Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 9:52 am

Shu, Shosu, Shem, Shemsu, Shemite

“Shem is associated with the mystery of the double shin as shemesh (sun), as shoshan (rose) and as shesh (six).”

“This hidden or veiled shin is the secret letter of the divine name which the Zohar (1:224a) states that the shin is a crown that unites YH with VH.”

“The two shins also represent the Kingdom of the Divine Will which is the Rose Kingdom.”

The Shin (sh)
The Double Shin (Sh-Sh (SS) – sine waves = double helix
Shoshun = the Rose = the Star Tetrahedron
Six = 3 + 3 (joining of male and female) 69 = 8
13 = 12 around 1

12 around 1
Creation begins as a source of sound, light and color emanating from a pulsating orb of consciousness. 12 spiraling cones (horns, tones, harmonics) burst forth forming a circle around the source consciousness, connecting with it and each other to create endless grid programs of experience following a geometric blueprint we call sacred geometry. Soul sparks of light spiral from the central source, randomly moving into the grids to consciously experience.

The "12 around 1 pattern" (12 = 1+2=3) or third dimension references physical reality as nothing more than a biogenetic experiment based on linear time to experience emotions. ... 285#p51643

The Rose Queen, the Rose of Sharon

Jewish prayer also refers to the Rose of Jacob (Shoshanat Yakov) as a symbol for the mystical Israel. The daughter or Rose of Jacob refers to Dinah who is the only daughter and thirteenth child of Jacob.

The 13 petalled Rose was thus the symbol of all Israel and of the Woman of Israel. Dinah was the grandmother of Ephraim and Manesseh. Their mother Asenat (Anath) was the wife of Joseph and the daughter of Dinah and the Prince of Shekhem (Sekhemkhet- bridegroom of Shekhem). Jacob later identified his granddaughter Asenat by the Rose birthmark she bore which was in the shape of the two mems of the Magen David.

The Virgin Miriam also bore this birthmark connected with the letter mem. The number 13 became associated with Dinah’s grandson Manesseh and one matriarchal clan of the Manessehites was called the Tribe or Daughters of Dinah (Dana). They were later confused with the Tribe of Dan due to their intermarriage with some of the Danites in Greece. Joseph and Asenat’s daughter Antkaes married Unas Meriyibre Khety and their daughter was called Khentkaes Iput. Khentkaes Iput’s sister was the Beautiful White Rose (Sheshet/Sesheshet Neferu) the mother of Teti I.

Just as the Rose of Jacob refers to Jacob and Dinah, so do Jewish prayer associate the Rose of Jacob with Esther and Mordechai. Esther and Mordechai live in the city of Shushan or in the City of the Rose when read on a Mystical level.

The Rose dynasty goes back to the wife of the original founder of the city of Shushan. Shushana (Susan) the original Rose was the wife of Elam founder of Shushan and from her daughter Yiskah Bat Shoshana (wife of Madai) descended the direct Matriarchal line. Yiskah was a prophetess who gazed into the mysteries of the Divine Rose. She studied in the academy of her grandfather Shem (died 2194 BC) son of Noah (died 2341 BC) with her grandmother Sedeketelebab in the city named for her grandmother by Shem.

Her sister Ratzonia (Rasueja) Bat Shoshana was the wife of her uncle Arpachshad son of Shem. Sedeketelebab means ‘righteousness of the Heart’ and this was the spiritual religion of Noah and Shem based on Divine Mercy (Khesed) and obedience to the Divine Will (Ratzon) as taught by Enoch. The names of Shem’s family reveal the ancient Enochian religion.

The Aramaic word for heaven or sky in Genesis 1 is Shamya which in Egyptian becomes Shem-re. Shamya in Hebrew is Shamayim. The concept of the Divine Name (shem) is associated with the Sea (yam/mayim) and with fire (esh). Thus the name (shem) of the Divine Sea (yam/yammah) which is especially linked to divine mercy (khesed) became shamayim (heaven) and the name (shem) of the Divine Fire especially linked to divine Judgment (din/dinah) became shemesh (sun). Shem is associated with the mystery of the double shin as shemesh (sun), as shoshan (rose) and as shesh (six).

His father Noah was associated with the mystery of the double mem as his other name was Menakhem and his life is linked to the waters (mayim) of the flood. Shem’s wife is associated with the mystery of the double bet of the Immaculate Heart (lebb) which is the mirror of the Divine Heart (leb). Reading from left to right this ‘lebb’ is found in the first three words of Genesis in Hebrew ‘eLohim Bera Bereshit’. From the lamed in elohim to the beyt in bereshit is 11 letters representing the array of the 10 sefirot plus the outer face of the sefirah of Keter called Daat (Knowledge) – this is the vessel or lighting flash that cloaks the inner essence of Keter called Ratzon represented by the aleph.

The mystery of the Rose (Shoshan) is the mystery of the hidden letter of the Divine Name YHVH. It is the mystery of the letter shin (sh).

The name Manesseh also reveals this mystery as Manesseh (Menashshe) is written with one shin but pronounced with two shins.

This hidden or veiled shin is the secret letter of the divine name which the Zohar (1:224a) states that the shin is a crown that unites YH with VH. The menorah is also shaped like three skull-shaped shins that also resemble a tree or Rosebush with the rose flowers in bud shaped like the Magen David. Thus the Messianic pronunciation of the Divine name is YHShVH (Yahshuah or Yehoshuah). This reveals the deep hidden mysteries of the Triune God and the Cross.

The two shins also represent the Kingdom of the Divine Will which is the Rose Kingdom. In this Rose Kingdom is the Rose Garden and Rose Tower or Castle where dwells the Rose Queen called Shekhinah and Shabbat (representing the two shins). This Rose Garden is the mystery of the Rosary. This Kingdom is also the Grail Kingdom with its Grail Castle and the Grail Garden is Gethsemane.

The Rose, (or Lily) as shoshan (the male Rose), is in Jewish tradition associated with the Patriarch Jacob. Jewish prayer speaks of Shoshanat Yaacov (the Rose of Jacob). The Lotus, Lily and Rose are all used to refer to the Hebrew Shoshan. In Egyptian it is Seshen and the term Seshen – Yuab is the Rose of Jacob (or Rose Heart) which is a title of Ra as well as Seshenu en Nefer-Temu which refers to Asenat (Ausausit) the wife of Temu (Joseph). Nefer means white, fair and beautiful. Tem or Temu is Tam in Hebrew and refers to a complete, wholesome, perfect and upright man.

The stone as shesh-t is in the shape of the final mem which is similar to the hieroglyphic ‘m’. The stone as capstone is benben and is shaped like the triangular mem.

The name of Noah’s son Shem refers to shemesh the fire or essence of the sun also seen as shem yesh (name being). It is also connected to the word Shamayim or shamya for heaven. This refers to Ratzon (will) and God’s omnipotence.
The Star of David – two interlocking tetrahedrons

DaVinci Code II - The Mystery of the Pyramids
The first DaVinci Code article showed step-by-step how a perfect six-pointed star could be constructed within the human figure. Some suggest that the six-pointed star also represents two three-dimensional tetrahedrons. A tetrahedron is a four-sided solid, where each side is an equilateral triangle. The two interlocking tetrahedrons together form a solid called a star tetrahedron.

The star tetrahedron also represents what some believe to be the human energy field, also called the Merkaba. I don't think any of us can be certain that the human energy field looks like this, but there are some very synchronistic relationships that are revealed.

If you place a star tetrahedron inside of a sphere, with one of the apexes of the tetrahedron at the 'North' pole and one at the 'South' pole of the sphere, then the other six apexes of the star will touch or intersect the sphere at 19.47° above and below the "equator" of the sphere.

Consider the fact that the earth is a thin solid crust that is rotating at great speed around what is basically a liquid magma center. The result is an upwelling of great force that occurs at 19.47° North and South that seemingly comes from nowhere. In any case the result is that a large amount of volcanic activity occurs at those latitudes. It is theorized that these forces are hyper-dimensional in nature and cascade into three-dimensional reality resulting in volcanoes.

Another synchronicity that occurs in DaVinci's drawing is that you can take the two-dimensional six-pointed 'Star of David' and if you interpret it as a view of a three-dimensional object it is a perfect dipyramid. The pyramids that were constructed by the Egyptians were not 3-sided tetrahedrons but were 4-sided pyramids, because they had a square base, plus four triangular sides. A dipyramid is simply two pyramids stuck together at their base.

If you rotate the dipyramid represented by the Star of David in DaVinci's drawing, by an amount equal to 36.26° (90° minus 19.47° divided by 2) the dipyramid will move into a perfect right-angle, two-dimensional view. The pyramids of Egypt were not quite perfect pyramids, as they were constructed slightly squatty. But even so, there is definitely a connection. Remember they are located at 19.5° North latitude!

The ayahuasca journeys unfold reality into an extraordinary fractal mathematical representation. There is such a vast amount of information that is encoded into us already; it is simply a matter of unlocking the brain in order to perceive it. Somehow there is a connection between the dimensions of the human body to the earth; to the location of volcanoes; to the location of sacred sites; and to even to the pyramids themselves.

Incredible! To review, you have a perfect six-pointed Star of David in DaVinci's drawing, which can be extended into a three-dimensional star tetrahedron, unfolding a story about unknown hyper-dimensional physical forces occurring at 19.47° North and South. The two-dimensional Star of David can also be represented as a three-dimensional dipyramid, that when rotated by 35.26° which happens to be a mathematical factor of 19.47°, will return back to a two-dimensional representation of a dipyramid. Half of the dipyramid is a perfect equilateral pyramid.

The divine nature of man is hidden inside of reality itself, and the true nature of reality is hidden within humans. In our modern world we have developed myopia to such a degree, that we have collectively distorted our perception of where we really are and who we really are. But, many are making the journey back, a journey of remembering.
The Spinning Tetrahedron and Hyperdimensionality

The Topology of Time
The Four Dimensional Hypersphere torus is also represented by the hypercube. A hypercube is a cube within a cube according to physicists. Essentially this cube, also called ‘The Cube of Space’ or the Tetragrammatron’ by the alchemists is a straight edged version of the donut shaped hypersphere.

Scientists love to be able to construct objects using straight lines, so they have created the hypercube to help them better understand the hyperdimensional universe that surrounds us. Alchemists however, like to use the curved lines of nature, so the donut shaped torus or hypersphere, is a better, more natural visual description of hyperdimensional space and will be the one I use in this essay.

The alchemists believe that there is a hyperdimensional ‘body’ around every living thing on earth. This hyperdimensional ‘body’ or sphere known to mystics as the luminous energy body, also surrounds every planet and star as well. Each object in the three dimensional world is an affectation of four-dimensional space. Humans, animals, plants, planets and stars are the solid inside of the fourth dimensional energy flow. As you will see time also travels in this fashion

In order to begin to understand the topographical nature of time it is very important to understand the guts of this hyperdimensional sphere. By the ‘guts’ I am referring to the vortexes that make up the energy flow that runs through the center of the hypersphere. As the energy flow begins to fall into the vortex that runs through the center of the sphere it takes on the shape of a tetrahedron.

A tetrahedron is the building block of three-dimensional space and is the founding member of the Platonic Solids. The tetrahedron is the simplest object that can be created in three dimensions. The only object with just four sides, the tetrahedron is also shaped like a vortex.

Understanding tornados also helps us understand vortexes and the density of forces in the hypersphere. Tornados (and also hurricanes) are made up of air like that which surrounds us all the time. But as the air begins spinning it takes on a strange solidity. While the swirling air at the top of a tornado is somewhat dangerous, it is the spinning air near the surface of the ground that is really dangerous. Near the tip of a tornado, where it is in contact with the ground, the air takes on the quality of solid iron. The tips of tornados can rip buildings apart, throw cars and trucks thousands of feet and punch chaffs of wheat into the very center of trees like a bullet. As the air spins more violently, the tip of the tornado vortex becomes as strong as 50 locomotives engines and possesses the density of the hardest of metals. Yet it is just comprised of air molecules. But these molecules are spinning so quickly that they create a mass that is extremely powerful. It is the spin of the air that causes it to densify and take on the solidity of metals.

Getting back to the central core of our hyperdimensional torus we can understand the vortexes inside this sphere and how time unfolds by using the tornado analogy. As the energy flow begins to dip down into the top of the tetrahedral shaped vortex it begins to spin. As the energy flow descends, its spin becomes more rapid and compressed. Like a tornado, as it reaches further down, the tip of the vortex ‘hardens’. It could be said that this hardening of vorticular forces is what makes up the solidity of our three dimensional space. Each human, plant, animal and indeed every planet and star alike are the hardened tips of hyperdimensional vortexes, which are flowing all around us constantly.

Like air, these hyperdimensional forces are pretty much invisible to us. It is only when these forces coagulate into a spinning vortex that they can be seen and felt. It is through the rapid spinning of four-dimensional space that the solidity of the third dimension is actually created. The mystics from all great traditions know this and they realize these inner dynamics of the fourth dimension as it interacts with the third dimension. The fourth dimension is the surrounding sphere and the third dimension is the tetrahedral vortexes that make up the central core of the sphere. To the ancients, four-dimensional space was called ‘spirit’ and three-dimensional space was called ‘matter’.

So what does this have to do with time and the topography of time? Remember the dilemma that we face in trying to make the four ages of the precession match up with the Ages or Yugas from the Hindu system? By attempting to make the two into one we can not only understand the topology of time, but also we can map time like the ancients and we can know where we are in the river of time.

Imagine that we are coming through the very center of where the two tetrahedral tornado vortexes intersect at the very center of the inner hyperdimensional sphere. Moving down the bottom vortex towards the outside surface of the sphere, each spin in the vortex takes longer and is wider and slower than the previous spin in the vortex. In other words, the energy flow expands after it passes the ‘null’ point in the very center of the hyperdimensional sphere, or torus, where the tips of the two tetrahedral vortexes touch.

This energy flow continues its expansion as it climbs over the lip of the bottom edge of the sphere where the vortex meets the outside edge of the sphere. The energy flow continues to expand until it reaches the outside equator area of the sphere. Once it gets past the equator, the energy flow begins to condense, the flow begins to move faster and the spin density increases. This flow continues until the energy flow reaches the upper lip of the outside of the hyperdimensional sphere where it begins to ‘fall’ into the top of the tornado tetrahedral vortex.

Now as the flow of energy falls down the vortex towards the null point at the very center of the sphere it begins to harden as it spins faster and faster. This goes on and on until the vortex is so hard it is like iron. This is how the fourth dimensional forces create three-dimensional reality. As the vortex spins faster and faster, eventually it compresses down to the point where it has nowhere to go but outwards again. This occurs at the null point in the center of the sphere and the energy flow now begins to once again expand.

The Golden Age is the time period that starts at the null point in the center of the sphere and continues through the bottom vortex. As the energy flow expands outwards time appears to slow down. The entire period of the Satya Yuga, or the Golden Age, continues as the energy flow goes down the bottom vortex and rounds across the top of the sphere. It continues expanding until it arrives at the equator.

The equator of the outside of the hyperdimensional sphere is the borderline between the Satya Yuga and Treta Yuga, or the Golden Age and the Silver Age. Now the energy flow begins to contract as it flows upwards towards the north pole of the hypersphere.

The Silver Age, or the Treta Yuga, continues until the energy flow rounds the top lip of the hyperdimensional sphere and begins to fall into the upper tetrahedral vortex. This then is the borderline between the Treta Yuga and the Dvapara Yuga, or the border between the Silver Age and the Bronze Age.

About two thirds down in the upper vortex, where the energy flow is spinning so fast that it becomes as solid as iron, is beginning of the last Age, the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age. This spinning continues to gain density and compression and speed as it races towards the central null point in the very center of the sphere. As it approaches this null point the forces become unbelievably fast, violent and dense. It is only when these forces achieve maximum density and they can no longer compress any further that they begin to suddenly flip and begin the expansion of the flow. This happens in an instant. This is the shift from the Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga to the Golden Age, or the Satya Yuga. The borderline between the Iron Age and the Golden Age is the most distinct border in this topographical illustration of hyperdimensional time. It is the most jarring and is instantaneous.

Take notice of the hourglass shape of the two tetrahedral vortexes inside the hyperdimensional sphere. Is this why Fulcanelli tells us about the hour-glass in the quote at the beginning of this article? In the Hindu mythology the God Shiva dances the world into and out of existence playing his dhamaru which is a two sided drum shaped like an hourglass.

Notice that, like the number of years in the Hindu Yuga system, the distance traveled through our ages in the hypersphere is similar; the Golden Age, which is the distance between the null point in the center and the outside equator is twice the distance as that traveled through the Silver Age which is the distance from the equator to the top of the lip of the upper vortex. Equally, the distance traveled from the top of the vortex to two thirds down, which is the Bronze Age, is half the length of the Silver Age. Finally, the tip of the vortex is half the length of the Bronze Age.

This part, called the Iron Age, is the Age in which we live. This is also why, in the Iron Age, each second feels shorter than the second before. This is why each day, each month and year appear to be going faster than they did previously. In the topology of time this effect can be easily understood and explained.

Also remember even though the distance traveled is much further in the Golden Age than it is in the Iron Age, the number of years it takes is the same. It takes 6,480 years to go through the Golden Age just as it takes 6,480 years to go through the Iron Age, but it feels much different. In the Golden Age each second, each day, each month and year appear to be longer than the previous day, month and year. Time is expanding in the Golden Age and with that expansion the anxiety and tension of the Iron Age disappears. It is a paradise, especially to those who may have survived the passing through the wormhole, or the null point at the center of the hyperdimensional sphere.

Therefore, the years listed within the Yuga system are actually symbolic times that explain the lengths of time as it is felt not as it is lived. So the Golden Age or the Satya Yuga feels like it is much longer than the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age.

The shamans in Peru tell us that we are approaching the Pacha Cuti, which means, literally ‘the world turned upside down’. They say that it will arrive in the year 2012. This is also the year when the great Mayan calendar reaches its end point. The cross of Hendaye is quite explicit in saying that we are reaching the very end of the Iron Age. I would suggest that the null point, or the wormhole at the very center of the hypersphere, is very likely the 2012 date. Our hypersphere appears to be regulated by the periodic alignment of the galactic center with the sun. This also matches the four fixed signs of the zodiac and explains why the Christian tradition is preparing for the endtimes.

The unknown builder of the mysterious Cross at Hendaye gives the entire hyperdimensional map to us on a platter. Fulcanelli coyly ignores it knowing that its meaning will only become clear when one has truly understood alchemy. At the very top of the Cross, on the west side, just above the broken Latin Inscription, sits a single ‘X’.

This ‘X’ is the inner map of the guts of the hyperdimensional sphere and reveals the hourglass shape in a clear and concise manner. The ‘X’ is truly the most mysterious symbol on the Cross at Hendaye and its meaning is finally revealed here in this article.

Oddly enough, it also appears that Stanley Kubrick is trying to tell us about the end of our Age in his masterpiece film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Starchild at the end of the film has passed through the Star Gate of the black monolith and is returning to Earth to create a new world or a new Age.

It is through our understanding of the Four Ages, the fixed signs of the zodiac and the Yuga system that we can finally appreciate the message that our ancestors have handed down to us. We are about to pass through the Star Gate, the wormhole, and the null point of hyperdimensional space.

The Cross of Hendaye reveals the most important knowledge of all, which is the end of time and the beginning of the Golden Age. Awareness of this knowledge helps us all to more fully comprehend the nature of the times in which we reside and the destiny of the human race.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 1:18 pm

Shepherds and Kings - The Dual Identities of Joseph, Moses and Joshua)
The rise of Joseph from obscurity to the highest administrative office in Egypt is brilliantly scripted in the Biblical narrative. Nevertheless, in the ancient world all positions of power were reserved for favored members of the ruling family and for them alone.

Joseph was in fact an eminently pedigreed royal prince in a family with a very long tradition as "shepherds of the people." Joseph did more than leave a legacy, he lived out a legacy. For this reason, his story is not told as a simple biography, but as a repetition of an earlier ancestor.

In the Book of Genesis, the lives of the Patriarchs do not appear to be completely their own. It is as if they are powerless to resist their fates. For example, Abraham and his royal sister-wife Sarah are urged to abandon their comfortable home in Babylon, and are then "carried away by the Lord" to the strange land of Egypt.

Similarly, the Patriarch Joseph is ushered out of a pastoral setting in Canaan so that he can become the "double" of pharaoh, and be used by God himself to preserve life.

It can now be said, in literary terms, that the Torah (first five Biblical books) is written as a series of epic cycles. However, the cycles of the Torah have an additional element of complexity, because they are also doublets. Each main character (cycle) combines the memory of two persons, not one. More specifically, every major Patriarch is described as a "second coming" of some previous ancestor.

As with the second Adam (Sargon-Israel) and his descendants, so it is with the later figures of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Moses. Genesis does not explicitly tell us the kingly identity of Patriarch Joseph, much less that of the earlier ancestor within the Patriarchal line that served as his archetype. Neither does Genesis provide this information for any of the other Patriarchs. However, all Patriarchs and their archetypes can now be determined with the help of archaeology. This is possible, because the Bible provides us with a nearly continuous family history from the first king of Sumer until the last king of Jerusalem.

In Stranger in the Valley of the Kings, Ahmed Osman proved that the identity of Biblical Joseph was that of Prime Minister Yuya in the Egyptian New Kingdom. However, an ancestor of Yuya in the Egyptian Middle Kingdom served as his role model. This earlier member of Yuya's family had a similar name and held an identical office to his own. Working backwards from the time of Yuya in the Egyptian 18th Dynasty, the identity of the first Joseph can be found among the great princes of the 12th Dynasty.

A Middle Kingdom context for the Biblical Joseph has recently been championed by David Rohl in Pharaohs and Kings: A Biblical Quest. Rohl identifies Amenemhet III as the pharaoh who appointed Joseph as Vizier (Prime Minister) of Egypt. In the late 12th Dynasty, it was also pharaoh Amenemhet III who commissioned the building of the legendary Labyrinth at Hawara in Lower Egypt.

During the early Egyptian 12th Dynasty, Egypt became separated politically from Mesopotamia. The founder of the 12th dynasty, Amenemhet I, was killed by a rival prince, Ur-Nammu. Ur-Nammu seized control over Mesopotamia, and founded the 3rd Dynasty of Ur. This effectively stranded the house of Amenemhet in Egypt.

Nevertheless, the pharaohs of the Egyptian 12th Dynasty ultimately recaptured the throne of Mesopotamia and reunited their "world." In the Egyptian New Kingdom, Egypt was again cut off from Mesopotamia, much as it had been during the Egyptian Middle Kingdom. Collateral lines of the royal family were ruling independently over those respective regions as they had in the Middle Kingdom.

Despite the intrigue and conflict among Egyptian princes of the Middle Kingdom, they still managed to prevail over their rivals in Mesopotamia. The princes of the New Kingdom were not able to re-conquer Mesopotamia.

The story of Joseph in the Torah is a composite of two historical persons. The Joseph of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty was patterned specifically after a prominent royal person of the 12th Dynasty. The first major event in the life of Biblical Joseph was his persecution. Joseph was favored by his father, which along with his pride provoked the jealousy of his elder brothers. He was cast into a pit and then left to die. However, he did not perish but was instead rescued by his brother Judah.

The metaphor of being left to die in a well is an obvious allusion to the Legend of Etana. The prince (Cush) who was cast into the well was not rescued for purely humanitarian reasons. He was needed in order to produce an heir for Etana. Likewise, Joseph was spared by Judah for dynastic purposes. The Middle Kingdom Judah was Amenemhet II (Patriarch Mehalalel). In exchange for his life, Inyotef produced an heir, named Auibre, on the behalf of Amenemhet II.

According to the Biblical typecasting, Joseph was the son of Jacob. The leading Jacob figure of the 12th Dynasty was pharaoh Senusret II. Therefore, it can be deduced that he was the father of Inyotef (Joseph).

Shortly after the birth of Auibre, Senusret II supplanted Amenemhet II and Sekhemkare, probably through treachery. However, like the earlier Gudea, he was careful to present himself as a pious, compassionate king. In an attempt to appease the deposed house of Amenemhet II, Senusret II named a very young Auibre as his co-regent.

