TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Hundreds of TPODs have been published since the summer of 2004. In particular, we invite discussion of present and recent TPODs, perhaps with additional links to earlier TPOD pages. Suggestions for future pages will be welcome. Effective TPOD drafts will be MORE than welcome and could be your opportunity to become a more active part of the Thunderbolts team.

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by 601L1n9FR09 » Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:30 pm

Among my many weaknesses I can now add typing.

How often do you have to replace your keyboard?
Are you on TB staff or just insanely enthusiastic?
Maybe Pic of the Day should have a comment feature.
The more of this material I read the less I have to say.
I can't find a lot to disagree with. I mean I can stand on the sidelines and cheer but in as much as I am on the fringe and/or beyond, my endorsement can not do much for the credibility of the EU community. I figure every blue moon times ten to the 25th I might have something to add or a more simple way to express it. I can't help but continue observing ( call me insanely enthusiastic ) . Maybe from time to time I can weigh in with some lame comic relief?
Have I mentioned keep up the good work?


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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:39 am

Jay said: Are you on TB staff or just insanely enthusiastic?
* I'm not on the staff. I'm moderately enthusiastic. I'm more enthusiastic about the Free State Project.
Maybe Pic of the Day should have a comment feature.
* I'll try to pass on the suggestion.
The more of this material I read the less I have to say. I can't find a lot to disagree with. I mean I can stand on the sidelines and cheer but in as much as I am on the fringe and/or beyond, my endorsement can not do much for the credibility of the EU community.
* You can always ask questions, or share what you think, or share authoritative info etc.
* By the way, it may be best to let your weaknesses speak for themselves, and you could just discuss more interesting things. Or do you want to hear others' opinions of their own weaknesses too? I don't generally.

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:51 am

Down the Barrel [Gamma Ray Bursts]
Apr 11, 2011 ... barrel.htm
- In the image a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) 110328A is compared to a Plasma focus penumbra and filaments.
- Converging radial filaments indicate an interstellar Birkeland current "pinching down" into an hourglass shape.
- The longest lasting gamma-ray source ever recorded was found by the Swift satellite's Burst Alert Telescope.
- Chandra's image reveals the gamma-ray source is emitting copious X-rays in highly collimated beams.
- Instead of an intense gravity field, an electromagnetic z-pinch can produce such X-rays and gamma-rays.
- Near the centers of galaxies are filamentary strands, 28, 49, 56 etc in the penumbral cloud of stars and nebulae energized by a plasma gun effect.
- Plasma is compressed within vortical filaments in long lines extending out from the galactic nucleus.
- Sometimes the lines are seen in galactic images as bars that spin at right angles to the current flowing out of the central bulge.
- It is in the most dense current flows that stars form.

Unwinding the Spirals  
Apr 12, 2011 ... pirals.htm
- The spirals in the image are typical helical electric current filaments spiraling down into a z-pinch.
- Planetary nebulae were initially thought to be green gaseous planets like Uranus.
- They are now observed in all shapes and sizes: round, elliptical, nested cylinders, and now helical spirals.
- They are not the result of shock waves, or stellar winds.
- The spiral nebula, IRAS 23166+1655,
- WR 104 is a Wolf-Rayet star
- About 70 years ago Dr. Charles Bruce said planetary nebulae appeared to be similar to electric discharges, shaped like hourglasses.
- Each has a central star, if enough current passes through the nebular plasma cloud to form one.
- Similar local structures are known as magnetospheres, magnetotails, cometary nuclei, and comet tails.
[Does this mean comets are formed by strong electric currents, like stars? I don't think that's what was meant.]

Reminders of Titan [Features of Saturn's Moon, Titan]
Apr 13, 2011 ... 3titan.htm
- Saturn contains a great deal of methane in its atmosphere
- Methane gas is constantly escaping from Titan because of its low gravity.
- Sunlight also causes the methane molecule to dissociate into its carbon and hydrogen constituents.
- Conventional theories state that Titan is billions of years old, so why does a dense atmosphere continue to exist?
- Titan retains its atmosphere because it is a relative newcomer to the Solar System, born from Saturn in an electrical conflagration.
- If Titan came into existence just a few thousand years ago, it has not had time to lose all the methane it started with.
- Images sent from the surface by the Huygens lander revealed a field of small pebbles extended to the horizon with the consistency of damp sand.
- Spectrographic analysis established that the rocks are made of water ice at 179 degrees Kelvin.
- There seem to be rilles going uphill and downhill on Titan, as on most rocky planets and moons.
- Unlike waterways rilles have no catchment areas or feeder streams and the tributaries are short and often at right angles.
- Titan is electrically charged, constantly bombarded by ion storms from Saturn.
- It has a particle fountain flowing out of each pole and a torus of ions encircling Titan.
- It has banding around its north pole, probably from ion streams circling Titan.
- On Earth electrons and positive ions circle Earth in opposite directions in similar streams.
- Orbital images confirm that Titan has a dry surface with dunes several meters high in parallel rows, like fingerprint patterns.
- They are likely not wind-generated, but electrically generated.

