The Schumann Resonance

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by mague » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:14 pm

kevin wrote:Lizzie,
I have had many personal experiences of moving about as such in this hologram.
The best clue of what is occuring was provided strangely by a herd of deer.
I had treked up a hill to a place where some megalithic stones are, and where I can say with confidence that a major mainframe meeting point on the lattice I detect exists.
I sat myself down precisely on this point and thought, I was wishing that I could watch the people who built the site actually building it.
Zap, I was watching them, it was amazing, it was a bit black and white and fuzzy, but I was clearly observing without been there, the best bit was watching them using water to wash away a hillside and thus extract the quartz and seperate the chalk from the topsoil.
I haven't a clue how long that went on for, but I suddenly snapped back and was face to face with a herd of deer.
I will never foget the look on the big one sort of leading them, both he and myself i am certain thought the self same thing, WTF.
They took off like rockets, amazing how they defy gravity, really amazing?????????
Later as my dowsing of humans improved, I could sp-eculate what occured, I consider that my body was left on tickover, but the real me went on a wander.
The drug DMT would seem to me to be involved, and it may be that I am able to produce this other than when asleep, but i need to be relaxed and positioned precisely, luckily I can position myself with ease, the relaxing is more difficult.

the deer coming within six feet of me must mean their sensors didn't detect myself, scent wise I must have been downwind, but I reckon they can detect whatever just as i can, just a whole lot better than I can, they have better antennae( antlers)

Everything has a sort of recognisable signal, I am re-learning fast how to modulate about these and recognise whatever I think of, it makes sense for a solid medium to exist that all of these signals travel about within.
ALL is ONE, litterally, not new age waffle, all of time and dimensions exist in that one, it's brilliant , but different.
Life , but not as we know it.

Kevin you are quite close to natures idea about space and time :)

The deer didnt think WTF. They came to wake you up and pulled you out with their powerful escape sequence.
I had a similar experience with deer a few years ago.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by mague » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:27 pm

nick c wrote:hi kevin,
If movement is a hallucination, it is a pretty convincing one ;)

A wise man once said, and I can't remember who, so I'll have to paraphrase:
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, does not go away"
So for all practical purposes if I stop believing in movement, it is still there, and I have to deal with it everyday :lol:

nick c
Kevin knows...

John Carmack, pioneer of VR software algorythm development, said: Reality is 30 million triangles per second

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by Orlando » Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:55 pm

30 million per second?

Is that a real second or the just a second that I reply to my wife to change the baby?

Teach me a fact and I'll learn; Tell me the truth and I'll Believe;
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by flyingcloud » Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:48 pm

mague wrote:The deer didnt think WTF. They came to wake you up and pulled you out with their powerful escape sequence.
I had a similar experience with deer a few years ago.
I've noticed/recognized these events once in a while.

They are the guardians, the keepers
they are the orderlies who patrol
tha hallways between my room
and the outside existence

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by mague » Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:41 pm

flyingcloud wrote:
mague wrote:The deer didnt think WTF. They came to wake you up and pulled you out with their powerful escape sequence.
I had a similar experience with deer a few years ago.
I've noticed/recognized these events once in a while.

They are the guardians, the keepers
they are the orderlies who patrol
tha hallways between my room
and the outside existence
Nice said.

I think SETI should stop to search for intelligent life and start to search for sensitive life. Our planet is crowded by it ;)


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:42 pm

kevin wrote: I have had many personal experiences of moving about as such in this hologram. The drug DMT would seem to me to be involved, and it may be that I am able to produce this other than when asleep, but I need to be relaxed and positioned precisely, luckily I can position myself with ease, the relaxing is more difficult.
You needed to be relaxed (focused or in resonance with) and aligned precisely with energy nodular point on the lattice grid?

Please see below:
The Tree is the cosmic pillar around which the entire universe was thought to revolve. This World Tree was often shown in Indian folk art as a great tree crowned with the Pole Star, which is called Dhruva.

To the rational mind, this idea of the Pole Star as an external tree strikes us as a kind of nonsense. Yet in an experiment conducted by Dr. Jonathan Shear of Maharishi University in the late 1970’s, we find that this tree embodies a strange kind of truth.