Although Auibre would have been a legal son of Amenemhet II, he was the biological grandson of Senusret II through Inyotef. However, Amenemhet II and Sekhemkare had other sons who considered themselves to be the rightful heirs of their fallen fathers.

Both Auibre and Senuret II were eventually overthrown. Senusret III (Patriarch Methuseleh) reclaimed the throne of his father Amenemhet II and named a brother Khendjer (Patriarch Lamech II) as his co-regent.
Sobekhotep II (Aram) re-established the throne of Sekhemkare (Issachar) and named Sobekhotep III (Arphaxad) his co-regent. With the demise of Senusret II (Jacob) and Auibre, the fortunes of Inyotef (Joseph) also fell.

The "scarlet thread" of kingship was traced down through the Patriarch Shelah, who was identified as the Mesopotamian king Sin-Muballit and Egyptian pharaoh Neferhotep I.

Neferhotep (Shelah) was the successor of Sobekhotep III (Arphaxad). Two brothers of Neferhotep ruled alongside him as his own co-regents. The Egyptian names of these brothers were Si-Hathor and Sobekhotep IV. In Mesopotamia, Si-Hathor was known as Zimri-Lim king of Mari, and Sobekhotep IV was called Shamsi-Adad king of Assyria.

After ruling alongside Senusret III for about 10 years, Khendjer either died or was disgraced. He was replaced as co-regent of Senusret III by Amenemhet III. At this time Sobekhotep IV was the dominant king of the secondary ruling house. It was during the tenure of Sobekhotep IV (Shamshi-Adad) that the Egyptian Delta was overrun by yet another "Asiatic" prince.

This family rival of Sobekhotep assumed the Egyptian name of Dedumesiu. In Mesopotamia, he corresponds to Dadusha king of the important city of Eshnunna, and a known contemporary of Shamshi-Adad. It can be deduced that he was a son or grandson of the disgraced Inyotef. After the conquest of Dedumesiu, Pharaoh Amenemhet III appointed a new vizier, none other than Inyotef, the father or grandfather of Dedumesiu. Inyotef became no ordinary minister, but was given pharaonic titles and powers. He is designated as the fourth pharaoh by this name.

In the Book of Genesis, the leading "son" of Patriarch Lamech (Thoth) was named in Genesis as Jabal, which has the curious meaning of "water course," i.e., canal. Previous statements made about a particular god, e.g., Enki (Enoch) or Thoth (Lamech), also have an application in the life of a later Patriarch who was patterned after him. Jabal of the pre-dynastic period is an archetype for the canal building Joseph. After the demise of the second Lamech (Khendjer), Inyotef IV (Joseph/Jabal II) came to power in Egypt.

Inyotef IV is found among the 13th Dynasty king-list, which is a collection of co-regents and deified viziers who ruled alongside 12th Dynasty pharaohs. The Biblical name Joseph (Heb. Yo-ceph) is actually a more direct adaptation of the Egyptian name Inyotef than is the name Jacob (Yo-tsef ~ Ya-chob). In Gen. 41:45, Joseph is given the Egyptian name of "Zaph-enath Paaneah."

The Patriarchal history corresponding to the Middle Kingdom, like that of the New Kingdom, was typecast as a repetition of even earlier kings and catastrophes. The time of the gods came to an abrupt end with the Great Flood. The Great Nile Flood likewise swept away the Egyptian Middle Kingdom.

The Patriarchal line was the stock from which came all the leading dynasties of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt and elsewhere in the ancient Near East from the Middle Kingdom onward. For better or worse, blessing and curse, the Western World is the legacy of the Patriarchal family.

In Historicae Philippicae by Pompeius Trogus, Moses was identified as the son of Joseph. This was literally true in the New Kingdom repetition of the history. But was the archetypal Moses the literal son of the archetypal Joseph? The answer is yes! There is sufficient evidence to infer that the New Kingdom relationship was based specifically on the Middle Kingdom pattern.

In the progression of Senusret II - Inyotef IV - Auibre we have the archetypal sequence of Jacob - Joseph - Moses. This same sequence was intentionally reproduced in the New Kingdom. These roles were at that time played by Amenhotep II (Jacob), Vizier Yuya (Joseph) and Akhenaten (Moses).

The first Sojourn of the Patriarchs corresponds to the Egyptian 12th Dynasty (Middle Kingdom). The second took place during the Egyptian 18th Dynasty (New Kingdom).

New Kingdom persons and events were fashioned as a repetition of the Middle Kingdom. The Middle Kingdom was in turn seen as a repetition of the Age of the Gods. The Torah clearly preserves an ancient belief that history was spiraling downward through time.

During the second "Sojourn" of the Egyptian New Kingdom, Pharaoh Amenhotep II played the role of Jacob. One of his archetypes was Senusret II, the Jacob of the Middle Kingdom. In addition to the epithet of Jacob, Senusret II was also called the Patriarch Irad.

Vizier Yuya of the New Kingdom was typecast as a second Joseph. The archetypal Joseph, Inyotef IV, was in turn seen as a repetition of the demi-god Jabal from before the Great Flood.

The New Kingdom Pharaoh Akhenaten assumed the role of Moses. This role had earlier been played by Auibre of the Middle Kingdom. Auibre was himself typecast as a second Enoch. It had been Enoch (the god Ptah-Enki) who acted to save Noah and his family. Likewise, the second Enoch, Pharaoh Auibre, took it upon himself to save many descendants of Noah who were being overcome by a great flood of the Nile in Egypt.

Au-ibre was a promising young crown prince who suddenly vanished from Egypt. In this stage of his life, he is first given the pseudonym of Enoch II by the author of Genesis. However, this second Enoch was not taken up to heaven, but away to exile. It will be shown that he committed a high crime and was forced to seek refuge in Babylon of Mesopotamia where he assumed the Semitic name of Hammurabi.

During the reign of Amenhotep II in the 18th Dynasty, the empire of New Kingdom Egypt was deliberately divided into three parts. These three kings were three sons of Amenhotep II, namely Thutmose IV, Yuya and Osokhor. These princes assumed the identities of their Middle Kingdom ancestors and were called Judah, Joseph and Issachar, respectively.

The 3rd Dynasty of Ur had collapsed and was easily overrun by the princes of Egypt. Despite the constant campaigning of the warrior king Thutmose III and the best efforts of his successors, Mesopotamia did not fall. Rather, Egypt was eventually conquered by Mesopotamian kings.

Genesis 10:25-26 states that in the time of Eber's "son" Peleg, "the world was divided." Although it was Eber who lost his throne in Egypt, the Bible associates the splitting of the family's "world empire" with Joktan and Peleg.
Eber was very highly esteemed in Jewish tradition; therefore it was important that he not be associated with the calamity.

In the Exodus account, the "mantle" is transferred by Moses (Eber) to Joshua son of Nun (Num 27:18-23). The names Peleg and Nun are synonymous, and correspond to a single historical person.

The Bible states parenthetically in Numbers 13:16 that Moses gave Hoshea son of Nun the name Joshua (Jeho-shuah). In other words, Joshua/Hoshea was not his original name. Formerly, Abi-eshuuh was known as Ibal-pi-el. (Note: Dadusha was also known to be the king of Eshnunna at this time, and is the likely father of Ibal-pi-el.)

It is the conquest of Abi-eshuuh that is described in the book of Joshua. In addition to his victories in Palestine, Abi-eshuuh established the Hyksos dynasty in the Egyptian Delta under the name Salitis. The title of Hyksos meant "Ruler of a Foreign Land." The homeland of Salitis and of the Hyksos rulers who followed him was no longer Egypt, but Babylon. This name Salitis is related to the English words salvation, salutation and salubrious, and therefore is also synonymous with the name Joshua.

Yet another Biblical name of Joshua was Salmon. It was upon Joshua that Moses placed his mantle, which symbolized the transfer of kingly succession from the previous co-regent Joktan/Elishama (Samsu-iluna) to Joshua/Salmon (Abi-eshuuh).

According to the 3rd Century B.C. Jewish historian Artapanas (as quoted by the later Christian historian Eusebius), the first Exodus occurred after the reign of a king called "Khenephres." David Rohl has convincingly identified "Khenephres" as the pharaoh Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV of the late Middle Kingdom (13th Dynasty). Sobekhotep IV was a contemporary of the first Moses, Au-ibre/Hammurabi.

The Biblical Exodus includes the account of a second Moses who followed the second Joseph of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty. This Exodus was liberally documented by the 3rd Century B.C. Egyptian priest Manetho (as quoted by the Jewish historian Josephus). In the 18th Dynasty, famine resulted from the lack of water, rather than excess. However, the method of preparation, that is stockpiling grain, was very much the same.

The two men who administered these programs had similar names and held identical offices. The upbringing and career of the Egyptian New Kingdom Joseph, namely Yuya, was typecast in the book of Genesis as a repetition or fulfillment of the earlier Middle Kingdom archetype. The Moses and the Exodus that followed the Sojourn of the 18th Dynasty Joseph is likewise described in the Torah as a composite or repetition of the earlier Middle Kingdom (12th/13th Dynasty) Exodus.

In the Torah, Egyptian 18th Dynasty royals are depicted as repetitions of great 12th Dynasty ancestors, and are even called by the names or nicknames of those ancestors. The character of Moses (Hammurabi + Akhenaten) is no exception.

Exodus 6:26-27 confirms the existence of more than one Moses when it states, "It was this same Aaron and Moses...who spoke to Pharaoh king of Egypt about bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. It was this same Moses." The passage is trying to discriminate between this Moses (Hammurabi) and another Moses (Akhenaten) who led "Hebrews" out of Egypt at another time and under different circumstances.

The New Kingdom protagonists were not exact duplications of Middle Kingdom Thespians, but the similitude was compelling enough to be useful as a construct in dramatizing the history.

The Biblical compilers were attempting to harmonize, or at least salvage, material from two distinctly different Sojourns. The Exodus of Akhenaten occurred at the end of the 18th Dynasty. Yet, the Exodus of Akhenaten was not depicted as a unique event, but quite strongly as a repetition of the earlier 12th Dynasty Exodus.

Knowing this, can we still say that the later pharaoh Akhenaten was truly Moses? Yes and No. In Moses: Pharaoh of Egypt, Ahmed Osman convincingly compared Akhenaten with Biblical Moses. Recent titles by Jan Assmann (Moses the Egyptian) and Jonathan Kirsch (Moses: A Life) have eloquently contrasted the two figures.

The story of Moses in the Torah is actually a "mosaic." It was an attempt to do justice to the travails of both Akhenaten and the earlier Hammurabi. Therefore, it is not an exact representation of either. The Exodus narratives include detailed information from the life of Hammurabi, who was the archetypal Moses. Therefore, the depiction of Akhenaten as a repetition of Hammurabi goes well beyond the broad typecasting of other Patriarchs in Genesis. The Biblical Moses account is a composite sketch of the archetype Hammurabi and his "repetition" Akhenaten. Hammurabi became Moses. Akhenaten played Moses. The Biblical account is simultaneously the story of Hammurabi and the story of Akhenaten.

After Moses (Wahibre/Eber) was "exiled" from Egypt, the Biblical account tells us that he sought refuge in "the land of Midian."

Akhenaten did not flee to the Median of Mesopotamia, but built a city of refuge for himself at a deserted locale in Middle Egypt. Akhenaten called his city Akhet-aten. In Exile, Akhenaten changed his name from Amenhotep IV.
Family relationships were complex, however it can be determined that Hammurabi (Moses I) and his successor Abi-eshuuh (Joshua I) were separated by roughly only a generation. Exactly one generation separated Akhenaten from his son Tutankhamun. The second Joshua (Tut) was the literal son of the second Moses (Akhenaten)

The Exodus account states that a generation passed between the Exodus and the Conquest of Joshua. However, it was not necessarily a literal 40 years. In the second Exodus, the orphaned survivors were resettled in the reign of Tutankhamun. Tut was the successor of Akhenaten and being projected as a second Joshua prior to his early death. Resettlement of the second Exodus participants took place within 4 years of their departure from the Delta.

In this second journey, only Akhenaten and his court fled to the Sinai desert. The Mount Sinai of this Exodus was likely not the same as the earlier Exodus. Two distinct wilderness journeys are described in the Torah. As part of a "covenant" made with family rivals, Akhenaten returned from Mount Sinai to the Egyptian Delta. Unlike Hammurabi, his return to Egypt was not entirely voluntary. The Hebrews that he drew out of the Delta were not bound for freedom, but to be liberated from their contagious and incurable diseases.

He did not lead this "Exodus party" back through the Sinai to Palestine, but to his sacred city of Akhet-aten in Middle Egypt. This location where the Israelites "dwelt for a long time" is called by the generic name of Kadesh ("holy city") in the Exodus account.

At the end of his 17 years of rule, the sun of Akhenaten set in disgrace. Nevertheless, the comparisons between Akhenaten and Hammurabi still gleam. Although made a scapegoat in his own day, Akhenaten was nonetheless honored in the Torah tradition as a great philosopher in the order of Hammurabi.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 1:41 pm

The Generations of Israel, the Second Adam
Sargon is considered to be the first Semitic king of Mesopotamia. He took the throne at a time when the Akkadian (Semitic) language was becoming predominant both as the common tongue and in the royal court in Mesopotamia. Sargon was Semitic, however no more so than his royal predecessors. Nimrod (Enmerkar/Narmer) was both the natural son of Cush (Agga/Aha) and the legal heir of Shem (Etana/Semerkhet). The Old Kingdom pharaohs and Mesopotamian kings who descended from Nimrod were simultaneously Hamitic and Semitic. Sargon was no exception.

And like Nimrod, Sargon was the son of a "barren" princess. He was sired by a rival prince on the behalf of his legal father Akki, the priest-king of Lagash. Sargon could claim inheritance from two rival lines.

The young prince Sargon was naturally anxious for the old king Ur-Zababa to pass on. This would guarantee his father's succession, and in turn compel his father to appoint him as the next co-regent. According to the legend, Sargon dreamed that Ur-Zababa was to be "drowned in a river of blood." He also had the poor judgment to boast of it to the king himself. Not surprisingly, Ur-Zababa became paranoid, and had Sargon hand deliver his own execution order. It was Lugalzaggesi of Umma who was charged with performing the unpleasant task. Needless to say, the writ was not carried out. Lugalzaggesi did not fail to recognize that the disgrace of the heir apparent Sargon represented an open invitation for him to claim the throne for himself.

Lugalzaggesi attacked and destroyed the cities of Kish and Lagash. The bitterness of Sargon boiled for two decades while the pax Lugalzaggesi prospered.

When Sargon deposed Lugalzaggesi, he emerged as the Biblical Benjamin, which means "Son of the Strong Hand." He proved himself to be the strongest "son" of Ur-Zababa by prevailing over all of his brothers. This royal but "red-haired step-child" broke in through the back door and seized ownership of the house.

Another Biblical epithet of Sargon was in fact Bela, which was also a play on the Sumerian a-bala, "drawing water" and the Sumerian, "hostility, enemies."

In the Assyrian king-list, Sargon is named as Tudiya, "Beloved of Ya." His successor Rimush is called Adamu. Adamu is an adaptation of the Sumerian roots ri, "to beget" and ush, "a man."

Collectively, the father and son combination of Sargon and Rimush were known as Bela in the Chronicles genealogies, but were dubbed as the second Adam by the author of Genesis. They were both credited with the Semiticization of Mesopotamia, and with the creation of what was later known as Israel, a federation of tribal nations in Canaan.

The Egyptian name of Sargon was Inyotef, "Born/Beloved of Yo". It is a faithful rendition of the Babylonian name Tudiya, "beloved of Ya." To a Semitic speaker, Inyotef suggests "Ruling by/as God." It is the origin of the Biblical name Israel. Another innovation of Sargon was an increased emphasis on divine kingship.

According to the Biblical typing, Israel was first called Jacob. Tef is in turn synonymous with another Hebrew word chob, meaning "a cherisher." A Hebrew equivalent of the names Tudiya and Inyotef is Yechub, meaning "Cherished/Cherisher of God." However, in the Bible the name of Inyotef/Tudiya is not written simply as Yechub, but was deliberately modified to Ya'aqob (Jacob). Instead of meaning "Beloved of God" "Crowned by God" or "Ruling by/as God," the nickname Jacob takes on the very different meaning of "heal-catcher (i.e. supplanter)."

Tudiya/Inyotef did not found a new dynasty through love of God and his fellow man alone, but by coldly overtaking a rival royal brother. With his triumph over Lugalzaggesi, Sargon was transformed from a "rebel of the south" to Ben-ye-minah, the "son appointed by God." Yechub the grabber became Israel, "He Rules as God."

The "dynasty" of Sargon is somewhat of a misnomer. It was a succession of usurpers. Sargon had deposed the usurper Lugal-zaggesi and made rebellion respectable. The sons of Sargon (Inyotef A) then took turns overthrowing each other. First Montuhotep II killed Montuhotep A (Rimush). Then Inyotef I (Naram-Sin) killed Montuhotep I (Manishtushu/Ur-Bau) and possibly his son Montuhotep II also. Finally, Inyotef II (Gudea) overthrew Inyotef I and his co-regent Sharkalisharri, "Ruler of Rulers."

By virtue of being the final usurper of his generation, Gudea became "Benjamin son of Benjamin (Sargon)." Among the sons of Sargon, Gudea proved that he was the "son of the right/strong hand" by taking the throne by force from his brother Naram-Sin. In other words, he was the last brother standing.

Benjamin is both a pseudonym of Sargon (Jacob-Israel) and a nickname of one of his prominent sons. Sargon was Benjamin. Gudea was Benjamin son of Israel. Like Sargon, Gudea has multiple Biblical identities.

Sargon had used the element of surprise when overthrowing Lugal-zaggesi. Gudea also appears as a world-class conniver. Like Sargon, Gudea became Israel, the "divinely appointed ruler," not by election but insurrection. And like Sargon, Gudea also chose the Egyptian name of Inyotef. Despite their differences, both Sargon and Gudea are strongly the archetypes for the much later Patriarch Jacob, "the grabber."

Sargon and his rebel sons are pivotal in the Biblical formulation of history. Sargon (Inyotef A) became the ancestor and archetype of four prominent Jacob figures.

The first was Gudea (Inyotef II), one of Sargon's own younger sons. The second was Senusret II, who grabbed the throne in the 12th Dynasty (Middle Kingdom) under very suspicious circumstances. He became the father of the archetypal Joseph. The third is Hyksos king Yakubher (Ammi-ditana) son of Samsu-iluna (Biblical Joktan), who reclaimed the throne after the death of Salitis (Abi-eshuuh) in the 15th (Hyksos) Dynasty. The last and most notable Jacob from the perspective of Genesis is Amenhotep II of the 18th Dynasty.

Besides being a role model for later upstarts, Sargon was himself also considered to be a second Adam (Atum). Sargon (Inyotef) and the Egyptian Middle Kingdom pharaohs who succeeded him to the "divine" throne were compared somewhat loosely with the "god-kings" from before the Great Flood. The number, ordering and naming are not identical. Nevertheless, the concept that "history repeats itself" was very much established even at this early date.

As the narrative of Genesis moves forward in time, the descriptions become more detailed and comparisons between earlier and later Patriarchs more complete. In fact, every major Patriarch in the Torah is depicted as a repetition of at least one earlier ancestor. In this manner, the history of the Torah, rather than being a linear progression, spirals downward through time.

In the Torah, the accounts of all the major Patriarchs from Adam to Moses are composites made up of as matching pairs. Each of the early Patriarchs is the archetype or "father-figure" of a later Patriarch. Conversely, the life of each later Patriarch is modeled after that of a prominent ancestor. Rather than being fully unique, each character of the Torah is a product of two "parents." It is the dominant theme of the Torah, and a literary creation modeled after "genetics." Both sets of rulers (earlier and later) were stripped of their divine status by the Genesis author. However, they were all still claimed as great ancestors.

Historically speaking, the Patriarch Jacob corresponds to pharaoh Amenhotep II of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty. Amenhotep II had two queens, Tia (Leah) and the more favored Merit-Amon (Rachel). As in the story of Patriarch Jacob, six princes were born to Tia (Leah) and two were the sons of Merit-Amon (Rachel). Jacob is characterized in the Bible as crafty, but also as a caring husband and father. He was accused of "stealing his brother's birthright." Nevertheless, he tried (somewhat unsuccessfully) to prevent similar strife from repeating itself among his own sons. Ultimately, he did as his father had done, and appointed a younger son to be his successor. In later life, Jacob is quoted as saying, "My years have been few and filled with affliction." The Egyptian name Inyo(tef) is similar in form to the Hebrew aniyah, meaning "groaning, lamentation, sorrow." From Patriarch Jacob's depiction we can also gain a glimpse of the character of his archetype Sargon/Inyotef, and the price that he paid to establish a new dynasty.

The name of Israel is not introduced in the Book of Genesis until the account of the Patriarch Jacob, grandson of Abraham. This is long after the time of Sargon, the second Adam. A leading theme in the life of Patriarch Jacob (Amenhotep II) is how this brainy son of Isaac managed to prevail over his elder more brawny twin brother Esau (Saussatar).

After wrestling with his brother and with "God" (his father Isaac), the Patriarch Jacob receives the "birthright" (kingly succession) and is declared to be Israel. Upon "grabbing" the throne, Amenhotep II, like the earlier Gudea, was renowned in the Bible (if not archaeology) for gathering expensive building materials from abroad, including timber from the forests of Lebanon, in order to build a magnificent temple. The title of Israel ("He Rules as God") was bestowed upon Amenhotep II (Patriarch Jacob). However, he was not the original Israel.

Jacob son of Isaac had twelve sons. Eight were by his two wives Leah and Rachel, and four were by two "concubines" Bilhah and Zilpah. These sons were given the familiar names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

However, we can now understand that these tribes and tribal names predate the time of the Patriarch Jacob (Amenhotep II). They derive from Sargon (Inyotef) and his "dynasty." Sargon had many renowned sons. However, the "twelve sons" of the archetypal Jacob-Israel were the names of the twelve successors to his throne. These powerful kings each founded one or more clans, which naturally were named after them. These clans or tribes initially settled in Egypt. They would not make their Exodus until the end of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 1:56 pm

Perspectives on the United Kingdom of David and Solomon
In the book of Genesis, the flight of the Patriarchs from Babylon and their "Sojourn" in Egypt is liberally attested. Their royalty, both in Babylon and in Egypt is frequently alluded to; however the exact form of their kingship is never made explicit. Conversely, in the Kings/Chronicles narrative, the Patriarchs are explicitly named as sovereigns. However, the seat of their dynasty is assumed to be modern day Jerusalem in Palestine rather than the Jerusalem of Egypt.

On the contrary, it will be shown that prior to the Babylonian Exile, the Jerusalem of Biblical record was not tiny Jebus/Salem in Palestine. It was instead the Semitic name of the mighty capital of Egypt on the Nile. The Egyptian New Kingdom was the time of ancient Egypt's last great empire, when its borders literally reached "from the Nile to the River Euphrates." The story in the Torah of how this "United Kingdom" of Egypt was won and lost is quite different than the rendition found in the Kings/Chronicles narrative. However, through a synthesis of the two counterpoising traditions with archaeology a rich and balanced understanding of the period emerges.

The Kings/Chronicles Narrative of David and Solomon is a very different approach to history writing than is found in the Torah. Nevertheless, these two histories provide highly complementary accounts of the same renowned empire. The two approaches were equally effective in preserving even the most intimate family history without directly associating their forefathers with what later became vehemently denounced as the idolatry, pride, incest and genocide of ancient Egypt. By overlaying the archaeology of New Kingdom Egypt onto each of these Biblical stories, the biographies of the greatest Biblical kings and Patriarchs, both personal and public, both official and unofficial, can now be retold in vivid, verse-by-verse detail.

During the "Divided Kingdom" Period, there are sparse references in Assyrian inscriptions to tribute received from the Biblical kings of Israel and Judah. However, there is absolutely no evidence anywhere of the glory days of the "United Kingdom" when David and Solomon established the most famous empire on earth. The existence of at least sparse confirmation in the weakened late period of Israel and Judah stands in stark contrast to the total absence of any record of the more dominant and only slightly earlier period. There is also no testimony outside the Bible of any Biblical character prior to David and Solomon. Most surprising of all, there is no mention of any Biblical king in Egyptian records. This is a clear indication that the true nature of the "United Kingdom of David and Solomon" has been tragically misunderstood.

