The Electromagnetotoroid (EMT)

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The Electromagnetotoroid (EMT)

Unread post by lizzie » Fri May 23, 2008 9:05 pm

Electromagnetotoroid (EMT)

The New EMT Model
Below you see an idealized Electromagnetotoroid (EMT) or Standing Wave Boson that is oscilling between the ∇ X E vector field mode (magnetic dipole mode) and the ∇ X H vector field mode (electric dipole mode). The sun goes through such apparent mode changes approximately every 5.5 years and accomplishes a full dipole reversal every 11 years.
New Axiom Based Logical Physics
The SKYBOLTTM technology owes its emergence to a New Physics. Euclid taught us the path of true discovery in science. From a small number of axioms or postulates Euclid logically demonstrated 467 theorems in plane and solid geometry; and his work has remained solid for 23 centuries because he taught us how to arrive at certainties using logical deductive methods.

From a small set of nine (9) quantum vs. quantum motion related axioms it has been possible to deduce a completely new model for the unit charge of a charged particle. From that new model it became simple, even intuitively obvious, to deduce the unit gravitational charge and unify electromagnetism and gravity.

From this new model for the unit gravitational charge it became very simple to then immediately deduce a new or rather hitherto unknown property of a gravitational field, to wit: a strong charge separation effect. This effect alone provides us with the solution to the nature of Heavy Dark Matter and gives us a new and rational mechanism for gravitational red shifting.

This physics utilizes the topology of a torus to express the compact manifold geometry of the universe. It is only in this geometry where physical and mathematical concepts such as curl and divergence (both important aspects of Maxwell's equations) can be fully articulated. This topology provides the vehicle for the full expression of the velocity potential which then allows for the concept of charge to emerge as a function of dynamics and geometry. The unit charge then emerges naturally as a new type of metric (for counting purposes) which is seen to be composed of a finite number (n-1) of velocity potentials in a universe of n particles. In a universe of n particles in a compact manifold of toroidal geometry we see that particles must emerge as charge conjugate pairs, and not as particle anti-particle pairs.
Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism ... ation.html
1. The universe consists of quanta.
2. All motion is relative.
3. Quantum particles can only have motion with respect to other quantum particles and not with respect to any arbitrarily contrived coordinate system.
4. All quanta obtain to the lowest energy state available.
5. All motion between any pair of quantum particles can be reduced to a pair of antiparallel (conjugate) velocity potentials.
6. Principle of the non-preferentiality of viewpoint.
7. Principle of the simultaneous validity of viewpoint.
8. Principle of the consistency of viewpoint.
9. In a universe of n quanta each quantum particle has the potential to be prosecuting n-1 trajectories
More Pseuodscience Uncovered

In this book you'll see disclosed how it can be proven that black holes are a pseudoscientific fiction. You'll learn about the processes and dynamics of stellar jet systems and how supernovae actually occur and you'll learn what can make a planet explode violently (our asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars is the debris field of an exploded planet).
Big Bangism is Pathological Pseudoscience

The Charge Separation Effect of a monolithic large scale flux loop gravitational structure naturally accounts for redshifting. You'll find that the fraud astrophysicists have been arbitrarily distributing galaxies and remote objects in their worldview according to each object's measured redshift and not according to any actual distance and hence have been foisting off a picture of an expanding universe to an unsuspecting public. Electrons in atoms that are in the near region of a gravitational terminus loop structure, because of the charge separation effect, cannot fall down to as low of an energy state as they could if they were at a greater distance from the gravitational terminus, hence, their emission of photons of lower energy. There is no arbitrary distance distribution since strong gravitational sources can be either near or far.

Photons are tiny gravitational charge units

The true nature of photons is revealed in this book and you'll understand and be able to deduce that they are, in fact, tiny gravitation charge units. You'll see for yourself how nonsensical is the equivalence principal, which is the foundational pillar of General Relativity.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Openly Revealed

Even very famous scientists like Albert Einstein balked at the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP). Why? Well, simply because even though it was true or could be experimentally found to be true, people didn't actually understand how it could be true. Now, with a full explanation of the basic quantum axioms related to motion why HUP is true becomes self evident.


