What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by jimmcginn » Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:53 am

What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Are you aware of the H2O molecules structural capabilities in the atmosphere?

Have you ever wondered about the molecular dynamics of what is really going on in the cone or vortex of a tornado?

On a molecular level water is very aggressive about getting together with other water molecules to become decidedly unaggressive. We mostly notice the result of the water molecule’s aggression, its complete lack of aggression, and we are, therefore, mostly unaware of how incredibly aggressive it, the H2O molecule, can be to become unaggressive. More specifically, the H2O molecule’s aggression is a result of its inherit polarity and the electromagnet implications thereof: as water, on the molecular level, aggressively seeks out connections with other water molecules, The strength and persistence of these forces cause it to collectively (in the form of liquid water) to become more interconnected molecularly, more entangled, denser. And that’s where things get strange. Because the more entangled and denser it (water) becomes (the more bonds are achieved between molecules of H2O) the more the forces that caused it to become entangled are neutralized, turned off, resulting in the high fluidity (low viscosity) of water. In a sense, H2O molecules are in a great big hurry to surround themselves with other H2O molecules (by way of hydrogen bond connections at all four locations of their structure) so that they can treat other H2O molecules with (almost) complete indifference.

The mechanism that underlies this strange passive-aggressive behavior of the water molecule—this individual tendency to aggressively seek to become collectively unaggressive—might best be understood with respect to the fact that the bond that takes place between water molecules is a hydrogen bond. Unlike covalent bonds, water’s hydrogen bond is the result of (a function of) the polarity of the two H2O molecules that are participants in the bond. However, and in complete contrast to a covalent bond, when a hydrogen bond is achieved a fraction of the polarity is neutralized, turned off, in both of the two H2O molecules that participate in the hydrogen bond. So, ironically, the achievement of a hydrogen bond (and each H2O molecule can participate in up to four bonds, each with a different H2O molecule) is at one and the same time the result of the water molecule’s polarity and the (partial) neutralization thereof.

This tendency to become entangled, to aggressively fold in on itself, and to, thereby, neutralize its polarity as it becomes entangled is so effective and so instantaneous (and happening on such a such a microscopic scale) that we are mostly unaware of the H2O molecule’s underlying ability to produce some fairly significant electromagnetic forces (surface tension) and bond strength (tensile strength). (Note: liquid water’s hydrogen bond offer’s no compressive strength whatsoever.) All in all, what it really comes down to is this: H2O molecules are so effective at getting together with other H2O molecules and neutralizing the polarity that brought them together, we (us humans) generally are unaware of the possibility that if a mechanism can be theorized (or experimentally revealed) that will defeat the H2O molecule’s aggressive and insidious tendency to collectively fold in on itself and, thereby, neutralize its polarity, then these structural capabilities can emerge (there are two: [a.] bond strength [tensile strength only] and [b.] surface tension).

In a sense H2O is like a superhero. It’s superpowers are concealed from us by its ability to blend in with a crowd of other depolarized, mild mannered H2O molecules. Its true strength is only revealed when events tear it away from the crowd. Only when alone, when individual water molecules are detached (or relatively detached [this is important]) from other water molecules do water’s superpowers emerge.

Have you every wondered why it is that tornadoes are associated with wind shear in which one of the bodies of air is moist and the other is dry? Well, wonder no more. That mystery is solved. Follow the link on this blog to my book entitled, Vortex Phase: The Discovery of the Spin That Underlies the Twist. http://wp.me/p4JijN-aE

James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:25 am

I will tell you what you've never suspected about the atmosphere Jim.....

It's 100% water.

Now Jim... I know your position is one of ridicule and outright rejection (based upon our private emails) so I place the following on your table.

There exists somewhere in Australia a "hotdog" muffler. You know the one. Its usually placed on hot rods to leave that loud rumble V8 engines exhibit when accelerating down the road.

This particular hotdog muffler was modified by placing ring magnets inside its construction and reassembled.
When it was tested on a stationary engine the 'exhaust' emissions were pure fresh air. Able to to pumped into the interior of a car with a garden hose and give the driver healing effects.

So rather than you reject this immensely valuable PLASMA Universe device, to avoid your argument of you cant afford to refute it. I invite you to see this muffler in operation and will bet you 2000 dollars that it does exactly what we say it does. Namely turns your "CO2" into fresh smelling and testing air. If it doesnt do this you take our 2000 dollars and fly home and you benefit with an all expenses paid excursion to Australia. If on the other hand we do do this then you leave your 2000 dollars on the table.