The glorious "United Kingdom of David and Solomon" is in fact liberally attested in Egypt, Palestine and Phoenicia. It is represented by the superabundant archaeology of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty, including the now famous figures of Tutankhamun, Nefertiti and Akhenaten. This most renowned of all ancient kingdoms was founded by royal refugees from Babylon. Akkadian, a Babylonian dialect, was the ancient world's lingua franca, and would have been the first of many languages practiced by all courtly chameleons. However, in Egypt, official inscriptions always referred to the pharaohs in traditional Egyptian style and using their assumed Egyptian names and identities.

Publicly, the rulers of New Kingdom Egypt were upstanding Egyptians. Privately, they were a branch of the international ruling elite, and largely the products of Babylonian culture. They spoke with each other in the Babylonian tongue, and preferred to be called by their Akkadian (Semitic) names and nicknames. When they became separated from Babylon, the form of their language became "frozen." By the end of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty, the pharaohs of Egypt wrote to their kingly cousins in Mesopotamia using words and expressions that had already become archaic back in Babylon. This anomaly has been noted by scholars who have studied the Amarna Tablet correspondence of the late 18th Dynasty, however the significance of the phenomenon has not been discerned.

The reason obsolete language was used in the Amarna Letters can now be learned from the missives of the Bible. Immediately preceding the rise of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty, Canaan and Egypt were being ruled by the kings of 1st Dynasty Babylon.

In Upper Egypt, these Babylonian kings assumed traditional Egyptian titles. For example, the last king Samsu-ditana assumed the throne name of Senakhtenre in Thebes. (This formal name was shortened to "Terah" in the Bible.)

However, in Canaan and Lower Egypt, these Babylonian kings were known as the "Hyksos", literally translated as "rulers of a foreign land." The Hyksos name of Samsu-ditana was Apophis I. The foreign land of these landlords was Babylon.

Hyksos kings were feared throughout the Near East for the swiftness of their attacks, and the strength of their fortresses. It will be shown that these rival "brothers" of Samsu-ditana (Terah) had the blessing of the "godfather" of the family empire himself, Ammi-saduga (Patriarch Nahor). Wahibre (Eber/Moses I) had earlier been banished from Egypt but was allowed to re-establish himself in Babylon under the name of Hammurabi. Conversely, Samus-ditana (Terah) was forced out of Babylon. He was allowed to reorganize in Canaan and Egypt, at least up until the time that he chose to withhold tribute from the brother who was appointed to replace him.

At the end of the Egyptian 17th Dynasty, the dispossessed crown prince Abraham arrived in Egypt with his half-sister and royal wife Sarah. The same family rivals who usurped the couple's waiting throne in Babylon soon ushered their armies into Canaan and Egypt. Genesis 14 describes the ensuing war against these four kings "from the East," which was won by the erstwhile Babylonian "Lord" Abraham with help from his ally Mamre. The details of Abraham's war in Genesis, including the names of the four invading kings, are equivalent to those of Gideon's battle given in Judges.

Instead of being dominated by a new group of foreign ("Hyksos") rulers, a native dynasty was established in Egypt by the descendants of the fallen Babylonian king Samus-ditana (Terah). After the invading armies of Mesopotamian rivals were repelled, the many sons and grandsons of Terah (Tao I) then dueled with each other for the right to succeed Terah as the sovereign lord of a new Egyptian house. There was intense rivalry between the many princes of the extended royal family. Yet, because of infertility caused by mandatory "sister" marriages, these "brothers" were highly dependent upon each other for producing heirs. This is a recurring theme in almost every Biblical generation.

The plight of Abraham and his half-sister Sarah is a sterling example. In order for a crown prince such as Abraham to be appointed co-regent or king, it was normally required that he himself first produce one or more royal heirs. It will be shown that Abraham and Sarah were invited to the court of the pharaoh in Egypt, and that this pharaoh was none other than their half-brother Mamre/Gideon (Sequenenre Tao II). They traveled to the site of the harem in order to produce the all-important royal heir (Gen 12) for Abraham. Gideon/Mamre had already been named to succeed Terah as pharaoh in Egypt.

This is a strong indication that he had produced a suitable royal son of his own by this date. The heir of Gideon is called Jether in Judges 8. With his own kingship secure, Gideon/Mamre was in a position to render due benevolence unto Sarah, the wife of his brother Abraham. Unfortunately, Gideon/Mamre (pharaoh Sequenenre Tao II) and Sarah were also infertile.

A second attempt by Sarah to have a child with a different close male relation was recorded in Genesis 20. The appearance of Sarah at the court of "King Abimelech" was implicitly for the purpose of royal reproduction, as it had been at the court of Pharaoh Tao II. Despite the deliberately misleading rebuke of Abimelech (Gen 20:3-7), we can be positive that this liaison was successful in siring a child on Abraham's behalf. The birth of this son is recorded in the very next chapter. In Chapter 12, it will be demonstrated that Isaac was not only the son of King Abimelech, but indeed became the most relentless military king of his era. The symbolic name Abimelech means "father of THE king," and is confirmation that he was the natural father of the renowned warrior king Isaac, the historical Thutmose III.

It will also be demonstrated that the historical identity of Sarah is that of the ephemeral Egyptian 18th Dynasty Queen Isis, known from archaeology to have been the mother of Thutmose III. It is never explicitly acknowledged that any of the Patriarchs of Genesis were kings. Consistent with this, it is admitted that the Matriarch Sarah was a princess, but not that she became a queen and mother of a great king.

In the Book of Genesis, Isaac (Thutmose III) is revered; however his father Abimelech (Thutmose I) is not. This father and son, Abimelech and Isaac, are composited together as one in the Kings/Chronicles narrative of "King David." Thutmose III (David the Younger) and his freebooting forbearer Thutmose I (David the Elder) are both highly esteemed in that tradition.

We know that this was a popular means of history writing, because of the famous ancient account of King Sesostris. Sesostris was also a composite of two great pharaohs by the same name, viz., Senusret I and Senusret III of the 12th Dynasty.

Senusret I was the grandfather of Senusret III. On the other hand, Thutmose I and Thutmose III were father and son. In the Kings/Chronicles narrative of the Bible, they are collectively considered to have founded the Egyptian New Kingdom. Events from the lives of both Thutmose I and Thutmose III are merged in the story of King David.

The association of the name David (Heb. Dvd) and Thoth (Egy. Twt) was first made by Ahmed Osman in House of the Messiah. The passion and daring genius of Thutmose I eclipsed Djehuty, who was a stately and retiring man of great learning. In the Kings history, it is the greatness of Thutmose I and his natural son Thutmose III that is paramount. The legal rights and spiritual flights of Djehuty are not the heavenly sights of that Biblical reckoning. The son who established New Kingdom Egypt as the leading power of the Near East was born to him by Isis (Sarah), the legal wife of Djehuty (Abraham). According to the custom of the ancient royal court, all children born of Sarah lawfully belonged to Abraham.

In the Genesis account, it is Abraham (Egyptian Djehuty) who is to be considered the rightful father of Isaac (Thutmose III) and therefore the "official" founder of the Egyptian New Kingdom. The author of the Genesis account maintained that Djehuty was assured of this everlasting distinction by none other than his father Tao I, and later by Thutmose I Although Thutmose I (Abimelech) was implicitly acknowledged as the natural father of Thutmose III (Isaac), he was not fully revered in the book of Genesis.

Although the identities of Abimelech and Isaac remain distinct, there is another form of compositing in the Book of Genesis. In that history, New Kingdom celebrities are combined with those of earlier time periods. Issac (Thutmose III), like Abraham, Jacob, Joseph and Moses, is depicted in Genesis as a repetition of an earlier ancestor. He was the New Kingdom version of Methuseleh (Senusret III).

In Genesis, the next important person in the Abraham narrative after Mamre is that of Abimelech. In Judges, the story of "Gideon and the Lord" is also followed immediately by the brutal rise to power of King Abimelech.

Thutmose I was an extremely controversial person, and was handled with the utmost discretion in Genesis. The naming of Thutmose I as the king of the Philistines rather than of Israel is an underhanded compliment. However, Genesis does not go so far as to say that Abimelech was a Philistine, only that he was their king. In the Kings/Chronicles narrative, a young David (Thutmose I) is an ally of the Philistines in their war against king Saul. However, he was offended by the Philistine commanders and thereafter became their enemy. When Saul died, David (Thutmose I) was named King "over all Israel" in his place. He subsequently "defeated the Philistines and subdued them," i.e., became their king.

There was a bitter succession struggle among the Hyksos princes of the late 17th and early 18th Dynasty. The prevailing line emerged from an accord between Thutmose I, Thutmose II, and Djehuty. However, the Hyksos princesses had no small role to play in the founding of the Egyptian New Kingdom. A determined Isis (Sarah) brought her young son Thutmose III (Isaac) to Thebes as heir apparent, not only to her legal husband Djehuty (Abraham), but also to the pharaohs Thutmose I (Abimelech) and Thutmose II (Ephron). Sarah met an untimely death in Thebes. Consequently, her son was denied power for over two decades by his aunt Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut was herself the widowed wife of Thutmose II and the highly favored daughter of Thutmose I. We are told in the Genesis account that Isaac ultimately did receive his "blessing." After the demise of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III reigned alone for three decades, and conducted 17 known military campaigns.

Very late in his long reign, Thutmose III (Isaac) finally chose his successor to be Amenhotep II (Biblical Jacob). After some deliberation, Amenhotep II in turn appointed one of his younger sons, Thutmose IV (Biblical Judah), to succeed him.

It will be shown that the nine-year reign of Thutmose IV was not a sole reign, but that he ruled entirely as the co-regent of his father Amenhotep II. Thutmose IV predeceased his father. The reign of the next pharoah, Amenhotep III, began upon the death of Amenhotep II, and not upon the death of Thutmose IV as is presumed by Egyptologists. The contiguous reigns of Amenhotep II and Amenhotep III are combined in the Kings/Chronicles narrative as the story of the great king Solomon. The reigns of Abimelech (Thutmose I) and Isaac (Thutmose III) were also contiguous and are combined in the Kings/Chronicles narrative as the composite story of King David. Figuratively speaking, it can be said that King David (Thutmose I/III) was followed by Solomon (Amenhotep II/III).

Ahmed Osman established in House of the Messiah that the story of David and Solomon was based on the historical kings Thutmose III and Amenhotep III, respectively. It will be shown here that the account of Biblical David also incorporates Thutmose I, father of Thutmose III. The account of Solomon is based primarily on Amenhotep III. However, it also absorbs the reign of his grandfather and immediate predecessor Amenhotep II.

Ahmed Osman logically stopped short of saying that David and Solomon were one and the same as Egyptian New Kingdom pharaohs Thutmose III and Amenhotep III. Hundreds of years distance the accepted time of the Egyptian 18th Dynasty (14th Century BC) from that of David and Solomon (10th Century BC). Notwithstanding, the overwhelming evidence to be presented in this work will remove the chronological impossibility that confronted Ahmed Osman, and confirm his original associations of David and Solomon with pharaohs Thutmose III and Amenhotep III.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 4:07 pm

Do you suppose the Dragons overthrew the Shemshu Hor? Or could the Dragons have corrupted their seed through hybridization? Is that what Genesis means about the “uncorrupted seed” of Noah?

Shemshu Hor ... 928e0a4b16
The magnificent civilizing era of the Shemsu Hor in Egypt appears to have ended circa 2250 BCE when a necrophilic priesthood known as the Royal Order of the Dragon became the overlords of the Egyptian populace. From that time on, the Egypt of antiquity lost the technology necessary for constructing buildings incorporating massive stone blocks.
Here Be Dragons
The Dragon Court can first be identified in Egypt under the patronage of the priest-prince Ankhfn Khonsu at about 2170 BC. It was subsequently established more formally as a pharaonic institution by the twelfth dynasty Queen Sobekh Nefru in 1785 BC.
Shemshu Hor ... Lights.htm
Amazingly, the UFO community has totally ignored hard evidence of humanoid visitors who arrived on earth more than 5000 years ago. Unlike human skulls, the front and rear halves of their skulls never knitted together.

Consequently, as their brains grew in infancy, the rear half of their head was pushed rearwards, pulling their facial skin taut and giving them the appearance of a serpent (a Dead Sea scroll mentions a similar being). Their skeletons have been found in Sumer, the Giza Plateau, Malta and Yucatan and at the Mayan pyramids. Superstitious Mayans later bound their infants' heads between two boards in an attempt to simulate the skulls.

So much misinformation has been published concerning the Sumerian culture that it's advisable to learn the language and study Sumerian texts oneself. According to the texts, these great civilizers known variously as the El (shining ones) Annana, Annunaki and in the pre dynastic Egyptian texts as the Shemsu Hor (followers of Horus) descended upon the summit of Mount Hermon as the waters of the global flood began to reside and created a community on the upper slopes of the mountain in a grassy plain they named Edin.

After a long period of time they migrated to Mesopotamia and created a civilization there. Several years ago, I had the pleasure of dining with the erudite physicist and Sumerian scholar, the late George Merkl, Ph.D. when we both lectured at a Global Sciences symposium and found it refreshing to hear him refer to popular books on Sumerian history as a "fairy story."

The reason much data appertaining to these remarkable people has been obscured is because Dr. Merkl discovered that many Sumerian texts contain advanced data concerning protein synthesis and endoplasmic reticulii. He also decoded a Sumerian text providing details on the manufacture of an amazing elixir. He replicated the elixir, which contained microscopic crystals that had remarkable healing qualities. When a powerful light beam was projected on the base of a glass Petrie dish containing the elixir, the dish levitated. Dr. Merkl, the recipient of some 400 patents, also developed very advanced optical equipment which enabled him to view planets with incredible clarity.

According to the earliest Egyptian texts, it was the Shemsu Hor who created the Great Pyramid. Carbon dating using the tree ring calibration method dates the Pyramid at 3000 BCE, not 2500 BCE as is commonly believed. Evidence of the Shemsu Hor's advanced technology is to be found in the Great Pyramid's stone blocks, which were cast in geopolymer stone, not quarried (the blocks contain chemically bound water, not found in natural limestone).

For a number of years I served in a support function for high level survivors of Illuminati mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. Some of these unfortunate individuals had served in a dual capacity as highly trained powerful psychics who had the ability to invoke hideous entities from other astral realms at ritual gatherings and also acted as telepathic intermediaries between E.T.'s and scientists at various covert facilities such as Area 51 and China Lake Naval Weapons Depot.

What I learned from these individuals is that the 13 ruling families of shape shifters receive their global planning strategies from a reptilian dragon like race who reside off planet.
Dragons or Humans?

The Anunnaki
There is reported to be a race of giant humanoids who have played a role in seeding the Earth with humans, and who periodically return to the Earth to determine how effectively Earth's resources have been utilized by humanity and those extraterrestrial races playing a role in 'managing' humanity. These are described by the Sumerians in the Sumerian Tablets left behind as the 'Anunnaki' from the world 'Nibiru' in the extensive cuneiform texts translated by Zecharia Sitchin.

These giant humanoids apparently form the chief 'founding' extraterrestrial race who comprised the gods described in ancient mythologies and religions. According to the accounts of the Sumerians, the Anunnaki's chief god is Anu, otherwise known as YHWH. The pantheon of Anunnaki as described by Sitchin form key figures in the hierarchy that secretly oversee management of humanity and the planet Nibiru, which periodically returns to the vicinity of Earth.

Zecharia Sitchin claims to have translated Sumerian tablets referring to an alien race which created a race of humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa. This [alien] race is called the Anunnaki and Sitchin claims that the 'Black-headed' people of Sumer were created by these beings by mingling the 'life-essences' of 'man and beast'. According to Sitchin, the 'Black-headed people' were considered slaves in the Sumerian caste hierarchy beneath their creators. The Sumerian Tablets refer to the creation of the Black-headed people in the geographical area called 'AB.ZU.', which is said to correspond to West Africa.

The royalty was said to be a combination between 'dragons' and humans, or to be direct descendants of the Sun God, Shamhash. Contrary to the claims of David Icke, the Draconian Sun-God aspect of the royalty does not correspond to the Anunnaki, but to a different set of gods and their lineage.

The Anunnaki comprised only 23 gods in the Sumerian pantheon, including Enlil (lord of wind/air) and Enki (lord of earth). Other gods were not Anunnaki at all, but were personifications of the Sun, or what were described as 'Sir', or Dragons, in Babylonian. This word, 'Sir', also apparently meant 'great serpent', and is related to the Sanskrit word 'Sarpa', which was also used to describe great 'Dragon-Gods' who ruled over, and created, the original Dravidian culture. Sitchin also suggests that the Anunnaki probably still exist in some form or another, with some degree of influence over humanity.

Laurence Gardner claims that a 'Dragon Bloodline' (a 'Holy Grail') was created in ancient Sumer, when reptilian aliens called 'Anunnaki' descended upon the region and created a royal bloodline through genetic engineering. He claims that this is supported by ancient Sumerian tablets, as well as the histories of the indigenous peoples of Africa, such as the Zulu, [and] physical evidence such as ancient mines, which have been discovered by the Anglo American Corporation, dating to 60,000 years B.C.

On February 20, 1954, a delegation of 'human looking' extraterrestrial races met with the Eisenhower administration in an unsuccessful effort to reach an agreement on the US's thermo-nuclear weapons program. The apparent stumbling block was that these extraterrestrial races were not willing to provide technology that might be used by the military-industrial interests that dominated the Eisenhower administration and set the tone for subsequent extraterrestrial – human dialogue. The principled opposition of this group of extraterrestrials to being co-opted into an emerging military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) marks an important indicator of a large grouping of 'human' extraterrestrial races who lie outside of the web of interlocking interests that make up the MIEC in the U.S. and elsewhere on the planet.

Doctor George Merkl discovered the ancient Sumerian Anunnaki, existing in hyper-dimensional space. He was able to call them back in time. He states that they were able to miniaturize themselves and move into the 4th dimension, just out of our sight. There they remain, timelessly preserved with the codes for our own re-genesis -- our spiritual heritage and legacy. These Cosmic Bio-engineers, whom Merkl referred to as 'PACMEN', are here to assist us through our coming re-genesis. Merkl says those he discovered have the best interests of the human race and Earth at heart. They will not interfere unless we invite them to do so. Doctor Merkl opened a portal through his discoveries and invited them to do their part in the work of Planetary Redemption. With Doctor George Merkl's re-discovery, we can 're-catalog' our DNA / RNA codes, allowing us to 'reference' them fully and move beyond the current programs that were set into us at the time of our genetic engineering by the Gods of Sumeria.

Doctor George Merkl discovered in his Sumerian Water formula the original information codes, ready to assist us through the 'workers' or 'PACMEN' in repairing the damage done to us so long ago. Doctor Merkl refused to share his discoveries with certain government and other leaders (including those of extraterrestrial origins) that approached him and offered him a lot of power and money to do so. He was fully committed to not helping them with his knowledge and Metatronic Light technologies. He felt his re-discovery was for all of us to have and use to restore ourselves, thus evolving beyond the current, DNA slave program we are trapped in. Dr. Merkl has presented us with an 'ADAM KADMON 101' manual. We do not require our Creator Gods to return at 2012 or anytime beyond. The legacy they left for us can now be recovered, now that we are mature enough to utilize it. Doctor Merkl has made this possible, through the legacy he has left to the Children of Light on Earth.
Who is George Merkl?

George Merkl - Life Crystals and Chondrianas ... /index.htm
The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation board voted to open-mindedly investigate George Merkl's claim that he had discovered a new form of life that destroyed cancer and repaired damaged organs. He called this form of life Chondrianas. Apparently a mixture of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP), ribose, nucleotides, glucose, fructose and glucose phosphates, under the right conditions, enticed this organism from where it was hidden, in the human (or any life form), for an unknown number of millions of years.

If the claims are true, then mankind, through George Merkl, has apparently discovered its fountain of youth.
George MERKL - Chondriana & Life Crystals
George Merkl is a nuclear physicist and president of Life Crystal Incorporated in El Paso, Texas. He has conducted research for the past 30 years in his own research laboratories, and holds more than 40 U.S., and hundreds of international patents on his discoveries and inventions. Dr. Merkl is listed in "Who's Who Among the Pioneers in Science Today".

His latest discovery is the present discovery particle biochemistry and the secret of life. He is the author of "Inner Space (Unified Theory)", and he has discovered a new treatment which can cure AIDS, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases.

The primary discovery George had made years ago was a principle which he termed SCROLL WAVES. These waves are extremely small and can be likened to Aether or Zero-Point-Energy moving in continuous spiraling patterns.
To quote from George's privately published book "Inner Space":

"The photon is not a constant but is energy based on DECAYING spinning wave resonance. Now when an energy exchange takes place between two electrons (or particles), the electron may move with a velocity.

When the particle has absorbed or attained enough energy, it may get rid of that energy by emitting it in a full or partially MUTILATED wave form.

But a second particle or electron may REABSORB THE SAME ENERGY, whereas BOTH will SPIN and RECOIL IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.

The direction will be determined by the recoiling photons. The photon transfer will be responsible for the force set up between the pair of electrons. The photon is energy in wave form which acts as a force field.

This moving wave form can convert to current as the force field is being produced when the photon RECOILS WHILE IT IS SPINNING.

This force is related to the inverse square law for the force of attraction and repulsion between two interacting particles through energy exchange."

George has many patents in several fields, with the majority on new chemical processes.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun May 22, 2011 4:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 4:14 pm

Sumerian Water Technology -- 'The Elixir of Life' - George Merkl
The Sumerian Water Elixir is the super fluid bonding agent of life. When a protein is brought into contact with this Elixir it will fold into sacred cosmic geometry. This sacred geometry is then responsible for superconductivity and the continuity of all life forms. The secret to immortality lies within this sacred, cosmic order that delivers wholeness to every living organism.

The free-energy scroll, vortex field generated by the seven fold interference field of the nuclear well gives rise to the three dimensional oscillations. This vortex field is the prime mover of the cosmos, the creative field that condenses into matter and distilled life itself. It does this through a state of coherence that develops interference points along the superlattice grid network. When the interference is put through cosmic order, matter will assume new entropy. The seven-fold interference represents free-energy scrolls, the seeds of light that are molded from dark gravity.

We shall see how genetic material absorbs the Sumerian Water Elixir that delivers the cosmic light to nourish and regenerate all life forms. The cosmos contains pristine 'dark matter'. This dark matter represents 90% of the cosmos. Dark matter is pure and exists in the form of superlattice grids: coherent, superconductive and super-fluidic. It acts as a nuclear well, recycling light to generate anti-gravitational fields that counter the gravitational force fields of the cosmos. This matter is translucent but generates anti-gravitational fields that trap light such as dark matter. These gravitational fields are compressing light, imploding and forming 'dirty matter' that then becomes the material to create new suns and stars. This dirty matter is chaotic, cycling towards aging and entropy and then recycling towards anti-aging and order.

The distance of heavenly bodies from the Earth does not reflect the true age of the cosmos. Photon belts are held captive by anti-gravity forces and black matter. Such forces can disturb gravitational forces within a solar system, causing catastrophic events that include pole shifts of planets. In such an event there would be complete darkness, because anti-gravitational fields are capturing the light.

Many tend to believe that there is a twelfth planet with an orbital time of 36 thousand years. If such a planet exists, it would be composed of transparent matter that would make the planet black, churning out anti-gravitational fields powerful enough to break out from the solar gravitation field. It probably orbits between two suns; this would explain the long, orbital path.

The composition would also explain catastrophic events on earth that occurred when such a planet would have passed by in our past. It would have distributed the solar system by gravitational field-interaction. If disrupted, the interference patterns between suns and planets would result in orbital changes; such catastrophic events could bring about airborne seas and matter, causing planets to flip over or even collide. Historical evidence indicates that such events took place in Biblical times.

