Electric Weather

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.

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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by Komorikid » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:29 pm

Hapgoood posited from geomagnetic evidence that the poles have occupied four different positions on the globe in the last 80,000 years. His studies concluded that around 80,000 years ago the north pole that was then situated in Alaska shifted to Greenland. Around 50,000 years ago it shifted from Greenland to Hudson Bay and around 15,000 year ago it shifted again to its present position.
The slow drift of the magnetic north pole towards Russia is a re-alignment of the two poles as the magnetic pole moves from its old position in Hudson Bay to catchup with the geographic pole.

The book is actually called "The Path of the Poles". I purchased this book several years ago from Amazon. It makes very interesting reading. Hapgood proposed that the semi-fluid asthenosphere provided the lubrication for the crust to shift when some form of external stress was applied. He thought it could be planetary alignments that could trigger such events. This he theorised would explain the mass extinctions of mega-fauna at the end of the last Ice Age. He believed that rather than there being a global Ice Age there was a polar ice cap situated over parts of Canada, North America and Greenland. When the crust slipped to its new positions massive upheavals were caused. Massive tsunamis and melting ice scoured the earth and dumped millions of tons of debris in places where it cannot be explained, like the mangled trees, bolders and fauna compacted hundreds of feet deep in Canada or marine carcasses at high elevations, even a whale corpse hundreds of miles inland in America.

The snap freezing of mammoths in Siberia with fresh grasses still in their stomachs is also posited by this pole shift which he proposed was almost instantaneous. The South pole was formerly further east of its present location and the Antarctic peninsular was ice free. This he posits was why ancient maps show parts of the peninsular with geographical features without ice.

He suggested the geologists has mistakenly interpreted the evidence of glaciation in northern Europe, UK and Ireland as being part of a single glaciation incorporating north America when it in fact was part of a separated occurrence.

There is quite a lot of speculation involved in Hapgood's theory and it has been derided by many but we saw the same thing with Velikovsky and just like his theory much of it was proved false but some of it was right on the money.
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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by nick c » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:52 pm

hi ofrank,
The move 2012 is base on a real theory that says the earth heats up from with-in. You seem to be saying the same thing, are the two theories related?
Since your post is immediately following mine, I am assuming that the question is addressed to me (?)
I never saw that movie. However, I am not saying that the Earth heats up from within. But that it and all the other planets in our solar system are part of an electric circuit, connected to the Sun, which in turn is connected to a greater galactic circuit. Fluctuations in those electric currents are the source of climate change.


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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by redeye » Fri Apr 23, 2010 12:50 am

The move 2012 is base on a real theory that says the earth heats up from with-in. You seem to be saying the same thing, are the two theories related?
The movie 2012 features an increase in solar activity producing an increase in neutrinos which subsequently heats the Earth from within. This isn't an theory I've ever heard anywhere and it is nonsense, but not nearly as nonsensical as the film which, against all warnings, I watched. The film is about fifteen hours long and depicts the horrific deaths of millions of people as some sort of fairground ride. Emmerich did not want to make this film and boy does it show, it makes The Day After Tomorrow look like Citizen Kane. Also, Stephen Baxter should sue!

I would like to say it is the worst film ever made but I've also seen The Happening.

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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by mharratsc » Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:56 pm

LOL @ Redeye!

You should work as a film critic! You have a real talent for criticism! :lol:
Mike H.

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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by The Great Dog » Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:59 pm

"The Happening"

You mean the one with Anthony Quinn and George Maharis? I guess either that one or the one with Wahlberg would qualify.

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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by webolife » Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:05 pm

Let's talk about a good movie, Frequency, with Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviesel. Sci Fi premise aside, that movie was downright decent, in terms of storyline, acting, and EU content! And is a good candidate for this thread :)
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Did the Ice Ages Ever Exist?

Unread post by Komorikid » Thu May 27, 2010 8:21 pm

If one is to accept the Saturnian Theory of a planet basking in the warming glow of a Red Dwarf Sun which spread its light evenly into that soft purple curtain then how could there have been any Ice Age apart from the one created when it was ejected into its new environment with a new Yellow Sun as its master.

How can the ice core record be a genuine proxy for hundreds of thousands of years of glacial>interglacial>glacial sequences of history if the Earth within a Saturnian environment would have has no glaciation as a result of even distribution of radiant energy over its entire surface.

If indeed we were once formerly a planet of a Red Dwarf encompassed by the purple light of dawn - a day without night as we know it. Perhaps this is explains our primeval fear of the dark. In our not too distant past the dark as we know it never existed.
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Re: Did the Ice Ages Ever Exist?

Unread post by The Great Dog » Thu May 27, 2010 9:11 pm

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Re: Did the Ice Ages Ever Exist?

Unread post by Komorikid » Fri May 28, 2010 4:14 am

The Pleistocene incorporates a fairly substantial period of time Canis Maximus. Around two million years to be exact.

I seriously doubt those proposing a Red Dwarf/Saturn gestation of the Earth/Mars/MoonVenus/Mercury are talking as far back as that.

At the most they all hint at Earth et al being ejected from Saturn with in the last 12,000 years.
If this is the case then the glaciation was almost instant as frozen mammoths in Siberia seem to indicate.
So the ice caps on Greenland and Antarctica are very recent and have been growing since the planet finally settled into its present orbit with its current axial tilt.

The evidence for this is sporadic but the Vikings farmed Greenland during the Medieval Optimum and there is evidence that large parts of it were ice free prior to their arrival. There is also evidence that parts of Antarctica were also ice free not very long ago.

