the closest place where men could approach in the region of the Spaceport without special permission.

The hints in the Old Testament become a detailed tale in the Khedorlaomer Texts, which make clear that the war was intended to prevent the return of Marduk and thwart the efforts of Nabu to gain access to the Spaceport. These texts not only name the very same kings who are mentioned in the Bible but even repeat the biblical detail of the switch of allegiance “in the thirteenth year”!

The despoiling of Babylon was only the beginning. After the “bad deeds” were done there, Utu/Shamash sought action against Nabu; the gods assembled; Ishtar decreed an oracle, and the army put together by the kings of the East arrived in Transjordan.

Though not specifically mentioned by name the Babylonian text did indeed refer to Abraham, the son of Terah the priest, and spelled out his role in turning back the invaders.

Further strengthening this position is the date formulas for the reign of Amar-Sin called his seventh year. The crucial year was 2041 BC, the year of the military expedition.

The attacks on the Spaceport were thwarted, but the danger to it was not removed; and the efforts of Marduk to gain the supremacy intensified ever more. Fifteen years later Sodom and Gomorrah went up in flames when Ninurta and Nergal unleashed the Doomsday Weapon.

The Year of Doom - 2024 BC - was the sixth year of the reign of Ibbi-Sin, the last king of Ur, but to find the reasons for the calamity, explanations of its nature, and details of its scope, we will have to study the records of those fateful years back from the time of that war.

Having failed in their mission and twice humiliated by the hand of Abraham - once at Kadesh-Barnea, then again near Damascus, the invading kings were promptly removed from their thrones. In Ur, Amar-Sin was replaced by his brother Shu-Sin, who ascended the throne to find the great alliance shattered and Ur's erstwhile allies now nibbling at her crumbling empire.

Although they, too, had been discredited by the War of the Kings, Nannar and Inanna were at first the gods in whom Shu-Sin had put his trust. It was Nannar, Shu-Sin's early inscriptions stated, who had “called his name” to kingship; he was “beloved of Inanna” and she herself presented him to Nannar.

But all this was insufficient to hold together the Sumerian empire, and Shu-Sin soon turned to greater gods for succor.

Shu-Sin, in the second year of his reign, sought the favors of Enki by constructing for that god a special boat that could navigate the high seas all the way to the Lower World. The third year of reign was also one of preoccupation with the pro-Enki alignment. Little else is known of this effort, which could have been a roundabout way of pacifying the followers of Marduk and Nabu but the effort evidently failed.

Desperatly Shu-Sin sought acceptance, confirmation that he was “the king whom Enlil, in his heart, had chosen.” But Enlil was not there to answer; only Ninlil, Enlil's spouse, who remained in Nippur, heard Shu-Sin supplications.

There was one final effort to entice Enlil back to Sumer, to find shelter under his aegis. On the apparent advice of Ninlil, Shu-Sin built for the divine couple “a great touring boat, fit for the largest rivers.

The twenty-four fateful years - since Abraham left Harran, since Shulgi was replaced to the throne, since Marduk's exile among the Hittites had begun - have all converged in that Year of Doom, 2024 BC


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 15, 2011 1:56 pm

Sin of Commission
There had been strife and bloodshed from the beginning, first among the gods and then between gods and men. Alal (Abel) was violently deposed by Anu (Cain). Anu was then wounded by a rival named Kingu, which forced him to yield to his son Enlil (brother of Enoch). Enlil-Shu was in turn defied by his brother Enki-Ptah (Enoch), and was disrespectfully ousted by his own designated heir Geb (Gabriel). Those olden gods, that is the Titans, were next pushed aside by their "human" offspring. The five "mixed" children of Geb by the goddess Nut vied for dominance. First Osiris (Mehujael) and then Horus (Mehushael) was killed by Seth. Re (Irad) was made a fugitive for his role in the death of Osiris. Seth was replaced by Horus the Younger only after decades of further conflict and arbitration on the part of Thoth (Lamech).

Although bound by oath, it was nonetheless the god of the living waters, Ea/Enki, who leaked news of the killing flood to Noah. In the Book of Enoch, God sends his messenger Uriel to advise Noah. Uriel, meaning "Flame of God," is a Hebrew epithet of Thoth and corresponds to his New Testament identity, the Holy Spirit. The god who sent Uriel/Thoth to help Noah would have been Ea/Enki.

The Thera eruption is estimated to have been up to 100 times more severe than that of Krakatoa in 1883 making it the second largest eruption of all history. The tidal waves caused by Thera's collapsing shell, and the fallout from spewing volcanic ash resulted in catastrophic loss of life around the Mediterranean, especially on the eastern rim. The great cultural centers on Thera (Santorini) and the nearby island of Crete were swept away. Traditional estimates for the date of the eruption have ranged between 1380 BC and 1500 BC. The preliminary estimate is that it happened about 4,000 years ago. Of course, such an event could well have triggered earthquakes and volcanic eruptions the world over.

Was a "meteor shower" actually expected by the gods? If so, then it should now be possible for us to predict the same. It does not necessarily require space age technology, but could be deduced from "historical data" of the Earth, the Solar System and its natural cycles. In ancient times, the calendar was the Earth's cyclical precession relative to the night sky over a period of thousands of years. The return of "near earth objects" (NEO's), such as comets and meteors could be anticipated as a function of elapsed time measured on an astronomical scale. Zecharia Sitchin (in his "Earth Chronicles" series) presents evidence from mythology that trouble returns to Earth every 3,600 years due to the highly eccentric and retrograde orbit of a NEO called Nabiru.

1628 BC is now 3,632 years into the past. However, if previous estimates of the Thera eruption date are more accurate, then we may still suffer the "End of the World," and of our "Age" sometime within the next 200 years. Calculating a more precise date for the meteor strike (triggering the Thera eruption) mentioned above is therefore more than of academic importance. We may not be able to determine the day and hour, but it may be possible to know the year of its coming.

Adam and Eve were created not only to serve their Creator, but also to attain mastery over the Earth and all life in it. The Bible implicitly confirms the right of their children to rule as god-kings. Likewise, after the Flood, a line of god-kings emerged from Noah. However, the Torah implicitly rejects the authority of that line of kings. As with Adam and Eve, Noah and those with him are told to "be fruitful and multiply." However, the command to "subdue" the Earth is conspicuously absent. There is only the prohibition of drinking the blood of animals and shedding the blood of men. The Torah is either denying that kingship was "lowered from heaven" after the Flood, or claiming that this kingship had been made null and void, because the terms of the "covenant" had been broken.

The Torah takes this anti-kingship sentiment to the next logical level. In that history the legitimacy of kingship itself is called into question, and the sovereignty of the Patriarchs is completely renounced. The Torah is the autopsy of a fallen line of autocrats. It is not a "history written by the winners," but by losers. There is a distinct "sour grapes" taste in the vintage Torah narratives. After the Patriarchal line lost its kingship, the institution itself was denounced. The Torah is also a tell-all expose. Discretely, yet fully, the shocking details of ancient royal family life are revealed.

In the time of the gods, the excesses of Seth and his generation led to reforms in the kingship model. Thoth tried to assure an orderly succession through the institution of co-regency. Upon the death of a king, the co-regent would duly succeed him. At the same time, the new king would appoint a co-regent from among his own sons or "brothers." The co-regent was fully a king, but did not hold absolute power. If a co-regent died, a new co-regent would be appointed to replace him. Moreover, if the co-regent was found to be unworthy, his "birthright" could be revoked and given to another.

Ea/Enki did not accept the decision of Enlil to rid the "world" of all men. He secretly crowned a new "co-regent," one in whom he found no sin. Noah was evidently more of a lover than a fighter. Enki must have hoped that this compassionate, wine-bibbing seaman would replenish the earth with a happy, peace-loving race. After the Flood, Noah put away his sail and was ready to settle down. However, Noah's "youngest son" intended to subdue the earth even as the gods had done before him. To Ham, the complacency of Noah was the greater disgrace.

Ham repaid his praying father by preying on him. No sooner had big brother Thoth departed, than we are told that Ham sodomized Noah and then boasted about it to Shem and Japheth. This heinous act of Ham toward his father indicates that he may not have been a true son of Noah. If he had been, then the seed of Noah would have already resided in Ham. The name Ham suggests that he was of the line or at least of the nature of the god Har (Horus/Heracles). In a primitive ritual, Ham determined to put his seed in Noah, and thereby usurp his station as "father."

In Genesis, we are told that Ham was the grandfather of Nimrod, the first great figure of the Post-Flood Age. Nimrod is further named as a son of Cush. This is a true statement; however it is only half the story. The author is deliberately trying to throw the untrained bloodhound off the "grail trail," and he succeeds like a red fox. The author wants very much to disassociate his Semitic ancestors from the great tyrants of the past, and also avoid becoming the quarry of Nimrod's in his present day.

Ham is not specifically cursed. Equally surprising, Shem, the favored son of Noah, is himself not explicitly blessed. More precisely, it is the god of Shem that Noah blesses. The reader naturally assumes that the god of Shem is Jehovah, but that was not strictly the case. In the Legend of Etana, we learn that the god of Shem was Shamash (a form of Thoth).

We can also discern from that same epic something even more profound. Shem and his royal wife could not have children. Therefore, Nimrod was fathered by Cush on the behalf of Shem. By right and by choice, Shem became the legal and spiritual father of the first great king and tyrant Nimrod. For this reason, the Biblical author cleverly removes from Ham the curse and withholds from Shem a blessing.

Through a covenant between Cush and Shem, the "mighty hunter" Nimrod was born. The legacy of both Ham and Shem became twisted together as one. Therefore, the curse with a cause had to be partially undone. However, Nimrod, as the founder of post-Flood kingship, could not be explicitly blessed. Kingship, in the eyes of the Genesis author, was not a blessing. Oddly, only the capable Canaan is consigned to perpetual servitude. The curse had been uttered by Noah. It could not be fully denied, so it was placed on the head of the scapegoat Canaan. The author of Genesis refused to recall any curse on Ham or his son Cush. To have done so would have been tantamount to cursing Shem.

The Gilgamesh Epic informs us that after the Flood Utnapishtim was made to "reside far away, at the "mouth of the rivers." In the "The Deluge" epic, Ziusudra was "caused to dwell" in the "land of the crossing" or the "land of rule" called Dilmun. Although these descriptions are not very helpful, we can deduce that Noah lived out his days in Egypt, the place where the spirits of the dead were considered to live on indefinitely through a proper embalming and burial. Noah assumed the Egyptian name or title of Nutjeren or Ny-netjer, which is translated as "belonging to the gods" or "as the gods."

Noah was deified in Egypt, as were his leading sons with him. The name of Ham/Khem is also found among the early dynasts of Egypt. The Biblical name is a shortened form of Sekhemwy, who took the throne name of Bau-netjer, "power of the gods to punish and kill." The favored son of Noah, Shem, can similarly be seen as an abbreviation of his Egyptian name Semerkhet, "thoughtful friend." Shem took the throne name of Iri-netjer, "eye of the gods," i.e., favored/heir of the gods.

However, as indicated in the Bible, the aggressive Ham usurped the place of both Shem and Noah. Upper Egypt fell to Ham's son Cush ("Ethiopia"), who assumed the names of Scorpion and Horus-Aha. Lower Egypt became the domain of Ham's son Mizraim ("Egypt"). He was known in that region as Netjer-i-khet ("divine of the body"), Djoser ("serpent-king") and possibly Cobra, which is also one of the king names or epithets of early dynastic Egypt.

The major cities of Mesopotamia were also claimed by these same two sons of Ham. In the Sumerian king-list, Aha (Cush) was called Agga and also Zukakip ("Scorpion"), as in Egypt. Djoser (Mizraim) corresponds to Labasher in the Sumerian king-list. However, he was best remembered in Mesopotamian lore by the name of Gilgamesh, and his virtues are recounted in the lengthy Gilgamesh Epic.

What began as a friendly rivalry between Cush and Mizraim eventually turned ugly. It also provided an opportunity for Shem to salvage a measure of honor. The perspective of Shem in this family feud was preserved in the Legend of Etana. Etana (Shem) was declared to be the first king of Kish, and therefore of the "world," following the Flood. As the designated heir of Utnapishtim (Noah), he would have been paired with the preferred female - the fairest of all the fair daughters of men. Nonetheless, as Inanna-Ishtar before her, the wife of Etana could not conceive.

In the Legend of Etana, Etana prays daily to his god Shamash for relief, even as his father Utna-pishtim (Noah) had called out to Ea. The "curse" of Etana is not the lack of rain, but a son to carry on his reign. He desperately wants a shumu, which is translated as "name." In order to get himself this name, he had to have a qualified successor. As the story goes, Shamash finally answers Etana's prayer, probably not directly, but as his "spirit guide."

The desire of Etana for a royal dynasty arouses suspicious. The renewal of divine kingship after the Flood is in contradiction to the edict of Thoth-Shamash given in the Bible. The sons of Noah were not to assume the power of life and death over their fellow man. Noah and his sons are granted authority over the beasts, but not to kill human beings.

However, the prohibition against kingship is circumvented in the Legend of Etana through a subtle ploy. The childless Etana is not named as a ruler over men. Instead, he is called "king of the animals." Included among these so-called "animals" are rival princes. Etana is the only fully human character in the story. This serves both to distinguish him from other contenders and to make his divine pretensions more legitimate. Moreover, the plight of Etana (Shem) was so personal and the might of Agga (Cush) so mitigated that their shared predicament was better told as a fable rather than as literal narration.

In the opening stanza of the Etana Epic we are presented with an image of befuddled Flood survivors. They had not yet collected themselves well enough to establish a king to rule over them. In fact, the "Seven" (Thoth-Shamash, specifically) and the "Anunnaki-Igigi" (the Assembly of the Gods, in general) are seen as actively opposing the return of civilization and kingship. They have even blocked the gates of the cities such that men cannot re-enter them.

The Bible calls the son of Cush by the name of Nimrod. In Genesis 10:8-9, he is three times called "mighty," which is very high praise for a grandson of Ham. Nimrod was known by the Sumerian name of En-me-kar or Enmerker. However, the Sumerian king-list also names him as Balih(k), the legal heir and successor of Etana. Etana and Balih are not Sumerian names, but Semitic. The Semitic name Balih(k) conveys "tribute," but also "terror and destruction." The Hebrew word belal denotes "anointing, mingling, and the mixing of self."

In Nimrod, the royal lines of Ham and Shem were co-mingled. Nimrod was the legal heir of Shem and the natural son of Cush. The Semitic royal line and the Hamitic royal line became one and the same. Future kings were as likely to consider themselves shepherds like Shem as they were hunters like Ham. Strong's Concordance does not attempt to translate the name Nimrod. Although it does not have a direct Hebrew meaning, it is not difficult to translate. In fact, the Bible translates it for us as "mighty hunter."

In Egypt, Biblical Nimrod was not known by a Sumerian name Enmerkar, or a Semitic name Balih, but by the "Egyptianized" name of Narmer or Na'rmer (with an "ayin" between the a and r). On the famous Narmer Palette, the victims of this great conqueror are dispatched in a number of ways, including ritual drowning.

In the Torah, the knowledge that Nimrod had been a king of any kind is suppressed. The best the author is willing to say is that Nimrod was a "mighty hunter." The Hebrew word for mighty is gibbowr, which is an obvious allusion to "Geb, the heir." The text implies that Nimrod was the rightful successor of both Cush and of Shem, but that he had assumed a wrongful office. The gods had blessed the hunting of animals, but not the killing of men.

Gibbowr is also a synonym of Nephilim ("giants") and is translated as "giant" in Numbers 13:33 and Job 16:14. This appellation connects Nimrod to the "mighty (gibbowr) men of old" spoken of in Genesis 6:4. These were the god-kings and tyrants from before the Flood, which we are told also endured afterward. Nimrod is likened to his predatory forbears, not only in greatness but also in greediness.

The Nephilim were a mixed race, and Nimrod was of mixed lineage. Hebrew words related to gibbowr ("mighty") are gebuwlah and gabal, which denote "territory" and "twisting." The Hebrew word for "hunter" is derived from tsuwd, "to lie alongside."

The two fathers of Nimrod lay alongside Ishtar. This "twisting together" of Cush with Shem and his "barren" wife resulted in the birth of Nimrod and the founding of the Egyptian Old Kingdom. Because of continued infertility due to incest, this form of cooperation became an integral part of the reproductive model for future generations of royalty. The Egyptian New Kingdom was established through an identical covenant between two rival princes.

Nimrod was the great father of the Semitic peoples and their kings. He could not be cursed, nor could Cush or Ham. Nimrod had cleared the way for the earth to be replenished by the descendants of Noah. In this sense, he fulfilled the "divine mandate" of Shamash/Thoth. However, by assuming the titles of king and pharaoh, he also prepared the way for those same descendants to be brutally oppressed. Possibly, the mandate itself was misguided or had been misconstrued. Ea-Enki had found in Noah the qualities of a concerned neighbor. But, filling the earth with passive people was going to require considerable aggression.

The Genesis author applies a double standard to Narmer/Nimrod. Despite the fact that he was a relentless hunter of men, he was also renowned for establishing the cult of Ptah as supreme in Egypt. Ptah would later become the leading god of the Biblical Godhead, so it is not surprising that the reputation of Nimrod would be salvaged in the Bible.

It was Ea/Enki who proved to be the only member of the Elohim that could be fully trusted to protect man. Ea/Enki was the one god who had helped Utnapishtim (Noah) and his clan survive the Flood. It is only to be expected that this god would from that moment be elevated above all others. He was not only their personal savior, but also their patient teacher and proud father. In this early dynastic period, Ptah was hailed as the "First Among the Gods," "Lord of Truth" and the "Only True God."

