The EM Universe

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by Jarvamundo » Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:28 am

1 more thing.... now just run with me here...
hmmm... BBT = quasars = dust collecting black holes (don't ask me how the BH's got there)... so... if you picture it... i guess the best way might be, with a chess-board of BH-time... put 1 grain of rice (dust spec) on the first square of time... 2 on the second.... 4 on the third... (we know how the gravity story goes)... each square is a unit of time as the body accretes mass.

given (according to BBT) that we 'see' the biggest dustiest quasars now... by the above logic... we should find (as we look back) way way more of these priomordial rice collecting minimal dust quasars... the point being is a gravitational quasar would logically spend most of it's units of time trying to get started? collecting small grains of rice to grow... spending relatively longer in it's early life.

it would seem logical with any coalescing model of anything

but in contrast...
high energy electrical z-pinch matter creation, would observe the other way round no? high energy z-pinch quasars start off maximum potential, or atleast really high (yes it may increase)... they would not spend long in this mode... quickly 'stepping' away from it's early life.

surely there are statistical probabilities that can be tested here?

I'm just picturing if this comes from the 'spark'... it's going to form and evolve quickly... where as coalescing will be slow.

isotropy tests would also remain... EU/PC/EMU would predict 'new' quasar clustering near E-current activity... BBT would expect isotropic behavior. We will either see EU-quasars form in non-isotropic clusters near current, or current will be concentrated into high-energy eu-quasars that even more quickly evolve away from these early-quasar descriptions.

ouch.. anyways... i see some big predictions available with EU's model of quasars... i'll hand it back to you gary. inspiring thread.

PS: I'm sure you're aware of it... but a nice pic of Saturn here: ... xploration

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:54 pm

Hi Jarvamundo, glad you are getting a bit of entertainment, at least, out of the thread! I may not be 'right on the money' with my ideas, but to me, they make more sense than some ideas peddled by the mainstream bods.
Do you have any thoughts on quasars, variable mass and quantization of redshifts, intrinsic redshifts etc...
Well, the apparent energy output of some of the quasars is what made me think that the energy must be from an unconventional source, and made me think of the aetheric energies, and then the vaccuum spark as the trigger that released some of them.
Variable mass, no thoughts. Negative mass, yes, and still thinking...
Redshift I haven't spent much time on, I didn't think it was important if something was 1 or 10 billion light years away. I'm looking to identify EM 'machines' out there, and as they scale so well, I'm not concerned about distance.

Here's a recent item:
There is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before.
"We don't know what it is," says co-discoverer Tom Muxlow of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics near Macclesfield, UK. ... nline-news

A good candidate for a new 'spark' or arc? Be interesting to see how it changes over time.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by Jarvamundo » Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:26 am

arp will be licking his lips. Another ejection perhaps

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Sun May 16, 2010 11:04 am

Black Holes: Gas Blowers of the Universe.


False colour image of the central region of a galaxy group in X-rays. The jet of matter blown out of the central black hole can be clearly identified by its radio luminosity (overlaid, purple-blue). (Credit: S. Giodini/A. Finoguenov/MPE)

The jet looks more like a twisty flux tube. Xrays are produced in the wave-wave interaction zone leading into the tension produced spark gap.
"In galaxy groups the gas is contained by gravity. But the black holes produce so much energy that this outweighs the capacity of the group to hold its gas," explained Stefania Giodini, the lead author of the paper. "A significant part of the gas is removed. No similar effect is observed in more massive galaxy clusters, where the huge gravitational pull restrains the gas from being removed."
So its all about gas and gravity. I (not very) respectfully beg to differ. ... 111925.htm
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:57 pm

I was trying to find some images of the 47 Tucanae cluster, mentioned recently in another post, at different wavelengths that might show some form of structure, not just a big blob. Came by this sketch, which seems, maybe, to show some plasma-globe like filaments, but certainly shows arc segments, or perhaps toroids, arranged radially around a dense center. Having seen this, when I went back to look at the other images, I did see one that suggested there are loops of connected stars, so there does appear to be some structure in there. Electro-magnetic, of course.

