NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:26 am

This simple experiment makes a great argument for hollow Earth theory. The hollow Earth is not possible in today's understanding of physical so called laws. Physics today requires gravity to be the main force. In the the electromagnetic universe theory electromagnetism is the main force in the universe. So in this model the centrifugal forces separate the earth through densities giving a hollow core. However, the other portion of the Earth and it's atmosphere would be mainly influence by electrostatic attraction and pulling in matter from outer space, thus explaining our atmosphere being lighter in mass, yet still existing in the outer sphere of the planet. Please see my playlist "The Science Delusion" to begin to understand not only how we do live in an electric universe but how our sciences have been led astray in the other fields.

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by fosborn_ » Sun Jan 25, 2015 4:12 pm
there was associated reference to Admiral Bird's ideas on this. so cool.
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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:05 am

Jan Lamprecht Hollow Planets Seismology.
this book The Smoky God talks about existence of inner sun.
if hollow earths shell is 800 miles, i wonder if lava originate from around 400 miles below and generated by combination of radioactive deposits, currents, earths rotation, heat, pressure.

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by fosborn_ » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:26 am

The most exciting phrase to hear in science,
the one that heralds new discoveries,
is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'
Isaac Asimov

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:37 pm

Marshall B Gardner's scientific hypothesis on hollow earth.
The Smoky God.
Hollow Earth needs Electric based theory.

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:30 am

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by Bomb20 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:41 am

It could mean that we could have some bubbles inside Earth or other celestial bodies - but it does not mean that our Earth or Sun is hollow. These are two different pairs of shoes. :lol:

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:56 am

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:52 am

Hollow Planets: A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds 2nd Edition 2014 ... +lamprecht

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:55 am

some anomalies that points to possibility that planets are likely hollow.

- center of earth will have zero gravity, not strongest gravity as solid earth theory assumes. if there is iron at the center and i think there is, but since gravity is zero at the center and heavy matter will get pushed away from the center due to centrifugal force, it must be strong electromagnetism of the Inner Sun that must have attracted iron at the center instead of gravity.

- earths 800 miles shell is likely to form/accumulate matter where centrifugal force and gravitational force is balanced.

- lava comes from 400 miles below the surface and is a result of combination of intense heat, pressure, earths rotation, electric currents, radioactive deposits/decays that exist deep inside earth. centrifugal force pushing earths shell outwards and gravitational force pushing earths shell inwards would cause lava to form.

- you can't have polar vortex without a polar hole in theory. if planets are powered by birkeland currents from the Sun, polar holes will be required for BC to enter and power the Inner Electric Sun without any interference. hotspot at the poles is probably due to the heat from inner sun.

- seismology by Jan Lamprecht & there's torus theory also.

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:20 am

from Viewzone website:


- All planets are spheres, not only the Earth: the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun itself

- Standard planetary formation theories: how were they formed, what made them spin, and still does: completely woowoo

- A massive planetary body with an incandescent and progressively cooling core would crack into pieces while cooling and shrinking

- Gaseous planetary bodies like the sun and the large planets of our solar system can not generate a magnetic field; but they all have one

- All the solar system's outer planets emit more energy than they receive from the sun

- A spinning planetary body in formation has zero gravity in its center, so mass does accumulate where gravitational and centrifugal forces are balanced within the area of the spinning matter, and that form would be a sphere with openings at the top and bottom, like a hurricane of matter in space - not as a solid body with a solid center (the center has zero gravity)

- If planets were formed from cosmic dust which started to condense into a body like Earth, then the angular momentum would still continue to increase, which it doesn't - the earth's spin is steady, not slowing down or speeding up

- Larger planets with more mass should spin more slowly than smaller planets with less mass - but they don't: the largest, Jupiter, spins a lot faster (once every 10 hours) than Mercury, which is just a tiny fraction the size of Jupiter and needs 58 Earth days for one spin around its axis

General Observations:

- Both Earth and Moon ring hollow for hours after struck with meteorites, as measured by seismic stations on Earth and on the Moon

- Earthquakes do not occur deeper than 450 miles, but down there, the supposedly molten magma would not create and release friction via earthquakes - a viscous or molten mass equalizes tension, it does not accumulate tension because it is flexible

- Gravity experiments in mine shafts show that the balls pointing to the center of gravity point away from the center of the Earth, instead of towards it, as measured by the distance at the top and bottom of two lead balls hanging from very long wires into a mine shaft

Observations at the Earth's poles:

- The temperature, as one gets past a certain latitude, increases as one approaches the poles, which is not supposed to happen; arctic (and in less cases, antarctic) explorers have reported in their ship's logs to have taken off their climate gear (this was before Goretex)