Nimrod not only brought men into bondage, but also took the gods into custody. It would no longer be necessary to scale the heights of heaven or even take to the hills in order to find them. The king and his subjects could conveniently offer praise, seek favor, or ask forgiveness at the local temple. Mankind had been created, or at least procreated, in order to serve the gods. The "spirits" of the gods were now kept alive in order to meet the needs of man, and especially those of the king. The temple was soon the implement of the state. The physical presence of the gods was replaced by graven images made of stone.

Only two generations after the Flood, the great-grandson of docile Noah began capturing, counting and killing men as doves. But, it proved easier for him to bind men than to dispel his fear of the gods, and of the unknown. One must then wonder whether the first monument to Ptah was motivated more out of gratitude or from greed and guilt.

The ancients built white walls for their revered ancestors and told white lies to their beloved children. There is no true security, but children deserve to feel safe and loved. Sadly, we can say little more to our heirs than our ancestors said to theirs. We have re-learned 3500 years later that our hothouse is hurtling through the minefield of space. The turning heavens hold unspeakable horrors, as does the Earth's burning core. Future traumas will be every bit as great and just as unavoidable. How can those who work and pray blame those who only drink and play? If the gods of this age wish to be remembered, let them construct monuments of science that can withstand earthquake, flood and fire. Let them build arks and fill them with families to carry on the cosmic race.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 15, 2011 4:40 pm

Grafted onto the Root of Adam - From Nimrod to Sargon
In previous chapters, two fundamental types of twisting in the Torah were unraveled. The first involved the identity of Biblical Jehovah as a composite of multiple deities, primarily the gods Ea and Enlil, but also the primeval goddess Gaia. The second type of twisting in the Torah derives from the intermarriage of "the sons of god" with "the daughters of men." These so-called human offspring were described in the Book of Genesis as "the mighty men of old." They were also the great heroes of Mythology. One such prodigy was Noah (Adapa), who alone was found "righteous" in the last generation before the Deluge. After the Flood, Noah's great-grandson the "mighty hunter" Nimrod (Narmer/Bilak) carried on the tradition of tyranny in the Middle East. His own strength was based on a combined inheritance from both Ham (Utu) and Shem (Etana).

Nimrod is handled with extreme discretion in the Genesis account. His wide-ranging exploits are presented in only five verses. Nothing at all is said about his sons or successors. The master weaver of the Torah considered the kings after Nimrod to be nothing more than dull and idolatrous oppressors. They followed the example of Nimrod in lording over men, but not in their devotion to the Lord Ea-Ptah.

Nimrod/Narmer was apparently not succeeded by a true son, but possibly by a brother or son-in-law within the house of Cush. Soon after the reign of Nimrod, the Old Kingdom pharaohs replaced Ea-Ptah with Marduk-Re as supreme god of Egypt. Therefore, these kings were themselves judged and suppressed by the author of Genesis. No redeeming qualities were found to compensate for their unpardonable "error." The portion of the scarlet thread corresponding to the Old Kingdom was removed. The Middle Kingdom pharaohs, who are representing by the second genealogy of Adam through Seth, were then grafted onto the "loose end" of Nimrod's reign by forming a knot in the narrative of Genesis 10.

Nimrod (Narmer/Enmerkar) was in the direct line of descent from the first Adam, the god Atum. He was the natural son of Cush (Agga) and a grandson of Ham (Utu). However, starting with Genesis 4:25 and continuing through the end of Genesis 5, another line of descent from Adam that is introduced. This new succession is through a son of Adam called Seth, which means "substituted." We are told that the second line of Adam was granted by God to replace that of the martyred Abel. The reader takes for granted that the two lines of Adam through Cain and Seth are contemporary and collateral.

The two lists are almost identical. They both begin with an Adam and end with a Lemekh and a Noah. With the exception of Seth, the names are also very closely matched - they have only a slightly different spelling and ordering. Enosh is a variant of Enoch. Kenan is a variant of Cain. Jered is a variant of Irad. Mahalalel is a variant of Mehujael. Methuseleh is a variant of Mehushael. It has previously been suspected that the two "genealogies" of Genesis 4 & 5 are not unique but two different versions of the same Patriarchal line. However, the dual bloodlines cry out from the ground of archaeology for justice. It can now be proven that they were unique lists, and that the Patriarchs of each list are named in their correct order.

The two dynasties were not contemporary, but widely separated in time. They represented two different portions of the same Patriarchal line. The later set of Patriarchs, which corresponds to the second genealogy of Adam, was considered to be a more righteous "repetition" of the first line of Adam. The comparison between the two sets of kings was made more compelling by juxtaposing the two in the text of Genesis.

Side-by-side, the two lines of Adam enter the "splice" of Genesis 10. Only the line of the second Adam emerges. We are deliberately told that the sons of Shem listed in Genesis 10:21-31 do not pertain to an elder brother Shem but are those of a younger brother named Shem. The second Patriarch named Shem was not an eldest son. He was instead the younger "brother" and successor of the second Noah, and only a distant son of the first Noah. In the days of that later Noah, there was also a great flood, especially in Egypt where it brought an end to the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. Excessive high waters associated with the inundation of the Nile did not last 40 days, but ravaged Egypt annually over a period of 40 years. The reoccurrence of devastating floods provided a convenient and logical post on which to tie together the histories of the two lines of Adam.

At this juncture in the narrative, an abrupt change in time period and king-list takes place. The first Shem (Etana) did not have any royal sons to speak of, at least not biologically or Biblically. Nimrod was considered to be the legal son and heir of Shem (Etana). However, he was the natural son of Ham. For this reason, the famous "Table of Nations" found in Genesis 10 does not start with the sons of Shem. Instead, the descendants of Noah's younger sons Japheth and Ham are given precedence. Moreover, when the sons of Shem do finally get named in Genesis 10:21-31, they are most certainly not those of Etana. In verse 21, the author uses a subtle gloss to fool the naive and school the initiate. The Shem referred to in this verse was not the son of the first Noah but of a second and much later Noah.

With the profuse red of the "mighty hunter" Nimrod, the rhetoric of the first Adam suddenly dries up in the Genesis narrative. After Nimrod, the veneration of Ea-Ptah began to be neglected in Egypt. It did not become prominent again until the advent of the second Adam, founder of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom.

The Egyptian name, Inyotef, and Mesopotamian name, Tudiya-Adamu, of this founding father both contain forms of Ea. Inyotef means "Born of Yo." Tudiya-Adamu means "Born or Beloved of Ya, Adam." Tudiya was transliterated into Egyptian as Inyotef. Yo and Ya are both common Biblical (Hebrew) short forms of Jehovah. This cherished champion Tudiya stands at the head of both the Babylonian and Assyrian king-lists. He also represents the historical origin of the second and later line of Adam given in Genesis.

In the dynasty of the second Adam, Ea-Ptah was incorporated into a new super cult, that of Amen. This was of great importance to the Genesis author - for it was not from Ea-Ptah directly, but from Amen that the Biblical Jehovah was ultimately to emerge.

Genesis 4:26 declares that men first "began to call upon the name of the Lord" in the time of Enosh son of Seth, who was the second successor of Adam II. The second successor of Inyotef in Egypt was pharaoh Amenemhet, who is the historical identity of Patriarch Enosh. The name Amen-em-het means "Amen (is) in the Forefront." He was not only the first king of the legendary Egyptian 12th Dynasty, but also the first king to include the god Amen in his royal name.
His foremost god was not that of the Old Kingdom pharaohs, Re, but emphatically the Biblical "Lord" - yes and Amen! For the Genesis author, this marked a crucial turning point in both history and theology.

With the introduction of the second line of Adam, another type of twisting becomes apparent in the text of the Torah. It derives from the phenomenon that "history repeats itself." The first two turnings involve gods and race. The third involves royal persons who were of a different time but lived in the same place.

This third type of twisting consumes most of the actual narrative of the Torah and is analyzed in detail in Chapters 8 through 16. The new thematic element represents the "scarlet thread" of kingship. There was only one Patriarchal line from the first god-man Adam to the last king Zedekiah. This thread was often frayed but never broken.

However, one portion of the royal line is not discussed in the Genesis narrative. The omitted rulers belong to the period between Narmer (Nimrod), founder of the Egyptian Old Kingdom, and Inyotef, founder of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. Twisting the later line of Adam together with the earlier one allowed the Genesis author to skip over Old Kingdom pharaohs.

The fall from grace of Nimrod's line began with pharaoh Djoser of the Egyptian 3rd Dynasty. The root Dj in Egyptian signifies "serpent" or "backbone of Osiris." The root oser (of Dj-oser) also relates to Osiris, which was written as Asar or Ser in Egyptian. The name Dj-oser would then connote "serpent lord" or "spine of Osiris." Through a uniting of Egyptian and Sumerian records with Biblical records, we can raise our consciousness of this serpent king.
In the Sumerian king-list, Pharaoh Djoser corresponds to Gilgamesh. Immortality of the gods was denied him, however through identification with Osiris his wish was symbolically granted. Another Mesopotamian name of Djoser is King Labasher.

In Egypt, the "dragon-king" Djoser was not happy and blessed. During his reign the Nile did not overflow its banks for seven straight years. In desperation, Djoser turned to a man of princely birth, Imhotep, in whom it was said resided the spirit of Thoth. Like his role model Thoth, Imhotep was also called "son of Ptah," god of the waters. In the form of Khnum, Ptah was thought to control the annual floodwaters of the Nile. Imhotep directed Djoser to seek the help of Khnum. However, he also advised him to reinstate the "throne of Re." In addition to the honorary title, "son of Ptah," the base of a statue names Imhotep as the "High Priest of Heliopolis" (Biblical On), the holy city of Re the sun god.

In the 3rd Dynasty, it was not Thoth, but Imhotep who expressed the will of Re. Imhotep officiated not only as high priest, but also as a lector (oratory) priest within the cult of Re. In addition to "son of Ptah" and "High Priest of Re," Imhotep was also renowned as an architect, stargazer, wise man, healer and teacher in the tradition of Thoth. Djoser counted on Imhotep for everything. Imhotep even kept track of the king's wealth. In fact, "Treasurer of the King" was listed as the first of his official titles.

The correct date for the reign of Djoser is not earlier than 1450 BC. However, recent carbon dating of the Giza Pyramids place their construction between 2700 and 2500 BC. This means that the Old Kingdom pharaohs did not in any way build the Giza Pyramids, and they did not claim to have done so. Most if not all of the larger pyramids, including the Step Pyramid of Djoser, would also have been built in the time of the gods.

In the third dynasty, Djoser and Imhotep restored the Step Pyramid. Snofru, the first pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, restored as many as four pyramids.

The name of the next pharaoh was Khnum-khuefui, "Khnum is Protecting Me", or Khufu for short. He is thought to have been a son of Snofru by the daughter of Huni. A good annual flood obviously did return after the 7th year; however the general trend toward desertification in Africa continued. Khufu must have felt betrayed by his namesake, because in his reign the temples were closed.

In the drought years of the Egyptian New Kingdom, the pharaoh Amenhotep IV would also reject his namesake god in favor of Re (Aten). He changed his name to Akhen-aten, and shortly after the death of his predecessor Amenhotep III he closed the temples of Amun and other gods.

The suppression of Ptah/Khnum in Khufu's time would have been equally unpopular. Unlike Djoser and Snofru, Khufu did not seem to have a genuine concern for the welfare of Egyptians. Khufu (Greek Cheops) was not remembered as the builder of the Great Pyramid, but as a hated oppressor. Likewise, Akhenaten was not hailed as a reformer, but libeled as "The Heretic."

Djedefre, a co-regent of Khufu who likely predeceased him, was the first pharaoh to assume the title, "Son of Re."
From the time of Djedefre, Re superseded Ptah and Atum as "Father of the Gods." In Egypt, the self-begotten god Ptah who had saved them from certain destruction became a shelved and forgotten dod.

The radical theology of Khufu and Djedefre was further refined by pharaoh Khafre who succeeded them. In retrospect, the rise of the cult of Re after a period of "exile" can only be seen as inevitable. There would have been some discontent among the populous in Egypt with the renewed status of Re as Supreme God. It may have even been made an issue in dynastic power struggles.

Pharaoh Khafre (Chephron) claimed the 2nd Giza Pyramid for his mortuary complex. His successor, Menkaure followed by taking the third and smallest Giza Pyramid. Menkaure is most noted for authorizing the reopening of Egyptian temples.

Egypt was a land of extremes, and lent itself to extremes in religion. The jealous veneration of Ptah was displaced by an even more zealous "monotheism." Egypt once again became the all-encompassing realm of Re. Any tolerance of 4th Dynasty pharaoh Menkaure was eschewed by the time of pharaoh Unas in the 6th Dynasty.

The names of the 5th Dynasty pharaohs who preceded Unas are easily shown to be variations of the names of contemporary rulers in Mesopotamia (2nd Dynasty of Kish). The equivalence between the 5th Dynasty Egypt and 2nd Dynasty Kish is even more obvious than that of 3rd Dynasty pharaohs, e.g., pharaoh Dj-oser in Egypt and king Lab-asher of Sumer.

Old Kingdom Egypt reached the pyramidion of its greatness by the end of the 5th Dynasty. The collapse of the Old Kingdom was due to a rupture in the royal family. The feud began during the long reign of Mesilim (Djedkare) who was the final ruler of the 2nd Dynasty of Kish. While Mesilim was alive, the rival princes Ur-Nanshe of Lagash and Ush of Umma accepted terms of peace, and a "standing stone" was placed as a boundary between their respective inheritances.

The third pharaoh of the 6th Dynasty, Pepi, called his pyramid Mn-nefer." E-annatum, third king of the Lagash Dynasty in Mesopotamia re-enforced the boundary with Umma and allowed the king of Umma to cultivate the border region in exchange for payment. This seems to have amounted to a socially acceptable form of tribute, as E-annatum (Pepi I) was clearly the dominant king of Mesopotamian and even extended his claims to Elam (proto-Persia) during this time period. He also called himself the King of Kish, which traditionally signified rule over all of Sumer.

For most of his 50-year reign, the co-regent of E-annatum (Pepi I) was En-annatum, who corresponds to Pepi II in Egypt. Upon the death of E-annatum, En-annatum in turn appointed Entemena as his co-regent, who corresponds to Menenre in Egypt. In Mesopotamia, Entemena (Menenre) defeated the rival king of Umma and became ruler of both Lagash and Umma. Pepi I is presently thought by Egyptologists to have been succeeded first by Menenre and then by Pepi II. A synthesis with the Mesopotamian history indicates that Menenre was indeed appointed as pharaoh upon the death of Pepi I but only as co-regent. He then died before Pepi II. Technically, Pepi II did not succeed Menenre, but was forced to name a new co-regent to replace Menenre.

It was at this time that Ur-Zababa and Urukagina were both attacked and defeated by the angry Lugalzaggesi of Umma. He destroyed Kish and also sacked Lagash and spoiled her temples. It was at least a convenient justification for another rival prince to begin plotting the overthrow of the usurper. While Lugalzaggesi was away, the capital was seized by an interloper named Sargon. When the unsuspecting Lugalzaggesi returned, Sargon overwhelmed his personal forces and led him away in a collar to be harangued by royalty and commoners alike.

The assumed name Sar-gon (Sharru-ken) connotes "ruler of righteousness/ knowledge/judgment." In Egyptian terms, Sargon was claiming to be the "true Horus," the rightful heir to kingship. In identification, Sargon recorded that he also had been placed in a reed basket as an infant and hidden by his mother in the river. In the same inscription, Sargon states that he did not know his natural father. It can be inferred that he did not know him personally, because his father was of a collateral and rival royal line. His father and his father's kinsmen were certainly not unknown. Sargon named his "adoptive" or legal father as "Akki, drawer of water," that is, a royal steward in charge of irrigation works.

Sargon does not name his own mother, but simply refers to her as a "changeling." This word can be translated as "high priestess." However, the title has a deeper meaning that connects to the nature of Sargon's birth and character. Although Sargon was not raised by his real father, he was not necessarily born out of wedlock.

In the tradition of the ancient royal court, a "barren" wife could discretely consort with one or more close male relatives in order to produce an heir for her husband. The mother of Sargon was compelled to "change" sexual partners. As a result, she was venerated by Sargon as an Inanna (Isis-Ishtar) figure. Inanna became the patron goddess of Sargon and his dynasty. So much so that the dynasty of Sargon was called the "Dynasty of Ishtar."

The adjective changeling could be interpreted as "possessing a unique or unusual physical trait." There was probably "something different" about this woman. Alternatively, changeling may suggest "agent or proponent of change." Inanna/Ishtar was the goddess of impudence, rebellion, change and innovation. Sargon was a "son of Ishtar" who "rebelled" against his master. He would bring sweeping changes to the Middle East and to kingship. He also changed the capital from Lagash and Kish to a new city called Agade. The temple of Ishtar was the most prominent one of Agade.

In the modest account of his origins, Sargon tells us that his legal guardian Akki appointed him as "gardener." Sargon somehow caught the eye and favor of his majesty Ur-Zababa, King of Kish. Ur-Zababa duly appointed Sargon to be his personal "drawer of water," that is the Royal Cupbearer. With the mention of his royal title in the Sumerian king-list, the "rags to riches" autobiography of Sargon ceases to hold water. Sargon was a bona fide prince from birth.

Akki, the father of Sargon, was likely an elder brother or male relative of the king. In Akkadian (and later Hebrew), the name Aki or Akki would have connoted "brotherly or brother of." In fact, difficulty in producing an heir may have spoiled Akki's own bid to be king. Instead, he had to content himself with the role of tanist, i.e., the "twin" or "double" or the king. By the time Sargon was born, a younger prince had already fathered a son and thereby "stole the birthright."

