No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by MerLynn » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:51 pm

Webbman wrote:
so if there were no electrons or photons both of which are discrete and can travel space, why does energy always need bridges like birkland currents, matter bridges to move around?

both electrons and photons which are the same thing with a different shape are required to be discrete units to avoid the requirement for bridges to transfer their energy.

One day we were playing around with neodymium magnets and how they move in one's hand when passing over high voltage AC power lines buried in the ground.
This particular 3 phase line arced around a shed to get to the next shed.
So all you anti Aether heads and other physical matter bridge connectors, explain how the magnet also moves in one's hand in a straight line between the two end points of a buried power line and moves in one's hand when traversing along the path of the buried line?

"Electrons and photons" are the same thing????????

Electrons and photons, being part of an atomic structure of marbles is only a THEORY

Looks like the theory is constantly being modified according to the story teller's new theory.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by MerLynn » Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:12 am

We were working in the Lab late one nite
Formatting ring magnets by fluro lite
placing them on a table and swirling them around
until they were in tune to their surrounds.

placing them in pairs and separating them within sight
one pair was stuck on the wall and the other on the vice.
so that pulling one pair off the vice
saw the other pair fall off the wall

yeah it dont rhyme, but neither does a pair of magnets that suddenly become unstuck on a metal wall make sense to marble theorists. Particularity when the outcome was what we were trying to demonstrate.

I have personalty swirled ring magnets around in a 'formatting' pattern on a table with nothing else on it and then had 4 ring magnets 'transform' into just 4 lumps of metal. only to remagnetise when the reverse swirl is done. then the four magnets are 'joined' through the Aether and one pair behaves like the other pair when an action is preformed upon the first pair.

Personally I think the world is too immature for such energy saving experiments as they would only use the force to kill their fellow humans more efficiently.

Everything has a magnetic field and a north and south pole and 6 other 'nodes'. Trying to measure a magnetic field like an electron or a proton using magnetic field instruments without understanding the polarity of their instruments invites misunderstandings.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by Webbman » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:37 am

yes, other than a shape transformation they are the same. Electrons are electromagnetic rings and photons are torsioned electromagnetic rings. This is why they interact so well despite their differing properties.

and all your Aether is the soup of electromagnetic "waves" or strands as I call them in its totality and various configurations. i.e the noise.

an alignment of that is where your magnetic field comes from.

nothing magic about any of it.
its all lies.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by MerLynn » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:03 pm

The Aether is the cubic lines of force that the intersections of which gives rise to an energy grid upon which all matter rests or moves. Inertia is the resistance to movement of energy mass upon the energy grid.

This cubical nature of the Aether which is formed by 'planes' of energy gives every point in the universe an X, Y and Z coordinate.
This is the mathematics of Teleportation to a Aether grid point.
Its how the more advanced crystal powered craft navigate this universe.

waves of noisey soup.... sheesh, who made that crap up?

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by Webbman » Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:50 pm

MerLynn wrote:The Aether is the cubic lines of force that the intersections of which gives rise to an energy grid upon which all matter rests or moves. Inertia is the resistance to movement of energy mass upon the energy grid.

This cubical nature of the Aether which is formed by 'planes' of energy gives every point in the universe an X, Y and Z coordinate.
This is the mathematics of Teleportation to a Aether grid point.
Its how the more advanced crystal powered craft navigate this universe.

waves of noisey soup.... sheesh, who made that crap up?
Its my personal theory. No crystal powered ships I'm afraid.
its all lies.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by MerLynn » Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:37 pm

Webbman wrote:
Its my personal theory. No crystal powered ships I'm afraid.

Edgar Cayce's Great Crystal from the Posidea's powerhouse, which is advanced genetic engineering for power amplification would go over most if not all forum members heads.

This unique crystal was reversed engineered from the crash of '47 by an R&D Lab in Texas and so it can be categorically stated that Alien Technology brought man from the tubes age to the silicon chip age.
But alas, man cant reverse engineer that which he has no idea about, namely that matter can be alive (Thales said "life is in everything") and self replicating even if it does look like a crystal found on Mose's staff.

These crystals being half 'animal' and half 'mineral', are what Silicon Chump Valley needs to make artificial intelligence.
An item in the circuit board that not only reads minds but is OVER UNITY. That is, a crystal that gives out more energy than is put in and the Piezo Electric effect is but a small part of how to get energy from a crystal.

But alas them damn pesky electrons theorists will surely see debate stifled as the thinking box has their minds entrapped.