- Floating flora and fauna near the northern polar region's ocean: seeds, flowers and trees are found at latitudes where none should be, and they are often very fresh, not decomposed from many months of floating in the ocean currents that might have brought them from far away

- Spiders, bees, mosquitos, moths and flies were found once past the cold and icy region below the north pole; northern Greenland is the mosquito capital of the world

- Many bird species in the northern hemisphere migrate north - before winter; birds in the southern hemisphere migrate south in their winter, too - if the poles are the coldest regions, it makes no sense, but flocks of millions of birds like the auk have been observed doing this, and they must have a very good reason

- Presence of seal, auk, goose, seagull, duck, rabbit, wolf, fox, bear and other large animals at extreme northern latitudes (the exploration of Antarctica is much more scarce compared to Arctic explorers)

- The origin of icebergs: around the north pole, they are made of frozen sweetwater - not frozen saltwater. There is little if any precipitation of rain or snow (sweetwater) in the polar regions. Saltwater freezes to sea ice at low enough temperatures. There is no supply of sweetwater to explain the existence of icebergs which are hundreds of feet high, up to hundreds of miles long and dozens of miles wide

- Icebergs around the north pole are colored by red pollen of an unknown plant, as well as dust - a lot of it; including earth material on top of them

- Massive wave-like or tidal movements in the arctic polar region have been witnessed by many explorers, waves which cracked and moved the ice floes around the explorer's ships in a very, very major way that had their hair stand on end

- Floating and deposited driftwood (including exotic species) is extremely abundant and sometimes stacked 15 feet/5m high along the coasts in the polar region of Spitzbergen and Greenland, up to 86 degrees latitude north

- Mammoth, elephant, woolly rhinoceros, hippopotamus, lion and hyena have been found in the ice from the north pole that is also deposited on the coasts of Siberia; entire forests of mammoth ivory have been found there

- The stomach content of (un)frozen mammoth has been found to contain tropical (undigested) plants that do not occur anywhere in the northen polar region; supposedly, the last time the mammoths were clomping around was during the last Ice Age, but many were found with their (un)frozen meat good enough to give it to the sled dogs in Siberia for dinner (or late lunch) [Note from the editor: If these mammoths came out of Inner Earth via the huge freshwater rivers that flow outwards and freeze as they pass the northern polar opening, then the theory of a massive crustal shift of the Earth which supposedly transported mammoths who had been peacefully chomping on tropical plants way up north, in two days, causing them to instant-freeze as a result of a polar reversal, has one argument less; see Charles Hapgood, Maurice Cotterell, Patrick Geryl, Clif High and others]

Instrument Anomalies at the Earth's poles:

- Approaching the magnetic pole, the compass needle points down towards the dial - and passing the "horizon", where the surface or Earth curves inward at the poles, like an apple into its center, only much more pronounced - the compass needle starts pointing up, behaving now like a vertical and not a horizontal instrument

- The magnetic north pole is not a specific point, it is a large area around the geographic north or south poles, which do not exist as solid points on a surface, they are points in empty space; magnetic and geographic poles have a different axis, as you know; the compass stops working in a horizontal plane, and actually indicates the location of a magnetic "pole" over a vast area. You can circle the area around the geographic pole and always get a "north" reading with the compass. In short, there is no specific point, but an area where magnetic "north" or "south" is shown with a compass

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by Bomb20 » Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:54 am

... and here Sarah Palin is traveling into Hollow Earth after WWIII (see at 2:00 min):

Enjoy! :lol:

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:11 am

Bomb20 wrote:... and here Sarah Palin is traveling into Hollow Earth after WWIII (see at 2:00 min):

Enjoy! :lol:
sure will next year. looking forward to hollow nazis riding t-rex. :lol:
sad part is more ppl will believe solid earth is true after watching the movie.

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:19 am

From the book The Smoky God, description from the view of untrained eyes of two 18th century sailors.
it talks about Inner Sun being always stationary at 12 noon.

"I frequently lay down on the bunker of our little sloop, and looked far up into
blue dome of the sky; and, notwithstanding the sun was shining
far away in the east, I always saw a single star overhead. For several days,
when I looked for this star, it was always there directly above us.

It was now, according to our reckoning, about the first of August. The sun was
high in the heavens, and was so bright that I could no longer see the one lone
star that attracted my attention a few days earlier.

One day about this time, my father startled me by calling my attention to a novel sight
far in front of us, almost at the horizon. "It is a mock sun," exclaimed my father. "I have
read of them; it is called a reflection or mirage. It will soon pass away."

But this dull-red, false sun, as we supposed it to be, did not pass away for several
hours; and while we were unconscious of its emitting any rays of light, still there was
no time thereafter when we could not sweep the horizon in front and locate the
illumination of the so-called false sun, during a period of at least twelve hours out of
every twenty-four.

