11,000 B.C. Extinction

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:42 pm

Why is a date of 10,000 BCE such fantasy? Last I checked the Earth was over 4.5 billion years old. - MarcusDrake
* The Earth could easily be merely 20,000 years old, as Venus is likely not over 12,000 years old. Virtually all conventional dating is based on assumptions of uniformitarianism, i.e. that no major catastrophic events occurred for billions of years and that electrical forces have little influence in solar systems. Sitchin greatly misinterpreted the Sumerian tablets. Talbott et al have much better interpretations that conform with proper interpretations of other myths worldwide.
* This TPOD http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2009/ ... 8dots2.htm shows that a major catastrophe may have occurred about 3100 BC. Physicist[?] Robert Gentry found that the granite basement rock of the continents solidified almost instantly, instead of over millions or billions of years.
* Here are some other relevant EU theory statements on dating.
Astronomical Myths of Mercury & the Sun http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=e511t4z2
Myth No. 4 [says:] Radioactive dating can give reliable estimates of the ages of rocks; The solar system is 3.7 billion years old. [False!]
- Radioactive dating relies on a planet being essentially a closed system since shortly after its formation. However, powerful plasma discharges are a copious source of neutrons, which can introduce radioactive species to planetary surfaces. Matter is also irradiated and transferred between planets by cosmic discharges. Radioactive ‘clocks’ cannot be relied upon under such circumstances. "This also explains isotope anomalies in some meteorites, for example, in the Allende meteorite (and others of its type) where short-lived radioactive decay products like Mg26 are found to excess. It suggests conventionally that there was more than the expected amount of Al26 in the early nebula when the meteor was formed. This, in turn, has led to speculation that there was a nearby supernova at or near the same time. No such implausible explanation is required in an Electric Universe. The meteor is a remnant of debris removed from a planetary surface by a plasma arc, which has the power to generate radioactive species in situ in the meteorite.

Challenging absolute time http://www.plasmacosmology.net/spec.html
- Russian scientists discover unexpected regularities in radioactive decay linked to astronomical cycles
- From the link: "The implication is that many phenomena which until now have been regarded as purely statistical in character -- such as the distribution of fluctuations in the momentary rates of radioactivity measured in a sample -- are somehow controlled or at least strongly influenced by an astrophysical factor..."

- If radioactive decay is linked to astronomical cycles, as these scientists argue, then this could challenge conventional chronologies. Additionally, if the solar system has suffered upheavals in recent millenia, especially of an intense electrical nature as many catastrophists contend, then traditional dating methods become almost obsolete.

* This TPOD http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2005/ ... fossil.htm says:
Ian Tresman's Catastrophism CD on-line (see link below) will generate 101 different references to radiometric dating in catastrophist literature. Most of these articles are about anomalies in radiometric dating

* This TPOD http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2009/ ... ongago.htm says:
- Is there evidence that the radiometric dating methods that scientists use with such confidence can change?
- ... if an increase in radioactively neutral carbon isotope were to accumulate in our biosphere from burning forests, from cosmic dust, or from extensive volcanic eruptions, anything dated following whichever particular cause would appear much older. No definite timeline can be constructed using the dating methods traditionally thought to produce accurate results.
- It seems possible that plasma interactions with Earth and other charged bodies in space, or the impact of ion beams from a vast cloud of plasma on our biosphere could disrupt all the elemental changes that are used to date rocks: uranium changing to lead; potassium changing to argon; or samarium changing to neodymium. Therefore, the Earth could be much younger than the billions of years commonly ascribed to it. It is equally possible that it is much older than is thought. Until some radical new discovery is made, no one can be sure.

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by seasmith » Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:46 pm

Tipping Earth
Perhaps not such a radical notion as most folks would initially think [a sixty degree + or minus, wobble might do it].

A more EU way to conceive it, might be to consider the Earth as a ball-bearing, spinning within the confines of a grand EM gyroscope; with the next outer ‘sphere’ being the earth’s magnetosphere; and the gyro-cradle being say, the heliosphere.

