Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by LongtimeAirman » Thu Jul 31, 2014 8:37 pm

Sparky wrote:
So, you would prefer to hold onto a flawed model and not be shown a more reasonable one?
Yes, I would prefer to explore Miles’ model. QT is not a mechanical model, it is a probabilistic math. Since it is non-mechanical, it cannot possibly be more “reasonable”.
Go ahead, My posts will not keep you from ignoring them and posting MM dogma.
I have not ignored your strident posts or language. Dogma, a settled or established opinion, belief, principle or certainty, applies to QT, not to the Charge Field.
And if you don't understand MM model, I suggest that you don't act like you do.
I understand MM’s model well enough to wish to continue to learn more about it.
I understand it, that is why I have moved on and attempt to show its flaws.
You refuse to accept spin, stacked or otherwise, so you cannot possibly understand the Charge Field.
You do not show its flaws, you simply declare it nonsense, and drown any dialog in your own righteousness.
Move on, people!

People, take a good look.


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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Chromium6 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:41 pm

Lloyd wrote:Apology. I had said: "As long as the mods fail to do their job here []." I apologize for that crude statement.
- Nick said: "Lloyd, what would you like done? You complain about "nonscientific name-calling" but have you followed forum procedure by reporting offending posts? (That is clicking the red exclamation point and filing a report of a post that you find in violation of forum rules.) You have not done so."
Thanks for the info, but I don't see the red exclamation point anywhere on this page. Does anyone know where it is? Oh, never mind. I didn't see them because I wasn't signed in at first.

MM vs EU. Cr6 quoted MM: "And when it comes to explaining winds, hot and cold poles, and other phenomena, my fields explain the data much more cleanly and clearly than EU models." I disagree that MM explains hot and cold poles better than EU does, since I think cold ions that reach poles explain cold poles better than photons can.

Electron Shells. Cr6 & Airman, thanks for discussion of electron shells etc.
- MM said Wikipedia doesn't even show a model of electron shells and energy levels and I see that he's right. But I do find some sites online that do show models. Here's one: ... s-atom.php. And following are some quotes.
Structure of an atom
[Diagram of electron shells and energy levels: ... cture.jpeg]
- In this page we are going to discuss about explain the structure of an atom concept .Electrons revolve around the nucleus in different energy levels or shells and each shell is associated with definite energy. The energy of the K shell is the least while those of L, M, N and O shells increases progressively. We also know that any system that has least energy is the most stable.1st energy level is K shell2nd energy level is L shell3rd energy level is M shell4th energy level is N shell and so on
- Bohr Bury scheme -arrangement of electrons in an atom
- Bohr and Bury Scheme - Important Rules
- Maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a shell is given by 2n2 where n = shell number
Sl. No. - Electron Shell - Maximum Capacity
1 - K Shell - 2 electrons
2 - L Shell - 8 electrons
3 - M shell - 18 electrons
4 - N shell - 32 electrons
[Diagram of Mg electron shells and energy levels: ... cture.jpeg]

Questions for You Guys. Can yous explain how the energy levels of each shell was determined? And can yous explain how MM explains those energy levels?
- Cr6, I read your posts, but I don't understand them clearly, so I hope the above will help you guys explain things in a way that I can fathom better.
Hi Lloyd,

Not ignoring your posts here on electron orbitals. I think Mathis' recent salt paper from last year is a good starting point on it.

On the Windhexe: ''An engineer could not have invented this,'' Winsness says. ''As an engineer, you don't try anything that's theoretically impossible.''

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by David » Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:31 am

LongtimeAirman wrote:
You refuse to accept spin, stacked or otherwise, so you cannot possibly understand the Charge Field.
It’s not really a matter of understanding; every Mathis article is easy to understand.

The real issue is whether or not you can accept his premise that a single photon can have 16 simultaneous stacked-spins. That’s not just a hard pill to swallow; the pill is so enormous that a Blue Whale couldn’t choke it down.

