Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

Unread post by StefanR » Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:18 am

`The discoloration of this material, involved in the latest experiment, brings me to wonder about coloration
in sandstone formations in place around the southwest u.s., such as Monument Valley, Sedona and
likely elsewhere.
Do you mean something resembling this ?:

Last 30 seconds of part 4 and continuing at start of part 5
link 04
link 05
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:48 am

StefanR wrote:
`The discoloration of this material, involved in the latest experiment, brings me to wonder about coloration
in sandstone formations in place around the southwest u.s., such as Monument Valley, Sedona and
likely elsewhere.
Do you mean something resembling this ?:

Last 30 seconds of part 4 and continuing at start of part 5
link 04
link 05
That is GrEAT Stefan, I do not speak any german but the discoloration video looked like what i got on the surface of my experiments. The presentation also seemed to go in a direction that adds some support to an electric resculpting of the earth scenario and some stuff like that.
Can you tell me just the key words, the high points of that portion, in the interium till i find someone to translate. We just happen to have a lot of germans visiting at my place of work, should be an interesting next few days.

I'm also going to place you post at the central discussion for the thunderbolts and recommend you for participation
in that forum, so stand by on that. You have made so many contributions, you deserve a promotion. d...z


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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

Unread post by StefanR » Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:18 pm

I'm glad you liked it :D , I had it placed in this thread a little while ago:
http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =45#p16271

Below is the translation of the relevant bit from the end of part four and the start of part five:
....."a model which has been expanded by dr. Jacob. He fills a glas jar with fine sand, with at the top and bottom metal electrode-plates. The sand in jar was moistened with water, after that the jar is closed and the electrode-plates are connected to a 1.5 V battery. [end part 4]

[start part 5] Photo and camera equipment is used to moniter what happens in the jar over the weeks. The following images are extremely time condensed.
At first a layer of iron-salt is formed, through depostion of minerals banded-structures are formed. The electro-chemical reaction here shown have not been understood for many years. Jacobs experiments can be a good pointer for geology.

Jacob: "This proces can be compared to processes of structure-building by self-organisation. The here setup field-strenghts provided by a mere flashlight-battery are very much weaker than the field-strenght that can be measured in nature."

Also, in the glass are forming against the force of gravity folds and even uplifts. In nature these structures are laid bare by erosion. Prof. Jacob is convinced that in the process of mountain building not only mechanical forces of tectonics are the cause, but that also electrically produced structure-building processes are involved.

Jacob: "That is also applicable for large mountain-ranges like the Alps or the Himalayas. And with that, this possible explanation for fold-mountains, the growing earth theory has a better possibility to explain mountain building processes than any other theory"
The illusion from which we are seeking to extricate ourselves is not that constituted by the realm of space and time, but that which comes from failing to know that realm from the standpoint of a higher vision. -L.H.

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:59 pm

Thanks so much for that,
There are some very interesting observations made, and now i wonder if the process can be accelerated and hold its results. His experiment and mine are different in that i used salt water, he used fresh, but the outcome is very similar in reference to discoloration. Mine was too powerfull to show the fine details that his showed (a lesson for all electrical experimenters).
We need to keep this discussion in the open like it is so more input can come from others like yourself who keep a watchfull eye on important work. Thanks so much for participating in this thread.

I one part of the presentation he shows a comparrison between his jar-results and what is seen in nature, that angled slab with the colored layer. Can you tell me more about that portion? Thanks again.

I found a single link to a combined video at youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IriiQrRD ... re=related


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Sand tots have gotten browner

Unread post by dahlenaz » Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:28 am

You may be interested to know that the sand tots from the experiments described earlier, and elaborated upon
at http://www.para-az.com/salty-sand.html have darkened.

I received comments from others saying that this is from the iron oxidation. Something has my curiosity drawn to the appearance
of the same material which was spread out for faster drying as compared to the tots which were compacted and another sample of the material which remains in an open plastic container. The latter has also darkened where as the spread material is much lighter. You can see the lighter -zapped material- in the image below at the upper left and in the lower right of the image at this link. d...z



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VLF experiments with CRT and discharges

Unread post by dahlenaz » Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:56 pm

Here are my plans for one of the next experiments involving CRTs.

