Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

Moderators: MGmirkin, bboyer



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:23 pm

Sonic Stimulation of the Aether
The wavelength of sound - Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) rattles the nucleus with microwaves and lasers do it with light but these are all electromagnetic in nature and their wavelengths are on the order of nuclear particles. So, how can sound shake the nucleus in other than as a mass aggregate mode (i.e., the entire block of material) as a sonic resonator? If one examines the wavelengths of sound in various substances one comes to the amazing conclusion that they can be on the order of the nuclear magnetic resonance wavelengths (NMR). NMR is based on the proton spin which produces a small magnetic moment. From table 1 it is obvious that this is the case. The thing which makes this so is the fact that the SPEED of sound is much slower that EM so a relatively low frequency (i.e., compared with microwaves or lightwaves) doesn't travel very far before it has gone through a complete cycle and that distance is on the order of the proton spin resonance frequency. Thus, it is easy to see that sound can also RESONATE with the atomic level in far as frequency is concerned.

The nucleus and the aether - It is now fairly well established that the zero point energy (ZPE) (i.e., the aether by another name for those too embarrassed or stupid to admit they screwed up eliminating the aether) is in a wild interchange with the nucleus. In case you didn't get this - the nucleus is directly connected to the aetheric field. The aether is flowing into and out of the nucleus all time. The nucleus has a wonderful little dance going on vibrating and rotating and sucking and shooting out the local adjacent aether.

The Theory:

Nucleus and sound - So now if you put these two little facts together and generate a sound wave which resonates with a particular nucleus, then sound can theoretically rattle the nucleus. Generally, sound simply shakes all the nuclei so the whole mass shakes and we just have a whole lot of shaking going on. However, if a standing wave is generated in the mass then we have a sound pressure built up in the mass and hence pressure on the nucleus (probably on the spin rate of the protons in the nucleus). Now this pressure squeezes all those little nuclei just ever so slightly and of course that changes the flow of aether into the nuclei that it is resonating with. So theoretically all the aether is also being stimulated with a standing wave in the vicinity of the mass being stimulated and voila, we have a standing wave in the aether around the mass. And that standing wave is now controlling the local aetheric field and its being done with sound.

Gravity control - The weight of a given mass, atom, or whatever is a function of the aether flowing into and out of the mass. If we change the local stress in the aether or we change the amount of aether flowing into and out of the mass (i.e., the nuclei) then we can change the apparent weight of the mass. Theoretically if we set up a standing wave in a given mass and have its nuclei in resonance, then super-gravity (heavier) or anti-gravity (lighter) occurs. If the flow of aether is a function of the spin rate of the protons (and probably the neutrons since their almost identical) then changing the spin rate changes the aether flow rate into the nucleus.

Aetheralization - The conversion of mass back to pure aether is called aetheralization not disintegration. Aetheralization is what Keely did when he generated aetheric vapor. Disintegration is simply the breaking up of the mass into smaller parts and the atomic structure is still intact.

If we stop the flow of aether to a given nucleus what happens to it? Answer - it aetheralizes. It returns back to the great sea of energy from whence it came. Slowing down the proton and neutron spin enough will eventually disrupt the aetheric flow to the extent that the nuclear particles (they are really aetheric vortexes) cannot be sustained.
If you stop a smoke ring from moving it disintegrates immediately because the air flowing in the smoke ring hole is stopped. So how about putting a standing wave in water at the water aetheralization frequency (i.e., around 42.3 KHz to 42.8 KHz) and see what happens. The whole mass of water turns into aetheric vapor, as Keely called it, and is gone forever.

Read my book - "Energy: Breakthroughs to New Free Energy Devices" and you'll see it’s been done not only by Keely but replicated in a modern lab using ultrasonics.
Creation, Transmission and Reception of Vibrations
Several quotes from Keely are presented wherein reference is made to negative (attractive) and positive (radial) vectors, forces or polarizations. These refer to specific polar states of a scalar quantity. The negative polarizations are attractive to the center of the vibrating aggregate and medium while the positive polarizations become radial or radiate away from the center of such a point source and medium.

We can see that rotation is a natural phenomenon - not dependent on Man's manipulation of levers and fuels. The very existence of a longitudinal or transverse wave train gives rise in a natural form a third vibratory component that easily and effortlessly rotates about and with the longitudinal and transverse wave trains.

One of the prime areas of difficulty is in the definition of a vibration. Under our studies we see three distinct vibration modes or types of vibrations: 1) Longitudinal or straight-line; 2) Transverse, Shear or zigzag; 3) Lamb, Love, Surface, Raleigh or vortex waves. Each of these vibration forms are composed of the three polarizations of positive, negative and neutral phases or states of a vibration.

Controlling the negative attractive (harmonic, female) and/or the positive propulsive (enharmonic, male) phases of the three fundamental modes is a feat postulated among the roots of applied Sympathetic Vibratory Physics. The control of these will result in the control of the Neutral or Dominant (scalar).

The Dominant (neutral) polarization is the same as what has been called by Bearden the "scalar potential."

"Note also that, if one rhythmically varies all the individual summation vectors in the substructure by the same factor, one produces pure potential stress waves - scalar waves - without ever creating external electric and magnetic fields. These are pure waves of space-time, and they are oscillating curvatures of space-time itself. They are pure waves of compression and rarefaction of the massless charge of space-time, and are properly represented as longitudinal waves rather than transverse waves. Thus they are non-Hertzian in nature. Among other things, they may be used to generate mass and inertial fields directly."

For our work we only need to substitute into the above acoustic waves and we have a very accurate definition of Keely's Dominant or Neutral third leg of the polar forces.

This neutral pole has within it pure (vibratory) energy in a potential state (neutralized, latent). This is a result of the perfect balancing of the two harmonic (= magnetic) and enharmonic (= electric) flows. These two then, perfectly balanced together - becoming One - is the Dominant, scalar or third point of the triangle. Further this may be further conditioned to augment its quiescent nature to allow access to and subsequent manifestation of literally unlimited energy. This liberated energy may manifest as Bearden quotes in his last sentence: "they may be used to generate mass and inertial fields directly."

According to Keely's ideas this neutral field or Dominant state is never really fully neutral. It can be predominantly negative (harmonic) or positive (enharmonic). (This is the clue to controlling the Dominant and its manifesting phenomena.

Quaternions describe mathematically the structure of Keely's triple streams or concordant flows as he called them when harmoniously balanced thus becoming his Full Harmonic Chord. This triple flow is then an undifferentiated flow as a scalar phenomenon.

Resonance - A phenomenon exhibited by a physical system acted upon by an external periodic driving force, in which the resulting amplitude of oscillation of the system becomes large when the frequency of the driving force approaches a natural free oscillation frequency of the system.

Sympathetic Vibration - The driving of a mechanical or acoustical system at its resonant frequency by energy from an adjacent system vibrating at the same frequency.
Last edited by lizzie on Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:25 pm

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 450#p38151
Nikola Tesla wrote: "I showed that the universal medium is a gaseous body in which only longitudinal pulses can be propagated, involving alternating compressions and expansions similar to those produced by sound waves in the air. Thus, a wireless transmitter does not propagate Hertz waves, which are a myth, but sound waves in the ether, behaving in every respect like those in the air, except that, owing to the great elastic force and extremely small density of the medium, their speed is that of light."

What this is about is the proposition that the physical vacuum must be exclusively some sort of crystalline media. Clearly, if the vacuum, as is well known, supports longitudinal E/M waves, the conditions of the vacuum must perforce also exist in some fluidic, or superfluidic, or some otherwise plastic condition.