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Sparky » Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:16 am

You do not show its flaws, you simply declare it nonsense, and drown any dialog in your own righteousness.
Well, for those that are not caught up in the hysteria of photon spin stacking, I have pointed out some flaws. Of course you did not offer any real argument for MM or against what I pointed out. I really do not expect you to accept that. And I do not expect you to seek the possibilities of QM ..

Drown any dialog?!!! What are you talking about?? How can a person posting text drown dialog? That is just one of your silly accusations.

Righteousness???!!! Really???!! More of your silliness, indicating an emotional attachment to the MM group. Your arguments for MM and against contrary arguments continue to be more emotional than what the subject would require. :roll:
"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."
"Doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one."
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Sparky » Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:29 am

Another perspective of photons by Dr. Prem Kumar:
Information in a Photon
Information in a PhotonDARPA

The photon is a fundamental carrier of information, possessing numerous information carrying degrees of freedom including frequency, phase, arrival time, polarization, orbital angular momentum, linear momentum, entanglement, etc. Because optical photons are approximately a million times more costly (i.e., energetic) than their radio frequency counterparts, photons are a valuable resource for many military applications ranging from communications systems to visible and infrared sensing platforms.

The Information in a Photon (InPho) program aims to pursue the basic science and the associated unifying physical and mathematical principles that govern the information capacity of optical photons, exploiting all relevant physical degrees of freedom. Important outcomes of the InPho program include rigorous quantification of photon information content for communications and imaging applications, novel methods to maximize the scene information extracted from received photons in next-generation sensing platforms, and novel methods to maximize the information content of transmitted and received photons in next-generation communication systems.

Dr. Prem Kumar
Poor Dr. Kumar, doesn't understand stacked spins as the ultimate model... :(
"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."
"Doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one."
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Chromium6 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 4:57 pm

David wrote:
LongtimeAirman wrote:
You refuse to accept spin, stacked or otherwise, so you cannot possibly understand the Charge Field.
It’s not really a matter of understanding; every Mathis article is easy to understand.

The real issue is whether or not you can accept his premise that a single photon can have 16 simultaneous stacked-spins. That’s not just a hard pill to swallow; the pill is so enormous that a Blue Whale couldn’t choke it down.
So then this statement by Mathis is completely false in your view?
Using the much more logical number z=8, we find the original radiation had a wavelength of 2 x 10-4m. That number is of great interest to me, since I have shown that the charge field photon should have an average wavelength of about 1.6 x 10-4m. This number is easy to derive, so I will show you how to get it again. By pulling apart Newton's equation, I was able to show that it has always included the charge field. The constant G1 is simply the scaling constant between the charge field and the solo gravity field. G takes the size of one field down to the size of the other field, so that we can compare them directly, and put them both in the same equation. Because this is true, what G is really doing is scaling the atomic field down to the photon field. Charge is a force upon protons and electrons, mediated by photons, so we have to scale one to the other. Therefore, G is just the size differential between the proton and the photon. Yes, the photon is simply G times smaller than the proton. This gives the basic or average charge photon a mass equivalence of 1.1 x 10-37 kg. Using the common equation

λ = h/mc

We find a wavelength of about 2 x 10-5m.

The problem with that math is that G is a size differential, not a mass differential. We just treated it as a mass differential. Fortunately, we don't need to know the relative densities of the photon and proton to solve. We just let the mass stand for the size of the particle proper, and remember that the wavelength is determined by stacked spins. These spins give the particle more size, because they must obey gyroscopic exclusion rules. I have shown that, since most quanta have four spins, the outer spin is 8 times the radius. So to find the E/M wavelength differential from the mass differential, we just multiply by 8. That gives us a visible wavelength of 1.6 x 10-4m. That is still an estimate, since we still haven't included density, but it is a somewhat better estimate than our first number.**

That gives us a rough match of the wavelengths, near enough that I can propose that the cosmic background radiation is not a relic of the Big Bang, but simply the ambient charge field of the universe. I have been told that we have no evidence of my charge field at the macro-level, but I have shown that we actually have lots of evidence for it. A lot of evidence that is sitting right out in the open is evidence of the charge field, it has just so far been misapplied or misinterpreted.
On the Windhexe: ''An engineer could not have invented this,'' Winsness says. ''As an engineer, you don't try anything that's theoretically impossible.''

