Possible electrical scars on Planet Earth...

Historic planetary instability and catastrophe. Evidence for electrical scarring on planets and moons. Electrical events in today's solar system. Electric Earth.

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Re: Tunguska event?

Unread post by GaryN » Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:56 pm

An explanation more in keeping with an EU explanation?

The sun may emit scalar waves in a long range, i.e., zero-mass chargeless, scalar fields.

http://www.congrex.nl/09c24/S4_Posters/ ... _paper.pdf
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Re: Ames Structure Oklahoma?

Unread post by Ion01 » Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:33 am

There was just an earthquake in oklahoma felt from texas to wichita KS! It was only a 4.5 but that covers a huge area. Last night there was a lot of aurora activity due to what spaceweather.com describes as : a "south-pointing IMF." In other words, the interplanetary magnetic field near Earth tilted south, opening a crack in Earth's magnetosphere.
We know the lights are caused by electricity so we would have a large electrical input so if a plasma bubble were over the oklahoma, texas, kansas area this could be a link.
There is no known fault stretching this distance in this area and only assumed faults in oklahoma due to small earthquakes but no faults found. So is does a fault cause an earthquake or is it caused by the earthquake?

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Unread post by GaryN » Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:15 am

Tafoni, a new one on me, but looking at this image, and reading about tafoni from around the globe, and how it supposedly forms, made me think about electrical discharge. The weathering explanation doesn't sound right. I'm sure starbiter michael has some opinion on these features?

http://www.gigalresearch.com/uk/Menkara ... eature.php

More on Tafoni

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Re: Tafoni

Unread post by keeha » Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:01 pm

Large and small, these formations are very common hard above the tide line in my sandstone shored area. More porous (less cemented) sections of sandstone and expansion from evaporating salty water are offered explanations. One can experience the weathering in action, in some sections easily rubbing off flaky layers of sandstone in holes not exposed to rain (exposed only to salt water), while the edge and surface of the stone (exposed to rain water) is 'hard as rock.'

Here is a fuller explanation for sandstone.

And a bit of serendipity, I came across a map showing my area had a "great flood" 12,500 years ago. Hmm.

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Re: Tafoni

Unread post by starbiter » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:51 am

Electrical erosion may play a role in Tafoni creation. Of course this possibility would not be considered by normal people. Just heretics.

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Re: Tafoni

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:19 am

Electrical erosion may play a role in Tafoni creation. Of course this possibility would not be considered by normal people. Just heretics.
We are all heretics here aren't we?
If the pyramids were surrounded by sea water at the time of very intense
electrical activity then surely there would have been rapid erosion,
particularly at or close to the water surface. Brine electrolysis,
Archies Law, sandstone conductivity, surely there is something going on here,
but this is not something I am conversant with.
Didn't know you were on the Island, keeha. :-) The more I see of Vancouver Island,
the more it looks like electricity and plasma must have played a major role, so
the seashore erosions may well have been electrical in origin. I think I feel an
experiment coming on...
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Re: Tafoni

Unread post by keeha » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:01 pm

Its a great spot, come visit!

Let me further your interest with some information that could be seen to contradict my mainstream thinking above. The area around me is full of carved 'lightening snakes' on nearby rocks. Here is a good site on the local petroglyphs: http://danielleen.org/petroglyphs.html

The Holden lake petroglyph is most interesting from the perspective of this forum IMO. Glyph Dg Rw 40 at an old burial site. Image is on page 13 of this pdf park study document (Appendix III and page 97 of the photocopied report).
Image is of a pear shaped man with a crescent, then a dot, then a round circle lined up above his head!

In fact the top of "Arbutus Island" in my local great flood linked map above is the site of the most famous petroglyph site in the area. A dozen Masonic type groups, half I have never heard of before, have tagged the parking lot with a big sign.

