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Re: Dendritic Flux Avalanche vs. Dendritic Ridges?

Unread post by folaht » Fri Jun 27, 2008 5:09 am

Aw drat.. well at least they're not lava flows as it seems NASA think they are.

Looks like earth has them, mars has them, the moon doesn't, unless I missed something. So which other planets/moon have them?

Hyperion has them

Dione just might have them

Iapetus is as smooth as a baby ... of_Iapetus

Rhea seems to have them too, but not in every picture I encountered here's two where I did see them:
Since 1 % 1, 1 * 1 and 1 - 1 do not add up, we must conclude that 1 + 1 is 3.

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Re: Dendritic Flux Avalanche vs. Dendritic Ridges?

Unread post by GaryN » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:53 pm

After looking at this image, I can have no belief in what NASA or any other 'experts' say about the geological formations on Mars or other planets/bodies. This whole (hole?) feature has been created electrically. You can see the height of some of the ridges by their shadows: ... hus_H1.jpg
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Unread post by Lloyd » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:24 pm

- It's funny that Mars, which is 4300 miles in diameter, can have a basin or crater 5300 by 6600 miles in diameter. They'd have to take the whole surface of Mars and put it on a flat surface for those figures to work. I think they should use a different term besides diameter, but I don't know what it should be. Does anyone work with spherical geometry and know what term should be used?

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Re: NASA Spacecraft Reveal Largest Crater in Solar System

Unread post by Solar » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:21 pm

That story is another perfect example of what Fred Hoyle said when addressing the preconditioned state of astrophysics: 'They already know what they are looking for so they just put it in there.'
"Our laws of force tend to be applied in the Newtonian sense in that for every action there is an equal reaction, and yet, in the real world, where many-body gravitational effects or electrodynamic actions prevail, we do not have every action paired with an equal reaction." — Harold Aspden

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Magnetic clues from "impact" craters

Unread post by FS3 » Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:45 pm

Duck and Cover!

The astrophilisteers are approaching. Oops, they did it again.

Great scenario at Mars:

Take an object big enough - we know that there are always some "Plutos" at hand in our solar system, when they are in need for it - and take the measurements of those great planes on Mars. Put that all into your PC - develop a formula for back-calculating some velocities, spiced-up with the appropriate energy - and let´s have fun with a celestical game of billard! Make an impressive, expensive videoanimation visualizing your exquisite "rece-pee" and call your local PR-agent for shouting the biiiig news all over the shivering globe!

Duck and Cover!

As the "War on ´error" is running out of it´s hypocritic fuel - the next howler is ready for another round of shocking and awing our lovely blue marble: "War on Asteroids"

Duck and Cover!

But let´s get serious. The Vredefort crater in South Africa is the biggest known "impact" crater on Earth. If you look at the diagram of aeromagnetic anomaly above the Vredefort meteorite impact crater in inverted vertical scale you will see that the blue relief corresponds to a negative magnetic anomaly.

Less magnetism than "usual":


pic source

A "plasma-proof" astrophysicist would immediately recognize the obvious spiral structure in the magnetic distribution. He would further conclude that a twisted Birkeland current when shortcutting to surface moves like a corkscrew from outside-inwards. He would see the Vredefort crater as an elektromagnetic anomaly - possibly created before an impact of any celestical object. Moreover any actual impact wouldn´t be necessary at all as the electric torsion from shortcutting the double layer could rip any of those monsters from space into pieces - high above the Earth´s surface.

So that Mars-Billard game by Jeffrey Andrews-Hanna may once again remind us of the very fact that there IS NO MAGNETISM on northern Mars too!

Just like the magnetism at the Vredefort "dissapeared", possibly due to a "megalightning", some 2 billion years ago. Still 3000 nT less at the rim, relatively to the surroundings!

From Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism:

Paleomagnetism of Vredefort: Plasma, Lightning, or ?

