Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer



Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 23, 2011 8:45 am

Dr. Dmitriev and "Tornado Physics":
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p5644

I found, especially from Russia, a whole bunch of intriguing research that shows that there is a consciousness field. Consciousness is not just something in the mind — it’s actually the energy that goes into making matter.

There’s actually plenty of evidence to show especially from Russia where they call them “vacuum domains” or “natural, self-luminous formations”. Lots of people might call them UFOs without realizing that, in some cases, when you see these balls of light, it’s just another natural physical phenomenon that our scientists don’t really acknowledge.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p5963

A theoretical model of tornado vortex is presented. The tornado phenomenon is known
to occur in the subcloud layer characterized by stable atmosphere stratification. That
obviously means that the energy source of the vortex itself is situated outside of this
subcloud layer.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p7964

Dyatlov presents a polarization model of the inhomogeneous physical vacuum to discuss the above theories of physical vacuum (vacuum as a polarized medium). Moreover, the physical properties of BL and tornadoes are used to substantiate these concepts. These requirements are:

• The model unifies electrodynamics and gravidynamics, which are understood as material – vacuum polarization theories,

• The model contains a physical description of a self-luminous body such as ball lightning, tornadoes, and other anomalous phenomena that are understood as some formation of a polarized vacuum, and

• The model does not conflict with commonly accepted space-time notions outside of the self-luminous body.

The term polarization is used in the classical sense and represents a vector sum of elementary dipoles (not particles) and moments in the unit volume of a vacuum. These items would otherwise be considered as vector densities of elementary dipoles or moments.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p7965

Sakharov provided a theory that energy may be extracted from the vacuum. The West thought more along the lines of Dirac (Rueda, 1999; Puthoff, 1998; Haisch, 1998) and proceeded to develop the Zero Point Field where particles are instantaneously created and annihilated simultaneously with their electric, magnetic and gravitic fields. Energy may be extracted when these fields are either created or destroyed. In contrast, the Russians
coined the phrase Physical Vacuum.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p7980

Creation of the new model of physical vacuum based on the concept of different kinds of vacuum's phase states (local inhomogeneity), was primary dictated by necessity of theoretical understanding anomalous physical phenomena, such as so called natural glowing formations (NGF)
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p7981

Torsion fields have been studied by several groups of Russian scientists for at least three decades and most of that time in secret. What are torsion fields? According to A. Akimov, these fields come in at least three types: E-fields, S-fields, and G-fields. The E, S, and G stand for Electric, Spin, and Gravity fields. The torsion field and its emanations are subtle energy fields. They are separate and distinct from classical Electric, Magnetic, and Gravity fields.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p8045

The physical vacuum is a heterogeneous polarization medium which is present everywhere and consists of a homogeneous – absolute – physical vacuum and two modified – matter and antimatter – physical vacuums. The local formations of a modified vacuum, called vacuum domains, float within the unbounded absolute physical vacuum medium

According to the polarization model of the non-homogeneous physical vacuum, the translucent, self-luminescent body in the anomalous phenomena considered is some kind of modified physical vacuum in the medium of the absolute physical vacuum.

Vacuum domains, which are local formations of a non-homogeneous physical vacuum, are transformers of gravitational energy into electromagnetic energy and the reverse and of both these types of energy into mechanical and thermal energy
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... t=15#p8063

Wilhelm Reich called it “orgone” energy and even developed some methods for manipulating it. It is probably related to the spin field that Russian scientists have been exploring in the last few years.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 7d2a#p8068

Spin waves in condensed matter are a current and well-studied topic in modern physics. However, there is a less-known backwater in this field: Torsion Fields, the quantum spin of empty space; the large-scale coherent effects of the spin of the particles in the virtual sea.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 7d2a#p8082

Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs in physics when a system that is symmetric goes into a vacuum state that is not symmetric. At this point the system no longer appears to behave in a symmetric manner. It is a phenomenon that occurs in many situations. It can be discrete, such as the space group of a crystal or continuous such as the rotational symmetry of space.

The experiments involved a mysterious bell-shaped device comprising of two contra-rotating cylinders filled with a liquid [thought to be mercury], that emitted a strange pale blue light. It is thought that the experiments related to an investigation [radical even today] into torsion fields, and the arcane properties of space-time. “… if you generate a torsion field of sufficient magnitude the theory says you can bend the four dimensions of space around the generator. The more torsion you generate, the more space you perturb… when you bend space, you also bend time…”

Viktor Schauberger believed that the vortex – visible all around us from whirlpools, spiral galaxies, and the double helix of a DNA strand – is the most efficient conduit for the transmission of energy.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... t=15#p8094

On the Way to Understanding the Time Phenomenon: the Constructions of Time in Natural Science. Part 2. The "Active" Properties of Time According to N. A. Kozyrev

The Institute of Time Nature Explorations
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... t=15#p8098

A Theory of the Physical Vacuum: A New Paradigm – G. I. Shipov
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... t=15#p8159

In 1997, Borge Nodland and John Ralston found in their analysis of astronomical polarization data that the universe had an optical axis: it was circularly birefringent! The universe appeared to behave in a similar way as a crystal with optical activity: it rotated the polarization direction of linearly polarized light! This cosmic "quartz crystal" had an optical axis parallel to the direction Aquila-Earth-Sextans. Is the universe birefringent? Is the universe rotating?



Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 23, 2011 9:32 am

Torsion Waves, Polarization, and the Dance of the Honeybee :D

Dancing under a Polarized Sky
Soon after the end of World War II in war ravaged Germany, Frisch was observing the dance of bees and "reading" the language he himself had recently deciphered. In a way, he was feeling ecstatic: he could eavesdrop in the bee conversation and interpret their symbolic language. He understood the eight-shaped dance meant, for example, nectar 1.5 km away and at 30 degrees from the current position of the sun. On several occasions he had astonished neighbors by telling them that his bees were feeding from sources on their farms which he had not seen. The human and insect brain had never communicated in such a way before.

How could the bee know the position of the sun? At that time he was studying the bee dance on a comb placed horizontally. Previous experiments had proven conclusively that bees used the sun as a compass. He could even rotate at will the dance by replacing the sun with a lamp. If the horizontal comb was covered and illuminated by diffuse light, the dances were disoriented. But somehow they became oriented again if the bee could see a small patch of blue sky. As hard as it was to believe at the time, Frisch concluded that the bee could see the polarization pattern of the sky! Later, other researchers discovered many other animals sensitive to polarized light (eyes), some of which could use it for navigation, as the bee does. But this capacity was discovered in honeybees first because they gave away their secret through their dance language.

Bees returning to the beehive after finding a good supply of food will communicate to other bees by dancing at a particular region in the comb: the dance floor. The dance floor is generally close to the entrance but sometimes moves, e.g. goes further inside when it is cold or closer to the entrance when there is lots of activity. In Nature honey combs are vertical, so the dance is generally performed on a vertical plane. This is of great significance for the bee dance as the language must provide information of horizontal directions on a vertical plane. However, when the weather is very warm the dance floor may move outside the entrance to a horizontal flight board. It is also horizontal in some primitive bee species and can always be made horizontal by the human experimenter.
Torsion Fields
As a result Akimov et al. view the vacuum as a physical medium that can assume various polarization states. Given charge polarization, the vacuum is manifested as the electromagnetic field. Given matter-polarization, it is manifested as the gravitational field; and given spin-polarization, the vacuum manifests as a spin-field. All fundamental fields known to physics correspond to specific vacuum polarization-states.

Thus the above "torsion-field theory of the physical vacuum" can claim that all objects, from quanta to galaxies, create vortices in the vacuum. The vortices created by particles and other material objects are information carriers, linking physical events quasi- instantaneously. The group-speed of these "torsion-waves" is of the order of 109 C — one billion times the speed of light. Since not just physical objects, also the neurons in our brain create and receive torsion- waves, not only particles are "informed" of each other's presence (as in the famous EPR experiments), also humans can be so informed: our brain, too, is a vacuum- based "torsion- field transceiver." This suggests a physical explanation not only of quantum non- locality, but also of telepathy, remote viewing, and the other telesomatic effects discussed above.
Polarized Light Waveforms
http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java ... aveform3d/
The ordinary and extraordinary light waves generated when a beam of light traverses a birefringent crystal have plane-polarized electric vectors that are mutually perpendicular to each other. In addition, due to differences in electronic interaction that each component experiences during its journey through the crystal, a phase shift usually occurs between the two waves. This interactive tutorial explores the generation of linear, elliptical, and circularly polarized light by a pair of orthogonal light waves (as a function of the relative phase shift between the waves) when the electric field vectors are added together.

The tutorial initializes with two orthogonal sine waves (the electric vector components of the waves are colored red and blue) traveling from left to right in the window, and having a 90-degree (one-quarter wavelength) out-of-phase relationship. Circumscribing the mutually perpendicular waves is a helical black line (resultant vector) that is generated by calculating the sum of the electric vector components from each wave. The relative phase shift between the two waves can be altered with the Phase Shift slider through a range of zero to 360 degrees. As this slider is translated to the left or right, one wave moves in relation to the other along the propagation axis (shifting the phase), and the black line representing the vector sum changes from elliptical to circular or linear, depending upon the value of the phase relationship between the waves.

When the Phase Shift slider is set to zero, 180, and 360 degrees, the resultant vector (the black line surrounding the waves or the thick arrow in the gray box) creates a black sine wave positioned at a 45-degree angle between the orthogonal waves, or traces a straight line when the approaching waves are viewed end-on from the gray box. Between zero and 90 degrees, the resultant vector forms an ellipse (representing elliptically polarized light) around the waves and in the gray box. At 90 degrees, the ellipse becomes a circle (representing circularly polarized light). In both cases, the sweep of the resultant vector is counterclockwise, which indicates left-handed polarized light. As the slider is translated between 90 and 180 degrees, the ellipse slowly collapses to form linearly polarized light (at 180 degrees; in the opposite quadrant from the orientation at zero degrees), and then right-handed elliptically polarized light when the slider is moved past 180 degrees. At 270 degrees, right-handed circularly polarized light is produced, which folds into elliptically polarized light between 270 and 360 degrees and, finally, linearly polarized light is again formed at 360 degrees.

In linearly polarized light, the electric vector is vibrating in a plane that is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Natural light sources, such as sunlight, and artificial sources, including incandescent and fluorescent light, all emit light with orientations of the electric vector that are random in space and time. Light of this type is termed non-polarized. In addition, there exist several states of elliptically polarized light that lie between linear and non-polarized, in which the electric field vector transcribes the shape of an ellipse in all planes perpendicular to the direction of light wave propagation.

