How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

What is a human being? What is life? Can science give us reliable answers to such questions? The electricity of life. The meaning of human consciousness. Are we alone? Are the traditional contests between science and religion still relevant? Does the word "spirit" still hold meaning today?

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by cloop » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:33 pm

I've searched this forum from end to to find a place to put this question and as this is a human question and as this is the most recently active thread and as my question is somewhat on on topic, I'm putting it here. I hope the mod. will be OK with it. I've searched other 2012 sites and haven't found anything close.

So the question; If we assume the universe is electric and I don't, for one millisecond have a problem with that, having been a long time convert thanks to our Australian magazine, Nexus, and again assuming that the Mayans knew or had experienced something, galactic, that comes around regular as clockwork. Then just what is it and just how will it effect us? I know Robert Bast has his money on a few things but I feel they all miss the point somewhwere or how. My money is on a Z Pinch scenario but what would that do for or to us. One may assume that previous events have played merry hell with previous civilizations and I believe we have been at this point of civilization before only to have the clock reset so to speak. The 'ages' in the Mahabarrata say it all, lots of evidence from all round, point to previous civilizations, just Google OOPArts.

So the question that comes from that is; how do we protect ourselves, is it as Robert Bast says, underground bomb shelter survival type scenario or as the Aborigines at Coober Pedy, (Opal mining town) who I personaly asked "why don't you live underground like all the miners do?" the immediate answer was, "You die underground!" So is it better to tough it out up here or in a cliff cave like the Aborignes seem to have many of. Does any one have info on how others peoples survived last time round or can point me in a direction. Thanks for ur time.

Oh, and when was last last time?

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by cloop » Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:56 am

This is just a clafication of why I'm posting this question here. My thinking is that 2012 forum doesn't have the people, I think, that have the knowledge of what a Z Pinch is or how it effects life as it's occuring. For example, does it fry or zap everything out in the open, does this explain why there are so many bugs, soil burrowers, cave/night dwellers, rock/crack hiders and so on. Does it maybe explain why there was basicaly monoculture tree forests in northerrn climes, because all the others where fried off and the various suviving pines or oaks or redwoods etc. where able to dominate the landscape. Or am I completely out of my tree :lol: No comments about barking up the wrong one please. Maybe an explanation of the sudden extinction of megafauna could be made, although I've understood some of it to be a gradual thing. But do we really know? Would this frying effect metal structures, melt plastic and glass? If we have been civilized before does this explain why there is so little evidence left. Would this explain curious things like not too far from where I am is a place called Iron Mine Church. I've seen the place, the chuch is relatively new being built after the mine was exhuasted. The mine itself wouldn't be any more than a couple of acres and very shallow, that's the reason it was found back in horse and buggy days. But the iron was of exceptional purity, why, some old machinary perhaps? Are there other deposits near you. Our local copper mine discovered in the early days of settlement of South Australia, was also of great purity, with veins running through everywhere and large chunks of Malachite. Any one for an electric generation plant, fried and decayed. Again the mine is very localised, 40 acres and hundred or so feet deep

A thought I had some time back was that as Earth has a magnetic field, ditto sun and other planets and by inference our galaxy, then does the galaxy have a North and South pole? If it does, then does it not follow that as we move around it, do we 1. pass through lines of magnetism just like on the classic bar mag under paper with the iron filings and is this what influences sun spots?
2. If for want of the right terms, we are approaching the null point of the magnet, the zone where there are no or few iron filings, does this then mean we'll be moving into a new polarity and do any out there think this is the time for ... well whatever it is that happens every however many thousands of years, is about 26,000 a good number, half a full lap. Set me straight here people. Or do the poles move with us?

The many petroglyphs show that some people where either safe enough in their caves, bunkers, barrows, pyramids to be able to witness the event or where they at safe distances between the lines/rays?

Heres hoping this provokes some good discussion about what the ancients really knew.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by starbiter » Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:34 am

Hello Kloop: I had to take my dogma to the vet, because your karma ran over it. The authorities have the license number of your karma.

Have you read Worlds in Collision. It describes the events you ask about.

The hurricanes blew down all the trees, and the floods piled up the results.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by cloop » Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:25 am

Thanks for responding Starbiter, no I haven't read WIC but over the decades, I've read enough extracts, articles and so on to have a good idea of the content without much detail. When I first heard about Velikovsky in the mid seventies I think, I was totaly sold, however since coming to this site and reading some of the very intelligent work of some people questioning his work I have been swayed to think of him differently. BUT, I still believe that we have done all this before and I don't mean been re-incarnated. Lets face it, nothing lasts, Just this week I uncovered some steel plates that where buried for probably only a quarter century and they were almost, already, entirely rusted away. How would a few millenium affect all but that most stable, eg gold?

However, you haven't answered my questions, (plural) in particular, if we have a Z Pinch event, how will it effect us? Or are you saying that winds and floods are the result of a Z pinch? I always understood that sort of catastrophe to be the result of either a collision or a near collision.

It seems to me that if we have a pole reversal and thereby a rotation reversal (?), many reports, eg Joshua's Day, make it sound like not much happens other than the sun stands still and so on. No big winds etc there, or where they happening far away from Joshua and the Chinese, I guess it stands to reason that it's possible to be at the null point on earth and to be unaffected by the extreme results elsewhere.

Come on EU people, what would happen under a plasma filled sky as described by so many petraglyphs all round the world, pretty light show and very little else or massive microwaving of all and sundry ?

