Dowsing and the lattice.

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by kevin » Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:33 am

I have been to countless crop circles, and even more so called lodging, or wind damage areas.
Each stalk of crops have a FIELD, as do tree's, I can detect this fielsd easily, I can detect how closely compacted crops form a huge FIELD, think football crowd, or shoal of fish's.
I check exterior to the crop circle , to establish the relevant lattice geometry where the circle is, then I begin to modulate my thoughts across various detectable phenonoma, to do with that which flows on the lattice.
If the crop circle fits into this system, then I proceed further, if not, then I just leave.

The crops flattened have their own effect, they are at ninty degrees to their norm. hence they create a field structure matching the patterns, this can lead to a kind of disorientation, even the inability to count past ten in many people.
I can withstand this alteration and keep focussed upon whatever I am modulated into thinking of, this ability is raising constantly, I have to go over many sites as I improve to re-check.

The really large crop circles occur in places where the geometry of the lattice is similer or same as where cathedrals are sited, it is highly complex, yet seemingly simple for me to map out and seperate all the different features, it's like been able to play only whtever channel you tune to, most people have all channels ON at once, so just get white out noise, and thus think they cannot dowse.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by junglelord » Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:40 am

I saw a news item yesterday about how doswers were in big demand in California and that the ability to find water is ovbiously real, dispite the fact science claims its only ideomotor motion.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by kevin » Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:08 am

Anything we cannot comprehend of, or contemplate, we tend to put in a box that we do comprehend.
IMHO,dowsing is a method of sending out and recieving back signals, as is all our senses, but dowsing utilises a dormant sense of the hands and feet, these are antennae.
By thought, a connection is sought, if I was to lock on the thought of You, then only You I would find.
I test this in towns, I pick out someone easily identified, perhaps with a bright red top , or similer, I then think of them, my rods align with them, then I allow the person to wander off, I then think of them again, and using the rods as triangulation guides go straight to them.
I did it today driving up the M5, I thought of glastonbury Tor, and by holding one rod in one hand whilst driving, still holding the steering wheel with both, I can fix on that target, and I can do that over vast distances, I am confident that if I set off on a sixpence sized spot from say ireland, and sailed to America, focussed on a line, that by turning around and following that line back, and thinking of the sixpence spot, I would land precisely upon that spot, it has nothing to do with compass that moves about, and is the reason so many ships floundered on the rocks, it is to do with a fixed lattice.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Fri Oct 17, 2008 8:08 pm

What you describe kevin is what I perceive as inside self taking control of physical. My inside self is as real as my physical self. Inside self is me and I have no doubt on that. I know this because my inside self has taken control in numerous near death episodes in my current life. My younger brother is a strict southern Baptist. That said, he's a dowser. He can't explain it other than to say that he gives God all the credit. He does not accept payment for the service.

Inside self is the eternal and all the me's there will ever be. All life has an inside self.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:58 am

Hi Kevin,
Just found this:
Not sure how relevant it is but I thought the numbers he talks about may be of some interest to you. It seems realted to Pythagoras' philosophy and P got it from the Egyptians.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:37 am

soulsurvivor wrote:What you describe kevin is what I perceive as inside self taking control of physical. My inside self is as real as my physical self. Inside self is me and I have no doubt on that. I know this because my inside self has taken control in numerous near death episodes in my current life. My younger brother is a strict southern Baptist. That said, he's a dowser. He can't explain it other than to say that he gives God all the credit. He does not accept payment for the service.

