As Below, So Above

Hundreds of TPODs have been published since the summer of 2004. In particular, we invite discussion of present and recent TPODs, perhaps with additional links to earlier TPOD pages. Suggestions for future pages will be welcome. Effective TPOD drafts will be MORE than welcome and could be your opportunity to become a more active part of the Thunderbolts team.

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As Below, So Above

Post by mharratsc » Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:23 am

As Below, so Above

Rens- this was an absolutely stately article, seriously. You write with enormous gravity and eloquence... and it's not even your native language, is it?

Tremendous! :)
Mike H.

"I have no fear to shout out my ignorance and let the Wise correct me, for every instance of such narrows the gulf between them and me." -- Michael A. Harrington


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