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Chromium6 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:31 pm

Here's Mathis' take on Superconductors from the Majorna paper. It appears that there is a lot of "news" of late on high-temperature superconductors.
The Allais Effect and Majorana
(modern pendulum experiments)
by Miles Mathis
These superconducting disks and magnets are not blocking fields, they are accelerating fields. That is clear from the first look at the data and the tools. It is also clear from the by-products. Podkletnov has told of dangerous radiation from the backside of his disks, as one example. What is happening, in the first instance, is that the superconductor is allowing the E/M field of the Earth, which is already going straight up, to go straight up faster than it was. The E/M field I am talking about is emitted radially out from the Earth, in a summed sense. It is a real field made up of real particles. These particles are photons, not electrons, but they have real momenta. They bombard and cause real forces of repulsion. Under normal conditions, this field has to move through the atmosphere, and this slows the field. What happens with the superconductor (without spin) is that a small portion of the atmosphere is cooled to near zero. This allows the E/M field to move through it with less resistance. This is precisely what “superconducting” means. Resistance gets very small, and it is because the motion of the particles in the atmosphere or object has been stopped, or nearly stopped. So you have fewer collisions. Fewer collisions means greater transparency. The E/M field meets less resistance, so it moves more quickly through the atmosphere or object. Quite simple, really. Since it is moving more quickly, it has greater momentum. And so it causes a greater force. It pushes any non-supercooled mass it does meet with a greater force. So the object rises. This is what was happening with Podkletnov’s smoke, above his superconductor. The E/M field was pushing it up.
Under normal circumstances, the E/M field doesn’t cause smoke to rise, because under normal circumstances, all objects, including smoke, have reached a place of balance with the E/M field and gravitational field. The gravitational field impels them down, the E/M field impels them up, and they seek a level of balance. For most objects, this level is on the ground. For smoke, it is some level in the atmosphere, based on the weight of the smoke.

But Podkletnov’s superconductor changes this balance. The E/M field is suddenly moving faster in that vicinity, and things begin to move, seeking a new level of balance. Smoke rises, objects lose weight, and so on. Straightforward mechanics.

Now, in the second instance, Podkletnov adds spin to his superconductor. The effect is increased. What is happening? Any field being blocked now? No. The E/M field is simply being accelerated once more. The superconductor acts like a large fan, blowing the field up. Why up? The old right hand rule of electricity. Every object emits an E/M field, and transmits an E/M field. The E/M field is ubiquitous, as plasma research and other modern research has shown. I assume Podkletnov’s superconductor was spinning CCW, which creates a force up.
This would be the first assumption, but the force can be explained even without the right hand rule. For instance, it may be that the photon field does not act precisely like the electron field. We have no hard-and-fast knowledge that the foundational E/M field obeys a right hand rule. We may have to come up with other rules, based on experience, by looking at experiments like this. We do know, from QED, that we have orthogonal spins creating orthogonal fields, even with the foundational E/M field. This is what Schrodinger’s equations are telling us, among other things. Therefore it is no great difficulty explaining an orthogonal force from a spinning field. We would expect a spinning field to create a force either up or down, and we must look to nature to tell us how things actually work. We spin Podkletnov’s superconductor both directions, collect the data, and then we know. But I hope you can see that it is much easier, not to say much more logical, to propose the mechanics I have proposed here, rather than to propose mysterious and non-mechanical blocking of fields. Besides, blocking the gravitational field breaks so many Newtonian and Einsteinian rules. I am not one for obeying rules for no reason. But I am not one for breaking rules for no reason, either. Einstein’s rule of equivalence is a lovely rule, one that is both logical and backed by a century of data. Why break it when you can keep it by a simple mechanical manipulation?
1Majorana, Q., (1920). "On gravitation. Theoretical and experimental researches", Phil. Mag. [ser. 6] 39, 488-504.
2Russell, H.N. (1921). “On Majorana’s theory of gravitation”. Astrophys. J. 54, 334-346.
3Russell actually proposed a change in mass due to the presence of other mass, to answer Majorana’s evidence.
4Beatty, Millard F., “Principles of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 2”, p. 184, Springer, 2005.
5Webster, John G., "The Measurement, Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook", p. 15.2. Springer, 1999.
6See my paper on Entropy.
11See, for example, Murray Gell-Mann's The Quark and the Jaguar, where he and Pauli discuss the fact that Mars is a probability.