Hart, R ( , University of Witwatersrand, Schonland Research Center, P. Bag 3, Johannesburg, Wits 2050 South Africa
* Carporzen, L ( , Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Laboratoire de Paleomagnetisme, 4 place Jussieu, PARIS, 75005 France
Gilder, S ( , Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Laboratoire de Paleomagnetisme, 4 place Jussieu, PARIS, 75005 France

Our recent article (Carporzen et al., 2005) suggested that a turbulent plasma field created during the first few seconds of the ~10 km-diameter meteorite impact at Vredefort led to extremely strong and randomly oriented magnetic vectors in shocked granite-gneisses containing magnetite that formed during the impact event 2 billion years ago. Impact dykes and pseudotachylites that cooled days to years after the impact have coherent magnetization components with north-Northeast declinations and downward (50°) inclinations, and with magnetic intensities similar to volcanic rocks that form today (1 A/m). These observations led us to propose a model explaining why meteorite impact craters on Mars are associated with negative magnetic anomalies. Our article was based on 127 paleomagnetic sites collected in 2002 and 2004. We have now more than tripled our paleomagnetic collection and have performed magnetic surveys with both Cesium vapor and triaxial magnetometers. Our latest results show that lightning contributes more significantly to the paleomagnetic records than we previously supposed, yet they remain inconsistent with a thermoremanent magnetization origin. Carporzen, L., Gilder, S. A. & Hart, R. J., Palaeomagnetism of the Vredefort meteorite crater and implications for craters on Mars. Nature 435, 198 - 201 (2005).
You see? We are not alone! No need for "Duck and Cover"! After all there is intelligent life out there...
Even with those scientists.


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Re: Mixup

Unread post by biknewb » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:16 am

Lloyd wrote:- It's funny that Mars, which is 4300 miles in diameter, can have a basin or crater 5300 by 6600 miles in diameter. They'd have to take the whole surface of Mars and put it on a flat surface for those figures to work. I think they should use a different term besides diameter, but I don't know what it should be. Does anyone work with spherical geometry and know what term should be used?
Diameter of Mars= 6780 km
Circumference= 21300 km
Borealis Basin= 8500 x 10600 km

In one direction the basin covers 40% of the circumference, in the other direction 50%

You might as well say the crater is almost as large as the entire Northern hemisphere.

Take a look at this PowerPoint document for topographic pictures as well as an older multiple-impact model.


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Re: Dendritic Flux Avalanche vs. Dendritic Ridges?

Unread post by MGmirkin » Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:01 am

GaryN wrote:After looking at this image, I can have no belief in what NASA or any other 'experts' say about the geological formations on Mars or other planets/bodies. This whole (hole?) feature has been created electrically. You can see the height of some of the ridges by their shadows: ... hus_H1.jpg
So glad I'm not the only one who's seen it.

Also, the dendritic flux avalanche seems to share a morphology with drndritic ridges insofar as there are often lots and lots of tiny ridges ringing the upper-most layer of the craters or Valles Marineris, or other features, and then there are usually a few well-defined large dendritic patterns. But the even length of the tiny dendritic ridges all around a particular rim has always struck me as peculiar if one doesn't factor in some kind of "coercing mechanism." IE, if they were simply landslides, one would expect them to be of a wide range of differing lengths. But they aren't, they're of a more-or-less uniform length, only extending yea far into the crater, and no further. One could nearly draw a straight line along their bottoms all the way around the crater rim. Certainly in any particular local section, at least. But that is echoed in the "dendritic flux avalanche" images perfectly.

As you say, the mainstream interpretation most likely has no cogent explanation for those features. In fact, I don't think I've ever even seen them remarked on in any significant way. They're certainly not an expected feature of an impact hypothesis, a subsidence hypothesis, a lava tube hypothesis, etc. Show me any of those that naturally form this dendritic structure! Unlikely at best... They don't even seem to know to look for these features or that they pose a problem.

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Re: Dendritic Flux Avalanche vs. Dendritic Ridges?

Unread post by MGmirkin » Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:08 am

GaryN wrote:After looking at this image, I can have no belief in what NASA or any other 'experts' say about the geological formations on Mars or other planets/bodies.
Especially when the same figures are repeated on disparate bodies: asteroids, moons, mars, Earth, etc. Asteroids and moons generally have no atmosphere to speak of, and little gravity. Asteroids certainly have no volcanism, "soil" to speak of for "subsidence," etc. What force can work across all these disparate conditions uniformly? I think we know the answer to that question now...