Elliptical polarization, unlike plane-polarized and non-polarized light, has a rotational "sense" that refers to the direction of electric vector rotation around the propagation (incident) axis of the light beam. When approaching waves are viewed end-on, the direction of polarization can be either left-handed or right-handed, a property that is termed the handedness of the elliptical polarization. Clockwise rotational sweeps of the vector are referred to as right-handed polarization, and counterclockwise rotational sweeps represent left-handed polarization.

In cases where the major and minor vectorial axes of the polarization ellipse are equal, then the light wave falls into the category of circularly polarized light, and can be either right-handed or left-handed in sense. Another case often occurs in which the minor axis of the electric vector component in elliptically polarized light goes to zero, and the light becomes linearly polarized. Although each of these polarization motifs can be achieved in the laboratory with the appropriate optical instrumentation, they also occur (to varying, but minor, degrees) in natural non-polarized light.

A special class of materials known as compensation or retardation plates is quite useful in producing elliptically and circularly polarized light for a number of applications, including polarized optical microscopy. These birefringent substances are chosen because, when their optical axis is positioned perpendicular to the incident light beam, the ordinary and extraordinary light rays follow identical trajectories and exhibit a phase difference that is dependent upon the degree of birefringence. Because the pair of orthogonal waves is superimposed, it can be considered a single wave having mutually perpendicular electrical vector components separated by a small difference in phase. When the vectors are combined by simple addition in three-dimensional space, the resulting wave becomes elliptically polarized.

This concept is illustrated in Figure 1, where the resultant electric vector does not vibrate in a single plane, but progressively rotates around the axis of light wave propagation, sweeping out an elliptical trajectory that appears as a spiral when the wave is viewed at an angle. The size of the phase difference between the ordinary and extraordinary waves (of equal amplitude) determines whether the vector sweeps an elliptical or circular pathway when the wave is viewed end-on from the direction of propagation. If the phase shift is either one-quarter or three-quarters of a wavelength, then a circular spiral is scribed by the resultant vector. However, phase shifts of one-half or a full wavelength produce linearly polarized light and all other phase shifts produce sweeps having various degrees of ellipticity.

When the ordinary and extraordinary waves emerge from a birefringent crystal, they are vibrating in mutually perpendicular planes having a total intensity that is the sum of their individual intensities. Because the polarized waves have electric vectors that vibrate in perpendicular planes, the waves are not capable of undergoing interference. This fact has consequences in the ability of birefringent substances to produce an image.

Interference can only occur when the electric vectors of two waves vibrate in the same plane during intersection to produce a change in amplitude of the resultant wave (a requirement for image formation). Therefore, transparent specimens that are birefringent will remain invisible unless they are examined between crossed polarizers, which pass only the components of the elliptically and circularly polarized waves that are parallel to the axis of the polarizer closest to the observer. These components are able to produce amplitude fluctuations to generate contrast and emerge from the polarizer as linearly polarized light.



Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:27 am

How does animal camouflage work? Is it a type of “shapeshifting” – changing both color and pattern recognition? How do animals use polarized light to do this?

The case for polarized communication
The underwater world is polarized and many of its inhabitants are aware of it. They have polarization vision (P-vision). But can any of them actively control the polarization of light and use it for signaling? Maybe so.

In1960 Moody and Parriss discovered P-vision in octopuses and soon after others found it in the rest of the octopods and decapods. Indeed, if you have eight or ten arms and a big head you've probably got P-vision.

The European Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) is a relative of the squid with a calcified internal shell. They live in coastal waters throughout the Mediterranean Sea and eastern Atlantic from England to North Africa.

Cuttlefish have special markings that change colors depending on the circumstances -- a kind of ten-armed chameleon. As other cephalopods, they have chromatophores and iridescent cells forming special patterns. In particular, the cuttlefish has pink "iridophore" arm stripes down the middle of the six central arms, an "eye ring" around the eyes and a "head bar" at the top of the front of the head. The cuttlefish can change the iridescence by changes in the iridophore platelet ultrastructure. As other examples of coloring that originate in structural features rather than pigmentation, unpolarized light can be reflected with a preferential polarization. So it is not very surprising that these visible patterns correlate with polarization patterns. And if the iridescence can change, so can the polarization.

The fact that cuttlefish have both P-vision and also polarized patterns in the skin doesn't necessarily prove those have behavioral significance. That's what Shashar, Rutledge and Cronin set out to prove. They placed mirrors in front of them to see how they reacted to their own image. Generally they tended to retreat from the mirror. The cuttlefish behavior changed markedly when a transparent filter was placed between the mirror and them. The filter didn't change the visible image but only distorted the polarization. In this last case, they stayed put and were not scared by their own face!

The polarization pattern is more intense when the cuttlefish cruise or hover in the water and when they are alert at the bottom even if not moving (the researchers determined alertness by the tracking of the eyes). It disappears when they camouflage on the bottom and are not alert. During mating behavior the male's pattern first diminishes and then reappears. The polarization pattern also disappears when a female is laying eggs, before and during attacks of prey and during extreme aggression between males. It is well established that the diverse body colors and patterns in cuttlefish have behavioral significance and are used in intraspecific (pal to pal) communication and for camouflage. Shashar et al. suggest that: "Polarization may provide cuttlefish with a channel concealed from some of their predators". They point out that vertebrate predators of cuttlefish, like sharks, cetaceans and seals are not known to posses P-vision.

Why P-vision?

Most cephalopods do not migrate or forage over long distances so navigation is probably not their main use for P-vision. Some suggestions include: target recognition, breaking camouflage and increasing detection range. A very good use could be for detecting transparent objects, like those delicious jellyfish. Against a polarized background, like the one produced by light refracted at the water surface, they could become very noticeable by depolarizing the light or maybe even by acquiring interference colors.

In addition, many crustaceans (again, octopuses prey) reflect from their smooth surfaces light that is strongly polarized. In the lab, octopus vulgaris and octopus briareus could detect patterns that had contrasts as small as 20 degrees in the direction of polarization (if fully polarized). A possible advantage of P-vision is that, while the object color changes with depth due to the varying attenuation by sea water across the spectrum, patterns due to changes in reflected polarization would remain constant.
How P-vision?

The anatomical basis for this sensitivity has some similarities with that of insects. The visual pigment rhodopsin orients preferentially in a direction parallel to the microvilli tubes where it is located The microvilli of each photoreceptor cell are parallel to each other, making the cell much more sensitive to light linearly polarized parallel to that direction. The microvilli of adjacent photoreceptors are perpendicular to each other, thus providing the basis for polarization discrimination. However, as light is usually only partially polarized, a third measurement is needed at another angle to eliminate ambiguity: this may be accomplished by movements of the eye or maybe by variations between different parts of the retina.
How Animal Camouflage Works – Animal Color Change
http://animals.howstuffworks.com/animal ... flage2.htm
In the last section, we saw that the most basic form of camouflage is a coloration that matches an animal's surroundings. Of course, an animal's surroundings may change from time to time. Many animals have developed special adaptations that let them change their coloration as their surroundings change.

One of the biggest shifts in an animal's surroundings occurs with the changing of the seasons. In the spring and summer, a mammal's habitat might be full of greens and browns, while in the fall and winter, everything can be covered with snow. While brown coloration is perfect for a summer wooded environment, it makes an animal an easy target against a white background. Many birds and mammals deal with this by producing different colors of fur or feathers depending on the time of year. In most cases, either changing amounts of daylight or shifts in temperature trigger a hormonal reaction in the animal that causes it to produce different biochromes.

Feathers and fur in animals are like human hair and fingernails -- they are actually dead tissue. They are attached to the animal, but since they are not alive, the animal can do nothing to alter their composition. Consequently, a bird or mammal has to produce a whole new coat of fur or feathers in order to change color. In many reptiles, amphibians and fish, on the other hand, coloration is determined by biochromes in living cells. Biochromes may be in cells at the skin's surface or in cells at deeper levels. These deeper-level cells are called chromatophores.

Some animals, such as various cuttlefish species, can manipulate their chromatophores to change their overall skin color. These animals have a collection of chromatophores, each of which contains a single pigment. An individual chromatophore is surrounded by a circular muscle that can constrict and expand. When the cuttlefish constricts the muscle, all the pigment is squeezed to the top of the chromatophore. At the top, the cell is flattened out into a wide disc. When the muscle relaxes, the cell returns to its natural shape of a relatively small blob. This blob is much harder to see than the wide disc of the constricted cell. By constricting all the chromatophores with a certain pigment and relaxing all the ones with other pigments, the animal can change the overall color of its body.

Cuttlefish with this ability can generate a wide range of colors and many interesting patterns. By perceiving the color of a backdrop and constricting the right combination of chromatophores, the animal can blend in with all sorts of surroundings. Cuttlefish may also use this ability to communicate with each other. The most famous color-changer, the chameleon, alters its skin color using a similar mechanism, but not usually for camouflaging purposes. Chameleons tend to change their skin color when their mood changes, not when they move into different surroundings.

Some animal species actually change which pigments are in their skin. Nudibranches (a small sea creature) change their coloration by altering their diet. When a nudibranch feeds from a particular sort of coral, its body deposits the pigments from that coral in the skin and outer extensions of the intestines. The pigments show through, and the animal becomes the same color as the coral. Since the coral is not only the creature's food, but also its habitat, the coloration is perfect camouflage. When the creature moves on to a differently colored piece of coral its body color changes with the new food source. Similarly, some parasite species, such as the fluke, will take on the color of their host, which is also their home.

Many fish species gradually produce different pigments without changing their diet. This works something like seasonal molting in mammals and birds. When the fish changes environments, it receives visual cues of a new surrounding model. Based on this stimulus, it begins to release hormones that change how its body produces pigments. Over time, the fish's coloring changes to match the new surroundings.
How Animal Camouflage Works – the Cuttlefish
http://animals.howstuffworks.com/animal ... uflage.htm

How do a zebra's stripes act as camouflage?
http://animals.howstuffworks.com/mammal ... ion454.htm
The first is as simple pattern-camouflage, much like the type the military uses in its fatigue design. The wavy lines of a zebra blend in with the wavy lines of the tall grass around it. It doesn't matter that the zebra's stripes are black and white and the lines of the grass are yellow, brown or green, because the zebra's main predator, the lion, is colorblind. The pattern of the camouflage is much more important than its color, when hiding from these predators.



Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:28 pm

Torsion waves and counter rotating vortex pairs

The Universal Heartbeat
http://divinecosmos.com/index.php/start ... -heartbeat
In almost all esoteric spiritual traditions, the Universe begins with the Oneness, which is shrouded in mystery. It is said to have the shape of a sphere, and we shall refer to this as the Universal Sphere.

Though we cannot truly speculate on its contents, its identity shows up in modern Russian physics as the “Absolute Physical Vacuum” or APV.

All of this occurs within the Sphere, which does not change its shape or form a double of itself like we would see in the division of a cell. This simple division of the energy within the Sphere created two main bodies of aether, which for simplicity’s sake we will refer to as aether 1 (A1) and aether 2 (A2).

Ultimately, we propose that all of Kozyrev’s effects and all aetheric density levels or planes of space and time are caused by the dynamic interplay of these two basic forces in the creation of matter, as also seen in Rod Johnson’s model of quantum physics.

The next excerpt from Physics News suggests that two different major densities of aether (i.e. “dark matter”) are at work in galaxies and superclusters.

Again, our key starting point here is that we have a Universal Sphere that has divided into A1 and A2 within itself. These aethers have slightly different vibrational speeds, expressed in the above excerpt as “hot” and “cold.”


Next we must see that the Universal bodies of aether 1 and aether 2 can counter-rotate relative to each other, or swirl in opposite directions, without causing much disturbance to each other:

A1 swirls clockwise while A2 swirls counterclockwise at the same time, and they will mostly pass right through each other in the Sphere as this movement continues.

Since A1 vibrates slightly faster than A2, A1 will also rotate slightly faster than A2 in the Sphere. This shall be seen as an important point later.

The bodies of A1 and A2 are fluidlike, in that they have spherical “field bubbles” that have the ability to flow around.

This is supported by the work of Kozyrev, Mishin and others, who showed fluidlike activity and “currents” in the aether.
However, these “field bubbles” also have inner Platonic Solid geometry that causes them to remain bonded in a relatively stable matrix formation with their neighbors.

A1 bonds to itself as one spherical entity, and A2 bonds to itself as a separate spherical entity. Hence, this fluid-crystal geometric quality of A1 and A2 keeps them from blending into each other (homogenizing) all at once and losing their counter-rotating momentum.

As they counter-rotate, their “field bubbles” can slip past each other like a superfluid, even though they are under very high compression.


Again, the fluid-crystal matrix qualities of A1 and A2 cause them to preserve their own inner geometric order while they counter-rotate.

This could be thought of as a form of inner magnetic attraction. However, if we start actually sending ripples (pulsations) through this Universal Sphere, the field bubbles of A1 and A2 will be bumping into each other, conducting the vibrations (pulsations) as a single, unified fluid.

These pulsations are the actual, true definition of torsion waves. This concept of A1 and A2 as a unified fluid is extremely important in understanding how the Universe actually functions, as it explains that all levels of aether, regardless of their density, are comprised of both A1 and A2.


Most of the time, A1 and A2 will slip around each other as they pass. However, if their geometries are properly aligned, they can and will blend together.

Electromagnetic energy is formed when the field bubbles of A1 and A2 merge together.

The two fluidlike aethers are indeed counter-rotating inside of a spherical space, continually and easily flowing past each other with qualities of a “superfluid,” meaning that unless their particles collide, there is literally zero resistance to their movement.

As the two fluidlike aethers pass each other, some of their field bubbles will directly collide.

When their geometric frequencies are properly aligned, the two different forms of energy of A1 and A2 merge together.

Once A1 and A2 merge together, they are immediately compressed by the material that surrounds them on all sides.

Similar to how a spherical bubble of air forms in water, the compression of the merged energies of A1 and A2 forms a miniature sphere.

This creates a tiny replica of the Universal Sphere, a perfect microcosm of the macrocosm.

Within this tiny sphere, the aetheric energies of A1 and A2 will continue to counter-rotate and swirl around each other just like they do in the Universal Sphere.

This forms a vortex, which takes on a form of “gravity” by attracting A1 and A2 into itself via the Biefield-Brown effect.

As these tiny spheres continue to attract more and more field bubbles from A1 and A2, they will gradually grow in size. Without A1 and A2 blending together, there is no observable matter.


We have already explained in previous chapters how the spherical torus is a natural “whirlpool” type formation that appears in a fluid, caused by rotational movement.

In the rotating sphere of fluid, you see a whirlpool on both the north and south poles; on one pole the whirlpool will be spiraling “in” towards the center and on the other pole it will be spiraling back “out” from the center.

Both A1 and A2 exist in the same sphere, but they counter-rotate in opposite directions. This means that they will both create spherical torus formations that will share the same axis in the same sphere.

The first aether (A1) spins in a clockwise motion, and this causes a whirlpool to flow in through the north pole of the Sphere and out through the south pole of the Sphere.

The second aether (A2) spins in a counter-clockwise motion, and this causes a whirlpool to flow in through the south pole of the Sphere and out through the north pole of the Sphere.

When we take the whirlpool analogy and use it with our sphere, this means that the central vortex-axis of the sphere will have the greatest speed of movement, and also the greatest pressure.

A1 pushes towards the center from the North and A2 pushes towards the center from the South. They both collide in the exact center of the Universal Sphere with the greatest speed of movement and the greatest pressure.

After A1 and A2 have formed and their counter-rotational movement begins, the moment when this vortex collision first takes place in the center is what mainstream scientists would call the “Big Bang.”

The south-moving pressure of A1 collides with the north-moving pressure of A2, and much more of the field bubbles of A1 and A2 begin to merge together in this area than in any other.

They form into the shape of a sphere in the center since there is pressure pushing in on them from all sides.
Electromagnetic energy is created forming visible light and matter.

This sphere of energy begins to grow at first, as it absorbs more and more of the fluidlike energy “particles” of A1 and A2 into itself.

Luminous plasma is the original, basic form that is produced as the two aethers blend together.

The two tori are both contained in the same spherical space and are able to swirl inside of each other.

Since we are dealing with a sphere that is a luminous plasma, many esoteric schools of thought refer to this Central Sphere as the “Great Central Sun.”

A pulsating rhythm is established in this central sphere, as follows:

Once the luminous plasma that is forming within the central sphere reaches a certain size, the incredible surrounding pressure of the whirlpool vortex movements of A1 and A2 causes the sphere to collapse in on itself and implode.

This implosion jams the luminous plasma together ultra-tightly. However, the plasma resists being compressed beyond a certain maximum level of density.

So the entire plasma sphere collectively bounces back against the surrounding pressure, causing it to explode back to its original size.

As soon as the plasma sphere reaches its original size, the tremendous surrounding pressures cause it to implode once again.

Since the sphere still cannot handle being compressed that tightly, it again explodes, and so the cycle continues. The sphere continually grows slightly larger each time due to the steady increase of the amount of energy streaming into it.

This sphere is now what Dr. Crane calls a “central oscillator.”

In this model, the main energy fields of A1 and A2 in the Universal Sphere will maintain constant, steady speeds of rotation relative to each other, with A1 slightly faster than A2.

This also means that the implosion-explosion cycle of the central sphere will pulsate with a steady, unchanging rhythm, breathing in and out, in and out. For this reason, esoteric traditions refer to it as the “Breath of the Divine” or the “Universal Heartbeat.”

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Unread post by kevin » Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:51 am

The above link to the counter rotating aether flows is EXACTLY how all in creation is detectable as having such a counter rotating field about them...ANU...to moi.
It is enough to make one go....
Thats from HELP, and thank You miss lizzie for been such a help.

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Unread post by GaryN » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:50 pm

I like that link too, lizzie. The structure is just what I imagine,
though my mechanism may be different. The central oscillator and the
nested shells are right on. Even NASA agrees on the multi-layer structure,
but again, their mechanism differs.
It is charge accumulation in EM double layer separated shells in my
model, each layer being able to isolate at least 50 Billion volts,
so the central sphere, depending on the number of shells, is at incredible
values. There may be many shells, but, and don't ask me why, I believe
there are only between 7 and 10 'main' shells, ones with the strongest
charge separation capabilities.
We have to look to the spherical scalar waves for the answer, this is the
only way I can imagine to produce the radial expansion (the heartbeat) of
our Sun, and now being measured in other Suns.
In this thread, kevin links to a video that I still think is one of the
better explanations of scalar energy. I'm going to view it again.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 424#p16201
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller



Unread post by lizzie » Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:40 pm

The Unification of Time, Gravitation, and Electromagnetism
We have earlier mentioned that time is caused by the infinite velocity variety of the aether fluxes, and has nothing to do with the speed of light, to get the simplest understanding of what is time across to the readers.

The propagation velocity of the general time-flow is infinite. Given this, organization and information can be transferred by the time flow (a fluidic flow composed of infinitesimal infinite-velocity particles), to infinite distances, instantly. Time (aether flows) thus emerges instantly at every location, simultaneously throughout the entire universe. This behavior is called Universal Physical Time (UPT). We also know that the same flows are the primary causation of gravitation. Simply put, both time and gravitation are resulting from flows of the same substance, the infinitesimals.

According to Kozyrev's astronomical and laboratory observations and experiments, the aether flux which causes time has "active properties" which produce many physical effects on physical systems, including us. By using instrumentation to fix the "time flow" (actually aether flux) from stars, thus fixing the star's position at the present moment, the star's position in the past, the star's position in the future, and the actual proper motion of the astronomical object (its trajectory), Kozyrev & All were able to fix the true positions of astronomical objects, relative to their optically apparent positions. (In astronomy, this measurement is called the "parallax" of the astronomical object.) By measuring the angular distance between the true and apparent positions of the given object, the parallax of an object is determined by simple trigonometry.

We also mentioned earlier that all subatomic particles, including so-called "quarks" have substructures, being composed of yet smaller particles which are composed of yet smaller particles, and so on, down to the infinitesimals. This understanding changes things. Simply stated, all subatomic particles, including the electron, are resonant systems of orbiting smaller electric charges of opposite polarity, which sum to the observed charge on the given particle. These smaller electric charges are due to the various SubQuantum entities, in our view, such as the Kolmogorov vortex particles mentioned earlier. We have spoken earlier about the origination of the constituent aether fluxes as being due to plasma dissociation events internal to stars.