The experiment centered on a sutra in part three of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra that states that “by performing samyana on the Dhruva, the Pole Star, one gains knowledge of the motion of the stars.” Samyana is a deep state of rapport that allows for an actual transfer of energy or information with whatever one is focusing on, be it an image of a deity or the Pole Star.

In this paper, published in the January 1981 edition of the journal Metaphilosophy Shear reports that he expected his subjects, all skilled meditators, “to perceive the motion of the stars in the context of the heavens as we are accustomed to perceive and think about them. This, however, didn’t happen. The meditators were instructed to do the practice that would induce the state of samyama while holding their focus on the Pole Star. The expectation was that if they received any insights at all into the workings of the Pole Star, it would be in the form of commonly perceived images and concepts.

However, instead of the usual time-lapse sky wheel familiar to us from Life magazine photo spreads, the meditators reported something very different. “The Pole Star is seen (in the meditators’ inner vision) at the end of a long rotating shaft of light. Rays of light come out from the shaft like the ribs of an umbrella. The umbrella-like structure on which the stars are embedded is seen as rotating. The whole experience is described as quite spectatular, blissful, colorful and melodious.” – The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendays – Alchemy and the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges,, Pages 243-244
In classical Raja Yoga, the process of samyama consists of three parts: fixation of attention or concentration on an object of meditation (dharana); witnessing of contents of consciousness or contemplation (dhyana); and absorption into the object of meditation (samadhi).

In attentional focus meditation, the experience of consciousness in the here and now, the fiery point of concentration is central. In a content focus meditation, the material that arises as a result of contemplation of the subconscious and Superconscious mind is primary. In an energy focus, directing or becoming passively absorbed in the life force (prana or chi) is emphasized.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:55 pm

Hi Lizzie,
You are an absolute star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The thing about meditating on the World Tree: I read that a couple of years ago and have been looking for it for the last 12 months. I had no idea where I had read it. I've turned my Favourites inside out, I've googled till my eyes fell out.....
Have a cyber-hug from me. In fact have as many as you like.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by kevin » Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:10 am

You have a wonderfull knack of hitting the right notes, wherever this thread goes , you seem at one with it.
To see things in that way is to KNOW, but you know things outside of the accepted, to then describe what all others can'r see or contemplate within a system that is veiled against knowing is difficult and frustrating.
I see a central focus point where spiral pressure eminates from, it rebounds back towards itself creating pinch points where the stars are created, thus the stars are not generating but recieving, then locally distributing into their own local fractal self similer system as the whole.
Which is what You do, so I agree, you are a star( hope you haven't too many spots?)

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:00 am

Lizzie is my shining star too. Without her acute insight and empathy, I'd be the lonliest person on earth.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:36 am

Kevin said: I see a central focus point where spiral pressure eminates from, it rebounds back towards itself creating pinch points where the stars are created, thus the stars are not generating but recieving, then locally distributing into their own local fractal self similer system as the whole.

Which is what You do, so I agree, you are a star (hope you haven't too many spots?)
It’s all a matter of synchronicity. If you had not described the experience, I would not have understood the concept of samyama. Most of the time I don’t have to search for answers; I just do a google search for "whatever" and the answers pop up in most unexpected places. (I think the Universe wants us to have this information.) Often I am able to find information that helps to explain some of your experiences so that we cal all better understand them. And most of my insights have come from you, Junglelord and Soulsurvivor; oh, and there is a Flyingcloud out there, too. The most "unique perspectives", of course, belong to Mague -- the shaman's viewpoint. ;)

P.S. I’m a main sequence star like Sirius -- the perfect crystal as long as I remain in my "station." :D

The medium of space surrounding the cosmic bodies is in continuity with each particle of matter constituting these bodies, and rotates as a vortex that imparts angular momentum to them, thus causing their axial rotation (excluding those that do not rotate axially) and, further, the orbital motion of the bodies is also caused by the motion of the medium of space;; this conclusion was reached in the recent article “ On Planetary Motion caused by Solar Space Vortex”[1]. :D

Supposing that a certain volume of space does not contain any field like gravity field or electromagnetic field, then, this volume will be defined by the contemporary physics as an empty extension of void-ness or nothing-ness. However, contrary to this modern concept on the basic nature of space, the postulates of Space Vortex Theory (SVT) [2], assign the medium of space with non-material properties like, zero-viscosity, incompressibility, continuity, and mass less-ness.

