Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light discovery

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:10 pm

Continued from my previous post...
Kismet had been working with Rife Violet Ray machines for years and had a good working knowledge of plasma tubes in general. I had been studying plasma theory, but had very little practical experience building devices.

We started experimenting with large Neon and Argon Rife tubes, since Kismet had some readily available.
Our first thoughts were that the snake in the tube was somehow being created by the Djed pillar.
The djed pillar is known as the backbone of Osiris and we would spend the next two years plus trying every ‘Mad Science’ configuration of djed we could think of - in our attempt to duplicate the snake image in the plasma tube.

<<image removed at user's request>>
We tried djeds with inductive rings, capacitive rings, inductive/capacitive rings, actively powered rings, passively powered rings, high voltage interrupted power, djeds with spark gaps, djeds without spark gaps, bigger Tesla coils… We tried everything…

<<image removed at user's request>>
But nothing worked...

We could light the plasma fine and get the beam to dance around a bit, but we could not achieve anything remotely resembling the snake in the tube…

We even searched for vortexes around the tube…

<<image removed at user's request>>
But in the final analysis, we came to the conclusion that we were following a fruitless path down a Dead End Road… With no snake in site…

It was then I remembered what my Father used to say to me when I was a child.

He’d say, “Willy, if all else fails, read the instructions”.

It was time to take a closer look at the accompanying hieroglyphics around the devices.
Kismet had found the work of French Egyptologist Sylvie Cauville. Cauville had spent years studying and documenting the hieroglyphics at Dendera, which she published in a multi-volume set of books – all written in French (no English version available).

Not being able to read French, we started the painful process of using Google Translate on selective sections of the text, which we translated from French to English.

What we found was both fascinating and very informative.

The hieroglyphs spoke of the ‘day and night bulbs - drawing down the energy from the Sun’, and the ‘the lotus flower giving forth the sun of a new day’, and deities carrying sistrum/crotalums around the room delivering energy to the priestess’ in the chairs.

Much of it was (and still is) very cryptic, shrouded in mythology, but eventually it started to make sense to us.

I took a cue from William Henry’s work (Henry is a researcher who uses the ancient origins of words to revel the deeper meanings in Ancient texts) and dusted off my Roget’s Thesaurus.

Phases like ‘Words to say’ became ‘Input/output signals’. ‘Masturbating scepters’ became ‘vibrating contacts’. ‘Bales of energy’ became ‘Batteries’. ‘Glowing snakes’ became ‘Plasma discharges’. Etc…

We had found the Rosetta Stone of Egyptian Technology…

We were particularly interested in the reference to the ‘Day and Night’ bulb.
Kismet thought it was a reference to the Sun (i.e. solar physics) and suggested we try a hydrogen filled tube/bulb.

I thought it was a reference to the Sun and Moon of Alchemy (i.e. mercury/sulphur) and suggested we try a mercury filled tube/bulb.
We tried both…
Continued in my next post...
Last edited by Armand on Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:22 pm

Continued from my previous post...
Now, Kismet and I live on opposite ends of the country, so our opportunities to actually work together are few and far between.

Most of the experimenting we did was done at Kismet’s home.

Around that time (spring of 2012) we were planning an extended research trip to Egypt.

When the new tubes arrived, Kismet was quick to test them.

By this time we had grown weary of working with Tesla coils and Kismet had decided to pick up two variable high voltage ‘neon sign’ power supplies to drive the plasma tubes.

Kismet tested the new tubes using our latest double tube test configuration, with the new power supplies he had picked up, and reported his findings.

He found that the hydrogen tube showed some promise, but that the mercury tube was a bust – he reported, “it just glows green – no snake at all”.

Now we had arranged to get together two weeks before leaving for Egypt, to have a strategy meeting to plan our trip. It was to be a short visit, just three days, with no time allotted for experimenting.

But after the first day, we had settled on the trip details and had two remaining days to kill.

So I said, “Show me the new tubes”.

With that we when downstairs and fired up the hydrogen tube first.

<<image removed at user's request>>
With the clean output from the new high voltage power supply, the hydrogen tube created a beautiful beam of light - like a Star Wars light saber.

Very cool, but still, not the snake we were looking for. It was not much different from the neon or argon tubes we had been using all along.

I then asked to see the mercury tube. Kismet suggested that I would be disappointed, since it “just glowed green”, but I said, “Humor me, and show me it anyway”.

So we fired up the mercury tube and, sure enough, it just glowed green…

<<image removed at user's request>>
At first, I too was very disappointed. But then I noticed an odd behavior.

All the gases we had tested earlier had the property of being attracted to our hands when we touched the glass bulb - like those plasma lightening balls you might find in the mall.
But the mercury plasma was different.
Instead of being attracted to our hands, as all the other plasmas were, the green glow of the mercury plasma was repelled away from our hands. Very strange…

I then noticed that if I cupped my hands around the middle of the mercury tube, the green plasma glow condensed into a bright spot.

Not wanting to get my hands too close to the dangerous end of the tube, I fashioned a ring of aluminum foil over the acrylic (insulated) cylinder at the high voltage end of the tube and electrically connected the aluminum ring to earth ground.

And there it was – finally – a perfect glowing snake…
We were very excited…

It had a head, and an eye, and a dark ring around the neck, and a body that wiggled just like a snake.

It was beautiful… An exact replica of the glowing snake in the images from Dendera…

This is where the story gets weird…

A few moments later, I found myself in need of something to read, when I came upon Joseph P. Farrell’s – The Cosmic Wars book
I randomly opened the book to page 36, and there it was, right there - the plasma focus device…
The Plasma Focus
The Plasma Focus
And the plasmoid…
The Plasmoid
The Plasmoid
The book went on to explain in detail the exact technology that we had just discovered moments earlier…

The plasma tube was a Stable Low Density Plasma Focus Device.