Clouds and mists would at times almost, but never entirely, hide its location. Gradually
it seemed to climb higher in the horizon of the uncertain purply sky as we advanced. It
could hardly be said to resemble the sun, except in its circular shape, and when not
obscured by clouds or the ocean mists, it had a hazy-red, bronzed appearance, which
would change to a white like a luminous cloud, as if reflecting some greater light

We finally agreed in our discussion of this smoky furnace-colored sun, that, whatever
the cause of the phenomenon, it was not a reflection of our sun, but a planet of some
sort -- a reality."

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Re: NASA Hollow Planets Experiment

Unread post by spark » Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:48 pm

Notes on a Hollow Earth by Eric Dollard.

"Some time ago someone put out a picture of a coyote, and the coyote asked about the idea of A Hollow Earth. This is a persistent story, however, I cannot produce and engineerable concept of a Hollow Earth. The existing algebra for gravity is not well developed. It would seem possible however thru Functional Thinking that such a physical condition can make sense. This could lead to a functional Theory, so let us give it a try.

(I) To begin, science today exists in a Direct Analog to the situation with the Catholic Church in the years prior to Martin Luther (1499). Reading, or even possessing a Bible, was a Capital Offense and the penalty was Death. The “Church” was taking steps to ban music in their structures and this sparked the Lutheran Revolt. You were required to pay your own way into Heaven, to the Church of course. You will not need money in Heaven anyway. Great monarchs feared the wealth and power of the Church, ask the Knights Templar. By the way what ever became of Jesus? (He Died)

Verily, this is “Science Today”, a sort of T.V. show. The Pope is now Al Gore, and it is that the Pope has many Bishops, and in turn the Bishops have many Priests. We have met some of Them in the Town of Bolinas, Hillary’s “Village”. But the Bolinas station pre-dates these people. And as Tesla said, “they are no more than microbes of a nasty disease”.

The R.C.A. Research at the Landers Installation continued the scientific study of the Interaction of the Earth with solar and cosmic forces. Here is the starting point for the knowledge of the Earth’s Interior. The physical mass of the Earth is here found to be alive with mechanical and electrical impulses and oscillations. These are continuously active often reaching astonishing magnitudes. Leveled cities and incinerated substations serve testimony to these wave-forms, and these seem to come from nowhere.

The Landers Installation contained the highest sensitivity and fidelity seismic recording system in known existence. In proportion to the standard (U.S.G.S.) systems, the one at Landers was 120 decibels more sensitive. A mosquito is now a jet aircraft. Also advancements on the Alexanderson system produced a network serving as a “Radio Telescope” for reception of Telluric Currents in the Earth. This also was of high sensitivity and fidelity. Here the amplifier theories of Bell Telephone Labs, along with Navy requirements of reliability and electro-magnetic compatibility, this with Western Electric Construction Practices, led to a remarkable “Bell System Installation”. But it is gone! (See the American Marconi website for pictures of this installation before they vanish like the rest.)

Here then existed a complimentary pair of systems. One was the Seismic Recorder-Indicator receiving mechanical vibrations from within the Earth, the other was the Telluric Recorder-Indicator receiving electrical vibrations from within the Earth. The sensitivity was normally set in the range of one milli-micro watt on both systems. This is one million times smaller than a telephone signal.

Among the various findings at this installation we will focus upon a few basic relations.

1) The mechanical waveforms and the electrical waveforms during significant events are directly inter-related with each other.

2) These electrical waveforms lead, in time, the co-responding mechanical waveforms. This time angle is from one half to two rotations of the Earth. The Giant Japan Quake was two rotations.

3) Lightning Impulses arrive at the Alexanderson underground antenna ahead in time of the lightning impulses at the beverage over ground antenna.

4) The telluric signals are in no way related to any so called “Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide”. These signals definitely originate from the interior of the Earth.

5) Both mechanical and electrical waveforms often become sinusoidal, particularly before a Major Event. This is to say, both become alternating waves. This is important. Theory:

Because there exist “sine waves”, that is, circular functions, these waves thus represent natural harmonic frequencies of the Earth itself. This observation indicates that the Earth is hollow. The Earth, mechanically is hereby a huge “Helmholtz Resonator”, and electrically it is hereby a huge “Cavity Resonator”. Also, as explained by N. Tesla, the “Earth-Ionosphere Condenser” is far too thin to support any wave-guide modes. Only electro-magnetic waves parallel, of magneto-dielectric waves normal, to the surface of the Earth are possible. This sends the notions of T. Grotz, or The Corum Gang, to the dumpster. Again it is food for the crows and the rats, they love it.