Sunspot 1112 [Sunspot & Solar Prominence]
Apr 14, 2011 ... unspot.htm
- Image is of a 400,000 kilometer long filamentary prominence on the Sun.
- The Sun is a charged object in balance with the forces of its environment, but not completely stable.
- The electric currents flowing into and out of the Sun sometimes cause tremendous bursts of energy, as solar flares, or coronal mass ejections (CMEs).
- Since CMEs increase auroral brightness and frequency when they meet Earth's magnetic field, they contain charged particles.
- The discovery of solar wind escaping the Sun at almost 700 kilometers per second was surprising.
- The Sun's heat and radiation pressure are insufficient to explain how the particles of the solar wind accelerate past the planets.
- Electric fields in space are what accelerate the charged solar particles.
- They create coherent electric currents that flow through the Solar System.
- Solar flares, therefore, are tremendous lightning bursts, discharging vast quantities of matter at near relativistic speeds.
- Galactic Birkeland current filaments slowly rotate past the Solar System, supplying more or less power to the Sun as they go.
- The giant filament recently observed in association with sunspot 1112 reveals its electrical parentage.

Detecting Double Layers [M82 Radio Source]
Apr 15, 2011 ... layers.htm
- Something in galaxy M82 has been sending out powerful radio waves continuously for a year now.
- Nothing like it has ever been seen before.
- The phenomenon appears to be moving across the sky at four times the speed of light.
- It may be a matter jet, as such jets shoot out of active galactic nuclei seemingly faster than light.
- Filaments of electric current remain coherent over large distances, spiraling around each other
- Such threads of electricity are seen in the tail of Venus, in planetary nebulae, in Herbig-Haro stars and in some galaxies.
- Galaxies themselves also appear to occur in strings.
- Galactic electric circuits generate magnetic fields that can be mapped.
- Plasma behavior is driven by conditions in those circuits.
- Electric current double layers emit radio waves over a broad band of frequencies.
- They can accelerate charged particles to cosmic ray energies.
- Electrons and ions accelerate through intense electric fields and radiate "shouts" of energy in many bandwidths.
- M82's sudden radio noise is probably demonstrating changing conditions in its circuits.

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by 601L1n9FR09 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:05 am

OK, so how often do you have to replace your keyboard? :D


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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:06 pm

Sonic Booms Make Those Stringy Things [Filaments in Interstellar Cloud]
Apr 18, 2011 ... things.htm
- Image shows the IC5146 interstellar cloud around the Cocoon Nebula.
- Infrared images of the “clouds” reveal networks of tangled filaments.
- The filaments tend to have constant width and extend for many light-years.
- They appear similar to the “stringy things” in Venus’s tail and comet tails.
- New stars are often found in the densest parts of such filaments.
- Hot gas would expand into space rather than get tangled in it.
- The small force of gravity tends to make spheres, not linear filaments.
- Astronomers speculate that sonic booms from exploding stars generate the filaments.
- But the filaments are Birkeland currents, not sonic boom formations.
- The image above is a snapshot of a cosmic electrical discharge.

On the Horn of a Dilemma [Nebular Filaments]
Apr 19, 2011 ... ilemma.htm
- Image shows a nebular region of Monoceros R2, thought to be 2700 light-years away.
- Astronomers think new stars result from a supernova compression wave passing through a cloud of dust and gas.
- Nebular cloud analysis is based on kinetic models of gas behavior and not on plasma physics.
- A more accurate model for nebulae is a fluorescent lamp emitting light at the excitation frequency of a specific gas.
- Electricity causes the plasma within the lamp housing to glow.
- Astronomers think supernova shock wave compressions heat gas to high temperatures that produce many frequencies of light.
- However, ionized oxygen frequencies make up more than 90% of the light from planetary nebulae.
- Nebulae are like oxygen discharge tubes, not balls of hot gas.
- The ESO said Monoceros R2 is a prolific stellar nursery, although the dusty environment makes it difficult to see them.
- The VISTA visible and infrared telescope penetrates the cosmic dust and reveals folds, loops and filaments.
- The formations are thought to be caused by intense particle winds and radiation emitted by hot young stars.
- The idea that gas can be heated until it gives off extreme ultraviolet and X-ray radiation without electrical input is wrong.
- A wave of ionized particles comprises an electric current.
- An electromagnetic z-pinch can squeeze plasma with such force that it rapidly compresses and often discharges.
- The finger-like spiraling filaments again are Birkeland currents that can transmit electric power all around the galaxy.
- Electrical sheaths, called double layers, are normally invisible.
- If they receive greater input from galactic Birkeland currents, they enter the glow discharge mode.
- They increase flux density and pull matter from the surrounding space into electrical filaments.

