Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary features

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Hexagons of plasma filiments by close proximity to CRT's fie

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:50 pm

Now a followup on two items, one being the Hexagonal patterns seen forming in groups of plasma filiments
brought into close proximity with an external electrostatic field. I am sure someone else has observed this but you
can see the video of what i got in my first try while exploring another notion. I'll get some image here today,, i promise.
Got to to youtube, username 'dahlenaz07'

The second new developments is a followup of an old discovery of a glassified layer of material 30 feet under
the section of the arizona desert i'm living on. The first discovery of this for me was about 5 years ago,,
See: http://www.para-az.com/sandspike.html (when i find the missing page and images) May have to shoot new ones.


More images coming to http://www.para-az.com/ess-crt11

Anyways,,, The new development occurred as a new drywell was being bored about 1500 feet to the southwest of the first location. The drill rig is now stuck in the layer. What has come up so far does not look exactly like the glassified sand from the previous hole but i've yet to dig through all that came up from that depth. And the drill may have only scratched the over covering material that i'm examining. The Sand spike
almost looks like a fulgarite but this one is solid and about 4 inches long. with two lobes exposed at a the broken tip.

This could be something that would really boost the catastrophic perspective and the electric universe perspective.
All that is needed is the funds to pay for another bore hole and the permission from the property owner 'my boss' to do an exploritory hole.. The drill owner is already on board..




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polygonal boundary formation in filament groups near CRT

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:28 pm

When a plasma ball is brought into close proximity with an electric field or even an electrostatic field
grouping of the filaments occurs, then they organize with more pronounced boundaries that take on
polygonal geometry. You can also see the polygonal geometry at the core/base of the filaments.

Here is one of the many images that will come of several segments of video.


Here is another image which show quite well the grouping of filaments and polygonal boundary.
Look at the bases also.
http://www.para-az.com/plasma-polygon/p ... 120.29.jpg

You'll find the rest at later this week http://www.para-az.com/plasma-polygon once the solstice-weather
blows through... d...z


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Back-tracking to fix Martian Spider error

Unread post by dahlenaz » Tue Oct 18, 2011 12:01 pm

In 2007 there were results from CRT experiments which caught the attention of someone who pointed me to several TPOD articles on martial spiders. One of those articles http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2006/ ... iders3.htm described the features, shown in the image used, as positive relief features.
The ridges themselves, we suggest, are not changing in any appreciable way. They are constituted of surface material glassified by high-energy electrical arcs striking the south polar region.
I bit on that notion and have since wiggled from that hook because of an optical illusion which 'seems' to have been revealed through utilization of false-3D views that i created for another purpose.
Here is that link. http://para-az.com/mars-n-3d-ish.html

Certain statements, in the articles, put upon us the requirement to fix our own errors and so i am bringing this issue to the surface again since no correction has yet to occur through the TPOD's.

The conventional assessment of these features is probably correct in their visual assessment and so we should withdraw criticism of their view on this matter.

I have withdrawn or edited as many statements as i could find in my pages which wrongly make a connection between the negative relief features of Mars' South Polar region and the raised features made in CRT experiments. If you see any that i missed please inform me. Thanks and i hope to not mislead you further as evaluation of these features continues. d...z

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Hydraulic Crater Formation

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:24 am

To be sure that no possibility has been overlooked in the determination of possible mechanisms
behind formation of planetary features we may want to revisit the mechanism of hydraulic cratering.

These are formed in sediment under shallow water
and represent examples of a progression from oldest to newest.
Video was captured for the second half of these features.
During the next session i will take photos after each crater's formation
which will show the many details that give this mechanism value.

A larger image is named: http://para-az.com/hydraulic-craters/hy ... g-805c.jpg

I have proposed that there is great value in looking at this process as it may correlate directly with
plasmoid-formed craters, offering us a simple tool to demonstrate a complex and intensely dynamic
process. This is classroom friendly and it may even be the best explanation for one feature often talked
about but not considered in the context of Hopi lake, that once spread out into north-east Arizona from
and meteor crater resides within its ancient shores. The possibility of a bolide event over the lake offers
some interesting factors to explain the history of that area and
the mysterious disappearance of the Anasazi.

The subject of hydraulic cratering will be continued at:
http://www.para-az.com/hydraulic-craters/mechanism.html ....... 3dzp ......

