Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri May 08, 2009 5:06 pm

* I suggested initially in this thread that the breakup of the supercontinent occurred about 2300 BC at about the time of the Great Flood. Today's TPOD ... 8dots2.htm suggests that the planets were aligned all in the same sign of the zodiac around 3100 BC. It'll be interesting to see if either or both of those dates pan out.

Joe Keenan
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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by Joe Keenan » Fri May 08, 2009 6:55 pm

If the top of South America traveled 3200 miles in 26 hours this means in was moving at an average of 150 MPH!

If the bottom of South America traveled 4100 miles in 26 hours this means in was moving at an average of 170 MPH!

In reality top speed was much higher, there must of been a long time accelerating and decelerating, so..... the American continent sped across the world at 350 - 400 miles an hour? :shock:

Pretty hard to believe!

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri May 08, 2009 7:07 pm

* If you go to the first parts of this thread, we discussed it in more detail. But the site itself has good explanations for how it was possible to have such high speed: . The "impact" would have imparted the velocity to each piece of the supercontinent. The Mojo layer under the continents has been proposed to be plasma, which would provide a nearly frictionless surface on which to ride. The pieces may have ridden on a shock wave, like a surfer on an ocean wave. Also, the pieces [my own idea just now] may have been like magnets repelling each other initially. Think of a piece of ice sliding across a smooth ice-covered lake. Once the piece is thrown at high speed, there's so little friction that it slides a long way. We discussed this earlier here.

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:42 pm

* Continental Sliding before or after the Great Flood; that is the question.
* Initially I suggested on this thread that the supercontinent broke apart and the continents slid to their present positions in a day or so, but there were no oceans until after the flood. Electrical forces via megalightning broke the supercontinent apart and electrical repulsive forces in the Mojo plasma layer under the continents allowed the continents to slide with very little friction. Then electrical forces carved out the sides and tops of the continents to form canyons, mountains etc. Then the plasma column at the North Pole collapsed and released the waters of the Great Flood, which laid down sediment rocks over much of the Earth.
* But I just happened to think moments ago that, if that were true, there should be lots of sedimentary rock strata on the ocean floors, just like there are on the continents. But there's almost no sedimentary rocks there. So it seems that perhaps the Great Flood occurred before the ocean basins were formed.
* This complicates things a little too much for me to ponder clearly for now. Hopefully, I or anyone else will come up with a complete picture. Or has Cardona already done so?

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by flyingcloud » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:13 pm

African Desert Rift Confirmed As New Ocean In The Making ... 172037.htm
The new study, published in the latest issue of Geophysical Research Letters, suggests that the highly active volcanic boundaries along the edges of tectonic ocean plates may suddenly break apart in large sections, instead of little by little as has been predominantly believed.

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by katesisco » Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:56 pm

So good to see this site discussed; have you noticed that Mike plainly shows the OLD FRACTURE currently being overrun by NA? Count the mid-ocean ridge zone as the NEW FRACTURE. You may recall that Ice Ball Earth proposed several ancient ice ball earths, with the coming together with the continental masses on the equator. The author of Ice Ball earth says the reason why Pangea did not make earth into an ice ball is that it broke apart too rapidly to make the earth into the ice ball. Well, look where it came from: riven off of the eastern side of Japan/Russia/Asia and whooshed across the sea to arrive at the rest of the land mass but on the western side. Amazing. And then, before it had time to form the prerequisite ice ball, whoosh, back it went, only half way. Both oceans young. What in the world could have caused this enormous expenditure of energy?

Two choices: Earth has a nuclear engine which over heated, twice, in rapid succession, causing an expansion event ala S W Carrey. The Earth spewed twice an ionizing radiation event of unknown cause, resulting in expansion. Japanese scientists have just published Dec 2009 that the old sea (Tethys) closed up 250 mya, just when the Atlantic dates from. Has anybody read Earth, Univrse, Cosmos by S W Carey. Hard to get.

I adhere to the theory that we are the previous intelligent life mentioned in mythology. Much degraded. Almost impossible but one suspects scientists are trying hard to reverse engineer something like the Boskop fossil. Who knows? Mother Nature keeps everything in her junk DNA and never throws anything away.

Consider: where did salt domes miles deep come from? The oceans would have had to dried almost completely. Hidden under the last remaining water, very salty water, would have been the organic life and Viola!! there it is, under the salt, only we call it oil.

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by webolife » Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:53 pm

Could a salt dome be drawn electrically [from salty solution] by some massive discharge phenomenon, without the evaporation of the local ocean?
Truth extends beyond the border of self-limiting science. Free discourse among opposing viewpoints draws the open-minded away from the darkness of inevitable bias and nearer to the light of universal reality.

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by moses » Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:27 pm

webolife wrote:Could a salt dome be drawn electrically [from salty solution] by some massive discharge phenomenon, without the evaporation of the local ocean?
Desalination ++ if it could be done.