The other postulate is that the space can flow at any speed up to a maximum speed of light; and it is this property that is utilized as a physical process for the creation of the fundamental particle of matter, identified in SVT as electron.(The present physics of elementary particles does not recognize electron as the only fundamental particle. Whereas, as per SVT, if any stable particle with mass and charge less than those of electron is ever found, then all the conclusions of SVT are to be taken as incorrect). The structure of electron is shown (Fig.1 and Fig.2) as a space-vortex with a central spherical- void, which does not possess within it any energy field. Basic equations on the properties of mass and charge (exhibited by electron) are derived from the vortex-structure of electron (Fig1), wherein it is seen that the dimensions for the electron’s mass and charge, in CGS unit, are cm 4 /s and cm 3 /s respectively. The other new relationship is : gram = 7.8 x 10 6 cm 4 / s.

Sunya is not simply a void. It is that void which voids all voids. Sunya is the ultimate reality’. [1]
Sunya is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning ‘Zero.’ This last decade, has seen many books written and published about the Zero – but mainly with emphasis given to its deeper numerical and mathematical meaning. One book in particular entitled, Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife, presents some very interesting ideas. Here’s a few lines from the dust jacket:

‘Today it’s a timebomb ticking in the heart of astrophysics. Zero [Seife’s book] follows the number zero from its birth as an Eastern philosophical concept to its struggle for acceptance in Europe and its apotheosis as the mystery of a black hole.’ [2]

The significance this has for me is that after an experience I had in 1993, one of the insights that came to me as a result, was that the theory of black holes in astrophysics is directly related to the mystery of consciousness. I could see that our western conception of the 'black hole' is also related to the transcendental void of eastern mysticism; the numerical zero, the limitless energy of the vacuum known as zero-point energy, the theory of non-locality, as well as the Collective Unconscious of Carl Jung. After my experience, although I became passionately interested in many subjects, I was particularly drawn to studying ancient Egyptian history. In essence, I found that all these concepts that had become connected to this 'holistic picture' that was slowly developing in my mind, were already combined in the ancient Egyptian conception of the Duat ('Underworld') or what they called Amenta, which itself was based on shamanic experiences and the universal cosmology that came as a result. Indeed we find that many of our imagined descriptions of the predicted phenomena associated with 'black holes' in outer space, is in essence similar to what the shaman and Near-Death experiencers describe when trying to convey their own internal experiences in which one feels as if he or she is being drawn into or through a 'black vortex' or 'dark tunnel' to reach the 'otherworld'. Firstly, let’s take a look at zero-point energy (ZPE) and the concept of 'Non-locality'.

We know that everything in reality is 'localised' - i.e., has its own place - a coordinate in time and space.
In everyday life, of course, locality is a given. You're over there, I'm over here; neither of us is anywhere else. Even in Einstein's theory of relativity, where distances and timescales can change depending on an observer's reference frame, an object's location in space-time is precisely defined. [5]

However, not everything is as it seems or appears. Physicists are now talking about the 'non-local connection' - again, what they see as an underlying "field" - an almost indescribable 'non-place' or 'non-time/non-space' - external to all physical laws, and outside or beyond our reality - where all the information about the objects we see located in space and time is stored. Indeed if all the information (raw data) about everything in reality - and this means us and all matter, from the macrocosm of galaxies and quasars to the microcosm of elementary particles, is superimposed or fused together within the 'non-local' - then we can see how everything is really - invisibly - connected. ;)

The ancients also conceptualised this 'non-place' where everything is connected, and had a name for it . . . the Void. :D


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:01 pm

What is Subtle Energy
Several scientists in the United States (Tiller, Bearden, Rein, Putoff, Green, and Srinivasan) have studied SE and its effects. Though each has developed his own nuanced theory of SE, in general they all tend to concur that SE phenomena is related to a type of unified energy, and is not just a physical field of very low magnitude.

Contemporary quantum physics has mathematically described and predicted the presence of a unified energy which underlies conventional transverse electromagnetic (EM) vectors. The concept of a subtle energy underlying EM fields was first introduced by Bohm and Aharonov in describing quantum potentials as an implicate order "embedded in" our normal 3-D space. It has recently been proposed that an additional implicate order is embedded within the quantum potentials.