Simply stated, all subatomic particles, including the electron, are resonant systems of orbiting smaller electric charges of opposite polarity, which sum to the observed charge on the given particle. These smaller electric charges are due to the various SubQuantum entities, in our view, such as the Kolmogorov vortex particles mentioned earlier. We have spoken earlier about the origination of the constituent aether fluxes as being due to plasma dissociation events internal to stars.

In this model, the electron is never treated as a point-like particle. The electron, and the other subatomic particles, must have substructures in order to have an angular momentum and in order to demonstrate a preferred magnetic orientation (vaguely known as "spin"). There must be motions of subentities (K-vortices) circulating internal to the electron, in order to generate the observed electrical and magnetic dipole moments of the electron. The transfers of energies between these sub-entities which are moving internal to the classical electron radius, for example, must be resonant and near instantaneous, in order for the electron to remain a stable particle. This kind of perspective leads to a vast simplification of existing particle physics, one which is philosophically agreeable and easy to understand.

What does all this have to do with time, the informed reader asks? The reader may recall from our previously discussions of the direct relationship between gravitation and time, that both are the result of infinite velocity propagations of SubQuantum particles. There is also a direct relationship between gravitation and the electric field, and a direct relationship between the electric field and time.

The pace of Time is directly linked to electric field gradient variations by the mathematical function known as "delta grad E", which function is simply describing variations in the gradient of an electric field. Experimentally, such electric field variations measurably and instantly result in changes in the pace of time, variations in the measured force due to gravitation, variations of inertia, variations in the speed of light, and variations of the measured permittivity and permeability of the physical vacuum, all at the same time!

Further the electrical resistance of carbon changes in direct correspondence to the aether flux density at the given moment and the given location has profound implications in studies of the behaviors of biological systems. This fact has also led to the development of an instrument known as an Aether Flux Density (AFD) meter, which can be used in any study of Aether actions. When the AFD is applied as a gravitometer, it demonstrates a sensitivity to gravitational variations thousands of times greater than standard 4 axis gravitometer systems, and is capable of measuring gravitational transients as fast as 20 nanoseconds. (Needless to say, the force due to gravitation is never a "constant" value.)

From the above considerations, time is linked to gravitation, through the electric field. All the items in the preceding discussion (and many others) are linked by the unifying precursor activities of the infinite velocity infinitesimals. Based on instrumented astronomical observations and laboratory experiments, Kozyrev computed an infinite velocity of propagation for the "time substance", which corresponds with the view that there is an infinite velocity involved in gravitational aether fluxes. Thus both time and gravitation are due to the same superluminal aether flows. Additional properties of the time flux are involved with information flows, information densities, information content (such as the quantum potential), and so on, which add together to result in variations in the pace of Consciousness Time (CT). Kozyrev also discovered that the aether fluxes which cause Universal Physical Time (UPT) are also responsible for producing Metabolic Time (MT) in biological entities.

Variations in aether flux density have been experimentally connected to biological and electrical transmutations of the atomic elements, variations in the rates of chemical interactions, variations in spring stiffness, variations in mechanical tolerances from day to day, variations in elasticity, non-locally correlated variations in measured weight, non-locally correlated variations in measured inertia, information-correlated variations in the measured PH of remotely located substances, and a vast array of additional and surprising physical effects, none of which may be attributed in any way as being due to any manner of Heisenberg uncertainty. Aether fluxes are also responsible for many after-effects and precursor events associated with physical events. For example, there inevitably arises an aether precursor to any explosive event, which is measured as an aether flux density pressure wave, which aether density variation always precedes the physical shock-wave event itself.



Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:04 am

The Universe is a Harmonic Oscillator - Part 1 :D

Harmonic Oscillator
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hb ... /hosc.html
A diatomic molecule vibrates somewhat like two masses on a spring with a potential energy that depends upon the square of the displacement from equilibrium. But the energy levels are quantized at equally spaced values.

The quantum harmonic oscillator has implications far beyond the simple diatomic molecule. It is the foundation for the understanding of complex modes of vibration in larger molecules, the motion of atoms in a solid lattice, the theory of heat capacity, etc. In real systems, energy spacings are equal only for the lowest levels where the potential is a good approximation of the "mass on a spring" type harmonic potential. The anharmonic terms which appear in the potential for a diatomic molecule are useful for mapping the detailed potential of such systems.
The Harmonic Universe

Illustrative Example of Feynman’s Rest of the Universe

Creation of Correlated Pairs of Universes in the Quantum Multiverse
As conceptualized by the standard Copenhagen model, the perceptual act of knowing, or representing space-time creates a discontinuity in the continuum; what has been described as the "collapse function." However, according to Everett's formulation (Everett, 1957), there is no collapse function, as the observers are embedded observers. In Everett's many-worlds model, the subjective appearance of wave function collapse is explained by the mechanism of quantum decoherence; every possible outcome of every event defines or exists in its own "world". Further, these worlds are entangled, although they may be infinitely far apart, emerging and disappearing into the quantum field. Therefore, any plausible representation of space-time cannot be considered as representing the whole of space time, but instead a disconnected fragment of it and only one possibility out of an infinite number of possible outcomes. Each conception or perception of space time has a non-zero probability of being a physical realization of the universe as a whole.

Quantum fluctuations can refer to the subatomic nature of space time, where particles of energy come into existence only to be annihilated. However, these events take place so quickly and in such minute spaces that the law of conservation is not violated. These fluctuations also give rise to the uncertainty principle as applied to existence and non-existence, or the inability to know several properties of a single element simultaneously. However, since space time can exist at increasingly small spaces, to understand the implications requires an analyses employing the 1) Planck length, which is based on the speed of light in a vacuum, 2) Planck's constant (the size of quanta), and 3) the gravitational constant (the attractive force between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them).

Quantum fluctuations among the different geometrical representations of space-time become extremely important in the vacuum state of gravity at Planck length. For example, as the scale of time and space grows smaller the compression effects of the collapse function causes the amount of energy contained within virtual particles to greatly increase. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity increases in energy increases the curvature of spacetime. Therefore, decreases in space time increase energy, such that at infinitely small scales the energy of the fluctuations would rip apart spacetime, giving it a "foamy" character. Small regions of Planck length may rip out of the parent space-time and become tiny disconnected space-time regions on the order of the Planck length. The resulting bubbling soup of space-time foam creates virtual baby universes which are suddenly and continuously popping into existence and are also just as suddenly annihilated (Hawking, 1978; Wheeler, 1957).

A Critique of Richard Hoagland's Hyperdimensional "Celestial Window Model" and
an analysis of the RNG spiking at Princeton University.

Source: http://www.enterprisemission.com/tower2.htm

Quote: "When the hyperspatial geometries -- dictated by the positions, rotations and momenta of the solar system's planets -- create increasing and decreasing "gating" opportunities on Earth for this instantaneous information transfer of increased coherence between dimensions."

Quote: "The working model of the Princeton experimenters is that the shocking events of September 11th triggered a massive "tremor in the Force"-- that the major decrease in "randomness" of their random number generators placed around the planet was a direct result of the linked consciousness of billions of people all over the world, reacting to that horror seen on television. We respectfully disagree."

Quote: "In our model, the dramatic change in the random numbers coming in to Princeton -- beginning four hours ahead of the "event" -- was a direct result of a change in spatial parameters around those far-flung generators. These changing parameters, in turn, were caused by an increase in the "information transfer rate" between dimensions -- caused by a particular spatial geometry between Earth and key celestial objects."

Quote: "Support for this "Hyperdimensional" interpretation of the Princeton results comes not only from their own long-term RNG data (which reveal many similar "spikes", going back years -- with NO globally-riveting events entraining a "mass consciousness" within those "windows"), but also from a detailed analysis of the September 11th events themselves, carried out by Dean Radin of the Noetic Sciences Institute."


This theory is not a hyper dimensional model. It rules out collective consciousness, planet positions, planet angular momentum and planet rotation as a hyperdimensional cause of the Sept 11, 2001, Random Number Generator (RNG) spiking at Princeton University, detected in the 38 eggs (sensors) worldwide prior to and subsequent to the WTC event. Collective consciousness has just been proven to be able to spike the RNG's (Art Bell Experiment) but it seems not to be the cause of the WTC event. Collective consciousness spiking seems to be a response, as in a resonance to it, from other causes. This theory will explore those other causes.

Principle sources:

1. The graphs which were produced by the data of the eggs (sensors) of the Princeton RNG experiment, which shows the bundled musical wave-like oscillations spike occasionally.

2. An experiment I did with a Graphing Calculator program in 3D and 4D, on a Macintosh computer, which generated, from the center of the screen, based upon Phi and its harmonics, at what architectural draftsmen call a "center vanishing point", a group of waves emanating from this vanishing point, outward, left and right, bordered by diagonal lines across the corners of the screen like an X on its side. So the effect is like standing between two walls, looking at the vanishing point in the center, upon which walls are dynamically moving, vertical spikes and wave patterns going past left and right.

List 1 Graphics Calculator Program:

Some of the notable, musically-dynamic patterns observed after 1 hour were:

1. Simple, slow / fast, radiating wave forms which are cut across, occasionally, by other curved waves originating not at the vanishing point, similar to an expanding bubble.

2. Seemingly chaotic, complicated, slow / fast, radiating wave groups moving away from the vanishing point as if to suggest wave groups moving outward and back at the same time, creating standing and moving scalar waves.

3. Seemingly chaotic, complicated, slow / fast, radiating wave groups moving toward the vanishing point as if to suggest wave groups moving outward and back at the same time, creating standing and moving scalar waves.

4. Seemingly chaotic, complicated, slow / fast, radiating and almost impossibly analyzable tiny to large to extreme / radical spikes both standing then disappearing plus all manner of spike sizes moving forward and backward toward the vanishing point, in a seemingly chaotic darting, if it were not known the experiment was based upon the Phi ratio.

5. An infinite assortment of waves upon waves.

All in all, after seeing these extremely complicated, bundled musical wave-like oscillations and comparing them to:

The complicated bundled, musical wave-like oscillations of Princeton's RNG egg (sensor) still-frame data,

Other data which clearly shows the universe as a harmonic oscillator,

Other data which easily proves, to me, that the Universe is formed by, and is awash in waveforms,

The Mayan calendar cycles, Saros cycles, Metonic cycles...et al,

Studies of universal expansion of waveforms from "The Word", or Sound of the Origin,

Studies of sound as the basis of all growth, consciousness and crystal structure,

Musical philosophies of Ancient literature relating music to the Universal,

Resonance principles of all over-unity machines and electronics,

Universal constant studies, noting plainly the resonance of atomics and consciousness that gematrically parallels the mythological number systems of the Ancients,

The recursive and ever-spiraling math relationships between star positions, planets, moons and atomic constants, indicating a musical, harmonic system that orders our reality

My postulate is that the true hyperdimension is 4D Gravity.