Just to make it more profitable to your learning of the Atomic Plasma structure, we also bet you 2000 dollars that we can make the bottle of water that you bring to the table, burn with just the addition of DC. Just like on the videos at magneticwaterscience If we fail to make it burn then you get another 2000 dollars. if it burns on the table (not the concrete) we keep your 2000 dollars

And while we are at it, for another 2000 dollar bet, we will turn any potable drinking water you care to provide into nice oil that burns in front of your eyes.Same conditions of bet. Just like on the videos at magneticwaterscience, you know the ones you are sure are fake.

For a further 2000 dollar bet we will all go to the ocean and obtain 1000 liters of sea water and pump it through another 'hotdog' muffler and turn it into pure fresh drinking water similar to the test results already obtained by this experiment and available if you take us up on the offer.

And we will once and for all end the debate as to what water and the atmosphere is.

The problem with the Electric Universe forum is absolutely everyone here is arguing theories. endless theories. All using desensitized data from a government controlled security zone.

The electric universe people isnt what you think it is. And everything is water.

I may consider a group of 20 people and holding a mini demo for a day where all bring only 100 dollars to see these fantastic NEW inventions based upon a Plasma theory where everything in the universe is a frequency of water.

So we can all stop the senseless debate on whose theory holds water the best.

Are you up for learning Jim?

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by jimmcginn » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:32 am

MerLynn wrote:
This particular hotdog muffler was modified by placing ring magnets inside its construction and reassembled.
When it was tested on a stationary engine the 'exhaust' emissions were pure fresh air. Able to to pumped into the interior of a car with a garden hose and give the driver healing effects.

bottle of water that you bring to the table, burn with just the addition of DC. Just like on the videos at magneticwaterscience If we fail to make it burn
If your claims are replicable under controlled conditions then it is worth much, much more than a few thousand dollars. It's worth billions or even trillions. Don't waste your time telling people about this over the internet. Instead, find some way to demonstrate that your results are replicable by anyone anywhere.

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:21 pm

Jim.... We have nothing for sale. No amount of money can buy us. Money is not the answer to any of the worlds problems and neither is yours or anyone else's theories. Only facts and the truth can set you free.

What we offer is the truth. Nothing more. They kill countries, they drone anyone who offers peace and truth. Any commercialization will only end badly. Are you so blind you cannot see this?

Not until millions understand water is NOT H20 and oil is water can this dis eased mindset be cured.

And Jim, the whole point of the demonstration in PERSON is so that you will understand what is involved in a PLASMATIC UNIVERSE for these experiments to be replicated by anyone. The short answer is YOU Jim will never be able to replicate the burning water. WHY you ask? The answer is found in Emoto's research where he could only get children, whose minds weren't dis eased by false facts and so when children prayed upon water, they could change the 'crystalline' structure. (and like we do make it burn)

You see Jim... Given water is a magnetic field and the mind is a magnetic field they are both connected and HOW YOU THINK effects whether the water will burn or not. SO the burning water experiment is to show you that both the world and your mindset is dis eased.

Not until you see it done and are told how to THINK can you do it..When you believe you can do it you can. We can do it every time and have done so many times for many many people. A bunch of white lab coats will never do it. We have to teach them. They have to see it done before they will believe. To try and replicate the experiment in order to believe isnt the way to teach them how to think. Its doomed to failure.

Even the hotdog muffler has a "thinking" procedure in its construction. This can only be taught IN PERSON. Of the hundreds we tried to teach in person, many just saw a construction technique and raced home to steal the IP and try to market an "In Line Magnetic Cell" that for some reason didnt work as they were shown. So until we teach millions how to think and act, much like in accordance with the 10 commandments and sowing and reaping can you replicate the Universe's mysterious ways.

How can you make water burn and expect to sell it to a greedy lying thieving Chicago bath house cock grabbing obummer when his dis eased mind interferes with the Plasmatic structures energy release?

So Jim, cut with all the crap, nothing you can say I havent already written an answer to for some one else.
You either want to know and learn the secrets of the universe or you just want to impress people with your imaginative theories... which is it?

The Atmosphere is 100% water
Oil is 100% water as is everything else.