Other developments: http://www.para-az.com/ess-npa12

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:30 pm

An additional benefit of these fluid experiments is they may simulated
the behavior of material under reduced gravity conditions. I've noticed
that rim accumulation and small secondary craters are quite proportional
to the larger planetary examples. d...z


Larger Image: http://para-az.com/hydraulic-craters/em ... 16-s65.jpg

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Parallel ridges and crater radials

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:43 pm

From recent efforts to add some examples to results obtained
prior to NPA 18, (see http://www.para-az.com/ess-crt11)
I used a few different objects on the CRT screen and got
a good demonstration of interior radials and grooves
emerging from a simulated crater rim. d...z


Larger image at: http://para-az.com/esscrt-npa12/interio ... 40-s45.jpg

The recent arrival of "Curiosity" to Mars' Gale crater may draw us closer to close evaluation
of dune structures which are at right angle to a common spine.
This feature has a visually comparative match from CRT experiments.
Visit: http://www.para-az.com/esscrt-npa12


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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by Lloyd » Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:14 pm

* That last image, a Martian feature, is very similar to Death Valley.
Meteor Crater in Hopi Lake
DZ said: plasmoid-formed craters ... may even be the best explanation for one feature often talked about but not considered in the context of Hopi lake, that once spread out into north-east Arizona [... --] meteor crater resides within its ancient shores. The possibility of a bolide event over the lake offers some interesting factors to explain the history of that area and the mysterious disappearance of the Anasazi.
* The idea that Meteor Crater formed within Hopi Lake when it was still a large lake is very interesting. I see that the elevation of Hopi Lake is said to have been about 1,813 m (5,950 ft) and the elevation of Meteor Crater is 1,740 m (5,709 ft) at the rim and about 1,540 m at the bottom. So the "impactor" would have displaced 67 m (240 ft) of lake water above the lake bottom there. I thought that might have caused a tidal wave that would have breached the lake's banks and caused rapid erosion and draining of the lake. But this webpage http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebo ... nyon5.html says Grand Lake just north of Hopi Lake started draining first and that undercut the bank of Hopi Lake, which caused it to drain too. It looks like that idea is plausible, according to this map, so maybe the crater formed after the lake drained. [The Anasazi should not have been affected much by the draining of Hopi Lake, since it must have occurred a few thousand years ago and they were still in the area until about 1300 A.D.]

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Hopi Lake and meteor crater

Unread post by dahlenaz » Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:45 am

You caught onto one thought that crossed my mind, Lloyd, a tidal wave resulting from an impactor's force.

If this were to have occurred the wave could have exceeded the capacity of Grand Lake leading to
a breach in any directions unable to hold the increased level. Additionally, tectonic factors could have
opened any number of drainage paths turning subteranian drainage into raging rivers.

This proposal is more about food for thought and call for details such as relative elevations and locations
of interest.

I have little reason to trust conventional dates given for some events in history, especially those that
are necessary for duping the american public into looking away from the evidence of recent catastrophic

Were there to have been a wave initiated by an impactor's force upon the SW shore of Hopi Lake, i rather
doubt that shore front property in the North East could escape the event. If the timing were separated from
Anasazi departure, there are still some scenarios to consider with reference to how people would be affected,
by anything consequential to a destabalized region, re-arrangement of surface water and many other aspects.

Evaluation of this region cannot overlook the lakes who's presence is obvious, wide spread and looking more
recent than is claimed. The characteristics of the surrounding rock at the crater is a significant detail of the
pre-event lake. I say, Look at NE arizona though water logged eyes and see the possibilities. A few people in
Holbrook and at the petrified forest, who heard my proposal, saw how the dots might connect with details
known to them.

I hope others will set important pieces into their place on the table.

As much as i agree with some info at the site you mention, especially Hydroplate possibilities, I am concered
about using science to mend doubt. d...z

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by dahlenaz » Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:53 am

So Lloyd, Have you come across any mention of the two lakes, Grand and Hopi, being the remnants of
a much larger body of water?

I ask because some of the details mentioned regarding the unusual stratification, angles and elevations
around the intersection of the three canyons, makes me wonder about crustal rebound as a factor that
introduced elevation change when the larger body drained to the level of the two bodies.

At the link you mention, http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebo ... nyon5.html
there are many details offered and many open-ended question for them. Before adding those here
i'd like to shift this discussion to new thread. So hold off on replies until that happens. Thanks d...z

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by dahlenaz » Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:20 pm

Here is the new thread for continued discussion of Hopi Lake and meteor crater.

http://thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpBB3/v ... f=4&t=6586

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by GaryN » Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:25 pm

Hi dahlenaz, I was wondering if you had tried a pulsed HV source with your experiments? This vid shows the different effects you can generate with a flyback transformer, but messing with the pulsing parameters might be what's needed to better reproduce effects similar to those seen on planetary surfaces.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=655uZTyw ... re=related
Lots of vids for pulsed flybck transformers on Youtube, and flybacks are easily available, everyone is junking their CRT monitors and TVs.
Flyback pulsing, Part 1.
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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:09 pm

GaryN wrote:Hi dahlenaz, I was wondering if you had tried a pulsed HV source with your experiments? This vid shows the different effects you can generate with a flyback transformer, but messing with the pulsing parameters might be what's needed to better reproduce effects similar to those seen on planetary surfaces.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=655uZTyw ... re=related
Lots of vids for pulsed flybck transformers on Youtube, and flybacks are easily available, everyone is junking their CRT monitors and TVs.
Flyback pulsing, Part 1.
I did not tamper with anything internal to the CRT.. I don't know enough about the device
for it to be safe.
The thing that does need tampering is whatever is used to discharge
the surface. Old' CRT's and cheep TV's give surface discharges. Newer ones do not. The case
seems to be a source of leakage. A border is often notable by no dust accumulation.