Inside self is the eternal and all the me's there will ever be. All life has an inside self.
Hi Soulsurvivor,
Thank you for the above, it set me to thinking about something Kevin wrote in another thread and something, for example, Plato and Pascal wrote about.
Bear with me while I try to describe the 'picture' I am getting.
Imagine a circle with a dot in the centre. Now imagine a human body inside the circle with the central dot at the position of the heart or possibly the navel.
The central dot is your 'inside self', the circle is Kevin's 'field'. Your physical body is the result of the interaction between the circumference and the centre (the same as that between the heavens and the Earth (Ouranus and Gaia, pos and neg; call it what you will)).
The 'real' you is situated elsewhere (in the zodiac somewhere?) and the circle and dot are projected to here in the physical realm from there the non-physical realm. Your physical body is just an earth-suit provided by your mother via the Earth.
Consider an egg (or what Kevin and I would call a negg). The modern expert would tell you that the embryo pulls in the nutrients from the surrounding fluid. Alchemists, and others, would say that the fluid pushes the nutrients towards the embryo (more correctly, the egg or womb does the pushing). The alchemists etc, maintain that this is how the Universe works: from the great to the lesser.
So when Kevin writes of everything having a 'field' and all these 'fields' interacting; small fields within the larger etc, I see alchemy.
Before dear Lzzie jumps in with a raft of alchemy links I will state that alchemy is the Art of Transformation (The Great Art). Your stomach and lungs, for example, are great alchemists. They take in substances from the Universe, transform them, taking out what they require and returning the rest back to the Universe for use by other lifeforms.
The 'Great Work' of alchemy is not the turning of base-metals into gold. The purpose of the Great Work is to turn a ('normal', regular) human into an Enlightened human. One of the first steps in this process is to make contact with your 'inside self' or what some alchemists call the 'Great King'. It has various other names such as your higher self etc, I think of it as Athene (my muse). To make contact is quite simple. You, the regular you, has to initiate the dialogue and you have to be sincere. Sincere means you ask from the heart rather than as an intellectual exercise. (The rest of the process involes a lot of contemplation/meditation and a hell of a lot of self-discipline (this is where I struggle). It is intuition rather than intellect; mind rather than brain.
In other words if you can establish contact with Jiminy Cricket, he will give you access to the Blue Fairy. Watch the movie, it describes the human condition brilliantly. (It is essentially the same story as Perseus and Andromeda; Perseus and Medusa; Theseus and the Minotaur and St George and the Dragon, etc, etc, etc.).
So you, dear lady, keep up the dialogue with your inside self. It will answer (it must) but it may not give the answer you want or expect. Nor will the answer necessarily come in the form you expect or when you expect. Be careful what you ask as it is very literal (it doesn't judge, (nothing in the Universe does)).
The posts from the likes of you and Kevin help my thinking so much.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:49 am

Thank you grey cloud for the advice. I don't want to detract from kevin's focus on dowsing and the lattice, so I'll make this brief. Inside self is here inside the physical body and assumes a type of black shadow physical form to remain within. Enlightenment is the state of perfect balance of the inner and outer body within the same physical body. Greater and lesser become not important.

grey cloud, is there a thread here that discusses the concept of "inside self"? If not, I think you would be a very good moderator for such a discussion. I would be very happy to participate in such a discussion as that. Over the years, I've not found many that are comfortable in that discussion topic.

And I have a question for kevin - what are the physical emotions that correspond to your experiences with dowsing and could you explain those for me? I've asked my brother the same question, but all I get from him is how it's all credited to God. Specifically kevin, what is the inside dialogue that takes place when you're dowsing?

and lizzie, your research and links on Keeley have been a real eye opener for me. Thank you.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by kevin » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:35 am

What a pleasure to view this site, after a long day in my shop, totally refreshing.
I have had phases whilst dowsing of writing poetry and songs, but that arrives after a few hours of staying focussed on the dowsing.
I can't find the enthusiasm at the moment due to the fact that I know very well what I am detecting, this normally leads onto a sudden realisation of some further findings which enthuse Me afresh.
I can relate to the aboriginals of Australia and their songlines, it is a sort of tuning experience, where because you can stay litterally on line for so long, you become tuned in, I often call this been tuned to radio 1.618, also on .618.
I don't need the rods to FEEL the matrix, if I raise my hands vertical, I can sense as heat the lines, and the longer you hold that position , the more contact is established, thats why I view the egyptian paintings differently than others, they were performing a type of reiki, our hands are cherile, and are positive and negative, we are electric beings, of an electric universe, we have been veiled from this comprehension, and any that can contact this system have been silenced, the term, burn the witch , covering that very well.


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Oct 18, 2008 2:45 pm

I like Keely because I think he holds the key to understanding ancient science – Mind (male) interacts with Matter (female) through the mediation of the Neutral Center (God). Mind through Sympathetic Vibrations (Love), animates Matter. :D There will be no need for any polluting energy cartels. :mrgreen: Humans will no longer have to smash things or blow them up. If they understand sympathetic vibrations (love), then they can create “living water.” ;) No huge water purification plants are required. Everything will be "provided for" by the "asking" (sympathetic vibrations). However, humans will have to learn how to use their minds. Perish the thought! :o

It’s obvious to me that history unwinds (devolves); so we are the barbarians.
Egyptian civilization was not a “development,” it was a legacy. – Paul LaViolette
Genesis of the Cosmos:
The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation
Recent developments in theoretical physics, including systems theory are challenging long-held mechanistic views of the universe. Many thinkers have speculated that the remnants of an ancient science survive today in mythology and esoteric lore, but until now the scientific basis for this belief has remained cloaked in mystery. Paul LaViolette reveals the astonishing parallels between the cutting edge of scientific thought and creation myths from the dawn of civilization.