Thales said it 3000 years ago and Democritis confirmed it with his 'atom' being the smallest plasmatic structure.

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by jimmcginn » Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:05 pm

MerLynn wrote:Jim.... We have nothing for sale. No amount of money can buy us. Money is not the answer to any of the worlds problems and neither is yours or anyone else's theories. Only facts and the truth can set you free.

What we offer is the truth. Nothing more.
I'm only interested in truth that is replicable.

James McGinn / Solving Tornaoes

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Wed Mar 01, 2017 8:57 pm

No Jim you only want some one to prove it to you.....
and then some one else to replicate it. for you...
then and only then will you entertain validity...

We can replicate what we do a million times
and we can only teach others how to replicate it.

Re-creating the energy mechanisms of the universe is a science you have chosen to never understand with your attitude of "prove it to me"
rather than
How can I understand this......

so your theories go round and round and round and nothing is ever advanced.

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by jimmcginn » Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:16 pm

MerLynn wrote:No Jim you only want some one to prove it to you.....
and then some one else to replicate it. for you...
then and only then will you entertain validity...

We can replicate what we do a million times
and we can only teach others how to replicate it.

Re-creating the energy mechanisms of the universe is a science you have chosen to never understand with your attitude of "prove it to me"
rather than
How can I understand this......

so your theories go round and round and round and nothing is ever advanced.
The fact that you are resistant or hesitant to demonstrate that your beliefs are replicable tells me all I need to know.

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:36 pm

Jim are you naturally like this or do you practice?
How is betting you $2000 that we can turn Your water into oil?
Or make it burn not willing and even overly keen?
Shall we raise it to $10,000
Is that not extremely willing to demonstrate our beliefs?

Where did you get your comprehensions skill, under obummer care?

Again Jim, whats holding you back, Fear?

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by Maol » Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:01 pm

He's obviously caught a bad case of the vapors. :ugeek:

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:23 pm

What the issue is here Jim is that the mindset of human institutionalism is that water and electricity do not mix. You Jim have an exceptionally advanced case of this mindset. So much so that you cannot consider electricity as relevant to water in the atmosphere and atmospheric phenomena. even though the atmosphere displays electricity and water condensation in the same locale.

There are many ways to apply electricity to water and water vapor. We have demonstrated to all those who visit us many many different ways. You Jim have seen what, 3 ways to apply electricity to water and they have all been my source? yes? (thats discounting electrolysis which by the way isnt water its some caustic solution)

Human nature, and this is evident across the broad scientific community as well, is to reject new information in the first instance of proclamation as a matter of course if it conflicts with present theories. Just like the nature of your behaviour Jim. Nothing can get you to open your mind to the fact that water mixed with electricity displays some pretty remarkable phenomena. It allows a store bought bottle of water to be set on fire with a match. How fantastic is that. To which Jim replies, (and I quote) “its a con job, it must be fake, he's getting lighter fluid in there somehow. Don’t give him any money you’ll never see it again”. An open mind would say, can I see it again only in person? A closed mind will say, gimmi the jimmi mcgimmi specs so others can do it. Its Intellectual Property Jim and it has value. And it has scientific principles that not only have you never suspected but reject when presented. You have to be TAUGHT to replicate it. It’s a “thinking” procedure. (or we negate your negative magnetic field)

Then we again apply electricity to water and hey presto it turns into oil and also burns... I do note that you have not given an opinion on this process other than to say its irrelevant to your theories... How rejectionist it that?

I contend Jim, that what the whole world has never suspected about water in the atmosphere is that water and the atmosphere is one and the same thing. Water and atmosphere produce electricity and for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction yes? Isn't this a Law some where? Why is it ridiculed to do experiments on this water and electricity and air phenomena?

Now the point that I am really making Jim, is that due to the sensitive nature of magnetic fields, and that every bit and piece of 'matter' no matter how large or small has a magnetic field including the white lab coat wearers doing the experiments effects the experiment.
So when manipulating magnetic fields with created magnetic fields one has to have ‘control’ over the magnetic fields of the lab coat wearers, or at least negate their effect.

Its easier to invite the lab coat wearers to our premises to conduct the experiments. To send the equipment to their lab sees their negative value mindset of rejectionism (like yours Jim) adversely affect the magnetic fields created.