The book would eventually lead me to the Electric Universe and the wonderful work being done here at Thunderbolts.

It was the reason I chose to post the story here…
You can’t write this stuff…
Next post: Tying up loose ends – how a picture is worth a thousand words…
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Fri May 02, 2014 11:15 pm

To continue…
After discovering the mercury filled tube/earth grounded ring configuration (with its almost magical property of spontaneously creating a snake-like formation in the plasma), and subsequently discovering that the configuration was actually a stable low density plasma focus device, whereby connecting Ancient Egyptian technology with the Electric Universe, we were pretty confident that we had reached another milestone in the work, yet we quickly realized that we were still facing many unresolved challenges/issues.

First, there was what I call the ‘Double Tube Power Dilemma’.

The ‘Double Tube Power Dilemma’ had to do with a problem we found when attempting to power a double tube configuration.

At the time we were using a variable high voltage ‘neon sign’ power supply, which had a standard flyback transformer at the output end, very similar to those found in early television sets.
Flyback Transformer
Flyback Transformer
A flyback transformer has two ouput leads (wires) - a white high voltage lead and a black ground/return lead.

Now the Dendera Snake Tubes come in two configurations:

Single Tube Configurations
Single Tube Configuration
Single Tube Configuration
And Double Tube Configurations
Double Tube Configuration
Double Tube Configuration
With the assumption that the box under the tube (what we call the He Box - pronounced Hey), with its wire (cable) leading to the lotus flower and kneeling man (i.e. the He) on top, was the location of our flyback transformer - we determined that the wire (cable) going off to the lotus flower was our white high voltage lead and that somewhere on the bottom, or foot, of the box was our black ground/return lead.
He Box - Transformer
He Box - Transformer
At the large end of the tube (opposite the lotus flower), in the single tube configurations, we find an assortment of objects - knives, pipes of smoke, vessels of running water - all of which we assumed were (are) electrically connected to the black ground/return lead located at the foot of the He box - where their function appears to be to drawn the plasma snake out of the lotus flower.
Sure enough, when we wired it up and tested the configuration, it worked exactly as expected. We fashioned a pair of copper knives, attached them to an acrylic stand and wired them to the black ground/return lead - which drew the snake out of the lotus flower fine… Great…

But in the double tube configuration, where we have the large ends of the tubes meeting in the middle, we ran into a problem. We found that the right hand tube, with its lotus flower connected to the black ground/return lead, did not light at all – no second snake appeared…
Double Tube Configuration
Double Tube Configuration
We tried splitting the white power lead and connecting it to both lotus flowers. And although we got snakes in both tubes, we found that we could not get the snake heads to meet in the middle (i.e. they would repel each other).

Eventually, we found that we needed a push-pull type of transformer in the He box, with power leads delivering high voltage AC, 180 degrees out of phase of each other.
Push-Pull Transformer
Push-Pull Transformer
In our configuration we achieved that by wiring two flyback transformers in series such that their output signals were 180 degrees out of phase.

The push-pull transformers worked great on the double tube configuration (where both snakes now leaped towards each other), and when we applied it to the single tube configuration, we found that the single snake was drawn out of the lotus flower with more force - like a taunt guitar string. Wonderful…

A word about corroborating evidence and empty (black) boxes.

As I said a few posts back, the lack of physical artifacts makes this work very difficult and challenging. You find yourself doing a lot of guessing and assuming, based on your intuition, experience and skills.

Not only do we have to contend with the lack of artifacts, but also the condition with which we find the images on the temple walls.

Take for example, the snake tube images in the crypt. While physically in excellent shape, they have unfortunately been wiped clean of nearly all the original paint that once adorned them. And with that lost paint, we have lost valuable clues (data) to the puzzle, no doubt.
He Box - Transformer
He Box - Transformer
A good example of this is the He box, where the lost paint left us with an empty (black) box to fill. And since it is a blank slate, we can image that box filled with anything we want, yet always in the back of our minds that nagging thought that our solution could be wrong or incomplete.

The best we can hope to do is determine what component(s) would need to be in that empty (black) box – technology wise – in order to get the desired results (functionality) we want, test it out and, if it works, assume we got the correct solution and press on...

Occasionally though, we can find some confirmation that our solutions are correct from subsequent clues (data) found elsewhere.


In the case of the He box, the subsequent clues came from the snake tube images found in the main floor chamber. These images, though physically damage by vandalism, still have much of their original paint intact.

In the solution (circuit design) we came up with for the high voltage power supply, the He box is assumed to be some sort of balanced push-pull transformer, similar to this.
Balanced Push-Pull Transformer
Balanced Push-Pull Transformer
In this image found in the main floor chamber, notice the cable (wire) coming from the He box to the lotus flower – where we have an alternating pattern of red and blue segments the length of the cable (wire).
He Box w/ Red, White &amp; Blue Wires
He Box w/ Red, White & Blue Wires
Now notice the painted images on the He box. They show strips of a similar alternating pattern of red and blue segments.

These details (data) are missing from the He box images found in the crypt.

Now if the main cable to the lotus flower is a wire, as we believe it is, then the He box appears to contain multiple (smaller) wires, stacked in a row – possibly wound around something – like a transformer (i.e. which appears to confirm our transformer solution).

Anytime a new clue fits the puzzle, it is a good thing. Because when it doesn’t fit, like when the tuning fork ‘was’ scepter turned out to be a wooden staff covered in gold leaf (and not a tuning fork), the solution collapses and it is back to the drawing board…

Next was the ‘Rising Snake Dilemma’.