And a few blocks from my place they found "The Hepburn Stone." Can't find anything on the internet on it, so this is a good a place as any to add it (sorry to drift off topic). From the book "Chronicle of Ladysmith and District" by the Ladysmith New Horizons Historical Society (1980), pp:71:
Mr. Hepburn found this stone when excavating for a well on his property. It was found near the bottom, about twenty-eight feet below the surface. Over the spot where the well was dug there grew a cedar tree dated at over 640 years old. Scientist of that period were intensely interested in this discovery.

The scientist estimated the amount of time it would have taken to accumulate twenty-seven feet of debris, soil and rubbish over the location of the stone, coupled with the age of the cedar, and concluded after study that the artist had carved the tone some 15,000 years ago. The stone weighs rughly one hundred pounds, is about sixteen inches high, seventeen inches in circumference, and is a sort of pear shape with a rude carving of a man's face on the front while on the other side is the face of an animal.

Nothing is known of the people who did the carving, where they came from. what they were like, or even where they went or when they disappeared. If they were related to the tribe whose artifacts were found on Duke Point, they were indeed and advanced group.

Neil Crozer, the Victoria archaelogist who supervised the dig, was intrigued with many things found thee, among which were micro blades of obsidian, finer than anything manufactured today. Obsidian is avery solid matrial and yet these were so fine, one could see light through them. Wether they were manufactured here or purchased by trading with other tribes, is not known, but the obsidian was judged to have come from Oregon.

Some five hundred beads were unearthed and it is believed that Duke Point was the site of the manufacture of these items.
And just for interest, a few blocks in the other direction:
A 72-million-year-old palm tree fossil - the biggest fossil leaf ever found in Canada - was discovered in Nanaimo in August 1996. Salvage palaeontology of the site revealed exquisitely preserved specimens of the Upper Cretaceous Period, including dawn redwood, several fern species and many angiosperms. Unfortunately, most of the remaining fossil-containing rock has been excavated, crushed, and used as road fill for the Duke Point Road extension to the Duke Point Ferry Terminal.

All of this is located around the largest river estuary on the Island.

Back to topic....

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That's not erosion - that looks BENT!

Unread post by Shelgeyr » Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:45 pm

I was wandering around Egypt and the surrounding area on Google Earth again (yeah, I know, it is an addiction), with the "Photo" layer turned on, when I came across this lovely picture of a nice "natural bridge" way out in the desert:
http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com ... 776405.jpg

Via this linked Panoramio page:

At these coordinates:
24° 0' 0.00" N 25° 0' 0.00" E

Now with the coordinates being registered as dead-on 24 by 25 degrees, I'm kind of suspicious that the photographer might be hiding his find. But nonetheless, just look at the lines on that natural bridge! Erosion didn't do that. Those layers look flat out BENT. And, of course, I would argue they weren't so much bent after forming, as simply formed that way.

I wonder if there is a definitive test that would indicate if natural bridges (many of them at least) are types of mega-fulgarites?
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Re: That's not erosion - that looks BENT!

Unread post by Nitai » Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:51 am

Looks like at one point it was standing up straight and got real hot and slightly melted and fell over..
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Re: That's not erosion - that looks BENT!

Unread post by The Great Dog » Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:33 pm

The Great Dog remembers something about this from a couple years ago. Speculative, but interesting:

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Re: Ancient Destruction - Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria

Unread post by Thrak » Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:51 pm

ancientd wrote:[....].Also at Lake Mungo there are quite a few and at Kow swamp lunette in Echuca where they appear to be of a different genera.In this regard they resemble the large assemblage of fossilised megafauna along the Mississippi river.( see article by Paulina West at http://www.ancientdestructions.com) However aboriginal legend from the Parkinji tribe ( spelling guess) mention the skygod who whirled his boomerang around destroying the trees and forming the round sand lunette ( concretized as you would expect from an EU event)which the bodies are buried and scattered in. These bodies are either within the concretised sand or fossilized and scattered on the shores of the lake . I believe fossilization is most probably an instantaneous event where element transmutation or transformation takes place thus preserving the biological material which would rapidly otherwise dissappear. Although the collection could of been driven by a tsunami ,in this case since they surround a round lake and are placed up in the hills.The round shape of the lunette would seem to preclude a chevron deposition . Since as Ted Bryant ( who also appears on the film) notes the formation of these spear shaped chevron formations( i.e. Tsunami deposits) around the area ,which is some 4 hundred miles inland, this is also a puzzle but the cause of the formation of the lunettes is a more compelling story. Part of the story involves the magnetic reversal that occurred at Lake Mungo and by insinuation at the close by Lake Victoria [....]
Peter, very interesting what you write. - So I think that the large amount of bodies found could all have been washed that way by large waves / megatsunami - ?preserved in salt water, that later evaporated? - Could the lakes be just the remnants of a large body of water that might have existed after a tsunami washed East-->West?
-- Just want to point out that, if your correspondence / film with Ted Bryant was after March ten, 2008, I take credit of mentioning these spear shaped formations first in an email to him. -