Cosmic Bio-Machines

There are several ways to enter into an atom. The ideal way is with low energy photons or particles in cosmic geometry, that absorb high-energy photons to deliver quantums of energy. A single photon has to be at a high energy level to create a vortex tunnel through interference gates. In adopting the cosmic geometry, three photons at one-third their energy level accomplish the same result. One must realize that there are smaller energy units than photons. Gravitational wells have implosion 'pull'. Quantums of energy can be delivered in smaller, multiple units such as free-energy scrolls and gravitons via a delivery highway system issued forth by this implosion pull. Energy can be pulled out of the cosmos by implosion and can be delivered via the sacred geometry where zero-point, free energy takes place.

In ordinary matter when the delivery system breaks down, the interference is chaotic and creates road blocks. In cosmic geometry the interference of all waves is in an orderly system, creating a front where all energy is like raindrops that form a river of flow.

Cosmic Bio-Machines have two phase-in and phase-out vortex dishes, a black one to decrease or cancel the wave front and a white vortex dish to add or amplify the amplitude of waves. Both vortex dishes are coupled with reproduction chambers, where the reproduction of proteins takes place via interference copying. This is done with the aid of the two, bell-shaped optical devices at the core of the Cosmic Bio-Machine. The energy is transferred to a molecular bond, and is also used for the photosynthesis of CO-2 to make glucose that utilizes the protein substrate in cosmic geometry.

By controlling positive and negative interference, the two vortex dishes also control the cosmic hyperdimensional hologram. The white dish produces the constructive interference and the black dish produces the destructive interference. In other words, the black dish produces gravitational waves which capture the light, annihilate and disassemble it, while the white dish produces the coherent beams for the hyper-dimensional interference. All this is coordinated with the optical system, which also controls the viable intensity of the wave form interfering. The Cosmic Bio-Machine Incubator adjusts the maximum control of interference intensities for desired functions, phasing in and out the coherent flow of wave fronts. (This can explain the scrambling of the optical focus on the microscope).

In the case of a six-plus-one wave interference, the result produces a new wave intensity of six-plus-one to the second, or 49:

Cosmic Wave Amplitude (6 +1) = 7
(6+1) + (6 to the second + 1 to the second) + 2. (6) (1) = 49 + 51
2 waves used as nuclear wells 2 times 7 = 14 + (6+1) = 37 + 14 + 5)
2 times 50 + 1 = 49 = 51

Cosmic Bio-Machines are high-energy, cosmic life forms. Their energy requirements are super high. Once Cosmic Bio-Machines are completed, they cover themselves with protein substrates in superlattice. From this superlattice protein substrate, they get transfers of free-energy to satisfy all their needs. All space between parts and sandwich substrates are insulated with dielectric nucleotide crystals, which also serve as part of the optical system to project holograms. To drain energy from the nucleus we must shift waves out of phase, so that wave “x” is positive and wave “y” is negative. The reduction of amplitudes and intensity will be determined by the phase shift angle. If x – y, the opposite, direction interference will disengage and gravitational waves will be turned loose, generating a gravity field. This is achieved by a superlattice vortex, reversing the spin state of the carrier waves.

Mechanics of the Cosmic Bio-Machine

The Cosmic Bio-Machine exists as ‘creation hardware’ incorporated into the very fabric of creation. It is in 'perpetual existence' throughout the many universes, functioning as Metatronic, Whole Light technology. The four bells of the Cosmic-Bio Machine create a ‘Cosmic Well’ in its center, a depolarized, toroidal circuit holding multi-dimensional holograms for this Universe. This is the ‘Power of Cross’ of the Black Sun, stepping down the Pillar of Light from the galactic central sun through the software of the Adam Kadmon blueprint. This divine software blueprint was inserted by the seven mighty Elohim, our Anunnaki overseers, at the beginning of our current epoch. It controls and regulates our localized universe and its ‘gen-isis’ and up-coming ‘regen-isis’ threshold.

The horizontal bells of the Cosmic Bio-Machine are the in-breath and out-breath of the Creator. The dark bell implodes, depolarizes and pulls in cosmic matter or debris, and the white bell explodes out re-capitulated, re-polarized matter as creation hardware. The dark bell is the in-breath of the creator, and the white bell is the out-breath. In the continuing building and repair of the Adamic creation, one bell sucks in cosmic trash and the other spits out bio-engineering hardware.

The Center of the Cosmic Bio-Machine is a step-down transformer. The vertical Pillar of Light comes down through the top bell of the Cosmic Bio-Machine to the center of the cross, where it is compressed through the lens of the Black Sun. The stepped-down and transformed Pillar of Light then moves out the bottom bell of the Cosmic Bio-Machine as Black Water. This Sumerian Water Elixir transports crystalline grids that have been pre-programmed as fractalized mechanisms that transport and transpose light into all manifested life within Adamic creation.

The discovery of the Mandelbrot set fractal by Benoît B. Mandelbrot in 1979 opened a portal into this secret order of the universe, explaining mathematically how the breath of the creator manifests itself in multiple dimensions throughout the universe(s).

Our sun is a polarizing / de-polarizing, magnifying / miniaturizing lens for the great central Sun of the Milky Way galaxy, which is a Cosmic Bio-Machine model functioning at a magnified, macro level. Merkl recognized the inherent and severe entropy of our local sun and its effects on our evolution and well-being. Through solarizing his own blood via the Sumerian Water Elixir, Merkl was able to witness the creation hardware of this universe on a miniaturized scale within his own blood.

Without the knowledge and understanding that this sacred, cosmic geometry brings, we will never evolve and ascend beyond the three-dimensional reality known as death and re-birth on the Great Wheel of Life. The whole universe is fractalized through a self-replicating process, initiated at the core of the Cosmic Bio-Machine. Based on this cosmic knowledge, everything can be corrected and restored to the pristine conditions of the original Garden of Eden we left so long ago.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 5:58 pm

Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA ... 01340.html
Collaborative research from a gathering of exo-scientists postulates that there are genes from over 20 extraterrestrials civilizations in Human DNA. These exo-scientists have continued the work of Nobel Prize winner Dr. Frances Crick, and other scholars in this area. Current findings are consistent with reports of Professor Sam Chang, who discreetly released information on his own apparent findings, in association with the Human Genome Project. Scientists are beginning to complain more and more about political attempts to compromise the integrity of their important work for humanity. The discreet releasing of findings is one apparent way in which scientists try to cope with scientific peer pressures to conform to prevailing political pressures.

Details of findings have been published in part, by Dr. Michael Salla, who is a learned scholar on extraterrestrial research. Exo-scientists and other researchers base their findings, in part, on carefully collecting data, which includes well corroborated documented observations by contactees and "whistleblowers", as well as other documentation. These verified reliable sources have come into contact with representatives of non-Earth Human civilizations living in human populations at-large, and also in official capacities.

Exo-science" is the study of extraterrestrial phenomenon. "Exo-science" is further associated with "exopolitics" which embraces the need for humanity to have open contacts with Extraterrestrials on a representative democratic basis which respects Earth's sovereignty.

In today's "global economy" an "official science" which denies the analytical study of spiritual phenomena, as a legitimate context for understanding human reality has been created over time. The "science" which is legitimated by institutions that are closely linked to this "global economy", tends to seek to analyse only certain aspects of 'materiality'. Priorised subjects by this "official science" are limited to areas which complement the agenda of constituencies of individuals who seek to manipulate the "recognized" body of human knowledge for power and control. That scientific priorisation context, has notably sought to exclude extraterrestrial relationships to humanity, in order to keep humanity ignorant of its apparent potential "locked" heritage within its own DNA.
Indeed, efforts to seek a scientific context for the appreciation of spiritual phenomena, has also been frowned upon by the elites of institutionalized religions, which like "official science", seek to control humanity within systems of accepted doctrine and dogma.

Collaborative exo-scientific research efforts inspired by Dr. Michael Salla, suggest that within the estimated over 20 types of extraterrestrial genes within human DNA, lies psycho-kinetic abilities associated with the genetic memories of ancient extraterrestrial races. These apparent psycho-kinetic abilities are associated with the focusing of the creative collective consciousness of being in the universe.

These psycho-kinetic abilities, for example, could be viewed to manifest from time to time, when human beings in the process of trying to save another life, for example, have been recorded as executing, "great physical and other acts" which seem to go beyond the realm of understanding by "official science". The recorded healing abilities which individuals, for example, in aboriginal communities across the world have demonstrated in relation to their spirituality, which had also been recorded of Jesus, could be viewed to be associated with accessing this DNA "memory". "Official science" which seeks to complement the interests of various companies who seek to commercially profit from drugs and other therapies, has apparently sought to deny the awesome potentials of humanity for an elevated quality-of-living, by accessing an apparent E.T. DNA memory.

There have been eyewitness accounts globally, including the broadcasted video footage of professional broadcasters, by millions of people of apparent extraterrestrial spacecraft. Exo-scientists indicate that this is because "these Extraterrestrials have sought to observe, or intervene on Earth, as a result of human beings having the genetic footprints of their ancient forbearers." It is important to note that exo-scientists do not claim that all extraterrestrials observed by humanity, do so because of a genetic association with humanity, although "genetics" is a reported prime motivation.

Earth, therefore, appears to represent a "strategic genetic frontier", between scientifically ascertained extraterrestrials who "seeded", Earth, and other extraterrestrials with varying genetic agendas.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 22, 2011 7:18 pm

I keep seeing that second sun, but I must admit that chemtrails have done a good job in obscuring its presence for such a long time.

Two Suns ... re=related

Two Suns

Return of the Second Sun ... re=related

Sumerian Water Technology -- 'The Elixir of Life'
Many tend to believe that there is a twelfth planet with an orbital time of 36 thousand years. If such a planet exists, it would be composed of transparent matter that would make the planet black, churning out anti-gravitational fields powerful enough to break out from the solar gravitation field. It probably orbits between two suns; this would explain the long, orbital path.
Is “Comet Elin” really Planet X?

Bad News from NASA: Proof That Comet Elenin Is Affecting Earth ... comet.html
Last night, looking at a NASA mathematical model of comet Elenin, I found out that a large celestial body has already penetrated the solar system and is on course for a near and possibly horrific encounter with the earth in the fall of 2011. What we do not know is the size and mass of comet Elenin though I have no doubt that it is known by the authorities.

Elenin is presently being tracked as it goes through the asteroid belt on its way into the inner solar system. I am truly sorry to have to be the bearer of such grave and threatening news but the source, NASA, is impeccable. We have an incoming mass (what might possibly be a neutron star) coming in and it will do a hard turn around the sun like any comet would, crossing and coming in between Mercury and Venus before starting its journey back out. On its way out it will cross our bow, meaning it will pass very close to the earth and the earth will pass behind it, plowing into its tail.

What you will see with mathematical precision is that every time this celestial body comes into alignment with the earth and sun we have a huge earthquake. The last three alignments produced the Japanese 9.0 quake, the one in New Zealand and before that the one in Chile. On March 11th Elenin was much farther out. When the next alignment happens it will be devastatingly close. The main point to understand is that if Elenin was just a normal comet it would not have the mass to generate a gravity pull that would affect the earth when the earth swings around into alignment.

David Morrison, Astrobiology Senior Scientist at NASA, in an official communication on March 1st acknowledged no threat from Elenin. Ten days later Elenin came into alignment with the earth and the sun . . . and Japan was almost destroyed.

Morrison confirmed that Elenin’s perihelion (closest to the sun) is in early September 2011 at a distance from the sun of 40-45 million miles. He said it will be closest to the earth on about October 16, at a distance of about 21 million miles, but he believes there is no reason to think Elenin is any different from a normal comet. I wonder if he changed his mind after March 11th. He dismisses everything alarming as pure fiction.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue May 24, 2011 7:03 am

Shemsu Hor - Children of Light from the sunken “Western Lands” of Atlantis?

The Disciples of Horus
http://www.irishoriginsofcivilization.c ... hap10.html
The land we now call Egypt was colonized...and was originally peopled by fair Celts from the shores of Britain. This was the Exodus of the Aryans, some of whom returned later to their primeval homes - Comyns Beaumont (Riddle of Pre-Historic Britain)

We learn from official sources (Christian, Judaic, and other) that the symbols found throughout Western countries, on flags and state regalia, etc, come from spurious migrating "Semitic" tribes. We are told that the symbolism originates with these tribes and that it goes back to the dawn of time. We know that it refers to the period between 7,000 and 11,000 years ago. However, as we are now beginning to realize, these dates do not mark the beginnings of mankind's cultural and technical history.

Clearly, we are not meant to look back too far, and are not meant to believe in the existence of ante-diluvian civilizations. But what happens if we do look back this far? What happens if we do find evidence that proves that man was "civilized" aeons before 11,000 years ago?

Particularly, in the case of predynastic Egypt, we marvel at the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza, the Osirieon, and the temples of Karnak and Luxor, etc, even though we cannot account for the technology that built them.

Although equally magnificent temples and megaliths exist in Ireland, Scandinavia, North America, and Mexico, although entire lost cities are found beneath the oceans, and although the vast majority of words, place names, and personal names in the bible are of Irish origin we would rather live with mysteries and unsolvable conundrums than face the actual truth.

Investigators have habitually looked to every country except Ireland for their answers. It is almost comical to say that we can be certain that Ireland played a seminal role merely because the laws of exclusion are in its favor.

One of the most important finds within the land of Egypt occurred when the Egyptologist and archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery (1903-1971) was excavating tombs at the necropolis of Saqqara, one of the oldest cities in the land. There Professor Emery discovered men with blond hair and fair complexions. These individuals were revered and honored by the Egyptians as specially endowed elite. Authors Vittorio Di Cesare and Adriano Forgione write about Emery's enigmatic discoveries in their article Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess:

...the famous Egyptologist, author of "Archaic Egypt"...discovered the remains of individuals who lived in the pre-dynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull, larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt but had performed an important sacerdotal and governmental role in this country. This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the "disciples of Horus"...The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos.

Professor Emery wrote of his finds in his book, Archaic Egypt: Culture and Civilization in Egypt Five Thousand Years Ago:

Towards the end of the IV millennium B.C. the people known as the Disciples of Horus appear as a highly dominant aristocracy that governed entire Egypt. The theory of the existence of this race is supported by the discovery in the pre-dynastic tombs, in the northern part of Higher Egypt, of the anatomical remains of individuals with bigger skulls and builds than the native population, with so much difference to exclude any hypothetical common racial strain. The fusion of the two races must have come about in ages that concurred, more or less, with the unification of the two Egyptian Kingdoms...The racial origin of these invaders is not known and the route they took in their penetration of Egypt is equally obscure

...we find that at the dawn of the historic period Egypt was divided into the two rival kingdoms of the North and the South, both ruled by a royal house and aristocracy of the same race and both known traditionally as the "Followers of Horus" - the demigods of Manetho's history

According to the ancient tablets, known as The History of Thoth: The Atlantean, the Shemsu Hor (or Disciples of Horus) were a race of enlighteners who dwelt on ten pre-diluvian islands. One of their magi was the god Thoth, known by the Greeks as Hermes, and by the Romans as Mercury:

Great were my people in the ancient days, great beyond the conception of the little people now around me; knowing the wisdom of old, seeking far within the heart of infinity knowledge that belonged to Earth's youth. Wise were we with the wisdom of the Children of Light who dwelt among us. Strong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire. And of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, Thoth, keeper of the great temple, link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands.

The term shemsu derives, most probably, from the Akkadian shamash meaning "serpent." The word is very much like the Irish Shamus or Seamus, or English James. We believe the term Hor (for Horus the falcon or hawk-headed god of the sun) represented the Ari or Aryans. The letter "H" was often used in the same way as "The" or as "Le" in French. Therefore, Har or Harri was "The Ari." The eagle or hawk was the symbol of the sun and of the enlightened ones of old. As a symbol, it primarily and originally signified spiritual status. (The name Harris or Harrison, from har, meant "hawk" or "Son of the Hawk").

Expert on Egypt Ralph Ellis has found evidence supporting the idea that the Giza Plateau and its three great pyramids were perpetually protected by a special guard known as the Horites. These Horites, although disparaged in the bible, are believed to be associated with the mysterious city of Petra located near Mount Seir. Petra dates from a relatively late period but was probably built upon a more ancient site. Nearby are sophisticated irrigation systems and a strange serpent mound identical to those found in France and Britain. There can be little doubt that the Horites were descended from the ancient Shemsu Hor, the Disciples of Horus.

As said, the root har or hor refers to Horus and the sun. Ellis maintains that this mysterious sect of specially appointed guards was despised by the Hyksos people who were none other than the Israelites of the bible. He also maintains that one of the ancient names for Great Pyramid was Seir, a word that appears to connote the West (see Sera, Asur, Aser, Osiris, Abu Sir, and Syria, etc). If Mr. Ellis' translations are correct, as we believe them to be, then could not Mt. Horeb of the bible refer to the pyramids of the desert rather than to some other ill-defined and spuriously remote location? Was the pyramid the mountain of light or, more correctly, the mountain of the men of light?

In the year 1907, the Egyptian government decided to raise the level of the great Aswan Dam, in Southern Egypt, by seven meters. The project meant the destruction, by flooding, of acres of land containing many burial grounds and tombs. A hurried examination of the bodies from some Nubian tombs was made by Sir Grafton Elliot Smith who soon discovered, to his amazement, that the skulls and bones of the bodies under examination were different from those of the inhabitants of both Nubia and Egypt, even though there were Egyptian characteristics to the physiognomy. In his book The Royal Mummies, published in 1912, Smith wrote of his strange alien finds:

The alien people present many striking features of contrast which sharply differentiate them from the population of Egypt and Nubia. In height they do not differ in any marked degree, but their crania are shorter and considerably broader than those of the indigenous people. The nose is much narrower, more prominent and high-bridged than that of the Egyptian or Nubian, and in comparison with the latter, the nasal spine is much more prominent.

We believe that the decision to flood the sacred Nubian plains of the Northern Sudan was a clever ploy to conceal the burial grounds of the Western peoples who had influenced Egyptian culture.

The Caucasian features described by Sir Elliot Smith are to be seen on the face of Queen Nefertiti, her sister Mutnodjmet (wife of Pharaoh Heremheb), and her daughter Meritaten (Scota). Indeed, there is little doubt in our minds that Nefertiti and her family were of Irish ancestry. This explains why Scota, her eldest daughter, traveled to Ireland by way of Spain after the fall of Akhenaton's corrupt dynasty and why her grave was found, not in Egypt, but in Ireland's County Kerry.

The first pharaoh of the first dynasty of Egypt and founder of the great city of Memphis, King Menes is buried in Northern Ireland. Also known as Aha Men, and as Hor Aha ("Fighting Hawk"), king Menes was most likely a prestigious member of Egypt’s first civilization, the remnants of which were discovered by Professor Walter Emery, and founded by the Disciples of Horus the sun god. In one ancient text, from his empty "tomb" discovered by Sir Flinders Petrie at Abydos in 1900, Menes is referred to as "King Manash...of the Sun Hawk Race."
It is not surprising, therefore, that he should have wished to travel to Ireland, the original homeland of his ancestors.

Most pathetically tragic of all perhaps is the discovery that the hitherto unread long record inscribed on the great Ebony Label found in the "tomb" of Menes at Abydos in Upper Egypt, and written in the Sumerian script and language of his time, narrates in graphic and circumstantial detail how this great admiral and "world emperor" in his old age on "a voyage of exploration with his fleet" made the complete course to "the Furthest West Sunset Land in the Western Ocean" and there met his tragic death; and it states that his "tomb" in Egypt remained empty, and was merely a cenotaph...And the place-name of the island in the Far Western Ocean, which appears to read "Urani" suggests the place of his death and real tomb as "Erin" or Ireland - L. A. Waddell (Makers of Civilization in Race and History, 1929)

The final resting place of Menes was discovered by Professor Waddell at Knockmany (Knock Menes) in the Southern part of County Tyrone not far from Lough Erne. Inscriptions found on boulder stones at the site were in Sumerian script and were identical to those found at Menes' empty Egyptian tomb site.

King Menes of Sumeria and Egypt is referred to in the Hindu Puranas as Asa Manj - "the Far Shooter," a title that reminds us of the biblical Saul and David, and also of the Irish sun god Lugh "the Long Arm," wielder of the great lance. The term Asa meant "strong" or "valiant." In the Hindu Mahabharata Menes is Manasyu, whose title was Prabhu.

This term comes from prahu or parahu, or paraa, the possible origin of pharaoh. The Hindi word meant "chief" or "father." Menes' identification with the hawk god Horus is suggestive since Horus was often referred to as the "blue-eyed" god.

Tea Tephi, an Egyptian queen, lies near Tara, a location some believe to be named after her. The name Tara is believed to derive from Temair or Temor meaning "mound of Tea." However, it probably derives from T-Ari, after Ari or Eri, the supreme goddess of the Druids. Mummified Barbary apes have been discovered at Navan in Ireland and entries concerning places in Ireland have been found in Egyptian papyri.

British-Israelites declare the tomb of the prophet Jeremiah to be in Ireland, at Lough Crew in County Meath, and believe him to have brought to Tara the coronation stone ("Stone of Fal") upon which Irish chieftains were crowned. However, when anecdotes such as this are broached, scholars are quick to say that there "may have been" commerce between Egypt, Phoenicia, and Ireland after all. The majority of this commerce is dated to between 600 BC and 700 AD.

Jeremiah fled thither after the siege of Jerusalem, carrying away the treasures of the temple; such as the ark, the sceptre of David, the Urim and Thummim, and others. Some persons at this day affect to believe that in the Hill of Tara might yet be found these memorials of Judaism, and hope to recover thence David's harp, carried to Ireland by Jeremiah and the Princess Scota, daughter of Pharaoh - James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894)

Is it really far-fetched to suppose Egyptian theology, particularly that known in Theban Upper Egypt, to be Irish in origin? As Barry Fell and others have shown, the Irish traveled to America long before other groups, and were plying their trade and building settlements there hundreds of years before the arrival of Columbus.

We can surmise that these historical "Celts" who visited the Americas were merely following in the footsteps of those masters of the sea who had ventured forth in earlier times. Their mounds and megaliths bear inscriptions and dedications to the gods of light.

Many Algonquian Indian words are identical not only to Gaelic words, but Egyptian ones. The image of the Egyptian "Eye of Ra" has been found near to images of the Irish stag-horned god Cernunnos. Prehistoric Irish designs have been discovered in Oklahoma and Florida, and proof of sea voyages between Europe, Britain, and South and North America has come to light revealing just how inaccurate are the official records of history. That the Irish, the French Gauls, the Phoenicians, and the Egyptians, frequented the East coast of North America, and that they were in close relation to one another proves that they had close dealings in Europe and Asia. All doubt upon the matter is dispelled once we objectively examine the evidence.

To this very day Christians end prayers with the word Amen. This word is Egyptian for sure, and it referred to the most ancient sun god Amen Ra, primarily worshipped at Thebes. Interestingly, however, the word Amen (from Amentet) meant "Western," or "Western side."

It also refers to the "shadow land" or "underworld," that is to the realms of the dead. This symbolism arose not only from the fact that the sun perceptibly sank into darkness in the West but from the racial memories of what had occurred in the North-Western lands that had once been veritable wastelands of death and decay. So, the very name of the chief solar god of Egypt actually signified the ancestral lands of the Western hemisphere.

The hieroglyphic for Amen was a straight vertical pole (like the capital letter "I") topped with a small sun disk with rays. This revealing hieroglyphic of Amen was also known as men, meaning "monument," "mountain," or simply "block of stone." We suggest that this glyph referred to the ancestral homelands in the West that housed the great and distinctive megalithic temples of stone that stood vertically in the way described by the Egyptian Amen hieroglyphic.

As scholars of Celtic history will be quick to discern, the image of the sun rising above a tall ithyphallic stone perfectly describes the spectacle occurring to this day at many solar temples in England and Ireland, specifically at Stonehenge and Newgrange.

At Stonehenge the sun rises above the famous "heel" stone. The word heel comes from hele or helios, meaning sun. The hieroglyphic expressed that Amen, the sun-god, and his priesthood, and worship originated in Western lands.