Nuclear War God [Natural Electrical Nuclear Radiation]
Apr 20, 2011 ... wargod.htm
- Image shows a portion of the Mare Acidalium quadrangle on Mars.
- Dr. John Brandenburg, in “Dead Mars, Dying Earth," thinks a natural nuclear explosion destroyed Mars almost 200 million years ago.
- His theory is based on two regions of increased radiation there and in Franceville, Gabon, Africa.
- In Gabon there is 0.00003 times more U235 than expected compared to U238.
- He suggests that mineral deposits containing over 3% U235 burned for thousands of years 2 billion years ago.
- He says the natural explosion on Mars was more like a million megaton atomic blast, than a burn.
- Increased amounts of xenon 129 isotope were detected on both planets' locations.
- TPODs have suggested many times that electric arcs could have sculpted many features on Mars.
- They have said that those powerful electric discharges could also have transmuted silicon into iron and silicon dioxide into hematite spherules.
- Since electricity can transmute elements, radioactive isotopic ratios cannot be used to date geological features.
- Plasma discharges likely formed most craters, glass spherules and large chunks of pure silica found in many places.
- Intense ionizing radiation via electricity from space, not nuclear reactors, most likely bombarded Earth and Mars in the recent, not distant, past, leaving these radiation effects.

Son of Marduk [Mercury's Sodium Tail]
Apr 21, 2011 ... marduk.htm
- Comet tails are likely created when the cometary plasma sheath accumulates enough electrical potential to discharge and glow.
- Image shows MESSENGER space probe data reveal Mercury's long sodium tail varies in size.
- The sodium appears to be coming from two high latitude hot spots due to radiation pressure from the Sun.
- Thornhill writes that the solar wind is better understood as an equatorial solar current sheet rather than a hot wind.
- And he says Mercury has not been in its present orbit for as long as astronomers believe.
- Venus also has a long filamentary dark-mode comet-like tail.
- Like our Moon, Mercury has no atmosphere and no magnetic field to shield it from the Sun.
- Earth's cometary plasma cocoon, the magnetosphere, changes shape and power as electric currents from the Sun, solar wind, impinge upon it.
- As it revolves through Earth's ionized plasmasphere, the Moon gains a negative charge.
- The Moon's surface material then repels and drifts off the surface.
- Charge differential between the Moon's day and night sides generates a nearly 1000 volt ion wind.
- It flows from the negatively charged night side into the more positively charged sunlit side.
- Neutral sodium has been seen flowing off the Moon.
- Jupiter's moon Io contributes to a cloud of sodium around Jupiter that extends in a long comet-like tail.
- Io is in close orbit with Jupiter, so intense electromagnetic radiation bombards its surface.
- This radiation removes approximately one ton per second in gases and other materials via geysers.
- Io acts like a generator as it travels through Jupiter’s plasmasphere.
- More than 400,000 volts at 3 million amps of current flows to Jupiter from Io.
- Perhaps Mercury is experiencing something similar as it rapidly revolves around the Sun.
- The hot spots could be where dense plasma foci connect Mercury with the Sun.
- Cathode erosion of Mercury might also explain its Birkeland current-like filamentary tail.

Orcus Patera [Oval Mars Depression]
Apr 22, 2011 ... patera.htm
- Image shows an elongated crater formation on Mars, called the Orcus Patera depression, about 380 km long and 140 km wide.
- Mars is the topic of a new video called The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars, showing that electrical jolts etched its surface.
- In it Dave Talbott explains that Mars probably had tremendous plasma discharge events in the recent past.
- Normal erosion by wind and water is a blurring and rounding process.
- The sharp peaks, steep valleys, and clean craters suggest that little erosion has taken place on Mars.
- The vast deposits of water-soluble olivine show that Mars has not had substantial amounts of water.
- The Orcus Patera rim is 1800m above the surrounding terrain, but its flat floor lies 600m below the surroundings.
- A lake bed would not have an upraised rim.
- Rift-like valleys cut across the rim, like tectonic faults.
- Other elongated craters exist in the Solar System, several on the Moon, and others on Mars.
- They all share common characteristics: flat floors, steep walls, lack of impact ejecta, and a fresh appearance.
- Wilpena Pound on Flinders Range near Adelaide, Australia has those features too.
- When lightning strikes Earth, multiple leader strokes descend from the clouds, while similar, less visible potential contacts rise from the ground.
- Once the circuit closes, electrical energy stored in the cloud-to-ground capacitor discharges, drawing current from several square kilometers.
- A lightning stroke has tributaries like those connecting to the Orcus Patera depression.
- Surface lightning forces close tributaries to be parallel because of the electromagnetic force between them.
- Electrical features include skylights, deep canyons with multiple perpendicular side branches, dry falls, terraces, and other features found on Earth.

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Sparky » Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:26 am

Electric Enceladus
Apr 25, 2011

What is imaged? I assume that the small dot in the white square is enceladus. Is that suppose to be the "footprint"?

I also assume that the circular radiation is a polar aurora. Or is it the energetic outline of Saturn?

thank you
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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by jjohnson » Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:21 am

That is an ultraviolet image with Saturn's north pole centered on the coordinate system ((i.e., looking down at the N pole and the auroral emissions). The bright parts, "footprints", are more intense emissions stimulated by the connected current flows with Enceladus.

