Geometry of the Nucleus

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Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by junglelord » Fri Oct 10, 2008 3:25 pm

I found this wonderful page while going over atomic geometry.
Its really wonderful to see Zome come through at the nucleus level, which was my google search.
The Hexagon and the Triangle and the nucleus geometry via protons and neutrons and quarks.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by junglelord » Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:08 pm


We did not know what to call this section, however it is probably the most important section for the reader.

Should it be "PARADIGM" or "OCKHAM" or "AWAKENING" or ???

“Jerry and Rondo are trained physicists that have taught, worked with and used the concepts of physics for 40+ years each, and both had studied the nucleus off and on for most of those 40 years.”

During one of our discussions WE HAD AN AWAKENING.
And in a moment everything we had been taught and believed about the nucleus changed and changed substantially.

Shift a paradigm
To understand what we saw, you will also need to shift a paradigm or two, and when you do, you will agree that it is worth it. Things that were nebulas and unknown about the nucleus will become obvious. The elation of discovery, for us, was almost over whelming. We expect it will also be for you.

What did we see?
What paradigms did we change?

To start, there are two fundamental changes that at first do not seem that radical or powerful, but they determine everything about this model of the nucleus.

First, if you have a nucleon composed of three quarks what is its shape? NOT ROUND, but a triangular form encompasses those three quarks and that triangular configuration will be the thickness of a single quark.

Second, the electric charges and magnetic fields of the quarks as well as the strong force will control how protons and neutrons attach to each other!

And what is the result?
The triangular form of the nucleons and alignment of electric charge during bonding of nucleons results in a hexagonal lattice structure.

A by-product of the hexagonal lattice is that protons always bond with neutrons. Thus, protons never bond with protons, and neutrons never bond with neutrons.
Positional variations of nucleons in the hexagonal lattice structure mimics different energy levels of a shell structure, while the lattice also maintains the density characteristics of the liquid drop model.
The more nuclei we have built models for, the more it became apparent just how powerful this model is. All the questions that had accumulated over the years were being answered. The simplicity is almost magic. Our only hope is that we can explain this model so you can also understand the model.

Our best advice is purchase a few ZOME or other model pieces and test this model for yourself.

The most amazing thing about this model is it explains all those things about the nucleus that in the past have been swept under the rug.

And yet, this nuclear model is simple and understandable.

And that is


“All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the correct solution.“
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
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— Junglelord

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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by junglelord » Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:27 pm

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by webolife » Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:41 pm

Call'em what you will, quarks and their associated "struts" are simply force vectors comprising the tensegrity which describes all structure in the universe at every scale. What could be simpler than that? Atomic, and astronomic, the hexagonal geometry of the unified field.
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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by junglelord » Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:52 pm

Thanks, I was struggling with that last step. Thats perfect. Wow....your good!
:D :ugeek: :geek:
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by junglelord » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:21 pm

the blazelabs site is a perfect combination of APM, Fuller and Tensegrity, Fractals, Harmony Math, Standing Waves, almost all the aspects of APM are presented the same way. The idea I had today of the Platonic Solids and standing wave EM, was fully realized as I read through this web page. Truly the best way to understand these issues for myself has come to pass.

The relationship between electron binding energies and the magic numbers is clearly a result of em standing waves with the geometry of platonic solids.

Magic numbers derived from variable phase nuclear model.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by GaryN » Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:08 pm

weboflife posted:
..What could be simpler than that?..

I had heard of Buckminster Fuller on and off through the years, but didn't study him 'till about 1990. I read, I think, everything he had written, and was so taken by his thinking that I tried to convince everyone I knew to study him. I admit I didn't get all the way through Synergetics, as my life circumstances diverted me from that path.
I do however remember on more than one occasion, after digesting one of Buckys mega-sentences, ending up kneeling on the floor with my head in my hands, kind of groaning, and feeling like whole sections of my brain were opening up to concepts perhaps not technically, but intuitively understood.
More than ever, I now feel that much basic knowledge has been kept from us in order to prevent humanity from reaching its full potential, keeping us slaves, in effect, to those in the know.
Combine the knowledge of Fuller and Tesla and mankind should be wanting of nothing in the physical needs, and much closer to realisation of his spiritual nature in Universe.