With a scientific sophistication rare among mythologists, LaViolette deciphers the forgotten cosmology of ancient lore in a groundbreaking scientific tour de force. In direct, non-technical language, he shows how these myths encode a theory of cosmology in which matter is continually growing from seeds of order that emerge spontaneously from the surrounding subquantum chaos.
Hidden Symbols ... 7023&hl=en

Magical Egypt ... 72cf29ac77

Spiritual Technology – How Ancient Egyptians Understood Quantum Mechanics ... 9477-186-3

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:46 am

Thank you lizzie, you have again hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned. The diet, the sun's role in all this, the radiance factor was a huge part of that reality I lived in '97. I had daily post-surgical exercises that involved the use of the upper body, hands and arms and I did these exercises daily outside in the sun. Like kevin, I felt the heat lines and could connect with these via my hands to soak the heat into my body. I felt that the heat/light was healing me.

My diet was specialized by me. I ate the same thing daily. Breakfast was orange juice and plain toast. Mid-morning snack was a piece of fresh fruit. Lunch was a peanut butter sandwich and a banana. Dinner was a salad and baked potato. Evening snack was mixed nuts and apple slices. Everyday, same menu and I never got tired of it. I still eat like this to a great extent, even though I don't feel the benefit like I used to.

None of the above worked quite the same when I came home after the '04 heart surgery. By the time I got back home, it was a cold January. I didn't have the same environment. Recovery was long and even now, still not complete.

Beginning in late 1997, I know my sun is coming through an atmospheric and false filter that doesn't allow the full effect/benefit of the sun.

As for the links to the research of Dr. West on the Egyptian culture, I have the point of view that goes something like this: If you want a mystery, give the finding of truth to a human. If you want the truth, leave the mystery created by human and look within.

I'm of the distinct personal opinion that inner self has a good reason to keep coming into the physical. . . it's the only path to heaven/nirvana/neutral centre. Dead bodies don't work. Afterlife doesn't work.


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:50 am

Solesurvivor said: As for the links to the research of Dr. West on the Egyptian culture, I have the point of view that goes something like this: If you want a mystery, give the finding of truth to a human. If you want the truth, leave the mystery created by human and look within.

Wow! I really like that. Wilhelm Reich said that we gave away all our powers to “a master” because we think we were all unworthy. Thus the master creates our reality for us in ways that suit only him. The reality he creates for us is one that is designed to keep us disempowered.
Solesurvivor said: I'm of the distinct personal opinion that inner self has a good reason to keep coming into the physical. . . it's the only path to heaven/nirvana/neutral centre. Dead bodies don't work. Afterlife doesn't work.
And your inner self has really served you well. It really did make you quite literally a “Soul Survivor” :D

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by junglelord » Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:59 am

soulsurvivor wrote:Thank you lizzie, you have again hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned. The diet, the sun's role in all this, the radiance factor was a huge part of that reality I lived in '97. I had daily post-surgical exercises that involved the use of the upper body, hands and arms and I did these exercises daily outside in the sun. Like kevin, I felt the heat lines and could connect with these via my hands to soak the heat into my body. I felt that the heat/light was healing me.

My diet was specialized by me. I ate the same thing daily. Breakfast was orange juice and plain toast. Mid-morning snack was a piece of fresh fruit. Lunch was a peanut butter sandwich and a banana. Dinner was a salad and baked potato. Evening snack was mixed nuts and apple slices. Everyday, same menu and I never got tired of it. I still eat like this to a great extent, even though I don't feel the benefit like I used to.

None of the above worked quite the same when I came home after the '04 heart surgery. By the time I got back home, it was a cold January. I didn't have the same environment. Recovery was long and even now, still not complete.

Beginning in late 1997, I know my sun is coming through an atmospheric and false filter that doesn't allow the full effect/benefit of the sun.

As for the links to the research of Dr. West on the Egyptian culture, I have the point of view that goes something like this: If you want a mystery, give the finding of truth to a human. If you want the truth, leave the mystery created by human and look within.

I'm of the distinct personal opinion that inner self has a good reason to keep coming into the physical. . . it's the only path to heaven/nirvana/neutral centre. Dead bodies don't work. Afterlife doesn't work.
Well we belong to the same club. My own issue is spinal cord injury and stroke injury. I spent 45 minutes on a rock yesterday on the St.Lawrence river...winter is approaching, and the pain increases with temperature decrease. However the ability to get better is dependent on the double layer and the sun. At the waters edge on high magnetic hills and these rocks is the most abundent accumulation of these intersections. I feel pretty good today after that and my Sabbath rest.

The food intake sounds very close. I eat organic fruit with yoguart, bible or ancient grains, some sardines and free range organic chicken, lots of organic vegetables. I don't have to eat much, but I feel sluggish with red meat and grease. Go figure.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
— Nikola Tesla
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— Junglelord.
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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by kevin » Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:29 pm

I have been concentrating more and more on people, their FIELD in particuler.
All I can do is report as I find, the smaller this FIELD, the more decrebid the person is, MS alzheimers, spinal malfunctions, new hips, you name it, the smaller the detectable FIELD, the more stress each person appears to undergo.