The ‘Rising Snake Dilemma’ had to do with a problem we encounter when we first created the plasma snake. As I mentioned earlier, mercury plasma is repelled by an earth ground electrical potential.

That ground repelling property caused the plasma snake to rise to the top of the tube. That is why you see my hands in the picture. I had to use one hand above the tube to push (repel) the snake into the middle of the tube, and the other hand placed underneath to create the bend in the snake body.


But there are no hands pushing the snake down in the Dendera images.


The solution to this problem turned out to be the cable from the He box (transformer) to the lotus flower (plasma focus). Turns out, when you put the power cable (wire) under the tube (as is depicted in the images), the plasma snake is attracted to the power cable (wire) and drops naturally to the bottom of the tube.

But that created a new problem, how do we get the snake to rise from the bottom of the tube and settle into the middle, where it needs to be to match the snake in the images.

The solution to that problem turned out to be the arms and hands of the Djed pillar and the kneeling He on the He box.
By applying a variable/adjustable earth ground potential (using a simple variable capacitor) to the arms/hands holding the tube (which we assume are made of some conductive material), we found we could lift the plasma snake off the bottom and adjust it up to the middle of the tube – above the hands.

We then found that if we place objects on the power wire (cable) underneath the tube, like the people kneeling under the tube in the images, that the snake body would dip down slightly near the objects (due to the objects on the power cable bringing the electrical potential of the cable closer to the tube, thereby slightly increasing the force of attraction at the point of closest proximity to the tube) and create the snake like waves we see in the images.
Continued in my next post...
Last edited by Armand on Sat May 03, 2014 12:00 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Fri May 02, 2014 11:47 pm

Continued from my previous post...
The next problem we ran into, I call the ‘Flower Petal Ground’ problem.

This one I get a chuckle out of…

The lotus flower (plasma focus) is made up of two electrically insulated rings. An inner ring that is wired to the power cable, and an outer ring (the flower petals) that is connected to earth ground, with an insulating cylinder between them.
Plasma Focus
Plasma Focus
The problem I was struggling with was how to deliver both potentials (power and ground) to the lotus flower using the same wire (cable), which I assumed I needed to do, since there was only one wire leading to the lotus flower.
Coaxial Cable Components
Coaxial Cable Components
I tested a standard coaxial cable, but the high voltage simply jumped across the (dielectric) insulation in the cable and went straight to ground – never reaching the lotus flower.

I was sitting there, fiddling around with the flower petals, thinking, ‘if only I could figure out a way to get it to work like it does when I touch the petals with my hands’. Then I glanced up at a large copy of the double snake tube image Kismet had put up on the wall – and there it was – right in front of my nose - the Giants thumb touching the flower petals.
Giant Thumb Grounding Flower Petal
Giant Thumb Grounding Flower Petal
There is no coaxial cable – just the single high voltage line (cable) from the He box to the the lotus flower. The flower petals get their ground potential from the hands of the Giants holding up the tubes. I just laughed…

With that, I have brought the story of the Snake Tube up to the present time.

Is there more? Absolutely…

The is the Story of the Giant Menat Necklace machine...
Giant Menat Necklace Machine
Giant Menat Necklace Machine
And what exactly is the function of the Djed pillar?
And most importantly, what is the purpose of all this technology?
More on that in my next post...
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by davesmith_au » Wed May 21, 2014 5:31 am

My apologies for this thread being "out of bounds" for some time. There was an image ownership dispute which we have now resolved to the satisfaction of those concerned. Thank you for your patience.

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Chromium6 » Wed May 21, 2014 8:42 pm

Found this that may be of interest:


The sound in Saturn’s rings

RUB-Physicists explain how nonlinear dust acoustic waves arise in dusty plasmas
Bengt Eliasson elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society

Dusty plasmas can be found in many places both in space and in the laboratory. Due to their special properties, dust acoustic waves can propagate inside these plasmas like sound waves in air, and can be studied with the naked eye or with standard video cameras. The RUB physicists Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Padma Kant Shukla and Dr. Bengt Eliasson from the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy have published a model with which they describe how large amplitude dust acoustic waves in dusty plasmas behave. The researchers report their new findings in the journal Physical Review E.

Different acoustic phenomena in dusty plasmas

Dusty plasmas are composed of electrons, positive ions, neutral atoms, and dust grains that are negatively or positively charged. Only in plasmas containing electrically charged dust grains, dust sound waves emerge – the so called dust acoustic waves. These waves are supported by the inertia of the massive charged dust particles. The restoring force – causing the particles to oscillate and the wave to propagate – comes from the pressure of the hot electrons and ions. Recently, several laboratory experiments revealed nonlinear dust acoustic waves with extremely large amplitudes in the form of dust acoustic solitary pulses and shock waves, propagating in the plasma with speeds of a few centimeters per second. Padma Shukla and Bengt Elisasson have developed a unified theory explaining under which circumstances nonlinear dust acoustic shocks as well as dust acoustic solitary pulses occur in dusty plasmas.

Acoustic waves interacting with themselves

Dust acoustic waves with large amplitudes interact among themselves thereby generating new waves with frequencies and wavelengths different from the ones of the original dust acoustic waves. Due to the generation of harmonics (i.e., waves with frequencies that are a multiple integer of the original frequency) and due to constructive interference between dust acoustic waves of different wavelengths, the waves develop into solitary, spiky pulses, or into shock waves. The solitary pulses arise from a balance between the harmonic generation nonlinearities and the dust acoustic wave dispersion. Shock waves, on the other hand, form when the dust fluid viscosity dominates over dispersion. This happens at high dust densities when the dust particles are close enough to interact and collide with neighboring dust particles.