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Re: Ancient Destruction - Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria

Unread post by ancientd » Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:09 am

The interview with Ted Bryant was a couple of years ago and mainly for the video " Mega Tsunami Melbourne 1500AD" which has an intro on You tube. Certainly I am sure amounts of bodies human or otherwise could be piled before an ancient mega tsunmi but in the lake Mungo / lake Victoria case I think they were as a result of these crater like formations ( similar to the carolina bays ( i.e. shallow ,sandy and slightly lopsided) I suspect they are the result of circular electrical machining but I note that after an earthquake ( which certainly seems related to if not caused by EU evnts ) circular lakes and round waterholes can result ( Calabria- Italy 17th century for instance) Whether the formation is by teluric currents from below or electrical discharge events above is conjecture but I do not see a sensible cause under conventional geologie's paradigms. All now of course is burid under the recent floods which must be tied into the sun????

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Re: Ancient Destruction - Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria

Unread post by mharratsc » Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:26 am

Pardon me for interjecting here, but I was suddenly struck by some key pieces of conjecture from the posters above, and I also remembered reading something from Aboriginal history (forgive me- any and all historical knowledge I have is very, very rudimentary :oops: )

It was mentioned that we're seeing large congregations of bodies very near bodies of water, and at least one river, correct?

Is there not a history from the Aboriginal peoples of Australia talking about a time "when the sky rained fire"?

If you saw what looked like fire in the sky (plasma discharges) and you felt like you were burning (synchrotron radiation in close proximity)... where would you go to 'put out the fire'?

Just thinking out loud...
Mike H.

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Re: Ancient Destruction - Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria

Unread post by regmor12 » Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:00 am

As I watched the trailer it occurred to me that the Carolina Lunette System, USA is roughly opposite the Lake Mungo Lunette System on the other side of the earth. Inspection of the globe a few feet away verified that this is so. This positioning may be a very good indication that these events were related electrically perhaps during a magnetic field collapse and reversal. I'd guess that during a magnetic pole shift that the poles would not necessarily be located directly opposite each other until the migration was near its end. I read sometime ago that it's believed (by some) that the Carolina Bay craters were formed by an asteroid strike in the Pleistocene. Are we really leaving the days of striking rocks together to get a spark in favor of the more abstract reality of electrical power? Chief scientists Thak and Drog might resist. Reg Moore

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Re: Ancient Destruction - Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria

Unread post by ancientd » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:35 pm

Regarding aboriginal mythology . There certainly are plenty of aboriginal examples of fire from the sky. The Barkinji one mentioned in the u tube shorts is but one. " words such as " do not let it burn our people up" were chanted. Rens Van der Slueys alerted me to some of these examples and on interviewing the local " elders" around these areas they are plenty of other examples pertaining to the 'Axis Mundi 'that Rens is keen on discussing as a common theme to all mankind. To him this is an example of a synchrotron radiation discahrge effect from a Peratt instability ( whatever it's cause.)Another area in Australia is lake Mac quarie where fire and rocks fell on aboriginal heads and created a fossil forest of trees. Good examples of electro fossilization

all the best Peter . Also anyone interested the trailer of Antartica once a tropical paradise is now on you tube"I would appreciate comments


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