That the Amen hieroglyphic should connote the ancient Megalithic sun temples of England and Ireland is not so strange once it is realized that Stonehenge and other important British sites have conclusively been shown to be geometrically and geomantically aligned to the great pyramid at Giza.

We surmise that certain prime Megalithic sites of Britain are also aligned with Egyptian temples, and that the secret theosophy of Irish Druidism was central to the theology of the Theban Amenists, as well as to the sun priests of Lower Egypt. The Egyptians simply duplicated the solar symbolism and geometric principles of the Western Megaliths with their great pyramid.

Osiris was the god of the earth and of the dead. He represented the natural cycles of birth and death. His "dismemberment" recalled the cataclysms and paroxysms that had visited the world and particularly the North-Western Hemisphere. The root of his name, sir, meant the "West." Indeed, one name for Osiris was Wesir, which is remarkably close the present spelling for the word West. It is our belief that the entire cult of Osiris was transported to Egypt from Britain.

Osiris on his boat gives us the visual impression that this god was indeed from beyond the sea, He frequented the "Underworld" and that was not, as we are meant to believe, merely a conceptual realm. It was a physical region. It was the ancestral lands of the North-West ruined by natural upheaval. It was the land of the setting sun, of darkness and death, into which the sun (Osiris) retired (or returned) at day's end.

The enemy of Osiris and his son Horus was the serpentine Typhon. The serpent Typhon, or Apophis, was a figurative analog for the destructive force of nature. Osiris traveled West every night to sacrificially enter into combat with the evil serpent and ensure that such incomprehensible cataclysm should never reoccur.

This fact is further reinforced when we remember that the main symbol of Osiris was the Djed Pillar. The fallen column is shown being ritually reset in its vertical position. This rite of lifting the pillar of Osiris into upright position encapsulated the same idea of which we speak. It represented the restoration of order and stability after a time of worldwide calamity.

Osiris was associated, and even fused, with the Old Kingdom god Seker (or Sokar). Seker was depicted as a mummified deity, falcon or hawk-headed, and with green skin that represented rebirth. Of course, this green coloring parallels the Irish Herne or Cernunnos, god of nature. Seker was often shown hovering on wings above the body of the deceased. He was, therefore, the basis of the Christian Holy Spirit.

Anubis, one of the oldest gods of Egypt was closely associated with Osiris and Horus. Some traditions have him as the brother of Horus and son of Nephthys the sister of Isis. He was largely based on the most ancient Jackal-headed god known as Khenta-Mentiu, worshiped in Upper Egyptian cities such as Abydos and Saqqara. Suggestively, this name means "Foremost of the Westerners." Mentiu or Mentu was a hawk-headed god thought to have been the early precursor of Horus. His title was the "Nomad," which implies a distant god of foreign origin. We conclude that many of Egypt's predynastic gods had Western origins. Egyptians understood this Anubis as lord of the Western lands and hemisphere. This also meant he was the ruler of the dead. Egyptians associated the Underworld with the lands beyond the Western horizon ("Zone of Horus"), not only because the sun set there but because of the terrible ruin that had been suffered by the lands of the North-West.

Those who still find it impossible, or far-fetched, to suppose that Egyptian religion and culture was influenced by foreigners from Western lands should bear in mind that historians have already accepted that Western Indo-Europeans (or Aryans) contributed cultural elements to Northern India. They should bear in mind that the Moslems of Persia and Yemen brought to India highly sophisticated cultural elements as they established their Mughal dynasty, and that Buddhism, born in India, moved Eastward to dramatically influence and enrich Chinese culture.

They had best remember the fact that during the early centuries of the Christian era, up until the Middle Ages, Culdean monks traveled throughout Europe from Ireland in their capacity as educators of nobility.

Nonetheless, academics will sooner muse over and ratify commerce from East to West than it will endorse traversal from West to East.

Indeed, this rarer kind of speculation, asserted first by Comyns Beaumont, Anna Wilkes, and Conor Mac Dari, is quite taboo. Regardless, the reason why pharaohs and pharaohs' daughters are found interned in the far off land of Ireland is because Ireland was an ancestral homeland to which they were returning. It was from there that their forefathers had come bearing the knowledge that enabled Egypt's civilization to form and which initiated the construction of the Great Pyramid and Sphinx.

The Druidical religion prevailed not only in Britain, but likewise all over the East - Edward Vaughan Kenealy (Book of God)
Comyns Beaumont
William Comyns Beaumont, (1873–1956) was a British journalist and author. He was also a staff writer for the Daily Mail newspaper, and editor of "the Great Eight" papers and magazines including the London Magazine, Illustrated London News, Bystander, National Graphics, Passing Show, and Pan. He also used the pseudonym, "Appian Way".

Alfred de Grazia described him as a prominent catastrophist in his book Chaos and Creation., and writer John Michell describes Beaumont thus:

"His main subjects were mythology, early history, geology, and ancient astronomical records. In all of them he found convincing evidence that the earth had suffered many cataclysms in the course of its history, the most recent having occurred in about 1322 B.C.". Beaumont suggested they "were caused by meteoric impacts which in turn are closely related to cometary movements. That belief was the cornerstone of Beaumont's revolution theories and history and geography".
Last edited by lizzie on Tue May 24, 2011 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue May 24, 2011 7:05 am

The Irish Origins of Civilization
http://www.irishoriginsofcivilization.c ... umont.html
One of Beaumont’s central propositions took my fancy – that geography had been falsified in the fourth century, and the Old Testament holy city, Jerusalem, was really Edinburgh, Scotland. This falsification was a deception promulgated by Constantine the Great in 325 AD, at the Church Council of Nicea. The Church then carried on a conspiracy to protect the deception in order to guarantee its dictatorial rule over the Empire, and built a new city of Jerusalem in the Mediterranean.

The Role of Saturn

Another shocker for me was the role Beaumont assigned to the planet Saturn, as the key to world history. Thoroughly intrigued, I searched for the true and the false in his basic ideas.

Beaumont was ahead of his time with his provocative conclusions and his unorthodox views on history. According to Beaumont, a large comet threatened Earth in the 14th century (1322 BC). Its debris (meteorites) caused a cosmic catastrophe that devastated early civilization then centered in the Atlantis of antiquity – the British Isles.

Plato’s story of Atlantis and the Biblical account of the flood of Noah were special attempts to record this disaster. The catastrophe so shattered the cradle of humankind’s earliest civilization that it immutably altered the religious beliefs of its survivors, who fled to the global Atlantean colonies in sunnier climes, themselves to become nations.

The Effects of Comets

The crux of Beaumont’s schema is that the history of our planet, and the solar system within which it exists, is largely the product of cometary intrusions and their effects. Its social life (civilization) arose with the Celts in the north, especially in the British Isles and Scandinavia – the Atlantis of myth.

Although there was no actual sinking of Atlantis – Britain and some of its western areas were permanently submerged and the island was ravaged by electromagnetic waves of cosmic energy, exploding volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricane storms, and tidal waves. As a result of the catastrophe, the temperature dropped. Beaumont identifies the main agent of this historical event as the planet Saturn (Zeus-Chronos) becoming a comet, in myth, the serpent of the sky, and Phaeton, the terror of the skies. Its ravaged body produced a son, a new planet = a new sky god, Jupiter (a new Zeus), to rule a renewed Earth.
Britain, The Riddle of Prehistoric - British Mythology ... elt_b4.htm
Over thirty years ago I must confess that I stumbled rather than deliberately walked into a recognition that the history of remote days as passed down was based on false premises in regard to the most famous ancient peoples, both in regard to geography and chronology. I was brought to the conviction that the Atlantic and not the Mediterranean was the focus of world civilization, and as I pursued my researches I found to my own astonishment that this path led me ultimately to the direction of the British Isles, and that they, with the Scandinavian Peninsula - originally itself an island - emerged from obscurity as the true motherland of the Aryan or Nordic Race, the biblical Adamites, and dominated the ancient world long before the Flood of Noah.

My investigations had started with the puzzle of the drowning of the supposedly lost island of Atlantis, but as the search continued with an open mind gradually the quest narrowed to one infinitely nearer home, and eventually assumed the proportions which Plato ascribed to it as an inland-continent from whence the 'continent opposite' - namely America - was approached by the way of islands. 'Atlantis', in a word, stood revealed as the British Islands, then of considerably greater size apart from Scandinavia, with her attendant isles, enjoying a delicious temperate clime, from whence was evolved the first of mankind, signifying the white blond race, the Aryan peoples, from whom the Greeks and other Celts - who migrated in part to the Mediterranean later - first arose.

Atlantis was drawn in one way or another into the vortex of the earliest Graeco-Phoenician myths of Oceanus, of the 'earth-shaker' Poseidon, the Gorgons, the Cyclops and others, all for definite reasons pointing to the North Atlantic Ocean. This, if correct, it advances the British Isles and the Scandinavian mass, formerly at one with Northern Britain or separated only by a wider river and strait.

In short, for a variety of reasons I was impelled to identify Atlantis with the British Isles. It transpired that the prehistory of the Atlanteans and the race of Adam possessed peculiar similarities. The supermen of Plato's island were drowned in a flood like the Adamites, the Giants of the old time, men of renown, men whose thoughts became wholly evil, destroyed in what is called the Flood or universal Deluge. The cause advanced for their destruction was in effect the same in both cases, they being accused of having mastered too many of the secrets of, as we should say, science, or, as the ancients termed it, the gods.

Their attainments, identifiable at least in part from various sources, gradually revealed a remarkable civilization. It was divided into ten states like the ten tribes of Israel although one, the direct descendants of Atlas, hence Atlanteans, dominated the rest, and whose king or chief ruler was, Primus Inter Pares, an ecclesiastical monarch, a superman, in fact a divinity, regarded by all as a living God, the sole intermediary between the celestial deities and all human flesh.

In his hands was all ecclesiastical and temporal power, and this theocrat, arch-magus, or, as described, 'His Anointed', was the most absolute despot the world has ever known, for he controlled not only the bodies but the minds of all from the highest to the lowest. All knowledge lay in his hands, delegated to those priests who were initiated into the sublime mysteries, whereby scientific knowledge was completely confined to the few of the highest caste and was made a profound mystery of mysteries.

The day arrived when this civilization collapsed. To a considerable extent it was prefaced by signs of internal deterioration, the growth of tyranny, ambition, greed, and a slackening of moral principles. The ruling caste learned too much of nature's secrets and developed them for the purposes of selfish aims.

The day arrived when the closely guarded secrets of their magic arts in the use of fire and even of the air were betrayed to kings afar off and led to savage wars of invasion, where rival creeds and ambitions fought one another with bitter hatred. Meanwhile, threatened for some time by untoward meteorological happenings, such as strange plagues of insects, earthquakes, and volcanoes going into eruption, of a sudden the most terrible catastrophe afflicted this erstwhile happy land, struggling desperately against its invaders from the east. It what was we call the Flood of Noah, to the Hellenes the Deluge of Deucalion or Ogyges, and had other names besides.

This prodigious event was by no means local and inundation was only one of its tremendous legacies to future generations. It approached earth from the celestial north-east and flung itself upon an unhappy world, shattering civilization at its very core. It mainly afflicted directly the northern regions of Europe, but with prodigious speed flung outliers in scattered portions of America.

Its epicentre lay in Scandinavia and the British Isles, commemorated since by many an epic and legend placed geographically altogether wrongly by historians and theologists, and it established among other effects the region of the Greek and Celtic Hades, the Place of Burning, which can be identified. It caused directly the greatest havoc over an immense area such as mankind had never experienced before and has been spared since.

It permanently affected the world's climate towards greater extremes of cold and damp, lengthened the solar year by enlarging the world's orbit. It shaped world history by compelling the flight of survivors to other less inhospitable climes and led in considerable degree to the diversion of the Aryans. It inundated the British Isles for a period to a great extent except the higher lands. It was the drowning of Atlantis.

The Flood immortalizes the collision of a fallen Planet, later termed Satan, actually a cometary body, with our Earth. It is a subject of drama such as metaphysicians have rarely dreamed of in their philosophy. Historians write of the dispersion of the Aryans without the faintest idea of the cause which drove them in great hordes from their primordial homes to distant regions.

Much of the classic and scripture history as it is interpreted, based on altogether false assumptions and a totally mistaken conception of the arena of this event, is necessarily at variance with fact. Even today our astronomers, with a few exceptions, ridicule the possibility that a celestial body, and certainly a comet, would be able to effect a disaster such as I have outlined, although the evidence of such potentiality is abundant.

I have myself written two books on the subject which were more or less boycotted by the professional scientists to whom any theory opposed to their own dogma is apparently anathema. I made a lengthy study of the meteorology of the ancients, namely that of the Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and Druids, who devoted much attention to this subject, as is not surprising, and it was full recognition of this vital aspect of celestial science which led me perforce to the study in detail of prehistory.

The history of pagan religions, based mainly on this Credo of their seers, has proved of considerable value, for the discarded deities such as Cronus-Saturn, the Tyrian Hercules, and Bacchus-Dionysus, in their various ways, offer a gold-mine of information related to the religious motives which guided their wise men in their aims. Other ancient gods of great account were, especially, Hermes, in a category all his own, Osiris and Apollo, and with these are wrapped up folk-lore, legends, customs, myths, and not least, perhaps, place-names.

The reader will have recognized from these introductory words that if the earliest Aryan civilization as reflected in the Old Testament, the Greek, and other sources were centered in the north of Europe, and especially in the Scandinavian and British lands, it follows conversely that the present regions from whence our forefathers are believed to have derived their origin, that is to say in the Middle and Near East, Egypt and the Mediterranean countries, are credited with a civilization to which they are in no sense entitled, and which they only inherited by migrations from the north.

Aanthropology has proved the correctness of this view again and again, showing that the white race never originally entered Europe from Asia. In such circumstances we should open our minds to the facts and realize that the ancient civilization of Ur of the Chaldeans, of the Egyptians, the Phoenicians and the Greeks in its origins must have emanated from the north, where they can and should be traced to their true habitats.

We even call our most successful and beloved entertainers 'Stars' because the ancients believed that the spirits of dead heroes or heroines became as stars in the night sky... a star is an elevated or highly placed being. The ancients were particularly concerned with 'the Ancestors', 'the Otherworld', and the means of communication between our outer realm and the inner ones. The system was not similar to modern spiritism (spiritualism).

Some of these reasons are revealed in the book THE WATERS OF THE GAP, which like the myths themselves, have an intertwined multiple value, for they are a study of the mythology of one specific and remarkable place in Britain, yet also offer keys to the themes of British lore in general, and to the less obvious or transparent secrets of overall mythology.

There are two main characters in the tale: the goddess Sulis-Minerva, in whose Temple burnt an Eternal Flame, and her "son", or protected hero, Bladud, who was a mythical king of Britain and like the Sun itself flew through the upper air on wings. So direct and widespread are these two images, that we can trace their pattern to a parallel from an earlier culture that of Egypt...but this is not to suggest that the Egyptian counterparts were in any way the originals, for such myths flower independently wherever there are people.

The Goddess Neitha, a Weaver, was often identified by the Greeks with their goddess Athena. Athena became, in time, the Roman Minerva, to whom the Temple of Sulis Minerva (at Bath, England) was partly dedicated. The main centre of worship for Neitha was at Säis in Lower Egypt, and during her annual festival, innumerable lamps were kept alight in her honour. The Classical writers Plutarch and Proclus both state that her temple bore the following inscription: "I AM ALL THAT HAS BEEN, THAT IS, AND THAT WILL BE: AND NO MAN HATH LIFTED MY VEIL. THE SUN WAS MY CHILD".


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Tue May 24, 2011 7:42 pm

Emerald Tablets
The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond the belief of modern scientists. Their antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. The writer is Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, who founded a colony in ancient Egypt after the sinking of the mother country.

He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops. In it he incorporated his knowledge of the ancient wisdom and also securely secreted records and instruments of ancient Atlantis.

For some 16,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of Egypt, from approximately 52,000 B.C. to 36,000 B.C. At that time, the ancient barbarous race among which he and his followers had settled had been raised to a high degree of civilization.

Thoth was an immortal, that is, he had conquered death, passing only when he willed and even then not through death. His vast wisdom made him ruler over the various Atlantean colonies, including the ones in South and Central America.

When the time came for him to leave Egypt, he erected the Great Pyramid over the entrance to the Great Halls of Amenti, placed in it his records, and appointed guards for his secrets from among the highest of his people.

In later times, the descendants of these guards became the pyramid priests, by which Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, The Recorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing. In legend, the Halls of Amenti became the underworld, the Halls of the gods, where the soul passed after death for judgment.
During later ages, the ego of Thoth passed into the bodies of men in the manner described in the tablets. As such, he incarnated three times, in his last being known as Hermes, the thrice-born.

In this incarnation, he left the writings known to modern occultists as the Emerald Tablets, a later and far lesser exposition of the ancient mysteries.

The tablets translated in this work are ten which were left in the Great Pyramid in the custody of the pyramid priests. The ten are divided into thirteen parts for the sake of convenience.

The last two are so great and far-reaching in their import that at present it is forbidden to release them to the world at large. However, in those contained herein are secrets which will prove of inestimable value to the serious student.

Some thirteen hundred years B.C., Egypt, the ancient Khem, was in turmoil and many delegations of priests were sent to other parts of the world.

Among these were some of the pyramid priests who carried with them the Emerald Tablets as a talisman by which they could exercise authority over the less advanced priest-craft of races descended from other Atlantean colonies.
The tablets were understood from legend to give the bearer authority from Thoth.

The particular group of priests bearing the tablets emigrated to South America where they found a flourishing race, the Mayas who remembered much of the ancient wisdom.

Among these, the priests settled and remained. In the tenth century, the Mayas had thoroughly settled the Yucatan, and the tablets were placed beneath the altar of one of the great temples of the Sun God.

After the conquest of the Mayas by the Spaniards, the cities were abandoned and the treasures of the temples forgotten.

It should be understood that the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been and still is a temple of initiation into the mysteries. Jesus, Solomon, Apollonius and others were initiated there.

Now a word as to the material aspect of the tablets:

They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green, formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation.

They are imperishable, resistant to all elements and substances. In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, no change ever taking place.

In this respect, they violate the material law of ionization.

Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language: characters which respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader.

The tablets are fastened together with hoops of golden-colored alloy suspended from a rod of the same material.
Man's search for understanding of the laws which regulate his life has been unending, yet always just beyond the veil which shields the higher planes from material man's vision the truth has existed, ready to be assimilated by those who enlarge their vision by turning inward, not outward, in their search.

In the silence of material senses lies the key to the unveiling of wisdom. He who talks does not know; he who knows does not talk.

The highest knowledge is unutterable for it exists as an entity in lanes which transcend all material words or symbols.

All symbols are but keys to doors leading to truths, and many times the door is not opened because the key seems so great that the things which are beyond it are not visible.

If we can understand that all keys, all material symbols are manifestations, are but extensions of a great law and truth, we will begin to develop the vision which will enable us to penetrate beyond the veil.

All things in all universes move according to law, and the law which regulates the movement of the planets is no more immutable than the law which regulates the material expressions of man.

One of the greatest of all Cosmic Laws is that which is responsible for the formation of man as a material being.
The great aim of the mystery schools of all ages has been to reveal the workings of the Law which connect man the material and man the spiritual.

The connecting link between the material man and the spiritual man is the intellectual man, for the mind partakes of both the material and immaterial qualities.

The aspirant for higher knowledge must develop the intellectual side of his nature and so strengthen his will that is able to concentrate all powers of his being on and in the plane he desires.

The great search for light, life and love only begins on the material plane. Carried to its ultimate, its final goal is complete oneness with the universal consciousness. The foundation in the material is the first step; then comes the higher goal of spiritual attainment.
Who are the beings from the Kingdom of Shadows?

The Kingdom of Shadows ... blets.html
This is a portion of the text from Thoth, the ancient Egyptian figure of legend, ~ about serpents.
Far in the past before Atlantis existed,
men there were who delved into darkness,
using dark magic, calling up beings
from the great deep below us.
Forth came they into this cycle.
Formless were they of another vibration,
existing unseen by the children of earth-men.
Only through blood could they have formed being.
Only through man could they live in the world.

In ages past were they conquered by Masters,
driven below to the place whence they came.
But some there were who remained,
hidden in spaces and planes unknown to man.
Lived they in Atlantis as shadows,
but at times they appeared among men.
Aye, when the blood was offered,
for they came they to dwell among men.

In the form of man they amongst us,
but only to sight were they as are men.
Serpent-headed when the glamour was lifted
but appearing to man as men among men.
Crept they into the Councils,
taking forms that were like unto men.

Slaying by their arts
the chiefs of the kingdoms,
taking their form and ruling o'er man.
Only by magic could they be discovered.
Only by sound could their faces be seen.
Sought they from the Kingdom of shadows
to destroy man and rule in his place.

But, know ye, the Masters were mighty in magic,
able to lift the Veil from the face of the serpent,
able to send him back to his place.
Came they to man and taught him the secret,
the WORD that only a man can pronounce.
Swift then they lifted the Veil from the serpent
and cast him forth from the place among men.

Yet, beware, the serpent still liveth
in a place that is open at times to the world.
Unseen they walk among thee
in places where the rites have been said.
Again as time passes onward
shall they take the semblance of men.
Shapeshifters ... fters.html
The president of Mexico in the 1980s, Miguel DeLa Madrid also used Cathy in her mind controlled state. She said he told her the legend of the Iguana and explained that lizard-like extraterrestrials had descended upon the Mayans in Mexico. The Mayan pyramids, their advanced astronomical technology and the sacrifice of virgins were inspired by lizard-like aliens, he told her.

He added that these reptilians interbred with the Mayans to produce a form of life they could inhabit. De La Madrid told Cathy that these reptile-human bloodlines could, fluctuate between a human and iguana appearance through chameleon-like abilities - "a perfect vehicle for transforming into world leaders", he said.

De la Madrid claimed to have Mayan-lizard ancestry in his blood which allowed him to transform back to an iguana at will. He then changed before her eyes and appeared to have a lizard-like tongue and eyes."

This theme of being like a chameleon is merely another term for 'shape-shifting', a theme you find throughout the ancient world and among open minded people, in the modern one too. Shapeshifting is the ability to use your mind to project another physical image for people to see. Everything is energy vibrating, at different speeds, so if you use your mind to re-vibrate that energy to a different resonance, you can appear in any form you choose.
In the summer and fall of 1933, a Los Angeles mining engineer named G.Warren Shufelt was surveying the L.A. area for deposits of oil, gold and other valuable materials, using a new device which he had invented. Shufelt had designed and built a radio-directed apparatus which he claimed was able to locate gold and other precious resources at great depths. He believed that the radio device worked on a newly discovered principle involving electrical similarities of matter which had the same chemical, physical and vibrational character. His device appeared to consist of a large pendulum suspended in a cylindrical glass case which was housed in a black box with compasses on it.

The pendulum would trace a line directly from a piece of ore broken from a vein to the vein it was originally taken from. Hair taken from a test subject would lead investigators to the person who had donated the hair sample. It was said to have worked even at a distance of many miles.

Although he would not tell exactly what was in the box, Shufelt believed that by tuning into the individual frequency of a particular material, he could locate similar matter. He believed that the emanations and gravitational factors of matter influenced the pendulum and that, in principle, no two separate things were exactly alike.

Shufelt was extremely puzzled when one day while taking readings near downtown Los Angeles, his instruments showed him what seemed to be a pattern of tunnels which led from what is now the Public Library in the heart of L.A. to the top of Mount Washington and the Southwest Museum to the north in Pasadena. He proceeded to draw a map and had it copyrighted.

What he discovered appeared to be a well planned underground labyrinth with large rooms located at various points, and deposits of apparently man made gold in the chambers and passage ways. Some of the tunnels ran west for 20 miles under the Santa Monica Bay, which he believed were only used for ventilation.

Unfortunately, Shufelt had no idea that they were connected to the older ruins of an even greater city which was covered by the Pacific Ocean thousands of years ago during a tremendous earth-quake and subsequent flood.

The subterranean complex he had discovered was used for emergencies and was only designed to accommodate 5,000 people or less. Food supplies of imperishable herbs were stored in sufficient quantities which would enable the survivors to live underground until it was safe to come back to the surface. Valuable personal belongings and utensils were also brought into the complex along with historical records and gold treasures.