Credit where due-

Could be wrong, but this idea was probably pre-saged by Solar 2-17-09
The Earth/Moon electro-plasma environment can be regard as a 'co-rotating system' of two interacting celestial bodies. The Earth has its own electro-plasma dynamic unique to it; as does the moon. Together, they form a 'system' having its own EM/gravitational continuum of "field(s)" that can be influenced as a 'whole' while 'individul members' of that 'whole' still undergo aspects unique to themselves.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... ion#p17743

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Wed Jul 29, 2009 4:07 pm

seasmith wrote:~
Tipping Earth
Perhaps not such a radical notion as most folks would initially think [a sixty degree + or minus, wobble might do it].

A more EU way to conceive it, might be to consider the Earth as a ball-bearing, spinning within the confines of a grand EM gyroscope; with the next outer ‘sphere’ being the earth’s magnetosphere; and the gyro-cradle being say, the heliosphere.

Credit where due-

Could be wrong, but this idea was probably pre-saged by Solar 2-17-09
The Earth/Moon electro-plasma environment can be regard as a 'co-rotating system' of two interacting celestial bodies. The Earth has its own electro-plasma dynamic unique to it; as does the moon. Together, they form a 'system' having its own EM/gravitational continuum of "field(s)" that can be influenced as a 'whole' while 'individul members' of that 'whole' still undergo aspects unique to themselves.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... ion#p17743
Top marks to Solar and your good self.
Takes me back to the time Hera beat Artemis around the head.
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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by MarcusDrake » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:43 pm

I have heard of Sitchin, though I've not read any of his books. I have conducted my own research into the topics of correlations between mythology and religious texts. There are by far too many similarities to simply dismiss as mere coincidence.

While I can understand anomalous readings with radio carbon dating and the such, there are certain processes which still take a great deal of time to accomplish regardless of electrical effects and so on. Sure, the earth may not be 4.5 billion years old, but it most certainly cannot be thousands of years old. Ice cores taken from the polar caps show seasonal changes going back hundreds of thousands of years. The earth's crust would have taken countless millenia to harden. Had the hoover dam not been filled with cooling pipes when it was built the concrete would have taken more than 100 years to cool, and that was only concrete, not molten rock.

OF course the most important of all: evolution cannot be rushed. Microbial life cannot evolve into mammals -- let alone sentient beings -- in a few thousand years.

I believe that Mars at one time was capable of supporting life, and probably did. Being smaller and further from the sun, Mars cooled more quickly than the Earth. As we know from looking at our own planet, we depend on our core spinning in hot liquid to produce the protective magnetic field which surrounds our world. When Mars cooled sufficiently, this internal field generator stopped allowing harmful radiation to boil off the seas and atmosphere. Mars is the inevitable future of the Earth. Venus, on the other hand, is a glimpse at our own planet in the distant past. A choking thick atmosphere of noxious gases and broiling temperatures and an ever shifting surface of volcanism mirror what our planet must have resembled in her early years. Venus, however is closer to the sun and hasn't been bombarded quite the same as the Earth. Perhaps If a very large comet struck Venus we would be able to witness the birth of a new habitable world.

But I digress...

The topic being discussed here is a mass extinction taking place 13,000 years ago.
Evidence is abundant for a celestial encounter.

1 The so-called Carolina bays which number in the thousands dot the east coast and are a clear indication of impacts which radiate from a common point over the great lakes. While some scientists may not agree that they are all formed by impacts, it doesn't take a genius to see that they all share a common orientation and have traditional impact related features (raised rims, elliptical shapes, etc). The simplest explanation is usually the correct one and it's far easier to see how more than ten thousand nearly identical features were all formed with near perfect alignment.

2 The glass tektites which was mentioned before is another pointer to a celestial event. These glass beads are formed when an impact creates extreme temperatures, melting everything in the vicinity down to glass and then blowing it high into the atmosphere where it cools into small spheres and then rains down all around.