using an old CRT or Cheepo TV (tube type) i'll leave it turned on in a
well air conditioned room or dry enviornment for as long as necessary
then with the VLF
receiver turned on and recording to some kind of device that will allow
input through a jack I'll approach the tube with a finger or probe, or RCA
cable plugged into one of the sockets (and no your finger is not used
when the RCA cable is used). Once close to the
screen we might hear some discharges, these are what the VLF
receiver should detect.
These are electric discharges like lightening or meteor interaction with
earth, from what i heard and patterns might be formed in any material,
such as dust, if it is on the screen for a while. The test
is run with power on and also off. In some experiments, with dust
covered by fiberglass powder, the best patterns and activity occurred
with the power off after being on to charge that layering. If you get no activity it may be the type (age)
of the tube, some new ones are less active because of their design, except cheap ones.
It will be a while before i'm able to toss around CRTs again and the conditions and space
is available so stay tuned to http://www.electric-spark-scars.com and here.
And if you do experiments of your own I'd like to compare your results with mine which will be done
simultaneous with video recording. If you do the same be carefull not
to damage your camcorder, I was showing a video while pointing at the
screen and got some really strong discharges, fortunately no damage.
And, The VLF receiver will be available once i get it back, cost of shipping
and replacement (if necessary) covered by the user.
It came from the INSPIRE project involving MIR.

By the way, the tots finally fell appart a few months back, except the satly ones.
and need to show you the pictures from another cup of sand and salt water which got the
juice put to it. dzp

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Saltwater, sand and High Electric Current ='s?

Unread post by dahlenaz » Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:56 am

Here are two of the update images taken around sept.15, 2009 for the six month + update.
These have also been included at the page
which explains the experiment http://www.para-az.com/salty-sand.html .
Some points of interest are:
>horizontal layers of glossy material, one in the middle and another at the top of the sample.
>shiny beads in one cavity just under the vent tube.
>a dip in the horizontal band which looks to corrispond directly with the dip on the surface.
>the durability and ongoing structural integrity of the upper sample while the underlying layer falls apart.


Keep in mind that this was saltwater saturated sand with no washing of the sand. The probe which
rested on the surface shed its plating and a constant bubbling of crud to the surface occurred during
current flow from a welder set on its highest power setting. I aslo added fluid to the mixture when the
activity on the surface ceased. What a show it was. I might do it again and put it up on
youtube. Need to work some more on a vacuum system to pull those fumes away.

These horizontal layers remind me of guartz seen as an angular intrusion into some of the material
which makes up the mountains of this area, they are granular and not well bound together. I'll get a picture
the next time i'm out there. It is bizzar stuff, some looking volcanic while other material is very course grained
stuff, falls appart easily.

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

Unread post by dahlenaz » Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:52 pm

An effort is under way to document experiment results with stereo photography.
Some of the results, gleened from footage of previous experiments, will be placed
at this link during this learning process.


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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

Unread post by dahlenaz » Thu Apr 01, 2010 3:44 am

Greetings All,
I hope you've had time to look into the results from several experiments which lend some clarity
to what is being proposed in many threads dealing with geologic features.
These experiments demonstrate a force know as the electric wind
and it is 'not a subtile force'. It seems to seperate large material from small and heeps the large
into features very similar to those seen close by me here is arizona. Those features are inverted cone-
shaped hills assembled of large stones. There are also ridges, valleys, craters and trenches which may be
made by the electric wind force 'upon loosely assembled material', that levitating force is accompanied by arc discharges, typically subsequent to initial blasts of energy.
It might be equate with a hurricane of debris accompanied by lightening. The stones might grind you to a pulp and the lightening might take it a step further.
Many of these details are covered in numerous threads of the planetary science forum and here are experiments to add more info.

See the videos and images from links at para-az.com, specifically:


Here is a sample 3D image, use a parallel viewer for full perspective.
Larger image:http://www.para-az.com/m30sig190lr-1.jpg

3dzp http://www.dahlendesigns.com

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2011 Electric discharges to dusty CRT

Unread post by dahlenaz » Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:35 am

In recent experiments with the same CRT monitors as were used before the outcome looks to be identical for all
the experiments i've been able to repeat with some results.

Those results are being placed at: http://www.para-az.com/ess-crt11

Also, I'll be placing high speed video, shot during a couple discharge sessions, on the dahlenaz07 youtube page. Any observations and technical insight about these results is greatly appreciated since i'm still clueless on how to
explain what is occurring.