Ooops, image to big error. Heres the link anyway.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Aug 25, 2010 12:01 pm

Pulverized planet dust may lie around double stars
The astronomy team says that dust normally would have dissipated and blown away from the stars by this mature stage in their lives. They conclude that something, most likely planetary collisions, must therefore be kicking up the fresh dust. In addition, because dusty disks have now been found around four older binary systems, scientists know that the observations are not a fluke. Something chaotic is likely going on. ... uble-Stars

How long will it be before they finally realise, or perhaps just admit, that matter is created in the E/M environs of stars? They have it all backwards, again.
From this, it must follow that the planets are created as multi-layer, concentric spherical shells within highly energetic, plasma containing resonant toroids, and not some fairy tale, odds defying capture and gravitational organisation of wandering, unknown origin bodies.
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:30 am


The Southern Crab Nebula, one of my favorite examples of a pinched flux tube.
I believe that at the very center is a spark gap that gives rise to the toroidal E/M structures. As the tension in the flux tube increases, the energies are drawn into a purely magnetic longitudinal 'wire', as in the center of a coaxial cable. It is the spherical scalar and impulse emissions of the spark gap that drive the formation of the EM structures.

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by allynh » Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:13 pm

Gary, I just read through the thread. Put simply, you are looking at the effect of cavitation on a flexible pipe.

In a pipe, you usually have smooth, laminar, flow. The thing that is important to remember is that the velocity of the flow in the middle of the pipe is faster than along the wall of the pipe because of surface tension.

As the velocity of the flow increases, the fluid becomes turbulent. You can see that that in the Rayleigh–Taylor instability.
Hydrodynamics simulation of a single "finger" of the Rayleigh–Taylor instability[9] Note the formation of Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities, in the second and later snapshots shown (starting initially around the level y = 0). As well as the formation of a "mushroom cap" at a later stage in the third and fourth frame in the sequence.
You can see this in the video, where they increase the flow rate, changing from smooth, laminar flow, to turbulent flow and the color starts mixing.

Laminar Flow then Turbulent Flow

The turbulence/mixing begins because the fluid that is at the pipe wall is attracted through surface tension to the pipe, slowing the fluid down. The greater the flow, the greater the disparity between the center fast flow, and the slow pipe wall flow. Surface tension holds back the fluid causing turbulence between the various layers in the fluid. As the fluid flow increases you reach the point where it exceeds the surface tension and cavitation starts.
Cavitation_bubble_implosion.jpg (14.67 KiB) Viewed 30943 times
The air knocking in your pipes, like the toilet feed line, is an example of cavitation. That cavitation can collapse your pipes like this.
The examples I've shown are based on rigid pipes, the same rules apply with pipes with flexible walls, like Birkeland currents.

This is the classic z-pinch crush image. It is cavitation.
This too is cavitation.
A Birkeland current is essentially a pipe with flexible walls like a soap bubble. The flow of plasma in the center is moving faster than the flow along the flexible pipe wall. As that flow increases, the pipe walls are pulled inward, narrowing the pipe cross-section, increasing the flow even more.

In a rigid pipe, the increased flow creates turbulence because the walls cannot pull in. In the flexible pipe wall of the Birkeland current, the pipe walls can pull in, which keeps the flow laminar. It does not turn turbulent. This creates a Venturi effect.
The pressure at "1" is higher than at "2" because the fluid speed at "1" is lower than at "2".
This process of pulling the pipe wall in and increasing the plasma flow cannot continue below a certain size and velocity, when Choked flow is reached.
Venturi effect wrote:The limiting case of the Venturi effect is when a fluid reaches the state of choked flow, where the fluid velocity approaches the local speed of sound. In choked flow the mass flow rate will not increase with a further decrease in the downstream pressure environment.
In other words, the plasma flow increases, the flexible pipe constricts increasing the flow further, until it exceeds the maximum speed of flow to surface tension of the pipe wall, choked flow occurs, and things get interesting.

I posted a big list of Fluid dynamics links a while back, most of them are still connected.

Re: Recovered: Plasma cavitation? ... =30#p18748

I've listed some broken links, and their correct path, to pop the thread back up to the top.

Essentially, what you are describing is the system that pumps power into the Growing Earth/Sun/Galaxy/quasar, but that is another thread.