Charles Hapgood cataloged several ancient maritime maps that show as much. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings is most enlightening as to the geography of what was at the time (medieval period) uncharted territory - only it wasn't uncharted at all.
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Re: Did the Ice Ages Ever Exist?

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri May 28, 2010 4:58 am

* The Great Dog was saying that Saturn was not a red dwarf, but a brown dwarf, which apparently means it was a smaller star than what a red dwarf would be.
* This site, http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjec ... ypes.shtml, says as follows.
A red dwarf is a small, cool, very faint, main sequence star whose surface temperature is under about 4,000 K. Red dwarfs are the most common type of star. Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf.
A brown dwarf is a "star" whose mass is too small to have nuclear fusion occur at its core (the temperature and pressure at its core are insufficient for fusion) [EU theory says no stars are fueled by fusion, but are fueled instead by galactic electric currents - LK]. A brown dwarf is not very luminous. It is usually regarded as having a mass between 10^28 kg and 84 x 10^28 [kg].
* Brown dwarfs are probably much more numerous than red dwarfs, but are too faint to detect, for the most part.
* This site, http://nfsi-server.yerkes.uchicago.edu/ ... /page2.htm, says the mass of Saturn is currently 6.58 x 10^26 kg. And EU theory suggests that it may have been much more massive before it entered the solar system, but it also suggests that electrical conditions make it impossible to determine true masses of stars and planets, at least so far.
* The TPOD cited by the Great Dog shows that the "ice age" apparently existed under the auroral ring/s, not elsewhere.
* Here's some more info about brown dwarfs etc.
http://www.universetoday.com/2008/04/15 ... discovered
Brown dwarfs are the link between massive planets and small stars. They have an upper limit of about 80 Jupiter masses, but are not massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion in their core [nonsense]. They do however experience convection from the interior to the surface [more nonsense]. The confusion arises when trying to find the lower limit of brown dwarf size, at what mass does the gas giant planet start being a brown dwarf star? This gray area is thought to be characterized by an entirely new stellar type: Y-class dwarfs. Until now Y-class dwarfs have been very elusive and have only existed in theory.
- Astronomers using near-infrared and infrared instruments at the Canada France Hawaii and Gemini North telescopes and the European Southern Observatory in Chile have discovered a Y-class dwarf, bringing this strange failed star from theory and into reality. What's more, it's in our cosmic neighbourhood, only 40 light-years from Earth [9 times as far as the 2nd nearest star, alpha Centauri]. This brown dwarf has been unglamorously named "CFBDS0059", but I would have called it something like "The Dark Star" or "The Death Star", as it is so dim and its surface temperature is approximately the same as the surface temperature of the planet Mercury (but much cooler than the surface temperature of Venus). As it is so cool, it isn't very luminescent and only radiates in the near-infrared wavelengths (it's not even as hot as a standard electric stove element), requiring specialist equipment to detect it. As it turns out, CFBDS0059 is small, only 15-30 times the mass of Jupiter, fulfilling the lower mass limit of brown dwarf stars and will be known as the first Y-class dwarf to be observed.
- But what is the indicator that a Y-class brown dwarf has been observed? Using spectrometers, astronomers have been able to see the constituent compounds making up the brown dwarf's atmosphere. Should ammonia be discovered, it's a pretty sure sign that a Y-class dwarf has been found.
- "We are starting to see a little hint of ammonia absorption." Loic Albert (stellar researcher) of the Canada France Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii, commenting on CFBDS0059.

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Re: Did the Ice Ages Ever Exist?

Unread post by Komorikid » Fri May 28, 2010 5:39 am

Red, Brown whatever. I stand corrected.
The issue is if ice ages existed not the proposed colour of Saturn prior to its capture and disgorgement of attending planetoids.
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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by MrAmsterdam » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:22 pm

Piers Corbyn explains it all in 4 minutes.

(S.L.A.M.) Solar Lunar Amplification Magnetic process explained

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qi8oZ2v ... re=related

Or check his weatheraction's channel on youtube; http://www.youtube.com/user/1weatheraction

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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by Komorikid » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:41 am

Thanks Mr. A.
Finally someone here is back on topic.
Piers is one of the very few scientist who has got beyond the skeptic/alarmist fracas and produced verifiable results.
While others have been bickering about cause and effect of CO2 Corbyn has spent the last decade honing the predictive capability of his science into a better than 80% accurate weather predictor model.
None of it is base on standard meteorology, all of it is based on electromagnetic links between the Sun/Moon/Earth.
This is EU theory in action.
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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by MrAmsterdam » Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:17 am

Komorikid wrote: None of it is base on standard meteorology, all of it is based on electromagnetic links between the Sun/Moon/Earth.
This is EU theory in action.
Absolutely...and how about this gentleman. Danish Scientist Henrik Svensmark : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1qGOUIRac0

The poor guy had a hart attack at Kopenhagen during a speech.
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Re: Electric Weather

Unread post by redeye » Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:34 am

"The Happening"

You mean the one with Anthony Quinn and George Maharis? I guess either that one or the one with Wahlberg would qualify.
I think it had Mark wahlberg in it. I'm not sure as I slammed my head in the car door until I had erased all memroy of the thing.

The Execution Channel is an interesting book by Ken Mcleod that has an eu plot. I highly recommend it.

Nothing to do with the thread though...sorry.

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