In the vacuum, longitudinal waves are energy density waves. That is to say that there is some periodic energy variation created locally in space which results in some variation of the volumetric density of this energy. In other words, space itself may be a product or result of some process and the local energy density of space would be dependent on the parameters of this process. Longitudinal energy density waves in the vacuum, should then create some locally observable change in space or in the structure of some material object located in the region of the wave. This has been demonstrated experimentally.

Energy density waves (EDW) differ from normal E/M. In the longitudinal wave, energy density is modulated in the direction from the generating source to infinity. The velocity of energy density waves is still a matter of inquiry, but if the space (the aether) is considered as at least occasionally having the properties of some manner of solid state matter, it appears highly likely that the velocity of propagation of energy density waves will be found to be some super-luminal or instantaneous velocity.

Mishin concluded that the aether exists in several different states and that the particular state depends on the parameters of the turbulent disturbance (or its temperature). He gave 5 different aether conditions he called aether-1 through aether-5. He referenced aether-1 as a solid state, aether-2 as a dense superfluid liquid, aether-3 was connected with molecular motion as in a gaseous body, aether-4 was similar to the plasma state, and his aether-5 corresponded to galactic processes.

Given all the forgoing, it seems that Tesla's understanding of the aether as fluidic may be accurate for certain species of the various energy-levels of processes in the vacuum.

Kozyrev's "instantaneous interactions by means of active properties of time" are possible in a solid state aether.
The aether model allows us to describe the universe in a more intuitive way that eliminates many of the paradoxes and contradictions of standard theory.

One of the other main objections people have to the aether model relates to the transmission of transverse waves, a characteristic of light vibration.

If the aether were to be a solid it has been estimated that it would need to have the hardness of steel in order to support transverse waves at the speed of light.

On the other hand gases and liquids don’t normally support transverse waves.

However on closer examination we find that liquids can in fact carry transverse waves. There has been recent experimental evidence in support of this, where it was found that supercooled helium, which becomes superfluid at very low temperatures, transmits transverse sound waves.

As a starting point we will assume the aether to be of a consistency close to a liquid, and occasionally solid such as within nuclear particles.

It would have the ability to flow like a liquid and to carry longitudinal and transverse vibrations.

It is important to note that the aether is not to be considered as separate from other matter but as the substrate within which all particles are formed and through which physical forces are mediated.
Longitudinal and Transverse Wave Motion

Mechanical Waves are waves which propagate through a material medium (solid, liquid, or gas) at a wave speed which depends on the elastic and inertial properties of that medium. There are two basic types of wave motion for mechanical waves: longitudinal waves and transverse waves

Water waves are an example of waves that involve a combination of both longitudinal and transverse motions.

Another example of waves with both longitudinal and transverse motion may be found in solids as Rayleigh surface waves.
There are two basic types of seismic waves- body waves and surface waves. Generally, the first jolt felt during an earthquake is the push-pull body wave, or P wave, as it reaches the surface. A second jolt is another type of body wave, called an S wave.

Surface waves usually follow the P and S wave, traveling along the land surface like water waves. There are several types of surface waves; the two most important are Raleigh waves (R) and Love waves (L), named for the scientists who first identified them.
What is a Torsion Field? According to A. Akimov, these fields come in at least three types: E-fields, S-fields, and G-fields. The E, S, and G stand for Electric, Spin, and Gravity fields. The torsion field and its emanations are subtle energy fields. They are separate and distinct from classical Electric, Magnetic, and Gravity fields. Generators for these fields can be shielded against electro-magnetic fields and the torsion field still manifests itself through such shielding. Torsion fields can be generated, detected, switched on and off (such as for communication purposes), and are a distinct type of energy field heretofore not included in today's classical physics. Torsion field emanations can travel at velocities at least as high as 109 times the speed of light. Torsion fields can interact with laser beams (change frequency); affect biological processes; are generated by melting or solidifying some materials; affect quartz crystals; affect some electronic components; can favorably change some beverages; and have been noted to affect gravity.
New time dependent wave solutions to the classical homogeneous Maxwell equations in the vacuum have been found. These waves are not transverse; they exhibit both torsion and spin; they have finite magnetic helicity, A ± B 6= 0, a non-zero Poynting vector, E £ H 6= 0; and a non zero second Poincare invariant, E ± B 6= 0: Two four component rank 3 tensors, constructed on topological grounds in terms of the Fields and Potentials, are used to define the concepts of torsion and Spin, even in domains with plasma currents.

The divergence of the Torsion pseudo vector generates the second Poincare invariant, 2E ± B: The Poincare invariants have closed integrals which are deformation invariants, and therefore can be used to define deformable coherent structures in a plasma. When the second Poincare invariant is non-zero, there can exist solutions that are not time-reversal invariant.



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:21 pm

Time, Torsion, and Space/time stresses

KeelyNet except where noted:
March 8, 1992
Hydrostatic Space-Time and Gravitational Monitors Monitoring Space/Time Stresses by J.G. Gallimore

The sun has been proven to bend light and magnetic lines of force. The hypothetical "black hole" is thought to bend space itself. Space is considered a fabric composed of lines of force which like light, can be bent, or interfered with. The space fabric is NOT MATTER, but encloses all matter like water around a fish in the sea.

The measurement of the stress of space is very much like measuring currents of water. We can use existing currents, or, as herein contained, CREATE CURRENTS IN SPACE BY FORCE.

The primary location of a stress current is thought to be AROUND MASS. Any mass should create by its weight, a STRAIN IN SPACE which creates curvature of the space/time fabric PROPORTIONAL TO THE MASS ATTRACTION.

The question of measurement by lineage, time, mass weight, or distance can be ruled out because the objects or tools used for measurement WILL THEMSELVES CHANGE in DIMENSIONS proportional to the space curvature. An iron bar on a spaceship traveling many thousands of miles an hour will have its LENGTH changed.

The measurement aboard the spaceship will have also changed the same amount, so the iron bar APPEARS to retain the same length. Only a remote observer out of the actual affect of the phenomena could measure the foreshortening effect, providing the long-distance, elaborate equipment was developed and available.

However, we are fortunate that stresses in and around matter produce phenomena in a localized area of space, which means an observer and his measurement equipment could exist outside the sphere of influence.

As an example, a Russian researcher (Kozyrev) discovered that a rubber band (matter) "stressed" (pulled apart) created a stress in the space/time fabric that would displace a sensitive pendulum (local mass) sideways. A SMALL ROTATION TORQUE WAS ALSO NOTED, but the sensitive equipment needed to be very close to the area of space stressed (within 40 feet).

While the torque and displacement of the pendulum could be measured, the fabric of space could not; only its affects. His discovery that stress in mass EMITTED or CREATED localized space/time stresses provided incentive for more research around the world.

The simplified phenomena of space stresses as shown by Kozyrev can be detailed as follows:

1) A "rubber band" when stressed created a time/space stress.

a. All mass stress will create a time/space stress.

2) A suspended mass in the localized area of time/space stresses was affected as an affect of stress curvature.

a. A displacement (angle) and a rotation torque were imparted to a suspended mass in a localized area to time/space stresses.

The following experiments were conducted (by Gallimore Labs) using these general parameters:

A. Comparison of dielectrics (rubber band) with equal mass non-dielectric for stress potential (emission).

B. Comparison of crystalline mass with non-crystalline mass for stress potential (emission).

C. Comparison of crystal lattice structure mass with non-organized lattice structure (emission).

The above were tested for emission and absorption of space/time stresses.