Theory successfully explains data from experiments

The new Shukla-Eliasson nonlinear theory and numerical simulations of the dynamics of nonlinear dust acoustic waves successfully explain observations from laboratory experiments of three different groups world-wide, in the USA (Robert Merlino), Taiwan (Lin I), and India (Predhiman Kaw). These three international groups described the existence of large amplitudes dust acoustic solitary pulses and dust acoustic shocks in their low-temperature dusty plasmas. Applying the new nonlinear dust acoustic wave theory, one can infer the dust fluid viscosity from the width of the dust acoustic shock wave. “Our results may also be important as a possible mechanism for understanding the cause of dust grain clustering and dust structuring in planets and in star forming regions,” suggests Prof. Padma Kant Shukla.

Existence of dusty acoustic waves predicted more than two decades ago

More than two decades ago, Prof. Padma Kant Shukla theoretically predicted the existence of linear and nonlinear dust acoustic waves in dusty plasmas, which since then have been observed in many laboratory experiments. His discovery has transformed the field of plasma physics, and has opened up a new interdisciplinary research field at the crossroad between condensed matter physics and astrophysics.

APS Fellowship for contributions to computational and nonlinear plasma physics

For his seminal contribution to computational and nonlinear plasma physics, Dr. Bengt Eliasson was newly elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) in September 2012. An APS Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one’s professional peers. The number of Fellows that are annually elected is less than one percent of the current number of APS members. Dr. Bengt Eliasson graduated with a Master degree in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University, Sweden, where he also obtained his PhD degree in Numerical Analysis. Since 2003, he works in the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. The contributions of Dr. Bengt Eliasson to various fields of space and plasma physics range from large-scale simulations of the Earth's ionosphere to new theoretical and numerical models of quantum plasmas at nanoscales. The results of his research projects have been published in approximately 150 articles in refereed journals and he was invited to give talks at the European Geophysical Union, European Physical Society, American Physical Society, International Congress on Plasma Physics, and other meetings.

Bibliographic record

P. K. Shukla, B. Eliasson (2012): Nonlinear dynamics of large-amplitude dust acoustic shocks and solitary pulses in dusty plasmas, Physical Review E, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.046402
Editorial journalist

Dr. Julia Weiler
Press Office Ruhr University Bochum ... 41.html.en

Saqqara, Egypt -- Ancient Sound-Wave Healing
On the Windhexe: ''An engineer could not have invented this,'' Winsness says. ''As an engineer, you don't try anything that's theoretically impossible.''

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Wed May 21, 2014 11:35 pm

Dusty plasmas... Very cool...

Lately, I have been focusing on the phenomenon of sonoluminescence and cavitation.

During my brief hiatus here at Thunderbolts (which I must apologize for), I could be found chatting over at the Graham Hancock Forum. ... 332259&v=f

In my last post over there, I shared some thoughts about a possible role that sonoluminescence and cavitation could play in the plasma snake tube - particularly as it relates to the Djed pillar...

Disclaimer: I have done no experiments to test this theory - yet. This is total speculation at this point...

Also, some of the information in that forum post is redundant to this web thread...



Thanks for the proof reading...

> loveritas writes:
> So, now Osiris becomes the central pole of the Djed. The four horizontal plates do not coincide with his backbone. The two "attendants" are not warming their hands. Any progress with a working replica yet?

The djed pillar has been a real puzzle.


At first, I thought it was responsible for forming the plasma snake in the tube. My friend (Kismet) and I spent like 2 years trying all sorts of djed configurations without any success. Made a lot of cool plasma formations, but no snake.


I then remembered something my Dad used to say to me.

He'd say, "Willy, when all else fails, read the instructions".

So, in frustration, we decided to 'read the instructions' and take a look at the hieroglyphics.


That was what led us to a description of the 'day/night bulb', which I believed was related to Alchemy - Mercury (Sun) and Sulphur (Moon).


It was while testing a mercury tube (we had been using neon and argon), that we stumbled on to the plasma snake in the tube (due to mercury's odd behavior of repelling from earth ground) and the subsequent connection to the Electric Universe and the Plasma Focus Device (aka the lotus flower).


Since then, the djed pillar, except for the arms on it (which are required to electro-staticly push/lift/repel the plasma snake off the bottom and into the middle of the tube), has been an extraneous component - looking for a reason to be there.

I have had some recent ideas based on some information I read about sonoluminescence and lower hybrid mode waves in the ionosphere. ... FULLTEXT02

Sonoluminescence is referred to as 'a star in a jar'. It relates to acoustic cavitation and gas bubbles collapsing on themselves with great force (with heat bursts of 5,000 degrees or more).


I thought, that's interesting, I wonder if there is a place for that phenomenon anywhere in the plasma snake?

And then I thought, maybe its what creates the eye of the snake. I believe that the snakes head is analogous to the heliosphere (i.e. the thin plasma envelope that encompasses the entire solar system). Maybe the djed is somehow connected to a sonoluminescence like phenomenon that creates the eye in the snake (i.e. like the sun in the heliosphere).



As I read more about sonoluminescence and cavitation, I realized that cavitation (which is critical to sonoluminescence) only occurs in liquids, not gases... Humm... dead end....

Ouch, I was sure I was on to something. Considering the similarity between single bubble sonoluminescence and inertial confinement fusion (i.e. implosion), and the connection between sound and light (Genesis I "And God said (spoke, sound, acoustic vibration), Let there be light: and there was light").

But how could plasma be made to cavitate without the surface tension or viscosity of a liquid - gas does not cavitate?

Image ... ent_fusion ... -implosion

It was then I found some information about Lower Hybrid Mode Waves in the upper atmosphere and how they can create cavitation bubbles in plasma (as envelope solitons - thank you Cashus).