3 All the mega fauna died out immediately after this time period. Typical after a large scale event such as this. Large animals require lots of food. When the land is scorched by fire and then the sun is blocked out by a dust cloud which can last for months or even years, plants are the first to suffer. Most large animals, such as the giant ground sloth and the mammoth, eat plants which means they begin to starve. They are soon followed by large predators. Smaller animals almost always survive these extinctions because it is easier to sustain a small animal on a limited amount of food than a larger one. In addition, many small animals eat seeds, nuts and insects which don't require sunlight or living vegetation to survive, and they typically live in burrows which shelter them from extreme temperatures, winds, fires and so on.

4 The Younger Dryas cooling period occurred shortly thereafter. Many scientists puzzled over the fact that the Earth cooled down for a time after it had warmed up for a while at the end of the ice age. An explosion or impact on the ice sheet around the Great Lakes would produce massive amounts of meltwater. This freshwater flowing into the oceans would change salinity and alter the Atlantic Ocean's currents. Plus, the aftermath of an impact includes a cooling period due to dust blocking out the sun. These two in combination easily account for the Younger Dryas anomaly.

Of course, we do have to tie in the EU element, so it is important to note that anything streaking through the atmosphere at 50,000 miles per hour is going to create a huge amount of ionization around it and the impact event causes a massive EMP. We know that we lose communication with the shuttle during re-entry due to the ionization around the spacecraft, but what effect would something 3 kilometers in diameter have?

Lloyd, interestingly enough, you mentioned huge upsets around 5,000 years ago. This happens to correlate to the time period from whence all the flood stories from every part of the globe come. Also of interest is the discovery of an undersea crater in the Indian ocean estimated to be around 5000 years old. Tsunami chevrons on the southern tip of Madagascar indicate wave heights that must have been in the thousands of feet.

Indeed, there is a pattern to these events. The ancients had been keeping tabs on it for thousands of generations. If the Earth was subjected to the occasional random catastrophe, then the importance of astronomy and mythology/religion may not have been so important to them. But it isn't random, it is predictably cyclical. It is for that reason that they found it necessary to pass this vital information down to future generations, so that they might be prepared when the time comes lest humanity be caught off-guard and find the same fate as the dinosaurs and Woolly Mammoth.

Scientists recently discovered a new dwarf planet( I forget the name and can't find the press release I read), much like Pluto, in a highly eccentric orbit around our solar system. It takes 10,000 years to complete one orbit. They only now just found it because it just happened to be at it's closest approach and we have very advanced technology telescopes now peering out into the heavens. Had this icy body passed this way one hundred years sooner, we'd have never discovered it at all. The fact is that our solar system is completely filled with large chunks of rock and ice which meander through the inner solar system on a regular basis. Anything that has an orbital period in the thousands of years is difficult to spot, especially if coming from above the equatorial plane we're used to studying. The last major catastrophe we know of happened around 5,000 years ago and The Mayan calendar runs on a 5125 year cycle, is this coincidence or did they create this calendar specifically to keep track of the cycles of cataclysm?

Although this has little if nothing to do with the EU, it is certainly a worthwhile subject and very important as well. After all, wouldn't you like to know if a chunk of ice the size of Manhattan was heading our way some time in the future and wouldn't you want to ensure that someone down the road knew about it as well so they might prepare?
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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by seasmith » Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:45 am

Ten things that cause mass extinctions

http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/3164 ... page=0%2C0

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:45 pm

Ten things that cause mass extinctions

http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/3164 ... page=0%2C0
How pathetic. No mention at all of what is the root cause of most of the extinction events. Electricity. :?
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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by The Great Dog » Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:48 pm

Scientists recently discovered a new dwarf planet( I forget the name and can't find the press release I read), much like Pluto, in a highly eccentric orbit around our solar system. It takes 10,000 years to complete one orbit...
The Great Dog remembers this one. The dwarf planet is Sedna, the farthest object in the Solar System.