More here

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Lloyd » Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:37 am

* Thanks, Jim. The caption reads in part:
Enceladus 'Footprint' on Saturn
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has spotted a glowing patch of ultraviolet light near Saturn's north pole that marks the presence of an electrical circuit that connects Saturn with its moon Enceladus. This newly discovered patch occurs at the "footprint" of the magnetic connection between Saturn and Enceladus and indicates electrons and ions accelerating along magnetic field lines. White boxes indicate the location of this footprint, which scientists have long predicted but never before seen.
* The phrase, "electrical circuit that connects Saturn with its moon Enceladus", is rather extraordinary to hear from NASA. We should probably try to collect all such phrases from "officialdom" that support EU theory.
The Io Dynamo
* This webpage,, says:
The conditions for a dynamo are fulfilled in the case of Io ... and Jupiter. Both are conductors, and they move quite differently--Io orbits, Jupiter rotates. Furthermore, the plasma between them conducts electricity very well along its magnetic field lines, which act as if they were wires connecting Io and the planet (drawing). One expects a continuous current to flow in this circuit, feeding on Io's orbital energy.
* So that looks like another good EU support.
Secrets of the Polar Aurora
* And on this webpage,, it says:
The Earth's magnetic field, however, is an obstacle which the solar wind cannot penetrate. Like a river meeting a rock, it splits up and is diverted to flow around it. Around the Earth a cavity is formed, protected from the solar wind and known as the Earth's magnetosphere. And just as a rock in a river leaves a long shielded wake behind it, the Earth's magnetic space has a long tail on the night side--some call it the Earth's "magnetotail. "
- But even though the solar wind is kept out, it manages to transmit some electric energy to the magnetosphere, by brushing against it--in particular, to the tail region. ... the tail is where most electrons of the aurora seem to come from....
- The energy of the solar wind also reaches the magnetosphere (at least in part) by means of electric currents. Satellites have observed those currents near Earth: they flow in and out of the auroral zone, along magnetic field lines--for the main circuit, in on the morning side of midnight, out on the evening side, the two branches connecting (since any electric circuits must be closed!) through the high atmosphere, which (as noted) conducts electricity. One might perhaps say that we are still searching where the plug is.

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Sparky » Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:39 pm

And it was predicted!! :D
Scientists previously theorized an electrical circuit should exist at Saturn. ... 10420.html

thanks for link and explanation....
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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:51 am

Electric Enceladus [Enceladus Electrical Footprint on Saturn]
Apr 25, 2011 ... eladus.htm
- Image shows Saturn's moon, Enceladus, leaving a "footprint" in Saturn's electromagnetic field.
- An electrical circuit exists between Saturn and Enceladus.
- The Galileo space probe found electrical activity between several Jovian moons and Jupiter.
- Plumes erupting from Jupiter's moon, Io, are the result of cathode arcs, electrically etching the surface and blasting sulfur dioxide "snow" up to 150 kilometers into space.
- Io is an electrical generator as it travels through Jupiter’s plasmasphere, inducing over 400,000 volts by 3 million amps.
- That tremendous current flows along its magnetic field into the electric environment of Jupiter.
- Plasma discharges from Io likely contribute to the intense aurorae around Jupiter's poles.
- It was later found that all four of Jupiter’s large moons leave their imprints.
- The same is now found connecting Enceladus with Saturn's poles, that leaves an ultraviolet "footprint" in the oval aurora.
- In 2008, the Cassini spacecraft found ion and electron beams propagating from Saturn’s northern hemisphere.
- Time-variable emissions from Enceladus’ south polar vents correspond with the footprint's brightness variations in Saturn's aurora.
- Saturn is connected with the Sun and the Sun is connected with the Milky Way.
- The Milky Way is probably connected with the Local Group and then with the Cluster and so on, which is the basis of Electric Universe Theory.
- An electrical interaction between Saturn and its moons means that they are charged bodies and are not electrically neutral.