The dielectric (glass, water, etc.), as opposed to the non-dielectric (metals) were found TO ABSORB and EMIT more stress energy.

The crystalline mass absorbed and emitted more stress energy than did the non-crystalline mass. The organized crystal lattice structure achieved maximum results in storage and emission.

It was at this point in my (Gallimore Labs) research that electrical stresses in matter were examined for emission and absorption.

Electrical stresses PRODUCED GREAT EMISSIONS of time/space currents; evidence was found on absorption that "areas of least electrical charge absorbed the greatest amount" (interior of tube, hollow solid, etc.).

While information on the physical parameters of space/time stresses and their abnormalities was achieved, the lack of an electrical monitor began to be felt often in the lab.

Like the foreshortening of the iron bar, the electrical phenomena was of a self-compensating nature. The variables associated with known theory prevented an active stress monitor from being proven.

The limitations were such that ONLY A PASSIVE MONITOR would be accepted in theory (something acted on WITHOUT ITSELF ACTING).

The passive monitor grew out of the discovery that a high dielectric with an organized lattice structure absorbed normal earth stresses, and was in constant emission of same through the C-axis.

The emission off the C-axis was eventually detected by a passive/active monitor; a dielectric with AN IMPOSED electrical charge on each side of it by electrical plates (i.e. a capacitor by measuring leakage curves).

Test design setup:

A two pound optical grade quartz crystal was placed with its natural pointed end (C-axis) pointed at, and almost in (90 degree) contact with a 15V - 15 microfarad capacitor.

A one volt, 100 milliamp regulated direct current charge was imposed on the capacitor PRIOR to the source crystal contact.

The electrical DC charge was used to define the normal capacitor curves; then the current charge was switched off a calibrated waiting time (strain curve).

The source crystal was then placed in contact for four minutes, and then removed.

The capacitor was again switched on electrically and the current absorption curve noted.

The result was the capacitor curve changed for that test duration and the next seven tests as well.

The stress energy absorbed in the capacitor dielectric (internal) produced effects LASTING 34 MINUTES.

A computer analysis which was done afterwards showed the capacitor had CHANGED its electrical value of capacitance. It also changed from a PARABOLIC curve of current absorption to a CUBIC curve.

The dielectric between the metal plates had temporarily changed its dielectric constant upwards to a higher constant. The capacitance value increased accordingly. The metallic plates were unaffected.

The computer verified the test curves, as ALTERED, NOT ERRORS. The test is acceptable to physics and mathematics in that the test is REPEATABLE, and the results defined and predictable once known.

Vangard Notes:

This fascinating paper is a result of massive investigations carried out by Jerry Gallimore into the phenomena of various energies. Jerry had the unique ability to see patterns across vast bodies of information which helped him to determine universal principles applicable to both energy and mass.

In the last few years of his life, we kept in touch through occasional phone calls. Jerry said that if we established a fixed building he would donate ALL his research notes, papers and equipment to help others carry on the effort. We have yet to setup a research/library facility though we are actively working on it this year.

The purpose of this comment is an interesting field of thought still not accepted by "formal" science, that is, the concept of PUSH GRAVITY as outlined in the file WRIGHT1.ASC on KeelyNet.

A very brief synopsis of the PUSH GRAVITY concept is that gravity is a result of energy streaming INTO all planetary bodies (indeed, according to Keely into ALL MASSES). This streaming force not only holds mass together but in its flow is interfered with to CREATE the slowed down energy we term mass.

If Newtonian gravity is accurate in stating that ALL MASSES ATTRACT, then why isn't the entire universe a "clump of grapes" to use Walter Wright's phrase? There is not a single physical experiment to PROVE the truth of Newtonian PULL gravity although Walter Wright has produced DOZENS OF PHYSICAL MODELS to PROVE the PUSH gravity concept.

He has also made hundreds of challenges to scientists, government agencies and higher bodies of education (colleges and universities) to PROVE the Newtonian PULL gravity theory (taught as absolute truth) and DISPROVE his PUSH gravity theory and ALL HAVE DECLINED!

Other researchers in numerous fields, particularly dowsing and radionics have noted a DOWNPOURING of force which flows at right angles to the surface of the planet -- A NORMALLY LINEAR wind of energy.

One of the most interesting researchers of Radionic phenomena was aircraft engineer Darrell Butcher. We have very little information regarding this man or details of his work, but the following comment in Mr. Butcher's own words is quite interesting:

"We are going to discuss the DOWNPOURING first. This is a known force. It has been given MANY NAMES. I am of the personal opinion that it IS ALWAYS WITH US. And that it does come down VERTICALLY under normal circumstances and this can only be made use of if we abide by the LAWS OF LIGHT, one of which states that:

"Vibrations of the ether take place, NOT in the DIRECTION OF THE WAVE, but in a plane AT RIGHT ANGLES to it, and the latter are called 'transversal vibrations'."

"This is from Ganot's Physics."

The point here is that this force necessarily PENETRATES all mass as it moves downward and when encountering the patterns which make up "mass" forms ripples at right angles. These ripples are the Chladni vibrations as seen when a flat flexible plate with sand sprinkled on it, is vibrated to form complex patterns which are as stable as the sustaining energy.

Mass creates these stress waves (read interference patterns) as the energy flows through, interferes with and sustains the structure of the mass itself. Another file on KeelyNet discussing this is PZT1.ASC.

As anyone with an electronics background knows, if you can detect a wave, you can create that same type of wave with higher power versions of the same equipment. That is why such research as this is so important.

The claims that it is a GRAVITATIONAL wave might be incorrect since the Aether spectrum as mentioned in NEUTRAL1.ASC shows gravity to be but a "frequency or band of frequencies" within the Aether flow.

Proof of this would be an anti-gravity effect as could be generated by an intense (probably coherent beam) of this energy.

Rather than "create" it, redirecting it would be the most efficient means of demonstrating that it is truly a gravitational force.

The flow as detected by the researcher in GRAV3.ASC as well as in Gallimore's capacitor tests might be something entirely OTHER than gravity itself. The results are far from in and we will keep you as informed as we can base on how much "public" information is shared with us.

Gallimore claimed in a press release that he had built a GRAVITY LASER as partially described in GRAV9.ASC on KeelyNet.



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:45 pm

The Psychotronic Generator
Is a Czechoslovakian scientist's invention based on the energy transmitted from life fields. Even though life fields were suspected to exist, it was not until the Russians developed the Kirlian photography process that we could actually observe these fields.
The secrets of the Psychotronic generator were discovered by Robert Pavilita. He began his search through the archives of Czech libraries for the fabled psychotronic devices, he found his information in old manuscripts that had not been researched for centuries.

Pavilita found that by combining various metals and making them into a critical shape, he could manufacture devices, which would store Bio-energy for a specific purpose. He has even used specially treated wood.

30 Years of experimentation went on until the physics department decided to do some tests. An electric motor was set up with a free spinning device attached to it. Pavilita's generator was placed next to the motor. Pavilita focused his mental energy on his generator and the free spinning attachment on the motor slowed to a stand-still and started to spin backwards against the thrust of the motor. As Pavilita continued to focus on his generator the university studied Pavilita and concluded after 2 years of test that an unknown form of energy was involved and that there was definitely no fraud involved.