I concluded that the phenomena observed in this dimension such as:

Richard Hoagland's "hyperspatial geometries -- dictated by the positions, rotations and momenta of the solar system's planets" reveals this science to be more like Astrology than it is 4D hyperphysics. Astrology seems to have two major classes -- Zodiac of Signs (Planets affecting humans, judged invalid for, among other reasons, sign shifting) and the Zodiac of Constellations, of which, the star / earth relationships, are judged valid as a cosmic mapping system such as Michael Morton's Archeo-sky-Matrix and Mary Weavers "Predictions of outcomes of NASA missions and airline disasters using ancient astrology"). Since Richard deals with planet dynamics, his hyperdimensional theory is astrological, not hyperdimensional.

In the case of "positions" and "rotations / momenta", namely "rotations / momenta of planets", are all 3D phenomena. The true hyperdimensional internal gravitic rotation/momenta being the "720 degree intrinsic spin" of 4D atomics: Pi / Sin .25, or 4pi.


At the incidental time of Sept 11, 2001, that within a period of 8 hours, 4 before and 4 after, a lashing radical spike (List 1, #4 above) of a universal forward-moving dissonant, radically spiked, musical waveform either, by itself as one group-wave, or in combination with other backward-moving group-waves, created a standing wave of dissonance into the Western hemisphere, on the East coast specifically, remembering that cosmic waves have much, much slower wave-frequency than do atomic wave-frequency, hence the 8 hr spike.

In short, sometimes an unpredicted, highly spiked, dissonant wave slams through our reality and does damage. People, being the ultra sensitive, resonant beings that we are, resonate with the wave, to play our part in the dynamics of Universe.

Rather than trying to figure out what "increasing and decreasing "gating" opportunities", "instantaneous information transfer of increased coherence between dimensions", and "a change in spatial parameters" actually means, we might simply note that universal musical waves occasionally create, at unpredicted times, musically constructive and destructive wave fronts in this 3rd dimension, flashing through the Earth’s sensitive fields occasionally in instant, harmonic spikes (4 hrs), then disappearing as instantly (4 hrs), keeping in mind that the true 4D hyperdimension is gravity.

I suggest computer-matching studies of music’s dynamic waveforms with the RNG waveforms, which may prove beneficial in finding any future consonant / dissonant waveforms that, not only may, but will, wash over us in the future, at the most unexpected and musically harmonic times, if the study isn't already in progress.
Last edited by lizzie on Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:58 am, edited 2 times in total.



Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:41 am

The Universe is a Harmonic Oscillator - Part 2
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =30#p45092
Keely has demonstrated that the subdivision of matter under different orders of progressive vibration evolves by such subdivisions entirely new and distinct elements, too multiple to enumerate. He has systematized the proper vibratory chords, progressively, from the introductory molecular to the interetheric, embracing seven distinct orders of triple subdivision.

Keely has discovered that all sympathetic streams, cerebellic, gravital, magnetic and electric, are composed of triple flows, this fact governing all terrestrial and celestial orders of positive and negative radiation. In gravity it would be more correct to speak of triple connective links, as there is no flow of gravity.

Keely attributes to the velocity of the triple subdivision at the point of dispersion, as each triple seeks its medium of affinity.

These same researches have enabled Keely to pronounce definitely as to the nature of gravity -- an ever-existing, eternal force, coexistent with the compound etheric or high luminous, entering into all forms of aggregated matter at their birth. Keely thinks that gravity is the source from which all visible matter springs, and that the sympathetic or neutral center of such aggregation have preceded it and to all that may succeed it, and that disturbance of equilibrium, like gravity, is an ever-existing force.
To quote from George's privately published book "Inner Space":

"The photon is not a constant but is energy based on DECAYING spinning wave resonance. Now when an energy exchange takes place between two electrons (or particles), the electron may move with a velocity.

When the particle has absorbed or attained enough energy, it may get rid of that energy by emitting it in a full or partially MUTILATED wave form.

But a second particle or electron may REABSORB THE SAME ENERGY, whereas BOTH will SPIN and RECOIL IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.

The direction will be determined by the recoiling photons. The photon transfer will be responsible for the force set up between the pair of electrons. The photon is energy in wave form which acts as a force field.

This moving wave form can convert to current as the force field is being produced when the photon RECOILS WHILE IT IS SPINNING.
The Theory of Global Scaling assumes that matter resonates harmonically at its lowest level of energy. This lowest level global scaling theory is not merely designated the “physical vacuum”; however, the frequency spectrum of the natural oscillations of the vacuum comprises many orders of magnitude and is fractally developed, like a melody. This “melody of creation” is, according to the theory, the cause of the logarithmic-hyperbolic, scale invariant, fractal distribution of frequencies of most varied measure – from the elementary particles to the galaxies.
Schauberger found:

That "the three dimensional vortex called the logarithmic spiral is the shape of water going down a drain, a tornado, a hurricane, a rams horn which, when played as an instrument, has two basic notes separated by a fifth musical note, atomic centers and galactic nebulas, possibly the entire universe".

"Atoms are nothing more than vortical patterns of energy, where a vortex is a three dimensional spiral. Growth patterns of shells and horns are nearly always spiral or vortical in form, possibly growing along some natural energy pattern". (Note: The Fibonacci Series of Natural Growth).

"Synchrotron radiation occurs when electrons spiral into a magnetic field.

That "the logarithmic spiral is based on a cycloid curve and is the exact opposite of the pressure screw used on airplanes and ships".

He believed that there existed one universal energy that manifests as dual forces depending on its polarity.

Pressure or Radiation leads to centrifugal motion (from the center, explosive), heat, friction and gravity.

Attraction or Suction leads to centripital motion (toward the center, implosive), cooling and levitation.

"The term diamagnetism was applied by Schauberger to the attractive or centripital force".

Energy set in motion in a vortex pattern is self-sustaining once it achieves its critical velocity, which may mean the same thing as becoming resonant with some current of force such as gravity".

"Implosion of the water stream occurred for the same reason; namely, the added energy current being drawn into the water vortex along its path was sufficient to 'push' the water away from the wall of the water guide and cause the pressure on the walls to drop to zero.

Why the water refused to rise in the flow return pipe after it became highly charged with etheric energy (diamagnetism) is still a mystery. It is possible that once the water atoms became purified and completely saturated with etheric energy they no longer offered any resistance to the flow of etheric energy through them. Thus, there was nothing for the polar flow to 'push' against and sustain the water flow. When the charged energy was drawn off by the collectors, the charge on the atoms remained below a certain threshold and they still offered sufficient resistance to the polar flow to sustain the vortex implosion motion".
Magnecrystallic Force

This force is neither + nor -. It is found in crystals when the cells attempt to align in the structure of the crystal as building blocks. From this amazing force we can see that it is not like any polarized force; therefore, it is higher than both, or perhaps more correctly, in the middle of both + and -. The only thing between + and - seems to be neutral. Therefore this force is neutral. Neutral is sometimes called the center, as the place where gravity's 'force' is found, according to Newton.

If Time is the information from the 1st dimension and Keely says time is gravity, then, gravity is the information from the Sun, not the 1st dimension, manifesting in the 3rd dimension. Gravity has ties to matter and that is different from the 1st dimensional characteristics of pure information.

Electromagnetism is "dead" force while the Sun feeds the earth with Life Force. That Total Life Force is earth's gravity. Some say the Sun is a living being like Mother Earth and was called Father and even worshipped, of course, this is correct. Father Sun gives to Mother Earth that which is Life. This is a good basis for a marriage of earth and Sun, woman and man. "Dead" electromagnetism and all other "dead" EM residual forces is what is left after all life is taken from the Life Force by the earth.

I learned that the Sun has what is called Ideo-rings (standing waves), upon which planets are set and revolve upon these ideas of the Sun.

The Ideo-rings (standing waves) are gravity, and it holds the total information to control all 'living' functions of earth. The Sun has no gravity or Ideo-ring affecting itself; they start with Mercury.

To give you an idea of the relationship, shape and generators of these Ideo-rings, see Buckminster Fuller's diagram "Tetrahedron as 4 dimensional Model".

This tetrahedral shape shows 3 radiative frequencies and 3 gravitic frequencies, the latter at 90 degrees to the former as follows:

Radiative from the apex- electron, positron, proton
Gravitic around the base- neutron, neutrino, anti-neutrino

If this is correct, I would think that gravity from the Sun's 19.5 areas (bases and apexes of 2 interlocking tetrahedrons or a Star of David inside the Sun), induct gravity into the earth's interlocking tetrahedra at the 19.5 areas, as Ideo-ring (standing waves) from the Sun.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 570#p40745

The Electro-Fractal Universe

Is the Sun a magnifying transmitter and multidimensional harmonic oscillator? Did the Universe begin with a “Big Pinch”? Is a spiral galaxy a “vorto-sink”?
The Fractal Field Unified Theory and the principle of the Golden Mean allow for the addition and multiplication of waves of charge and energy. The Fractal Field Unified Theory illustrates that the perfect, infinite symmetry sought by physicists pre- and post-Einstein is a fractal and Golden Ratio phase conjugate field.
The torus enables vortexes to be formed. All torii create energy vortexes. Energy can funnel up or down through it; the rotating nature of a torus generates a flow of energy through the torus, depending upon the speed of rotation of the torus and the kind of torus it is (there are 3 kinds of standard torii). An examination of the torus shows that its very construction forms energy funnels, or vortexes.
Diamagnetic Gravity Vortex: A Bloch Wall is a neutral center region at the junction of two magnetic poles (north/south). It is thereby a "magnetic flow reversal point" and is also known as a "diamagnetic vortex point". The Bloch Wall is the point of division of the circling vortex, or spin, of the electronic magnetic energies of the north and south poles. The negative energy pole and north pole magnetism spins to the left; the positive energy pole and south pole magnetism spins to the right. The point of zero magnetism and no-spin, and also the point of magnetic reversal where the two spin fields join, is the Bloch Wall.