Poor old Altonhare is going to blow a fuse about me going on about FIELD, and I think TOUGH, it's that persons problem, not mine.
Whatever this FIELD is, it is measurable, so I can provide a concrete measure, a definable something, and that something fits into the bigger something of the planet, in fact it mimicks it.
We appear to be a consequence of this planet, especially at the surface, and the larger this detectable FIELD is, then the brighter and more aware and healthy the individual appears.
You will have to look up INDIGO, to get some idea of this, then think rainbows, and the colours involved size wise.
the bottom line of all of this , is that I sense we can charge up, plug into the available, and I feel I do that, reading some of the last posts , I sense I could achieve even more if I watch the diet closely, and would further add about water, as a dowser, I can confirm that water at springs and wells is positively charged, to conform this is simply as I detect, and that it produces a clockwise vortical FIELD.
It may be that water correctly charged is the most important substance we need to re-learn about, and are most deprived of, for some reason?


Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:55 pm

Kevin said: It may be that water correctly charged is the most important substance we need to re-learn about, and are most deprived of, for some reason?

Well, you are right of course. Water is the basis and sustenance of all life. Thus the disassociation of water (by vibration) creates “living water” – the source of all free, clean energy (as well as non-polluted water).

Currently he who controls the "energy source" controls the world. Now the "source of all life" will become the "infinite energy source". This is why there is such a push for "privatized water." In the meantime the PTB's "pollute the wells" to cause illnesses which, in turn, are profitable for Big Pharma.

I don’t drink much water because I don’t like its taste. No wonder. It’s full of chemicals and toxins. People who have deionizing water filters tell me that pure water is very sweet tasting. All I need is about $1200 and I can have my own ionized water filter.

However, I would imagine that drinking the right amount of clean pure water is the key to maintaining good health.

(Besides I prefer to hide down here in the "bowels of the NIAMI." it's more fun down here with all the "mad people" and their "mad" ideas. I'll let the "super ratioinalists" strut in the "upper stratospheres". I'll stay down here and make waves under the surface) :D

Sonic Dissociation
This work was inspired by work done by Jerry Decker. According to his research into the works of John W. Keely, Keely was able to cause the disassocition of water using sound, at a particular frequency 42.8 kHz. Above is 2 pictures of the Piezo Electric transducer, submerged in water, the top picture is before I turn the tranducers on.. notice, there are no bubbles.
Brown's Gas ("HHO"): Clean, Cheap, and Suppressed Energy
Water can be cheaply disassociated into Brown's Gas / HHO gas (monatomic and diatomic Hydrogen and Oxygen) using efficient electrolyzing techniques which require very little power to operate, or sophistication to build. This is directly contrary to current scientific dogma; which teaches that the creation of useful amounts of Hydrogen requires tens of thousands of watts of power, creating high amounts of heat in the process. This is simply not true: Many people all over the world have home-built working devices that create HHO gas using very little power. The terms "Brown Gas" and "HHO" are used in this article as synonymous, although there is some minor technical debate as to the ratios of monatomic and diatomic gas within each, and "HHO" was once a trade name for Brown's Gas (it has now become a generic term like "kleenex", as is written here for this purpose).
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Dowsing and the lattice.

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:14 pm

The videos about the Egyptian symbology, mystery schools, culture show me one thing - these were a people that had recent , maybe first hand experiences with humans that had , for lack of a better term, become enlightened. Being human, they wanted it for themselves, perhaps all for a certain select few. For those that were existing in an enlightened form, they wouldn't willingly give it up or hand it back. Depending on whether they were positive or negative centered would have everything to do with how much information/light they shared with others around them. They applied human criteria to a selection process for transformation. The thought "it's not nice to fool with Mother Nature" comes to mind. And what most of us still don't understand is that the human body, when existing in specific natural parameters, can and will transform itself if inner self is allowed to lead the way. This process doesn't have to be a mystery or guarded secret, but so it is and that's due to judgement of humans, not spirit. Our inside self knows best.

With regard to water, I can't make myself drink much of this stuff that's called water. I grew up drinking water from a sulphur spring well. Think rotten egg smell, but I loved the taste of it. Anything I drink now has to have a lemon/lime flavor or it doesn't go through my lips. I often smell mold in the water supply around this state. When I traveled to Michigan, I couldn't drink the water there for the same reason. I've smelled the same in the water supplies in Atlanta and Nashville. I sometimes drink coffee because it covers up the mold smell.


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