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:53 am

Hi allynh,
Can turbulence in a flux tube explain the formation of the torus or sphere around the pinch point? I'm algebraically challenged, so boundary layer math is all Greek to me, but are you saying the movement and patterns of the turbulence in a plasma can form these E/M structures?
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by allynh » Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:42 pm

I found another great picture from one of the earlier TPODs that made the same connection to Fluid Mechanics that I did, unintended of course.
Pinch Yourself! ... mpinch.htm

The picture is a good starting place to show the same effects side-by-side, and hopefully answer your question.
GaryN wrote:Can turbulence in a flux tube explain the formation of the torus or sphere around the pinch point?
When the flexible pipe pinches down the flow stays laminar until it exceeds the surface tension and then the turbulence creates cavitation that breaks the stream.

Look at the dripping faucet, and see how the stream breaks into droplets. ... _small.gif
This is the exploded view of the gif wrote:
Water drop animation.jpg
Water wrote: B. Formation of drops occurs when a mass of liquid is stretched. The animation shows water adhering to the faucet gaining mass until it is stretched to a point where the surface tension can no longer bind it to the faucet. It then separates and surface tension forms the drop into a sphere. If a stream of water were running from the faucet, the stream would break up into drops during its fall. Gravity stretches the stream, then surface tension pinches it into spheres.[3]
This is what is happening in the stream.
The break up of streams into drops ... into_drops

The same thing happens when blowing bubbles. The flow of air is greater than the surface tension and it breaks up into separate bubbles.
Remember, using water as a model is only a starting point, or first approximation, so here is the interesting thing about the plasma flow compared to the water stream. The plasma is still connected electromagnetically so it doesn't break apart as discrete bubbles, when the water surface tension is broken they can't stay together.

I can never find the images I'm looking for to show the evolution of the z-pinch, there may have been in one of the Thunderbolt DVDs, but essentially, as the plasma breaks up due to cavitation/turbulence you will have a ball form in the middle, like a blister, that rapidly expands until it splits off from the main shaft as a torus around the shaft. I'll watch all of my Thunderbolt videos and see if I can find that sequence.

If you remember back in October there were a couple of threads talking about the IBEX report and Thornhill posted an essay.

Electric Sun Verified

The key images in the essay are:
Stellar Z-pinch small.jpg
Solar Environment small.jpg
From the way I see this sequence, the flexible pipe contracts, breaks up into a sphere at the center, that grows into a large ball blister, that splits off to form a large torus around that narrowed pipe, and a smaller sphere forms in the middle of the pipe where the flow would be maximum.

In the top image labeled "Experiment" is how things would finally look from outside the pipe. The image labeled "Ring of Pearls" in the top image is the same as the "Electrons combine with solar photons to form ENAs" in the bottom image.

The bottom image is the cutaway view of the central narrowed pipe. The big torus surrounding the pipe is not shown, but it controls the placement of the "Disk of charged particles from the Sun" and the "Ring of Pearls".

Look at this Wiki entry.

Liquid surface ... id_surface
Remember, the big torus outside the narrowed pipe is still massively involved via magnetic fields. The torus is what controls the "Disk" and "Ring of Pearls" and the bubble in the center. It is the same as when bubbles form in a frame.

If we could see all of the forces "framing" the planes and bubbles, we would see a similar structure as pictured above. Think of a soap film in a tube with other bubbles trapped in that film, but in this case the plasma flow and electromagnetic field holds it in place.

The same thing applies to Saturn in this image, where the new ring at 8 million miles is the same "Ring of Pearls". The flexible pipe that Saturn is embedded in is not glowing. The large torus around the pipe is also not glowing.
I'd posted the sequence of images in an older thread, and tried to see how they fit. This is a list of the older threads.

Electric Sun ... 498#p26962

Giant Ribbon Discovered at Edge of Solar System ... 19&start=0

I'll check out the Thunderbolts DVDs and see if I can find the plasma z-pinch sequence.

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:04 pm

Just looking into the turbulence and plasma subject allynh. I haven't found anything yet that suggests the kind of magnetic field strengths that are observed around pinches could be generated by plasma turbulence. Something to keep me occupied on a rainy day though! :-)

Plasma turbulence: Research

Magnetic fields get reconnected in turbulent plasma too, Cluster reveals
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by allynh » Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:17 pm

allynh wrote:I'll check out the Thunderbolts DVDs and see if I can find the plasma z-pinch sequence.
Grrrr. I can never find the stuff I'm looking for. Oh, well, I'll keep trying to model it with Mathematica.