The EPOXI Mission [Electrical Features of Comets]
Apr 26, 2011 ... 6epoxi.htm
- Image shows Comet 103P/Hartley 2 (right) and NGC 281, the PacMan Nebula.
- The Stardust mission collected dust particles from the coma of comet Wild 2 and then sent them to Earth in 2006.
- Minerals in the sample were found that form only at extremely high temperatures, contradicting conventional theories.
- Other comet anomalies have been observed.
- When Hale-Bopp departed and was far past Jupiter's orbit, it displayed an ion tail, bright jets, and a glowing coma.
- Assume that radiant emissions from the Sun melted Hale-Bopp's hypothetical ice at that distance.
- Then all of Jupiter's moons, which are closer, would be bone dry, like our own moon, but they have lots of ice.
- When Comet Linear passed perihelion, it blew apart at over 100 million km from the Sun near Venus' orbit.
- The majority of cometary disruptions take place when they are far from the Sun.
- Sun-grazer comets do not break apart near the Sun, even within 50,000 km.
- In 2001, Deep Space 1 found that comet Borrelly was hot and dry instead of cold and wet.
- Tempel 1 looked more like an asteroid, with a large crater and cliffs, than a snowball venting steam.
- Shoemaker-Levy 9 blew up when it crossed Jupiter's powerful magnetosphere, but the broken pieces did not expel any water vapor.
- Tempel 1, renamed EPOXI, is set to explore comet 103P/Hartley 2.
- The green color of Hartley 2 is said to come from the release of cyanogen, but it could be due to diatomic carbon, C2.
- When water or hydroxyl compounds are found in cometary comas, they are likely created there.
- Ionized oxygen from the comet nucleus combines with hydrogen ions, protons, in the solar wind.
- No jets of water vapor spew from comets, and no icy surface features are observed on them.
- Diatomic carbon, C2, like that seen in Hartley 2's coma, is easily created when a powerful electric current crosses a gap between two carbon rods.
- C2 quickly stabilizes into graphite, diamond, or other more exotic forms.
[If the graphite becomes magnetized, it could produce frozen-in magnetic fields in space.]
- Or it may combine with hydrogen to form acetylene, with nitrogen to form cyanogen, or with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.
- The emission spectrum of C2 is most often seen in faint comets.
- Comets and asteroids are most likely newcomers to the Sun's family, blasted out of larger bodies by powerful electric discharges in the recent past.
- They are solid, rocky, cratered, electrically charged objects.

Where the Long Shadows Fall [Saturn's Rings, Stellar and Galactic Disks]
Apr 27, 2011 ... hadows.htm
- Image shows strange vertical structures in Saturn's B ring.
- Wall-like formations in Saturn's rings could be due to electromagnetic effects.
- NASA's Cassini-Equinox mission team hoped Cassini would find from Saturn's disk how stellar and galactic disks form too.
- In 2009, during Saturn's equinox, "propellors," ridges, and up to 4 km waves were seen within the rings.
- The rings were previously thought to be only about 20 m thick.
- Small moons, like Daphnis, move up and down through the ring plane and affect ring particle motions.
- Researchers only consider collisions, shock waves and gravitational attraction to explain the clumps, waves, and ridges.
- They don't consider that Saturn's rings and moons are electrically charged objects moving within its vast plasmasphere.
- Plasma instabilities in the system probably make the perpendicular wall-like features.
- Conventional density wave theory overlooks important factors.
- Bodies immersed in plasma are connected by electrical circuits in unstable conditions.
- The majority of these bodies are moving across the plasma filaments in planetary systems, in plasmaspheres, or in space.
- Currents in plasma contract into filaments and the force between filaments is the most powerful long-range attractor in the Universe.
- Magnetic fields occur in the galactic spiral arms, because electric current flows through them.
- The current is from both the intergalactic circuit to the galaxy and the galaxy's homopolar motor action.
- Like a galaxy, Saturn's ring plane possesses a magnetic field.
- Thus diocotron instabilities might occur in the same way as seen in galaxy NGC 3646.

Gradualism Versus Catastrophism Part One
Apr 28, 2011 ... ualism.htm
- Image shows strangely fractured rock strata near Guadalest, Spain.
- Recent experiments suggest that the terrain around us did not take millions of years to form.
- Fossils are dated based on the rock layers in which they are found.
- If the rock dating is wrong, the fossil dating is wrong.
- Electric Universe theorists postulate that between about 4000 and 12,000 years ago Earth suffered global cataclysms.
- Clouds of electrified plasma and electric arcs described by the ancients as "thunderbolts of the gods" reshaped the continents rapidly.
- Evolutionary theory assumes that different rock strata show different times at which a succession of species were fossilized.
- Lab studies show that rock strata were not laid down at successive time intervals, but many were laid down simultaneously.
- The strata that fossils are found in often merely indicates the altitudes or depths at which they lived, when fossilized.
- See Guy Berthault's Fundamental Experiments in Stratification.
[Also, fossils have been created in the lab in hours or days in hot water and electrocution also appears to make fossils, as per the Electric Fossilization thread.]