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Unread post by kevin » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:24 am

I would recommend looking at so called groove ware pottery from the neolithic time.
jkeep in mind bloch walls, and think of how I detect two nearby points that are counter rotating to each other, their geometries will be sequenced typically 34/21or 34/55 etc etc.
What occurs are a cross feature of four pathways that is created by the two geometries, then along each of the arms of the cross zig zag signals are detectable, and dependant upon the geometry and distances apart the zig zag patterns are formulated.
The urns containg the creamated remains were placed on further out points where this terminates and earths into the ground.
The flows reverse relative to the moons position, especially at quadreture.
I have positioned myself directly upon such points when others fear to go out, it's a sort of other world experience.



Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:58 pm

Are the Earth and Sun torsion field generators? ;)

On the Hollow Earth, the Hollow Sun and the Central Vacuum

Can Gravity be Induced
The Sun is inducing gravity without a corresponding quantity of mass. This phenomenon is brought about by a plasma in a magnetically unified state; a magnetically sustained 'non-space', an absolute vacuum held in place by the photospheric plasma shell. Specific neutrino observations will verify this hypothesis.
An Empty Sun – Is Gravity Being Induced
http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/An-Empty- ... 25441.html
Abstract: A proposal suggesting that the Sun is a shell of sustained charged plasma encasing a non-space/absolute vacuum sphere that induces gravity.

Together with solid, liquid and gas, plasma is the 4th state of matter. Our Sun is a large charged plasma ball. Because the sun is rotating, this creates a dynamo effect which allows the plasma to exist as a single unified magnetic entity.

How powerful is this effect? If you look at the shifting structures in the sun’s outer layers, you see quite plainly that they are not visibly affected by the crushing gravitational attraction of the Sun. This is because the gravitational force is some 10 x 33rd times weaker than the magnetic force (that's a number with 30 zeros behind it.) In other words, it only takes a fraction of the plasma's magnetic potential to overcome the gravitational influence of the Sun.


Sunspots are dark depressions in the Sun's photosphere. The reason they are dark is because we are looking in towards the absolute vacuum of the Sun through this temporary thinning of solar hydrogen.


Scientists have discovered that the sun rings, much like a bell. These oscillations are much easier to propagate through a thin plasma shell, rather than through an increasingly dense object. One might compare a bowling ball and a bell; the bell is much more likely to successfully oscillate.

Angular momentum

If the solar system formed by accretion of interstellar matter, then our Sun ought to be rotating much, much faster than it is. Like a spinning ice skater accelerating by drawing in their arms, the Sun - in the center of the solar system - ought to have the lion’s share of angular momentum, but when we look at the system, we find that Jupiter, our largest outer gas-giant planet, has the majority of the angular momentum. Jupiter rotates once every 10 hours, whereas the Sun rotates only every 30 days.

Picture a proto-star, somewhat heavier than Jupiter. The dense pressure in the interior inaugurates nuclear fusion.

A charged plasma is created

The dynamo effect created by the rapidly rotating proto-Sun supplies a unifying magnetic field for the plasma.

Stripped Electrons and protons form into camps of like particles.

Magnetic repulsion occurs (Outward flow of plasma)

The proto sun rapidly expands, and in doing so, like a spinning skater putting out their arms, the rotation slows.

This inflation of the Sun leaves non space in its wake; induced gravitational attraction is brought about, restraining the further outward flow of matter.

The opposing forces of magnetic repulsion and induced gravitational attraction brings the solar shell into equilibrium.

The Sun's shell of matter is heated under pressure from magnetic plasma repulsion and induced gravitational attraction.

And now the process repeats. The sun is in its sustaining cycle. The dense pressure of the sun’s matter crushing in on the non-space heats it, sustaining nuclear fusion, which in turn sustains the plasma. The fuel is hydrogen.

The Sun's interior non-space is generating gravity.

By hollow, I assume you mean a relatively empty space? The video suggests that under these conditions the nature of a vacuum is taken to its extreme and becomes a rip in the fabric of space, a condition that mass/energy/space reacts to as if it were a gravitational phenomenon - which is precisely what it is.
"An Empty Sun - Is Gravity being Induced?"
Q: Given the mathematics involved in calculating the mass of a heavenly body, one would assume, or deduce, that the mass of a Sun that is hollow would be much less than a Sun that is not hollow. How do you explain this?

A: The Sun's interior non-space is generating gravity.

Q: By hollow, I assume you mean a relatively empty space? The video suggests that under these conditions the nature of a vacuum is taken to its extreme and becomes a rip in the fabric of space, a condition that mass/energy/space reacts to as if it were a gravitational phenomenon - which is precisely what it is.

What about the Earth's magnetic field? Is our Earth hollow?

A: You don't need to call upon an accelerated plasma to generate a magnetic field, but that said, I believe it is entirely possible that the earth mimics the Sun, but in miniature.

Although on a much smaller scale than the Sun, one can deduce that the Earth has a hot interior, and the conditions are present for the Earth's internal mass to be in a plasma condition. The Earth rotates, and charged plasma is susceptible to here is a dynamo effect.
At the same time, Owen also introduced an ingenious idea: "Are the pressure and heat in the interior of the Earth enough to maintain a plasma core? They probably are, and the solid nickel-iron core of the textbooks may be a myth". According to the transmission of seismic waves through the Earth's core and the composition of meteorites, it had previously been thought that the inner core was solid, composed of nickel, iron and probably sulphur. The outer core was assumed to be molten. Owen explains that "the behaviour of waves passing through a plasma core would be similar to that in a solid iron-sulphur core".

He suggests that if the inner core is plasma there is a potential for expansion when the core changes from a plasma into an atomic state. The Earth's outer core may be molten because it has already changed into its atomic state. (This author adds that an explosion potential would also be present if the gravity envelope had been broken by an impact catastrophe.)

Mercury, Mars and the Moon appear too low in mass to sustain plasma cores much after their formation. On the other hand, Venus is almost as massive as the Earth and may still have a plasma core. Information about its surface so far indicates a highly mobile crust.

Owen points out that a plasma core provides a better explanation for the behaviour of the mantle which surrounds the Earth's outer core. The mantle lies directly beneath the crust and its convection currents are responsible for the creation of new crust and continental movement.

Furthermore, the Earth's magnetic field can be generated as effectively by a plasma core as by one of nickel-iron. Owen emphasised that, "as far as the Earth's interior is concerned, these are only ideas". An understanding of these matters is not yet clear. Such knowledge is necessary to fully understand the how of expulsion and expansion. According to Owen though, the development of the Earth's crust is "however, something that can be tested critically. The field data fit an expanded Earth model; they do not fit a constant modern dimension Earth model".

Both Owen and S. Warren Carey propose a global expansion of millions of years. A tremendous disturbance of a gravity-condensed plasma core, such as a break in its envelope by a celestial body impact, could have produced the same effect in a much shorter period of time. A subsequent renewal of the planet's equilibrium would, as a result, produce an expanded Earth and not an expanding Earth. Continual expansion would jeopardise all of the consolidated measuring axioms.
The Earth's INNER SUN
The TRUE SUN is not a dream of a few poets. Geoscientists do recognize that the Earth's Core is one single Crystal, moving faster than the rest of the planet. It is a moving and independent Crystal, dancing to its own beat showing a split personality, with one hemisphere different from the other. As any crystal, it must emit sounds or musical notes. It is much denser than rock and very, very hot, hotter than previous estimate. Scientists have no way to directly measure its temperature. They just measure the temperature increase, near the surface. If this continued up to the center, the Earth's core would be 100,000 degrees Celsius! Geoscientists believe that this is impossible, also because they pretend to ignore the FIRE that doesn't burn, the one that many sages have spoken about, the same one composed of Z bosons, recently revealed at CERN, in my view.

"Forgetting" the Z bosons, scientists miss the musical messengers, which transmit the Eternal HARMONY - UNIVERSAL LIFE - to all the particles of the observable universe and link it to the expansive DARK ENERGY, the SOURCE of LIFE, in my view. These powerful and faring messengers are intelligent and able to heal the human body. (Its health actually depends on the alignment of its nuclear spins that these "weak" Z bosons can change, as the NMR diagnosis shows).

Huge energies shock our planet, change global weather and ocean's currents, move the crust and affect Earth's axis, decrease the Earth's magnetic field and heat the soil. Is it the end? No, it is the beginning of the REVELATION, the evidence that we live in one of the infinite matrices, membranes or tissues, composing the Intelligent Organic Universe. The collapse of the Earth's magnetic field can be imminent. Orthodox scientists believe it is a protective shield; it is a GIANT OPTICAL ILLUSION.

Shaped like a Big Apple, the Earth's magnetic field is caused by the Core as scientists unanimously recognize. What if the ORIGINAL SIN, eating the apple, meant we are exchanging a holographic 3D movie, projected on the Big Apple, for reality? The Big Apple is actually a screen composed of dense, turbulent plasma, now changing at ultra rapid rates, so showing that the Core is also changing at ultra rapid rates. It is plainly possible that the Big Apple vanishes in a few moments, not even emitting any noise. So we can finally see what the Earth's magnetosphere has hidden: intelligent and advanced worlds, all enlightened by the Earth's CENTRAL SUN, gifted with abundant energy and transparent information, hence individual freedom and collective harmony, evidence that that no energy limits exist.

Scientists think that the Earth's inner core is made of iron, but they have never observed It directly. Many evidences show that It is composed of much lighter chemical elements, such as Potassium and Carbon, which can coexist with the crystalline Light.

Earth's surface is a thin film, just 0,2% of the Earth's radius; it is a matrix, a virtual reality, critically dependent on our same beliefs. Whoever uses both hemispheres, realizes that Earth's INNER SUN is not destroying the Earth's surface; It is rather healing and regenerating it, making us, humans, become self-conscious and self-responsible. Climatic changes similar to Earth’s are also occurring on Mars and many other planets and moons of the solar system. The sun in the sky is changing too. These facts reveal that heavens are not what the standard astronomical picture has painted up to now. As above, so below. Humans feel truths that media and the world political system don't want to admit. They are unable to solve problems as these are all based on false principles, such as LINEAR TIME, the god "money" and/or the "need" for wars.
Giordano Bruno's LOVE

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Unread post by GaryN » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:51 pm

I think negative mass is the answer. :-)
It would eliminate the need for 'dark' matter and energy.
I don't think anyone has suggested negative mass at the center
of all massive objects, so I will! (Nothing to lose ;-))
Have you ever wondered why gravity only works in one direction? As an undergraduate physics student 14 years ago, I wondered just that. It started with two equations.

The first is Newton's Law of Gravitation; the second is Coulomb's Law of Electrostatics. Both state that the force F between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses m or charges q, divided by the square of the distance r between them.