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Re: NASA Spacecraft Reveal Largest Crater in Solar System

Unread post by MGmirkin » Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:19 am

Shouldn't an impact that big create a hell of a pushed up and out crater rim, and/or fracture the planet like the dickens? Do we see any such fracturing going on? Do we see any such pinched up rim, as with other "impacts?"

Hmm... Me no thinkie it makie any sense!

But what do I know?

~Michael Gmirkin
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Re: NASA Spacecraft Reveal Largest Crater in Solar System

Unread post by Joe Keenan » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:10 am

If the crater in question is assumed to be an impact crater, some questions:

1. Could the planet survive an inpact of something this large? If not, why isn't Mars now part of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter?

2. If an impact crater, shouldn't there be proof of this on the other side of the planet? Corloriss (sp) effect and all.

3. If the result of an electrical discharge, would there be proof of that on the otherside of the planet? Is the crater made by electricity leaving different from the crater made by Corloriss effect?

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Re: Dendritic Flux Avalanche vs. Dendritic Ridges?

Unread post by GaryN » Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:56 am

Optically challenged orbiters.

In this image of Noctis Labyrinthus there is an interesting object in the lower left corner, a white circular formation. I'd really like to see what it is, but can find no higher resolution images. ... hus_H1.jpg

In reading about optical resolution:


Earth orbiting military:

Optical image reconnaissance satellites use a charge coupled device (CCD) to gather images that make up a digital photograph for transmission back to Earth from an altitude of about 200 miles. Since the satellites are in orbit, they cannot hover over a given area or provide real-time video of a single location.

The black and white images are used by the military and civilian communities. Many of the details about this class of satellites remain classified, but it is known that there are several of these overhead at any given time. They have an imaging resolution of 5-6 inches, which means they can see something 5 inches or larger on the ground. These satellites probably can't read your house number, but they can tell whether there is a bike parked in your driveway.

(from ESA)

Mars Orbiting...

The image size from the nominal pericenter altitude of 300 km (i.e. the closest distance to Mars in orbit) is 62 km wide and at least 330 km long.

The unique instrument combines high precision optics and modern CCDs controlled by high-speed electronics including on-line data compression up to a ratio of 20:1. During the nominal mission of two earth years the HRSC will cover 50% of the Martian surface simultaneously at a spatial resolution of 12-15 m/pixel. Also, more than 70% of the surface will be observed at a spatial resolution of better than 30 m/pixel. With these resolutions the HRSC will close the gap between medium to low-resolution and the very high resolution images provided by NASA Mars missions and will thus complete the orbital high-resolution optical reconnaissance of Mars.

If earth orbiting optics can see down to 5 inches, from 200 miles, through the atmosphere, then why do Mars orbiting optics, from roughly the same altitude, with very little atmospherics, only resolve to 12-15 meters?
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Unread post by Lloyd » Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:27 pm

If the result of an electrical discharge, would there be proof of that on the otherside of the planet? Is the crater made by electricity leaving different from the crater made by Corloriss effect?
- Thornhill said on his site I think that it's EDM [electric discharge machining] which removed matter from Mars' northern hemisphere and then deposited it on the opposite electrode of Mars [the south pole area] in sedimentary layers. He also said EDM has done that on Earth too, forming some of our sedimentary rocks. I don't know how to tell the difference, whether sedimentary rock was deposited electrically or by water. I don't know if electrically deposited rock could contain fossils.

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Re: Magnetic clues from "impact" craters

Unread post by substance » Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:21 am

FS3 wrote:... Make an impressive, expensive videoanimation visualizing your exquisite "rece-pee" and call your local PR-agent for shouting the biiiig news all over the shivering globe! ...
It`s sad to see how much of a big effect the expensive video animation can have.. That just confirms a theory of mine, that what Plasma Cosmology really needs are DESIGNERS :D I know it sounds stupid, but the general public enjoys expensive CG better than simple B&W line graphics. Anyroad, sorry for the offtopic. :)
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Re: NASA Spacecraft Reveal Largest Crater in Solar System

Unread post by MGmirkin » Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:20 pm

StevenO wrote:
NASA Spacecraft Reveal Largest Crater in Solar System - 06.25.08
New analysis of Mars' terrain using NASA spacecraft observations reveals what appears to be by far the largest impact crater ever found in the solar system.
It's funny...