Gradualism Versus Catastrophism Part Two
Apr 29, 2011 ... alism2.htm
- Layering through the Kaibab Plateau is visible in this image of the Grand Canyon.
- The geologic or stratigraphic column is defined as a series of depositional rock layers that form a chronological sequence.
- Uniformitarian geology generally accepts the following sequence: EPOCH; END DATE IN MILLION YEARS: Pliocene - 2; - Jurassic - 135; Triassic - 190; Permian - 225; Carboniferous - 280; Devonian - 345; Silurian - 395; Ordovician - 440; Cambrian - 500; Precambrian - 570.
- Thus, the extinction of the dinosaurs is said to have taken place over 135 [65] million years ago.
- However, a number of geologists, who recognize evidence of catastrophic events, now question the geologic column.
- Nicolaus Steno, the father of geology, developed the principle of superposition in the late 1600s, but it was not based on experiments, just field observation.
- The principle says that, when a stratum was being formed, all matter above it was fluid, so none of the upper strata yet existed.
- In 2000, Guy Berthault described several experiments with hydraulic processes in sedimentary layering, later published in Lithology and Mineral Resources, Vol. 37, No. 5.
- Under conditions of constant flow rate and a continuous supply of particles, he discovered that a mixture of particles would separate into thin laminations of coarse and fine material.
- All of the laminations, or strata, formed at once, rather than one after another from bottom to top, contrary to superposition theory.
- Another problem is that the current erosion rate of the continental shelves is said to be six centimeters per thousand years.
- That's 2.7 miles or 4.3 km per million years, or 27 miles in ten million years, or 270 miles in 100 million years.
- Sediments said to be hundreds of millions of years old are on top of all the continental shelves, but the shelves should have eroded away long before the upper strata solidified.
- Therefore, rock layers can no longer be dated by fossil contents, since many strata likely formed simultaneously.
- Rocks are also dated by assuming constant radioactive isotope decay rates and on estimated original isotope ratios.
- Zircon, which contains uranium and thorium atoms, is dated by uranium/lead half-life ratios, which assumes that all the lead in zircon must be formed from radioactive decay.
- If the decay rates of specific elements can vary, then radioactive dating formulae are unreliable.
- Fred Jueneman said in, FAIC, Industrial Research & Development, in 1982: radiodecay rates are not constant ..., nor are they immune to environmental influences.
- Atomic clocks could be reset during global disasters, and events that ended the Mesozoic may not be 65 million years old, but within the memory of man.
- Basic Electric Universe theory is that electricity moves through space and had catastrophic influences on planets and moons in the recent past.
- Within the recorded history of humanity, a great cataclysm engulfed the Earth, forming canyons, mountains and ocean basins, obliterating plants, animals, and people suddenly.
- The enormous energies, the rearrangement of the topography, and the intense radiation make it difficult to date the remains.
- What is visible on the surface likely is often the same age as what lies beneath.

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Lloyd » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:34 am

* Restarting where I left off.

Gold, Glamour and Destruction [Carrington Event: solar superstorm of 1859]
May 02, 2011 ... 02gold.htm
Sunspot 798 produced an X-17 solar flare on September 7, 2005.
Could the Carrington Event of 1859 have had broader effects than originally assumed?
auroras bright enough to read by at night
Aurora Borealis seen as far south as the Caribbean and Hawaii
the largest geo-magnetic storm ever recorded (NASA).
Telegraph systems all over Europe and North America failed.
telegraph paper spontaneously caught fire.
the solar superstorm of 1859 was the most powerful solar storm in recorded history.
the massively destructive 'Royal Charter' mega-storm.
Quite probably 'synchrotron' radiation poured down on Earth.
Tempel sketched an enormous Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
The world wide flu epidemic of 1859 was one of the worst ever, causing half a million deaths
Maybe solar flares and CME synchrotron radiation can stimulate viral growth.

Hartley 2 Flyby [Comet Hartley 2]
May 03, 2011 ... 3flyby.htm
Medium resolution image of Comet 103P/Hartley 2. Credit: NASA/JPL
only 1.2 kilometers long but very active
jets of vapor escape from Enceladus at supersonic speed
Tiger stripes on Enceladus are created as electric arcs move across the surface.
Jets on comets likely behave in the same way.
Comet Wild 2 jets did not disperse in space.
Chunks of the comet, as big as bullets, blasted the spacecraft as it crossed three jets.
Electric arcs connect comet surfaces with the Sun's electric field and generate extremely high temperatures in isolated spots.
X-rays and extreme ultraviolet light have been detected radiating from comet Hyakutake.
The 'outbursts' are cathode jets, which are bursty and jump from one high point or sharp edge to another.
Comets are debris from electrical discharge sculpting of planetary surfaces.

The 'Little Ice Age' on Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay [Little Ice Age Worldwide]
May 04, 2011 ... iceage.htm
Port Phillip Bay from the Challenger Space Shuttle.
The 'Little Ice Age' was from 1300 to 1820 AD
There was a dramatic and erratic climate deterioration.
It had four periods: the Wolf, Sporer, Maunder, and Dalton Minima respectively.
Such erratic climate extremes are prime ingredients for famine, plague, and the abandonment of human settlements. They followed the 'Medieval warm maximum', from 900 to 1300 AD, much hotter than the present.
There was expansion of the Viking tribes into Iceland, Greenland, Vinland (America), and Russia.
Grape vines and great herds of sheep and cattle grew in Greenland etc.
There was expansion of the Polynesian peoples from New Zealand to Hawaii and Tahiti.
There were severe storms such as what wrecked the Spanish Armada in 1588.
Glaciers destroyed many prosperous villages.
High rainfall and much colder climates were recorded in unstable sequences.
The beginning of the Little Ice Age brought major plagues and famines worldwide.
High cosmic ray bombardment cause increased positive ion concentration in Earth's atmosphere.
Bacteria may then become highly virulent and invasive: Black Death, Plague, and other relentless infections.
The population of the Mediterranean basin was reduced to a third.
Around the 1750s there was significant depopulation of tribes in Australia due to epidemics.
The Viking settlement of Greenland became ice bound and the population perished.
In Iceland, the population was greatly reduced and became stunted physiologically.
Earlier Medieval and Roman warming's were much hotter than our modern warm period despite lower carbon dioxide levels.