This is another indication that the biological father of Sargon was not among the princes of Lagash, but of Umma. It would have been a factor against Sargon as a young prince. However, the mixed lineage worked to his advantage later in life when he assumed the role of unifier. As a scion of two rival houses, Sargon was better able to build a coalition.

Putting two and two together, Akki the adoptive father of Sargon, that is, ensi Aki, must have also been known as ensi Urukagina, the designated heir or tanist of Ur-Zababa of Kish.

In Egypt, Sargon assumed the name of Inyotef . On the other hand, the Akkadian rulers of Mesopotamia recalled a king named Tudiya as their great ancestor. The name Inyotef is generally not translated by Egyptologists. Inyotef is easily recognizable as an Egyptian transliteration of the Akkadian name Tudiya. These roots are also equivalent to the name of Sargon at Lagash, Ningirsu-kiag, Tudiya is therefore an epithet of Sargon/Ningirsu-kiag and the source of his Egyptian name Inyotef. In Egypt, the father of Inyotef is not known. Instead, Inyotef is singularly distinguished as the son of the high-ranking princess Ikui.

After humbling Lugal-zaggesi, Sargon and a younger son named Rimush recaptured Lagash and the other leading cities of Sumer. Rimush was first made ensi of Lagash. When he was appointed as co-regent of Sargon in Mesopotamia, his "older brother" Manishtushu-Irba (Ur-Bau) was possibly then designated as his tanist and given the title ensi of Lagash.

Manishtushu assumed the pharaonic name Montuhotep (I). He was indeed the first one of Sargon's dynasty to become a pharaoh. He appointed his son as his co-regent, and also gave him the Egyptian name of Montuhotep (II). It was the second Montuhotep who consolidated both Upper and Lower Egypt, after which he appended a new epithet to his throne name, "Uniter of the Two Lands."

Although he was remembered for having united Egypt, Montuhotep II caused division back in Mesopotamia. The story is preserved in Judges 3:15-31, where Montuhotep II is called Ehud, meaning "Uniter."

After conquering Egypt, Montuhotep II declared his independence from Mesopotamia and burned his bridges behind him. His uncle Rimush (Montuhotep A) was in his younger days a mighty champion and military hero. In the Judges account, Rimush (Ri-mu) is called Eglon, the king of Moab, which in those days referred to the "Father-Land" of Mesopotamia, and not the Trans-Jordan. On a trip back home, Ehud presented his tribute to Eglon and then thrust a dagger through Eglon's belly! After killing Eglon (Rimush), Ehud (Montuhotep II) quickly fled to Canaan, where he had the protection of his own army and a secure kingdom.

A Mesopotamian record speaks obliquely of Rimush, referring to him as the one "whom his servants killed with their tablets." The particular servant who killed him turns out to be the son of Manishtushu. However, it also suggests a larger conspiracy against Rimush who was not succeeded by a true son. Rather, a younger brother Naram-Sin was elevated to the greater throne in Mesopotamia. Naram-Sin may not have acted in concert with the son of Ur-Bau, but he was the beneficiary.

Naram-Sin was then able to turn his attention to Ur-Bau (Manishtushu) and his rebel son. After disposing of Manishtushu (Montuhotep I), Naram-Sin became pharaoh in Egypt under the name of Inyotef (I). Inyotef had also been the Egyptian name of Sargon. Naram-Sin was overthrown suddenly by a horde of mountain men from the north.

The Guti, as these people were called, did not descend upon Naram-Sin from the Zagros Mountains on their own accord. They were marshaled there by Gudea, a younger brother or half-brother of Naram-Sin. Gudea was a pure blooded royal. He was a younger son of Sargon and the son-in-law of the murdered Ur-Bau. The Guti tribe had earlier been subdued by Sargon (who was himself repeating the exploit of Nimrod). From that time forward, the kings of the Sargon Dynasty ruled over the Guti.

The death of Montuhotep I (Ur-Bau) and/or Montuhotep II was avenged by his son-in-law Gudea. At least this would have been one justification for the coup. Once in power in Mesopotamia, Gudea also usurped the Egyptian name of his vanquished predecessor. He is known today as Inyotef II.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 15, 2011 10:28 pm

This is a “summary” of the supposed “main cast of characters” in what appears to an ancient rivalry between “two dynasties”. Where “facts” end and “allegories” begin is a good question.

“Israelite history” is the history of the Lower Egyptian pharaonic line while “Judean history” is the history of the Upper Egyptian pharaonic line

It is also about who are the legitimate descendants of the Grail legends. Who are King Jesus and Queen Mary Magdalene? It seems that European royalty want to lay claim to this bloodline. Why?

I would assume that Asenath (Astoreth/Neith) was a “Grail Maiden” as well as Tara (Mari). Certainly Miriam, the wife of Moses (Akhenaten) would also be a Grail Maiden as well as Nefertiti and Princess Scota.

Joseph had one daughter by Leah named Dinah who supposedly married a Cananite prince Shechem. They had a daughter named Asenath whom Joseph later married.

The same story is mirrored with David and Tamar. David also had only one daughter, Tamar (by Maachah), who was raped by Amnon, her half-brother. Absalom, Amnon's half-brother and Tamar's full-brother, waited two years then avenged his sister by sending his servants to kill Amnon. David later marries Tamar.

All these names mirror each other. For instance Joseph’s wife in Hebrew is Leah; in Egypt there is a royal consort called Tia. Tamar is perhaps Mari as well as Sarah.

I think it is the Armana Dynasty from which the Grail tradition springs.

There is nothing that says the following in as accurate picture; Laurence Gardner is backing his “favorites” as is everyone else.

I suspect that Tolkein got it right and the Grail tradition has nothing whatsoever to do with hereditary rulers but with righteous spiritual leaders who serve the people and the land; otherwise, they are replaced by someone more worthy. The "most righteous" male (king) joins the "most righteous" female (queen), and only then are the land and the people healed or the energies balanced or harmonized.

The Moses and Miriam Family Tree
Tuya (Asenath) [48] Poti-pherah, priest of Ra (=Zelekha) married Yuya the Vizier (Joseph; "Father of the Lord")


1) Tiye
2) Aye (Kheperkheprure) Priest and Pharaoh ("Father of God") Anen (Priest of Ra)

Tuya and Yuya have the same genealogies as Thutmose IV. Little is known of them, other than the fact that Tuya (aka Asenath) is a "priestess of Neith.

Neith was a goddess of war and of hunting and had as her symbol, two crossed arrows over a shield. Her symbol also identified the city of Sais.

Sais is said to be the location of the grave of Osiris. Neith, as the protector of Sais, was associated by the Greeks with their war god, Athena. These same Greeks also claimed that Athena had built Sais before the Deluge that supposedly destroyed Athens and Atlantis. This "deluge", however, was probably not the Great Flood. The post-Sais deluge was more likely associated with the Santorini explosion c. 1600 BCE.]

As the personification of the concept of the primordial waters of creation in the Ogdoad theology, Neith had no gender. As mother of Ra, she was sometimes described as the "Great Cow who gave birth to Ra".

Alternatively, she was viewed as the mother of Sobek, the crocodile." [This makes sense in that the Sobek generations that derived from Sobeknefru led to Poti-pherah (a Priest of Ra) and Tuya's father.]

According to Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (page 184), Tuya (Touiou) held the distinction of 'Asenath' (i.e., "she belongs to Neith"). "By way of her mother (Zelekha), she is reckoned to have perhaps been a grand daughter of Tuthmosis III while through her father she was descended from Igrath (daughter to Esau and Mahalath), the mother of Queen Sobeknefru."

Yuya was, in addition to being a Vizier, also a Joseph ("Father of the Lord"), where "Joseph" is actually a title, or job description. Thus it might be assumed that Yuya's heritage would be primarily from the Seth line. However, there is also some indication of his being a descendant of Ham (Chem-Zarathustra), or even the Hyksos Delta Kings. This would suggest intermarriages between the two lines during the 400 year hiatus of the Israelites in Egypt (and during which the records of which did not apparently survive).

The one things that is now becoming clear is that the Israelites in Egypt were not slaves, but were royalty and treated like royalty, until the extreme excesses of Akhenaten (Moses) and to a less extent, Smenkhkare (Aaron), and Aye (Kheperkheprure) [the latter the son of Tuya and Yuya].

According to Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (pages 183-184), the name, Yuya, was phonetically akin to variants of Yahweh or Jehovah. "The vizier had become personally known as Yuya, and his grandson, Pharaoh Akhenaten, later developed the 'One God' concept in Egypt."

Yuya was in fact "the principal minister" for Tuthmosis IV and his son, Amenhotep III. "His tomb was discovered in 1905, along with that of his wife, Tuya (the Asenath). It is also clear that "Yuya was not only the viceroy and primary state official, but was also the father of a pharaoh.

"Yuya's family was very influential, holding inherited land in the Egyptian delta, and he was a powerful military leader. Anen, the elder son of Yuya and Tuya, also rose to high office under Amenhotep III as Chancellor of Lower Egypt, High Priest of Heliopolis, but it was his youngest son, Aye, who held the special distinction 'Father of the God' and became pharaoh in 1352 BC as did other descendants of Yusuf-Yuya, including the now famous Tutankhamen."

"We are into the realm of the original covenant of kingship made with Isaac. His son Esau may have sold his birthright to his younger twin brother Jacob-Israel (whose descendants became kings of Judah), but now we discover that, through Tuya and Yuya, descendants of Esau did indeed become pharaohs of Egypt. These particular pharaohs have become known as the 'Amarna Kings': they were Akhenaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamen and Aye, who ruled consecutively c. 1367 - 1348 BC." [It turned out, this same chain of pharaohs ruled over the final years of the 18th Dynasty.]

"If the covenant were to be taken literally, it would appear that the selling of the birthright by Esau to Jacob had no effect whatever; it was not until after the Amarna period that the lines of Esau and Jacob were united through marriage, subsequently descending to the Davidic kings of Judah."

Amenhotep III (Nubmaatre) married:

1) Tiye (Tiya), a great queen known as a proponent of monotheism.
2) Ilukhepa, first of several diplomatic brides and daughter of Shuttarna II of Mitanni
3) Tadukhepa, the daughter of his ally Tushratta of Mitanni

Children (by Tiye):

1) Thutmose, who predeceased his father
2) Amenhotep IV, aka Akhenaten, aka Moses
3) Smenkhkare, who briefly succeeded Akhenaten, and who was depicted as a woman
4) Sitamun, elevated to the office of “great royal wife” during Amenhotep’s last decade *
5) Henuttaneb
6) Iset (Isis), also elevated to the office of “great royal wife” *
7) Nebetah

*The lineage of the royal line of Egypt was traced through its women and the religion of Ancient Egypt was interwoven inexorably with the male’s right to rule. It must be stressed that Egypt's theological paradigm, therefore, encouraged a male pharaoh to accept royal women from several different generations as wives to strengthen the chances of his offspring succeeding him.

Hence, Amenhotep III's marriage to his daughter, Sitamun, was somewhat typical, even if Sitamun may have actually been the youngest daughter of Amenhotep III's father Thutmose IV -- thus making her the half-sister of Amenhotep III and not his daughter.

In this case, Sitamun also provided the matriarchal lineage to Nefertiti (the future wife of Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) The immediate offspring of Nefertiti included Merytaten (who married Smenkhkare -- aka Aaron-- and Princess Scota who married Niul of Scythia).

Tiye was descended from Yuya and Tiuyu, whose other children included a future pharaoh: Kheperkheprure Ay, as well as Anen. Importantly, Tiye may have bridged the gap between the Cain and Seth lines, such that her child was a pivotal figure in the ultimate royal lines. If not, her grand daughter, Kiya-tasherit, could definitively bridge the gap.

Meanwhile, Tiye's monotheism was in turn passed onto her son, Akhenaten. The result was a major conflict with tradition and priests.

According to Wikipedia Amenhotep III was the son of Thutmose IV by Mutemwia, a minor wife of Amenhotep's father. She was the first of many such princesses who would enter the pharaoh's household.

Amenhotep III appears to have been crowned while still a child. He married Tiye and she lived twelve years after his death. His lengthy reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and artistic splendor, when Egypt reached the peak of her artistic and international power.

When Amenhotep died, he left behind a country that was at the very height of its power and influence and which commanded immense respect in the international world; however, he also bequeathed an Egypt that was wedded to its traditional political and religious certainties under the Amun priesthood. The resulting upheavals from his son Akhenaten's reforming zeal would shake these old certainties to their very foundations and bring forth the central question of whether a pharaoh was more powerful than the existing domestic order as represented by the Amun priests and their numerous temple estates.

Akhenaten even moved the capital away from the city of Thebes in an effort to break the influence of that powerful temple and assert his own preferred choice of deities, the local deity of Akhenaten ('Horizon of Aten'), at the site known today as Amarna, while suppressing the worship of the Amun deity.

According to Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (pages 79, 87), "Tablets containing Adapa's story were originally discovered, along with the Enuma elish in the Egyptian archives of Pharaoh Amenhotep III." There is also detail found that "a heavenly shem was provided by Enki for the priest-king Atabba when he ascended to meet with the great Anu." These are just more points of evidence that the royal blood line from Adam to this 18th Dynasty pharaoh was still very important.

2. Tiya (Tiye) [49] Tuya (=Yuya) [48] Poti-pherah, priest of Ra (=Zelekha)

According to Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (page 186), when Tuthmosis IV died, his son Amenhotep III "married his infant sister Sitamun (as was the pharonic tradition) so that he could inherit the throne." "Shortly afterwards, in order to have an adult wife as well, Amenhotep also married Tiye, the daughter of [his chief minister] Yusuf-Yuya. It was decreed, however, that no son born to Tiye could inherit the throne.

Tiye had a son, Tuthmosis, and in fact he did not inherit the throne. Based upon the evidence at hand, Tiye concluded that the ban on her sons was for real, and when she became pregnant again, she took precautions. During her pregnancy, she moved to Goshen, where she could reside in her "confinement" among the somewhat more friendly Israelites. There Tiye had her brother's wife, Tey, a daughter of the house of Levi, nurse her son. As far as an outsider could tell, Tey was nursing her own child; Tiye had once again failed to generate a possible heir to the Egyptian throne.

"Tiye's son Amenhotep (born c. 1394 BC) was later educated at Heliopolis by the Egyptian priests of Ra and in his teenage years he went to live at Thebes. By that time, his mother had become more influential than the senior queen, Sitamun, who had never borne a son and heir to the pharaoh, only a daughter who was called Nefertiti." [In fact, Tey may have been Nefertiti's mother as well!]

"Pharaoh Amenhotep III then suffered a period of ill-health and, because there was no direct male heir to the royal house, young Amenhotep married his half-sister Nefertiti in order to rule as co-regent during this difficult time. When their father died, he succeeded as Amenhotep IV by virtue of his marriage to Nefertiti. Were it not for this marriage, the eighteenth dynasty would have expired at their father's death."

Not surprisingly, Tiye probably had a great deal of influence over Amenhotep IV soon to be renamed Akhenaten (Egyptian) and known to the Israelites as Moses.
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) Moses married:

1) Nefertiti (daughter of Amenhotep III and Sitamun or Kheperkheprure Aye and Tey)
2) Kiya (Mery-khiba) (Mery-amom) Miriam (daughter of Amenhotep III)
3) Zipporah -- who later marries Jethro, Lord High Priest of Midian. (Jethro is descended from Reuel, son of Esau and Bashemath)

Children by Nefertiti:

Merytaten (Great Royal Wife late in his reign; married Smenkhkare)
Ankhesenpaaten, later Queen of Tutankhamen

[All three of these daughters may also have been Akhenaten’s consorts.]

1) Neferneferuaten Tasherit
2) Neferneferure
3) Setepenre
4) Children by Kiya (Miriam):
5) Smenkhkare (However, Smenkhkare may have been Aye’s son)
6)Tutankhaten (Tutankhamun) (Nebkheperture)
7) Kiya-tasherit

Children by Zipporah

1) Gershom
2) Eliezer

Both Merytaten and Ankhesenpaaten apparently had children – Merytaten-ta-sherit and Ankhesenpaaten-ta-sherit, respectively. Merytaten and Smenkhkare (aka Aaron, Zadok and Pharaoh) created a line of descent that included Princess Scota, who married Niul of Scythia.

Note also that Smenkhkare’s father Kheperkheprure (Aye) was brother to Tiye, and that both were of the royal lineage.

Meanwhile, Smenkhkare, Akhenaten's successor and/or co-ruler for the last years of his reign, is sometimes described as being a half-brother or a son to Akhenaten. However, we will assume that Smenkhkare was the son of Tey (Jochelbed) [the Senior Queen of Kheperkheprure (Aye)] and the feeding mother to Akhenaten (Moses) and Nefertiti. [One might not think that a “feeding mother’ would be all that important but the need for royal blood nourishing upcoming royalty is absolutely paramount.

Twelve years after the death of Amenhotep III, Tiye is still mentioned in inscriptions as Queen and beloved of the King. It has been suggested that Akhenaten and his mother acted as consorts to each other until her death. This would have been considered incest, even in ancient times. Supporters of this theory (notably Immanuel Velikovsky) consider Akhenaten to be the historical model of the legendary King Oedipus of Thebes (the Greek city; not the Egyptian?) and Tiye the model for his mother/wife Jocasta.

Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten / Moses) was the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, who is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten although there are doubts as to how successful he was at this. He was born to Amenhotep III and his Chief Queen Tiye and was their younger son. Akhenaten was not originally designated as the successor to the throne until the lack of any other alternatives. Amenhotep III and his wife, Sitamun had failed to produce a male heir. According to Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings (page 189):

"Because of his part-Israelite upbringing, Amenhotep IV could not accept the Egyptian deities and their myriad idols, so he developed the notion of Aten, an omnipotent god with no image, who was represented by a solar disc with downward rays. Aten was not the sun god, however, for the Egyptian sun god was Ra. The name 'Aten' was the equivalent of the Hebrew Adon -- a title borrowed from the Phoenician and meaning 'Lord'." "At the same time, Amenhotep changed his name to Akhenaten and closed all the temples of the Egyptian gods, making himself very unpopular, particularly with the priests of Ra and with those of the former national deity, Amun."

After his death and the restoration of traditional religious practice, Akhenaten and his immediate successors were ignored and excised from history by later rulers.

Following Akhenaten's death, a comprehensive political, religious and artistic reformation returned Egyptian life to the norms it had followed previously during his father's reign. Much of the art and building infrastructure created during Akhenaten's reign was defaced or destroyed in the period immediately following his death.

Early on in his reign, Akhenaten fell out with the king of Mitanni, Tushratta, who had been courting favor with his father against the Hittites. Tushratta complains in numerous letters that Akhenaten had sent him gold plated statues rather than statues made of solid gold; the statues formed part of the bride price which Tushratta received for letting his daughter Tadukhepa be married to Amenhotep III and then Akhenaten.

While Akhenaten was certainly not a close friend of Tushratta, he was evidently concerned at the expanding power of the Hittite Empire under its powerful ruler Suppiluliuma I. A successful Hittite attack on Mitanni and its ruler Tushratta would have disrupted the entire international balance of power in the Ancient Middle East at a time when Egypt had made peace with Mitanni; this would cause some of Egypt's vassals to switch their allegiances to the Hittites, as time would prove.

If Smenkhkare outlived Akhenaten, and became sole Pharaoh, he likely ruled Egypt for less than a year. The next successor was Neferneferuaten, a female Pharaoh (possibly Nefertiti, or Meki-taten), who reigned in Egypt for about 2 years. She was, in turn, probably succeeded by Tutankhamen (later, Tutankhamen), with the country being administered by the chief vizier, and future Pharaoh, Kheperkheprure (Aye).

The fact that Akhenaten, Neferneferuaten, Smenkhkare, Tutankhamen, and Aye were all excised from the official lists of Pharaohs, would tend to support the also well-established tradition that Chief (or Grand) Vizier’s attainment of their goals does not always lead to a lasting legacy.

Admittedly, the excision may also have been due in part to the fact that Horemheb, the last Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty (1319 to late 1292 BCE), wanted to delete all trace of Atenism and the pharaohs associated with it from the historical record. Akhenaten's name never appeared on any of the king lists compiled by later Pharaohs and it was not until the late 19th century that his identity was re-discovered and surviving traces of his reign were unearthed
On the other hand, Horemheb was probably childless and he appointed his Vizier Paramesse as his successor... the latter who would assume the throne as Ramesses I.

At the sudden reversal of fortunes of the 18th Dynasty and with Akhenaten gone, the Aten cult he had founded gradually fell out of favor. Tutankhamen changed his name to Tutankhamen in Year 2 of his reign (1332 BC) and abandoned the city of Akhenaten, which eventually fell into ruin. His successors Aye and Horemheb disassembled temples Akhenaten had built, including the temple at Thebes, using them as a source of easily available building materials and decorations for their own temples.

The relationship between Amenhotep IV and the priests of Amun-Re took a decidedly negative turn in Year 5 of his reign, when Amenhotep IV took decisive steps to establish the Aten as the exclusive, monotheistic god of Egypt: the pharaoh "disbanded the priesthoods of all the other gods and diverted the income from these [other] cults to support the Aten.

Akhenaten's status as a religious revolutionary has led to much speculation. The idea of Akhenaten as the pioneer of a monotheistic religion that later became Judaism has been considered by various scholars.

One of the first to mention this was Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, in his book Moses and Monotheism. Freud argued that Moses had been an Atenist priest forced to leave Egypt with his followers after Akhenaten's death. Freud argued that Akhenaten was striving to promote monotheism, something that the biblical Moses was able to achieve. Following his book, the concept entered popular consciousness and serious research. [Laurence Gardner has, for example, simply equated Akhenaten and Moses. The latter makes the most sense.]

Ultimately, Moses / Akhenaten / Amenhotep IV was exiled and fled to the land of Midian, east of the Sinai penisula. Nefertiti apparently died shortly thereafter. Moses, meanwhile, married Zipporah, the daughter of Lord Jethro, and she bore him two sons. Moses made arrangements to return to Egypt and retrieve the Israelites, who had recently been placed in bondage by the new authorities. However, by the time Moses was ready to head home, a whole new regime had begun in Egypt: the 19th dynasty, whose founding pharaoh was Ramses I.

According to Laurence Gardner (Genesis of the Grail Kings), “When the Israelites made their exodus from Egypt, their spiritual leader was not Moses, but Miriam -- a queen and high priestess of the pharonic succession.”

The following departs somewhat from line of descent we’ve been following. It is shown here in brief format in order to complete the line of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt pharaohs and the manner in which they led to the 19th Dynasty of Egypt. The new pharaohs were (in order):

1 - Smenkhkare (Akenkhares) (1361 BC) -- probably (with Moses)
2 - Possibly Neferneferuaten, a female Pharaoh (possibly Nefertiti, or Meki-taten)
3 - Tutankhamen (Tutankhamen) (Nebkheperure) (1361-1352 BC)
4 - Aye (Amunpthis) (1352-1348 BC) Kheperkheprure (brother of Tiye)
5 - Horemheb (Meryamun) (1348-1335 BC) (Commoner, Army commander-in-chief)

Someone who was not a pharaoh, but who was absolutely essential to the continuation of the royal lines is Kiya-tasherit, the daughter of Moses and Miriam (aka Akhenaten and Mery-amon). She marries Rama (Aram/Arni), the descendant of Hezron and Kanita, and her departure from Egypt is contemporaneous with the end of the 18th dynasty of Egypt. Then came Ramses I (and the 19th dynasty of Egypt).


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 15, 2011 11:26 pm

The Bloodline of the Dragon ... ourt02.htm
When the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was reconstituted by King Sigismund in 1408 as the Societas Draconis, it was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition which Sigismund assumed that he had inherited from his presumed Egyptian and Scythian ancestors through the Pictish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbria and the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the Imperial Dukes of Angiers.

This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks.

The genealogy of the House of Drakul, Dracula or Basarrab is well known and widely documented. Descending from Attila the Hun, this family was established in Central Europe by the sons of Ghengis Khan. No bloodline with which the House of Basarrab was associated or allied in marriage at that time had any affiliation with any extraction that was remotely related with the dynasties of Egypt.

It is obvious, therefore, that Draculea or Dracula must have been claiming an apostolic succession, a spiritual priestly lineage deferring to the Egyptian Dragon Court of Sobekh Nefru through Sigismund’s assumed descent from Melusine. Her ancestry actually can be traced back to the Scythian Dragon Princess Scota, Queen Sobekh Nefru and the Egyptian Cult of the Dragon.

Undoubtedly Dracula assumed erroneously that he had received this ancient mystical honour during his investiture into Sigismund’s Societas Draconis, and by virtue of Sigismund’s supposed descent from Melusine and the ancient Angevin House of Vere. In his own right, Dracula can claim no relationship to any early Angevins, nor to the later second Anjou House of Plantagenet, except via an eight link marital bridge which has no alliances that relate him by blood to Anjou.

Sigismund assumed a personal entitlement to this legacy in 1397, the date upon which he sought to reconstitute Princess Melusine’s Dragon Court - as Societas Draconis - in a manner that he deemed the most suitable to enhance his power base and establish his royal claims. Following its subsequent formal inception in 1408, the Court recruited members from a number of prominent royal and noble houses. Historians have noted that these were not particularly known for their religious orthodoxy, including the later House of Vere in England, as one authority on Sigismund’s Dragon Court has asserted.

Today, however, the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court itself exists as a closed fraternity, a collective of individuals, comprising those who, unlike Sigismund, can trace their ancestry and affiliations back to the ancient, pre-Christian Elven, Grail and Dragon families via Anjou. The Court retains the traditional three tier degree system that Sigismund borrowed and to which he appended three separate representations of the alchemical Ouroboros emblem for the distinct ranks of the Court. A fourth emblem, configured in the form of the Egyptian Ankh or Albigensian Cross, was used by the family officers of the Inner Temple.

The tripartite system was peculiar to the Scythians and Celts, whose Druids incorporated a similar structure within their orders and colleges. It later found expression within the Cathar fraternity of Languedoc and also with the Witches.
Sobeknefru ... urt11a.htm
She was married to Amenemhet IV, who was possibly also her brother and on his death she became ruler of Egypt. Like Amenemhet IV there are very little records of her reign now remaining. Statues of her were found in the Faiyum and she added to the Labyrinth of Amenemhet III.

Sobeknefru had a very brief reign of 4 years (she may have actually been co-regent with Amenemhet IV), she has been identified with a pyramid near Dahshur (with similar problems about truly identifying the pyramid with her as with identifying Amenemhet IV and his pyramid).

One of the few, and possibly the first confirmed female pharaoh of Egypt, who's name means "Beautiful of the God Sobek." Sobeknefru was the wife and possible half sister, of Amenemhet IV ("Amun is at the Head") who had ruled Egypt for only 8 or 9 years following the successful 45 year reign of his father, Amenemhet III. Upon Amenemhet IV's death Sobeknefru assumed the throne for a reign of less then 4 years before her death. It’s currently debated whether or not she was Amenemhet III's wife, a rival or a regent for an infant son.

Because fewer of her monuments survive she is less commonly known as say Hatshepsut, King Tut or Ramses the Great. This is not surprising as her monuments were mainly in the less well preserved sites of the Fayum and Lower Egypt. The importance of the Fayum in this dynasty, especially economically, had been greatly increased since much of the land had been reclaimed from the marshes for cultivation by Senwosret II, who was a pharaoh earlier in the dynasty. With her dynasty being so closely linked to the Fayum it is not at all surprising that Sobeknefru herself possibly gained her basis of power from there.

Her name also appears in conjunction with Shedty which could link her with being involved in the creation of a religious center in Fayum called Shedet. Shedet was a cult that worshiped the crocodile god Sobek, so it is possible that the priests of this old local deity backed her bid for the throne. This could also explain her break with tradition by assuming a crocodile name as a pharaoh for the first time. In either event, her tomb and mummy has not been found; however, there are remnants of a pyramid near Dahshur that could be hers. If that is true that would indicate the possibility that later in her rule she left the Fayum for the traditional capitals of Memphis and/or Heliopolis where Sobeknefru actually maintained her capital throughout her reign is unknown.

As stated previously, physical evidence from her reign is limited however. She is mentioned in Manetho's text, in the Turin Canon, the Karnak, Turin and Sakkara king lists but not noted in the canon from Abydos temple wall. Additionally, inscriptions at the second cataract in Nubia, a cylinder seal with her names, a headless statue fragment that has breasts with a male kilt over a female shift and the nemes head found at the site Tell el Dab'a (Avaris) and now at the Louvre Museum.

Texts associating her with her father have also survived. She completed her father’s mortuary temple, the Labyrinth of Amenemhet III, where her name appears many times (of her husband, Amenemhat IV there is nothing). Thus far there is no complete depiction of her has in any form. However, there is an intact depiction of a female pharaoh with an unusual crown and wearing a Hebsed cloak at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Some think that it could be her based solely on the style of the statue.

While it’s possible there were other female pharaohs prior to Sobeknefru, she is the first of whom we have concrete proof that she reigned; her reign (3 years, 10 months and 24 days) was recorded in the Turin King list. Her reign was the last in the 12th dynasty, all in all, a very prosperous period.
Princess Scota ... scota.html
In 1955, archaeologist Dr. Sean O’Riordan of Trinity College, Dublin, made an interesting discovery during an excavation of the Mound of Hostages at Tara, site of ancient kingship of Ireland. Bronze Age skeletal remains were found of what has been argued to be a young prince, still wearing a rare necklace of faience beads, made from a paste of minerals and plant extracts that had been fired.

The skeleton was carbon dated to around 1350 BC. In 1956, J. F. Stone and L. C. Thomas reported that the faience beads were Egyptian: “In fact, when they were compared with Egyptian faience beads, they were found to be not only of identical manufacture but also of matching design.

The famous boy-king Tutankhamun was entombed around the same time as the Tara skeleton and the priceless golden collar around his mummy’s neck was inlayed with matching conical, blue-green faience beads”. An almost identical necklace was found in a Bronze Age burial mound at north Molton, Devon.

Lorraine Evans in her compelling book, Kingdom of the Ark, reveals archaeological connections between Egypt and Ireland. Evans argues that the connections between the two distant lands were plausible and there is archaeological evidence to support the theory. In 1937 in North Ferriby, Yorkshire, the remains of an ancient boat were discovered. While thought to be a Viking longship at first, continued excavation produced additional ships, wrecked in a storm. Further investigation showed that the boats were much older than Viking ships and were of a type found in the Mediterranean. It was concluded that these boats originated from 2000 years before the Viking age and were radiocarbon dated to around 1400 to 1350 BC. Evans then makes connections to argue that these boats could originate from Egypt, as the timeframe fits the dating of the faience beads.

While investigating the origins of the people of Scotland in the Bower manuscript, the Scotichronicon, she discovers the story of Scota, the Egyptian princess and daughter of a pharaoh who fled from Egypt with her husband Gaythelos with a large following of people who arrive in a fleet of ships. They settled in Scotland for a while amongst the natives, until they were forced to leave and landed in Ireland, where they formed the Scotti, and their kings became the high kings of Ireland. In later centuries, they returned to Scotland, defeating the Picts, and giving Scotland its name.

Evans then posits the questions: Was the Tara necklace a gift from the Egyptians to a local chieftain after their arrival? Or was the Tara prince actually Egyptian himself? According to Bower’s manuscript, Scota’s descendants were the high kings of Ireland. In her quest to discover the true identity of ‘Scota,’ as it was not an Egyptian name, she finds within Bower’s manuscript that Scota’s father is actually named as being Achencres, a Greek version of an Egyptian name.

In the work of Manetho, an Egyptian priest, Evans discovers the translation of the name—the pharaoh Achencres was none other than Akhenaten, who reigned in the correct timeframe of 1350 BC. Evans believes that Scota was Meritaten, eldest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. The third eldest daughter, Ankhesenpaaten, married her half-brother, King Tutankhamun, son of Akhenaten and his secondary wife, Kiya.

The controversial religious shift to the god Aten caused conflict with the Amun priesthood, who reasserted their authority after Akhenaten’s reign ended and he disappeared from history. This conflict and the rumored deaths by plague would have been sufficient motivation for the pharaoh’s eldest daughter to accept a foreign prince in marriage, rather than being Tut’s wife as would have been normal protocol, and to flee from the conflicted country.

What happens to Scota and her people? For this, we must return again to the myths of the people inhabiting Ireland at the time, the Tuatha de Danaan, the magical children of the Goddess Danu: “It was they who originally established the site of Tara, in the Boyne river valley, as the ritual inauguration and burial place of the ancient kings of Ireland. They were generally regarded as the gods and goddesses of the Celtic tribes, but it is believed that their true origins date far back into prehistory”.

Could the de Danaan even perhaps have been the descendants of the lost land of Atlantis, migrants to Ireland after its final destruction, estimated by Edgar Cayce to have been around 10,000 BC? Cayce states in various psychic readings that the Atlanteans migrated to parts of the Yucatan and later into North America to merge with the existing native Mound Builders in the Ohio region. As Tara is also a sacred mound site, could there be a connection? It is an interesting speculation, and if the ‘Sons of Mil’ were indeed Egyptians, there is another connection to mound-building cultures, as sacred burial mounds were the origins for the pyramid structures that followed in the evolution of pyramid building in Egypt. Could there have been a common tie to these two cultures, united once more upon the Hill of Tara? Perhaps that, too, could explain part of the ancient symbolic meaning of the site, a place of sacred union of two cultures with a thread of common identity.

In the Annals of the Four Masters, dating to 1632-36, Scota’s husband is named Eremon, and it is Eremon and Eber who divide the land of Ireland between them, with Eremon in the north and Eber in the south.

What is interesting to me about this version is the similarity between the division of Ireland and the division of Egypt itself. Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt, unified by a central connecting city, Memphis. If we consider the existing myths of Ireland’s legends, it, too, was divided to have a central site of unity, known as Mide, the omphalos of Ireland. Within Mide is where the Hill of Tara is situated, as a site of the High Kingship, representing the unity of the land and all of its people.

Sadly, it is in the battle for Ireland at Slieve Mish, as recorded in the Lebor Gabala, that Scota meets a tragic end and is killed. After her death in this battle, the war continued on at Tailtinn against the three kings of the Tuatha de Danaan, the husbands of the Goddesses Banba, Fodla, and Eriu: MacCuill, MacCeacht, and MacGreine. The sons of Mil, after prolonged battle, conquered the de Danaans and took the seat of Tara.

According to the Bower manuscript, Scota was buried “between Sliab Mis and the sea,” and her grave, Fert Scota, is found in a glen located in Glenscota.

The exact location of Scota’s resting place remains a mystery, much like the particulars of her past, which are slowing being unveiled. As with many myths, a real person lent her persona and identity to the landscape of the land she became a part of, giving Scotland her name, giving the Celts an additional layer to their unique heritage that is unsung and still somewhat new in theory, as the truths of history do their slow unraveling of their yarns.