(Giant Crater) ... 296&gid=22 seems to think that the biggest impact crater in the solar system is the moon's Aitken Basin @ 2100 kilometers (1300 miles).

What is it about planetary poles that attract the biggest impactors to them? Or are they not FROM impactors, but something else? Why is it that pole(s) would be subject to hemispheric scarring on such a large scale. Not just on Mars, but on the Moon too...

Will they find something similar on Mercury or Venus as well?

~Michael Gmirkin
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Unread post by MGmirkin » Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:54 pm

Lloyd wrote:
If the result of an electrical discharge, would there be proof of that on the other side of the planet? Is the crater made by electricity leaving different from the crater made by Corloriss effect?
- Thornhill said on his site I think that it's EDM [electric discharge machining] which removed matter from Mars' northern hemisphere and then deposited it on the opposite electrode of Mars [the south pole area] in sedimentary layers. He also said EDM has done that on Earth too, forming some of our sedimentary rocks. I don't know how to tell the difference, whether sedimentary rock was deposited electrically or by water. I don't know if electrically deposited rock could contain fossils.
Unfortunately, that's not a direct quote... He did say that one pole was AN anode and another was A cathode (the roles may have switched over time), but I can't find any references to matter being transferred from one pole of Mars to the OTHER POLE OF MARS...

(Mystery of Mars' Polar Spirals; 30 March 2004)
Wal Thornhill wrote:With this additional background, my statement, in Mysterious Mars (August 2003) gains firm support. '...Mars was also depicted by the ancients as sitting within a glowing tornadic column for a period. That would explain the huge swirling erosion patterns at both of the Martian poles. It also means that the polar caps are only about 10,000 years old and probably still accommodating to Mars' 'new' environment. The puzzling difference between the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars is explained simply if the north pole was the cathode in the tornadic electrical exchange. Material would then have been removed from the northern hemisphere to give the low, flat and relatively uncratered terrain found there.'


The south pole played an anode role and would have suffered deposition. It sits on top of a high altitude dome and tends to have equator-facing scarps instead of canyons. The south polar deposit (SPD) is delicately layered. An 'unexpected finding' was abundant small pits close to the bounding scarp of the SPD. Some have been neatly overlaid by the SPD. There is no sign that the bounding scarp has moved like a glacier or weathered to fill the pits. The abundant circumpolar pits in the south lack the raised rims expected of impacts. They exhibit the alignments of so-called 'secondary crater chains.' There are no such things. All linear arrangements of craters are the result of an arc moving across a surface. Both the pits beneath and the delicate layering are the kinds of things we should expect if the SPD was electrically deposited.

The SPD is quite distinct from the circum-polar sand and layered deposit at the north pole. The difference between the two polar caps is very important. Bruce Murray of Caltech wrote, 'The increasing recognition of differences between the two caps has progressively made a straightforward global alternation in aeolian deposition of suspended sediment between the two poles (driven by obliquity and eccentricity changes) a less likely explanation, though it once seemed so appealing. However a new paradigm has not yet emerged to explain the rapidly growing body of information.' (Icarus 154, 80-97 (2001)) The differences between the north and south poles on Mars make a single geological explanation for them both unworkable.