Plasmoids Refute Dark Matter Theory [Milky Way Plasmoid Gamma Ray Signal]
May 05, 2011 ... smoids.htm
The center of the Milky Way.
Fermi has found a gamma ray signal from the center of our galaxy, much brighter than was thought possible.
Stars on the edges of spiral galaxies revolve with the same angular velocity as stars close to their centers.
Alfvén observed that galaxies resemble homopolar motors.
A homopolar motor is driven by magnetic fields induced in a circular aluminum plate or some other conductive metal. The metal plate is placed between the poles of an electromagnet that causes it to spin at a rate proportional to the input current.
Galactic discs behave like the conductive plates.
Birkeland currents flow within galactic disks, powering their stars.
Galaxies are powered by intergalactic Birkeland currents that are detectable by the radio signals they induce.
Gamma ray (and X-ray) observations of the galactic core also reveal a plasma torus plasmoid.
High frequency radiation from the plasmoid is similar to that from electrically excited stars.
A strong electromagnetic field in the plasmoid accelerates particles to high speed, causing them to spiral in the resulting magnetic field and emit X-rays and gamma rays.
The Milky Way's plasmoid generates the glow from our galactic core.

The Crack of Light [Carina Nebula]
May 06, 2011 ... 6light.htm
Spitzer Space Telescope infrared image of nebular cloud BYF73.
A cloud of gas and dust 50 times more massive than the Sun is said to inhabit BYF73.
It is a nebula about 8,000 light years away in the constellation Carina ("the keel").
The Spitzer Space Telescope appears to show that massive young stars already exist in the center of the nebula.
BYF73 is collapsing according to spectrographic analysis of hydrogen carbonate anions (HCO+) and hyperpolarized C-labeled bicarbonate (H13CO+).
Rather than kinetic activity, BYF73 is powered by electric currents.
Electric sheaths that are normally invisible are "pumped" with energy from galactic Birkeland currents in which they are immersed.
The excess input power pushes them into "glow mode," while increased flux density draws matter from the surrounding space into filaments that ignite the nebular plasma electrically.
Electric discharges in plasma clouds create double layers, or sheaths, along their current axes.
Positive charge builds up on one side and negative charge on the other.
An electric field develops between the sides, and if enough current is applied the sheath glows; otherwise it is invisible.
Electric currents flow along the sheaths.
In plasma, the currents spiral into filaments, or double layer tubes that attract each other.
But, rather than merging, they spiral around, gradually pinching down into arc mode discharges.
It is in this way that stars are born.
Gravity, although it plays a small role in stellar evolution, is far too weak a force when compared to the force of an electric field on ionized particles.
More massive stars are not necessarily "heavier" than the Sun.
They are stronger electric discharges, which are naturally accommodated by the expansion and increasing luminosity of their photospheric discharges.
The size limit of stars is not determined by gravity vs. radiation pressure, but by electromagnetic forces without and within the growing star.

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Re: TPODs Best Parts & Questions

Unread post by Lloyd » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:33 am

Sacrifice, Delusion and Climate [Sun & Earth's Climate]
May 09, 2011 ... limate.htm
Do cosmic rays affect cloud cover?
What does control our weather is the Sun.
A Coronal Mass ejection (CME) has immense electromagnetic power.
Together with solar flares, their explosive discharges dwarf a million coal burning power stations.
Somehow, both phenomena are tied to the sunspot cycle.
Radiation and charged particles blast into space.
Earth's magnetosphere lights up with aurorae.
Cyclones form and volcanoes erupt with huge lightning displays above their peaks.
Earthquakes, with their attendant electrical discharges, devastate cities and generate tsunamis.
Snow storms, such as the recent examples in the United States and Europe, as well as flooding in Australia and Pakistan, along with volcanoes in Iceland, Japan and Indonesia could all be connected.
The common thread is the Sun's electrical connection to Earth's magnetosphere.
Meanwhile, Dr. Henrik Svensmark has proposed that cosmic rays are the ultimate driver of weather.
In essence, charged particles create low level cloud cover that modifies temperature and precipitation.
This, not carbon dioxide, correlates with Earth's weather.
Svensmark also postulates that the Sun is driven by variable chaotic forces from outside the Solar System.
And recent research has found unexpected sources of cosmic rays close to the Sun.
This conforms to Alfvén's heliospheric electric circuit model of the Sun.
These factors combine to affect the Earth's climate.

The Faraday Motor [Galaxies are Homopolar Motors]
May 10, 2011 ... araday.htm
- Image shows the original plate illustrating Michael Faraday's electric motor.
- Galaxies have been likened to Faraday's homopolar motors.
- A homopolar motor is driven by magnetic fields induced in a circular, rigid conductive metal plate.
- The metal plate is placed between the poles of an electromagnet, causing it to spin.
- An electric meter that determines monthly electric bills is a homopolar motor.
- Alfven postulated both an electrical galactic model and an electric solar model.
- Alfven's circuits are really scaled up versions of the familiar homopolar motor.
- This effect explains the mysterious tangential velocities of the outer stars in galaxies
- It also explains the observed fact that our Sun rotates faster at its equator than at higher (solar) latitudes.