I know from my own intuitive experiences that more of the story of Scota and the Egyptian connection to the Celts will indeed by revealed. On the Summer Solstice of 2006, I had this dream about Tara and its importance as a sacred site to the healing of our world, of finding unity amongst our current state of chaos.

“While excavating Tara, we are looking for evidence of kingship, an Egyptian connection. I am shown that there are two connections—a tree, as in the Tree of Life. Something else spirals with the tree to connect and to make a third way, a way between the worlds. I am told that as they dig that they will find things that may be in England, but that Ireland and the Hill of Tara will be riddled with pearls.

Pearls of the sea show kingship, sovereignty, the true center of kingship -- a center that rules over all. I am shown two snake-like DNA strands, winding together like vines and these two twisted strands are connected to Tara. Pearls are the birthstone of the month of June, and the rose is also the flower of that month.

The Rose of Tralee comes to mind and its connections to their beauty queen pageant—queenship, the rose. Tara is the site of Queenship, the beautiful center of the rose. I am told more about the beautiful pearls all over Tara, the pearls of the crown, of finding this lost race of kingship once more, which is NOT located in England, I am told. The Goddess stands on Tara, in the center, looking out over Ireland, Scotland, and England, showing me a trinity. She stands on Tara and under it, showing the way between of the above and below, the way between the trinity, with Her in the center, and that She, plus the Land, plus the People, equal the Sacred Three. She tells me that She is the Mother of the boy in my visions, the sacred son who will also be my son one day, and where to find him to bring him home.

The Irish were a race of persecution, persecuted by the English, so I am told that history’s conquerors cannot be our future history’s leaders. Because of the past, no people will follow them. But this is not true of the Irish, for the true leaders of the People unite the three, She says, the People, Her, the Land. She leaves me with the suggestion that the Irish are a mix of three races, not just one of European descent, and this is also important to lead our way into our future to understand our Oneness and our equality, our harmony with the Land, with Her.” ... 285#p51440

Furthermore, this pharaoh's daughter was called Maakhare MuTamhat, while David's daughter was called Maakhah Tamar. His army commander was called Tchoeb while David's was called Joab. And his architect was called Herum Atif, while David's was called Hiram Abif (the masonic hero).

All in all, the evidence constantly points towards the Old Testament being a reliable and highly detailed account of the life and times of the royal court of the Lower Egyptian pharaonic line. The Torah is simply the 'Day Book' from the Egyptian royal court. ... 285#p51441

This investigation had begun several years ago with the publication of my first book Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs, in which I traced the history of the early biblical patriarchs and showed them to have been the Hyksos pharaohs of Egypt. If the truth were known, the biblical Exodus of 'lowly' shepherds out of Egypt was actually the historical exodus of the Hyksos Shepherd Kings out of Egypt. ... 285#p51443
Contrary to orthodox perceptions, King Jesus and Queen Mary Magdalene were the richest couple in Syrio-Judaea. The Romans wanted to impose taxes on Jesus and Mary, an imposition that provoked the Jewish Rebellion. King Jesus fought and lost that war, and so he was crucified, reprieved and sent into exile in Roman England. In those remote lands, King Jesus became known as Atur-tii (the Egyptian) or 'King Arthur and the twelve disciples of the Last Supper Table'.
The biblical Jesus was directly descended from Cleopatra VII, the most famous queen of Egypt. But this is not all, for in piecing this story together it would seem that Jesus also had an aristocratic Roman and royal Persian ancestry too; and it is the latter bloodline element that explains the appearance of Persian Magi at his birth.
The legends of Ireland and Scotland tell a fantastic tale of an Egyptian queen and her Greek husband, who were exiled from Egypt at some point during the second millennium BC. Chased from their homelands, they took to the sea and settled in Spain and then Ireland. It is said that it was from this Queen Scota and King Gaythelos that the modern titles for the Scottish and Gaelic people were derived. ... 285#p51610

The Royal Court of The Dragon was established in Egypt in 2170 B.C. under Ankhfnkhonsu, and more formally by Queen Sobeknefru in 1783 B.C. to provide an institution for the pursuit of the work of the Dragon of Al-Khem otherwise known as Thoth or Hermes. From Al-Khem we have alchemy, the Great Work of the Dragon. The most famous books attributed to him are The Emerald Tablets and The Pymander.

This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks. ... 285#p51643
In her Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker answers this question by saying ‘Daniel’ was a title used to distinguish a group of people, “a person of the Goddess Dana or Diana”. Dana was Jacob’s daughter, his 13th child. Her name means ‘light of An’.

That is exactly the same meaning as the Celtic Tuatha De’ Danann (‘Children of the Goddess Diana’). In Irish history, the mystical Tuatha De’ Danann, are described as heaven-sent ‘gods, and not gods’. They are compared with the Sanskrit deva (shining one, god) and adeva (Devil), which became daeva (devil) in Persian. The Old English divell (devil) can be traced to the Roman derivative divus, divi: gods. As we have seen, divas also links with terror.

These connections are important not only for their value in decoding the story of Daniel, but also for another important reason. According to Sir Laurence Gardner, Mary Magdalene, as the Miriam, was the Head Sister of the Order of Dan. Her order appears to be the continuation of the mysterious Tuatha De’ Danann. Mary or Mari’s title ‘Magdalene’ means ‘she of the temple-tower’, a reference to Jerusalem’s temple and its three towers.
The Tuatha de Danann, the people of the Goddess Danu, were one of the great ancient tribes of Ireland. The important manuscript 'The Annals of the Four Masters', records that they ruled Ireland from 1897 B.C. to 1700 B.C.

The arrival of the tribe in Ireland is the stuff of legend. They landed at the Connaught coastline and emerged from a great mist. It is speculated that they burned their boats to ensure that they settled down in their new land. The rulers of Ireland at the time were the Fir Bolg, led by Eochid son of Erc, who was, needless to say, unhappy about the new arrivals.
Jewish prayer also refers to the Rose of Jacob (Shoshanat Yakov) as a symbol for the mystical Israel. The daughter or Rose of Jacob refers to Dinah who is the only daughter and thirteenth child of Jacob.

The 13 petalled Rose was thus the symbol of all Israel and of the Woman of Israel. Dinah was the grandmother of Ephraim and Manesseh. Their mother Asenat (Anath) was the wife of Joseph and the daughter of Dinah and the Prince of Shekhem (Sekhemkhet- bridegroom of Shekhem). Jacob later identified his granddaughter Asenat by the Rose birthmark she bore which was in the shape of the two mems of the Magen David.

The number 13 became associated with Dinah’s grandson Manesseh and one matriarchal clan of the Manessehites was called the Tribe or Daughters of Dinah (Dana). They were later confused with the Tribe of Dan due to their intermarriage with some of the Danites in Greece. Joseph and Asenat’s daughter Antkaes married Unas Meriyibre Khety and their daughter was called Khentkaes Iput. Khentkaes Iput’s sister was the Beautiful White Rose (Sheshet/Sesheshet Neferu) the mother of Teti I.

The Rose dynasty goes back to the wife of the original founder of the city of Shushan. Shushana (Susan) the original Rose was the wife of Elam founder of Shushan and from her daughter Yiskah Bat Shoshana (wife of Madai) descended the direct Matriarchal line. Yiskah was a prophetess who gazed into the mysteries of the Divine Rose. She studied in the academy of her grandfather Shem (died 2194 BC) son of Noah (died 2341 BC) with her grandmother Sedeketelebab in the city named for her grandmother by Shem.

Her sister Ratzonia (Rasueja) Bat Shoshana was the wife of her uncle Arpachshad son of Shem. Sedeketelebab means ‘righteousness of the Heart’ and this was the spiritual religion of Noah and Shem based on Divine Mercy (Khesed) and obedience to the Divine Will (Ratzon) as taught by Enoch. The names of Shem’s family reveal the ancient Enochian religion.

The two shins also represent the Kingdom of the Divine Will which is the Rose Kingdom. In this Rose Kingdom is the Rose Garden and Rose Tower or Castle where dwells the Rose Queen called Shekhinah and Shabbat (representing the two shins). This Rose Garden is the mystery of the Rosary. This Kingdom is also the Grail Kingdom with its Grail Castle and the Grail Garden is Gethsemane.

As Prince Dudumose Moses also bore on his battle shield the red Magen David (double dalet) design with the two base lines in a vertical formation. The Star of Miriam on her drum was the white Magen David (double mem) with the base lines horizontal. The Star of Miriam is the modern Magen David on the Israeli flag and was the rose Magen Davids of the Tabernacle and Temple. The red Magen was also called the Magen Abraham based on his title of Dudimu in Egypt. His wife Sarai had the white Rose as her emblem.

This linking of the Magen Avraham and Magen David is found in Zohar Lekh Lekha in the discussion of Abraham and Sarah in Egypt. In a cryptic way this section of the Zohar is discussing the mystery of the magen as the mystery of the righteous male and the righteous female.

It also alludes to the time of Moses and Miriam who are associated with the magen. This is also the mystery of the male and the female represented by the date palm. "He does not flourish except as male and female.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Mon May 16, 2011 7:41 am ... 300#p51645

The three sons of Noah, according to the Bible, were to be responsible for the re-populating of the world after the flood. Though Noah had three sons, it would be Shem through whom the "promised seed of the woman" would be transmitted. Shem was to be the father of the Semitic line of descent, which included the Jews, as well as Syrians and Arameans, among others.
The Two Lines of Shem

Shem & His Sons - Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, and Aram ... 3E%3C/u%3E
Elam - son of Shem - Elamites

The first of Shem's sons listed is Elam. Elam is the forerunner of the Elamites. The Elamites are recurrent throughout Scripture, and many monuments attest to their prominence in the region. Genesis 14 describes a confederation of Kings that waged war in Canann during the times of Abram. One of the leaders of this alliance was Chedorlaomer, King of Elam.

The Elamites capital city was Susa, or Shushan. This archaic city was located east of Mesopotamia. The Noahic Prophecy of Japheth dwelling in the tents of Shem is fulfilled through the Elamites. They later merged with other peoples, namely the Medes. The Medes were descended from Madai, a son of Japheth. These two peoples joined forces to form the Persian Empire. Thus, the descendants from two of the sons of Noah, Shem and Japheth, joined together to form one of antiquity's most powerful empires.

Asshur - son of Shem - early Assyrians

Asshur was the original founder of the Assyrians, though Nimrod later invaded the area and established his own empire. Thus, the Assyrians were a combination of Semitic and Hamitic characteristics. The natives of Assyria, those living in the area before Nimrod, were racially of Shem. Yet, after the invasion and subsequent settlement by Nimrod and his people, the Assyrians adopted Hamitic culture, language, and religion. Again, two sons of Noah are seen helping to shape and form a nation which would lead to yet another powerful ancient empire, the Assyrian Empire.

Arphaxad - son of Shem - forerunner of the Israelites

Albeit very little is known of Arphaxad, he is one of the most important sons of Shem in regards to the "seed of the woman". God had promised Noah to increase his seed upon the earth, and Shem was that son of Noah through which God would bring forth the Jews and Arabs. Arphaxad, son of Shem, is in the direct line leading to Abraham. Thus, he is an early ancestor of the Israelite people. A region in Assyria known as Arrapachitis may have originated from Arphaxad's name, though this is not known for certain. Though Arphaxad probably had more than one son, only one son is listed, Salah.

A possible, and indeed the most probable, explanation for this would be that it was from Arphaxad to Salah that the "seed of the woman" was transmitted to the next generation. Likewise, only one son of Salah is mentioned, Eber.

Eber, like his father before him, was chosen to carry the "seed of the woman" through to the next generation. Genesis 10:25-30 depicts the descendants of Arphaxad through Joktan. Thirteen sons of Joktan are listed in these verses. It is believed that all thirteen settled in Arabia.

Ophir and Sheba are both undeniably sited in Arabia, the former linked with a region known for its gold, the latter associated with the Sabeans. Genesis 11:10-26 lists the descendants of Arphaxad through Peleg. Peleg is more known for the event that took place immediately preceding his birth, the division of the earth. There is a chance that the Pelasgians are derived from Peleg, but this seems to be the only people ascribed to him.

In all, twenty three verses in Scripture are dedicated to Arphaxad and his descendants. This is more than any other of the sons of Noah and their descendants. Obviously, there was something very special and important about Arphaxad, even though he is the least known about of Shem's sons.

It was in the days of Eber, leading up to the birth of Peleg, that the incident with the Tower of Babel took place. This is the division Scripture is talking about in relation to Peleg.
Lud - son of Shem - Lydians

Very little is ever mentioned of Lud, the fourth son of Shem listed. Josephus attributes the Lydians of Asia Minor to Lud.

Aram - son of Shem - the Arameans (same as Syrians)

It is interesting that four children of Aram are mentioned in this passage, even though three of Shem's sons have nothing listed under their names.

Aram's children are Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. Though little is known of these four, two passages in Scripture shed lighton one of Aram's sons, Uz.
There are many biblical references that indicate that Japheth is the older brother of Shem; but it seems important that Jewish sources trace the bloodline from Arpachshad through “the sons of Eber” to Abraham.

Sons of Noah – Shem and Japheth
Genesis 10:21 NIV:
Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was Japheth; Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber.

Genesis 10:21 ASV:
And unto Shem, the father of all the children of Eber, the elder brother of Japheth, to him also were children born.

Genesis 10:21 BBE
And Shem, the older brother of Japheth, the father of the children of Eber, had other sons in addition.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 21, 2011 6:53 pm

"The SERPENT and the EYE"

Another key lecture given at the San Marino conference in March was that by Vittorio di Cesare, one of Italy's top archaeologists. He started with an account of the Dead Sea Community at Qumrn and the discovery in 1947 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, hidden by members of the community in caves in an attempt to preserve their history and teachings for future generations.

Di Cesare then turned his attention to one scroll in particular. Known to Hebrew scholars as the Testament of AMRAM, it was written around 200 BC. He said it concerned two strange beings that appeared to Amram, the father of MOSES. One was unnamed (although in my translation of the fragmentary text he is identified as MICHAEL or Melchizedek), while the other was BELIAL, the teacher of the Children of Darkness.

Amram is asked to choose between the two, who represent, respectively, the truth and the lie. This was a concept that came originally from the Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism.

It entered the Jewish religion at the time of the Babylonian captivity following the conquest of Babylon in the mid sixth-century BC by the Persians under Cyrus the Great. Yet it was the appearance of Belial that di Cesare focused on. The being is said to have been dark with a VIPER-like face and "blazing eyes". SERPENTS, he said, are universally associated with the principles of knowledge and wisdom.

Di Cesare showed next a slide of one of the SNAKE-headed clay figurines found with frequency by Sir Leonard Woolley alongside burials excavated during the 1920s at sites in Lower Iraq. Many, for instance, were found in cemeteries at UR, the former great city identified by scholars as the biblical "Ur of the Chaldees".

Since the level at which these figurines was found corresponded to the time period in which Iraq was inhabited by the so-called Ubaid peoples, who came originally from the ZAGROS mountains of Kurdistan, it meant that they dated to c. 3500 BC (although di Cesare spoke of them as dating to 6500 BC). Di Cesare said that mystery surrounded the purpose of the statues, which showed males, females and females holding babies. He suggested that they were buried in order to protect the souls of the dead and to prevent the deceased from becoming victims of Vampires, a common belief among the peoples of ancient Iraq.

Di Cesare saw the Ubaid statues as representations of the same SERPENT-like figure featured in the Testament of Amram. He went on to propose that these beings were an actual RACE that lived in the Near East in prehistoric times and were responsible for providing the knowledge of civilization. All these matters are dealt with in great detail within my own books FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS (1996) and GODS OF EDEN (1998).

As you can imagine, I sensed what only can be described as a slight case of deja-vu the same feeling I experienced when reading Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas book URIEL'S MACHINE.

I listened carefully as di Cesare turned his attentions to the significance played by the abstract EYE goddess statues found at a temple site called Tel Brak in northern Syria. These, he said, were yet another link to the SERPENT cult. Yet he failed to note that the veneration of the EYE in the Near East derived from its associations with the vulture, the ultimate symbol of the Neolithic cult of the dead, which went hand-in-hand with
SERPENTINE symbolism.

Di Cesare then showed slides of other "guardian" statues from Palestine, Syria and even Italy that bore a resemblance to the Ubaid figurines, suggesting that these were likewise connected with the same tradition. This is a matter I also deal with in FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS, published in Italy in 1997 under the title GLI ULTIMI DEI ("The Last Gods") by Sperling and Kupfer.

In here I point out that the beak-like faces of these statues, some of which have cobra hoods (and are thus representations of ASTARTE, the Canaanite form of EVE, the SERPENT mother of the Nephilim), derive from the earlier association between SERPENTS and abstract vulture symbolism. Di Cesare went on to show a slide which featured a group of Mesopotamian figurines that he said were Anunnaki, the Sumerian pantheon of lesser gods. Like me, he too identified these beings with the strange figures featured in the Testament of Amram and the Ubaid SERPENT-faced figurines.

The only topic he subsequently covered which is not in FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS was the possible link between the SERPENT-like "GUARDIANS of knowledge, as he referred to them, and the phallic standing stones found at many Canaanite and Phoenician sites in Syria and Lebanon (and generally considered to be symbols of the goddess Asherah). He concluded his lecture by saying that we have here evidence of a widespread cult which revered an ancient race, connected with the symbol of "The SERPENT and the EYE" and thought to be the givers of ancient knowledge and wisdom.

As soon as Vittorio di Cesare came off stage I asked him if he was aware of my own work on the same subject. From his reaction, this seemed not to be the case. So I offered to send him Italian translations of both works as quickly as possible (he has acknowledged receipt of them). Vittorio tells me that he is preparing a book on the subject to be entitled GODS OF FIRE.