The north pole of Mars sits on top of a dome that is almost 3km above the surrounding surface but is still 2km below the average elevation at the equator. A colossal amount of material has been machined from the northern hemisphere. In effect, the polar cap is the central peak of a hemispheric-sized crater. The enigmatic grooves and 'chasma' in the polar caps are a natural consequence of travelling arcs. They have been carved up to a kilometre deep into the polar caps. Their marked difference in size is explained by differences in the power of the arc. Their tendency to a spiral form is due to the rotating Birkeland currents that form the arc. There are other examples of a spiral or corkscrew effect in craters on Mars and the Moon. Unconformities have been noted in the exposed layering of the north polar deposit (NPD). That discounts the idea that it was formed like a 'layer cake' by cyclic deposition due to some unspecified climatic oscillation effect. It is a remnant of exposed subsurface rock like that found as peaks in the centers of most large craters. The NPD has been described as resembling cottage cheese, with a flat pitted and etched surface. As I showed in the earlier news item, such pitting and etching is characteristic of a cathode surface.
(Mysterious Mars; 27 August 2003)
Wal Thornhill wrote:COMMENT: The fact that thunderbolts were remembered by the ancients as a cause of surface scarring on Mars opens a whole new realm of rapid electrical deposition and erosion to explain surface features. It happened yesterday in geological terms so that we may expect faster adjustments today than otherwise expected. Electric discharges tend to remove matter from the cathode and transfer it to the anode. Electrical deposition from another body would explain the global layering seen on Mars. Electric discharge machining would tend to remove surface material by an etching process. That has resulted in many weird surface features.


>>This enigmatic landform on Mars shows the extensive layering followed by powerful electric discharge etching of the surface. On the right is an electric discharge machined surface viewed under an electron microscope. The scalability law of plasma phenomena allows a direct comparison.

The Earth today suffers minor electrical interaction with the solar plasma, which results in lightning at mid to lower latitudes and a diffuse auroral discharge at the poles. Another form of diffuse atmospheric electric discharge is the more energetic tornado. Mars was also depicted by the ancients as sitting within a glowing tornadic column for a period. That would explain the huge swirling erosion patterns at both of the Martian poles. It also means that the polar caps are only about 10,000 years old and probably still accommodating to Mars’ “new” environment. The puzzling difference between the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars is explained simply if the north pole was the cathode in the tornadic electrical exchange. Material would then have been removed from the northern hemisphere to give the low, flat and relatively uncratered terrain found there.

>>On the left is the raised swirling terrain at the Martian north pole. At right, we see that the layers of the martian north polar cap are divided into upper, light-toned layers and lower, darker layers. It shows the deposition process to have been discontinuous. Streamers of dark sand join a nearby "dune field" a few kilometers away. Erosion of the lower layered unit liberates sand that was long ago deposited in these layers. The upper unit, by contrast, contains almost no sand. Wind may have created the dunes or they may have been shaped by earlier spark "pitting" of the surface. Mars Photo Credit: NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems

[Snip section on mainstream "global climate change"...]

COMMENT: It was the most catastrophic climate change imaginable involving a drastic shift of orbit as a result of the close electrical and gravitational encounters with other planets. Electrical forces in an essentially chaotic gravitational system can quickly change and stabilize planetary orbits. It renders computer orbital retro-calculations invalid. No such computation will place Mars near the Earth only 10,000 years ago! The tornadic circumpolar winds mentioned above were capable of moving heavy sand grains and forming vast fields of sand dunes around the polar caps. However, the electrical interactions were capable of stripping much of Mars’ atmosphere too. The final result was a tenuous atmosphere no longer capable of moving sand dunes.
(Spiral Galaxies & Grand Canyons; 18 August 2003)

(Mars and the Grand Canyon)

While it says that one pole was AN anode and another was A cathode, it doesn't explicitly state that material was transferred from Mars to elsewhere on Mars.

I think, though I hate to speak for Wal, that he shares David Talbott's assessment with respect to a "polar configuration" with Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn (and possibly other bodies obscured by Saturn). Though, I could be wrong.

While I can't speak to the validity of the Saturn configuration, it seems like an interesting theory, which David Talbott is trying to elucidate on the Mythology section of the forum.