This stored "PK" energy is not new. In 1921 July 30th edition of the British Medical magazine 'Lancet' it was reported that a Dr. Charles Russ showed the ophthalmic congress at Oxford an apparatus that coursed a solenoid to move by merely gazing at it. There have been many others since this, but it was left to Pavilita to commercialise the process for patents.

It was found that this psychotronic energy could be transferred from humans to inert materials such as paper, wood, silk, etc. This energy was clearly not electrostatic in nature because it works just as well under water.

The Czech Scientists believe that everyone has psychic abilities, but they are blocked by our belief system, so we are unaware of them. To evoke them we need a device such as a psychotronic generator. The generator that Pavilita built resembles ancient ritual artifacts.

The method of making them work is to gaze at them. After several minutes sufficient charge is stored for the device to be able to perform usefully. One device when charged was used to pick up all sorts of non-magnetic objects the same way an electro-statically charged device would, except it worked under water. Even more tests showed it worked in all conditions. Experiments were done with seeds; psychotronic energy almost doubled the growth rate of the seeds in some experiments. The energy was also used to clear polluted water.

Tests showed that the energy actually changed the molecular structure of the water itself and spread the two by hydrogen atoms further apart. The energy does not appear to originate from the brain or any one organ of the body, but the entire life-field itself. Tests with EEG machines found that people who were in the process of charging these machines showed an unusual brain-wave pattern. The only dominant physical effect noticed is that the charging process does not work so well when the person charging the device is tired.

The Psychotronic generator that was designed to power an electric motor required an initial "charge" of half an hour and then only a few minutes a day, apparently running continuously for 50 hours. Tests were done on living animals. Humans exposed to the directed energy of one of there generators would feel disorientated and nauseous. Snails withdrew into their shells when exposed to the energy. A doughnut shaped generator was found to kill flies placed inside it, instantly.

The critical thing to these devices is the shape and form. The smaller devices can collect and store personal P.K. energy. The larger ones appear to store some form of unknown cosmic energy. The scientists investigating these devices consider that a pyramid is a large cosmic Psychotronic generator. In an experiment a rectangular shaped Psychotronic device was used to pick iron fragments off a magnet, overcoming the magnetic force. Even in water!

The Czech Scientists believe that this energy might be the same force that allows Psychic healers to remove a person's health problems. Allow URI Geller to sprout beans in the palm of his hand and allow people like Nelya Mikhailova to move small objects at a distance by starring at them.
Vortex Points

From “Seth Speaks”:

Other kinds of consciousness coexist within the same "space" that your world inhabits. They do not perceive your physical objects, for their reality is composed of a different camouflage structure. You do not perceive them; and generally speaking they do not perceive you. This IS a general statement; however, for various points of your realities can and do coincide, so to speak. These points are not recognized as such, but they are points of what you would call double reality, containing great energy potential; coordinate points, indeed, where realities merge. There are main coordinate points, PURE mathematically, sources of fantastic energy, and subordinate coordinate points, vast in number.

There are four absolute coordinate points that intersect all realities. These coordinate points also act as channels through which energy flows, and as warps or invisible paths from one reality to another. They also act as transformers, and provide much of the generating energy that makes creation continuous in your terms. Your space is filled with these subordinate points, and as you will see later, these are important in allowing you to transform thoughts and emotions into physical matter. When a thought or emotion attains a certain intensity, it automatically attracts the power of one of these subordinate points, and is therefore highly charged, and in one way magnified, though not in size.

These points impinge on what you call time as well as space. There are certain points in time and space, therefore, (again in your terms), that are more conducive to others, where both ideas and matter will be more highly charged. Practically speaking, this means that buildings will last longer; in your context, that ideas wedded to form will be relatively eternal. The pyramids, for example, are a case in point.

These coordinate points--absolute, main, or subordinate-- represent accumulations or traces of pure energy, minute to an extreme if you are thinking in terms of size-- smaller than any particle of which your scientists know, for example, but composed of pure energy. And yet this energy must be activated. It is dormant until then-- and it cannot be activated physically.

There is an ever-so-minute alteration of gravity forces in the neighborhood of all of these points, even of the subordinate ones, and all of the so-called physical laws to some extent will be found to have a wavering effect in these neighborhoods.

The Experiment

At that time we had been doing some experiments with orgone accumulators with some results. We had seen a small electrical output with an orgone accumulator in the form of a steel and fiberboard layered pyramid, so we were concentrating on pyramid effects.

I felt that there was good reason to think that spinning waves were involved in the operation of pyramids based on the photo shown on the Solaris website taken by a researcher in the late 70's using a Tesla coil inside a pyramid. At the time I had very little information about torsion. I theorized that we might be able to enhance the effects of the pyramid by placing it at one of these points if we could find it.

My friend (referred to as L below) had built the electrostatic gradiometer device shown at Bill Beaty's site. It is basically an electronic dowsing device. I don't necessarily agree that scalar waves in the Bearden definition are the means of operation, but in any case it works. My friend had good success, as have others, in detecting human and crystal energy fields with it and we had already noticed that some points in space seemed to cause variant readings.

He used the gradiometer to locate a point that might fit the description in the book. It was in the living room of his apartment. As close to the area of highest deviation from normal as possible, he located a 10 cm. high double pyramid based on two Cheops (Phi) proportions pyramids placed base to base and with the base aligned to magnetic north. This double pyramid also contained a natural quartz crystal placed vertically along the axis.

Current events

My friend L has continued with experiments at the "points" but without the amplification of the pyramid. The points can be detected with a resistor, much as Kozyrev used in his time experiments. The effect is greatest 2 days after the full moon. It is most intense at 12 noon each day. Jean-Louis's Time Shift Detector shows that the effects can also be detected by using two separated, stable quartz oscillators beating against each other. This experiment was done without taking account of the location of any "special points" in the area of his lab. Locating his "point" is the next order of business.

The point in my friend’s apartment has now become activated and phenomena continue there even with the pyramid was removed. Small animals like white rabbits occasionally jump out of the air from the point area, hit the floor with an audible thump, and then disappear. It appears that the point is an opening to another physical reality like this one.

We think it may be a parallel earth, but we don't know. I have since found the point in my own house but I have not attempted to duplicate the experiments as I have a young daughter in the house. In addition it appears that my point may be of another nature. The points appear to vary in their innate qualities, as Seth suggests, some being more active or YANG and some more passive or YIN. But so far the points have been detected in every location where it has been tried. I have no doubt they exist and are very powerful.

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Unread post by kevin » Wed Jan 26, 2011 3:18 pm

In the above links there was talk of vertical lines at ninty degrees to the surface where an inrush occurs into mass.
This is detectable , but at very specific points in a vast geometry there are points where the north/south and east/west lines are vertical but arranged around that central CROSS feature are multiple further lines at variant angles, all around 360 of that central cross point.
Thus the geometry that allows implosion in vortex fashion is in place there.
tremendous compression must occur at such points, and they are normally at the side of further geometry that is where an emmitance occurs, but the inrush is always in a dominant sequence typically of 55/34.
The net difference is imho taken up by the creation of matter and mass.
thus whilst ever this inrush inblance exists mass will accumulate.
I suspect stars are the opposite in that they emmitt more than they implode.
They will do this again on a cross formation where the net input of say fifty five directions is focussed into the cross formation.
The cross creates arms in circulation rings( swastika) where the flows also circulate as they enter into and exit the cross formations.
This is exactly as I detect the geometry and the flows upon the geometry.