This higher-dimensional space is composed of an energy, which has been called time-reversed waves, non-Hertzian waves, longitudinal waves, scalar waves, or zero-point energy.

Subtle Energy fields might be a fundamental manifestation of energy that underlies classical energy systems.

The manifestation of elementary particles from this vacuum and their disappearance proceeds continuously and is postulated as the basis for the formation of the universe as we know it. At the level of ZPF, Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is converted into matter and matter falls back into this ocean of ZPE.

How is this ZPE connected with SE? It is likely that as particles are formed from vacuum there are associated radiations. As particles emerge and disappear, these radiations also appear and disappear.

It is likely, then, if SE fields are focused, they can be brought out from the Zero Point Energy itself. As SE fields emerge out of ZPE, they may be beyond; however, after transduction, they seem to manifest as quasi-physical energies. Or they directly influence the behavior of classical field phenomena. After such a change in energy format, SE fields become 'useful' and take part in energy interactions with physical fields such as electromagnetic and acoustic.

Prof. Tiller has proposed that magnetic vector potentials are the means by which energy exchanges occur between subtle energy fields and the physical world of electromagnetics. It is likely that the energy generated through magnetic vector potentials from the fundamental ZPF is 'pure', and can influence fields and matter around it through resonance effects. Thus, resonance and coherence are two important aspects of SE fields.

Tiller summarizes the four ways subtle energy can relate to and influence classical electromagnetic phenomena:

(1) Subtle energy may directly influence the ordering of fundamental magnetic properties, which would regulate the fundamental magnetic behavior of all electromagnetic fields in the range of the subtle energy device.

(2) Subtle energy may be related to magnetic vectors, such that the vectors serve as the media whereby the properties of subtle energy are able to impact electromagnetic phenomena.

(3) Subtle energy may be the rarefied form of magnetic vectors, or one and the same phenomena.

(4) Other properties of subtle energy may exist that impact sub-atomic particle phenomena through quantum field interactions, and thus they would indirectly influence forces such as magnetic phenomena.

If the magnetic vector were used as a medium or vehicle to store and transport and disseminate this energy, it would carry the new magnetic value to the electromagnetic phenomena in the environment, most likely through the mechanism of resonance. The same result would occur if the magnetic vectors were physical attributes of non-physical subtle energies, as if they were the flip side of the same coin.

Because electromagnetic radiation is composed of both an electric component and a magnetic component, the electric component will be always be directly affected by magnetic shifts. This is based on the principles of magnetics, where magnetic fields influence charged particles in motion such as photons, the carriers of electromagnetic force.


Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:22 am

In the higher dimensions, it’s a magneto-electric universe. In 3D it’s the electromagnetic universe.

Dogon Cosmology, Sirius, and Hydrogen Astrophysics ... 30509bb63d
The Dogon actually say that there are three major stars in the Sirius system: Po Tolo (Sirius B), Sigi Tolo (Sirius A), and Emma Ya Tolo (Sirius C).

Po Tolo (Sirius B) is the oldest of stars, and its name means 'deep beginning'. It is a twin of the Po - the Black hole (vortex?) at the center of the galaxy. The Dogon consider Po Tolo the reservoir and source of all things in this realm, and the germ of creation for our Solar System. They say it is the smallest, yet heaviest of celestial objects, and that it ejects it essence out into creation by its fast spinning. The particles of its essence are 'infinitely small'.

Moreover, Griaule says in the Pale Fox:

The movement of Po Tolo keeps all other stars in their respective places: in fact, one says that without this movement none of them would "stay in place". Po Tolo forces them to keep their trajectory…One calls it the "pillar of the stars"…. Po Tolo is the axis of the entire world…

Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sirius B is a very old green dwarf star that has completed the cycle of regular star life. Sirius B ejected its outer atmosphere into space ages ago. Its interior has transformed from gaseous hydrogen plasma to a solid ionized hydrogen crystal. Once about the size of the Sun, it is now condensed to the size of the earth.

