The God King Scenario

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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The Aten
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The God King Scenario

Unread post by The Aten » Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:26 am

Hi all,

I have this mad idea that ‘recent’ cosmic chaos is staring us in the face via ancient history and this, the very reason why we’ve missed it - mythology is merely an offshoot.

Were Egypt’s divine monarchy first and foremost names given to planets bodies as they repeatedly visited Earth for 3,000 years (Pharaonic Egypt)?

To save your pennies I’ve written a couple of essays further explaining my synopsis.

The Egyptian Dualism - The Crux of the GKS

Were the kas, the ‘doubles’ of the Egyptians divine personified celestial bodies and are they responsible for ancient history as it stands today?

Hathor – Earth’s Ring of Debris

Was Earth home to a cosmic ring (similar to Saturn’s rings) of debris only 4,000 years ago? Were images of Saturn’s moon Prometheus sucking material form its F ring observed in the skies above earth in ancient times?

Sacred Words Sacred Chaos.

Its quite simple really, anything carved via the ‘scared’ hieroglyphs is all to do with events above and has little if anything to do with events here on earth. It is the very reason why the Egyptian texts were considered sacred. Demotic (demos, for the people) an everyday form of writing dealt with ordinary everyday matters.


Gary Gilligan


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Re: The God King Scenario

Unread post by Tzunamii » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:02 pm

Howdy & welcome!
Enjoying your site, will be sure to pick your brain as I get further into it :)

The Aten
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Re: The God King Scenario

Unread post by The Aten » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:36 pm

Hi Tzunamii,

Thanks for your comments, please, ask away.

Gary Gilligan

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Re: The God King Scenario

Unread post by Plasmatic » Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:55 am

Welcome Gary .
By what method do you propose the involvement of the moon and earth in the ancient drama? The mythical "earth" or "land" was celestial and up in the sky."As above" shows the observer to be "below" the celestial drama.The very depiction of the "land" with its serpent "milky" enclosure[as you put it] necessitates a third person perspective , as in we cannot percieve the earth and any hypothetical rings around it [as depicted in ancient imagery ]from any P.O.V here on earth if we are looking at the body we are on.. The Comparative Method doesnt support this interpretation as far as I have searched.
"Logic is the art of non-contradictory identification"......" I am therefore Ill think"
Ayn Rand
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The Aten
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Re: The God King Scenario

Unread post by The Aten » Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:45 am

Hi Plasmatic,
Plasmatic wrote: By what method do you propose the involvement of the moon and earth in the ancient drama?
The Moon, along with Venus and tons of other stuff born form Jupiter approx. 5,200 years ago. Captured in orbit around the Earth approx. 3,000 years ago with the assistance of Mars and Venus. A process lasting some 800 years and would see the Moon named and renamed many times over as it appeared to move back and forth (living and dying) between Upper and lower Egypt (heaven and Earth). One of the names given to the Moon was Tuthmosis III. Known to Egyptologists as ‘The Napoleon of Ancient Egypt,’ a very apt title given the Moon ultimately vacuumed up all that ‘evil stuff’ (dust and debris) that threatened to blot out the sun (Re) and bring the whole world into chaos.

In regards to the P.O.V. and earth’s ring(s).

As mentioned

Earth’s ring system was never a ring to ancient cultures…..


“Although a ring to modern day minds, from the perspective of ancient cultures who believed the earth to be flat and the centre of the universe, earth’s celestial ring arched across the heavens on an east-west axis (celestial equator) as a thick hazy band of milk and honey.”

Further, the attributes of the goddess Hathor completely consistent with a hazy band of debris arcing across the heavens in ancient times and, as mentioned above, the Moon, in many guises ultimately clearing up earth’s rings.
I’m convinced if it wasn't for Earth's unusually large moon we'd still be left with a faint ring system; the legacy of recent chaos.



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