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Unread post by seasmith » Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:11 pm

Lizzie quoted:
Aetheralization - The conversion of mass back to pure aether is called aetheralization not disintegration.
Kevin wrote:

Thus the geometry that allows implosion in vortex fashion is in place there.
tremendous compression must occur at such points, and they are normally at the side of further geometry that is where an emmitance occurs, but the inrush is always in a dominant sequence typically of 55/34.
k, thank you for your harmonic insight...
Webolife wrote (consistently and reflexively) :

Y E S ! ! ! The two {CMB and ZPR} describe one and the same!!!!! Field Pressure Gradients!!!!!!
& what has elsewhere been belabored as the perpetual AC: Aetheric Circuit / aetheric cycle.

Mattersnot wether if the ~current~ is measured by way of charge-transmitting particles, wavefronts, spins or pressure gradients.


light gravity matter & charge,



Unread post by lizzie » Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:58 pm

A recent article on torsion physics
'There is presently a great deal of interest (and confusion) regarding a new field of science which is generally referred to as torsion physics [and may be extremely relevant to the operation of the EDF Generator]. The Einstein-Cartan theory on which it is based describes gravity and magnetism as two sides of the same coin – the curvature and twisting of spacetime – and it may well provide the missing link we need to solve the world's energy and ecological crises while providing an ultimate "Theory of Everything."

'Torsion physics adds a spin or twist to the spacetime of Einstein's General Relativity Theory, similar to the surface tension of water going down a drain: where the density differential between air and water causes the water's surface to curve and curl into the drain, creating torque.

'Torsion physics describes everything from atomic structure to hurricanes and galaxies as spinning like this into regions of high density due to the "Coriolis Effect", which creates two rotating 'toruses' (or donuts) of material spinning in opposite directions one on top of the other. As they spin, the outer circular surfaces of these torii rotate over and into the donut hole, spiraling inwardly like a vortex...

'From the micro to the macro, torsion physics is apparently able to successfully model all physical phenomena as being comprised of a double torus of orthogonal (or "right-angled") gravitational and electromagnetic forces that together spin off resonant harmonic structure at the balanced event horizon between them. And based on this theoretical model, in particular the recent work of N. Haramein and E. A. Rauscher*, some scientists are calling for increased funding and research to find ways of engineering such a torsion field.

'Nicola Tesla was the first to suggest this more than a hundred years ago, and Dr. Thomas Bearden claims today that the spacetime vacuum can be engineered to violate the second law of thermodynamics by revising Maxwell's outdated electromagnetism equations to include the asymmetrical Aharonov-Bohm Effect. Every demonstrable example of an over-unity "zero-point" energy device, like Bearden's own solid-state Motionless Electromagnetic Generator [U.S. patent #6,362,718], would obtain its 'extra' energy by torquing the vacuum based on that effect.

'Torsion physics may indeed make possible gravity modification and the warping of spacetime to enable superluminal (faster-than-light) travel. However, mainstream science has been slow to accept this new field, often referring to it as "pseudoscience". Yet unless torsion physics research is quickly accepted and provided with serious funding, there may not be time to avert an imminent global economic and ecological energy crisis. As Dr. Bearden bluntly points out:

"Only by using vacuum engineering for electrical power systems that dramatically decrease our dependence on oil, coal, gas, and nuclear power can our economic collapse – and the possible collapse of Western civilization – be avoided." '
Torsion - About physical nature of the biological field
http://www.holger-d-klein.de/pdf/Torsio ... ologie.pdf

Biofield theory, Radionic Theory, Subtle Energy Research
http://altered-states.net/index2.htm?/v ... theory.htm
Everything in the universe is energy in its most fundamental form and all forms of energy are governed by intrinsic data fields (IDFs) . Energy exists everywhere as potential and in motion creates fields allowing energy to be transmitted, absorbed and conducted.

Energy exists in spirit as consciousness, in mind as thoughts, in emotion as feelings, in electricity, in magnetism and gravitation as force fields, in the physical as molecular mass and in an energy exchange as communication. Light, sound, heat, magnetism, color, and electricity are all just different forms of the same source...energy. They differ only in frequency of vibration and the medium of conduction.

The air we breathe, the food we eat, the people we know, our thoughts, feelings and our body as well as the environment in which we live is fundamentally concentrated energy fields existing at different frequencies.

Like all objects, the body radiates and absorbs frequency waves of energy. Each of our senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching, work through energies at specific frequency bands along the electromagnetic spectrum.

Just what is a field? A magnet that attracts iron may be placed under a sheet of cardboard. Iron particles sprinkled on the cardboard will align themselves in patterns around the magnet. Scientists call these patterns "lines of magnetic force." A collection of these lines around a magnet, in three dimensions, is called a magnetic field.

The gravitational field surrounding the earth may be mapped by measuring the earth's attraction for a small mass. Plotting such measurements describes a gravitational field.

All animate and inanimate objects such as Minerals, chemicals and living things are surrounded with Intrisic Data Fields. These are informational fields that structure energy into form or patterns. These fields relate to the objects or energies inside their fields.

Each year more scientific evidence accumulates bringing us closer to the realization that our health and well-being may be more related to the function of IDFs operating in and around our body.

New discoveries show how the subtle information forces in nature can penetrate everything, cause instantaneous reaction at incredible distances, do not behave according to known formulas, cannot be measured by conventional electronic test equipment, and represent a completely new spectrum.

The references to this spectrum have been given many names such as: the second force of gravity, eloptics, dowsing, radionics, radiesthesia, psionics, scalar waves, bioplasm, the ethers, L Fields, prana, Kirlian effect, chi, auras, orgone, the pre physical state, the body electric, Intrinsic Data Fields (IDFs) or biofield. Regardless of the name, these subtle energies or biofields are said to contain the intelligence or information which provides the pattern (or energy matrix) for the organization of matter. We call these informational patterns IDFs (Intrinsic Data Fields). In many instances these phenomena can explain things that cannot be explained by orthodox science.

Just as an architect prepares a blueprint for a structure to be built, similarly subtle information fields contain information, i.e. IDFs, (like a microfilm) that is a plan for how energy will be organized and structured into matter.

New instrumentation was needed to detect and balance these Biofields.

Scientifically we know that all substance has its form by virtue of its molecular arrangement. Investigation has demonstrated that the molecule is the basic mass-form upon which all substance having shape is built. To be sure, scientists have electrically broken down the molecule into the smaller particles of chemical elements, ions and atoms, but these are not mass- forms. Hence the molecule is the accepted mass-structure unit for matter.

Electrophysiological studies have established conclusively that the electrical potentials found in the human body are directly related to electrical patterns; this pattern dictates the nature of the organism. The pattern is a dynamic process, not static, which allows the organism to grow, mature, regenerate and evolve.

The organism builds new cells but they are always organized according to the original electrical pattern, e.g., an acorn becomes an oak tree not a cabbage. The patterning is determined in the subatomic field of frequency vibration which play themselves out on the pre-physical level in the DNA of the cell. The pattern is recreated in the newly emerging cells.

The Burr and Northrop studies established conclusively that the electrical potential found in the human body is directly related to an electrical pattern; this pattern dictates the nature of the organism, but it is not an inflexible form; rather it is a patterning principle in the sense that it evolves and changes. As the patterning evolves, so the organism evolves, assumes form, grows, matures, remains constant; then the organism builds new cells, but always organizes them after the original design. The organism is recreated, but always with the pattern dictated. The patterning here is a dynamic process, not a static entity. The patterning has an implicit form that it communicates to the organism. The patterning is determined in the subatomic field and given the same environment, it evolves with fidelity; electrical vibration here is a force. This force works to incarnate the patterning in the emerging cellular entity: to form the lion, the rose, the man, the diamond, the drop of oil, illness, health. It is the pulsating rhythm of form and pattern that is termed life. It is potential, patterning, and form that reflect the three principles of structural integrity, organism- rejuvenation and regeneration.