Pasted from <>
On the Windhexe: ''An engineer could not have invented this,'' Winsness says. ''As an engineer, you don't try anything that's theoretically impossible.''

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by LongtimeAirman » Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:32 pm

Lloyd wrote

Structure of an atom
Bohr-Bury atomic structure
Bohr-Bury atomic structure
[Diagram of electron shells and energy levels: ... cture.jpeg]
- In this page we are going to discuss about explain the structure of an atom concept .Electrons revolve around the nucleus in different energy levels or shells and each shell is associated with definite energy. The energy of the K shell is the least while those of L, M, N and O shells increases progressively. We also know that any system that has least energy is the most stable.1st energy level is K shell2nd energy level is L shell3rd energy level is M shell4th energy level is N shell and so on
- Bohr Bury scheme -arrangement of electrons in an atom
- Bohr and Bury Scheme - Important Rules
- Maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a shell is given by 2n2 where n = shell number
Sl. No. - Electron Shell - Maximum Capacity
1 - K Shell - 2 electrons
2 - L Shell - 8 electrons
3 - M shell - 18 electrons
4 - N shell - 32 electrons
Magnesium atomic structure
Magnesium atomic structure
magnesium-atomic-structure.jpeg (9.7 KiB) Viewed 17270 times
[Diagram of Mg electron shells and energy levels: ... cture.jpeg]

Questions for You Guys. Can yous explain how the energy levels of each shell was determined? And can yous explain how MM explains those energy levels?

Ionization energy graph
Ionization energy graph

I'll give it a try. The ionization energy is the amount of energy it takes to remove electrons from the various elements. Generally speaking, it takes greater energy to remove those electrons “closer” to the nucleus.

The theories addressing electron configuration of atoms has greatly advanced since the Orbital Electron shell model I was taught in high school; where the number of electrons in fixed orbits (K,L,M,N,...) around the nucleus were said to follow a 2n^2 rule. (such as in the diagrams you pointed to above and I included for convenience). That model was replaced with electron orbital probability distributions. Likewise, models of the nucleus itself, which started out as the central cluster of neutrons and protons held together by the strong force, are now described as their own nuclear distribution, sometimes merged into a single point.

I will quote from, "How the Elements are Built", where, among other things, Miles shows "that quantum equations should have been attached to the nucleus from the beginning, not to the electron"; "that electrons spin but do not orbit the nucleus "; and, "that the strong force is a myth, and that it is not needed".

Miles provides plenty of proof supporting his nuclear model. He explains that, instead of the strong force, the nuclear binding energy is gravity, plus a loss of charge. Gravity at the atomic level is much stronger (10^22) than is currently believed. And charge is normally a resistive force, a constant spray of photons being recycled from all matter, preventing nucleons from approaching one another too closely. Therefore, the elements must be created under the enormous pressures within planetary, stellar or galactic cores. Once the atoms are formed, and outside their birthing cores, they are stable. The nucleons are so close together, the photon charge field cannot simply blow through nuclei in any direction, but must flow through nuclei in discreet channels. The majority of electrons are actually present in interstices within the atomic, nucleon configuration.
Alpha particle
Alpha particle
Alpha.png (31.87 KiB) Viewed 17270 times
I include a diagram showing a Helium atom, what Miles refers to as an Alpha particle, the main building block of atoms, including the electrons located in charge field minima inside. These two electrons have historically been described as the 2 K shells electrons, and it explains why it takes significant energies to remove them from their central locations. If the electrons were in outside orbits, they would simply be swept away by the ambient charge field and passing particles. More complex atomic structures result in varying energies required to remove the interior electrons.