Kuiper Belt Objects

Also, since Sedna is red like Mars, maybe it was ejected from one of the gas giants:

Multi-Colored Centaurs

The Great Dog doesn't think that the planets are only few thousand years old. Instead maybe they have been resurfaced.

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by mharratsc » Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:08 pm

I think the biggest thing to consider in all of this, is that mainstream is using tools for dating that have been proven to not be as dependable as we'd originally thought.

I don't believe that Earth is only some few thousand years old... I think it is too diverse for that. However, I think recent record of upheaval, calamity, and re-ordering as noted by Mr. Talbott make huge amounts of sense (you just can't watch Symbol of an Alien Sky and not see the logic inherent) and that doesn't necessarily preclude the possibility that Earth didn't fare quite well under the care of the star Saturn, before it was captured by his big brother Sol. Also- Mr. Thornhill puts forth something that is scientifically proven- isotopic decay rates are very much dependent on the electrical characteristics of the environment of the isotope in question.

As to the spherules suspected to be linked to the 11,000 B.C. extinction- Marcus, you should consider that you can make a bazillion glass BB's with an electric arc in your kid's sandbox! :) I would like someone to show me glass spherules that were created solely by a kinetic impact... if I don't see any, I will stick to believing that they were created by electric arcs. I have seen them created by electric arcs, and I don't care if someone has the prettiest mathematical formula to describe how they CAN be created via an impact, I haven't seen it demonstrated yet... and seeing is believing. :P

Also Marcus- if you haven't spent the money to purchase your own copy of 'Symbols of an Alien Sky' I would suggest you do so. Obviously the historical record is of interest to you, and you do yourself a great injustice if you have not seen the amazing body of evidence and logical interpretation that Mr. Talbott puts forth in that DVD. I think you would find it fascinating, to say the least... if not change your entire world-view. :)

Mike H.
Mike H.

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by seasmith » Mon Jan 04, 2010 8:47 am

What Happened to the Hominids ?
The Boskops had big eyes, child-like faces, and an average intelligence of around 150, making them geniuses among Homo sapiens.
These people had small, childlike faces. Physical anthropologists use the term pedomorphosis to describe the retention of juvenile features into adulthood.
Going from human to Boskop, these association zones are even more disproportionately expanded. Boskop’s brain size is about 30 percent larger than our own—that is, a 1,750-cc brain to our average of 1,350 cc. And that leads to an increase in the prefrontal cortex of a staggering 53 percent.
There is another, again poignant, possible explanation for the disappearance of the big-brained people. Maybe all that thoughtfulness was of no particular survival value in 10,000 B.C
Just about 100 miles from the original Boskop discovery site, further excavations were once carried out by Frederick FitzSimons. He knew what he had discovered and was eagerly seeking more of these skulls.
At his new dig site, FitzSimons came across a remarkable piece of construction. The site had been at one time a communal living center, perhaps tens of thousands of years ago. There were many collected rocks, leftover bones, and some casually interred skeletons of normal-looking humans. But to one side of the site, in a clearing, was a single, carefully constructed tomb, built for a single occupant—perhaps the tomb of a leader or of a revered wise man. His remains had been positioned to face the rising sun. In repose, he appeared unremarkable in every regard...except for a giant skull.
http://discovermagazine.com/2009/the-br ... :int=0&-C=

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by ressiv » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:28 am

no not an comet...
round that time the Eiffel supervolcano in germany had its biggest eruption...VEI 8
putting possibly the northern hemisfhere in an volcanic winter for years......