The shape or form of a substance is directly dependent upon the arrangement and variation of the millions of molecules which compose it. Thus the substance of wood differs from that of cloth; earth from water; flesh from metal; one wood from another; one metal from another; one tissue from another. Every recognizable form assumes that form because of the molecules of which it is composed. It has a definite arrangement peculiar to itself, and differing from all others.

Life is a manifestation of a ceaseless exchange between various degrees of matter. The character of the energy implanted in the body during that activity is, above all, electronic energy before it is ionic and before it becomes molecular, for it proceeds from the sphere of vibration. We only perceive the secondary physical effects, those which manifest on the plane of matter and which are recognized as molecular activity.

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Unread post by flyingcloud » Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:20 am

c'mon lizzie,
let's do the twist ;)



Unread post by lizzie » Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:15 pm

flyingcloud said: c'mon lizzie, let's do the twist
Ferrofluid Sculpture
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUz1ZI-w ... ature=fvwp

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Unread post by flyingcloud » Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:02 am

rust never sleeps

the delicate balance

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Unread post by webolife » Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:24 am

Could you explain further what leads you to think the Sun is more of an emitter than an imploder, and how this fits with your geometry? I am of the opposite view, that more "condensing" is happening in stars than "emission". As you know from various of my previous and elsewhere posts, I view light as a centropic [think "condensing"] phenomenon rather than emissive, so this is easily reconcilable to me... I see the entire universe as being a centropic phenomenon, the aggregation of mass [gravity] or charge [capacitance] are just parts of this total picture... ie, it is not necessary to think of the sun as having an opposite configuration to the rest of your geometry... or is it?
Truth extends beyond the border of self-limiting science. Free discourse among opposing viewpoints draws the open-minded away from the darkness of inevitable bias and nearer to the light of universal reality.



Unread post by lizzie » Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:55 pm

Webolife said: Kevin, Could you explain further what leads you to think the Sun is more of an emitter than an imploder, and how this fits with your geometry? I am of the opposite view that more "condensing" is happening in stars than "emission".
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 570#p40745

Is the Sun a torsion field generator, magnifying transmitter and multidimensional harmonic oscillator?
Recovered: History of the Z Pinch and Theta Pinch Rewritten!
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... &t=53#p476

Junglelord said: Does the modern Z Pinch really accurately model the sun? Is there some other Pinch Machine that more accurately models the sun? If so who built it?

The first powerful Theta Pinch was built and tested by Nikola Tesla. It’s called the Magnifying Transmitter. It is with his Magnifying Transmitter and its design that he discovered Longitudinal Electric Energy.

So in reality Tesla was running a Theta Pinch in 1899, which more correctly represents the Pinch effect of a spherical spiral or toroid shape. We all know the sun is spherical. Not only that but his Magnifying Transmitter Pinch effect was his eureka moment that the Ionosphere and earth were and could be affected by this Longitudinal Energy.

It is my contention that Tesla and his particular Pinch Machine, the Magnifying Transmitter, was fundamentally more like the sun in many more respects then any device before or since. Other Pinch Machines do not come close to representing nature in shape or performance as the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter.

The "primary" and "secondary" of Tesla Transformers are not magnetic inductors. They are resistive capacitors. Coil-shaped capacitors! The Tesla Transformer action is electrostatic induction.
Tesla accidentally discovered an electrostatic supercharging effect while trying to verify Hertz discovery of magnetic waves. He learned how to control and maximise the phenomenon. He found that pure and gaseous etheric energy can be fractured away from a circuit. It’s a spatially distributed voltage that radiates away from circuit as a light-like ray which charges other surfaces in the field.

An electrical condenser discharges/explodes and transmits vibrations at any rate up to millions per second to the coil forming the primary of the transformer of the induction coil.

It charges capacitors with high voltage DC, discharging through magnetically quenched spark gaps, at extremely high vibrations, millions per second. This was the method operating his magnifying transmitter and this is the process which produces and captures radiant energy. Perpendicular to the flow of the current it produces a spatially distributed voltage thousands of times higher than the initial spark voltage. It produces a longitudinal electrostatic light-like ray; it behaves like an incompressible gas.

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Unread post by flyingcloud » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:14 am

I almost see coil transformer

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Unread post by kevin » Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:42 am

Emitter is perhaps a poor word.
Transmuter may be better?
The geometry is of sequence, and to keep that simple , and as I detect that sequencing is to fibonacci.
What is detectable here is a net inrush at 55/34 versus outrush.
The sun I consider will be opposite.
All of this is occuring in a universal sea substance, with what is called aether flowing about in that sea on geometry of phase conjugate laser like pathways.
The force along the pathways only meets in tight geometry points.
If as here , there is a net implosion created by the geometry , then matter/mass accumulates, if it is the other way around, then strong accumulations of the two way spin are forced into lets call them main frame flows, or Birkeland currents.
It's the two way affair where both need to be operating at once, but the specific geometries determine the outcomes in levels.



Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:37 am

Kevin said: The geometry is of sequence, and to keep that simple and as I detect that sequencing is to fibonacci. All of this is occurring in a universal sea substance, with what is called aether flowing about in that sea on geometry of phase conjugate laser like pathways.
Shape Power -- the "Inbreath" and the "Outbreath" :D
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =30#p46218

The essence of how geometric patterns can influence energy flows is exactly the same as how antennas and other resonanting structures work. Since everything resonates and establishes an information and energy transfer between two or more resonant bodies, then a two dimensional pattern can precisely resonate to a three dimensional structure.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 620#p28455
19.5 degrees is the angle that's been found by researchers to be repeatedly encoded in the structures of Cydonia. It is viewed as a definite 'signal in the noise' - some kind of a 'message' left there by some intelligence. 19.5 is called t, the 'tetrahedral constant', because of its significance in tetrahedral geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron's apexes touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south latitude. Why this number would be important to the builders of the Martian structures is not clear (though Hoagland is theorizing that it has to do with what he calls "hyperdimensional physics").
The idea that certain geometric shapes possess some kind of power is very old, as is the idea that certain locations on the Earth are sacred or magical. The elites often apply sacred geometry to architecture; but, over the years, a number of researchers and writers have suggested that our entire planet contains a magical geometry which governs the location of sacred sites, and that this geometry may be hyper dimensional, and even that the entire universe was constructed in accordance with the laws of hyper dimensional geometry. At the same time, there is a very ancient belief that all of space is filled with an inexhaustible energy, spiritual in origin, called variously chi, ki, prana, kundalini, vril, odic force, or orgone, and that this energy may serve as a dynamic luminiferous aether, and may be the foundation of all other matter and energy. It has been suggested that this energy flows most strongly along certain paths on the Earth's surface, usually called ley lines.

A tetrahedron is one of the five Platonic solids, and it is a three dimensional space bounded by four triangular sides. In a regular tetrahedron the triangles are equilateral, and all of their angles are sixty degrees each. A hexahedron has six sides; a regular hexahedron is a cube. An octahedron has eight sides, a dodecahedron has twelve, and an icosahedron has twenty. The tetrahedron and icosahedron are most germane to this discussion. Buckminster Fuller based his geodesic domes on icosahedrons, which have triangular sides; in a regular icosahedron, as in a regular tetrahedron, the sides are all equilateral triangles.
Zero Point is an energy flux running through space and that is where interdimensional and multidimensional travel begins. Anyone traveling out of body [OOB] must find zero point before they will go out.

