Galactic Birkeland Currents and the Sun's Motion

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Galactic Birkeland Currents and the Sun's Motion

Unread post by Sco4444 » Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:50 am

Table summary:
Planets Declination at N/S Max and Perihelion / Aphelion
Planet.....Sequence.....Perih Deg......Dec Max......Aph Deg......Dec Max
Mercury.....P > Mx N......25º 49’N.......28º 32’N....25º 43’ S......28º 32’S
Venus.......Mx N > P......20º 10’N.......24º 26’N.....20º 20’S......24º 25’S
Earth.......Mx N > P.......22º <>N........23º 26’ N....22º <>S.......23º 26’S
Mars........Mx N > A.......11º <>N........24º 40’S.....11º N..........24º 40’N
Jupiter.....P > Mx N.......22º <>N........23º 14’ N....04º 57’S......23º 14’ S
Saturn......P > Mx N.......22º 30’ N......22º 32’ N....22º 30’ S.....22º 32’ S

(Based on NASA Horizons data:

One possible surprising conclusion is that Planets are slowed in their orbits more by reaching maximum declination than by either Perihelion or Aphelion. For example Mercury spends 1 day* at ±25º (Aphelion/Perihelion) and 4 days at ±28º North/South Maximum declination. Venus spends 13 days at ±24º North/South Maximum declination, but only 3 days at ±20º (Aphelion/Perihelion). Earth spends 23 days at ±23º North/South Maximum declination, but only 9 days at ±22º (Aphelion/Perihelion). For Mercury, Venus and Earth, the objection may be raised that Max. Declination and Aphelion/Perihelion occur close together. However, the same “breaking” effect is true of Mars, which spends 54 days at ±24º North/South Maximum declination and only 6 days at ± 11º Aphelion or Perihelion. *(day number can vary slightly). What mechanism is at play here? Also raises questions with regard to Milankovitch Eccentricity assumptions.

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Re: Galactic Birkeland Currents and the Sun's Motion

Unread post by Sco4444 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:59 am

Thread update: It has been pointed out that table has error and that Jupiter Perihelion should read 4 degrees.
amended table
amended table
Plotted following graphs to aid visuals of Declination cycle for Mars, Jupiter and Earth but obviously not to scale.
Mars Orbit
Mars Orbit
Jupiter Orbit
Jupiter Orbit
Earth Orbit
Earth Orbit
Ratio of Earths orbit to declination maximums is 1:1000. Graphs indicate that Mars & Jupiter Aphelion/Perihelion and Declination maximums do not occur together. Show Declination (vertical motion). Mars A/P at 11º and Jupiter A/P at 4º while Max. Dec at 23/24º. While Earth turns at 22/23º close to A/P (along with Venus and Saturn)

Arguably this gives four turning points to orbit. In previous post stated Planets slowing. But not Slowing, "flattening" contained in an extended Torus that reaches to Heliopause (122AU approx). Is this evidence for Birkland current entering at poles and forming a double layer extending from Equatorial region? Due to Sun's forward motion (North pole first) planets are synchronizing with Sun's forward speed in order to maintain orbital integrity. But to reach maximum North declination does this mean they have to move forward faster than Sun?

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Re: Galactic Birkeland Currents and the Sun's Motion

Unread post by Sco4444 » Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:32 am

As this thread is focused upon Galactic Birkland Currents then does applying planetary declination cycle have any relevance at Galactic scale? Polar currents exiting at Galactic mid plane could explain the galactic arms (Galactic Torus) and our Sun does exhibit a North / South declination motion as it moves around the Galaxy.

In the previous post it appears a principle of our Solar system is planets complete one Aphelion/Perihelion orbit to one North/South declination motion regardless of planet size, Jupiter and Sun creating “invariable orbital plane” . But does that equate for the Sun’s Galactic orbit? Current assessments put the Declination cycle at about 70 million years suggesting several declination cycles to one Galactic Apoapsis / Periapsis. At present we cannot calculate when our nearest and furthest approach to the Galactic center occurs.

Also a secondary helical motion to the declination cycle at Galactic scale has been suggested the helical motion giving rise to two interpretations. First, as briefly mentioned in earlier post Walter Cruttenden of the Binary Research Institute, claims that the Sun’s declination cycle has a Helical rotation also that aligns to the Precession phenomena. To recap, Cruttenden claims that the Precession phenomena is caused by the Solar systems helical motion and external Solar system frames of reference and not the internal reference frame of LuniSolar mainstream theory.

Cruttenden asserts that the Precession of Equinox is caused by the Sun’s interaction with a Binary star and that Precession is in fact a parallax phenomenon. Most interestingly he supports this model with evidence of the changing rate of precession over the last 100 years and has calculated that the precession rate falls within 49” and 62” (currently considered 50”) a year over a 25,000 year time period. He claims “the annual rate can never be faster than the rate at periapsis and can never be slower than the rate at apoapsis”.. of binary orbit.

Secondly, if the secondary declination helical motion is eventually ratified, is a binary star attraction power source driving Precession a forgone conclusion?
The diagram (unknown source) illustrates the helical and declination patterns occurring potentially, within a Galactic Birkland Current. Don Scott (Electric Universe group) has raised the helical motion of plasma fields created within Birkland Currents operating at galactic scale in several lecturers and videos, which may offer an alternative mechanism for the Precession/ Parallax cycle. However, much evidence yet needs to be collected at Solar and Galactic scales as helical Sun motion not widely accepted. A good place to start would be December (North Max Dec) and June (South Max. Dec.) every year when the Earth is at declination maximums. What would Geo-orbit satellites require to measure double layers in space when Earth’s magnetosphere bounces off them?


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