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Re: Breakthrough on How Continents Divided

Unread post by Lloyd » Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:22 pm

Could a salt dome be drawn electrically [from salty solution] by some massive discharge phenomenon, without the evaporation of the local ocean?
* Evaporated oceans fits Cardona's model, in which the ocean waters were taken up into the north polar plasma column long ago, then released when the column broke up maybe 5,000 years ago, causing the Great Flood. I'm not sure if it fits Shock Dynamics, i.e. the theory of an impactor breaking up a former supercontinent.
* How deep are the salt domes? I know Kansas has thick salt deposits underground. In doing a brief net search on salt domes, it looks like they tend to occur on land or in shallow ocean, like the Gulf of Mexico. If they occur in the deep ocean, it would be evidence against recent formation of the ocean basins, unless they can be formed electrically, as you question.

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Huge Crater & Canyon on Antarctica

Unread post by Lloyd » Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:58 am

Huge Canyon and Crater in Antarctica
I just emailed Mike Fischer at to see if he has any comments on the following. The canyon was just discovered a few months ago apparently, but isn't as relevant to Mike's theory as the crater discovery should be. The crater was discovered in 2006 or so. The most interesting and relevant statement below is probably that the impact may have broken up the supercontinent. The extinctions and cause of the Siberian traps, flood basalt, are also relevant. Of course, the dating at 250 million years is way wrong. Mike discusses the breakup of the supercontinent at 12,000 years ago, consistent with the Younger Dryas impact, but my thread on Evidence of Ancient Global Cataclysm shows that the breakup likely occurred after the Great Flood, less than 5,000 years ago, which would also be just before the Younger Dryas event. I should add that, though the Antarctic crater is said to be the largest crater known on Earth, it's only about half the size of the one Mike found evidence of north of Madagascar. That's the one that likely broke up the supercontinent.

(Note that this is an old thread that I'm reviving. And one commentator thought Mike's theory of rapid continental drift implies that South America moved at over 400 miles per hour, but I neglected to comment that 150 mph is all that was required, because the Moho plasma layer under the continents was almost frictionless for 90% or more of the duration of the movement.)

World's Largest Canyon Could Be Under Antarctic Ice ... 160113.htm
- Image: ... 13-jpg.jpg
buried under a layer of ice that’s more than a mile deep. The canyon is believed to be more than 621 miles long and in places as much as 3,280 feet deep. ... more than twice as long as the Grand Canyon, which stretches for 277 miles.
- Image: ... 485474.jpg

August 17, 2010 - Antarctica: Site of the Biggest Impact Crater on Earth Revealed
- ... ealed.html
- Image: ... 405970b-pi
- In 2006, NASA gravity and subsurface radar maps revealed a 500-kilometer-wide crater that lies more than a mile beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, created by a 50-kilometer wide object. The gravity measurements suggest that it could date back about 250 million years -- the time of the Permian-Triassic extinction, when almost all animal life on Earth died out.

Permian extinction crater?
- ... rmian.html
- Image: ... ravity.jpg
- The crater, buried beneath a half-mile of ice and discovered by some serious airborne and satellite sleuthing, is more than twice as big as the one involved in the demise of the dinosaurs.
- The crater's location, in the Wilkes Land region of East Antarctica, south of Australia, suggests it might have instigated the breakup of the so-called Gondwana supercontinent, which pushed Australia northward, the researchers said.
- "This Wilkes Land impact is much bigger than the impact that killed the dinosaurs, and probably would have caused catastrophic damage at the time," said Ralph von Frese, a professor of geological sciences at Ohio State University.
- How they found it
- The crater is about 300 miles wide. It was found by looking at differences in density that show up in gravity measurements taken with NASA's GRACE satellites. Researchers spotted a mass concentration, which they call a mascon -- dense stuff that welled up from the mantle, likely in an impact.
- Permian-Triassic extinction, about 251 million years ago.
- Many scientists suspect a comet or asteroid impact, although direct evidence has not been found. Others believe the cause was flood volcanism from the Siberian Traps and related loss of oxygen in the seas. Still others believe the impact triggered the volcanism and also may have done so during the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction. The Permian-Triassic catastrophe was Earth's worst mass extinction, killing 95 percent of all species, 53 percent of marine families, 84 percent of marine genera and an estimated 70 percent of land species such as plants, insects and vertebrate animals.

Can impact events cause widespread volcanic activity on the other side of the planet?
- ... -of-the-pl
- The currently accepted theory for P-T mass extinction is environmental change triggered by the Siberian Traps volcanic activity.
- A paper(1) suggests that the Siberian Traps were caused by a hotspot created after an impact event on what was back then the antipode of Siberia: the Wilkes Land crater.
- Thus, the impact may have triggered the “Great Dying” at the end of the Permian and contributed to the development of the hot spot that produced the Siberian Traps and now may underlie Iceland.
- However, another more recent review paper(2) mostly discredits this theory....
- Conclusion
- Meschede et al. (2) contend that their model indicates that the impact energy is very much insufficient to result in sustained mantle plumes and hotspot volcanic regimes as in the previous models. However, there is still ongoing research about the impact energy contribution to the formation of hotspots and 'traps', particularly for oceanic impacts (3), but this is very much uncertain (2) and unlikely to be the direct cause (4).


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