Yet while these equations look remarkably similar, there are important differences. First is the minus sign in Newton's equation that is missing from Coulomb's equation. This tells us that two massive bodies attract each other while two similarly charged bodies repel each other.

The second difference is the magnitude of the constants. Coulomb's constant C is a very large number, 8.988 × 109 Nm2/C2, implying a strong force. Conversely Newton's constant G is a very small number, 6.670 × 10-11 Nm2/kg2, implying a weak force.

The third difference is that in Coulomb's equation, charge can have both positive and negative values, and the electrostatic force can be either attractive or repulsive. In Newton's equation, though, mass is always positive, and the gravitational force is always attractive.

Why should that be? There's nothing in the math that says mass cannot be negative. Perhaps because we have never encountered negative mass, it has never even occurred to anyone that it might exist. Maybe this third difference is no difference at all—just an unwarranted assumption.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 7:30 am

Torsion Field Generator: a Solid-State Kosol Device—A Pi-Phi Scalar Oscillator ;)
The piezoelectric effect is assumed to be also created by the strain on the crystal created by the A-vector scalar wave created by the spherical Lissajous coil.

The spherical Lissajous coil will therefore be energized by the electric potential created by the piezoelectric crystal, and will then re-create a scalar disturbance in the crystal. This creates more current which again flows back through the Lissajous coil. This creates a feed-back resonance at the natural frequencies that the crystal/Lissajous system will oscillate within.

The natural frequencies of resonance will, however, be constrained to those physical waveform geometries that are harmonic to the Platonic geometry of the magnetic array (the soccer-ball pattern). Kosol uses a great analogy... if a balloon is coated with powder, and the air pressure inside it is made to oscillate at a resonant frequency with the balloon’s elastic membrane tension against the air volume, then there will be nodal patterns on the balloon surface that represent where the points of a platonic solid would be located if it were in the center of the balloon. Various frequencies will find resonant harmonies that occur at each of the Platonic solids... tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron. The nodes on the balloon surface will correlate to the point-count of each of the Platonic solids, each resonance at a different frequency.

The Pi-Phi Scalar Oscillator described at the link above is therefore a bifilar electromagnetic/piezoelectric resonator. The canceled EM inductive coupling of the bifilar windings are rotated into hyper-dynamics (per theory) and the hyper-pulse temporarily puts strain on the crystal lattice that is spanning the scalar space-time gradient created by the 3D Lissajous coil loops. The frequencies that are resonant with the Platonic geometry of the magnetic array embedded in the crystal are the frequencies that are amplified in a feedback.

The connection with mind:

You each have trillions of neurons that each contain a spiral-helix, which couples with the subdominant ZPF patterns of the living universe... call this God, Gaia, or pure hyper-physics ... we are obviously a mind in a material body, and mind links with our biology to change the future. The presence of mind is a harmony upon the greater subdominance that pervades reality, a speculation we seek to prove. Consider we are, as minds, a nodal manifestation of the greater subdominance in a harmonic resonance with any of many neurons ... to become living biology... whose cranial neural resonance is a phi harmony with the ZPF.

So, when mind is proximal with the crystal orb, the electrons in the crystal piezoelectric are subtly perturbed ... and amplified ... the subtle effect of mind on the crystal lattice is the dimple in time of the mind as a blur in time. This is the connection of cognitive energy with the universe. The key is the harmony in resonance ... and the "sacred" Platonic geometries provide that key ... in this case in simple magnetic dodecahedron of twenty points.

The torsion field that grows in resonance, bleeding ZPE from the scalar event over electro-active crystals, is a torsion field that is in actuality an amplified version of the melody of mind, which is a personal harmonic on the foundation of living reality.
Torsion Physics
http://www.morningstarap.com/downloads/ ... 5B1%5D.pdf

Torsion Field Generators



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:26 am

GaryN said: I think negative mass is the answer.
It would eliminate the need for 'dark' matter and energy.
I don't think anyone has suggested negative mass at the center
of all massive objects, so I will! (Nothing to lose )
Why not! What is the difference between “negative mass” (no mass) and a void (Keely’s “neutral center”)?

Zero Point Energy
Aether is the finest but also the most energy dense substance which Man has yet conceived. It permeates all of space and through its many divisions, creates and SUSTAINS all matter and energy.

Aether can be so divided as to generate ever lower frequencies with resultant aggregations of energy, force and matter. Just as a prism separates white light (many combined frequencies) into what we perceive as single frequencies, so too can we use the phenomena of interference (collisions with other frequencies), to cause aether and other frequencies to be produced and manipulated to generate energy, matter and various 'effects'.

Harmony & Interference

A knowledge of the laws of Harmony can be intelligently used to generate interferences (collisions) in the Aether in a positive or negative manner.

Positive (constructive) interferences add to and multiply while Negative (destructive) interferences subtract from and divide frequencies. This means that we have a spectrum of creation generated from the divisions of the Aether which can be shown by the following:

Aether slowed down and extended yields
Magnetism slowed down and extended yields
Electricity slowed down and extended yields
Light slowed down and extended yields
Heat slowed down and extended yields
Sound slowed down and extended yields
Physical Vibration slowed down and extended yields

Trinity and Signatures

A fundamental frequency is generated and sustained by two other frequencies which each in turn are generated and sustained by two other frequencies, ad infinitum.

This pattern continues throughout the physical and energy body of an individualized structure and is the basis of the Sacred Tetractys (10 points) of the Greeks.

We can now see how tuning to the Fundamental will give a certain degree of "sympathy" to a mass aggregation. This appears to be the basis for the trinity as manifest in all creation in the physical forms of Push, Pull and Balance. As we tune to successively finer frequencies in addition to those preceding, we find progressively more precise sympathetic linking to allow remote stimulation and control of the target aggregation.

Mass Aggregations

Keely in his researches came to the conclusion that all masses consisted of multiple aggregations of various size which follow these patterns:

- Mass Aggregations - which consists of Molecules
- Molecules - which consists of Inter-Molecules
- Inter-Molecules - which consists of Atoms
- Atoms - which consists of Inter-Atoms
- Inter-Atoms - which consists of Aether
- Aether - which consists of Inter-Aether
- Inter-Aether - which consists of Compound Inter-Aether

Each mass aggregation collectively possesses a Neutral Centre which is the synthesis of all associated Neutral Centres on successive levels of individualization. For example, the Inter-Atomic possesses a Neutral Centre, (as do all individualized units as shown above).

When many Inter-Atomic units combine, the total combined Neutral Centres of each unit will 'collectively form' an additional and 'new' single Neutral Centre which then becomes the Atomic in the next highest order of evolution. When many Inter-Atomic units combine (each of which has its own Neutral Centre), a single Neutral Centre comes into being as a collective synthesis of all the separate units to form a new evolved structure now known as the Atomic.

This additive principle works throughout Creation to allow the synthesis (and its opposite - analysis/breakdown/division) of all preceding Neutral Centres on quantum levels of individualization in the form of Atoms joining to create Molecules which in turn join to form Mass Aggregations such as Rocks, Trees, Planets, etc.

The Neutral Centre

Mr. Keely illustrates his idea of "a neutral centre" in this way: "We will imagine that, after an accumulation of a planet of any diameter - say, 20,000 miles more or less, for the size has nothing to do with the problem - there should be a displacement of all the material, with the exception of a crust 5000 miles thick, leaving an intervening void between this crust and a centre of the size of an ordinary billiard ball, it would then require a force as great to move this small central mass as it would to move the shell of 5000 miles thickness.

Moreover, this small central mass would carry the load of this crust for ever, keeping it equi-distant; and there could be no opposing power, however great, that could bring them together. The imagination staggers in contemplating the immense load which bears upon this point of centre, where weight ceases. This is what we understand by a neutral centre."

It is the flow of this aether/zpe as one or more frequencies into matter, where it is reflected from the center to phase conjugate with incoming aether/zpe as shown in the standing wave animation.

The Neutral Centre can best be visualized as a drain through which Aether continually flows. The volume of the Aetheric flows throughout a structure are determined by the size of the Neutral Centre opening, exactly like increasing or decreasing the size of the drain in a tank of water. Control of the flow of Aether through this drain therefore determines the density and weight of a mass aggregation. The character, signature or virtual state pattern of the mass aggregation determines the nature of the interferences which present themselves to the flow of Aether into the Neutral Centre.

This mass nature not only determines what the elemental structure of a mass aggregation will be but also the properties exhibited. By altering the frequencies and phase relationships of a mass, we can change the weight, density and nature of the mass by reducing or increasing the Neutral Centre opening to the flow of Aether. Aether flow into a mass aggregate neutral center can effectively 'capture' other mass aggregations, causing them to be caught in the greater flow, to create what is called 'gravity'.

In my estimation, sound truly defined is the disturbance of atomic equilibrium, rupturing actual atomic corpuscles; and the substance thus liberated must certainly be a certain order of etheric flow. Under these conditions is it unreasonable to suppose that, if this flow were kept up, and the body thus robbed of its element, it would in time disappear entirely?

All bodies are formed primitively from this high tenuous ether, animal, vegetable and mineral, and they only return to their high gaseous condition when brought under a state of differential equilibrium.



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:37 pm

Shape Power - May 18, 1997
There are fields of study which are relatively unknown to the general public. Though 'Pyramid Power' is well known, few have pursued it to other geometric forms and the phenomena which can be produced by understanding what is happening. Some of the key early researchers into Shape Power and the more specific Pyramid Power include Pavlita, Belizal, Turenne, Drbal and Flanagan.

Practical Aether Engineering is accomplished in nature by the use of various geometric forms and patterns as witnessed in the fibonacci series, fractals, tiles, cones and tetrahedral shapes. When one understands that Aether, being the basic substrate of the universe, can be interfered with to such a degree as to produce all manner of energy and matter aggregations, it follows that everything is a result of Aether Engineering to various degrees.

The essence of how geometric patterns can influence energy flows is exactly the same as how antennas and other resonanting structures work. Since everything resonates and establishes an information and energy transfer between two or more resonant bodies, then a two dimensional pattern can precisely resonate to a three dimensional structure.

Just as a microwave horn or an antenna collects or transmits wave energy, so too can geometric patterns be used to collect, transmit or modulate surrounding energy fields, including aether.

17th century Cymatics researcher Ernst Chaldni found that vibrating waveplates would allow you to actually see sound waves as a two dimensional image. Hans Jenny discovered how to expand these two dimensional images into three dimensional forms which clearly show the shape of both simple and complex waves.