Re: The Electromagnetotoroid (EMT)

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 25, 2008 9:35 am

We have already referred to the basic energy unit and indicated that it is fundamental to all entities: particles, atoms, cells, organs, mind, the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, etc. The latter are just a few of the stable fractal levels in the universe. The energy unit is basically the same for all except that its parameters are more evolved from particle to universe. The list of such energy units would also include the 'bits' of information in the learning patterns---see articles on physical mobility. Note that an understanding of all entities reduces to the sine wave (or wave function).

An atom, or any such basic entity, cannot have symmetry, for example, be spherical, and be stable, unless its formative energies utilise the fourth dimension. In fact its geometry extends along the gradient 3rd to 4th dimension and takes the shape of a toroid, or doughnut from a 4D view. More correctly this is a 4D-to-3D vortex.

Any two corresponding circles, one on each side, can form a fractal level or entity. Each pair represents a dual polarity and an inherent oscillation---a double helix spiral.

As an example, a planet vortex will spiral in to all its atoms or other sub-entities (this is hierarchical). The planet oscillation, however, will contain in its own format all sub-frequencies, such as of atoms, just as we described in the article on physical mobility, how the arm joints in the human body are interrelated. A cell, for example, is a whole unit oscillation of complex programmed modulations, and is the master control over its constituents but in turn it is an element in a greater whole---an organ, etc.

If one begins with the universe vortex, one should picture it spiralling in then branching off into slightly smaller vortices representing, say, supercluster galaxy entities. Each of the latter are then visualised as spiralling in to further offshoots, which would be galaxy clusters, and from these, galaxies branching off to groups of solar systems, individual solar systems then planets, atoms, etc. Thus every particle is connected to the universe oscillation through the fractal levels of planets, star systems, galaxies, etc. But remember that each of these spirals meets its opposite to create the stable oscillation or stationary state.

It is vital that one eradicates the simple Newtonian picture of objects in empty space, of a background absolute time and a flat continuous one-level spacetime. Between the 4D surface of the vortex and its 3D center there are countless spacetime frames each in the context of the next higher one. There is a gradient of increasing correlation of frequencies from the 3D out-of-phase condition to the 4D periphery of the vortex, where cyclic action of the positive and negative occur; the positive and negative 'following' one another cyclically around the 'surface'. This is the non-dual state of the Buddhist's nirvana or higher consciousness. Note that quantum reduction occurs down the gradient from 4D to 3D between any levels, whereas in current quantum theory, quantum reduction occurs between two levels: the quantum reality of phase-correlation (many probabilities) to the material reality of phase-randomisation (one probability). Also quantum regeneration occurs up the gradient from lesser wholes to greater wholes (by correlating lesser wholes)---not recognised in current science.

Worlds, universes, can be structured at any of these levels of spacetime. Change of frequency-range keeps them segregated. Thus these worlds will have matter structured from fully opposing flows at the 3D level through a gradient of less opposition and greater integration between the positive and negative to the harmonious cyclic flows, in which the positive and negative poles aid one another in forming the cyclic energies around the vortex periphery.

The reader may still be asking: Why vortices? Why does energy spiral? We have answered this briefly. It is a matter of 4D geometry, 4D oscillations, and transduction of energies from a 4D format to a 3D format. The energy must spiral to achieve this and in turn it creates a perfect contextual system---like spheres within spheres---all 'touching'. It does not take place in any space; it creates space itself at different dimensional levels.

Note that this fundamental higher-dimensional energy configuration is a scalar phenomenon. It consists of two opposite centripetal spirals and is the basis of the so-called (within the New-Age field) Merkaba. Everything that is created will have a Merkaba field, enabling energies to transduce across dimensions. We have also indicated it will be fundamental to mind phenomena of a dual or polarity nature---such as all ego perceptions (separateness, not unity).