In a plasma, the electric and magnetic forces act like viscosity in liquids and allow for acoustic like cavitation effects to occur in the ionosphere (i.e. space plasma).

Lower Hybrid Mode Waves occur when a plasma stream is modulated by an electromagnetic vibration. The electromagnetic vibration (cycle) causes the ions and free electrons in the plasma stream to move in opposite directions - due to the effect of the moving magnetic field on their opposite electric charges - which shears the plasma stream, creating envelope solitons (i.e. plasma cavitation/bubbles).

Solitons (solitary waves) are persistent waves that regenerate themselves - like a smoke ring traveling through the air maintaining its form by constantly folding in on itself.

They are formed by collisions - abrupt events - that create chaos. The soliton is a self organizing phenomenon that spontaneously emerges out of the chaos.

They can survive for long periods of time without dissipating (losing their form) - where they can act like particles.


The plasmoid (snake head) at the end of the Birkland current (snake body) is one example of a solition, where the rapid collapse of the Birkland current at the Z-pinch (snake's neck) creates a chaotic soup of electromagnetic forces, gas particles and ions, which spontaneously creates a plasmoid-soliton (the interest thing I find about the plasma snake is that it is a continuous or steady state phenomenon - a stable low density plasma focus device).


Add to that, the recent information I got about the djed:
> Frank D wrote:
> I explained it on my web site, Harsomtus, the rising sun, is carried by the Dd (djed), to make the sunrise last eternal.

The rising sun? Carried by the Djed? Make the sunrise last eternal? What if the djed is somehow creating lower hybrid mode waves in the plasma stream that is causing an acoustic like cavitation in the plasmoid (head of the snake) that creates and sustains an envelope soliton (in the eye of the snake).


It's something to think about...

And the (psychic) hits and synchronicities keep coming... Fun stuff...




If I'm correct, this could be an entirely new theory of how suns are formed - as a big cavitation bubble in a plasmoid envelope.

Wouldn't that be cool...

Back to the story of the Giant Menat Necklace Machine in my next post...

"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Solar » Fri May 23, 2014 7:26 pm

Armand wrote:There are some rather daunting challenges in deciphering Ancient Egyptian Technology.

While we have the suggestive images and writings on the temple walls, we have little or no physical evidence/artifacts of the actual technology available for us to study.

It is like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle without seeing the picture on the box. It basically leaves us with a lot of guessing and assuming.

For me, I assumed that the Dendera Lights and the Solar Disc headdresses depicted on the temple walls were plasma (gas discharge) tubes/bulbs.
The Egyptian "Light Bulb" (Dendera) - AA Debunked

There is nothing about this that qualifies it as "Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light discovery". There *may* have existed an assumptive book "Lights of the Pharaohs" by the Austrian authors Krassa & Habeck and some speculations by Erich Von Daniken,:
Erich Von Daniken, a well known archeologist, had a model of this light bulb built, and you know what? It worked!!!
In his book The Eyes of the Sphinx pp. 171-173, Erich Von Däniken writes that the relief is found in "a secret crypt" that "can be accessed only through a small opening. The room has a low ceiling. The air is stale and laced with the smell of dried urine from the guards who occasionally use it as a urinal." The room is not so secret, however, as many tourists visit and photograph the room every year. Von Däniken sees the snake as a filament, the djed pillar as an insulator, and claims that "the monkey with the sharpened knives symbolizes the danger that awaits those who do not understand the device." This "device" is, the reader is assured, an ancient electric light bulb.

The Following are screen shots from a short video clip on the Dendera Lightbulb... - THE ANCIENTS
Ancient Electricity Part Three
circa 2001-2006
... but that is all. Of course the design shown then corresponds to the only relief wherein the supposed "bulb" is penetrated by the outstretched arms was used in the 'demonstration'; if it can be called that. The room in question at Dendera apparently served as storage for the implements of a ceremonial ritual. The entirety of the hieroglyphics adorning the walls apparently have been transcribed; supposedly by someone referred to as Egyptologist Wolfgang Waitkus:
Undeniably to interpret as lamps...

Further down you can read the translations of the texts of the crypts made by Egyptologist Wolfgang Waitkus. Based on these texts authors Krassa/Habeck come to the conclusion:

"Surprisingly the texts of Dendera contain actually essentially technical data and paragraphs, which can be linked problem-free with our "electrical hypothesis". Not only this: They represent an ideal, meaningful supplement and support our interpretation in an amazing way."

Author Habeck goes even further in claiming that Egyptologists are completely useless for deciphering the reliefs, since because of a lack of technical training they could not recognise a light bulb when standing right before one!! Literally:

"An egyptologist may be a specialist in his area, but is he able do detect electrotechnical knowledge in old texts and pictures? Hardly. He would probably never comt to the thought, because school book science anyhow categorically excludes this possibility."

But judge for yourself:

Complete text of the south wall:

Bandeau de la frise:

Resomtus is alive with gloss in the sky (and) lives at the day of the New Year celebration. He lights up in its house in the night of the child in his nest, by donating the light to the country from the birth bricks. The sky is jubilant, the earth is pleased and the God chapels is glad, when he appears in his chamber in his procession barge at his beautiful celebration of the New Year.
The God with his disk has come to see him. Nehebkau gives him reputation, and the goddess with her disk, with godly body, rejuvenates him in his sanctuary.
Tchnt tpjt jnr (probably the goddess Thoeeris, a birth goddess) is content because of her majesty. She praises Re because of him with praise for his Ka, with wine from schfjt (wine area) and meat bits on the altar before him.
The "land-of-Atum" (= Dendera) is prepared with his most distinguished plan, as Hu and Sia are subordinated to him. He may protect the son of Re (empty king cartouche), forever.