The process by which we “neutralise” this negative mindset is we have the participants dip their left hand into a bucket of “charged” water (which can also be made on the day from water ‘they’ bring) and wave their left hand over their head 3 times. If this isn’t done the experiment will only work if they are like 13 feet away from the apparatus. They can get closer and even conduct the experiment if we neutralise their negative thoughts.

Do you understand that Jim? Or more pointedly, do you have an open mind Jim?
Any other answer than “yes” is a NO. At least that’s what I was taught in comprehension skills.

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:42 pm

jimmcginn wrote:What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

In a sense H2O is like a superhero. It’s superpowers are concealed from us by its ability to blend in with a crowd of other depolarized, mild mannered H2O molecules. Its true strength is only revealed when events tear it away from the crowd. Only when alone, when individual water molecules are detached (or relatively detached [this is important]) from other water molecules do water’s superpowers emerge.

Have you every wondered why it is that tornadoes are associated with wind shear in which one of the bodies of air is moist and the other is dry? Well, wonder no more. That mystery is solved. Follow the link on this blog to my book entitled, Vortex Phase: The Discovery of the Spin That Underlies the Twist. http://wp.me/p4JijN-aE

James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes
This super hero comparison is so 'childish' a concept for theoretical presentation it defies the intellect.

Vortexing water and water vapors IS the interacting of the water matrix with the earths magnetic resonant field pattern matrix. This is how one changes the MEMORY of the water. Airs "moistness" is a function or aspect of its 'memory'. The atmosphere 'condenses' when the memory frequency changes due to the interactions with the earths and suns and even the moons field interactions. (why and where clouds form)

But for now this only remains another theory.
First we have to understand what the atomic structure of water is and why the addition of electricity turns it into burnable "sweet Saudi like" crude and when left to dry out it becomes the "highest grade" of coal the Uni of Sth Cross has ever tested.

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by Cargo » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:28 pm

Despite the malice tone in a few comments, thank you for at least sharing your open discussion.

I can only think of the underground river beneath a pyramid which is said to power several different harmonic em effects in different rooms. One being a special stone.

interstellar filaments conducted electricity having currents as high as 10 thousand billion amperes

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by nick c » Fri Mar 03, 2017 9:29 am

It seems to me that Jim Mcginn is justified in asking for an experiment that is replicable.
What is unreasonable about that?
Is not the ability to repeat an experiment (by following clear step by step instruction) one of the fundamentals of science?

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:21 pm

Did you read the requirements for replication?
Did you understand the requirements for duplication of the universal forces of magnetic fields of which creates all?
The individual is part of any experiment or creation of magnetic fields because the individual is one, so you influence the outcome.
Not just any willi nilli in a lab coat can replicate what Jim saw in the videos or can be shown.

That in itself is part of the replication process. And a HUGE lesson in itself on how and why Fields interact.
Or you will fail. Its that simple. It may be unfortunate that frankenstien science just cant understand true creation science. But Rome wasnt built in a day, Im not going away and more and more 'proof' is being added, and I havent even touched on the CERTIFIED Lab reports and University tests yet.

This is universal creation forces where water is a magnetic field that interacts with its surrounds.
The Pathetic particle science of H20 is unable to comprehend creation of Magnetic fields with in water.

So Jim is correct to demand replication.
But we are right to insist its done at our premises in the FIRST instance.

Remenber Nick
we have done this 1000's of times and KNOW what will go wrong in the presence of magnetic fields that are dis at eased. Its why only health products at this time have been commercialized. they can do no harm or cause man to spoil his planet further with advanced science.
If he doesnt want to heal him/her self and the planet they surely are not deserving of "free energy".

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Re: What You Never Suspected About Water in the Atmosphere

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:33 pm

Im going to add at the expense of being ridiculed or causing malice

The belief in H2O as the construct of Water is the product of a DISEASED mind.

Once you have been cured by DEMONSTRATION so that your belief system is healed or corrected so your mind no longer creates a Disharmonious Frequency Field that interacts with the one being created then you can easily replicate.

Its like telling a Lie, a Lie detector picks up the "resistance" of your magnetic field or its natural harmonious frequency.
When LIVING the LIE of H2O, and a total dis belief in the outcome, Your magnetic field is impeding the magnetic field you are tying to create.

Does that make sense? or do I need to expand upon the state of Dis At Ease?

Its based upon the fact that everything has a magnetic field and that energy flow is only the flow of magnetic current. Which by the way many others have stated but unable to prove with so many prototypes of inventions.


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