In order to send organics through the Aether from Grid Point to Grid point, you need organic circuitry to transmit such bio energies. It goes hand in hand with teleportation, over unity engines and force field creation and we call them UFO's. Crystal Technology.... found in upstate NY. But I doubt anyone here gives a flip flop cause its all about the electric electron universe.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by nick c » Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:07 am

But I doubt anyone here gives a flip flop cause its all about the electric electron universe.
You make astounding claims with no supporting evidence.
Why should anyone here give a flip flop?

Stop derailing threads. I believe that somewhere on this board you have your own thread, keep your promotions of your pet theories there.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by MerLynn » Thu Nov 16, 2017 9:30 pm

ArcherSage wrote:Having read this forum for quite a while and reading various writings on field/wave theory as opposed to the standard particle/wave duality model (which nothing has ever been observed as a particle). I have come to believe that there must be a universal medium of some kind (aether), I believe the modern atomist's attempt to add dark energy/matter to permeate almost all of the universe is their attempt to add a universal medium that they know MUST exist, but do not want to call it "aether" or admit that field/wave theory is the most simple and easily observable explanation. All things are held together by electric and magnetic forces, even DNA and molecules are held together by the "electrostatic force". There is no need for this electric charge to have a container (electron) to carry it, even the so called "electron orbitals" are obviously fields.

And perhaps what they assume is a particle, is a compact wave packet

Well yes. There is an Aether. And No there arent any particles as such. Dark matter is the new Aether.
The 'theory of the electron' was an imaginative speculation invented to explain Tesla's magnetic Lightning.

So what have we if there is no need for electrons/photons? Nothing? Everything? The question invites an imaginative response.

The pictures show "fields". Well so does a snowflake show "fields", 8 of them. We dont need fancy apparatus to see fields. They are everywhere in nature.

So now that we are in agreement with Fields instead of particles, we can move on to what Fields do and how to create them.

Everything is a magnetic field. Everything has a polarity. These Fields represent everything from stars to crystals to ice. Is it not just an extension that DNA is a magnetic field? (google DNA Teleportation)

Once we get past the electron/photon and other non existent particles that make up this universe, a whole plethora of possibilities exist for the thought police to consider derailment and limit the humor, history and the science of the Ancients from questioning the outdated particle theorists.

Edgar Cayce said the Crystals "were grown" much like we grow flowers. This is a logical natural progression of the application of Bio Magnetic Life Force energies being used to GMO the natural crystalline structure of magnetic fields.
Today we still have 'race memory' of crystal wands, crystal balls crystal scrying, crystal pyramids, crystal power plants, crystal skulls, crystal computers, crystal lasers, crystal radios and crystal cutting tools, crystal electricity and crystal jewellery.

If we can get electricity from a crystal, and in particle science terms we are getting electrons from a crystal, but there is no need for 'electrons' as the OP implies, then the sky or even the next galaxy is the limit.

To reject all the historical literature, The spiritual literature, the religious literature, the Eastern philosophical literature, myths, legends and even out of place artifacts like Baghdad Batteries, NON RUSTING iron daggers 1000 ahead of their time (King Tutenconeheaden; even for rusting iron) NON RUSTING iron pillars in India, we as theoretical Physicists, just have our collective heads in the sand.

Rust needs "electrons". Everything needs electrons. So why are we still debating the need for electrons?
Because they are a flip flop theory that those who do REAL research find unpalatable.

Some of us do understand these electron marbles do not constitute, nor play a part in the theory of the Atomic Structure.
We take the newer Atomic Structure of Magnetic Fields and play with creating magnetic fields and seeing what they do to the magnetic fields in their Field Space.

Tesla's entire inventiveness was based upon creating Magnetic Fields and making them preform PREDETERMINED actions.

Electron Marble Heads take powders and potions and mix them and feed to Lab Rats and other humans 1079 times til on the 1080th time they get it to kill most efficiently.

It isnt a scientific fact until it can be demonstrated in a Lab. So having a image of moms face flash in front of ones 3rd eye when the phone rings is pure fantasy when its actually mom ringing up. And feeling the "electrons" in an old ring worn by great grandma by a psychic just cant happen as her energies cant possibly be transmitted by electrons. But Magnetic Fields DO carry memories. just ask any tape recorder. So if everything is magnetic, then such Spiritual Esoteric Senses do make sense.