In fact, this is true for space craft traveling multidimensionally. Zero Point is what is found in portals, StarGates, vortices, wormholes, black holes and is what makes multidimensional travel possible... including levitation and teleportation. We must also figure in the Harmony of the Spheres, within which our Planets and Suns operate.

These force fields run through Hollow Earth, and overlap the Planet. These are not only electromagnetic and ionic, but also crystalline. Every Planet in our Solar System has a crystalline core which is anchored energetically into its Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Multiversal and Cosmic Grid.
Does a torsion field generator create a Merkaba energy field?? Is the Merkaba a hyperdimensional energy field? Antigravity propulsion systems use this same energy field. What are torsion fields?

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 620#p28535
Torsion fields are extremely unusual objects of investigation. Since a torsion field is identical to the transverse spin polarization of the physical vacuum, and a gravitational field is identical to the longitudinal spin polarization of the physical vacuum, then some properties of torsion fields are identical to the properties of gravitational fields. For instance, experiments show that torsion fields cannot be shielded by natural media, and in this way their behavior is similar to that of gravitational fields. However, unlike gravitational fields which cannot be shielded even by artificial materials, torsion fields are shielded by artificial materials possessing orthonormal topology of structure. In practice, it is possible to screen torsion radiation with lengths of stretched polyethylene film commonly produced by industry. This film is manufactured in such a manner that the polymers form an aligned unidirectional structure. The unidirectional orientation of the polymers results in a molecular spin ordering. And this results in the generation of a collective torsion field. Two crossed polyethylene films are transparent to light, and are transparent to most of the radio-frequency spectrum. However, they can effectively shield torsion radiation.
In the 1940s, the soviet astrophysicist N.A.Kozyrev proposed that the rotation of stars was connected with their energy output. According to his theory, time and rotation are closely interconnected. The goal of these experiments was to make a measurement of the forces arising while the gyroscope was spinning. N.A.Kozyrev detected that the weight of the spinning gyroscope changes slightly depending on the angular velocity and the direction of rotation. The effect he discovered was not large, but the nature of the arising forces could not be explained by existing theories. N.A.Kozyrev explained the observed effect as being the manifestation of some "physical properties of time".

G.I.Shipov used a geometry of absolute parallelism with an additional 6 rotational coordinates, and on the strict level it showed that the movement of any object should be described by 10 movement equations but not by 4 equations as it is in Einstein's GR. From Shipov's vacuum equations, every known fundumental physical equation (Einstein's, Young-Mills', Heisenberg's, etc.) can be deduced in completely geometrised form. G.I.Shipov showed that besides the two known long-range physical fields - electromagnetic and gravitational - there exists a third long-range field possessing significantly richer properties: the torsion field. The torsion field is an extremely unusual entity. First of all, the upper limit for the speed of torsion waves is estimated to be not less than 109 c, where c is the speed of light. Secondly, torsion fields are able to propagate in a region of space which is not limited by the light cone. That means that torsion fields are able to propagate not only in the future but in the past as well. Thirdly, torsion fields transmit information without transmitting energy. Fourth - torsion fields are not required to follow the superposition principle.

The property which is open to influence by torsion fields is spin. (We should note that the spin-torsion interaction constant is equal to 10 -5 - 10 -6. This constant is less than the constant of electromagnetic interactions, yet much greater than the constant of gravitational interactions.) Thus the structure of the torsion field of every object can be changed by the influence of an external torsion field. As a result of such an influence, the new configuration of the torsion field will be fixed as a metastable state (as a polarized state) and will remain intact even after the source of the external torsion field is moved to another area of space. Thus torsion fields of certain spatial configuration can be "recorded" on any physical or biological object.

Since every permanent magnet posses not only oriented magnetic moments but also classical spins orientation as well, then every permanent magnet possess its own torsion field. Understanding this important property of magnetic fields allows us to understand a variety of phenomena, for instance the phenomenon known as "magnetization of water".

The following fundamentally important fact should be emphasized. In the framework of the theory of electro-torsion interactions, it is shown that if electrostatic or electromagnetic fields exist in some region of space, then there always exist torsion fields in that region of space. Electrostatic or electromagnetic fields without a torsion component do not exist. Strong torsion fields are generated by high electrical potentials and by devices with organized circular or spiral electromagnetic processes.
Most people are unaware that it is now generally accepted that the space surrounding the Earth and perhaps the entire galaxy has "right-handed spin", meaning that energy is influenced to spin clockwise as it travels through the physical vacuum.

According to Sciama et al., static torsion fields are created from spinning sources that do not radiate any energy. However, once you have a spinning source that releases energy in any form, such as the Sun or the center of the galaxy, and/or a spinning source that has more than one form of movement occurring at the same time, such as a planet that is rotating on its axis and revolving around the Sun at the same time, then dynamic torsion is automatically produced. This phenomenon allows torsion waves to propagate through space instead of simply staying in a single "static" spot. Thus, torsion fields, like gravity or electromagnetism, are capable of moving from one place to another in the Universe.

Furthermore, Kozyrev proved decades ago that these fields travel at "superluminal" speeds, meaning that they far exceed the speed of light. If you can have an impulse that moves directly through the "fabric of space-time", travels at superluminal velocities and is separate from gravity or electromagnetism, you have a significant breakthrough in physics - one that demands that a "physical vacuum", "zero-point energy" or an "aether" must really exist.

The data show that, somehow, a change in the mass consciousness of humanity affected the behavior of electromagnetic energy in computer circuits around the world, especially those computers nearest to North America. This suggests that torsion waves and consciousness are essentially identical manifestations of intelligent energy.

Kozyrev found that in the presence of this energy flow, objects that are rigid and inelastic show weight changes, whereas flexible, elastic objects show changes in their elasticity and/or viscosity. Kozyrev also showed that the weight of a spinning top changes if it is vibrated, heated or cooled or if it has an electric current passed through it.

The Einstein-Cartan theory predicts that there is either right-handed or left-handed torsion in space, depending on the location. Subsequent discoveries in quantum physics related to the notion of "spin" confirmed that "electrons" have "right-handed" or "left-handed" spin, meaning that movement will be detected that is either clockwise or counterclockwise. All atoms and molecules maintain varying degrees of balance between right- and left-handed spin. Kozyrev determined that strongly right-handed molecules such as sugar can shield torsion effects, whereas strongly left-handed molecules such as turpentine strengthen them.

Over the years, all of the following processes were discovered to create a "time flow" of torsion waves in the laboratory, due to their disruption of matter in some form: the deforming of a physical object; the encounter of an air jet with an obstacle; the operation of an hourglass filled with sand; the absorption of light; friction; burning; the actions of an observer, such as a movement of the head; the heating or cooling of an object; phase transitions in substances (frozen to liquid, liquid to vapor, etc.); dissolving and mixing substances; the fading death of plants; non-light radiation from astronomical objects; and sudden changes in human consciousness. Other than the perplexing final item related to consciousness, we can readily see how each process is disturbing matter in some way, thus causing it to absorb or release minute amounts of its aetheric "water", which fits perfectly with our sponge analogy.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 620#p28566

Left hand torsion field is not in accordance with life, it can be considered as hostile to live because it generates forces that are contrary to the ones needed by the living cells to build up molecular chains, especially the DNA. There are many sources of left hand torsion field. A magnetic field, but also an electromagnetic field is generally combined with the generation of left hand torsion field. Any static shapes generate left hand torsion field.