The anti-parallel universe side of the basic energy unity indicates just that: an anti-universe with an anti-parallel planet and life. We can see though that the two sides really form one whole, except in the lower-dimensional limited view. The question of what degree of separateness do our anti-parallel selves have is speculative but an evolving consciousness must unify all such opposites and separateness---this is quite logical.


Re: The Electromagnetotoroid (EMT)

Unread post by lizzie » Mon May 26, 2008 5:52 am

The Universal Vortical Singularity

The hypothetical model of Universal Vortical Singularity ... larity.htm
The Universal Vortical Singularity is a theory of everything (TOE), in a single model it has made revolutionary discoveries in mysterious phenomena that exist in the universe, through inferring the presence of singular vortex on identifying its vortical singularities and understanding the associated complexly inversed illusions caused by paradoxical effect.

Singular vortex mechanism refers to the fundamental inertial force interactions that form a singular vortex on viscous mass of a suspended spheroid through torque-induced precession, this universal mechanism is hereby referred as the Universal Vortical Singularity.

Singular vortex is a nothingness of warped surface in the form of void that emerges on the surface of viscous mass; it primarily wobbles in a two-axis spin in a suspended spheroid. The torque-induced precession would wobble the suspended spheroid that has effects on viscous mass with consistent centrifugal forces exerting from two axes that interact in a geometrical gravity field to weave a singular vortex by a torque-free precession in the viscous mass; it in turn drives a vortrex with culminated momentum.

The spinning movements of a suspended spheroid in its rotation on a revolving path have consistence fictitious forces in a precession effect, and through conservation of angular momentum in a differential manner; these forces affecting the whole mass of the wobbling spheroid is dilated from the core towards the surface, are then amplified enormously on lower density viscous mass layers that initiates the formation of singular vortex paradoxically by opening the vortex column in a top-down manner from the surface towards the core. The viscous mass on the spheroid are naturally segregated mechanically, or electromagnetically, governed by their inverse-square laws on progressively higher layers of viscous mass in the state of molten matter, liquid or gas, and in different phase for different atomic particles in the state of plasma.

The two basic structural formations:

A naturally occurred free vortex with the singularities of singular vortex mechanism can be spawned in two basic structural formations; a main structural formation that forms singular vortex on a geological pole, and a secondary structural formation that forms singular vortex on a lower latitude of the suspended spheroid.

For the main structural formation that forms a singular vortex in the form of polar vortex, the primary vortex is formed by a forced vortex in a main axis of singular vortex where a centrifugal force is consistently exerted; this inertial force is from the rotating axis of the suspended spheroid. The secondary axis of singular vortex where the driving force is acting on the primary vortex comes from the revolving axis of the suspended spheroid that has a consistent differential force acting on the primary forced vortex. This free vortex assumes an explicit relative parabolic shape from the forced vortex as its primary vortex, when the driving force develops a dual-core vortex eye it would form a vortex column in a shape with this tendency.

For the secondary structural formation that forms a singular vortex in the form of cyclone on a lower latitude of the suspended spheroid, the primary vortex on a lower latitude is a a blind vortex formed as a result of turbulence caused by a force that has developed into a centrifugal force in the viscous mass, the axis of this primary vortex is the main axis of singular vortex in this basic structural formation. This consistent force could be from a force in a path of a centrifugal force from larger vortex within the spheroid, or as a result of perturbation by external gravities from nearby spheroids, or as a result of both. The secondary axis of singular vortex with the driving force favorably acts on cyclonic primary vortex comes from the rotating axis of the suspended spheroid that has a differential force, this phenomena can be demonstrated by a gravity experiment. This free vortex assumes a curved cone shape from the blind vortex as its primary vortex, when the driving force develops a dual-core vortex eye, it would form a vortex column with a funnel-like shape or a curved-up bowl shape depending on vortex intensity and the conditions of the viscous mass.


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