JL posted:
Truly the best way to understand these issues for myself has come to pass.
Exciting days, eh?
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by junglelord » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:59 pm


I had heard of Buckminster Fuller on and off through the years, but didn't study him 'till about 1990. I read, I think, everything he had written, and was so taken by his thinking that I tried to convince everyone I knew to study him. I admit I didn't get all the way through Synergetics, as my life circumstances diverted me from that path.
I do however remember on more than one occasion, after digesting one of Buckys mega-sentences, ending up kneeling on the floor with my head in my hands, kind of groaning, and feeling like whole sections of my brain were opening up to concepts perhaps not technically, but intuitively understood.
More than ever, I now feel that much basic knowledge has been kept from us in order to prevent humanity from reaching its full potential, keeping us slaves, in effect, to those in the know.
Combine the knowledge of Fuller and Tesla and mankind should be wanting of nothing in the physical needs, and much closer to realisation of his spiritual nature in Universe.
Wow, thats so close to my own experinence. When I got the rotor and stator two days ago it was earth shattering, then I saw the nestled platonic solid standing wave and I did kinda go to my knees and groan....
:shock: :?

We must be spiritual brothers. It is intiutitive and well as knowledge.
Cheers and Kudos to us, exciting times indeed.
The Time Is Now.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord

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Vincent Wee-Foo
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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by Vincent Wee-Foo » Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:32 pm

This Unclear2Nuclear web pages on atomic geometry is indeed wonderful. A very pleasant read for me and is still digesting the content.

Am also reading up on Buckminster Fuller and tensegrity, great stuff.

junglelord wrote:

I had heard of Buckminster Fuller on and off through the years, but didn't study him 'till about 1990. I read, I think, everything he had written, and was so taken by his thinking that I tried to convince everyone I knew to study him. I admit I didn't get all the way through Synergetics, as my life circumstances diverted me from that path.
I do however remember on more than one occasion, after digesting one of Buckys mega-sentences, ending up kneeling on the floor with my head in my hands, kind of groaning, and feeling like whole sections of my brain were opening up to concepts perhaps not technically, but intuitively understood.
More than ever, I now feel that much basic knowledge has been kept from us in order to prevent humanity from reaching its full potential, keeping us slaves, in effect, to those in the know.
Combine the knowledge of Fuller and Tesla and mankind should be wanting of nothing in the physical needs, and much closer to realisation of his spiritual nature in Universe.
Wow, thats so close to my own experinence. When I got the rotor and stator two days ago it was earth shattering, then I saw the nestled platonic solid standing wave and I did kinda go to my knees and groan....
:shock: :?

We must be spiritual brothers. It is intiutitive and well as knowledge.
Cheers and Kudos to us, exciting times indeed.
The Time Is Now.

This is the agony of a deliverance, however, when you have managed to go through it by coming to terms with past conflicting knowledge, or transcending to a new clarity that was previously masked right in front of our nose, its "Eureka!".
Wow, thats so close to my own experinence. When I got the rotor and stator two days ago it was earth shattering, then I saw the nestled platonic solid standing wave and I did kinda go to my knees and groan....
:shock: :?
~ Vincent Wee-Foo

Enlightenment on the the paradoxical effect of nature enlightens.

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Re: Geometry of the Nucleus

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:58 pm
Been using my Zome Tools.
Made the entire combination of Core, Star, Wheel,
The above periodic table is based on the way quarks must line up.
Pretty cool.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
— Junglelord.
Knowledge is Structured in Consciouness. Structure and Function Cannot Be Seperated.
— Junglelord


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