This Electric Universe Theory isnt the right path because its based upon electrons. Imaginary particles constituting imaginary atoms will stifle enlightened debate til the proponents DIE. Been that way for theorists for 100's of years and we have failed to learn the lessons of history and the thought police in any cult will make sure any derailment from electrons and electricity is severely chastised.

Whats wrong with a little imagination, historical mythology, a touch of spiritualism and a good dash of humor in an otherwise very boring (pets for some) theory on energy flows in this Universe?

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by Webbman » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:46 am

In my theory electrons are electromagnetic rings and not balls, so they are not traditional particles but they aren't just magnetic fields either. They have a form and a function and can be discrete on their own or be combined to make bigger rings or twisted to become light in any wavelength.

magnetic fields have the exact same format as the electron but on a much larger scale. They are circuits formed from the same electromagnetic soup in a currents wake.

the difference between the two is that electrons have transverse waves pushing through them and magnetic fields have longditudal waves. Magnetic fields are too unstable for transverse waves due to their size. This is also why atom sizes are limited and become unstable when they get to large.

transverse waves have massive current carrying (and regulating) abilities in their waveform but are slow where longtditudal are extremely fast but carry basically no current and they act as if they have infinite voltage.

While I'm sure there are many exciting crystal applications I take these stories with a grain of salt because many only exist just to torment you.
its all lies.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:05 pm

In trying to be more objective than critical Webbman, the way I see it is here at the Electric nutters forum, everyone is a budding theorist.
My theory is better than your theory. My theory explains electricity better, or missing links, or tornadoes or the shape of matter. or whatever.

But they are all just theorists. Nothing more. Fanciful imaginers. Dreamers without insight. Its high in here.

My favorite is Tesla. He had NO theory. He had inventions that worked the first time.
Now Edison, his rival, whom Tesla worked for and probably was the originator of why the light bulb came into existence, operated on the trial and error system of inventing from a theoretical point of view.
Edison threw time and resources to make something to do what a 'theory' or thought or imaginative idea would create to MAKE MONEY.

Tesla, being "divinely inspired" had the ideas 'come' to him and he proceeded to build many many devices that defied ALL known theories. In fact they had to invent the theory of the electron to explain Teslas Lightning.

Do you see the difference in thinking up theories and creating that which defies theories?

Is there anyone (besides me and Joe) who do anything other than dream up theories and post them on thunderbolts?

Now Nich c has an issue with me in promoting my 'pet' theories. No Nich I am promoting our latest and many varied INVENTIONS. (that work the first time) But in a world where promoting the truth is considered a revolutionary act, it must be discouraged.

So if one just vies for top theorist position and doesnt deviate from the head guru's promotion to nobeling, all is ok.

is there a need for electrons? the op asks. well you can only reply with a new theory.

the op says its all magnetic waves. But to agree and post where this line of investigation leads is derailing the thread. Simply amazing.

now webbman. to say.
electrons are electromagnetic rings
and then
magnetic fields have the exact same format as the electron but on a much larger scale
and then go on with some gobblygook about the difference is clearly a confused theory.

have you invented anything from your understanding of your new theory? What is your new theory good for if not to make life better?

Well we have. And its in agreement with the op that electrons are not needed to understand the universe is magnetic

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by MerLynn » Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:23 pm

Another who did things..... was Leedskalin.
most spend ridiculous amounts of effort to explain his Coral Castle in conventional terms.

This negates his inventiveness and his theory of Magnetic Currents which is in stark contrast to the theory of 'electrons/electricity'.

But you get this in a world turned upside down.

Coral castle built next to Cape Canaveral, takes less fire cracker power to blast free of magnetic pull. Its on the Earths Energy Grid lines that Tesla plotted when he dreamed up where to build his 'energy labs'. But we all knew that didnt we?

Its also on these energy grid lines that nuke facilities and covert listening posts and the like are built on. Opps, my tin hat nearly fell off.

yes, no need for electrons or photons with Leedskalins pdf on magnetic currents.

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Re: No need for Electrons/Photons ?

Unread post by Webbman » Sat Nov 18, 2017 6:13 am

magtnetic currents seems unworkable. it doesn't describe how anything works.

for instance how come I cant get a magnetic field to discharge current into my hand. Not to say I cant transfer energy because obviously I can and my induction cooktop proves this, but I cant get an arc from something that supposedly has current in it.

why not?

my guess is simple. The PRESSURE WAVE has minimal current and maximum voltage. You can measure the strength of a magnetic field with Gauss but this measures the strength of the field, not the individual pressure of each electromagnetic strand, which I believe must be extreme to minimize current.
its all lies.


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