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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:45 pm

I would certainly never discount the importance of turbulent plasmas in the bigger picture, allynh, but I just don't see it as part of the driving force of the pinch. I did mention turbulence once before, as being the cause of the moonlets in the rings of Saturn. If the rings are charge separated, then the boundary layer vortices are double layer vortices, and at the tips of the vortices will be the formation of a plasmoid.The configuration of the E/M energies compact any dust present into the 'seed' of these moonlets. Build-up is then achieved by way of repeated sputter deposition as the moonlet oscillates between the rings.

Advisory: Strong NIAMI content. ;-)
I haven't checked out this idea yet, but today my "Uber Ich" passed some concepts to my verbal side, that I think integrate what I have read from Titus-Bode, Miles Mathis, Bucky, Dan Winter, and who knows who else. It concerns and perhaps answers the question of the planetary orbits in the catastrophes, the asteroid belt, and the electrical scarring of the planets and moons.
There are never any words with these insights, but the images seemed clear.
In the case of an increase in energy dissipation by our Sun, from an increase in the Birkeland current, there is a pulling-in of the orbits of the planets, and of the moons of those planets. They will still be spaced in the Phi relationship, but will orbit faster, creating more charge as they pass through the suns increased magnetic field.
There is no need of an interloper planet from outside the solar system for there to be close enough encounters for the (increased) charge to leap between them. The asteroid belt WAS a planet, caught not just in a current stream, but subject to an 'ugly' destructive harmonic resonance. The rocky pieces of the planet would then be orbiting in a tight, very energetic ring-current torus, and be transmuted by bombardment to the high metal content observed in some, which often are pinch shaped, asteroids.
As the power in the circuit returns to more normal levels, the orbits would relax, and the asteroids would spread out into their present state by repulsion of the now more loosely contained, highly charged remnants.
This could also explain the fast orbiting, close-in, gas giants seen around other Suns. These will be high powered Suns, with a close-in, strongly resonant torus, in which dust is formed into a hollow , thin, multi-layered sphere.
The Earth tilted over, causing the inertial flooding, which might also explain (starbiter michael?) some dune features as the water receded, patterns similar perhaps to those observed on river beds or the beach when a wave is receding. The waves would explain the smashed deposits of flora and fauna, and their entombment in layers of sandstone, the sand being from the concurrent electrical excavations, far and near.
Also,this tipping, placing the current poles closest to the other charged planets, would tie in with the earths apparent N.polar excavation/S.polar deposition.
Well, that's all the received images described. Maybe not true, perhaps das Uber-Ich can be mischievous :-), but at least I think I could interest Warner Bros in a good disaster movie script!
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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by seasmith » Tue Sep 07, 2010 3:36 pm

In the case of an increase in energy dissipation by our Sun, from an increase in the Birkeland current, there is a pulling-in of the orbits of the planets, and of the moons of those planets. They will still be spaced in the Phi relationship, but will orbit faster, creating more charge as they pass through the suns increased magnetic field.
There is no need of an interloper planet from outside the solar system for there to be close enough encounters for the (increased) charge to leap between them...
I'm guessing you mean by this "dissipation", a transmittance from the sun. If so, and gobsmack me if i'm wrong',
a prior, increased, galaxy-scale Reception~ by Sol would be implied ?


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Re: The EM Universe

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:56 pm

Hi seasmith,
Transmittance would imply a less than 100% output vs. input, would it not?
The energy for dissipation in my model is from a release of magneto-dielectric energies stored in a 'torqued' Aether. The tension in the flux tube (the Universe is a Tensegrity structure in my book) will reach a magnitude such that a magnetic gap is created, which is filled by the Aetheric energies. In doing so, much energy is released, in the form of spherical scalar 'waves' and impulse 'spikes', I think.(The perfect spike is of infinite amplitude and zero duration.) The pinch could then be seen as the gate(s) on a device that isn't, but is as close to as I can imagine, a Double Gate Tunneling F.E.T. The verbal me can not always understand the images from the non-verbal side. :-)
In the case of the spark, the power dissipation is many times more than the energy contained in the flux tube (or tubes, if you have multiple suns). The E/M structures formed around the spark will transform the released Aethric energies into energies, within the created toroids and DL spheres, that end up outside the machinery as mass, a most efficient and stable way to 'lock up' that energy.
Make any sense?
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


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