No dark matter?

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.

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No dark matter?

Unread post by antosarai » Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:54 am

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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Cargo » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:27 am

The irony is so thick. I can't imagine the level of cognitive dissonance required to actual believe that not finding an invisible thing makes it real. If Yale had any credibility left they just lost it by the idiotic rambles of this astro-psychic.
interstellar filaments conducted electricity having currents as high as 10 thousand billion amperes

Keith Ness
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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Keith Ness » Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:13 pm

Yup. Same old same old. They're quite comfortable being unbound from the requirement of competitive fitness and simplicity because, for them, it's more about the glory of their mathematical creativity than science. These guys are rock stars more than scientists.

Bengt Nyman
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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Bengt Nyman » Mon Apr 02, 2018 2:53 am

Dark matter, i.e. invisible matter with mass, is most likely a result of extrapolating human mathematics beyond it's range of validity. It appears similar to other erroneous conclusions resulting in, for example, space-time.
Dark matter is possibly a result of the mistaken identity of unidentified energy primaries beaming out of black holes and giving birth to sub-particles, particles, atoms, clouds, stars and planets all over again.

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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Webbman » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:23 am

dark matter has more to do with modern banking than cosmology.

you keep looking out there but the dark matter is right under your noses. Black holes, inflation... gravity waves lol.

this is how bad youve been deceived.
its all lies.

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nick c
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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by nick c » Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:59 am

The flaw in Dark Matter theory rests in its a priori assumption - gravity is the only force ruling the cosmos.

Mainstream cosmologists have observed that galactic motions are not explainable by the observed amount of matter. Depending upon who you consult there may be as much as 80% of the Universe missing!

Rather than considering this observation as a possible falsification of the above assumption and resulting theory they invent a 'wild card' to fudge the math.

The EU provides an electric based model which does not require the ad hoc insertion of an imaginary unobserved magical form of matter - which can be inserted where needed in the amount needed to salvage the prevailing paradigm.


Bengt Nyman
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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Bengt Nyman » Mon Apr 02, 2018 11:11 am

It's hard to tell where the lack of credibility of the standard model is a result of poor science or deceitfulness prompted by a desire for continued funding. The hint of possible purposeful disruption prompted by national and military interests is disturbing.
If you take the standard model of today and eliminate everything speculative and unsupported you are left with Newton plus the discoveries of the big telescopes and the probes. Basic, theoretical science has not moved much.
There is no question that electrical aspects of the workings of the universe have not been given enough attention.

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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Bengt Nyman » Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:26 am

A wild guess on my part for a galaxy without any recycling matter would be a galaxy without a black hole, or with a very young black hole. Possibly a galaxy with a unique relationship to a larger galaxy where the larger black hole has supplied the initial fission energy primaries forming clouds and stars in the smaller, break away galaxy.

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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by JHL » Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:24 pm

Remember when the LHC went from Higgs Boson proving device to Big Bang disprover in the space of about a month? Well, now apparently no dark matter equals dark matter. ... -20180328/
Most paths to explaining NGC 1052–DF2’s formation implicate its galactic neighbors. “When I saw this, I was like, ‘Well, I bet this object is in a group environment,’” Peter said. She explained that the larger gravitational field from adjacent galaxies could have pulled dark matter away from it, yanking the tablecloth out from under the stars while keeping place settings intact.

Van Dokkum and colleagues have additional ideas. For example, when two galaxies merge, streams of gas can collide, while the dark matter is thought to pass through without interacting. This would allow the gas to form stars away from clumps of dark matter. However, this galaxy doesn’t seem to have the tail-like features that typically accompany this process. Of the current theories, van Dokkum says, “I think they all have problems.”
Not least of which is reducing things back to what you actually know, but that violates Nick's observation about a priori assumptions and we mustn't have that.

This stuff almost writes itself...

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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Metryq » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:01 am

Wait a minute—you mean "dark matter," which is invisible-undetectable and interacts with baryonic matter only through gravity, can now pass without interacting gravitationally? That's like the unconditionally inescapable "black hole" that later took on the antithetical ability to emit jets, "evaporate" and come in various sizes? (How can an infinite point, already a contradiction in terms, come in sizes from micro to super-duper-massive?)