Origins of Myth...
The Crowns of Sages and Warrior-Kings (Part 1)
The Crowns of Sages and Warrior-Kings (Part 2)
The Crowns of Sages and Warrior-Kings (Part 3)
Revisiting the "Creation" Myth
The Story of Venus
The "Glory" of Heaven
The Warrior's Toroidal Beard

A few snippets:
In Revisiting the 'creation' myth, wrote:As readers familiarize themselves with the archetypal underpinnings of the reconstruction, it will become clear that the principle of conjunction was expressed through myriad symbols and mythic interpretations. Apart from the principle of planets in an enduring alignment, the themes are not even comprehensible. When we speak of Venus as the central eye or heart-soul of a celestial power astronomically identified as Saturn close to the Earth, we are speaking of a perfect conjunction unthinkable in our time, and made "all the more so" by the smaller sphere of Mars, stationed in front of Venus and on the same axis, as the mythic "pupil" of the eye.
In The Warrior's Toroidal Beard, David Talbott wrote:When I can get to it, I'll have more to say on the Mars-to-Earth toroidal stack, which must not be confused with the toroids or embedded cones that appeared between Mars and Venus (tower, ladder, backbone, chain of arrows motif) in a different evolutionary phase of the configuration.
Among a few other passing comments re: Mars...
In The Crowns of Sages and Warrior-Kings (Part 1), David Talbott wrote:Identifiable phases or aspects of an evolving "Polar Configuration" will account for a full spectrum of crown-like forms. And no more than three phases will account for the vast majority of crowns and headdresses in antiquity:

1. The radial discharge of Venus
2. This discharge in its off-axis appearance
3. Material stretching between Mars and Venus, seen off axis.

In the radial discharge phases briefly noted in the opening thread, the red sphere of Mars stands in front of the star of Venus, so that Mars is surrounded by the streamers radiating from Venus. Both the number and the shape of the streamers change over time.
In The Story of Venus, David Talbott wrote:Venus and the female chaos monster.

Up to this point we've barely touched the "doomsday" image of Venus, which adds the greatest texture to the ancient identity of the planet as the "terrible goddess" and as the Great Comet. This will require a look at what happens to Venus' discharge streamers and to the material stretching between Mars and Venus in the more unstable episodes. For starters, three prominent aspects must be noted, though more will have to be added to place events in context.

--The stream of material between Mars and Venus acquires a spiraling form.
--Venus' discharge streamers take on a chaotic, undulating, or serpentine appearance.
--The discharge streamers gather into an organized whorl.

Since the spiraling form is so closely tied to the organization of the "enclosure of the gods"--a massive subject--I will simply note here what I suggested in the discussion in Part 3 of the Crowns of Sages and Warrior Kings White Crown of Egypt. As Venus began to move off axis, the White Crown form gave way to a new form as the spiraling sidelock


The sidelock is associated with what might be called the "second birth" of the warrior-hero. In Egyptian symbolism this would be the birth of the warrior Horus, who wears the sidelock immediately. The sidelock is his own mother Isis or Hathor. It becomes the spiraling serpent or rope of creation. Events surrounding these episodes suggest instability and displacement.


Always remember that observers on Earth saw the discharge streamers from different vantage points. From one vantage point--on axis with Mars and Venus--they were seen radially, with Mars appearing in front of Venus, visually surrounded by the discharge, interpreted as his "protection." This protection, in other words, was provided by the goddess herself.


As I've already noted, the streamers moved up the shared planetary axis toward the gas giant Saturn. So with more severe displacement of the Earth, Mars, and Venus from axial alignment with Saturn, the streamers were seen off axis, in what I've called the "scallop shell" formation
In this reconstruction, the movement of Mars along the shared axis produced dramatic changes in the visual appearance of the planet. Mars is the small red body in these images, and the discharging "star" in the center of Saturn is Venus. Due to perspective, when Mars moved close to Earth, it dropped visually from the center of the configuration. This is the effect of "parallax": since Mars is about half the diameter of the Earth, the viewer at the 30th (or even the 45th parallel or somewhat higher), would see over Mars. But for each degree of visual descent, it would grow much larger due to the viewers line of sight close to the axis. This appearance of dropping below Venus would occur even if the planet remained squarely on the shared axis (which it did not).