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by webolife » Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:05 pm

There are over 200 documented impact events associated with or correlated to the geologic column.
Many of these events were clustered smaller impacts, some were huge mega catastrophes. Many of these are exposed events, and may have occurred along with the depositional features in which they are found [commonly assumed], or afterward, and it is very difficult to put any kind of fixed date on them. As for cometary influence on the Ice Age, that is the meat and bread of Dr. Velikovsky and his adherents here on the forum. I am reasonably convinced that extinctions are associated with, if not caused by, the astronomical interactions of earth with its solar system environment, the associated climatic and seismic/topographic catastrophes that ensued, and the reporting of much of these catastrophes by eyewitnesses from generation to generation, therefore relatively recent events. I can entertain a planetary surface reshaping scenario that restarts the time clocks, but it is not necessary to accept radiometric dates for the earlier time periods of earth history. While "rates" may be known and stable [or not, since they may be affected by electric discharge events], the initial conditions are not known. If so-called "daughter" elements are "original" the half-life assumptions could be used to show the earth and the solar system in general came into being yesterday. Furthermore, it is radiocarbon dating that is used to date events such as the end of the ice age in the teen-thousands of years ago. But this method only works if it is assumed that the amount of C14 and the exchange cycle of upper atmospheric C14 with the biosphere have been constant over time, ie. no major atmospheric disturbance in [recent] geologic history. But this cannot be the case as recently as 10,000 years ago, when the glaciers were alleged to be receding, since there is no scenario which could have produced the ice age that does not include a major atmospheric transformation. If, as I believe is the case, the levels of C14 in the biosphere were much smaller in the geologically recent past than today, then even the 11,000 yr date could be way too far back, and may be closer to 6000 BP.
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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by remelic » Wed May 12, 2010 12:17 pm

If the Earth were only 20-30,000 years old, that would mean that Humans and Dinosaurs roamed together!! How crazy is that? :shock: Unless dinosaurs only lived for a short time?
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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by Krackonis » Wed May 12, 2010 1:57 pm

remelic wrote:If the Earth were only 20-30,000 years old, that would mean that Humans and Dinosaurs roamed together!! How crazy is that? :shock: Unless dinosaurs only lived for a short time?
As inaccurate as dating techniques are found to be, there is still volumes of evidence for multiple hits, multiple disasters and multiple worldwide extinction/speciation events. That said, no matter how inaccurate, the timeframe is still going to be exceptionally long.

However, with the concepts of electric gravity being variable, it is able to explain why there was an extinction of extremely large animals around 11,000bc. The giant condors with the 20ft wingspans, the giant sloths, the giant elephants all died out. There is also discussion regarding 'larger' people aswell that finally died out during biblical times. (Pure supposition for the most part)

Could dinosaurs exist up to those same times? There is some evidence from the infamous 'Ica stones', ancient pottery and other ancient artwork, but the only 'scientific' evidence comes from the giant fields of bones and debris from northern canada, siberia, alaska (and so forth). In these fields have been found dinosaur bones (not fossils) that still contain viable DNA. It would be hard pressed for bones (w DNA) to survive 65 million years intact.

Others may have different opinions, and I welcome them of course. I do not know this for certain, and of course, have no absolute conclusions.

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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by remelic » Wed May 12, 2010 6:04 pm

Did the bolts originate from Jupiter, Saturn, Venus or the Sun? I'm unclear as to which planet you feel is the cause of discharge events like that. I know it happens but I'd like to know from where.
Secrets of Edward Leedskalnin
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Re: 11,000 B.C. Extinction

Unread post by Krackonis » Fri May 14, 2010 1:12 pm

remelic wrote:Did the bolts originate from Jupiter, Saturn, Venus or the Sun? I'm unclear as to which planet you feel is the cause of discharge events like that. I know it happens but I'd like to know from where.
What I think you are interested in are sites dealing with Saturian Reconstructions. There are several different theories as to what happened and when. All have the same themes and similar events, but obviously Obviously, when dealing with this new paradigm you are trying to take the accounts as related in Mythology as literal events as seen in the ancient sky. The God-King Scenario is a good book, others have been related by David Talbot and others and can be found on youtube.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clq-Giqv ... 1g9wj22J8I

This site has helped me, though I don't subscribe to it in it's entirety.

I hope this helps. It's not something that is discussed as much on the board as it attracts more fanciful mindsets and it becomes difficult to weed through the chaff to get to real, scientific, historic planetary reconstructions.
Neil Thompson


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