Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity

Unread post by Orion » Tue Jan 29, 2019 10:07 am

I have recently been converted to Electric Universe basic principles. I read Dr. Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr. and his ground breaking work "Introduction to the Extinction Shift Principle: A Pure Classical replacement for Relativity" link here ... 1.552.4186. Dowdye's work is monumental and very inspiring. I have extended His work on Section 5.2 "On the Transverse Relative Time Shift" to include observability of his happy observer to a position that eliminates his/her inability to observe signals at or beyond the speed of light. Please read my work "Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity" available on and comment. The abstract for the paper is below.

Abstract—In [1] an observer at rest and perpendicular to moving source will detect a difference in the time of arrival of the initial τ0 and final τ' waves as τ' > τ0 a transverse relative time shift. The position of the observer in [1] for source velocities near the speed of light has the disadvantage of having to wait a long time to detect τ'. The observer cannot detect τ' for velocities equal to or greater than the speed of light. This work shows that moving the observer to a strategic position downstream from the τ' signal has the advantage of introducing observability of τ'. The transverse relative time shift formulas are derived for the stationary observer perpendicular to and also on the path axis for velocities less than and much greater than c. Also, a method to calculate transverse relative length is proposed.

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Re: Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity

Unread post by Orion » Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:19 pm

Any questions?

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Re: Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity

Unread post by Sithri » Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:41 am

Orion wrote:I have recently been converted to Electric Universe basic principles. I read Dr. Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr. and his ground breaking work "Introduction to the Extinction Shift Principle: A Pure Classical replacement for Relativity" link here ... 1.552.4186. Dowdye's work is monumental and very inspiring. I have extended His work on Section 5.2 "On the Transverse Relative Time Shift" to include observability of his happy observer to a position that eliminates his/her inability to observe signals at or beyond the speed of light. Please read my work "Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity" available on and comment. The abstract for the paper is below.

Abstract—In [1] an observer at rest and perpendicular to moving source will detect a difference in the time of arrival of the initial τ0 and final τ' waves as τ' > τ0 a transverse relative time shift. The position of the observer in [1] for source velocities near the speed of light has the disadvantage of having to wait a long time to detect τ'. The observer cannot detect τ' for velocities equal to or greater than the speed of light. This work shows that moving the observer to a strategic position downstream from the τ' signal has the advantage of introducing observability of τ'. The transverse relative time shift formulas are derived for the stationary observer perpendicular to and also on the path axis for velocities less than and much greater than c. Also, a method to calculate transverse relative length is proposed.
I don't understand this in the slightest, and I tried reading the paper itself. Can you simplify it for me? Because it seems that he didn't prove anything new.

A light signal from the center of cartesian coordinates will always be spherical/circular in propagation and proves nothing. A light signal that moves at c from its source moving at c is still nothing new, as the signal will always be not-seen or moving with it as a light-cone. A light signal coming from speeds greater than c will make observation that much faster. Nothing new here.

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Re: Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:15 pm

He states that the speed of light depends on the speed (v) of the source.
So the speed of the signal starts as c+v
In space the light is re-emitted by the interstellar plasma, so it slows down to c

It looks like this:

With that he gets a very simple solution to many problems.

In the mainstream I found one argument against the first:
Stars that orbit each other emit light at the same speed over long distances.
If the speed would change, the faster light would overtake the slower light over long distances.
This has not been observed.

In the Fizeau experiment
they tested the dependency on the speed of transparent material.
The solution they show is very complicated though.

It would be interesting to have a new test of this all with modern equipment.
We can test it with different materials, like plasma, and with different frequencies.
Now we can measure in pico-seconds and spot tiny differences.
More ** from zyxzevn at: Paradigm change and C@

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Re: Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity

Unread post by MotionTheory » Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:39 pm

IMO - Ideal Vacuum(IV) construct is more intuitive and closer to reality than spawned Space Time dimensions. IV therefore allow speed exceed c within natural-measured range. Everyone would know IV is mathematical coordinate not some unicorn materials or verses or dimensions.

c' = c+v. applying v in this perspective to doppler shift, it would then use Galilean instead of Lorentz transformation. Yay, actual math!

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Re: Signal Observability at Hyper Light Velocity

Unread post by Orion » Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:31 pm

This paper is for constant velocity which can exceed the speed of light. What I have attempted to show is a geometry that links time, space, and velocity, is Galilean in nature and excludes undefined mathematical terms of division by zero. Nature does not have these terms, it always has it’s steady state and dynamic solutions for its current state of being. What we see today is a product of previous events. We have been told since 1905 that the physical limit to information exchange is c. Stephen Crothers has falsified special and general relativity. It was hard for me to leave relativity behind and think differently. I have discovered that space and time are related for moving and stationary Observers. The relationship of multiplying the velocity of the source by time to establish the distance traveled does not require warping of space or time. To have any exchange of information, energy etc., the participants must have an observable relationship. Now when information is exchanged I believe we are delving into the realm of dynamics which I am beginning to contemplate. I have also left out moving charges on purpose because to have moving charges you must have an event that creates them in (+) and (-) pairs. This implies acceleration which is out of scope for this work.
I ask how can we see from such vast distances across the universe all around us? Could it be that at the cosmological beginning Light entered space at extreme velocities above the Extinction Shift velocity of c? This light with its tremendous energies and carried momentum could have converted into plasmoidal waters moving at hyper light speeds since it had empty space to move around in. Local groups of particles moving with local relative velocities near c would not be an issue. These local groups could still have enormous velocities in excess of c since these local groups are not crashing into other groups. Birkland currents could keep these enormous structures linked while moving matter is being transformed into conductive gases and various types of solids, stars, planets, galaxies, etc. The structure pivot points would transfer energy from one link to another as their physical angles changed. The structure spatial relationships could be moving through space similar to that of a Hoberman Sphere, or a large number of similar structures. These are just ideas I have on how what we see could be very young and dynamic.
The mainstream proponents of relativity would like for us to believe that what we see has to be very old since it takes light so long to travel to us to make their math and theory work they have to invent all kinds of non-physical entities for example black holes. Plasma cosmologists work in the lab and scale their physical entities, current, voltage, masses, etc. up to extrapolate what is possible in the real universe. What I propose modifies the concept that the Electric Universe must be eternal since it must take a long time to make what we observe. What we observe in the laboratory is local and limited by the Extinction Shift Principle if the original velocity of light was at extreme velocities above c the game is changed. These assumptions are now being challenged and I need help in exploring and developing the more complicated aspect of dynamics or exchange of information between the Signal Source and Observer. This is where Kepler’s law for the photon might be helpful.


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