Title of the south wall:

Bringing of the amuletts (Pektoral) made of gold.
Speak: To speak words: This is the protection of your majesty for the celebration, in ktmt gold.

Ihi: Words to speak of Ihi, the great, the son of the Hathor, the noble child with shining plait: I please your heart with glories for your person, and I drive rage out with spells.

King: The king of upper and lower Egypt (cartouche with the name of Ptolemaeus XII.), the son of Re (cartouche with another name of the same king).

Royal edge line

I came to you, to your place (destroyed section). Beautiful one, whose looks are perfect. I have the Amulet of gold (destroyed section) attached with live on the day of the celebration (destroyed section) of your body.

Isis: Words to speak of Isis, the great, the gods mother, lady of jat dj, who stays in Dendera, the beginning with whose arrival the earth began, turquoise skin and lapislazuli like head.

Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great god who stays in Dendera. Gold, height: 4 hands. Made of metal the Day barge, the lotos flower from gold (this section is about the statues kept here, which were brought upward (room G)).

Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great God, who stays in Dendera, the multicolored-feathered who is on the Serech. Gold. Height: 1 cubit. (the falcon on the relief is meant)

Ihi: Words to speak of Ihi, the great, the son of the Hathor, Re in its shape of the great God, who appears with the diadem as a king of jztj (Egypt)and as a master of the Sed festival,: You reign Dendera millionfold from the nhh eternity to the completion of the Djed eternity. Gold. Height: 1 cubit.

Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great, who stays in Dendera, the living Ba in the Lotus flower of the day barge, whose perfection the two arms of the Djed pillar carry as its seschemw picture, while the Ka's on its knees are with bent arms. Gold. All precious stones, height: 3 hands.

Harsomtus: Words to speak of Harsomtus, the great, who stays in Dendera, who is in the arms of the princes in the night barge, the noble snake, whose chntj statue carries Heh, whose crew carries his perfection in holyness, because of whose Ba the appearing (Hathor) in the sky appeared, whose shape is admired by admirers, who comes as unique, enveloped by his head serpents, with numerous names at the point of chw.n=sn (Gods with relationship with the Hathor), the sechm-picture of Re in the "Land-Of-Atum" (= Dendera), the father of the Gods, who created everything. Gold, metal, height: 4 hands.

Isis: Words to speak of Isis, the great, mother of the Gods, lady of jat dj, who stays in Dendera, the queen of the rchjt people, with pointed horns.

Edge line of the Gods

Come in peace, servant of his Lord, as the chw djeser priests are subordinated to you, and you protect my throat with your trusty behavior. I have myself pleased about the freshness of your character. Gold. Height: 1 cubit. - Electric Lights in Egypt? - 1998-2006 by Frank Dörnenburg
Frank Dörnenburg's Original Site is here: "Lights of the Pharaohs"

This is VERY old stuff I recall from my days on Egyptology fora when several were looking for the translation of this one in addition to trying to translate it ourselves. I think dial-up was the fastest thing the internet knew back then and you had to configure your own modem. The reason why "we have little or no physical evidence/artifacts of the actual technology available for us to study." - is because the assumption(s) now constitute urban legend come to life looking for a nonexistent place to happen. The poetry of the translations is priceless.
"Our laws of force tend to be applied in the Newtonian sense in that for every action there is an equal reaction, and yet, in the real world, where many-body gravitational effects or electrodynamic actions prevail, we do not have every action paired with an equal reaction." — Harold Aspden

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Lloyd » Fri May 23, 2014 8:56 pm

Well, Armand, I'm not sure if Solar Ty is expressing skepticism about your findings, but they're pretty impressive to me, considering that you seem to have been able to duplicate the plasma snake etc that the ancient Egpytians apparently depicted, as well as possibly having fine-tuned the definitions of some of the hieroglyphs.

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Sat May 24, 2014 7:13 am

I think it comes down to right brain vs left brain thinking. How do you perceive the world around you...

How quickly can you spot the differences in these images? And how many differences can you find?
How about among these images? How many differences can you find here?
Hint: One of these images looks like this one...
And the other two don't...

Again, I think it comes down to a question of 'how perceptive are you?' (and can you think 'outside the box'?).

Unfortunately, I cannot deliver the artifacts you would like to see (I have no pot shards to show you).

Actually, I would like to see them myself.

But I have discovered a technology the matches the images... Surely, you must admit that's at least interesting?


I sometimes wonder what Winston would have thought of this work... (no connection to the EU, really...)

To my knowledge, a Stable Low Density Plasma Focus Device has never been demonstrated before...


I post for your edification. I am simply reporting on what I have found, thus far...

I think there is new physics here to be found (re-discovered), and in the final analysis, I believe that is far more important than whether or not we ever dig up an Egyptian light bulb.


"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
(Electrical) Storms, Soap Bubbles and Solitons."
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Sparky » Sat May 24, 2014 8:18 am

"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."
"Doubt is not an agreeable condition, but certainty is an absurd one."
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Solar » Sat May 24, 2014 9:32 am

Armand wrote:I think it comes down to right brain vs left brain thinking. How do you perceive the world around you...


Again, I think it comes down to a question of 'how perceptive are you?' (and can you think 'outside the box'?).

Unfortunately, I cannot deliver the artifacts you would like to see (I have no pot shards to show you).

Actually, I would like to see them myself.

But I have discovered a technology the matches the images... Surely, you must admit that's at least interesting?

I sometimes wonder what Winston would have thought of this work... (no connection to the EU, really...)

To my knowledge, a Stable Low Density Plasma Focus Device has never been demonstrated before...


I post for your edification. I am simply reporting on what I have found, thus far...