Here is one image to coax your interest.
Here is a larger image. http://para-az.com/ess-crt11/rg3-12346s70.jpg



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Re: 2011 Electric discharges to dusty CRT

Unread post by dahlenaz » Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:27 pm

[Here is the link for the 'unlisted' video on youtube,, of one of the discharge episodes.



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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:51 am

This is the second of the two cips from the high speed camera. d...z


In another session of these experiments i was led to use a loop of insulated power cord to test interactivity. It was
AC and energized and quit effective at producing discharges from the insulated sheeth. Two patterns occurred and
were based on the power setting of the monitor, small scater features when 'on' and then chains of spider when 'off'.
I've already put an image or two up for evaluation at http://www.para-az.com/ess-crt11/birkeland-crt.html .
I am inclined to suggest that interaction between the birkeland currents and planetary bodies be considered for any potential as sources for surface-feature-forming discharges.
I'm somewhat sure that this is proposed in relation to the tail of venus in ancient times but i am suggesting it for the present time as well, specifically for planets and moons whcih are not well protected, Mercury being on my mind initially. Some of the moons of saturn and jupiter may be candidates and this may have been suggested already.

Interaction with Our moon and the tail of earth might also come under this classification of 'body-to-birkeland' interactions. The thought of a current carrying structure getting shortcircuted to an intersecting body does not seem far fetched and i think there is evidence of it through the violent storms here on earth, as mentioned in "The Hypersensitive Solar System" presentation (ICOPS 2006) and in discussions in the predicessor to this forum.


The string of spiders is one of the patterns formed.
http://www.para-az.com/ess-crt11/birkeland-crt.html and be sure to look at the video at the bottom of the page for a dramatizes of this notion.



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New CRT experiments and variables

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:08 am

About NPA11 and CRT experiment results,
We are trying to make possible
the addition of CRT experiments of some sort or their results to be
included in the upcoming conference. As i talked with this over i mentioned that someone
attemptd an experiment in california but didn't get any results. I made some
observation and discoveries which might fix the problem but i'd like to
determine if they would be successful someplace other than my ideal
location, at 1500 ft elevation and extremely low humidity. Air is
thinner here than it would be at the conference location and humidity
would play a role as well but that can possibly be controlled.
Two things i noticed in experiments yesterday,, one is that if too much
material or the wrong material is added to the surface it can bleed off
some of the charge,, the other observation is more exciting, i seem to have found
a way to amp up surface potential (still checking this one for potential damage and risk). If you do
this you may not want to use an important tv/crt. I placed a metal dome, a 1 1/2" fence cap,
even two of them on the CRT screen and the spark intensity increased
quite noticabley, as in minor ouch. I do not know why. If you are interested in these
experiments and would like to do one before the conference, this would be helpful
in determining if these experiments can be accomplished at NPA11.
I'll fill in more detail if anyone has the inclination and time.

On another note, i'm preparing some video's for show of the early CRT
experiments but do not know how they will show on anything other than
my computer, a 'FONY' Vaio with the retarded vista OS installed. I've
uploaded some videos to a yousendit stash and have put the links on
http://para-az.com/ess-crt11/available-downloads.html . They are large
files that will be included on a thumb drive going to the conference,
If i could get some feedback on the playability and viewability of
any one of the first two or three, this would be quite helpfull in
knowing how and if they can be used. If you have any suggestions
of what i should include please chime in.
Again, if you have time could you take a look at one? Thanks d..zp...

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NPA Conference Volunteer sought for Public Day

Unread post by dahlenaz » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:39 pm

An opportunity is developing to show video and photo material from CRT experiments, present and past, during
public day of the upcoming NPA2011 Conference in Maryland.

If you will be attending the conference and have an interest in showing these results I would like to hear from you.
The details of this opportunity, which are moving forward one step at a time, will be expanded on as factors step
into place. You can contact me directly at collaborate@electric-spark-scars.com
Your participation and efforts will be greatly appreciated. d...z

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Enhanced CRT provides match to planetary features

Unread post by dahlenaz » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:38 am

With reference to an earlier message about the addition of a fence cap (dome) to the CRT surface and how that
appeared to amp up the interactivity,, well,,, it got even more interesting when i added a strip of metal on its side
to simulate a ridgeline or dune. The features made might go a long way in explaining some Mars features.

This is seen best in full size so visit http://www.para-az.com/ess-crt11/paralell-grooves.html


There is much more at /ess-crt11

Stand by for hexagonal patterns in plasma. Just got to learn how to capture them. d...z


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