As a twin of the Po (Galactic Center?), Po Tolo (Sirius B) is a star that has many of the qualities of a Black Hole. Dwarfs are 'Black stars' (brown dwarf magnetars?) in that they have low luminosity (they do not shine bright). They do emit considerable UV radiation, however. Their primary energy is not nuclear-thermal, but piezoelectric (ionic energy due to gravitational pressure)(1). Dwarfs have electromagnetic fields that are stronger and a billion times larger than regular stars. They rotate incredibly fast, and circulate their particles for several thousand light-years.

Dwarfs are very heavy and their weight bends (warps) time and space considerable. Thus, dwarf stars have great influence on the organization of orbits and cycles of neighboring stars and planetary systems. Without a doubt, the cycles, orbits, and rotations of our Solar system are defined and governed by Sirius B.

Emma Ya Tolo (Sirius C) is the female twin of the Po (Galactic Center?) The Dogon say that she is the 'Mother of Cereal Grains' and the 'Guardian of the Feminine Essence'. (Isis/Ceres/Virgin of the World?) She appears to correspond to the Kemetic Goddess Auset. The Dogon say the Emma Ya Tolo (Sirius C) is invisible and undetectable (the “Dark Mother”?) She is the Great Mystery, the sacred seed of the feminine principle of womanhood and motherhood that Amma placed totally out of the reach of Ogo. To date, modern astronomers have not been able to observe or confirm the presence of Sirius C.

To the Dogon, Sigi Tolo (Sirius A) is the youngest star to come out of Amma's womb. The Dogon consider it is the celestial testament of the sacrifice of the Nommo Semi. They say the life force of the emasculated Nommo Semi drains through Sigi Tolo. However, the life force of Sigi Tolo impregnated Po Tolo, giving it the force needed to reorganize heaven and earth. Also, the life force falls on Ogo's placenta (our Sun and Earth), purifying it as well.

Modern astrophysics shows that indeed, Sigi Tolo - Sirius A - is a young, type A blue star. It is 'emasculated' in that it is not burning its own hydrogen. It is 'sacrificing' its hydrogen by feeding it to Sirius B. In a binary star system of a dwarf and regular star, the gravitational pull of the dwarf often siphons off the hydrogen essence of the regular star. The hydrogen is sucked into the dwarf and then ejected out into space by the fast rotation. This is the relationship between Sirius A & B. The hydrogen essence of Sirius A is feeding Sirius B. Po Tolo is taking the hydrogen essence of Sigi Tolo and using the energy to renew the Sirius system and our own planetary system.

Sirius and the Celestial Waters

The Dogon also say that the hydrogen essence (Nyama) of Sigi Tolo falls like 'cords of rain' to purify the earth. In other words, the hydrogen essence of Sirius A:

• Is ciphoned off from Sirius A by the gravitational pull of Sirius B;

• As it falls toward Sirius B, the hydrogen essence of Sirius A is thrown off of Po Tolo because of its incredibly fast rotation.

• The hydrogen essence of Sirius A gets hurled into space. It streams into the heavens following the celestial landscape created by the strong gravitational fields of Sirius B.

• The gravitational fields of Sirius B lead a stream of Sigi Tolo's nyama to our planetary system.

The Dogon say that this stream of ionized hydrogen from the Sirius system is purifying to the Sun and planet Earth (the 2012 galactic alignment?) This force is the 'Reorganizer of the World', that will bring about a New Order in the world established by Amma and not by Ogo. This sacred energy is Eloptic Black Light.(2) It is the 'Electric light' that associates with gravitational fields (it follows Sirius B's gravitational fields to Earth) and resonates in affinity with Hue-man alpha-wave thoughts. Earth is about to encounter this stream, the question is when.

As stated, the Sirius star system and the constellation Aquarius are on the same plane of heaven - about 15 degrees below the celestial equator. As the Earth moves into the Aquarian age, she will also come into alignment with the Sirius star system. When the Earth and Sirius align, the great conjunction Taba Tolo - The Re-uniting of the Twin Placentas -is going to occur. The Black Light of the Sirius system will cascade down upon the planet. For the children of Ogo, the Pale Fox, it will be like Sekmet raining down a fiery judgement to the point that she becomes intoxicated with the blood of countless wicked. She becomes so consumed with the taste of death that she does not stop until all of the rebellious souls are slaughtered. This is Iu-su the Water Born Saviour opening up the Heavens to bring the celestial daughter out of the chaos and drown out the light of the self-willed One.