What you you expect to achieve by the pulsed HV source?
How would it be incorporated into the experiment? d...z

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by GaryN » Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:26 pm

What you you expect to achieve by the pulsed HV source?
I'm not sure, but we know that for the most part the Earth and space environment is dynamic, not pure static. Maybe at certain frequencies or with specific pulse parameters, more familiar shapes or patterns might appear? I think the limitation on small scale experiments is the energy levels being too weak to trigger many processes that can occur at higher energy events.
How would it be incorporated into the experiment? d...z
What are you hoping to achieve with your present setup? I was thinking something like a variation on the Terella might work better, but I see there were a few people tried that, but it got so involved that nowadays they use computer models. And certainly, if you are not comfortable playing with high voltages, best not to take any silly chances.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller

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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by dahlenaz » Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:37 pm

GaryN wrote:
What do you expect to achieve by the pulsed HV source?
I'm not sure, but we know that for the most part the Earth and space environment is dynamic, not pure static. Maybe at certain frequencies or with specific pulse parameters, more familiar shapes or patterns might appear? I think the limitation on small scale experiments is the energy levels being too weak to trigger many processes that can occur at higher energy events.
To answer this part first i will have to open up a can of worms over something that has been bugging me in
the general response to the CRT experiments. People often say "oh that's just static electricity's behavior"
in reference to the discharge interactions. I suspect they are having flashbacks of sparks to door knobs and
such. I have to say there is nothing static about an electrical discharge, an arc from a door knob or anything
about electricity. Even at the smallest electrical interaction, it is dynamic. As for focus on high energy
experiments, that is just a mocho-minded tendency, that only the high powered experiments can be
informative. By the time an arc actually occurs so much detail and information has already blown by.
One look at the experiments done in dry ice by Bill Beaty will further reveal the point i've come to realize
with the CRT experiments;
You don't need inter-planetary discharges to make some features. And if anyone is going to take us seriously
we must demonstrate the ability to differentiate. And this goes for mechanical processes as well.
Sadly all i am hearing is electricity this and electricity that, sounding like a bunch of parrots. As an example,
and to highlight recent hydro-cratering experiments, I've heard people call meteor crater an arc-formed
crater,,, one crater, all by itself, with no others in the vacinity of the canyon that is claimed to be caused by
the same process,,, i don't buy it. There are too many details that point to another mechanism as i've shown
by the craters formed by a single drop of water.
GaryN wrote:
How would it be incorporated into the experiment? d...z
What are you hoping to achieve with your present setup? I was thinking something like a variation on the Terella might work better, but I see there were a few people tried that, but it got so involved that nowadays they use computer models. And certainly, if you are not comfortable playing with high voltages, best not to take any silly chances.
On this question i can only say replication of previous results and expansion of capability to create surface
features through electrical interaction, without dancing on the doorsteps of getting electrocuted. I am getting
plenty of features that will go a long way in demonstrating how an electrical mechanism might be involved.
A school room could become a place of discovery without breaking the budget. However, i'm getting the
impression that big budget science draws a false sense of worth, even to the point of blinded-by-$$$ or
courting cash cows. I've yet to see the type of results seen from CRT experiments. I'm not making big
Blue Berries so that is where the high energy stuff shines brightly and has great value. I'd love to be playing
with high voltage but my circumstances invoke limits.

Electricity has many subtle characteristics that can be appreciated through low energy experiments without
risk or fancy equipment or training. If it electric effects are scalable, It is a no-brainer tailor made for me. d...z


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Re: Electric discharges to dusty CRT match planetary feature

Unread post by GaryN » Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:58 pm

Hi D...z,
Here is a flat panel plasma TV being badly abused by a crazy Ozzie, and in the first few minutes you see the crack in the glass and the action in the crack. It reminded me of an image of the earthquakes along the tectonic boundaries I saw just 3 or 4 days ago but can't find right now. Like this
but the way it was done made it look very much like how the screen displays the points of light in the crack, and the screen could have been representing a much speeded up record of location and intensity of what goes on at the plate boundaries.
So, what I'm thinking is that if we look at the plate boundaries as stress zones, with horizontal and perhaps vertical currents flows, plus all the piezo, thermal, phase change, etc, etc, stuff, then we need to turn the accepted picture around. It is not magma that is the cause of what is going on, but the result of what is going on. The earthquakes are volumetric phase changes occuring where electric currrent spikes may, along with the pressure and temperatures, trigger theose phase changes. And those boundaries might not go down deep enough that there are actually separate plates, just deep current channels.
(Having spent a lifetime caring for and repairing all manner of machines, I get some kind of perverse pleasure now from seeing it destroyed, I guffawed a couple of times with that vid :D )
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


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