Windy Galaxies [Galactic Electric Circuits]
May 11, 2011 ... 1windy.htm
- Image shows "Merging galaxies" NGC 2207 and IC 2163.
- Conventional theories have relied on gravity and acceleration, winds and shockwaves, for radiation to be produced in space.
- Compressing hydrogen gas and dust is supposed to create enough transfer of momentum that the gas reaches million degree temperatures.
- It is the high temperature of the gas that is supposed to make it glow so brightly.
- As electrons bounce back and forth in the magnetic fields they accelerate until they impact low-frequency photons, imparting so much energy that they become X-rays.
- From the Electric Universe perspective, those magnetic fields do accelerate electrons, but since the electrons spiral in the field, they emit synchrotron radiation.
- To the detectors observing stars, synchrotron radiation can be in the form of X-rays or gamma-rays.
- Electric currents surge out along galactic spin axes, forming double layers that can sometimes be seen as radio or X-ray lobes.
- The currents spread out around the galactic circumference, flowing back to the core along the spiral arms.
- All the elements in a galactic circuit radiate energy.
- The power of those currents can sweep up neutral gas and dust as they move through a galaxy.

Lunar Magnetic Anomalies
May 12, 2011 ... malies.htm
- Image shows Swirls in Mare Ingenii associated with magnetic anomalies there.
- The Reiner Gamma Formation were is a mystery for those who insist on slow, uniform cooling and a relatively stable lunar environment.
- The swirling pattern of bright material is located in Oceanus Procellarum, near Reiner crater.
- Recent maps of lunar magnetic anomalies reveal several other formations of high albedo material also associated with areas of crustal magnetism imprinted on the lunar surface.
- Descartes, the Apollo 16 landing site, possesses a prominent magnetic signature.
- Powdery swirls in magnetic Gerasimovich crater, on the Moon's far side, are estimated to be less than five centimeters thick.
- Latent magnetic fields in Mare Marginis and Mare Ingenii were measured by the Lunar Prospector spacecraft in the 1990s.
- The evidence points to a variable strength magnetic field imprinted on the Moon.
- Since magnetism is a result of electrical currents, the swirling patterns could be due to an external electrical influence.
- Anomalous magnetic signatures are found on Mars and Mercury as well.
- It's reasonable that an electric field impinged on those bodies, leaving behind a remanent magnetic domain.
- On Mars, swirling patterns are often seen incised into the rock strata, implying a more powerful electric discharge.
- The Moon might be less conductive, or might have been spared a direct hit from interplanetary lightning storms, so the eddy currents induced by the arcs could have left shallower impressions.
- However, the appearance of gigantic craters and maria suggests extreme events that might have impacted its surface.
- The electrically active Solar System could have been more energetic in the past.
- Each Solar System object is normally insulated within its individual charge sheath.
- However, if those sheaths touch, electric charge can be exchanged.
- Those electromagnetic exchanges are what might have created what we see today.
- There is no way to know at this point, if those forces will ever be unleashed again.
- Suffice to say, the evidence reveals that they were once active in the recent past.

Supernatural Physics [Supernovae and Black Holes]
May 13, 2011 ... atural.htm
- Image shows Spiral galaxy M100, said to have a newly formed black hole.
- Zero volume and near-infinite density are incompatible with three-dimensional space.
- The object thought to be a black hole was identified by an excessively bright X-ray emission that has not varied in brightness for more than 12 years.
- SN 1079C, a supernova, is thought to have formed the black hole because when stars more than 5 times as massive as the Sun "explode," they are thought to leave behind compacted remains that can fall in on themselves until they attain near-infinite gravity in a zero volume.
- First, what is a supernova?
- Stars are not globes of hot gas under pressure, they are composed of plasma.
- Since plasma is ionized, it does not behave like a pressurized gas, so shock waves and gravitational instabilities are insufficient to explain the birth and death of stars.
- A supernova is an exploding star, but the explosion is of a plasma double layer.
- The power comes from external electric currents flowing through vast circuits in space.
- The radiation from stars is due to discharges that vary in strength.
- Supernovae are the result of a stellar "open circuit” in the galactic power supply.
- The result is the same as sometimes occurs in high-voltage switching yards, with extensive arcing.
- In an exploding double layer, the energy of an entire circuit might flow into the explosion, increasing its expansion far from the surface of the star.
- Second, a black hole is an imaginary mathematical creation, since nothing can have zero volume with infinite gravity.
- X-rays and ultraviolet light emissions are not produced by gas heating up from atomic collisions.
- Laboratory experiments most easily produce them by accelerating charged particles through an electric field.
- There is no experimental evidence that matter can be compressed to near-infinite density.
- Compression zones (z-pinches) in plasma filaments form plasmoids that can become stars and galaxies.


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