During his research, he met a Hopi Indian named Chief Little Green Leaf, who told him about the legend of an ancient race of "Lizard People". The legends said that about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, an enormous meteor shower fell on the western coast covering an area hundreds of miles wide.

Winslow crater in northern Arizona is only one of the pieces that fell from the sky at that time. Thousands of people were killed, their crops wiped out, dwellings destroyed, and the forests set on fire. The surviving members of the medicine lodge, which had remained on the west coast, met to make plans for constructing safe areas. The sentinels of the sky gave their warning that it was time to enter the shelters and seal the shafts behind them-selves. They were forced to go underground to save them selves from a gigantic meteor shower which devastated most of the west coast of the US. The "Lizard People" of Los Angeles survived the meteor shower, but were killed by natural gas leaking into their bunkers.

Shufelt believed that they had built 13 such underground facilities in different areas for such a purpose. One was located in the eastern section of Arizona in a small town called Springerville and was only discovered recently. Another was located under a hill which was surrounded by a curving ridge of mountains like the middle of a horse's hoof. This is exactly the type of terrain seen in downtown L.A. in the area that is now the Board of Education, which is built over the ruins of the old Willis Estate on top of Fort Moore hill.


Dear Duncan,

Here is a reptilian relic that was found in Los Angeles in 1954 that neatly fits into the "Lost Land of the Lizard People" article [see NEXUS 2/19]. Enclosed is a photo of an artifact that is definitely very old, depicting a full-bodied dragon. The upper section of the medallion is made of pure silver that was somehow fused to a copper-alloy base which is composed of over 40 different types of metal.

The man who found it, Mr G., was an aerospace engineer who lived and worked for the US Government in Chatsworth, California. The artifact was found while Mr G. was helping a friend, who lived on the northern shore of Lake Chatsworth, repair the wooden stairway to the front porch. Mr G. dropped his hammer, which fell into a soft sandy area, and when he reached to pull his hammer out he noticed this small metal medallion. Mr G. still has the artifact in his possession, and after much research feels that it belonged to an ancient race of space people named ALTEC, who left behind their influence on this world long ago.

The Friendly or Sleeping Dragon is a very old symbol, one which has definite connections to UFO's. I once had the opportunity to show a picture of a Pleiadian -style UFO to a man from Bhutan (near Tibet) and asked if he had ever seen such a thing. He replied that yes, they did see them often and that they were called "Friendly Dragon".

Chatsworth is located in Los Angeles County near the north-west border of the city and county lines. It is likely that a Chinese laborer lost this artifact while working in Chatsworth on railroad construction, around the turn of the century. There is a rail-road tunnel that was cut by the Chinese through a solid red rock ridge called the Santa Suzana Pass near the Chatsworth Lake.

Old Chinatown is located in downtown Los Angeles and was built where the new rail-yard now sits. New Chinatown is built over much of the old tunnel systems that the first Chinese leaders had constructed for their 'safety' when they first arrived in the area. It is possible that engineer/inventor G. W. Shufelt did not know what he had stumbled onto electronically, and it is also logical that Chinese people would not admit to the existence of a secure system of tunnels and rooms they had worked so hard to build in secret. There may even have existed a series of older tunnels and rooms that the Chinese discovered during their own excavations and construction.

However, the Federal Government definitely stepped in during the '50s and took control of the entire underground tunnel system for their Cold War operations, adding many new paranoid-influenced improvements over the years that followed. In the '9Os, suspicious arson fires prevented well-equipped - ONI - intelligence operatives from gaining access to the secret entrance that was located in the basement of the so-called 'public' library. There is more to this story than can be told at this time.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 28, 2011 8:25 pm

Aser, Wesir – Arthur - Osiris – what’s in a name?

One of the astounding new issues on the horizon is a number of large, even enormous underground cave-systems from ancient cultures. Thus, I was indeed surprised to learn that there has just recently been discovered some enormous cave-systems under the pyramids of both Egypt and Meso-America.

Meanwhile it may be possible to shed some light on the issue, since there are two similar and indeed mind-boggling discoveries of larger megalithic underground structures in the arctic hemisphere. The oddest thing about these discoveries is that they were foretold and explained by an ancient myth and a connected history called Saga that has survived during centuries in the provinces of rural Finland and Carelia.

Protected by the cold climate and hidden in the deep forests of northern Finland and Carelia, a small group of people has been able to preserve their ancient traditions and their language as well as a complete and incredibly extensive history about themselves, going back to the roots of all arctic people and originating in an ancient culture of humanity that existed before Ice-Time.

In today's Europe the Nordic countries have enjoyed an especially rich literature of ancient myths and stories from ancient times. Only in Finland may we still find a complete and alive Saga or history from "hedonic times onwards".

With the Roman invasion under Caesar, “organized crime” was conquering France, Belgium and England. Several centuries later the Roman Catholics were able to increase their Empire. By 800 AD they took over Germany and by 985 the cultural head of ancient Europe, Denmark, became subject to the Roman rulers. By 1008 Sweden followed suit and in 1030 Norway -- for the first time in it 8,000 year history -- Cas invaded and subdued by "foreign masters".

By 1050 the "Holy Empire" directed an attack to the core of the old Nordic culture, the land of Oden itself - the capital of old Finland. According to old legends, the King of the Aser was the richest of all heathen kings. The "crusading" mercenaries massacred all the "heathens" and destroyed everything in the county of Oden-ma, but they where not able to find the entrance to the underground "city of gold".

Following this there was a crisis in the Greek-Roman alliance and by 1054AD the Christian church was split. Numerous attacks of war volleyed between Christians of east and west. After two hundred years of strife, the catholic Sweden found peace with the orthodox Russians, defining the border between east and west, Europe and Asia. Thus Finland, the oldest and the last heathen kingdom of Europe, came under Swedish rule when the last King of the Aser, who had been in hiding since 1050 in the north in Kajaani, abdicated to the Swedish ruler Birger Jarl in the summer of 1249

Thus northern and eastern Finland (Carelia) became the border area between the Greek-orthodox and the Roman-catholic regimes. Consequently the people of this area managed to keep their own language and their authentic culture to a much greater degree than the rest of the conquered i.e. religious Europe.

Currently with as much as we know about Finnish history, it is evident that a Swedish, or actually the "rot-speaking" part of the population has inhabited the southern and southwestern coasts of Finland ever since the stone-age. In this area, as well as in neighbouring mid-Finland and Carelia, the old folktales are richer than anywhere else in the western hemisphere. Since Finland managed to be a distant province both to the Romans and to the Greek and Arabs, there was no religion-based conquest taking place in Finland during the first half of the medieval times. Thus the old "headen" culture survived longer there than anywhere in the Eurasian continent.

By 1030 AD however, the Catholics had conquered England, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. With their complete rule of the East Sea there was only one remaining unconquered target for the mighty catholic army of 30-35,000 mercenaries to complete the northern "crusades", the bloody and bestial conquest of the northern countries and people, their freedom, resources and treasures. As we now may say openly: the first warfare on Scandinavia was inflicted and directed by the new dictators in Rome, and conducted by "christianised" Franks ("Charlemagne", etc.).

When the crusaders finally reached Finland in the summer of 1050, the core of the old, eastern sea civilisation was destroyed in what the Norse epics and sagas describe as a ragnarøk, i.e. complete destruction. After a three month massacre and a six month plunder and devastation, there was absolutely nothing left, above earth, of the heart land of the old Nordic culture.

According to this Saga the root of man, as well as all nature and due culture, evolves from a principle that may be marked by a circle or named by the ring (to represent ev-ry-thing). The origin of the arctic culture evolved out of one area today called the ringland, in Finnish Uu-den-ma (the land of the O). In Swedish language we find O-den (the-O) to represent "the whole" as in "holistic". That's why we still today at the center of O-den's land find the old Hel-stad (city of the whole). By 1523 this name was reframed to Hel-sing-Ki.

During the hundreds of thousands of years that have passed since the first population appeared inside the first ring land of the arctic hemisphere, an arctic culture has been founded, evolved and refined. The Saga found in today's remote Finland presents a complete and highly distinguished history about large underground rooms and gateways constructed long before known history and built to serve as old temples and treasure chambers. Before recorded history as we know it this was the way to keep track of history and time.

An enormous hallway under the ring land Oden-ma" with "the entrance underground where the first Temple of the Mountain King is with a hallway of treasury chambers containing items of artistic and historical value from the oldest times".

This hallway "with two chambers of aesthetics from each generation" was closed and hidden some years before 1050 when the area was conquered, ransacked and wasted. Since then these underground chambers have been kept a strict secret by the few inhabitants who survived the crusade.

According to the Saga and its sound system (the alphabet) this first of all arctic ring lands called Oden, ("Den O", "The Circle") is created by the never-setting sun that occurs under the polar circle.

As one of our greatest mythologists Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien expressed throughout his career: the true homeland of the Lord of the Rings (the most original myth of ancient Europe) is found in the Nordic countries and especially in Finland. As you may know Prof. Tolkien himself learned perfect Finnish in order to understand the history and myth of Kvenland, Finland and Carelia in the original language before he set out to compose his famous trilogy with titles obviously stemming from the old Finnish myths about the "The Kingdom of the Circle" and "The Saga of the Ring".

The issue that still remains is simply: who in our lifetime is both curious and courageous enough to excavate the old temple of Oden, the realm of the King of Aser known in a modern fairytale as the Lord of the Rings?
The most astounding news in the field of modern historical research is without comparison the discovery of an ancient history and mythology revealed in Finland at the Swedish Institute of Folklore and Storytelling in Helsinki for first time in the years of 1984/85. This historical Saga contained a huge but scientific and commonsense body of information about a small tribe of people called the Aser who became trapped in the Baltic area during Ice-Time. According to this old Saga, taped by the institute in 1984 and 1985, the Aser people survived in the area of southern Finland during eons of time, developing the characteristics of arctic man, today called Caucasian.

In order to survive they had to keep animals domestically, drinking their milk and eating their flesh to endure the 6-7 month long winters. Thus we can explain why Caucasians have less pigmentation, as a special adaptation to the dark and cold climate. Simultaneously we find an explanation for the Caucasians' affinity for meat and animal fat, as well as their digestive systems' adaptation to diary and milk-protein

Eighteen years ago when this Saga of the Bockströem Family finally was revealed, there wasn't a soul within the scientific community who would label it anything but "fantasies" and "hallucinations"! Of course, who could believe that the heartland of the Atlantean and the Caucasian culture was the same as the Aser and the Vaner of Oden (Wotan) as told by the old Norse Sagas? And who would believe that the heartland of these arctic people was placed in the land of Finland, as described in the Finnish-Carelian language and the mythology of Kalevala? Even if the Kalevala is the world's most complex and extensive body of mythological information with more than a million points of "factual character", it was impossible to even think that it had originated in Finland itself.

This old oral story-telling tradition presented statements that went far beyond the official history of Finland which considered Finnish culture before 1200 AD to be the most remote and primitive in all Europe. According to the Bock Saga as told in 1985, the predecessors of the Aser were living in Finland already BEFORE ICE-TIME.

The Saga even tells how once upon a time the earth tilted, resulting in a huge mass of water turning into "damp". The "damp" became concentrated around the magnetic poles causing it to condense and turn into ICE! While this happened within the time-frame of months, it wasn't possible to escape the enormous ice-cap that eventually covered the whole of the arctic world, all the way south to the Pyrenees, Alps, Caucasian and Himalayan mountains, as well as along the Rockies in North America.

During and after this deluge a small group of people living in the Baltic area was able to survive inside the limited area of the Gulf of Vinland (Land of the Vine), also written Finland. The gulf-stream arrived from Mexico to Biscay, pressed through the English Channel and then it accelerated into the Oslo-fjord-area before turning EAST. It spiraled into the East Sea and curled up in the Botnic Bay and Gulf of Finland, where it escaped over the Carelian waterways into the White Sea.

The heat of the gulf-stream through these waters made it possible to survive in the Finnish archipelago inside a strictly limited area while all the surrounding land was completely covered by massive ice. During the following eons of time the Aser were able to adapt, survive and develop a completely new way of life based on an extensive use of fire, wooden houses, fishing and domestication of animals as well as the extraction of minerals to create more effective tools and objects of aesthetic and culture value.

Over hundreds and thousands of years the gulf-stream paved a passage-way along the coastline of Norway, resulting in a collapse in the ice-cap between Norway and Greenland some 10,000 years ago. Consequently the remaining ice-cap over Fenno-Skandia started to move, sliding downwards to the oceans on both sides. The Aser survived this cataclysm also, this time by fleeing to Gotland. (According to recent geology Gotland and the Channel Islands are the only areas north of the Alps which have never been covered with ice!)

"After three centuries in isolation on Gotland, the first scouting Aser could start checking out the surrounding landmasses that were uncovered when the ice-masses were gone. In the next seven centuries -- between 9,700 and 9,000 years ago -- offspring of the Aser-family, called Goths, started inhabiting the land south and west of Gotland. During this period representatives of the As-King sailed out to reconnect to the tropical kingdoms, telling the tale of survival during the period when all their land had been covered by ice -- Alt-land-is! This enormous area was once again -- 9,700 years ago -- open land being discovered by the offspring of the Aser.

Thus we can follow the arctic nature which started to develop during Ice-Time and covers this same area still today. In the same area we find traditionally the caucasian man and his arctic culture. The same traces can be seen in the language of this area where the nomenclature still shows how all of this area was populated by the descendants of Got-land: people who still call their county or country by the word land -- England, Holland, Val land, Sax land, Pålland (Poland), Frankland (France), Deutschland (Germany), Svealand (Sweden), Finland, Estland, Lettland, Rosland (Russia), etc.

"By the year 9,000 AD the Aser family went back to the old land of Oden where they rebuilt the city of Hel (whole) and established the 'Land of the Vine', as we see in today's 'Fin-land' with the capital 'Hel-sing-Ki' inside the county of 'Uuden-Ma'. Since then the three offspring were permanently established: from the three sons of Oden came Dan who established the Kingdom of Danmark (the mark of Dan, Denmark), Sven who established the Kingdom of Svealand (Sweden) and Balder who established Ros-land, the land of Roses (Finland and Russia). Thus we still find the old Nordic emblem called 'Three Crowns' as it still can be seen in the national emblem of Sweden."

Since this incredible source of historic information was revealed in Helsinki in1984/85, several completely new and surprising discoveries have occurred which bring astonishing but scientific evidence to some of the crucial statements given by the Bock Saga. Since none of this was either known or even considered possible within the scientific community before 1995 the following findings bring a strong bearing on the validity of the historical significance and value of the Saga.

Since the above mentioned cultures (which must have had some common origin!) were disappearing around 10,700 BP, only to reappear around 9,900 BP in the far north of Norway (!), it seems that the great ice cap which once covered Fenno-Scandia and Russia had been sweeping away the land for both of these populations during the end of the ice-age. 10,800 BP the ice-cap between Norway and Greenland split apart, resulting in widespread destabilisation of the ice-mass of the Scandinavian inland, causing it to split into two sections and slide to the lowland and the oceans of the Baltic as well as the North Atlantic. Somewhere in the Eastern Sea, such as the island of Gotland, an area remained free of ice and a group of the first artic culture must have survived, because the immigration to Fenno-Scandia appeared immediately after the ice has gone. Very quickly population spread to cover all of Fenno-Scandia, as well as western Russia, Denmark and England. Less than 500 years after the ice-mass rushed off the Scandinavian peninsula we find the arctic man all along the 4500 km (!) coastline of Norway, as well as in Sweden, Finland and from the Baltic to the Black Sea.

According to Plato the people who entered thorough the pillars of Herakel, as well as the "true white brother" that came to Meso-America, where "pale" or "shining" (sun-tanned!), "tall, bearded with green/blue eyes", "flying over the waves on vessels that where build like of bird-feathers". Just for the record: they still build the local ships in this manner in the fjords around the Scandinavian peninsula.

Unfortunately all of the originally natural-scientific-philosophic cultures of the old Eurasia were evidently conquered by an esoteric (abstracted) philosophy (way of living). Greek/Arabic fanatics finally overpowered Russia as Vatican warlords were laying waist to the old European culture, plundering their treasures and taking all available resources.

During the darkest middle-ages all memories of Eurasia's own arctic past was ruthlessly stigmatised as "heathen", "barbaric" or "primitive". Consequently most traditions, institutions, as well as the skills and knowledge such as sagas and stories were banned, destroyed and extinguished "from the face of the earth".

As we know, bestiality, deception and superstition became political tools, and during the dark middle-ages they became more the rule than the exception. When some warlord or tyrant could benefit somehow powerful people would damage, torture and burn people alive. There have been examples in which the religious leaders launched campaigns spanning several years, slaughtering innocent civilians by the hundreds and thousands, torturing, devastating and even terminating a whole ethnic society and their culture, just to cover up the theft of their land, their trade or their cultural treasures.

This explains how and when and from where the civilisation we call Atlantis occurred, communicated their existence and then "disappeared". Now, if one may accept that Atlantis could be an original Nordic word stemming from the gothic ocean-sailors of 9,200 years ago, one may accept that the word, before it became Egyptian/Greek, was spelled Alt-land-is, which in "root-language", as well as common Swedish/Norwegian/Danish translates to "All-(the)-land-ice".

During the Ice-Time (also called "Alt-land-is-period"), the ice-cap once covered all of Russia and northern Europe as well as an area from the southern tip of Norway to the North Sea to Scotland and all the North Atlantic. At that time the gulf-stream (from Mexico) could not pass the coastline of Norway but had to turn into the East Sea, over Ladoga/Onega to the White Sea until 10,700 years ago. That is how a small group of people who'd been trapped by Ice-Time, could survive in southern Finland during a period when all the other EURASIAN land was under massive ice.

As the name of the period tells (in Scandinavian tongue) "All-land-iced" -- all the land was ice except for the Gulf of Vinland (Finland), where the stream of tempered water, after passing through the English channel, hitting Oslo-fjord and passing east to the south of Sweden, kept the beaches of south/southwest Finland green (vin, wine). This is how the life of the people we find in Susihuola 300,000 years ago and in the White Sea 40,000 yrs ago had been saved and could exist by a certain twist of destiny.

By the time the ice-age finally was passing, a small group escaped the melting ice-mass by fleeing to the island Gotland by ship. From this small group of arctic human beings we know that they called their hideout in Gotland the "new yard" (norse: Noa-tun!).

By modern DNA tests we can follow these "Caucasians" who later populated Fenno-Russia again, as well as Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France and England and via Sweden/Norway, the Orkneys, Scotland/Ireland and the Faeroe Islands. Thanks to the old Norse sagas, verified by modern archaeology, we know for a fact that the old Norse, together with the Swedish and the Goths, populated Greenland, and the east-coast of America down to Vinland Goda (Virginia). They even visited Haiti and Landit Goda (Terra Cuba).

Soon after Ice-Time the original arctic people in Norse mythology always called the Aser, connected with the tropical kingdoms of the Vaner (meaning "One R", as in "One Race"). According to the Aser, the Vaner was divided into ten tropical "races", as in rays from a fellow sun. This is how they appeared also in ancient Meso-America, more than 9,000 years ago, bringing their necessities for arctic life, such as corn, seasoning vegetables and livestock they shared these "nature-gifts" all over the tropical world.

Along with the history of all the races' common past and common origin, these Aser represented a special development. Missing pigmentation, eating meat and drinking milk, the Aser and their arctic descendants had developed differently, for good and bad, from all the tropical races.

Besides domestic plants and animals, the Aser carried a very special knowledge around the world which was inherent in their own language. Based on "the ROOTS of the sounds within our natural brain" they had developed a highly sophisticated sound-system that still today can be found within the Nordic language called Swedish-Finn (RUOTSI) and the Finno-Ugric language called SUOMI.

As ROT is the only language using 9 clear sounds (vocals) to their full extent, the Aser developed a mathematically perfected association-system based on the geometric laws of the "full circle". This complete association system has one ring of 29 smaller rings called keys or sounds. As the large circle moves around one source of light or vice versa, signs are aspected which represent these 9 key-sounds and the 20 combination-sounds forming the Nordic writing-system, called the alphabet (phonetic writing).

It was developed into perfection during the age-long Ice-Time when the long harsh winter months required 95 % of the hours focused with indoor-activities. This implies that these arctic people had a long history of training mental skills, developing scientific cognition and the degree of its use and usefulness within the functions of nature. After Ice-Time this started spreading, slowly to Crete and onwards. But many generations passed before everybody had the possibility to exchange all the alphabetic sounds with a complete understanding and a fully developed, clean cut vocabulary.

I hope you enjoy it and see the usefulness of this information in interrelating the petroglyphs recently found off Cuban waters, i.e. the cultural connection between the Rose and Ros-land (Russia), the Rus-Ki (rose-key) and the Et-Rus-Ki (Rose-Family-Key), as compared with En-er-ki/gi/gy (one-motion-giving). Since the sound (and the letter) "eR" represents "motion", eR-os becomes "offspring-of-being", it induces a sacred or whole-I (holy) moment, of "giving" that any offspring (of an origin) represents, which is life evolving. It is like the key turns, unfolding in the harmony of the rose, which constitutes the word "Etruscans", as it written in today's commonplace English.

If one wants to understand the sounds behind the Etruscan writing system or the linear C, one should most likely check on the old Russian language, combined with the knowledge which survived in Frisland in the Oera Linda Boek, the oldest book in Europe, which describes an ancient Celtic writing-system (phonetic, of course) which the gothic knowledge validates.

Another interesting synchronicity is that the Oera Linda Boek was not known until the first translation into modern Dutch which was reviewed in an English book, published in the 70-ties, by Robert Scrutton, called: The Second Atlantis, which argues that Atlantis is the sunken floor of the North Sea. This was evidently a populated dry land some thousands of years ago and the best candidate around until the story about a 450,000 year old culture which 10,700 BP was overrun by an ice-cap (i.e. frozen water), destroying their homes and palaces, as well as raising the ocean-level drastically. After surviving the cataclysmic end-phase of the Ice-Time in the caves of Gotland, the descendants of the Aser migrated about 9,300-400 years ago to:

1) The Black Sea - where they built a palace and a city called As-hov (Temple of Aser), where River Don meets the Asov-Sea. According to the Icelandic Sagas, this is the original home of the Aser, also called the "Gods of the Vikings". The problem with this terminology is that the Vikings did not have superstitious or metaphysical idols.

"The ancient cultural elite known as the Aser and their neighbours the Vaner were not gods but men of high descent, carrying the wisdom of the ages up to the time of the Roman and the Christian culture's conquest of the area."

2) Crete -- where they instituted an eastern and a western kingdom of the Mediterranean Sea to establish connections of trade and culture.

3) Egypt and Africa where they established a kingdom with a rich agriculture -- Et- io-pi-a 9,200 years ago, as well as technical skills of irrigation and stone-building, etc.

4) The Caspian Sea where they connected with the Hindus and the Chinese. Current discoveries of stone and clay tablets nearly 7,000 years old contain inscriptions about sailing via Norway to the Indians of Meso-America, including the As-tec (Ko-As-Ko-At-lan), the Ma-ja , the In-di-an and the In-ka(r).

Throughout the arctic world where they populated areas through their descendants the Vaner established the land of the rose (Rosia) and the Men, Sven and Dan, the two brothers of the O-den (The Lord of the Ring), also known as the Prime Elder of the Aser, later populated Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Scotland, England and France. Their common origin of Odin became known as "The King of Kings", or as Allfader, Father of (us) All, as they remembered the original time of mankind, arriving from the first man and woman (Frei and Freia, Seed-I and Seed-In)

As the movements of war spread to the mid-east and the Mediterranean area, it evidently struck on the "Gallic" being the arctic natives of northern Europe. To the conquerors, becoming the "new masters for a new time", the old history of the origin of man and mankind, like the story of the Aser and the Vaner, as well as the period of Atlantis, their King of all Kings become destroyed, twisted and/or abstracted. Finally the authentic history, as well as the natural science and philosophy, become "super-real", and conserved in the form of written rules and strict regulations called religion.