I have offered an introduction and wait intriguingly for new developments in this area. I am left with the prospect that one of Italy's most eminent archaeologists has independently confirmed the existence of a previously unrecognised race connected with serpentine symbolism and the spread of ancient knowledge.

As you will know, this shamanic ruling elite is to be associated with the Watchers of Enochian/Dead Sea literature (and through them the angels of Judeo-Christian tradition), the Ubaid statues of Lower Iraq, the EYE goddesses of ancient Syria and the Anunnaki of Mesopotamian myth and legend.

We must not forget, however, that some of these ideas, especially the human origin of the Watchers of Eden and the Anunnaki, were explored originally by Christian O'Brien in his landmark book GENIUS OF THE FEW, first published in 1985. Yet I believe I was the first writer to identify the Watchers as a shamanic ruling elite that controlled the spread of the Neolithic revolution and paved the way for the foundations of ancient world civilisation.

Check out my web site which now includes an in depth article on the history and development of the Watchers of Eden. So until next time, Ciao for now.

Side Note :

SERPENTS IN THE GNOSTIC TEXTS: There are three powers: the High God, who is most powerful; ELohim, the male God and co-creator with his female partner; and EDEM/Eden, the goddess associated with the Earth, half maiden and half Serpent, who creates the cosmos with Elohim.

The Garden of Eden ("Edem")

Ancient Hebrew religious texts refer to the SERPENT of the Garden of Eden as Nachash", which many Hebrew scholars contend was a bipedal or hominid reptile of great intelligence.

We are still interested in the collaborative work with Ethiopic ancient SACRED GEOMETRY and have some really interesting first hand facts that Ea (the Anunnaki for whom Earth was named) was called EL; his parents were An and Annu. Enki and Enlil were sons of Ea or An.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 21, 2011 6:59 pm

Samash, Shem, Shemsu Hor - what's is a Shem?

Shem - son of Noah
Genesis 10:21 begins the list of the descendants of Shem. Of the three sons of Noah, Shem knew that "the seed of the woman" would be carried through his descendants, and it was up to him and his line to transmit and carry the knowledge of God through the generations.
Starfire and the Anunnaki ... ar_10b.htm
Genesis tells us that the transgression was that Jehovah had punished the people who had said, “let us build a city and a tower so the top may reach the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves less we be scattered abroad”. What the text actually used was a different word, and the word it used was "Shem", from which comes Sumer.

Let us make a Shem less we be scattered abroad, and there we suddenly discover that the word Shem was translated to another name and there is a reason for that because it has a bearing on the word name. Shem came from the word Shaman which means heaven. It derives from a root word Shema which means "that which is highward"; the Shem was a monument, a highward monument.

The core name of the word was Shemana which meant the highward fire stone. Ana is translated in Sumerian into a "Bright Shinning Metal". So Shemama, a highward fire stone, is a high bright shinning metal. Shem always meant shinning when it was applied to people or metallic things; otherwise it meant highward. It meant something in a high state, something that gleamed, something that was powerful.

The Shemsu Hor ... 928e0a4b16
Most humans devolved into being merely hunter-gatherers. In order to “jump-start” a new civilization, an amazing race of beings appeared on Earth. Known as the “Shemsu Hor,” (meaning disciples of Horus) noted Egyptologists such as the late Schwaller de Lubicz (1891- 1951) found that pre-dynastic Egypt had no evolutionary development, but rather received its civilization intact from elsewhere. Ancient texts have revealed that these great civilizers were the Shemsu Hor, some of whose skeletons have been discovered at Saqquara, in Egypt. The Shemsu Hor were a fair haired, blue eyed race and taller than the indigenous Egyptians.

Curiously, their skulls possessed an astonishing physical characteristic: unlike conventional human skulls, the front and rear halves of the Shemsu Hor skulls did not knit together. In consequence, as the brain grew during infancy, the rear half of the skull was forced backwards. This pronounced deformation caused the skin to become very taut, thereby giving the Shemsu Hor the facial appearance of a serpent! Very significantly, the deformed Shemsu Hor skulls have been found in regions of the world where ancient structures were constructed with massive stone blocks, e.g. the Giza Plateau, the pyramids of Central America and the Hal Saflini Hypogeum in Malta.

The term “Shem” is of Akkadian derivation, being derived from the Babylonian term “shamash,” meaning “serpent,” Akkadia being the former name of Kurdistan. It is also in these particular regions that Mother Goddess figurines have been found who bear the facial features of a serpent. Interestingly, the Dead Sea scroll entitled “The Testament of Amran,” bears the phrase “… his face was that of a viper.”

According to my own research, the Shemsu Hor descended upon a mountain (almost certainly Mount Hermon) during the global flood and later became known as the Annana, Annanage, Annunakki or Nephilim. According to Sumerian texts, they resided upon the upper slopes of the mountain for many years at a valley they called “Edin,” where they taught various skills to a group of humans known as the “Watchers.” After the floodwaters receded, the Shemsu Hor migrated to Mesopotamia, where they introduced agriculture and other skills to the native hunter/gatherers.

The magnificent civilizing era of the Shemsu Hor in Egypt appears to have ended circa 2250 BCE when a necrophilic priesthood known as the Royal Order of the Dragon became the overlords of the Egyptian populace. From that time on, the Egypt of antiquity lost the technology necessary for constructing buildings incorporating massive stone blocks.

At approximately the same time period that the era of the Shemsu Hor ended in Egypt, the Olmec people of Central America were still primitive jungle farmers until, according to Mesoamerican history, the Olmecs were visited by a tall white-skinned individual possessing fair hair, blue eyes, a white beard and an incredibly elongated head—a perfect description of a Shemsu Hor.

In a remarkably short time period, the Olmecs developed a very sophisticated culture and skills which enabled them to construct the first pyramids in Mesoamerica. With the knowledge imparted them by this mysterious stranger whom they revered, the Olmecs constructed a fortress incorporating cyclopean stone blocks at La Venta. Near the site, American archaeologist Mathew Stirling discovered a large rock sculpture bearing the image of a Shemsu Hor, replete with elongated head and sporting a long beard (full-blooded Mesoamericans were unable to grow beards). The Olmec empire mysteriously collapsed circa 100 BCE, some of the Olmecs relocating to Belize and the Yucatan Peninsula to become known as the Maya, while other Olmecs travelled west to Central Mexico, where they founded the Toltec Empire. The elongated skulls of the Shemsu Hor have been discovered in both of these areas.

The Shemsu Hor not only introduced a new civilization to Egypt, Malta, Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica, they also left us clues that they had an in-depth knowledge of the universal scalar gravitational standing wave and its importance in the cosmological scheme of things, for in addition to offsetting the entrance of the Great Pyramid, the dimensions of its Grand Gallery, King’s Chamber and so-called sarcophagus, are resonant with the geometry of the universal scalar wave, as are the magnificent Gothic cathedrals of Europe.

The latter were designed by initiates of a Mystery School known as the Fraters Solomonis, who not only designed the cathedral interiors to be resonant cavities, but also encoded into the church architecture numerology, alchemy and astrology. By studying the sacred geometry encoded in the architecture of the world’s major pyramids, it becomes self-evident that the profound legacy bequeathed us by the amazing Shemsu Hor is that in order to endure, humanity must establish a civilization whose cultural and technological foundations incorporate a cosmology which is in attunement with the universal logarithmic scalar gravitational standing wave.

Some New Age writers and lecturers have stated that according to the ancient prophecy, the world will end cataclysmically on December 21st in the year 2012. This is a total fallacy—it will not be the end of the human race. The Mayan Long Count Calendar and its so-called doomsday prophecy actually originated with the Olmec peoples, not the Maya, using the advanced astronomical knowledge bestowed to them by their Shemsu Hor civilizers. The calendar is even more accurate than the one we commonly use today!

There were two other Mesoamerican calendars which, when used in conjunction with the Long Count Calendar, reveal not only the Shemsu Hor knowledge of planetary precession but also a means for accurately forecasting celestial events spanning millions of years.
The Followers of Horus ... /Sphinx02/
It was at Heliopolis that the "Shemsu Hor" - "The Followers of Horus" - kept the knowledge of the ancient Egyptian astronomical religion alive for thousands of years. This ancient priesthood, some believe, had lived in Heliopolis for thousands of years before even the beginning of the historic period in Egypt. There they carefully guided the local population, teaching them the arts of astronomy, mathematics, agriculture, and especially architecture, in order to ensure that the ancient astronomical knowledge would continue. The end result of their efforts were what we now know as the pyramids and Sphinx - hieroglyphics in the form of architecture, the ancient astronomical knowledge frozen in stone.

There is significant evidence to support this theory that ancient Egyptian civilization did not evolve, but appeared in completed form at its inception. As John Anthony West explains,

Every aspect of Egyptian knowledge seems to have been complete at the very beginning. The sciences, artistic and architectural techniques and the hieroglyphic system show virtually no signs of a period of 'development'; indeed, many of the achievements of the earliest dynasties were never surpassed or even equaled later on. This astonishing fact is readily admitted by orthodox Egyptologists, but the magnitude of the mystery it poses is skillfully understated, while its many implications go unmentioned.

One primary source of information regarding the ancient history of Egypt, the "Turin Papyrus", contains a chronology of the predynastic period in Egypt. What is strange about this list is the mention of the reigns of ten Neteru, or "gods", who reigned for hundreds of years each, for a total of 23,200 years. After this comes a list dedicated to the Shemsu Hor, the Followers of Horus, who reigned a total of 13,400 years. The papyrus then goes on to list the historical kings, those that are commonly accepted as real by mainline archaeology.

Another primary source for Egyptian history, Manetho's History of Egypt, was written in the third century B.C. Manetho, the high priest of Heliopolis at that time, wrote History of Egypt in order to preserve the fast-disappearing Egyptian traditions and culture. Later commentators tell us that it had been divided into three volumes: I. The Gods, II. The Demigods, and III. The Spirits of the Dead and the Mortal Kings. Though the third volume has been used by Egyptologists as the standard reference for the 31 dynasties of Egypt, for some reason the first two volumes have been relegated to the realm of myth and legend.

However, that is not how the ancient Egyptians viewed the Neteru and their descendants, the Shemsu Hor. These beings were believed to be actual historical personages, who formed a formidable prehistory of which we know little. As Graham Hancock explains in The Message of the Sphinx, "the 'Followers of Horus' may not have been 'kings' in the usual sense of the word, but rather as immensely powerful and enlightened individuals - high initiates who were carefully selected by an elite academy that established itself at the sacred site of Heliopolis-Giza thousands of years before history began."
Malta: The Skulls of the Mother Goddess
In the megalithic temple of Hal Saflienti, in Malta, men with extraordinary cranial volume were buried. These skulls seem to belong to a strange human stock and if properly analyzed, could create an ideal link between the ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures and a race of sacerdotal men identified with the snake.

Together, we followed the traces of an ancient story that originated from the presence of megalithic temples dedicated to the Mother Goddess on the island, a thaumaturgic figure, adored in pre-historical times of this island that was to become an important cult center.

Books written by the two Maltese doctors illustrate a collection of skulls that show peculiar abnormalities and/or pathologies. Sometimes inexistent cranial knitting lines, abnormally developed temporal partitions, drilled and swollen occiputs as following recovered traumas, but above all, a strange, lengthened skull, bigger and more peculiar than the others, lacking of the median knitting. The similitude with other similar skulls, from Egypt to South America, the particular deformity, unique in the panorama of medical pathology referred to such distant times, (we are talking about approximately 3000 BC) could be an exceptional discovery. Was that skull a result ancient genetic mutation between different races that lived on that island?

The skulls were all found in the Hal Saflienti hypogeum, where a sacred well was dedicated to the Mother Goddess. The cranium showed a very pronounced dolichocephalous, in other words, a lengthened posterior part of the skullcap, besides the lack of median knitting, technically named "sagitta". It is a characteristic that emphasizes the anomaly of this finding with the result of producing a natural lengthening of the cranium in the occipital area (not due to bandaging or boards as used in pre-Colombian civilizations).

Malta and Gozo were very important centers since pre-historic times, places where "medical cures" were conducted, oracles and ritual encounters with the priests of the goddess. There, on both the islands, existed many sanctuaries and thaumaturgic centers, where priests surrounded the healing goddess, direct expression of her divinity.

It is well known that, in antiquity, the serpent was associated to the goddess and to healing capacities. The snake also belongs to the subterranean world. Therefore, a hypogeum dedicated to the goddess and the water cult was the right place for a sacerdotal group that was defined, in all the most ancient cultures, as the "serpent priests".

Perhaps the skulls found in the hypogeum and examined during our visit to Malta, belonged indeed to these priests. The long head and drawn features must have given a serpent-like appearance, stretching the eyes and skin. Lacking the lower part of the exhibit, we can only speculate, but the hypothesis can't be far from reality, a reality worsened by the fact that such deformities certainly created walking problems, forcing him to slither! The lack of the cranium's median knitting and therefore, the impossibility of the brain's consistent, radial expansion in the skullcap, did so that it developed in the occipital zone of the cerebellum, deforming the cranium that looked like a single cap from the frontal and occipital area. This must have certainly caused the man terrible agony since infancy, but probably enhanced visions that were considered as being proof of a bond with the goddess.

Even the other skulls we examined presented strange anomalies. Some were more natural and harmonic than the cranium that mostly gained our attention, but they still presented a pronounced natural dolichocephalous and we could assume, without fear of refutation, that it is distinctive of an actual race, different to the native populations of Malta and Gozo.

Meanwhile, it's worth the while to emphasize that one of these skulls showed unequivocal signs of surgical intervention in the occipital area. The outlines of three small holes, made in the occipital bone called inion, had time to cicatrize, therefore the patient survived the operation although such intervention surely would have undermined his motor faculties. But there is more. A fair part of the 7000 skeletons dug out of the Hal Saflienti hypogeum and examined by Themistocles Zammit in 1921, present artificially performed deformations.

A skeleton of the group that was unburied by the archeologist, Brochtorff Circle, shows clear signs of intentional deformation through bondage. These deformations occurred for various reasons: initiations, matrimonies, solar rituals or punishments for social crimes or transgressions. All the tribal apparatus of incisions, perforations, partial or total removals, cauterizations, abrasions, insertions of extraneous bodies in muscles, like the modification of bodies for magical, medical or cosmetic purposes, were part of cruel practices in such, but "with best intentions" for the community.

Why such persistence in tormenting one's own body? Was there any connection between the tribal rituals and the men of the lengthened cranium? Could it be possible that, as in other cultures, successive populations tended to deform their infant's heads in order to make them similar to this race of "serpent priests"?

In Malta, all this was practiced by a mysterious populace that erected gigantic temples to the Mother Goddess between 4100 and 2500 B.C. The presence of these skulls might be that of the last exponents of the most ancient sacerdotal caste that built the megalithic temples and, never having blended with the local populations, had continued reproducing through the millenniums within familiar unions (as was the usual practice among the elite) and consequently impoverished its genetic patrimony until inevitable pathologies manifested, finally disappearing.

The skulls we examined are dated 2500 B.C. (but may be even older) a date in which Malta's megalithic history ends, initiating a period of historical darkness and absence of population that will last about 300 years, until the arrival of the Phoenicians. These will begin to make Malta their Mediterranean outpost. The Phoenicians will also erect temples to the Mother Goddess in Malta, calling her Astarte, the snake-faced Goddess. Again we find the representation of a Goddess who is associated with the snake and healing powers, almost as if the Phoenicians wanted to continue an interrupted tradition. But it's the date of 2500 B.C. that presents a fundamental key of interpretation for understanding who these long-headed individuals were and to use it we must move from Malta to nearby Egypt.

Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971), the famous Egyptologist, author of "Archaic Egypt", who excavated at Saqqara in the 30's, indeed discovered the remains of individuals who lived in pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull, larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt but had performed an important sacerdotal and governmental role in this country. This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the "disciples of Horus".

The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos. It's interesting to note that Emery writes:

"Towards the end of the IV millennium B.C. the people known as the Disciples of Horus appear as a highly dominant aristocracy that governed entire Egypt. The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the pre-dynastic tombs, in the northern part of Higher Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with bigger skulls and builds than the native population, with so much difference to exclude any hypothetical common racial strain. The fusion of the two races must have come about in ages that concurred, more or less, with the unification of the two Egyptian Kingdoms".

Therefore, what occurred in Malta is also reflected in Egypt. It's noticeable that in Lower Egypt, the pharaoh's symbol is a bee named "Bit". It isn't coincidental that Malta's ancient name is "Melita", which derives from the Latin word for honey. Malta's symbol was also a bee and its hexagonal cells. Melita has its origin in "Mel" or "Mer" that in Ancient Egypt was the name attributed to the pyramids.

Besides, the English term, "honey" is strictly related to the original name of Helliopolis, which is "ON". It is an interesting correlation that in Egypt, the Shemsu Hor guaranteed the respect of a solar religion and even today in Malta the sun is called "Shem-shi".

"Shem" is a word of "accadic" origin, not Egyptian, deriving from the Babylonian term for the sun that is "Shamash". This proves that the Shemsu Hor came from the fertile half-moon area. An umpteenth correlation is the fact that this sacerdotal long-skulled caste disappeared in Egypt, as in Malta in the same period, which is between 3000 and 2500 B.C.

Who is convinced, although, that a third nucleus was present in the Euphrates zone, becoming part of the Arian stock known as Mithans, whom the Egyptians called "Naharin", "Those of the Snake" (from Nahash, snake). The Mithans, who occupied a part of the Kurdistan area, were Abraham's people, whose description is analogous to that of the Shemsu Hor made by Emery (fair hair and robust build). The "serpent priest" tradition originates in the Middle East, with its foremost center right in Kurdistan, where at about 5000 B.C. the matriarchal culture of Jarmo represented the mother goddesses as divinities with faces of vipers and lengthened heads.