I think there is new physics here to be found (re-discovered), and in the final analysis, I believe that is far more important than whether or not we ever dig up an Egyptian light bulb.


The subjectivity of "looks like" science when coupled with supposed differences between "left and right-brain thinking" only serves to project doubt to Reason when invoked. I don't need examples of a Rorschach "looks like" Ink blot test for this. This is an old idea; I've seen it, looked at it, all of this - for almost 12yrs on and off AFTER having been heavily invested in Egyptology before the idea even began. I'm not someone for whom this boils down to what it associatively "looks like".

Objectivity dictates that it is necessary to reference the, at least three, known sources that debunk this idea regardless of its "looks like" appearance and subjective "left and right brain" invocations. Readers, need to be aware of that so that they can conduct informed research. I'm certain you agree with that so I shall reformat:

1) Yes. This "bulb" effect *has* been produced before via ideas of Erich Von Däniken and/or Krassa & Habeck as previously referenced here (Source) with screenshots from an older video presentation of it.

2) The Egyptian "Light Bulb" (Dendera) - AA Debunked

3) Lights of the Pharaohs: ©1998-2006 Frank Dörnenburg (Complete with translations of the hieroglyphics that some people are citing as being vague reference to ancient technology).

4) Here is one from me to you: These are extremely large detailed .jpeg images of the cleaned Dendera Temple ceiling. VERY NICE images here. This one (Center - Temple Ceiling Hathor) shows the before and after. The darker bottom half of that panel was darkened over time primarily by the very same soot that is claimed by some not to be present for this, and other, locations.

There exist no other consistent correlations of this "bulb" idea across any other aspect of the Denderah landscape and/or any other nearby Temple complex, nor any proposed relation to the Cosmogony of the era; period. I'm a little stymied that a light show of this caliber meets with acceptance when David LaPoint's "Primer Fields" underwent far more scrutiny. Where is that scrutiny for this supposed "bulb"?

All any plasma physicist needs are the basics of cathode, anode, a difference of potential, and an "inductive/conductive" path via the noble "gas". 'The Shape' of that path can be made pretty much irrelevant as long as the principle requirements have been met. One can then 'regulate' where (and if) ionization occurs in relation to the Faraday and/or Ashton "dark spaces" as well any transitions between "glow mode" to "arc mode" and back again.

During the early days of this "bulb" idea beginning to take shape anyone with a reasonable interest in Egyptology went straight to translations of the hieroglyphs. You know; the ones blatantly engraved on the very walls of the room in question at Dendera. This "bulb" idea avoids this even though the translation has been made available and speaks to ritual celebrating The Advent of The Deity. None of the "bulb" people EVER address what would be a satisfactory explanation to those who would examine this correlating the explanada with the THE WHOLE text looking for the historical and 'cultural' tie-in. Those associated with the "bulb" notion have never bothered to re-attach their idea to the 'culture' and Cosmogony and apparently could care less to do so.

This has always been a weak case imho and still is. My standards on Egyptology are much higher than my standards for an "electric universe".
"Our laws of force tend to be applied in the Newtonian sense in that for every action there is an equal reaction, and yet, in the real world, where many-body gravitational effects or electrodynamic actions prevail, we do not have every action paired with an equal reaction." — Harold Aspden

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat May 24, 2014 10:04 am

Solar, if you're going to critique this, include some substance, please.
- Like, what do the hieroglyphs say those things that look like artifacts really are?
- Do you prefer the term "masturbating scepters" over "vibrating contacts"?
- Is it certain that the Egyptians would have built hundreds of huge pyramids throughout Egypt for no practical utility?
- It's been discovered recently that the Greeks had much more sophisticated knowledge of mechanics etc than was previously imagined. Who's to say the Egyptians weren't even more advanced? And, even if they could make low-density plasma tubes, that's still not saying they were on a par with modern science. But they may have been as advanced as science of the late 1800s or early 1900s. What's so absurd about that? Like what about the ancient maps that were more accurate than modern maps of a couple centuries ago or later?
- And if these guys have found a way, by trying to duplicate ancient images of possible artifacts, to make something previously unknown to modern science, we shouldn't be stingy in acknowledging their possible finding.
- I think they've demonstrated that their theory is worth serious consideration. Skepticism is always good, but it should include skepticism of the skepticism as well.

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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Sat May 24, 2014 12:42 pm

Solar wrote:The subjectivity of "looks like" science when coupled with supposed differences between "left and right-brain thinking" only serves to project doubt to Reason when invoked. I don't need examples of a Rorschach "looks like" Ink blot test for this. This is an old idea; I've seen it, looked at it, all of this - for almost 12yrs on and off AFTER having been heavily invested in Egyptology before the idea even began. I'm not someone for whom this boils down to what it associatively "looks like".

Objectivity dictates that it is necessary to reference the, at least three, known sources that debunk this idea regardless of its "looks like" appearance and subjective "left and right brain" invocations. Readers, need to be aware of that so that they can conduct informed research. I'm certain you agree with that so I shall reformat:
1) Yes. This "bulb" effect *has* been produced before via ideas of Erich Von Däniken and/or Krassa & Habeck as previously referenced here (Source) with screenshots from an older video presentation of it.
All any plasma physicist needs are the basics of cathode, anode, a difference of potential, and an "inductive/conductive" path via the noble "gas". 'The Shape' of that path can be made pretty much irrelevant as long as the principle requirements have been met. One can then 'regulate' where (and if) ionization occurs in relation to the Faraday and/or Ashton "dark spaces" as well any transitions between "glow mode" to "arc mode" and back again.
So you don't see any difference between these two devices?



Then let me help you.