Here are three snapshots illustrating the changes in the appearance of the configuration as Mars descended and a stream of luminous material (dusty plasma) stretched between Mars and Venus. In other words, the center of attention in this phase was not a discharge between Venus and Saturn, but electrical activity between Venus and Mars


Various conical crowns worn by the great warrior-kings of antiquity pose a persistent unsolved mystery. What I intend to demonstrate is that a simple reconstruction will explain the entire spectrum of symbols, down to innumerable finite details. As a teaser, I'll leave with you the illustration below, developed from the logic and perspective of the model. This is just a first illustration of the way in which small changes in planetary position and in the shape of the discharge streamer between Mars and Venus produced variations directly reflected in the ancient forms of caps and conical crowns. (These relationships should be viewed at a higher resolution by clicking on the image).


In the movements of the bodies, the most active form was the planet Mars, both because of its motion along the axis, and its displacement from the axis (initially a modest displacement, but much more extreme as the general instability of the configuration grew). Additionally, a discharge between Mars and Venus and between Mars and the Earth must be tracked and tested against the global field of evidence.

To avoid misunderstanding, it’s essential that you know how the image of the conical formation between Mars and Venus (shown above) was constructed. It was based explicitly on the “White Crown” of Egypt, as a test to determine whether the interpretation given by our reconstruction would hold up under the closest scrutiny, in which both the larger contexts (the universal themes) and all available information from Egypt could be applied to the analysis. The results are, in fact, stunning. Everything that the Egyptians themselves said about the White Crown, though pointing to nothing in natural experience today, is precisely what we should expect under the concrete model proposed.


Evaluating this reconstruction requires one to compare every attribute and implication of the model to the specific data given by the Egyptian symbolists themselves. Within the context of the model, what would we look for as acid tests? A red sphere at the base of the crown? Identity of the crown itself with the mother goddess? Original identity of the wearer as the “pupil” of the Eye? Appearance of the crown at the moment of the warrior’s descent, or “birth”? By answering the obvious questions, other, even more stringent tests, will arise.

Consider, for example: For an observer on Earth you cannot create the image of the White Crown above by placing Mars squarely on the axis. It can only be produced by moving Mars off axis slightly. And that movement carries with it inescapable implications. Does the Egyptian evidence explicitly support the precise movement required by this off-axis position? It’s one thing to construct a three-dimensional model based on a single Egyptian symbol. But it’s a quite different matter to confirm every implication that follows.


Our reconstruction identifies Shu as the fist form of the warrior-hero Mars, originally seen as a small reddish sphere inside the “Great Star,” which is Venus. The Great Star is globally depicted in the center of a larger circle or sphere (whom we identify as Saturn), in what I’ve called the “Great Conjunction of the Golden Age.”


For [the feather symbolism of the goddess Ma'at] to to make sense, you must remember that to produce the image of the White Crown in our 3-D rendering, it was necessary to place Earth (or Mars, or both) slightly off axis. This would mean that the visual alignment required for the perfect “feather” to fall on the White Crown may not have been the norm. At least for a time, the norm may well have been a churning motion of the Crown suggestive of instability. In contrast, the arrival at a position of balance, which allowed the feather to turn symmetrically in a daily cycle would have been a wondrous thing to behold.


In the images of the White Crown above, one notes an interplay of the mother goddess and the warrior-hero, always reflecting the dynamics of conjunction and displacement. The Egyptian Aten (conjunction) leads to the White Crown (displacement, but with surprising balance and symmetry). In the same way, the radial discharge of Venus in the center of Saturn, with Mars directly in front of Venus, is a story of conjunction. But the primary forms of the radial discharge are also seen from a displaced position off axis (scallop shell, 7-headed serpent, hand of God).
Anyway, that all gives a brief impression of what David Talbott has proposed may have happened in the not-too-distant past, involving Earth, Mars, Venus & Saturn. I think Wal Thornhill is of a similar impression that Mars was caught up in a large rand occasionally cataclysmic discharge. Valles Marineris is strongly implicated by Wal to have an electrical origin (arc scar). The north and south poles are also implicated as having been involved as anode and cathode in the larger discharge, with Mars acting as something of a large charge carrier between Saturn, Venus & Earth.

Someone, please correct me if I'm wrong on this.
"The purpose of science is to investigate the unexplained, not to explain the uninvestigated." ~Dr. Stephen Rorke
"For every PhD there is an equal and opposite PhD." ~Gibson's law


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