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by starbiter » Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:19 am

Hi Cloop: I suggest you read the real thing [WiC]. If the sun stands still, the Earth stops spinning. But the air [atmosphere] would continue moving. At the equator, that would be 1,000 MPH, with a hard stoppage of rotation. If the poles reversed and the Earth turned over, the winds would be exasperated. EU also thinks hurricanes and tornadoes are electrical phenomenon. So an encounter with Venus as a comet [not collision] might cause winds from the West for 7 to 9 days, followed by East winds, as reported by the witnesses in WiC.

Many of the people who trash WiC on the forum have never read it. This is a tradition Harlow Shapley started over 60 years ago. Others staked out positions against WiC prior to reading, so when they actually read it, the playing field wasn't exactly level.

In many areas, it appears there were no survivors, following Venus. Re-population was required. It's possible many of the petroglyphs were recorded 700 years after Venus, during encounters with Mars. Even the horrible but less extreme events of Mars could cause polar columns of plasma that are recorded as petroglyphs, IMO. This is a personal opinion, not EU. Many EU adherents think the petroglyphs are much more ancient than even Venus. I think the earlier events [the breakup of the Saturnian System] were covered up and buried by the encounter with Venus. ... -Collision

This is a link to WiC. It's a better read on paper. Don't listen to haters. Please, read it for yourself. Then make decisions for yourself.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by moses » Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:35 pm

If the sun stands still, the Earth stops spinning.

Negative !! A much more sensible and likely explanation is that the Earth is wobbling. Get a globe of the Earth and then make some object in the room represent the Sun. Have the Sun at 30 degrees from London. ie the line from the centre of the globe to London is 60 degrees away from the line from London to the Sun. Now turn the globe a little to represent a couple of hours, say. Now change the position of the pole so that London is still 30 degrees from the Sun. Continue doing this process every two hours of Earth movement and note that the pole follows a circle. This is a wobble of the Earth. So that if Venus or Mars, etc, caused the pole to produce such a wobble then from London, and from a lot of other places on the Earth, the Sun would appear to stand still.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by starbiter » Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:46 pm

Hello Moses: I should have said, if the Sun stands still, and then rises in the oppisite direction. But i thought that was understood.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by moses » Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:30 pm

Clearly if the Earth had a big wobble after an interplanetary interaction then in some places on Earth the Sun would appear to stand still, whilst in other places it would just slow down in it's apparent motion, and in other places it would appear to go backwards and set and then rise in the opposite direction.

Even if the Earth did flip, then the wobble arising during and after such a flip would be the most significant effect noticed by the survivors. Look up the work of Mack B Strain, The Earth's Shifting Axis. You need a better handle on the mathematics and physics involved.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by starbiter » Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:53 pm

Dear Moses: I'm an idiot. My ability with simple equations set me up for disaster with real equations. I didn't practice when it was easy. If it involves equations, i'm lost. But i can see. A genetic gift. And fortunately for me, some of my friends are the smartest people in history. That's not an exaggeration. I rely on these people. If i misspeak in the smallest sense, i hear about it. It's wonderful. "It's not EDM, it's electrical excavation, don't be stupid". I paraphrase.

If the Sun rose in the oppisite direction as normal, it just might produce windy conditions. That was the point. I know that much.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by moses » Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:30 am

Just consider where the north pole would point in the stars if the Earth was pushed or pulled somehow, electrically. The pole would not move in a straight line across the stars, but rather would prescribe a spiral. And that spiral is mostly a wobble. It is that simple. And the effects of such a wobble would include the Sun appearing to move slower or faster or even backwards.

Thus the bible references probably arose from a wobble, and there might have been a few or many such wobbles produced in the past. A full flip of the Earth would leave few survivors. Whereas a pretty big wobble could be produced with not much force and not that dramatic effects on the population, but still a lot of sloshing and quakes, etc.
PS: Sorry for going off topic here.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by cloop » Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:52 am

Thanks for replying Moses and Starbiter, I do supprt Velikovsky, it's just that having read some of the posts about times lines by another Ozzie, terribly sorry I can't remember his name, the accountant bloke, I agree some rethinking is in order. Also what about the Saturn theory? Thanks for the link to scribd Starbiter. Moses I don't think your going of topic! In fact I think I'm getting some answers to the questions I posed. Thanks.

No thoughts on what may be the effects on earth of a Zpinch event? What about my thoughts on magnetic fields on the first post on this page?

I can't remember who said this but each age ends differently, fire, water, fire again I think and this one is supposed to end with wind, no flatulence jokes thanks. It may have been the Mahabarata or a Nth American Indian tribe. Don't suppose the who is important, what about what was said, how does that tie with EU or WIC?

I just ths week picked up a copy of von Daniken's 'In Search of Ancient Gods'. It's interesting reading it in light of EU and ST, a totaly different picture emerges from the book.

Keep it coming!

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by cloop » Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:44 am

Couldn't let it sit, so I did a bit of a back search, the bloke I was tying to remember is of course... Eric Aitchison. Neither a Biblicist nor an astronomer. :)

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by starbiter » Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:01 am

Hello Cloop: Eric Aitchison is posting on the "Velikovsky, Discussion and Debate" thread. I'm struck by the minor corrections he applies to Velikovsky's timeline concerning Venus and Mars. The differences are more of a confirmation from my perspective.

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Re: How did ancient peoples know "so much"?

Unread post by cloop » Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:37 am

Starbiter, I've read all the Velikovsky thread some weeks back... great stuff! That's why I was aware of Eric's work, just a bit embarrassing that I couldn't remember his name. Thanks just the same


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