These divinities will successively be associated to the "fallen angels" or Nephelim that are most explicitly cited in the "Testament of Amran" in the Qumran scrolls in which is written:

"One of them was of terrifying aspect, like a snake and his mantle was multicolored" and also "his face was that of a viper and he wore all his eyes".

It concerns, in our opinion, not divinities in the strict sense, but individuals in sacerdotal or shaman expression, belonging to a highly developed and profoundly wise culture that had relationships with lesser-organized societies of the period. Its members were considered as "half-gods" for the knowledge they possessed, just like in Egypt with the Shemsu Hor.

Analogous viper-faced statues of mother goddesses are found in the land of the Nile, dating back exactly from the archaic period of the Shemsu Hor. It can be therefore concluded that these serpent-priests were the most ancient race that first occupied the fertile half-moon area (particularly Anatolia and Kurdistan) and Egypt (following migrations dating back 6000-4000 B.C.) until reaching Malta to disappear around 2500 B.C. but this culture survived in the Middle East and probably included one of the most famous and yet mysterious pharaohs of Egypt. It concerns the Mithans and the pharaoh Akhenaton.

The reason why Akhenaton was linked to the Mithans will be the subject of a following article but the way he was portrayed in his statues and bas-reliefs (and with him, the whole royal family) is indeed that of an individual of lengthened head and human face but with serpent-likeness, characteristics found in the pre-dynastic Egyptian stock mentioned by Emery, besides being the exact representation of the features of the Nephelims and probably the long-skulled individuals of Malta.

The craniums of the Amarnian dynasty statues and the Malta craniums result as being practically identical; also proved by the X-rays of Tuthankamon's skull, Akhenaton's son, which showed a dolichocephalous cranium. Substantially, the Maltese craniums are the relics, archeologically still not understood; of a sacerdotal race that, in Egypt and Malta, from archaic ages, survived till 2500 B.C.

It's the group that created the religious and spiritual sub-strata that characterized the greatest civilizations of the Old World, from long ago (600 B.C. or even earlier). This group continued in the Middle East and somehow returned in Egypt around 1351 B.C. giving birth, through the heretic pharaoh Akhenaton, to a religious reform that aimed to restore the ancient order. And if the hypothesis that this pharaoh was linked someway to the figure of Moses is accepted, then the rest is history.

Malta is a platform, an elevation of the sea floor that has showed its want to immerse more than once. Thirty-five pre-historic temples distributed on the two major islands, Malta and Gozo and many others actually submerged by the sea, make one think of a catastrophe that must have happened here around 3000-2500 B.C., something that left its sign.

Some local archeologists, including the already mentioned Dr.Anton Mifsud and Dr.Charles Savona Ventura, consider this cataclysm to be the real cause of the Atlantis legend's birth, the history of which would re-emerge from a number of relics of the island's mysterious megalithic past.

What had determined such an immense catastrophe? Perhaps an earthquake or the subsiding of the calcareous platform on which Malta stands. However, we know from the Leningrad Papyrus, (a hieratic scroll dated 1115 B.C. conserved at the Hermitage museum) an Egyptian document composed around 2000 B.C., dating back to the XII dynasty, that a serpent populace was destroyed by a "star falling from the heavens". Only one survived on an island "destined to be completely submerged". What is this strange fable? Was it the record of a catastrophe that destroyed a particular Mediterranean region?

The myth also connected the serpents to the figures of Mother Goddesses such as Tanit, Innanna, Isis and Eve. They are feminine divinities that carry the baton of a culture to which the snake brings wisdom, medical, scientific and esoteric knowledge. But a doubt arises: couldn't these serpents rather be human beings of strange physical form, perhaps even a handicap? Mythology is full of weird beings that often seem more likely clinical cases than true divinities. For example, Cecrops, the mythical founder and first king of Athens, according to tradition, was born from the soil and his appearance was half human and half serpent.

According to others, he came to Attica from Egypt and built the Acropolis, diffusing the cult of Zeus and Athena. Pythia (or Python) was a priestess of Delphi, taken by Apollo, who pronounced oracles.

Even Saint Paul shipwrecked in the Maltese bay that still bears his name, dealing with a snake that bit his foot. In reality, in the days of Saint Paul, the first century A.D., these animals didn't exist in Malta. This legend may well be interpreted in a different, simpler manner. The serpent was the last priest of the Great Goddess left on the island, whose thaumaturgic power was threatened by that of Paul, obliged to dismantle what was left of the last pagan bastion of the great Healing Goddess.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 21, 2011 9:26 pm

All that glitters is not necessarily white powder gold

The Shem Stone or “Highward Firestone” ... 182#p32718

Capstone, Giza Plateau, and 1/56th
"The (Great Pyramid) capstone was fractally 1/56th the area of the pyramid and that was 1/56th the area of the Nile delta plateau which supported it, and that was 1/56th the area of the continent of Africa, and that was 1/56th the
area of Earth."

But the capstone was not created according to the size of the Earth, but surely just the opposite as the Earth was made in proportion to the size of the capstone. For the Giza capstone was the exact size of the Holy of Holies, for from there, the Spirit of God created ALL THINGS for the capstone of the Great Pyramid is symbolic of the capstone of the whole universe, the stone which the builders rejected …for that stone created the Earth.

But what was the actual size of the golden capstone that was placed atop the Great Pyramid, the initiation chamber to the stars. According to the Great Pyramid Facts and Statistics, the capstone was 103 inches in height, approximately 8.58 feet in height with a base side of 13.5 feet, But this fits nicely into the Holy of Holies which was 15 feet by 15 feet by 15 feet. In other words the Capstone would fit perfectly into the Holy of Holies, for remember the ARK and the King's Sacrophagus or initiation coffin were exactly the same size.

'The Pyramid was a type of replication in ratios of the most sacred of all temples, the Lord's Tabernacle with the Holy of Holies and the ARK of the Covenant within. For without the Spirit or Shem, the Holy of holies would be nothing and the tabernacle nothing, just as the Shemstone of the Great Pyramid was exactly in the middle of the Pyramid, just like the Lord's Spirit or 'Rauch' was exactly in the center of the Holy of Holy Cube.'

The Queen's Chamber 'Shem stone' was situated exactly at the center of the pyramid and was the "heart" of the pyramid and pulsated red light. The Shem-Stone gave the power needed to attack enemy deities when they were flying their Shem's - flying chariots.

So we have a connection between the Lord's Temple and Giza, and so we backtrack to the 1/56th ratio as it was said that the capstone was 1/56th of the total height of the pyramid.

Now we get into the magnification of six by 56 which expands to the Nile Delta Plateau, as the Pyramid base size was 1/56th of the total size of the Nile Delta Plateau.

But then again it says the Plateau is 1/56 the size of the whole of Africa; in fact Africa is 1/56th the size of the whole area of the Earth. So logically speaking such proportions and magnifications just like in the Golden Section Template of Life magnifications, were made by the Creator of the Earth who also created the Universe, because these templates of magnification and proportion exist there as well.

If the capstone is 1, then the Great Pyramid is 56, and the Plateau is 3,136, and Africa is 175,616, and the Earth is 9,834,496 times as large as the capstone standard of 1.

There are seven spirals or a multiple of seven involved in the 56 proportioning; there are seven phi sections in our design that means the magnification spiral has to spiral upwards seven whole times before reaching the capstone. "The path from the optical to the sonics, which drive the "discipline of ecstasy", is exactly SEVEN octaves. This is illustrated classically by the addition of the petals to the spinning neuro-muscular plexi called the chakra. This fluid energetic flow when in complete circuit from cell to lower gland to upper cortex is perceived as sweetness or nectar in the brain."

There again is the seven times magnification that is incorporated into our divine bodies that can escalate at bliss into our capstones. Mathematically it again goes right back to the design of the Great Pyramid or the New Jerusalem which is the Temple of the Bride. She is the virgin Bride of the King of Kings. She is deemed 7, the un-enterable virgin bride that only the bridegroom can enter thru her gates. 360 degrees divided by 7 yielding the side angle of the Pyramidal structure 51.42 degrees.

For 56 divided by 7 gives 8; but if you take a circumference of eight it means the pyramidal sides have to be 2 (2 times four sides equals 8) But that means the base length of 1 gives the height of the pyramid as the square root of phi which brings us back to the apex or the summit of the capstone. 56 can be proven to be part and parcel of the mathematics of the phi designed pyramid structure of Giza, and our divinely created bodies as well. And it must be for this spiraling magnification reason that the proportions outward from the capstone are in a magic ratio of 56 times as large. Giza itself is just a 10,000 times miniature of the New Jerusalem, the ultimate temple of Eternity.

Giza’s 792 foot base is exactly 10,000 times smaller than the New Jerusalem base of 7,920,000 feet base (12,000 furlongs times 660 feet per furlong = 7,920,000 feet) and if you magnify 10,000 times 1000, to expand and make New Jerusalem in proportion to the Earth with this same reasoning like the Creator must have done in His perfect harmony and balance, then it becomes the magic number of 10,000,000 which is so close to the 9,834,496 number we just calculated, using the 56 expansion. So 1000 times 3 expansion and the 56 times 4 expansion might be identical if we got them exactly and precisely right.

For even when we take the square root of 10,000,000 we get 3162, which is so close to the magical 3168 or the squaring of the circle of 792 (72 times 11 which goes right back to the Sacred Name and Number of the Lord of Lords 72. So maybe we are very close to what the Lord has done with His co-relations and Perfect Design of All things including our perfect 'imperfect' Bodies until he makes them be perfect by His Shem, His Spirit.

Esoterically it is also said there are 28 steps to the top of a spiritual pyramid, 28 is 7 times four and maybe 28 steps down making a sine wave of a completed cycle that makes 56, and we are back to His perfection or magnification of 56, so well illustrated by the angelic knowledge used in building the Giza Pyramid. But that's only in my opinion until we find out more and until corrected.
Who made the Sun, Moon, and Earth Distances & Ratios ?
If the Universe and more specifically our Solar System came about randomly and by chance through an undirected chaotic evolutionary "Big Bang" explosion, then there should be no rhyme or reason or ratio's involved in distances, diameters, speeds and times between heavenly bodies. But such is NOT the case. So allow me to prove it, for even though this was common knowledge among the elite secret mystery schools of the past, any searching individual in the present can find out these truths.

So let’s start by realizing the basic relationship between the Earth and its only Moon. We know now that its generalized diameter is 7920 miles, with the Moon’s diameter being 2160 miles. But in the "sacred geometry" known by the ancients, these two distances were added together, 7920 + 2160 gives 10,080 miles. (The center of this distance is the perfect manageable number according to Plato 5040. (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)). 10,080 is 1.272 times greater than 7920 and 1.272 is the square root of - phi - or the square root of the Golden Section , which is the "magical star template'.

The golden section is NOT only the template of design of our own bodies but also the design principle involved in PYRAMIDS and the basic-building block of the Earth and computers, CRYSTALS. There was only One Creator, One Common Designer; that is logic, that’s math, and that’s scientific law.

But its not two numbers but all numbers, all sizes and distances are exactly put in place for divine preciseness. They are for they are interrelated as distance equals time multiplied by speed. And the Key to all their inter-relationships is the “Path of the Beautiful” as the physicists call it and the lines and shapes of Beauty called the "Golden Section".

For the MOON is 216,000 miles away from the Earth, 1/100th of its diameter size and the Moon’s radiant angle in the sky is the same as the Sun’s; it means from our point of view they are equal, even though different in actual sizes. One being is the greater or brighter light and the other being the "lesser light" (Genesis 1). Besides with this design, lunar eclipses are possible, so that when the moon gets between the sun and the Earth, their circumferences match, and the Moon radiates with the Sun’s rays.

For again it is no coincidence that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away from us meaning it takes 500 seconds for light to reach us from there, or light 1000 seconds to reach across our orbital diameter around it. Because light speed is the set standard of the material world for below it, everything in the material world exists. Therefore light has a "sacred speed" and because we have already shown that there are sacred distances, and now a scared speed, then of course time is "sacred" meaning every second of time.

"But seconds are related to speeds are related to distances. Similarly if you have studied Pyramids, especially the Giza or Great Pyramid, you might realize that it also had a radius or height of 500 but this time in feet. Then when you realize that Giza with its golden capstone in place would with this height a base of 792 because of its golden section design, you get right back to the Earth's number of 792 x 10 = 7920.

Why is 792 a scared measurement? Because the Lord’s reed or rod carried by the angel was a furlong, and a furlong was 660 feet or 7920 inches, and when the Lord eventually materializes "New Jerusalem - the Crystal Pyramid Temple" for the Universe, it is 12000 furlongs on its sides (Revelations 21) or (12,000 x 660 feet =) 7,920,000 feet. The common denominator is 792, a very special number for very special reasons and it all points back to the Creator of the Universe. Isn’t the sum total or circumference of 792 = 3168 and wasn’t the Creator born on that exact latitude of 31.68 (Bethleham’s exact latitude) in the exact year He was prophesied to be born. (Daniel 9).
Star of David
In an attempt to show that God's gift of sex is not 'evil' but an integral part of His Design, a consideration and understanding of the "STAR OF DAVID' would be helpful. It's also called the 'Seal of Solomon', and is composed of two equilateral triangles that form a six sided star.)

In simple terms, this great triangle, top to bottom, right to left unfolds the Y, or Yod, or number 10, to Yod-He, to Yod-He-Vau, to Yod-He-Vau-He (YHWH) or Yahweh. In the alphanumeric sacred language of Hebrew, this corresponds to 10+15+21+26 equals the GREAT NUMBER 72.

The upward pointing triangle obviously sexually represents the male element, whereas the downward pointing triangle graphically represents the female. And together when laid on top of each other or in union and intertwined as in the Star of David configuration, they add up to the significant number 72+72+ 1444, or 12 times 12 (tribes), which correlates to the Bride of Christ as mentioned by Jesus in His Revelations.

In Hebrew terms, the completion of the Holy Name follows from Yod, the Father (masculine)… He; the Mother (Holy Spirit - feminine)…Vau; the Son (Jesus - masculine) ... and the final He is the Bride of the Bridegroom (feminine).

So from the very beginning it has been God's plan to both plant and have his righteous seed reproduce to fill not only the Earth but the soon to come New Jerusalem, His Heavenly City. He started with the original couple, Adam and Eve, created on the sixth literal day and from then on they were to follow the 1st physical and spiritual commandment to "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis).

Yet even after the bad seed killed the good seed, Adam and Eve reproduced and did their multiplication math once again creating a righteous seed, until it got established thru maturity and then reproduced again from generation to generation. This was the basis of the ancient riddle, the solution of which answers one of our greatest questions.

The question of sacred geometry was how many people or rabbits would a mature couple produce in time if their ancestry also matured and reproduced? Why, because all nature follows this branching pattern of the Lord in His Creation. The solution looks like this, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 and on and on, which is called the Fibornacci Series. As each new step is an addition of the last two steps, or the next generated generation. Eventually this series fine tunes itself into a multiplication series where ultimately each new number is l.618 times as large as the last one and magically this is the hidden GOLDEN SECTION, or PHI, the esoteric absolute proof that the Lord created all of life whether in the macrocosm or the microcosm. For this proportion of .382+.618= 1, is not only in nature like the trees and in - sections insects, but in our own bodies as well. This is why it was also called the DIVINE proportion.

The square is equal to the circumference of the circle which had a radius of the square root of PHI (square root of 1.618 or 1.272. This correlates with the design of man and with the pyramidal structure of crystals as demonstrated by the Giza pyramid. For the Giza pyramid like crystal quartz has a height of l.272 and a side length of l.618; and the five pointed star incorporates this same proportions, of 1 and 1.618.

So let's now, get back to the Star of David, and see if there is any confirmation in the physical realm, whether in the microcosm or the macrocosm because in sacred geometry size and distance has little value, only the proportion and 'harmony and music of the spheres'. This music, curiously enough, comes from the Egyptian word meaning 'birth' thru the Christian symbol, the FISH, the Vesica Pisces, but that's another geometric story for another time

And with a little time and effort, you find that just as PHI was the link between static and living geometry, the PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT of crystals correlates mechanical and electrical energies together. The Piezo effect is the reversible quality of crystals to go from mechanical energy (sexual squeezing) to electrical energy (lightning - climax). This is the door used by our computers that opens and closes via electrical impulse like the Key of David (Revelations) which can only be opened and closed by the Lord's electricity. With inward pressure, the hexagonal (Star of David) transverse shape of a crystal, contracts the centers of the two triangles causing a difference in their centers producing a spark of electricity.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 8:16 am

Sho, Shu, Shoshu, Shoshan, Shem, Shem Shu Hor

She, Sho, Shu (SS) -- the Double S sound - what does it mean?

Bloodline (cache)
I looked to see what it might have on shuben, shubin arcacdie, arcadi and all combos pretty much of those names; that shubin / shuben SHU BEN name is very curious.

Does it have anything to do with the tribe of Benjamin thru him? I wondered. BEN keeps coming up.

I was looking at and had been looking at the tribe of Benjamin and the tribe of Levi and had been talking about both in this thread. BEN stood out and the next days or so I had found out that the Benjamin tribe was cast out by their own for being tied to the mother, that their tribe was solely into the feminine mother line, the line of the mother as the line to be of note, rather than the patriarchal line of the father that the other tribes had instituted.

This all goes back to the sons of righteousness vs. the sons of the non-righteousness and back to Qumran and to the Essenes and back further to the sons of Belial vs. the sons of Baal.