(II) There exists no real engineering “Theory of Gravity”, none. There is no “Tesla Theory”, no “Einstein Theory”, no Theory at all. All we have is guesswork and speculation, nothing for the engineer. All we have is the basic algebraic expressions of Newton, and the observations of astronomers. Gravity tells us what to do, we do not tell it what to do. Hence the idea of gravity is akin to the idea of God, unknowable. But to be sure we do have no shortage of priests muttering in Latin.

Since age six I have been turning wrenches, filling test tubes, and discharging condensers, etc. It might be possible that at age sixty I may have acquired some archetypal sense of physical reality. With no more than this “heuristic” sense and in the “Coyote Like” manner of Thomas Alva Edison, let us attempt at a basic “Theory of Gravity”.

The notion that the force of gravity increases in intensity toward the center of the Earth, reaching infinity at the central point of singularity, makes no sense to my engineering mind. I cannot see how to build it, something just does not seem right. It is an axiom that isolated masses in free space congregate toward one another, and draw together upon vectors on their “Centers of Gravity.” It is also, however, an axiom that the outer masses shield, or screen, the inner masses of the congregation. The physical model is throwing a batch of marbles out of the space ship into free space and watching them congregate. What will they do, can we see it on “Youtube”?

The Earth itself is a contiguous mass, and it is postulated by contemporary dogma that all force vectors are radially directed towards and into the center point of the Earth. This is certainly true at the surface but what about inside. But wait Mr. Wizard no mass is left in an infinitesimal singularity to draw anything, all the mass is now outside of it!

It may be best to consider gravity to be based upon causes external to the physical body exhibiting the effects of gravity. This has already been done for electricity, despite the fierce opposition of the “Catholics”. The force of gravity inside a body is then in analog to the depth of penetration into a metallic body by electricity. This is known as the skin effect. In this the force of gravity would be a space integral not unlike that for magnetic penetration into a metallic body. Now the force of gravity can even reverse direction in analogy to electricity within metallic bodies. Here then the “Center of Gravity” would exist at a finite depth below the surface, and also a finite distance from the center. This condition could give rise to an inner surface and hence a Hollow Earth. Let us take a tentative value of about a third in, near the value of one over epsilon, the log base. This establishes the inner surface upon which to stand. Now your head points to the center of the Earth, whereas, on the surface your head points to the sky.

(III) To stretch the Theory of a Hollow Earth to heretical extremes. Let us suppose that at the center of the Earth at the singular point, this in a photo emissive spherical geometry, there exists a “Farnsworth Star”. This star provides the radiant energy for life within the Earth. Its radiant matter provides a continuous supply of “electrons” to the body of the Earth, this is explaining the so called “Negative Charge” on planet Earth. Taking this to fiction is the movie “Journey to The Center of The Earth”, the original, not he adulterous (censored) re-make. Watch this movie.

Finally, we can take our notions of a Hollow Earth to the “Art Bell” level, la-la land phantasy. There are those who claim that there are people who live in the Hollow Earth, and they travel to our surface world thru a passage within Mt. Shasta. I myself try to avoid these things, if I can.

This takes us to the Landers Installation of George Van Tassle. Contained in his Landers Installation was a hemispherical structure approximately 50 feet in diameter and thirty feet high. This structure served as a magneto-dielectric transformer, operating at a potential of 100 kilovolts. This is the same potential as used by Marconi and Alexanderson. In a strange way it seemed like the Wardenclyffe Dome had come back and was waiting. George Van Tassle called it the INTEGRATRON. This structure was founded upon archetypal Four Quadrant relations. The central figure is known as the “Solar Cross”. Van Tassle wrote a book on the Four Quadrant Theory called “When Stars Look Down”. Then (1978) Van Tassle was no more and his installation went to hell and beyond. (Not much different today).

Later on in time, about 1982, the Integratron Installation gained a new superintendent, Donald Floyd Lockwood. (We always referred to him by his last name as in the Navy). Lockwood has now a problem to solve, this is where to find an engineer who can figureout how to make this extra-terrestrial apparatus work, with no blueprints or design formulae. Well, I wish you luck!

One day Lockwood entered the galley of the Navy LSM I was working at the Richmond Yard. He had got wind of a “Certain Naval Electrical Engineer” that may be the one to “finish the dome”. Lockwood tells me that he has just come from Mt. Shasta where he had met with a lady who “walked out of the mountain”. She had given him a symbol, or diagram, and this would prove the identity of the engineer. Before I could get pissed off he puts the diagram next to my open notebook on the “Symbolic Representation of A.C. Waves”, page six. The diagram on page six and his were IDENTICAL!"



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