For those Hue-mans who are harmoniously in tune with the heavens and earth, this 'sky juice' of Menat will nourish their mind/body/spirit complex, giving them the strength they need to healthfully transform into citizens of the Aquarian age. To those who are not in tune with the divine order established by Amma through Po Tolo, this cosmic radiation will be like brimstone and fire falling from the sky, burning up the wicked and unrighteous. There will be no where to run, no where to hide. THE JUDGEMENT OF CELESTIAL FIRE IS AT HAND!!!
Mother Nature’s Crystal Alchemy – Pyroelectric fusion and Superlight

(1) Pyroelectric fusion (“cold fusion”) – the “inner fire” ... 885#p22882 ... 780#p20811 ... 795#p21123

(2) S U P E R L I G H T (Black Light) - ONE SOURCE, ONE FORCE
Since 1963 I have been growing single crystal fibers called "whiskers". My first company was called Thermokenetic Fibers (1963-68), the World's first commercial source of whisker material. What are whiskers? They are high purity single crystals grown in or on one axis so that they form a fiber material. We grow these by what is known as the VLS process, which stands for Vapor, Liquid, and Solid. When frost forms on your window, it is a vapor–solid crystal growth process. When ice forms in a pond, it is a liquid–solid crystal growth process. Our process is different from these two.

By changing the chemistry of the feed gas, and catalyst, fiber-crystals of almost any kind of material can be grown. Metals such as iron, gold, silver, cadmium and ceramics such as SiC, Si3N4, sapphire, boron carbide, graphite have been grown as crystal-fibers or whiskers as known in the trade. The literature gives over 60 different elements or compounds that have been grown as whiskers.

In our process, the feed material is a vapor, in gaseous form, a liquid is the catalyst, and the final crystal being grown is the solid. For example, when we are growing silicon carbide the vapor feed contains a carbon bearing gas methane (basically natural gas) and silicon bearing gas, silicon monoxide. The catalyst is a metal material like iron alloys or stainless steel in a fine powdered form. At high temperature e.g. 1400°C – 2561°F, the metal catalyst melts and dissolves some of the carbon and silicon from the gas stream.

Soon the liquid metal reaches saturation of silicon and carbon in solution and begins to precipitate out SiC crystals against the substrate. As the crystal grows, it lifts the liquid catalyst up and a fiber crystal is formed. A longer time in the furnace produces a longer fiber. The diameter of the catalyst controls the diameter of the fiber. Fine metal catalyst powders produce fine fibers and larger diameter catalyst produce larger diameter fibers or rod–like crystals.

Currently, I am working on a DOE contract to produce hafnium carbide filaments for the development of a new light bulb that will last longer, give more natural spectrum of light and be more energy efficient. Later in this paper, I will describe how this work of making single crystal fibers available, will tie into the capture or harnessing of SuperLight.


SuperLight is magnetic light; it is magneto–electric radiation.

Regular light is electric light or electro–magnetic radiation. There is parity or symmetry the Universe, everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron. Why not light?

Both science and metaphysics have honored this parity law in all things except light. They are wrong. There is parity in light as well !
I will now explain and give you more detail.

SuperLight is the unseen force in nature that has been ignored by science but real to the mystics and metaphysicians for thousands of years. It has been given different names by different cultures for thousands of years.

A Nuous, Chi, Biomagnetic Energy, Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy, Tesler's Free Earth Energy, Animal Magnetism, Space Energy, Vacuum Energy, and Zero Point Energy, etc. Those who have subtle perception know it is real.

SuperLight was identified scientifically over 100 years ago when James Clerk Maxwell solved his famous wave equation. This occurred shortly after radio was invented by Nikola Tesla, and theoretical physicists tried to find a mathematical model to explain radio waves. When using positive numbers in Maxwell's Equations this explains radio waves and also all forms of electro–magnetic radiation such as light, radio, TV, microwaves, x–rays, etc. What his equation also explains 100 years ago was SuperLight but because it was the solution that comes from the use of negative numbers, "this second solution" was ignored for over 100 years. Remember when you were taught algebra and were told to ignore imaginary numbers (e.g. the square root of –1) because they have no meaning in this world. Well, times have changed and now we have a very valid second solution to Maxwell's equation and it is SuperLight.