I’m looking at early Gnostics, Ophites, and the same Gnostic demiurge story. It’s not what people think about snakes. Ophites have a very interesting take on things from the Gnostic point of view. It validates that the kind of thinking and seeing and believing they did shows that they saw and thought on an atomic level, at the level of the molecule.

I have found it all in studying cellular replication that the terms they used such as a TETRAD all shows up in meiosis and spinning of RNA/DNA threads with cellular matings. So they applied what they knew of the heavens with the actual material world.

Like Gnosis at large, the Ophites teach the existence of a Supreme Being, standing infinitely high above the visible world; qualified as purely spiritual, the primal basis of all things; the starting-point of the cosmic process.

His names are, Father of the Universe, First Man, the "Uncreated," the "Unspeakable," the "Unapproachable God." He is self-evolving, and thus becomes the source of all being. The first products of this spontaneous evolution still belong to the purely spiritual spheres.

The Ophitic theology tends to separate this supreme God into an ever-increasing number of separate entities. In the aforesaid Hymn, only the Son is mentioned beside the Father; but a tetrad occurs among the Ophites of Irenaeus and the Naassenes; an entire decad among the Gnostici Barbelo; while the Nag Hammadi writings disclose a countless host of higher beings. The Supreme Being's mode of evolution is set forth, now as a generative, again as a psychologic process; and frequently the two ideas are combined. Some pagan mythology lies obviously at the root of the matter; which accounts also for their syzygial views; for, in part at least, the Ophites aimed to interpret the ancient myths as psychologic processes. Over against the Supreme Being stands chaos, the material principle.

It seems to me, that the mating of ur S and A accounts for another syzygy, another purposeful mating.

"The gift of exchange between these two religions was to lead to a final unification of the Christian God and the Indian God, the chance for unification is lost and the gift is lost."

The writhing snakes on the ground and the hissing SSSS sound is what creates a sinewave. It’s an electromagnetic wave form; orme and onde go together too and signify a wave form, a sinusoidal wave form.

I’ve been playing around with that and the torus and the tesseract. My research goes in weird places and produces more questions and tie-in's; also to iron in the blood, ferrous materials, ignition, fusion and fission within the cell.

Ophites, early Gnostics, which the Cathars and the Knights Templar were into, speak of the matings which cells do with phasing with protoplasm; the matings of heaplotypes, sex cells, gametes, to 'gain ground' and 'cross over' ... so what’s the gift? I went to the Templar discussion forum. I’m tired of all the big secrets. It’s not even secret when it’s all looked into.

When you read deeply into the mating of alleles, its all there, the ability to see (the gift) the ability to "cross over" as does the tretad with meiosis.

The Ophites (also called Ophians or Serpentinians) were members of numerous Gnostic sects in Syria and Egypt about 100 AD. The Ophite sects revered the serpent of Genesis as a symbol of gnosis, which the tyrant Yaldabaoth tried to hide from Adam and Eve. As John 3:14 tells us, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up." The Ophites felt perfectly justified in their position, and Christian heresiologists took particular offense at turning their view of the serpent on its head.

Tetrad (chromosomal formation), a chromosomal formation in meiosis:

Prophase I is done in the S phase of cell cycle, note SSSS phase short for synthesis phase. Phasing is big. It must know about PHASING. Mitosis (Preprophase • Prophase • Prometaphase • Metaphase • Anaphase • Telophase) - it goes into elongated telomeres and their meaning -- longer life, ability to phase shift, ability to cross over, ability for immortality; not quite the “no death” but in that genre. All good stuff can happen with elongated telomeres. It’s talked on this thread. It’s about particle flows and phase shifting.

The cell enters the S stage, when DNA synthesis or replication occurs. At the beginning of the S stage, each chromosome is composed of one coiled DNA double helix molecule, which is called a chromatid. The enzyme DNA helicase splits the DNA double helix down the hydrogen bonds (the middle bonds). DNA polymerase follows, attaching a complementary base pair to the DNA strand, making two new semi-conservative strands. At the end of this stage, each chromosome has two identical DNA double helix molecules, and therefore is composed of two sister chromatids (joined at the centromere). During S phase, the centrosome is also duplicated. These two events are unconnected, but require many of the same factors to progress. The end result is the existence of duplicated genetic material in the cell, which will eventually be divided into two.

Seers saw on this level. Syzygy matings are done to replicate the powers from above to the matter material world below. Spores do this; that’s how they do gamete reproduction.

You know it’s called the "crossing over" or a crossing over....threads all about spider woman and ariadne, ariachne, the mother spider web. The spider is used all the time to signify the mother in Indian culture; they knew all about chromosomal crossover.

This is called the bouquet stage because of the way the telomeres cluster at one end of the nucleus. At this stage the synapsis (pairing/coming together) of homologous chromosomes takes place.

From Greek words meaning "thick threads", contains the following chromosomal crossover. Non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes randomly exchange segments of genetic information over regions of homology. Sex chromosomes, however, are not wholly identical, and only exchange information over a small region of homology. Exchange takes place at sites where recombination nodules (the chiasmata) have formed. The exchange of information between the non-sister chromatids results in a recombination of information; each chromosome has the complete set of information it had before, and there are no gaps formed as a result of the process. Because the chromosomes cannot be distinguished in the synaptonemal complex, the actual act of crossing over is not perceivable through the microscope.

But I’m telling you -- THEY SAW IT and KNEW IT -- the shamans and people who can see on an atomic level. The Gnostics saw this on a molecular level. Everything metaphysical is in the physical.

Lots of people think Dan Winter is nuts but I don’t think so at all; he sees it all. The "EL"- - 'Crossing Over' - THOSE WHO COULD MAKE THE PHASE SHIFT - PASSION in the Reptilian Gene

The original Orion Wars, whose divisions ended up separating Enki from Enlil - Adonai from Yahweh - may have been in part a battle between the Self Aware Machine based cultures versus Glandular Bliss Based Civilization.

He knows all about the Ophites and the Ophanim.

Ophites were a Gnostic sect which evolved during the second century AD and existed for several centuries afterwards. The name, or word, was derived from the Greek ophis, meaning "serpent, and relates to the great reverence which the Ophites had toward the serpent. The members progressed through full-fledged initiation ceremonies that included symbols for purity, life, spirit and fire. The entire system of the sect appears to be a combination of the mysteries of the Egyptian goddess Isis, concepts of oriental mythology, and early Christian doctrine.

According to the theologians Origen, Irenaeus and others, the essence of the Ophitic Doctrine was that the God of the Old Testament was a misanthropic deity from whose power mankind had to be liberated. From this point of view the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a benefactor to mankind when he urged Adam and Eve to revolt against such a God. Therefore, other enemies of Jehovah in the Old Testament became heroes of the sect.

As a mark of reverence for the serpent, it was reported, the snake took part in the sect's communion service. The following was reported by Epiphanius (fourth century Church Father) who called the service abominable. The snake was kept in a chest known as the cista mystica. At the beginning of the service the snake is summoned out. He then rolls among the loaves of bread which are on the table after which they are broken and eaten. Following this each of those present kiss the snake on the mouth for it has been tamed by a spell. They have then fallen down and worshipped the snake as a part of the Eucharist service. They claimed they have sent forth a hymn to the Father, and thus concluded their mysteries. A.G.H. Sources: 9, 52, 61.

Turn it on its side and compare it with the above cellular division picture under the microscope. That’s Origen's diagram.

Origen gives what must have been one of the valuable secrets of this sect, viz. the formula to be addressed by an ascending soul to each of the princes of the hebdomad in order to propitiate him to grant a passage through his dominions. Perhaps the secret would have been more jealously guarded if it were not for the fact that in addition to the use of the formula, it seems to have been necessary to produce a certain symbol at each gate. These would only be in the possession of the initiated, and we may imagine that they were buried with them. He gives the formulae in the inverse order; i.e. first the formula to be used by a soul which has passed through the highest heaven and desires to enter the Ogdoad; next the formula to be used in order to gain admission to the highest heaven, and so on.

The rulers of the world rule in a group of 7 called the hebdomad. It’s very old; the puppet masters rule in a group of 7 -- of the blood don’t you know? Groups of 7 can and do go both ways.

You can look it up and see that the links to all the way back to the birthing of the gods, the unspeakable, the cosmic egg, the genesis of Venus.

I’m trying to link all this up to show the correlations to the bloodlines, the crossing over; the phase shifting literally and figuratively. It’s all about getting thru gates of heaven -- 7 heavens; it’s all old Gnostic stuff; it’s all about crossing over.
There are many components all mentioned in this thread on the bloodlines of the Holy Grail.

Shem, the shem su, the shem shu, -- anything to do with ur SHUBIN, SHU BIN, SHU BEN goes back to the Shemshu Hor or the shem su Hor. The sons of Horus talked about here go back to the shepherd kings. That’s traceable a few different ways. It’s Jesus Christ out of Egypt; they go to Europe through the shepherd kings.

The Sumerian writers described the hard white shining metal of the "Shamana" as the "highward fire stone of the white gold".

There were metals used at the time that were maneuvering the "Master Craftsmen" into a highward state, a high spin state, a state at which the electrons react differently to what they do in the normal metallic state. It’s at that point where we are actually moving the metal into a highward state, or a high spin state. The "Highward Fire Stone", "Fire Stone Ana", "Shem Ana". It is probably a metal of the platinum group. Through sequences of heating and cooling, it has been proved now that one can actually take these metals and cause them to rise and fall hundreds of times their optimum weight and or weight down to less than nothing. We’re moving them then into the "Plane of Sharon".

The Plane of Sharon is a plane of gates. It’s really a term but its old Hebrew. The halls of Amenti are attached allegorically.

You need to be in a high speed spin state, spinning or oscillating to get through the gates. What gates? Apparently the ones held by beings that guard gates that don’t want you getting through. Who are they? I’m not sure but it bet it has something to do with the theocratic style.

It actually charged your glands to make them produce more of these hormones; and what was that made out of? It was made out of metal, it was "Mana", it was "Shemana"; it was "Shew Bread". But, it was made out of gold, and it was made out of Platinum. The Red Gold affects the pineal gland and that the White Gold affects the pituitary gland. By taking substances from both, you will be producing both Meletonin and Serotonin. Serotonin feeds the pineal gland, and produces more Melotonin. So, by taking both of them, you are going to end up taking from the "Plant of Life.”

So you would get through the gates if you could spin right -- to the true home of the gods, the realm of barbelo, and not in octaves or dimensions below; it is hard to get through apparently unless you SPIN IT just right. The imposter gods don’t like competition. You can get through only if you are “of the blood”. Who is of the blood? Just about everybody by now.

Dan Winter is not nuts. The spin goes in both directions depending on which side of the fence you are on; it’s best to just take the biotech info and see the weavings -- the orme/onde wave; crossing over a realm border to get to the higher level points to and through 4-5-6; one would have to bardo jump, navigate without a map. The map must be inside. It might have to be cube, a tesseract or something; be of glandular bliss; have the correct death hygiene; get through the harvest which is now thought of as a trinity. It has 3 ways it describes itself if you are going with that. It’s the holographic synch-whole.

You know it’s called the "crossing over" or a crossing’s all about spider woman and ariadne, ariachne....the mother spider web, the spider. It is called the Agnus Dei or The Lamb of God. It is a symbol used by the Knights Templar and the Moravians.

Have you checked out the thread on the telestai? In this thread they talk about the telestai who were the original shamans who could see backwards and forwards. I think the great writers and poets were of that 'blood.' They told their stories and wrote to make readers think so they could see and think; seeing and thinking holographically.

That’s one reason why the midget mayorite Pepinites of the palaces in old Europe needed to wipe out those long-haired kings (hair=an antenna to the other sides of the veil). You know they killed the males ritualistically and then positioned themselves to marry the females of the line thinking that if they did that they would still have the telestai powers that could operate through their sons as products of their matings with Merovingian females and to manipulate the mothers and the sons to do the bidding of the dark side. I found that the females they often married had come from other tribes that did not have such fervent telestaic powers.

I keep doing that to illustrate the micro to the macro designs of the etheric into matter. They illustrate the original designs seen by the telstai without a microscope, and described by seers who applied them to their "secret works. In those days it was a secret--how cells divided and replicated; they saw the whole holographic picture. Most of the old scientists were of the secret groups and mystery schools.

I have ideas about what the Qumran people were up to. They had plenty of secret documents and plenty of money, all probably from Egypt from Amarna. So it’s been conjectured that the Q priests were hooked up all along with the monotheistic Aknetaten group of believers in a one god.

Robert Feather said that John the Baptist and Jesus were at the Qumran headquarters. He mentions that the huge tons of water used there were exactly like the ones found at Amarna that Aknetaten and his cronies used for rites. That’s the sons of the law or the sons of light vs. the sons of darkness. The line goes all the way back to Aknetaten and Nefertiri and that whole thing with their being outcast for their beliefs; but they had tons of treasure that had to be hidden somewhere when Aknetaten died. The treasure had to be hidden, along with secrets of immortality. The headdresses in the picture show priests standing by and preparing the initiates for a decent exit. Decaying exits were all frowned upon. For Jesus’ sake you must die with a correct death hygiene and spin or you are just like every other uninitiated lowly human.

I’m looking at who David's mother was. Nitzevet has a couple of other names; she’s from the Moab tribe; she was frowned upon by her husband Jesse. I find David is an outcast. Jesse was embarrassed about David and thought he wasn’t his son or that he was illegitimate. She fooled Jesse when he was going to use a slave girl and was impregnated by him again when he didn’t want her; he had questioned the origins of his tribal marriage with a Moab. BTW—David had red hair and was short but mighty. Mary Magdalene had red hair.

Nitzevet was a Moabite; they were known among the nations referred to in the Ancient Egyptian language as Shutu or Shasu" from the Jordan area and probably of Egyptian roots. Some regard "Moab" as an abbreviation of "Immo-ab" -- "his mother is his father." (Imohepet?) It’s the importance of mothers again and their mtDNA. Jesse all along was from a line of originally holy sanhedrin priests which had him questioning his original wife, Nitzevet. He was a direct descendant of Moses, Jacob and Joseph. So we have Egyptian blood cursing in the veins of the Israelites.

So this leads me to read some lines from old works and I find a thing where David tells his head priest that he had clues from god where to bury things and they have to be under some kind of water trap that can never be opened unless known by tribesman of the blood or something like that and I go Oak Island and the water trap there that’s involved with the ark. I see a lot of information on women and concubines from the Testament of Solomon; there’s another reference on to how to handle treasure, demons, and women and what to do about matings with certain women, particularly the queen of Sheba who Solomon thought was a witch.

The match ups with burying under water traps reminded me immediately of the water trap on Oak Island. If you are intent on being a Knights Templar connected to the House of David, you are not only 'protecting' a bloodline but a ton of initiatory info that others shouldn’t get their hands on, like how to achieve a no-death dying, rebirth, immortality so you can be One with God without dying and know what he knows; so you can co-create.

The colloraries with how the treasure was buried was almost word-for-word from the old material on David. The whole story about the cutting the kid in half with the two women is about the separation of the material world from the etheric. Solomon knew all kinds of secrets that the Knights Templar knew he knew. The secrets of the ancient Egyptians were kept in his library.

Where did David get some of his information? At least two ways – his mother’s Egyptian line (from Moab-Baal, an actual religion in the desert near Jordan; so we are back to the Sons of Belial and the Sons of Baal again. So we have the Moabites with David’s mother and the recognition of the importance of the female line, just as the Benjamites did. We go to the tribe of Dan with Mary Magdalene, Jesus and the Ophites, to the Knights Templar, to the water trap where the ark is; we have the Egyptian rites of wearing aprons and being initiated and the early Essenes who called themselves "the builders."

The rites of the builders came from Egyptian mystery school; Levites were sworn to carry through the protection of the ark and probably the real treasure. Was it the treasure from Amarna held by the Essenes and hidden? The Q scrolls show 64 places where it could be hidden. Nothing has ever been found. Add that up with the Visigoth treasure from the sacking of Rome that’s never been found, and we have a few things that are hidden and protected which are all tied together.

So were the early Knights Templar Jews? Yes, even Napoleon the midget that he was had Merovingian Jewish blood from the female side.

The most serious question is if that bloodline really matters, not whether it exists or not.

Why does it matter? What can it do? If Jesus was mortal, and the whole point is that he probably was, then why chase after a mere mortal? Why did they kill him? What did he know? What did John the Baptist really know? What did the Essenes know? Could he ascend with a body? What is a crista? What can it do? Is that the ark? Is the ark the treasure of treasures or was the ark a remolecularizer?

Why did the old writers and sculptors and painters that are associated with the old mystery schools and the Prior of Sion use the pentagram all the time? Sometimes it had 5 points and sometimes 8? David was the 8th son. What’s a tesseract again and a cubed one and a cubed tesseract that’s a sphere? If it’s spun just right, what can it do? What’s with that finger pointing up all the time unless the pointing up is pointing to something – pointing up and out if you are of the blood; a clean exit up and out;

I realized two days ago that ren as in REN means red, or name, or blood. Chateau means house of the blood or the name of the house, or house of the red, or house of the red blood -- The red king and the white queen. Is there a portal there under the Or valley in the Languedoc along with that giant repository of the supposed old bloodlines of David tombs that was placed there between 400 and 500 AD? There’s supposedly a whole cryptorium under there -- the merged bloodlines of David. Why? The Merovingians were in power there with that timing and they were always moving stuff around. If it was not treasure; it was bodies they were moving.

Did the people of old know that someday the sons of sons of sons would know how to clone, so they hid bodies? Why did the first cloned specimen come from the land of the Knights Templar next door to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland?


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