The top device is a typical anode/cathode plasma discharge tube (like the devices you described).

Nothing special or particularly interesting - I would agree...

The bottom is a plasma focus device, and it is markedly different in that its simple and unique design spontaneously creates a Birkland current, a Z-Pinch and a Plasmoid.



All similar characteristics to those found in stellar nebula (the lotus flower gives forth the sun of a new day)...
And characteristics definitely not exhibited by the any of the typical anode/cathode plasma discharge devices you reference.

I understand the frustration of wasting 12 years on a fruitless quest. I blew 2 years on the same dead end path.

The difference is, I got off that dead end path and discovered a different path.

A path that quickly led to a successful result (a glowing snake in a mercury plasma tube).

The problem you ran into by 'going to the hieroglyphics' first, was in not understanding the nature of the devices the hieroglyphics were describing. You needed a key to brake the code, and the devices are the keys...

That is why I refer to the Dendera Temple as the Rosetta Stone of Egyptian Technology.


Because it is here where we find images of technology (a known) along side hieroglyphics (a unknown/misunderstood mythological story). If we can understand the technology, I believe we will be better able to decipher the hieroglyphics. What little I have already done has been very encouraging...

And as for the soot in the Temples. I never said I was an advocate of the Ancient Egyptians using electricity for everyday illumination. I have no doubt that they used oil lamps and candles for that purpose. I suspect they understood the dangers of 'running current in the walls'. I have been to Dendera many times, and I have seen the soot - first hand.

No, these were not light bulbs, they were healing devices (like Rife Violet Ray machines or tanning beds).

The walls speak of 'drawing down the energy from the Sun that pushes back death'.

That is why you see people kneeling underneath them.


They are getting a healing session 'under the seref (to glow) snake'.

This is pointing us towards new physics - a new paradigm. Like the Plasma Universe...

I find all very interesting... And my hope is that others will too...


"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
(Electrical) Storms, Soap Bubbles and Solitons."
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Re: Ancients Knowledge of EU revealed in Dendera Light disco

Unread post by Armand » Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:00 pm

More pieces of the puzzle...

What do you suppose is going on in this picture?
Or in this picture?
You see it everywhere - it is a common theme in Egyptian Art...

People with their open palms reaching out towards djed pillars and menat nechlaces. Why?
And this picture.
What do you suppose is happening here - above their heads? What is that?

I believe these are depictions of people receiving some sort of healing energy - and that these djed pillars and menat necklaces are some sort of healing devices.
I'll tell you why I think so... And tell you an odd story at the same time...

Back in 1990, I picked up a book at Gateways Books in Santa Cruz called 'The Awesome Life Force - by Joseph H. Cater'.

It was full of alternative science stuff - UFOs, Free Energy, Tesla Tech, Hollow Earth, etc...

In it, I found a section on the Caduceus Coil.

Now, a Caduceus is the double snake symbol of Medicine (i.e. the Medical Symbol)...


Very similar to the Egyptian Winged Sun Disk.


Anyway, the book says that if you build one of these coils and power it with a pulsed DC (direct current) voltage, it will grow 10 times in size and levitate off the table.

I said to myself, this I gotta see. So I quickly wired up a heavy gauged copper wire coil (wrapped around a steel socket wrench extender), a simple rotary chopper switch (using a clothing shaver motor) and a 9 volt transistor battery.

Now a caduceus coil, for all intents and purposes, is an electrical short circuit, with no resistance or inductance to speak of, so it basically crow-barred the battery, which got very hot - fast. So to keep the battery from melting the table, I stuck it in a block of ice (by placing it in a bowl of water in the freezer for about 20 minutes).

So around midnight I was running this gadget on my kitchen table, waiting for it to levitate, which it never did, when I started to notice something odd. I began to feel my eyes drying out, and the hairs on my arms starting to stand up - and I could feel a charge building in the air.

I sat there staring at it for about 10 minutes, but I got a little spooked by the charge in the air, so I moved off to the living room and watched it from there for about another 5 minutes - then I turned it off...

I would notice three things.

First - All the metal tools on the table were magnetized. You could pick up the screwdriver up with the pliers and such. And they are all still magnetized to this very day.

Second - A steel ruler, that I just happened to have placed perpendicular to the coil, was magnetized such that when you ran a compass along its length - the compass would spin (north, south, north, south, etc...). Not the sort of magnetization you would expect from something magnetized by the earths magnetic field. And it too is still magnetized that way to this very day.
Third -The last thing I noticed, I discovered the next morning at work. I was walking past one of my coworkers who says to me, 'Bill, you got some sun yesterday!'. Now I avoided the sun like the plague back then, so I go to the restroom to take a look and sure enough, I have a sun burn from the neck up - red as a beet.

Interesting side note, my acne cleared up for weeks after the 'treatment'.

I have since come to understand that a Caduceus Coil is an example of a class of devices known as scalar devices that use bucking magnetic fields (fields of the same polarity that push or knock at each other - like two fire hoses pointing at each other) to create magnetic bubbles (like milk bubbles in a blender) and that it is these magnetic bubbles that seem to froth out from the coil. And that inside the magnetic bubbles there is a trapped vacuum or kundalini pressure.

I believe it was these magnetic bubbles that gave me that sun burn, and magnetized the metal tools on the kitchen table...
Anyway, I have not returned to this experiment since, but I have come to believe that it is related to the healing devices at Dendera -like the Djed Pillar and the Menat Necklace...

One more thing, the Caduceus is also known as the Staff of Mercury.


Next post, the Giant Menat Necklace as a Tesla Coil...

"If you want to understand the Lost Technology of Ancient Egypt, study
(Electrical) Storms, Soap Bubbles and Solitons."
- Cashus the Giant


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