If I were the suspicious type, I'd wonder if this were some test in cognitive dissonance—find out just how much logical nonsense the "smart" people will swallow in preparation for taking over the world. "Thank you, sir! May I have another?"

Bengt Nyman
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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Bengt Nyman » Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:56 am

It's a complex universe. It is not only Mechanical with bodies orbiting and sometimes slamming into each other, and Electric with plasmas, charges, and gravity, but it is also Nuclear as evidenced by billions of visible, light emitting stars.

For a sustained universe there also has to exist processes that balance the billions of stars which release visible light while producing heavier elements, molecules and ultimately new bodies in space.

The required balancing and deconstructing process ought to be a kind of ultimate crushing process that disassembles all matter into invisible but energetic strings which in turn escape to permeate the galaxies, reform, re-tangle, recombine and recycle to ultimately feed the fusion stars that we see.

Places where this kind of deconstructing process takes place is probably places that we have come to identify as black holes.

Sceptical lefty
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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by Sceptical lefty » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:53 pm

Bengt Nyman wrote:Dark matter, i.e. invisible matter with mass, is most likely a result of extrapolating human mathematics beyond it's range of validity. It appears similar to other erroneous conclusions resulting in, for example, space-time.
Mathematics is, at root, a formalised system of logic. Like all philosophical tools, it is meaningless in isolation and must be applied to something in order to achieve relevance. This necessarily infers certain basic assumptions from which logical extrapolations may be made. However impeccable the logic, if one or more assumptions are dubious or plain wrong, then any conclusions reached will be unsound.

The Standard Model of the universe clearly has problems. Its advocates dominate Cosmology and their conclusions affect many other branches of Science. The open questioning -- or, worse, overturning -- of some core assumptions of the Standard Model will push many scientific doyens into areas for which they are academically unsuited. They will be exposed as unfit for the positions they presently occupy.

When it is understood that people are fighting for their academic 'right to exist' then it is hardly to be wondered at that they will employ any and all means -- fair or foul -- to prevail. Right now, the Standard Modellers and their adherents have a virtual monopoly on academic power. Plasma Cosmology will be suppressed until that power is broken. It is unlikely that such an academic cataclysm will be provoked by anything less than a physical cataclysm.

It is comforting to think that the Truth will eventually prevail. In reality, this only happens when its opponents (defenders of an alternate 'Truth') no longer have the coercive power to prevent it. You might also keep in mind H.L. Mencken's observation: "The world always makes the assumption that the exposure of an error is identical with the discovery of truth – that the error and truth are simply opposite. They are nothing of the sort. What the world turns to, when it is cured on one error, is usually simply another error, and maybe one worse than the first one."

We are in for a long wait.

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Re: No dark matter?

Unread post by silvanelf » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:43 am

FYI -- Here are two papers which reflect the current debate:

The original paper which started the debate -- summary in my own words: "we can't find any indication of dark matter within NGC1052-DF2."
This implies that the ratio M_{halo}/M_{stars} is of order unity (and consistent with zero), a factor of at least 400 lower than expected. NGC1052-DF2 demonstrates that dark matter is not always coupled with baryonic matter on galactic scales.
"A galaxy lacking dark matter"

A recent reply attacks the methods used in the original paper:
Well, in the case of NGC1052-DF2 the globular cluster luminosity function turns out to be different from any other known. Far from concluding their initial assumption was wrong, the authors went on to claim they have demonstrated the luminosity function is not universal!
Thus, according to van Dokkum and collaborators, this galaxy is unique in at least three different aspects: it is the only galaxy know not to contain dark matter, it is the only galaxy know to have such an extremely large number of globular clusters, and it is the only galaxy hosting a population of globular clusters not obeying to the {\it universal}
luminosity function. All this supported only by their own claim that the selected clusters are physically related to the galaxy.
"Reply to the claim by van Dokkum et al. for a galaxy not containing dark matter"


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