Unfortunately cultures of a "higher consciousness" are not able to resist when attacked by a well prepared aggressor.

As any stone can break any rose, so can any dumb murderer kill a genius, artist, honest farmer or hardworking craftsmen. Likewise could the "well" trained Roman armies march straight over, slaughtering and burning villages, cities and the cultural societies of ancient England, Germany and France, before taking on Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. After more than 1,000 years of warfare the new Roman tyrants now dressed as cardinals around a Pope succeeded in conquering the whole of Europe. However, did this mean that their culture was "superior" to the old one?!

The final victory came in the "crusade" of 1049-51, when more than 30,000 catholic mercenaries invaded Oden-ma, the capitol state of southern Finland. Here they located and destroyed the oldest temples known to exist in the old world: the Temples of Asgard; the original home of the Aser. Slaying or burning all inhabitants and destroying every trace of the "heathen" culture, they effectively annihilated the most holy of lands for all arctic people, the land of Oden and the centre of Atlantis, where the culture had managed to adapt and survive Ice-Time. Moreover, our arctic ancestors had also managed to develop themselves and their culture, enhancing the skills and abilities necessary to connect with all the other races of the globe and to recreate the long lost unity of all mankind. That's probably why our old Norse myths point to the rainbow as "the bridge to Asgard".

According to recent studies the folk-traditions of celebrating Christmas, Easter and Mid-summer, all revolve around the old Pagan world which has been developing in one clear line of descent from the earliest time of rock carvings. A Dutch researcher writing about the "true homeland of Santa", states that the contemporary custom of the historic old, heathen Santa Claus, is actually the Man of Oden, the Prime Elder of the Aser, the historical Odin (Wotan), dressing in the well known old-fashioned dress code of Saint Necklas from ancient times. His mission is still to ignite the annual, world-wide celebration of "the life-wheel, the tree of light and the succession of family and mankind".
Akhet - The Horizon
The myth of the Contendings of Horus and Set is seen by some scholars as a reflection of a political conflict during an early period. This hasn't been fully proved and reconstructions based on myths must remain inadequate. We can only content ourselves with the observation that these two gods were worshipped as far back as Predynastic times, Horus ruling over Lower Egypt and Set over Lower Egypt.

The worship of Wesir (Osiris) and Aset (Isis), the parents of Horus, seems to go back to Dynasty 1. There have been various theories as to the origin of Wesir, including him being a foreign human king during the Predynastic times, entering Egypt from the North and settling finally in Busiris in Lower Egypt, where his cult center grew. Plutarch describing him as a human king who brought knowledge and agriculture to Egypt must be taken with a grain of salt, since what Plutharch had to go on, was told to him by hearsay, and a century A.D.

Set apparently had his origin in Nubt (Ombos), Upper Egypt. The Set animal, which identification is still uncertain, has been called an imaginary animal, a dog or even a pig. The earliest representation of this animal is seen on an ivory haircomb from El-Mahasna, Naqada I period. From the beginning Set was seen as both the protector of the Sungod and the murderer of Wesir, but his role among the gods changed into that of the enemy of the Sungod and the subsequent banishment.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 pm

The Cult of Aten
Renegade Pharaoh Akhenaton - the "Son of the Sun" (Aton) - The real "King of the Jews." He was the master of the Levites and of the "12 Tribes" under his dominion. His "biography" is the Bible, his instrument of torture - Judeo-Christianity!

His Cult of Aton was, and is, identical to the pre-diluvian "Brotherhood of the Snake." His minions are the Vatican, the Illuminati, Templars, Royals and British-Israelites - enemies of freedom and truth, each and all

The Atonists have expertly employed their age old symbols to indicate their presence to the symbolically literate. From their bases of operation (Tanis, Alexandria, Rome, London, New York, and Washington DC) and through their lieutenants they control the world, their new Egypt.

The Eagle - is the symbol of the so-called "Tribe of Manasseh," named after a son of Joseph, the pharaoh's dream-analyst, and man with the "coat of many colors" (zodiac). In reality Joseph was Yuya, the wealthiest man in the world during the time of the Pharaoh Tuthmosis IV.

Yuya held the highest office, and was probably connected to the Hyksos Kings of Egypt. He was one of 12 "Brothers," that is a cryptic reference to his priestly (masonic) rank. He was second in command after the pharaoh of his time. In Egyptian and Hindi the word Akha (Akhe-naton) means "Eye." The hierogram for the word Akhem or Akha was an eagle. The eye and the eagle are therefore closely related and have long been symbols for royalty, especially Egyptian royalty. The name Akhenaton means the Eye of Aton. Manasseh is, therefore, a cover term and idea for the Atonists, and their conquest of America.

Manasseh would become a great nation. The greatest nation in the history of the world is the United States of America - (From: Tracing the Ancestors of Great Britain and America, by the Gospel of Kingdom Ministry)

According to the cryptic metaphorical "histories" of the British-Israelites, Joseph's two sons - Manasseh and Ephraim - are the ancestors of the races guided by "god" to found Britain and America. The sons are, however, merely fictive devices. They are just two of many non-historical biblical characters scripted to impersonate the chiefs of the Cult of Aton, who speak only in symbols to the world they stage-manage from behind the scenes.

The United States of America, the greatest nation of the late 20th century and the early 21st century, is 227 years old today (2003). Comparatively young among most nations it is nonetheless our era's reigning superpower. America's roots go back to the biblical Jacob, who had twelve sons. The twelfth and youngest, Joseph, was to give birth to the double tribe of Ephraim/Manasseh or the English speaking peoples, who later became Great Britain and the United States. While the tribe of Judah maintained the spiritual hegemony, the tribe of Ephraim/Manasseh was promised material prosperity. By the year 1950 AD, Great Britain and the United States together owned one quarter of the world's wealth and territory - (Libra

The misunderstood motto above the Egyptian pyramid at which the Judaic/Atonist eagle stares - "Annuit Coeptis" - means "He Favors Our Undertaking." The "He" is not god but Akhenaton and/or his god Aton.

The New World Order of the Atonists is to replace the Old Order over which they reigned in the Egypt of old.
Anunnaki - Sumeria - Nephilim ... hilim.html
As we have shown, Jehovah is Adon, and Adon is Aton. He is the Phoenician and Persian Yawnah, the Welsh Jawnah, and the English Jon (meaning "sun"). Aton is Adni or Agni, the Sun-Lord of the Hindus. He is Don of the ancient Celts and Phoenicians who had founded the cities of Thebes and Avaris in Egypt. The Druids at these cities, and at other locations, brought the world the original unadulterated Solar Theocracy, one which was corrupted later into Atonism and Judeo-Christianity.

Akhenaton not only brought political havoc to his country, he brought theological havoc to the world of religious ideas as well. He and his coterie, the "Brotherhood of the Snake" (Bramley) did not worship light in the manner of the Druids. Their understanding of the sun and of light was not akin to that which we possess today. Judeo-Christianity is the child of Atonism and is also controlled by those elites involved in the worship of what might be referred to as "the dark side of the sun."

Another word for this kind of worship is Luciferianism. Lucifer is a god of light, or rather, of the dark side of light. The secret fraternities which preserve the most antique doctrines of the Chaldeans, Druids, and Medes, are also responsible for turning the gnosis of light into a travesty in order to deceive the human race and cause metaphysical incongruence. If one was to say that Aton was Lucifer they would be quite right. If one was to say that Jehovah was Lucifer they would also be correct. As author Brinsley Le Poer Trench wrote in his book Sky People:

It is very plainly put in arcane literature that Jehovah was originally a Lord of Mars. He is also the god of battles…Mars and its lord are somehow deeply associated with strife and violence, affecting and afflicting that type of humanity inhabiting the Earth.

The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name - (Exodus 15:3)

Beauty has a dark side. Sexuality has one. Mercy has a dark side and so does love. Anger has a good side and hate also. This is the way that the ancients saw life. For gods of light there were the gods of darkness. For gods of the overworld there were gods of the underworld.

Freud did not realize, as most still do not, that the term Elohim (from Eloah, and Aleim), which implies a plurality of "gods," simply referred to the Egyptian (and Phoenician-Sumerian) kings and pharaohs who were considered nothing less than living gods. These kings of the Euphrates and the Nile not only styled themselves on the gods of ancient pantheons, but were regarded as actual embodiments of and channels for the will of those gods and goddesses. They were the "Keepers," the "Watchers," the "Elders," the "Kadosh."

Secondary permutations of the words, Elohim, Nephilim, and Annunaki, refer to these living incarnate gods, the Pharaohs of Egypt, and the various stellar, solar, and lunar priestarchies they headed. The Ankh is a symbol of the Nephilim, or Annunaki and their primordial knowledge and royal status. It served the same symbolic purpose as the modern crown, scepter, and mace. Indeed, the very word ankh is a loose rendering of the word Annunaki, meaning "Heavenly Serpents," or "those who came down from heaven to earth. That Judeo-Christianity was not originally monotheistic is demonstrated by the fact that Elohim is commonly considered identical to Jehovah.
Akhenaton, the Cult of Aton, and the Dark Side of the Sun ... opic=14126
Let's examine the proposed extant cult of Aten represented on Earth by the pharaoh revivalist slash reenactment groups a.k.a. the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians and their obsession with light. I call them reenactment groups today because I am struck by the resemblance to these societies and the phenomena of fantasy reenactment represented on terra by other mostly white men groups like the fans of Dungeons and Dragons role playing games. Both these groups like to get together and talk in code away from the public eye and feel superior to those uninitiated into the mysteries they themselves hold dear.

The singular theme that seems to bind almost all the symbolism and literature of secret societies together is light. This light is represented in the material world by the sun itself and in the spiritual sphere by the holy inner light. In fact the exterior light of the sun and the interior light of the holy spirit seems to be almost interchangeable at will (by the symbolism of for example the eye in the triangle) and the interior light is even referred to as the second sun. This obsession can be seen to have originated in large part during the 18th dynasty reign of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten. There are quite obviously earlier origins but the ideas seem to have gotten codified and integrated to a large extent at this point in history. For a full understanding you can get familiar with these ideas through the work of Michael Tsarion at his web site.

Another way this light is sometimes represented is as the snake, seen on statues of pharaohs like Akhenatens, at the third eye chakra (or Ajna chakra) point in the middle of the forehead.

The snake can be seen as the kundalini energy awakened at the base of the spine and sent through the chakras by doing intense meditation and yoga and or psychedelic drugs. These concepts are ones that are more often connected to the Yogi's of India and it is interesting to find them represented here in Egypt. Further many shamans all over the world, but more specifically the Amazonian shaman, connect the serpent with the teacher gods or snake space entities. You can find these concepts about snake teachers being discussed at length in Jeremy Narby's "The Cosmic Serpent". I believe the snake teachers connect with the inner light concept through the attainment of cosmic consciousness by accessing information directly through the DNA during intense ecstatic states and then attributing this DNA knowledge with coiled snakes due to the pictorial similarity between the DNA double helix and the coiled serpents.

I also believe that the secret societies have in the past and do quite probably today use psychedelic plants to access higher states and contact "The Great White Brotherhood" or the "Inner Head" located at the third eye point or pineal gland. Some of these people do probably believe they contact beings outside of themselves, others believe they speak to facets of there own higher self. More astutely (in my opinion) people like Aleister Crowley and Robert Anton Wilson saw these phenomena as a mixture of both. My point here is to show again that symbolic light can be connected to internal or external phenomena depending on how the individual interprets the experience of cosmic consciousness. The secret society symbols show this time and time again like the caduceus. The caduceus with its winged disc symbolizes at the same time both the inner and outer suns.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 28, 2011 8:47 pm

The Bible - Chronicle of the Atonists
http://www.irishoriginsofcivilization.c ... gins1.html
The various pharaohs and dignitaries of the eighteenth dynasty (1550-1335 BC) are listed below. These personages, together with their wives, consorts, families, and court, made up one of at least 32 dynasties.

Ahmose I

His reign (1550-1525 BC) opened the so-called "New Kingdom" and the eighteenth dynasty. Officially, he is believed to have routed the so-called "Hyksos" invaders and to have forced them from the land in the first of two historical mass expulsions. The bible's exodus tale is a fusion of these two expulsions, the first at the time of Ahmose, the second during the reign of Heremheb, the last pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty.

Amenhotep I

He was the son of Ahmose I and the great queen Ahmose Nefertiry. Like his father he was a devout worshipper of Amen Ra and Osiris, the Theban gods. Some believe him to have been the founder of the priesthood of Amen Ra. His reign was peaceful and he continued with the work of restoration after the expulsion of the Hyksos usurpers. His own son died at birth and so his brother-in-law, Tuthmosis, became pharaoh after him.

Tuthmosis I

He was the first pharaoh not of royal blood. His wife Ahmose, the sister of Amenhotep I, possessed the class distinction and was the legal heir to the throne. Two of his sons died prematurely but he had a third son by way of a minor wife who was sister to princess Ahmose. His most famous child was a daughter named Hatshepsut who eventually became a powerful pharaoh. His third son, also named Tuthmosis, succeeded him under the name Tuthmosis II.

Tuthmosis II

He was the third son of Tuthmosis I by way of a minor wife Mutnofret. Being a lesser son he married his own half-sister Hatshepsut to ensure a chance at becoming pharaoh. Two older brothers died leaving the way open for him to achieve his goal. He reigned with his brother Tuthmosis III in a co-regency for about 13 years. He named his own son, another Tuthmosis, as his successor.

Tuthmosis III

Although the legitimate heir to the throne he was too young and inexperienced to rule when he was made pharaoh. So it was at this point that queen Hatshepsut, who had the favor of the Amenite priesthood of Karnak, became co-regent with him. She was his aunt and step-mother. His regency was between 1479-1425 BC. During the early years of the reign he was shunted aside by the domineering Hatshepsut. Later, when he came into his own he deposed Hatshepsut and established his reputation as a great warrior pharaoh.

Tuthmosis III was married to several foreign wives. An expert fighter and leader he is now a good candidate for the true father of the biblical Isaac. Prototype of the biblical patriarch Abraham he was the actual father of the so-called Twelve Tribes of Israel.

Author Ahmed Osman regards Tuthmosis III as the prototype for the biblical king David. In any case, due to his antipathy for Hatshepsut, and presumably for the Amenists who supported her against him, Tuthmosis III may have eventually favored the worship of Aton.

Queen Hatshepsut

She ruled as co-regent with Tuthmosis III for two years when she decided, around 1479 BC, to take the dominant position, ruling not merely as queen but as pharaoh. Her reign lasted approximately twenty-two years. She seems to have been in constant conflict with her nephew and there is little doubt that he did not care for her competitive power lust.
Eventually, she was deposed by Tuthmosis III. During her regency, the conflict with the Hyksos continued.

Amenhotep II

The son of Tuthmosis III, he was a belligerent and cruel war pharaoh. He revived human sacrifice and took to the worship of his own concocted pantheon made up of several national and foreign gods. It is very likely that most of his wives were foreign. His wife was called Tiaa and their famous son Tuthmosis IV ruled after him.

Tuthmosis IV

He was possibly the son of Amenhotep II and Tiaa. Evidence has come to light that indicates that he may have been illegitimate. His features certainly betray distinct Asiatic origins. His own wife was not mentioned so there is doubt as to the legitimacy of his own son Pharaoh Amenhotep III whose own features were decidedly foreign. He was the first pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty to forgo worship of Amen Ra, and evidence shows that he was strongly favored by the Heliopolitan priesthood.

Ralph Ellis believes Tuthmosis IV to have been the pharaoh who dignified the Israelite "servant" Joseph, raising him from the dungeon to make him a dream-analyst and then promoting him to become the wealthiest man alive after pharaoh. Ahmed Osman believes this biblical Joseph to be none other than the 18th dynasty dignitary Yuya who, with wife Tuya, tutored Akhenaton, their strange grandson.

Amenhotep III

The son of Tuthmosis IV and his queen Mutemuaa, he came to the throne in 1391 BC and reigned for approximately thirty six years. Like his father he had profoundly non-Egyptian features and was clearly a foreign-blooded pharaoh. He was the prototype for King Solomon and was the husband of Joseph's powerful but commoner daughter Tiye.
Due to the death of this eldest son, Akhenaton became pharaoh.


Although he never reigned as a pharaoh he was the unseen authority behind the thrones of Amenhotep III and Akhenaton. Lately identified as the prototype for the biblical Joseph, he was the richest man in the world after the pharaoh who promoted him. Pharaoh Amenhotep III awarded him the title. Since his daughter Tiye was the mother of Akhenaton, Yuya was the grandfather of the man who would become the most notorious pharaoh in Egypt's long history.

His son Aye, the uncle of Akhenaton, would also go on to be a major player in the story of the Atonists. Yuya and his wife Tuya were among the major educators and caretakers of the young Akhenaton. They were Israelites descended from the Hyksos people and were probably of elite rank within that allegedly foreign race. It is believed that one of his wives, Asenath, was the daughter of the chief priest of the sun at Heliopolis. Yuya cleverly arranged matters so that his daughter Tiye married Pharaoh Amenhotep III, the son of Tuthmosis IV, who had first honored him.

Yuya (Joseph) was descended from Yakobaam/Jacoba/Jacob, an earlier Hyksos pharaoh. In the bible we are told that Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, hence the Hyksos people can be known as “Israelites.”

From our investigations, the bible reveals that Joseph's initial benefactor, Potiphar, was a sun priest of the city of On, or Heliopolis. In Hebrew the name Potiphar means "powerful pharaoh" and in Coptic it means "belonging to the sun."

Queen Tiye

She was also known as Ti. The daughter of Yuya, she was the chief wife of Amenhotep III (sister of Aye), and mother of Akhenaton (and possibly of Tutankhamun). It was her scheming that arranged for Akhenaton to wed Nefertiti thus ensuring his eligibility for kingship. Her brother Anen was an important sun priest at Heliopolis and her father Yuya the richest nobleman in the world. Researcher Graham Philips believes Tiye to be the mother of Akhenaton, Tutankhamun and Smenkhare, pharaohs all.


The consensus is that she was the mother of Nefertiti. Unlike Tiye she was of royal blood and bore the official title "Great Royal Wife." Her children were true claimants to the throne of Egypt. She was probably the daughter of the pharaoh Amenhotep III as well as his wife. Sitamun's sister was called Isis.

Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV)

Sometimes rendered Ikhnaton, his original name was Amenhotep IV. He came to the throne in 1353 as a married man aged fourteen. He, or his brother Tuthmosis, was the prototype for the biblical Moses. His wives were Nefertiti and Kiya. With Nefertiti he had six daughters. Suggestively, according to the bible, the wife of the biblical Moses was known as Adonith, which means “of Aten.” This would refer to Nefertiti. His son Tutankhamen was probably born to his second wife Kiya.

This theory is disputed by Ralph Ellis who believes Aye to have been Tutankhamen's true father, and by a few other Egyptologists who believe he was the son of Tiye and her husband Amenhotep III, making him the brother of Akhenaton. Akhenaton reigned for approximately 17 years.


She was the daughter of Sitamun and wife of the most powerful man in the world, Akhenaton. She was the mother of Meritaten who made her way, under the name Scota, to Ireland. Nefertiti disappears from the scene during the fifteenth year of Akhenaton's reign when a deadly plague began sweeping the land.

Nefertiti's sister Mutnodjmet was married to Pharaoh Heremheb who overcame the Atonists and attempted to rectify the havoc that Akhenaton had caused throughout the land.

Expert on the Hyksos period, author Ralph Ellis, believes Nefertiti and Mutnodjmet to have been daughters of Aye, the priest of the sun and uncle of Akhenaton. Nefertiti has been taken as a prototype for the biblical Mary the mother of Jesus, as Eve, and also as the Old Testament Sarah.


The second wife of Akhenaton, she is officially believed to have been the mother of Tutankhamen. According to Ralph Ellis, Kiya (whose real name was apparently Mutnodjmet) was not a worshipper of Aton even though she was married to Akhenaton. Ellis believes Kiya to have been a daughter of the powerful Atonist Aye, son of Yuya and uncle of Akhenaton. If this is true she would have been the sister of Nefertiti whom Ellis also believes to have been a daughter of Aye.

Given that Kiya and Mutnodjmet were one and the same person, then she became the wife of Pharaoh Heremheb after the abdication of Akhenaton and the removal of the hated Atonist regime.


The eldest of the six daughters of Nefertiti and Akhenaton, she was wedded to her father Akhenaton and ruled as queen of Egypt for a brief time after Nefertiti's strange disappearance. She may have borne a child to her father, known as "Meritaten the Less." She was also the consort of Smenkhare and ruled with him after the death of Akhenaton. Other names for Meritaten were Mayati and, after her departure from Egypt, Scota.

She survived the great plague that swept Egypt and, after her father died, she and her entourage traveled from Egypt to Scythia, Spain, and then (either she or a namesake daughter) crossed over to Ireland. Ireland took the name Scota from her and, after Irish tribes colonized Scotland, that country also bore her name. Scota's own tomb (or that of a namesake daughter) is in County Kerry. We believe that it was by way of this Scota, and her husband and fellow Egyptian-Scythian travelers, that Atonism came to the West, wreaking havoc with the unadulterated form of stellar theology practiced there.

Different traditions render her husband’s name as Mil, Mile (meaning "warrior") or Gathalus, or Gaythelos. The "Milesian" invasion of Ireland, as it is officially known, was in this author’s view the invasion of the Atonists. Relics and inscriptions confirm that Meritaten was an ardent Atonist who did not tolerate dissenting beliefs or actions.

After the fall of Akhenaton's bizarre dynasty, Meritaten may have been forced to flee abroad. We believe this to be the actual reason for her departure to foreign parts. After Smenkkare's death, Tutankhamun came to the throne with a much more tolerant attitude. He placated the Amenist priesthood and renounced the worship of Aton. This action would have made him an instant adversary to Meritaten, his half-sister.

Some Egyptologists speculate that Meritaten left Egypt partly due to her rivalry with Kiya whose importance was very great. After Nefertiti's disappearance it was Kiya who became the most important women in Atonist Egypt. Meritaten, not wanting to be outshone, may have decided to vacate Egypt altogether. Author Ralph Ellis speculates that Scota was not Meritaten but another daughter (and wife) of Akhenaton called Ankhesenamun.


Theories differ on the length of his reign, and whether he reigned alone. Probably the younger brother of Akhenaton and son of Amenhotep III, he was the prototype for Aaron the brother of Moses. He was co-regent with his father Akhenaton and before his early death he briefly reigned alone just before the ascent to the throne of Tutankhamun.

For a short time after he became pharaoh, Smenkhare was married to Meritaten (Scota) who disappeared from the scene during the plague years that killed most of Akhenaton's daughters.

Investigator Graham Philips, in his book on Smenkhare, Act of God, wrote: Egyptian tombs were always constructed with one purpose in mind - to keep intruders out. But what Davis and Ayrton had unearthed was an Egyptian tomb unlike any discovered before or since. It was constructed to keep someone or something trapped inside.

What Smenkhare could have done to deserve such a terrible fate, to be "imprisoned for eternity," is the subject of much speculation. So severe was the "curse" on this tomb that for a long time scholars believed the mummy inside to have been that of Akhenaton who was certainly hated by the people and priests of Egypt and who would have deserved such treatment.


The consensus is that he was the son of Akhenaton and his second but favorite wife Kiya. Tutankhamun himself speaks of being the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. In that case Tutankhamun would, like this father, have been foreign-blooded. Being the son of Amenhotep III would have made Tutankhamun the younger brother of Akhenaton and not his son. DNA evidence apparently confirmed that Tutankhamun was the brother of Smenkhare and most Egyptologists do now believe Smenkhare to have been the son of Amenhotep III.

For Tutankhamun to be the son of Amenhotep III means that the latter must have lived longer than most Egyptologists speculated and that he may even have been a major influence during the reign of his son Akhenaton. He may even have been co-regent with him. He was married to one of Akhenaton's surviving daughters, Ankhesenpaaten, and through her he had a legitimate right to the throne of Egypt.

Ralph Ellis suggests that he may really have been the son of Aye and not Akhenaton, while author Charles Pope (following on from Immanuel Velikovsky) believes that both Tutankhamun and Smenkhare were born from the incestuous relationship between Akhenaton and his foreign-blooded mother queen Tiye. He ruled for approximately 9 years, coming to the throne when he was 8 years old and dying at age 17.