Sources of electromagnetic fields, such as GSM-Antennas, DECT portable phones, Wifi and other wireless data transmission systems are all generating left hand torsion field. It is possible to avoid some of these nuisances, for example by using a traditional computer network with shielded transmission cable, or by replacing a DECT phone by a more recent, low-emission type phone. When you cannot not avoid being in contact with strong left hand torsion field, you can use a torsion field compensator such as the Spinor and Geodd compensators.

Russian Scientists have built instruments to measure torsion fields. It is not necessary to have such an instrument to have experiences with the torsion field, because our etheric body reacts to torsion field in a very precise manner: Our etheric body is an egg-shaped envelope with a diameter of about 2 - 4 meter. Using our own perception, we can train ourselves to become aware of our own etheric body and to measure its size. Furthermore, the etheric body is normally centred with respect to the navel; we can feel the planes of symmetry. There are three planes: the first one is the left-right plane, the second is the front-behind plane and the third is the horizontal plane. We found that the left-right plane is in connection with torsion field: In an environment with right hand torsion field, our left-right plane is centred. Left-hand torsion field causes our left-right plane to be shifted to the left. Furthermore, right-hand torsion field increases the size our etheric body, on the contrary, left-hand torsion field diminishes its size.

By studying the behavior of the etheric body, we discovered that there is a relationship between torsion fields and the axis of symmetry of the etheric body. There are a series of reasons that makes us believe that the human etheric body is not only subject to torsion fields from the outer world, but it acts also as an emitter of torsion fields.

When referring to the human etheric body, we mean this roughly egg-shaped, invisible shell around the physical body. It is not the astral body. The outer diameter of this etheric body is normally between 2 and 4 meters; it can be felt with our hands using increased perception. The measurement of the etheric body has been described and published in 2004. Within this etheric shell, it is possible to feel harmonic subdivisions. The density of these subdivisions is very much related to the activity of the first chakra.

Geometric form as generators of torsion fields

The theory of a spiraling torsion field explains the formation of spiraling forms of live. The double spiral structure of a snail shell is a very nice example. In order to build up the shell made of carbon oxide, the right-hand torsion field is supposed to play an important role. Experiences with empty snail shells found in nature allowed us to realize that they are generating right hand torsion field. We even succeeded to compensate the torsion field of a mobile phone with a package of spiralled noodles.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 620#p28542

There’s no linear travel through space; it actually bends space and time and follows space as it retracts. In the first mode of travel - around the surface of a planet - they essentially balance on the gravitational field that the gravity generators put out, and they can ride a “wave,” like a cork does in the ocean. In that mode they’re very unstable and are affected by the weather.

My next comment is that, according to Bob Lazar, speaking about one of the propulsion systems used by the ufo he worked on, “the craft does not create an ‘antigravity field,’ as some have surmised: It’s a gravitational field that’s out of phase with the current one - it’s the same gravitational wave. The phases vary from 180 degrees to zero ... in a longitudinal propagation.”

However, I do have some comments on the theory. Their paper states:

"... In nature, mass dipoles do not exist as real sources. Nevertheless, the dipolar fluctuations mathematically have such a form.

Being vacuum fluctuations, they are invariant under translations and Lorentz transformations they are homogeneously allocated in space and at all length scales. That is, the dipolar fluctuations correspond to the fields produced by dipoles of various sizes, distributed in a uniform way.

They can only show their presence if, in some way, their homogeneity and uniformity are broken. ...".

In my opinion, such "dipolar fluctuations" may be theoretically equivalent to what I call conformal graviphotons, which under normal circumstances cancel out but under certain geometries and circumstances can produce what is equivalent to special conformal solutions of Maxwell's equations, and which are (like Podkletnov and Modanese dipolar things) not reduced by the big factor G ( which is like 1 / planckmass^2 ).

The dipolar mass fluctuations can generate my graviphotons just as electromagnetic dipolar things can generate EM photons.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... 620#p28565

A model of hyperdimensional physics based upon angular momentum -- the mass of an object and the rate at which it spins -- but an orbital momentum connected to four-space, and simultaneously affected by the planets’ satellites (or in the case of the Sun, the planets, or even companion stars where applicable). A plot of total angular momentum of a planet or solar system against the total amount of internal energy being radiated into space, results in a “striking linear dependence which seems to hold across a range of luminosity and momentum totaling almost three orders of magnitude.” The resulting math, equivalent to E = mc2, is that a celestial object’s total internal luminosity seems dependent upon only one physical parameter, it’s total system angular momentum (the celestial body, plus all orbiting satellites), and given by L = mr2. [L is the total system angular momentum, m each of the individual masses at a distance, r, from the center of the rotation.]

yperdimensional physics requires that energy generation in planets and stars be variable -- in effect, a mechanism resulting from an ever-changing hyperspatial geometry. In effect, the changing pattern (gravitationally and dimensionally) of interacting satellites in orbit around a planet or star must change the stress pattern, in something of a geometrically twisted ether.

Hyperdimensional astrology, where variations in energy output from planets would be due to the constantly changing hyperdimensional stress due to their relative interactions, and variability in orbits.

Recognition that hyperdimensional physics allows for a disproportionate effect on the solar system by the planets due to the lever arm (“r”) of the angular momentum equation, a physical mechanism -- Maxwell’s changing quaternion scalar potentials -- to account for anomalous planetary energy emissions, and the reason for sunspots at the predominant solar latitude of 19.5 degrees.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =15#p28604

From continual experimentation came the first fundamental instrument for storing, amplifying, transferring and cohering the energies of the bodymind of an individual: a four sided quartz crystal with pyramidal terminations. One tip was more acute than the other. The more acute termination is called the “firing tip” as this is the end of the crystal from which the coherent field is emitted. The faceted crystal was a three dimensional representation of the Tree of Life.

The structural change in cutting quartz into the shape identified as Vogel-cut® is to tune it to be a coherent information transfer device. The form geometry of such a crystal creates a coherent field of energy that can act as a carrier wave of information, whereas raw quartz does not.

The coherent light emitted from the Vogel® crystal is able to penetrate the often disparate radiant fields within and around a distressed individual. The most profound effect of the faceted crystal has to do with its relationship and resonance to water.

Marcel found that this information band exists in and around all matter. This band is a record keeper of the events that have gone into bringing an object into being and the response of this object to the actions on it, whether light, sound, heat, or electrical forces.

The combination of these forces builds a series of patterns or codes which characterize or identify the substance in the same way we characterize each element in the periodic table by its atomic weight and the protons and neutrons which are in the nucleus of the atom.

No atom is static; it is in a state of motion. This motion generates a field. The composite of these fields is the ground state of the information band. It is different from the excited state of the electron which goes into the conduction band and drops down into the ground state.

These perturbations form an energy cloud around the substance. This is the mind of the atom. In the case of metal, for example, the aggregate atoms are responsive to light, pressure, rubbing, and scratching of the surface.

There is a rhythmic nature to this field. There is a periodicity to the information band. It will expand and contract in accordance with its relationship to planetary influences.
The Giza Power Plant – a Cosmic Torsion Field Generator ;)

The 11 Year Pyramid Cycle
http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/fo ... pic=109496


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