John W. Keely used such vibrating waveplates as an early, yet more advanced form of oscilloscope, allowing him to see not only the waves but how they interacted with each other. The waveplate principle was the basis for his ultraviolet projection microscope which allowed him to view vibrating atoms on a screen.

Modern experiments with ferrofluids driven by a speaker magnet show an amazingly complex and beautiful display of either static or dynamic three dimensional wave structures, depending on whether the tones are fixed or changing.

In metaphysics, we find the use of geometric mandalas as consciousness focusing tools. These serve as the two dimensional form. When this two dimensional form is expanded into three dimensions, the mandala now becomes the vocalized spatial pattern called the mantra (yantra). Once converted into three dimensions, it now has an energetic structure.

The geometric principles of Shape Power as described in this book are these two dimensional forms functioning as aetheric waveguides.

Shape Power geometries are routinely used in the protective rings of ceremonial magic, the construction of amulets and talismans as well as the sigils (signatures) of various demonic or angelic entities. These patterns produce correspondences (resonances) to establish a contact with the desired entity or influence. By stimulating such a Shape Power geometry, you literally evoke or call forth the influence, just like making a phone call.

There is a story that a group of experimenters etched the sigil of the elemental spirit of wind onto a printed circuit board. The board was subject to a high density fluctuating magnetic field (using various frequencies until an effect was noted). After a few minutes of excitation, the wind outside the building took on tornadic velocities and the building collapsed as the wind entity attempted to interphase with the resonator.

In a more practical sense, Shape Power can be understood as a means of biasing energy flows into a preferred pathway. That pathway is the geometry that reflects as a 3 dimensional structure that resonates and exchanges energy with other like resonant structures because they are now tuned.

Dan describes an interesting finding where a flow in a two dimensional pattern can be biased to follow a given pathway. He found that the pattern must be drawn with one continuous stroke of the pen, instead of being drawn in sections. As I understand this, as the pen or pencil moves to draw the pattern, deposited crystals point in the direction of the pathway, serving as a kind of waveguide for subtle or aether energy.

Perhaps something of this nature might serve to create a conduit which biases energy to flow into a collector. Once the collector is charged, it can be extracted by draining it off or as a sudden discharge.

Another interesting Shape Power correlation comes from a 'secret' alchemical meeting held in Chicago several years ago. The claim was that an LSD molecule was photographed under a stereo microscope and the frequency of the atoms making up the molecule was mapped to musical notes. This provided an acoustic 'song of LSD'. At a meeting of some 400 people, an image of the LSD molecule was projected onto a screen while the musical pattern was played. Everyone in the room was supposed to have gone on a virtual LSD trip, lasting several hours and without any chemical influence whatsoever.

We thus have the two dimensional image on the screen, resonating and empowering the three dimensional acoustic image to produce a physical effect. This is Shape Power.

Another claim that illustrates how Shape Power could be used is in the Incunabula files. Under the premise that there are an infinite number of other worlds coexisting with us but slightly out of phase, a device was created that used a sensory deprivation tank, a television screen to project a two dimensional pattern and a helmet to send out a three dimensional electromagnetic pattern that resonated to the two dimensional image.

The Incunabula files indicate that the mandala/mantra for 5 alternate Earth's had been found and that a subject could be physically shifted to another reality simply by being exposed to the 2D and 3D map for it. Again, Shape Power.

Science fiction writer John Campbell wrote a story about the Hieronymous radionics machine, where a blank plastic credit card was heated to soften the plastic. A radionics machine was tuned to a given pattern (signature) which was electrostatically projected between two metal plates.

When the heated plastic was placed between the plates and allowed to cool, an electret was formed which continued to broadcast the pattern without any outside source of power. The pattern is a signature which has a three dimensional Shape that would resonate to a tuned reality as determined by the will of the radionic machine operator.

Dr. Thelma Moss at UCLA determined the brainwave patterns for various emotional and physical states. These patterns, recorded on a chart recorder in two dimensions, can be projected into a subject to produce a desired effect. The projected pattern is again three dimensional and thus a Shape. Dr. Michael Persinger has found that thoughts occur in the brain as three dimensional forms, which are reduced by instrumentation to two dimensional patterns.

The Egyptian god Thoth was keeper of the Words of Power, which could produce controlled phenomena when spoken with the correct intonation and pronunciation. In the case of Isis healing her child of a fatal scorpion bite, the use of the word of power caused the poison to be expelled from the body and the lifeforce to return. Other legends and myths also refer to the use of such words of power. The words of power produced a three dimensional pattern which would resonate with the aether to produce a desired effect in matter or energy.

Edward Leedskalnin, builder of the famous Coral Castle in Homestead, Florida claimed he had rediscovered how the Egyptians built the pyramids. We must take him seriously because he left the entire castle as a physical proof of his ability to move large stones without the use of equipment. Neighbors said he 'sang' to the stones, but there was never an eyewitness to the lifting. Perhaps he discovered the words of power needed to deflect gravity to produce levitation.

One of the greatest problems with Shape Power at its current stage, is the lack of instrumentation that can directly detect quantified changes in aether. The secondary and tertiary effects of aether which manifest in the forms of magnetism, electricity and gravity fluctuations as well as the use of sensitives is a truly inspired approach.
Along with the use of the voltmeter, gaussmeter, ammeter, radionics machines and gravity wave sensor, living organisms such as plants can also show beneficial or detrimental effects from a pattern being tested. Muscle testing using Kinesiology is yet another means of determining whether a pattern is generally harmful or beneficial to a living system.

What would be some of the practical uses of Shape Power once the process was understood?

1) The development of tuned patterns that can be worn on the body to redirect ambient energy in such a way as to; protect one from harmful energies or to attract beneficial energies. Students of the occult refer to these as amulets or talismans.

2) In the course of my life, I've often experienced people who unknowingly cause machines to malfunction by their very presence. A pattern could be created that would filter such deterimental or enharmonious fields and cancel them out by using a 180 degree phase shift. Such a technique could extend the life and uptime of any type of equipment.

3) An entirely new branch of energetic medicine using specific 2D and 3D projected patterns to produce a very real effect from such virtual stimulations. There would be no drugs or physical pollutants which often lead to side effects.

4) Patterns that might help to shunt energy into or around a near unity machine to drive it into a beyond unity condition.

5) Interactions with the aether to control its flow into matter, thus altering its weight, characteristics or very existence.

Clearly, Shape Power has many possible uses and the avenues for discovery are wide open to those who wish to pursue the subject. Dan has shared his knowledge so that others will be inspired and see the possibilities of how Shape Power can be used to improve our lives.
Pyramid Double Helix
Ziggurat style:

Imagine three pyramids, the ones on the left and right are identical with smooth sides. The pyramid in the middle is a stepped pyramid commonly called a Ziggurat. All three pyramids have a shaft leading from the base down underground. These vertical shafts all connect to a common horizontal shaft. The walls of these shafts and the corridor were covered with these mystery tiles.

Doug said the pyramids on the left and right were normal pyramids while the center one was a ziggurat (stepped). Now if energy was in fact somehow received or transmitted by such a stepped pyramid, it would function as a lens commonly termed a fresnel.
Therefore, it appeared to be some form of scalar interferometer with the left and right pyramids acting as either transmitters or receivers and the center acting as a concentrating lens or targeting lens.

These tiles lined the connecting corridors between all three pyramids and would seem to be some form of channel for a very high intensity energy.

Mary and Dean feel that the Ark of the Covenant was an energy accumulator that was used in conjunction with the pyramids.

They cite a mysterious channel in one large room of Cheops which would perfectly fit the Ark. But the best twist yet is a recessed chamber which is cut into the wall in such a fashion that the Ark would fit directly in the largest lower space. That chamber is stepped in a pyramid type fashion also and is marked with spiralling scorch marks that run to the top of the chamber!

Mary and Dean believe that the Ark was charged and placed into this recessed chamber. When the Ark was triggered to release its accumlated energy, it discharged upwards and formed the spiralling configuration that is now seen as the scorch marks on the wall.

The scanned image of the Hardy1.GIF file shows something quite fascinating with regard to such a comparison of the Ark (Tesla Coil) placed in a pyramid structure to produce this Double Helix spiralling energy emanating from the tip.

The original photo was taken by Dr. J.D. Nelson of the University of Wyoming. From the limited information we have concerning how it was done, the pyramid shape is made of soldered copper sheet, possibly with a crystal placed at the apex.

The Tesla coil is placed so that the electrical emission occurs at the 2/3's power point of the pyramid. We do not know the voltage though we think it is approximately 200,000 Volts. Dean says he thinks that the light curtain that projects from the pyramid due to the Tesla coil arcing is not acrylic sheet but that the pyramid is supported by acrylic columns. It would seem that acrylic sheet would help to concentrate the ions and further intensify the energy emissions, so there is room for experiment here.
The "shape effect" produced by torsion fields can be felt by most people (without any detectors). For instance, try to make (or have somebody make) a skeletal wire pyramid having the following proportions. The base of the pyramid is a square. If the side of this square is equal to 1, then the height of a pyramid is equal to 0.618. That's the proportions of the Great Pyramid, the pyramid of Cheops exactly.) The pyramid may consist of edges only, e.g. it can be made of copper wire. The height of the pyramid (e.g. the segment of copper wire that connects the top of the pyramid and the center of its base) should be made also. If the side of the base of the pyramid has the size 20cm, then the height = 12.36 cm. The central wire is attached to the apex, and extends downwards to the center of the base, and the lower end of this wire attaches to nothing. OK to use solder to construct this. To prevent curving of the wires, use thick wires (2mm - 4mm diameter.)

Hold the pyramid by its vertical wire, and orient it so its edges face the cardinal points. After several minutes of holding the pyramid by three fingers (thumb, index, middle) by its vertical wire (the fingers should be placed at 1/5 - 1/3 of the height from its lower point), most people feel "the torsion shock": cold or heat, pricking in the hand, etc. And there is no need to squeeze the vertical wire too strong, otherwise you'll feel not torsion shock, but simple pain caused by pressuring the fingers.

Thus the so-called "passive" torsion generator can be created easily. But to create an intense torsion radiation, an "active" generator is needed. The torsion field generated by "passive" generators is a rather weak static torsion field. And moreover, "playing" with the passive torsion generators is dangerous. A.A.Beridze-Stakhovsky has developed generators based upon crystals that could be "programmed" mentally. Use care because the reverse action is also possible.


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