In the mid 70's a scientist, Dr. William Tiller, at Stanford University took another look at Maxwell's equation and asked; "What does this second solution explain when interpreted in our world."{1}

To understand this second solution, we must first review what the first or positive solution explains. The first solution is as follows: Radio waves leave the antenna and radiate out into space from a point source (the antenna) equally in all directions into space toward infinity traveling at the speed of light. The wave is composed of a large electrical component and a small magnetic component 90 degrees to the electrical component. Thus named, electro–magnetic radiation

The second solution describes a particle wave of just the opposite structure. It explains that from infinity traveling toward the point source from all directions radiates SuperLight. This new radiation is composed of a large magnetic component and a small electrical component, thus the name, magneto–electric radiation. When the equations are looked at more closely, one finds that "SuperLight" travels at the speed of light squared ! 1020 meters per second, or 10 billion times faster than light.
Sirius A = Isis
Sirius B = Osiris
Sirius C – Isis/Nephthys (Virgin Mary?)
Horus – Remnant of Sirius B
Jesus – the Black Stone, the Cornerstone, the “Stone that Fell from Heaven” (Remnant of Sirius C - Nommos spaceship?)
The next of the three groupings reinforces the impression. Here we are met with three narrative images, symbolic stories balanced on that fine line between history and mythology. There is a core of reality to these tales, even when we are aware of their mythological elements. But on the surface, there is nothing to connect the love story of Tristan and Isolde with the ancient Greek legend of the Golden Fleece, and both seemingly have nothing in common with the Christian legend of Saint Christopher and [highlight[the very heavy Christ child.[/;highlight] And yet Fulcanelli presents the simple but overwhelming evidence from their own houses that these masters of the subtle art, the green language itself, placed the utmost importance on these three myths. – "The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye – Alchemy and the End of Time" by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, page 276-77.

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by junglelord » Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:53 am

lizzie wrote:In the higher dimensions, it’s a magneto-electric universe. In 3D it’s the electromagnetic universe.
Exactly thats why aether is a rotating magnetic field with a quantum spin of 2 in which forward and reverse time exists as well as the present.
If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.
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Casting Out the Nines from PHI into Indigs reveals the Cosmic Harmonic Code.
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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:58 pm

Dogon Cosmology, Sirius, and Hydrogen Astrophysics

Well, I hope some of those ideas are wrong, they don't fit MY view of the way things are! There is still a reliance on gravity, and a standard solar evolution. I'll stick with my EM sun, for now.
The crystal, yes, it does fit my picture, though the crystal latice shape might have to be from hydrogen in a different phase, to produce the shape I believe exists there. I suspect JL knows what shape I think the crystal would be, maybe you too lizzie?
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: The Schumann Resonance

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:48 pm

The next of the three groupings reinforces the impression. Here we are met with three narrative images, symbolic stories balanced on that fine line between history and mythology. There is a core of reality to these tales, even when we are aware of their mythological elements. But on the surface, there is nothing to connect the love story of Tristan and Isolde with the ancient Greek legend of the Golden Fleece, and both seemingly have nothing in common with the Christian legend of Saint Christopher and the very heavy Christ child. And yet Fulcanelli presents the simple but overwhelming evidence from their own houses that these masters of the subtle art, the green language itself, placed the utmost importance on these three myths. – "The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye – Alchemy and the End of Time" by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, page 276-77.
I don't have access to my copy of this book at the moment so I don't know what the author's conclusion was. My top-of-the-head thoughts are that all three involve the crossing of water; St Christopher carries the Christ-child on his shoulders (i.e. it's his own head); Tristan and Isolde are joined at the heart (i.e. she is his soul); Jason is seeking a Golden Fleece (i.e. a shining skin). Ergo all three are about alchemical transformation, enlightenment, illumination, gnosis or whatever one wants to call it.

Where was the stuff about the Dogon from? It's the usual rubbish wherever it may be.
There is no judgement and you will not see celestial fire, certainly not in the physical realm.

And, as for this nonsense:
There is parity or symmetry the Universe, everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron.
There is harmony in the Universe. Harmony does not necessarily equate to symmetry. The Universe works in threes not twos. The opposites are not 'mirror-images, they are two ends of the same stick, to use a better metaphor. It's yin not ying and it should be left and right.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.


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