This is a sort of introductory summary to "How the Elements are Built", one of Miles’ most significant papers.


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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Sparky » Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:09 am
How Superconducting Levitation Works
"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."
"Doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one."
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Sparky » Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:26 am

"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."
"Doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one."
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Chromium6 » Sat Aug 02, 2014 12:33 pm

Sparky wrote: Atomic Orbitals

You forgot this paper Sparky... let us know what you and David think about it:

Particle Data Group publications - GUT Theories 2013-2014
On the Windhexe: ''An engineer could not have invented this,'' Winsness says. ''As an engineer, you don't try anything that's theoretically impossible.''

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by LongtimeAirman » Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:21 pm

Sparky, Thanks for the Atomic Orbitals video. I'll admit I merely mentioned it in passing, "That model was replaced with electron orbital probability distributions". The point remains. REMCB

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by David » Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:10 am

Chromium6 wrote:
You forgot this paper... let us know what you think about it:

Particle Data Group publications - GUT Theories 2013-2014
For the most part I agree with Dr. Stuart Raby, and think he does a fine job of explaining the pros and cons of the standard model of particle physics.
Dr. Stuart Raby wrote:
In spite of all the successes of the Standard Model [SM] it is unlikely to be the final theory. It leaves many unanswered questions.

Dr. Stuart Raby (Professor at The Ohio State University)
The majority of articles written by mainstream physicists express those very same views: “the standard model is unlikely to be the final theory”. However, in spite of Dr. Raby’s (and many others) open admission that the standard model has "unanswered questions", Mathis routinely peppers his articles with the following commentary:
Miles Mathis wrote:
Mainstream physics has predefined anyone who does not immediately accept its pronouncements as a crank and a crackpot. When that method fails, they resort to censorship and outright lies.

Anyone who frequents any physics forums will see that my site is treated like a blog. Blogs, like all open sources of information, are dangerous to the status quo, and in every field the push is on to limit or outlaw or suppress information.

Physicists cannot allow someone like me to have an opinion now. Literally nothing is beneath them, from threatening editors and publishing houses to actual book burning. Physics is quite happy with its unilateral “debate”.
As far as I know, no one has ever burnt a Mathis book or censored any of his ideas. The harsh truth is that in the 10 years Mathis has been at this, he has yet to come up with a single good idea. His screwball theories (or as he puts it, "pool ball mechanics") are not being censored, they are being laughed at. His theories suffer the fate of every vanity-published, navel-gazing bad idea (be it from a figure painter, or a busboy); they are justifiably dismissed or ignored by pretty near one and all.

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Sparky » Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:15 am

Bohr model, not perfect, but good enough.

Quantum mechanics quotes:: ... n_XDrFdHjA
"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."
"Doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one."
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

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Re: Miles Mathis and his Charge Field

Unread post by Chromium6 » Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:34 pm

David wrote:
Chromium6 wrote:
You forgot this paper... let us know what you think about it:

Particle Data Group publications - GUT Theories 2013-2014
For the most part I agree with Dr. Stuart Raby, and think he does a fine job of explaining the pros and cons of the standard model of particle physics.
Dr. Stuart Raby wrote:
In spite of all the successes of the Standard Model [SM] it is unlikely to be the final theory. It leaves many unanswered questions.

Dr. Stuart Raby (Professor at The Ohio State University)
As far as I know, no one has ever burnt a Mathis book or censored any of his ideas. The harsh truth is that in the 10 years Mathis has been at this, he has yet to come up with a single good idea. His screwball theories (or as he puts it, "pool ball mechanics") are not being censored, they are being laughed at. His theories suffer the fate of every vanity-published, navel-gazing bad idea (be it from a figure painter, or a busboy); they are justifiably dismissed or ignored by pretty near one and all.
After coming to TB and looking around over the last few years, I'm really surprised you pay any attention to Miles Mathis' papers since you consider them "so wrong"? It must give you some truly weird "pleasure" to focus so much on MM. Continue on cackling... I just find it childish.
On the Windhexe: ''An engineer could not have invented this,'' Winsness says. ''As an engineer, you don't try anything that's theoretically impossible.''


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