By the time he commissioned his own stele at Karnak, he had changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. Evidence suggests that he was murdered, but on the whole there is not a lot of clear information about who Tutankhamun was, or where he came from.

Authors Gerald O'Farrell and Ahmed Osman believe there is no doubt that Tutankhamen was the same person as the biblical Joshua whom Moses (Akhenaton) predicted would succeed him. Since the Mosaic Joshua was a model for the Gospel Jesus, Tutankhamun was, therefore, the prototype of the Jesus Christ of Christianity.

The many strange deaths of men involved with the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun were to ensure that the truth of Tutankhamun's identity remained a secret.

Ralph Ellis speculates that Tutankhamun was not the son of Akhenaton or of Amenhotep III but of Aye, the uncle of Akhenaton. This is because Smenkhare came to the throne directly after Akhenaton's removal. If Tutankhamun had been the true legal descendant of Akhenaton, it is likely that he and not Smenkhare would have succeeded him.


He was one of the most powerful nobles of the Amarna period and, after his removal from office and exile, he appears to have attempted to seize the throne of Egypt for the Atonists. The son of Israelite Yuya, and brother of queen Tiye, Aye was the uncle and tutor of Akhenaton and prototype for the biblical character known as Joseph of Arimathea. Aye took the throne in 1324 BC after the untimely death of his grandson Tutankhamen and he ruled for four years. A high priest of Aton he appears to have capitulated and renounced Atonism while he ruled as pharaoh. However, other evidence suggests that he remained a loyal closet Atonist to the end, expertly working both sides to suit his own agenda and to preserve his precarious regency. Ralph Ellis offers the controversial theory that Aye (or Aya) was none other than Jehovah, the god who directed Moses at the burning bush. This theory is also advocated by researchers Messod and Roger Sabbah who, referring to interesting passages within the "Aramaic Bible" (or "Targum"), clearly show that the Mosaic "Jehovah" was named "Aye."

Ellis also believes that Aye left Egypt after losing his regency and made his way to Athens. Athens was named after Aton, and Ellis believes that Aye (whose Grecian name was Dannus) attempted to invade Egypt from Greece. Ellis believes that Aye's descendants played a part in the Trojan Wars and also possibly, as the "Sea People," plagued Egypt during the regency of Merenptah. Ellis has also speculated that Aye could have been the same person as Mile, whom the Scots named Gaythelos. This Mile, after departing Egypt with his wife Scota, is rumored to have settled in Spain near the river Ebro. His descendants were the so-called "Milesian" (Atonist) conquerors of Ireland.

Researchers Messod and Roger Sabbah believe the exiled Israelites and Judites to have been followers of Aye. Researcher Graham Philips takes a different view than Ellis and surmises that Aye and Tutankhamun both openly rejected Atonism in order to appease the Amenist priests and Egyptian people, and to ensure the preservation of their precarious authority.

Interestingly, before Aye came to the throne, Ankhesenpaaten, the wife of the deceased Tutankhamun, made contact with the king of the Hittites to ask him to send a son to assume the throne of Egypt. When the insidious Atonist plan to summon a foreign and despised prince to Egypt went awry, Aye took the throne. He married Ankhesenpaaten to gain legal title. The Hittites had been Egypt's direst enemies for centuries. It is believed that Pharaoh Heremheb was the one who foiled Ankhesenpaaten’s nefarious plan.

Graham Philips offers the interesting idea that Ankhesenpaaten and Aye incited the coup involving the Hittites precisely to embroil the two enemy countries in a war to further their own ends.


He is also referred to as Horemheb, the adversary and vanquisher of the Cult of Aton and restorer of the old gods. He was married to Nefertiti’s sister Mutnodjmet whom Ralph Ellis believes was the same person as queen Kiya. General Heremheb foiled the Atonist plan to involve his country in a bloody foreign war with the Hittites from Turkey. It was either Heremheb, or one of his immediate successors (Ramses I, Seti I, or Ramses II), who was the pharaoh conveniently not named in the Old Testament’s preposterous exodus story. As nothing more is heard of Ankhesenpaaten after Heremheb became pharaoh, scholars assume she was either routed or killed off.

The great Yuya was not only the appointed vizier to the pharaoh Tuthmosis IV, his dream-analyst and keeper of his granaries, but he was also the son-in-law of the high priest of the Solar Cult. Revisionist historians have also revealed that Aye, the uncle of Akhenaton and pharaoh after Tutankhamun was the son of Joseph the patriarch of the Levites (Jews).

They have proven that Joseph's daughter Tiye was married to pharaoh Amenhotep III, the father of Akhenaton; that Tuthmosis III was the prototype for King David, and that Amenhotep III was the prototype for King Solomon. Mary (the Mother of Jesus) may be based upon Nefertiti or Akhenaton's second wife Kiyah who was also known as Mery, meaning "beloved." Mary Magdalene has been traced back to Ankhsenpaaten, the wife of Smenkhare.

In the case of the patriarch Saul (suggestively a name also used for Paul, the founder of Christianity) we have the truth laid before us with such clarity. Saul is quite clearly a rendering of Sol, the name for the sun.

Moses' brother was Aaron and he has been linked to the pharaoh Smenkhare, considered by some to have been the brother of Akhenaton.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 28, 2011 8:56 pm

Iburu, Haibru, Apiru – what’s in a name? Are the Irish (Druids) the real Hebrews and the Atonists (Judites and Israelites) the imposters?

The True Hebrews
http://www.irishoriginsofcivilization.c ... gins1.html
In 500 BCE, when Ezra collected the writings together, "Jews" were merely members of the tribe of Judah. They weren't special, and there was no "Judaism". The Levites had always controlled the religion, and Judah followed. It was Levite-ism. Even the most important Biblical book of rules, Leviticus, is named after them - Tony Malone (The Zionist Manifesto: What is Judaism?)

The Cult of Aton left Egypt along with the elite class of Levites who had lived and served alongside them at Akhetaten (Tell el-Amarna), Avairs, Giza, Heliopolis, and Tanis. These tribes are put before us today as the "Israelites," the supposed "Jews" of history. In fact these latter groups were subservient in all ways to the Atonist Elders who were either biologically or ideologically descended from the Hyksos pharaohs of old.

Those who became known as "Jews" were, however, originally neither Israelites nor Hebrews, and were not racially Semitic. The term Hebrew (and possibly also Jew) comes from the Old Irish Iur, and the Irish Gaelic Ibur or Iburu meaning "Yew Tree," or "Men of the Yew." The yew tree was considered very sacred to the Druids and Egyptian Magi.

The Ibaru (or Ibri, Abri, or Abari) turn up in Egypt as the "Wise Ones" or "Elders." The letter "H," added as a prefix, simply meant "the," and so the word Hebrew meant "the Ebru" or "the Ibaru." This is the origin of the word Iberia which signified Spain and Hibernia which signified Ireland. The word rabbi is a rendition or variant of this ancient name Abari or Ibaru. The Ibaru were Druidic Elders who had traveled to Egypt in remote periods and who had brought solar worship there.

They were probably akin to the predynastic Shemsu Hor or "Disciples of Horus," the tall, fair-complexioned, technically proficient race whose remains were found in tombs in Nubia by the eminent archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery.

This word Ibaru had a similarity to Apiru (Egyptian Apir) which meant "wanderer," "undesirable," "shepherd," or "foreigner." This unfortunate similarity of etymology has caused great confusion but has favored the machinations of those elites who crave to obscure the truth of their Western ancestry.

The Levitical scholars and later historians knew that the real meaning of the title Hebrew (like that of "David," "Israel," "Judah," and "Aaron," etc) had to be obscured. The word's original meaning would best be concealed if it was linked to another similar sounding word that did denote racial types and groups. It was noted that the word was similar to Apiru which referred to thieves, wanderers, and vagabonds, or to simple shepherds seeking refuge in Egypt due to droughts. Such refugees did exist and were bound to sustain themselves in Egypt by performing menial tasks.

With the letter "H" added we have Hapiru, making a word that could easily be mistaken for Hebrew. But the Apiru or Hapiru were not the same people as the Hebrews or Ibaru, the wise-ones and counselors to pharaoh.

The Irish (Aryan) Magi had journeyed far and wide and had established mystery schools throughout the far-flung corners of the globe, in every empire and major city. The early Egyptians knew them as the Shemsu Hor or "Disciples of Horus." Intelligent and creative men aspired to attend their colleges and learn their secrets pertaining to astronomy, biology, horticulture, metaphysics, law, divination, and other subjects.

The fact that almost every overt reference to these colleges has been deliberately excised from the world's history texts does not change this fact. In a similar fashion as the later Christian missionary monks, the Druids had taken their knowledge and symbolism with them wherever they roved. As a result, Druid Elders were exalted counselors at major courts. As Merlin was to King Arthur, the Druid Magi tutored the many princes and kings who sought them out. They were especially esteemed in Egypt, the land that had benefited from their knowledge of architecture and astronomy. The Druids (the Shemsu Hor) were counselors to, and perhaps even initiators of, the pharaohs of Egypt.

The word Hebrew can also be traced to the Gaelic Heber meaning "fire" or "sun." A "Hebrew" (Ibaru) was a priest of the sun. The word did not refer to a race or nation, as we have been told by duplicitous "historians." It actually referred to the caste of Druidic Elders and to their gnosis. It also referred to their sacred language and alphabet. A "Hebrew" then, was one conversant with the sacred knowledge; to be precise, the knowledge of the stars.

Those monsters who later appropriated this term did not have the right to do so. Those renegades were hardly qualified to use these illustrious terms or to have appropriated them surreptitiously from those true Hebrews of the world. We have believed the lunacy because it is the descendants of the Cult of Aton who have been funding their own history’s composition. The antique oral tradition was swept aside by the men of words and writing. The ancient seers were systematically massacred and annihilated en masse by the cruel and blood-thirsty legions of Rome, funded by the Cult of Aton to eradicate any sect, cult, or church that preserved the truth.

The problem with Hebrew is that it was a dead language for many centuries - it may have been a written language for a few Judaic scholars, but it was not a living, spoken language by any community or people. Hebrew has only been revived as a living language in the recent past, with the formation of Israel, but it was revived solely from the language of the Torah and Talmud, and this means that the wider knowledge of the language outside the biblical-type texts has largely been lost - Ralph Ellis (Eden in Egypt)

The word 'Ibri, "Hebrew," occurs some thirty times in the Bible, a small number compared with the 2,500 appearances of "Israel." The two terms are not synonymous - Joseph Meleze Modrzejewski (The Jews of Egypt: From Rameses II to Emperor Hadrian)

Habiru or Hapiru was the name given by various Sumerian, Egyptian, Akkadian, Hittite, Mitanni, and Ugaritic sources (dated, roughly, from before 2000 BC to around 1200 BC) to a group of people living in the areas of Northeastern Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent from the borders of Egypt in Canaan to Iran. Depending on the source and epoch, these Habiru are variously described as nomadic or semi-nomadic, rebellious, outlaws, raiders, mercenaries, servants or slaves, migrant laborers, etc.

The names Habiru and Hapiru are used in Akkadian cuneiform texts. The corresponding name in the consonant-only Egyptian script appears to be `PR.W, conventionally pronounced Apiru (W being the Egyptian plural suffix). In Mesopotamian records they are also identified by the Sumerian logogram SA.GAZ, of unknown pronunciation.

The Habiru name list on the Tikunani Prism (from Mesopotamia, about 1550 BC) indicates they were originally nothing more than a wandering tribe of Hurrians, but some argue for the disappearance of this ethnic distinction at a very early stage making them a non-exclusive ethnic group. Like the 17th century Cossack bands of Eastern European Steppes, scholars since Moshe Greenberg have envisioned the Hapiru as being formed out of outlaws and drop-outs from neighboring agricultural societies - (From Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia)

For more than a hundred years, orientalists have likened the word 'Ibri to the terms 'Apiru, found in Egyptian texts, and Habiru, its cuneiform equivalent. These terms, signifying "dusty" or "dust-covered," apply to western Semitic populations spread over a vast territory, extending from Egypt to Mesopotamia; they were semi-nomads roaming around the fringes of the desert, on the verge of sedentary society. Their identity is obscure; it may be approximated by an anthroponymic reference to a national divinity, 'Apir-Baal, "the dusty one of Baal," or 'Apir-El, "the dusty one of El." By vigorously sifting the "dust", these marginal people could occasionally be put to use and absorbed into the local population as workers or soldiers. But "civilized" society still looked upon them with fear and distrust - Joseph Meleze Modrzejewski (The Jews of Egypt: From Rameses II to Emperor Hadrian)

That Christianity came from Judaism is acknowledged by churchmen, but it never has been truthfully divulged before where Judaism had its origins and home, or who were the Hebrews and the Jews. The term "Hebrew" and "Jew" for deceptive purposes has been conferred upon a people of Aramaic race, and it is a misnomer to call this people - the modern so-called Jews - Conor MacDari (The Bible: An Irish Book)

Hebrew was a secret dialect which was devised by the Irish priesthood to preserve their secret lore and rituals. Its use was kept exclusively for the priests, thereby keeping all knowledge of sacerdotal things from the was taken over and made use of by the Roman Church to conceal and to make plausible the secret fraud which she had perpetrated upon the Christian world – ibid

Hebrew was never spoken by the Aramaic people of Syria, the so-called Jews, or by the people of any other countries. It was used by the ancient Irish priesthood of Iesa, precisely as Latin is today used in the Roman Church to impress the multitude – ibid.

Hebrew, in short, is the language which enables men to pass from one meaning to another, which explains, interprets and gives the allegorical meaning. By Hebrews, therefore, Moses does not mean the Israelites...but men, Israelites or Egyptians, who were learned in the Hebrew language, in the knowledge of Ambres, the initiated and the initiators - Arthur Dyott Thompson (On Mankind: Their Origin and Destiny)

...although the name "Hebrew", used for the language of the Bible, belongs to the period of the Bible's formation, the name "Hebrew" used as a gentilic - that is, a term referring to a people - goes much further back...Related terms show up in Sumerian, Assyro-Babylonian and Egyptian texts in the forms SA GAZ, Hapiru, Apiru. These terms refer to individuals and groups who were not accepted within the accepted political structures of patronage alliances, and loyalties that governed society. These "Hebrews" were..."outlaws" - Prof. Thomas Thompson (The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The initiated who had passed through the inferior grades, and attained the high rank of Autops, or "eye-witnesses", were called by the whole pagan world Israelites and Hebrews. The name of Israelite, Jews, or Hebrews, did never designate a political or national body, but were the name which, from an infinitely remote antiquity, designated the Uperects, the Autops, the signify the highest order of the initiated in these holy mysteries, and to whom, and whom alone, were committed to the oracles of god - Rev. Robert Taylor

...have we a vestige of the existence of a Hebrew nation? That question can be answered only in the most decisive, the most unequivocal negation that ever truth threw up in solution of any inquiry whatever. No where, in all the world, no where, in no era of time, in no state or stone, or skin, or papyrus, or paper - in nothing that ever was plastered by the trowel, scratched by the style, graven by the chisel, or written by the pen of the human hand, hath the world ever possessed a scratch of a scrabblement that recognized the existence of a Hebrew nation - Rev. Robert Taylor

The Hebrew language is considered to be very old, and yet there exists no trace of it anywhere in the old monuments, not even in Chaldea - Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine)

Nowhere does the Bible say...that the Hebrew is the language of God - Madame Helena Blavatsky (Occultism)

The compilers of the Old Testament, as it exists in the Hebrew canon, knew well that the language of the Initiates in the days of Moses was identical with that of the Egyptian Hierophants - Madame Helena Blavatsky (Occultism)

The Jewish glyphs and the Hebrew language are not originals but are borrowed from the Egyptians and are considered sacred. Hebrew is composed of the hieroglyphics, symbols, and myths of the Egyptians and their gods - Gerald Massey (Ancient Egypt - Light of the World, 1907)

According to Sir W. Jones and other Orientalists, the oldest discoverable languages of Persia are the Chaldaic and Sanskrit, and there is no trace of the “Hebrew” in these. It would be very surprising if there were, since the Hebrew known to the Philologists does not date earlier than 500 BC., and its characters belong to a far later period still - Helena Blavatsky (The Secret Doctrine)

Not one in the Hebrew Chaldee letter and language has ever been found; nor has a single authentic medal or gem in this new-fangled character been ever discovered which could carry it even to the days of Jesus - Kenealy (Book of God)

The Jewish glyph and Hebrew language are not original, but are borrowed from the Egyptian and are considered sacred. Hebrew is composed of the hieroglyphs, symbols and myths of the Egyptians and their gods - Valentia Straiton (The Celestial Ship of the North)

It is therefore apparent that the translation of the holy books of Judaism into Greek was a watershed in the development of the Hebrew Qabalah, since it naturally exposed these texts to the application of Hellenistic alphabetical symbolism and isopsephy for the first time. Before then, no such practice existed, or could have existed, since alphabetic numeral were unknown to the Jews - Kieran Barry (The Greek Qabalah)

However much archaeologists might need a story world to flesh out the bones of their history, or however much they might wish that the Bible's nations were scattered among the potsherds, the wish for the Bible to be history has only confused the discussion about how the Bible relates to the past. The Bible's world does not belong to the discipline of archaeologists...It may perhaps appear strange that so much of the Bible deals with the origin of a people that never existed as such. This metaphorical nation's land and language; this imagined people's history, moreover, is an origin tradition that belongs to the 'new Israel' not the old. The Bible does not give us Israel's story about its past - or any origin story confirming Israel's self-identity or national self-understanding. The tradition gave not Israel but Judaism an identity - Thomas L. Thompson (The Mythic Past, Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

The Egyptian language confirms what we are saying about these intriguing terms. In Egyptian, the word Eebre (Hebrew Eber) referred to rivers and water. The reference here was most probably to the Nile and to the schools of the Hebrew that existed along that great river. With the "H" added to the beginning of the word, we have "the Eber," meaning "men of the river." Rivers were always considered sacred to the ancients.

The Rhine river, for instance, takes its name from the Germanic word Rune meaning "sacred knowledge," or "source of wisdom." Men of the River, therefore, referred to those of the "Underground Stream" of Hermetic knowledge. In the Papyrus of Hunefer, of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, we see Osiris enthroned upon the sacred river, or pool of water, from which arises the papyrus plant with the four sons of Horus. This is certainly not the only word that suffered corruption at the hands of desecrators. There are many, many others.

The use of vowels was limited in alphabets such as Hebrew, Egyptian, Latin, and Greek, and this anomaly doubtless assisted those who have used language to deceive. Of course, the truth concerning the terms, titles, and origins of the Judites, has been known and preserved by those initiated into the esoteric tradition. An examination of the writings of leading Masons and Templars, and of the idioms and practices of their secret orders and fraternal societies, brings us the insight and knowledge unknown to the lay person.

Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray - Albert Pike (Morals and Dogma, 1871)

The Teachers, even of Christianity, are, in general, the most ignorant of the true meaning of that which they teach. There is no book of which so little is known as the Bible – ibid

The Reverend Robert Taylor discovered the truth when he made a study of the Eleusinian tradition of Greece that dated back before 1500 years BC..

The priests who presided over the Eleusinian mystery tradition were known as the Prorrhesis (note the term esis, or esus, the name of the Druidic vegetation god). Eleusis was a town not far from Athens that was named after the god Aten or Aton. We believe Athens to have been a major center of Atonism.

Ralph Ellis has traced the eighteenth dynasty pharaoh Aye, the uncle of Akhenaton, to Athens, and he believes Aye's influence over the elites of Athens to be the reason for the naming of the renowned city. Eleusis was connected with Persephone and Demeter, a duad based on the Egyptian goddesses Isis and Hathor.

The festivals and rites of Eleusis began during the sign of Virgo the Virgin (mid September). The cult of the goddess and the reputation of the rites of Eleusis eventually spread to Rome gaining many eminent adherents there. The rites of Eleusis were basically Dionysian in character and they involved the use of hallucinogenic substances. The Eleusinians would repeatedly chant the name Iacchus that referred to Dionysus, a god based on the Egyptian Horus and Druidic Esus.

So, in light of this, we have no difficulty placing the Hebrews or, more correctly, the Ibaru. They were the "Initiators," the "keepers of knowledge," the "wise-ones," the Druidic Elders of Ireland and Britain whose colleges once existed even in the far-flung corners of the globe. The ancient name for the land of Ireland was Hibernia and the Irish were known as Hibernians. This is a Gaelic word and it also denoted those tribes that inhabited Spain. (Spain's olden name was Iberia.) In short, the original "Hebrews" were Irish. The word Hebrew most likely comes from Ibiru, Ibaru, or Iburu meaning "Yew Tree." The word Yahweh (meaning Jehovah) comes from Yehew or Yew. The reference in the Old Testament to Moses meeting god at a "burning bush" is yet one more biblical corruption of Druidic tree lore and stellar mythology.

The term Hebrew was not, therefore, brought to the West by travelers from the East. If anything, it is more likely that Eastern migrants merely used these place-names because they understood that the countries to which they went were ancient homelands of the Ibaru. To obscure the anomaly concerning the name of Ireland, the historians disseminated the story that it was traveling Israelites or Hebrews from the East who, upon their arrival in Ireland, named it Hibernia. Such migrations did take place but were of later times. They occurred during the centuries AD. Many groups settled in Ireland for one reason or another and many came from the Levant.

However, there was little that these people could teach the Irish. Such a notion is not only preposterous but it demonstrates the level of perfidy of the historians who have suggested such nonsense.

The ancients knew that the terms Israelite and Ibaru referred to high-ranking, spiritually endowed Egyptians and their ancestors. And they knew that Egypt had been visited numerous times by vagabonds and ne'er-do-wells out for what they could get. The outlying provinces of Egypt were often plagued by such miserables who stole food, polluted wells, and generally caused a disturbance. More than once did the Egyptian governors take to banishing and exiling foreigners who were preying upon their people.

Thankfully, there are a few Western scholars who have seen through the controversy of the identity. Jewish author Max L. Dimont covers the problem in his fine book Jews, God and History. He wrote

the Hebrews who left Ur with Abraham in 2000 BC, and the Hebrews who entered Egypt under Joseph in 1600 BC, the same people as the Israelites who were led out of Egypt by Moses in 1200 BC? Were these Israelites who came out of Egypt the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or were they a different people?

In Genesis, the book dealing with their history before their entry into Egypt, the Jews are, with one exception, referred to as Hebrews, not as Israelites. After their exodus from Egypt and in the other Books of Moses, the Jews are referred to mostly as Israelites, very seldom as Hebrews. After the exodus, it is the pagans who usually refer to the Jews as Hebrews, whereas the Jews usually refer to themselves as Israelites.

We can see from these passages that the people exiled with Akhenaton (Moses) were not Israelites, Judites, or Hebrews, in the traditionally accepted sense. These terms were falsely and duplicitously adopted and attributed at a much later date. The exodus described in the Old Testament is certainly and patently a preposterous fiction, but one that conceals facts of enormous interest and import.

Let us remember that name changing was common in the ancient world. Akhenaton himself had changed his name from Amenhotep. The hordes who tended Akhenaton and his court, and who accompanied him after his exile, were Levites from the city of Avaris (Zoan or Zion) and Amarna. They were descendants of the Hyksos Kings who had invaded Upper (Southern) Egypt over 300 years before (at the opening of the 13th dynasty). No, the "Israelites" were not the people who accompanied the pharaoh; they were the pharaoh and his immediate Egyptian coterie

What is more, the Cult of Aton was certainly also feared. They had powerful enemies but also powerful and wealthy allies inside and outside of Egypt. The vast majority in Egypt despised them, but those who stood in their way were either crushed or undermined. Their patented strategy of diplomacy versus military threat would continue to the present age.

From their time in Egypt they had ties with the Cretans, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Hindus (Brahmins) and Babylonians, and with the "House of Judah" resident in Tanis. As time passed, they cultivated profitable relationships with the elite families of Greece, Italy, France, and England. Their agents and ministers exist in the Far East also, in India, China, and Japan.


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