Recovered: New Theory of Light

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:11 am

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:47 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "webolife"

OK, I'm sorry... just what does it mean for an electron to ride a light wave? Confused Confused Confused What I see here [in the electron video] is the destabilization and restabilization of an electronic dipole. The concentric "rings of Newton" are no new observation and represent a ["diffraction" type] spectral manifestation of the energy field gradient about the electron; and the shifting of the electric field is to be expected when "pulsed energy" is delivered to a[n atomic] system. Now my understanding of a laser pulse is that it is simply a force which is intermittently blocked [switched on and off] destabilizing an electronic field, which reverts to its "normal" state in the absence of the impulse. Ralph Sansbury explains this more eloquently and in much more detail than I can. While the fluctuation of the electronic energy state could be characterized in terms of "waving", I see no evidence here that there is any lightwaving going on. Cool video though, J'lord.
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:12 am

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:01 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "junglelord"

I am not sure if what we look at is the real or the illusion concerning light. Does light travel or does the Scalar gradient density field move underneath it?>
I though it would be good to have people look at this link. Since its an exercise in new models I find my understanding of why Relativity and SR are not correct is a first for me. Up until Dec 2007 I thought Relativity and SR were without question. I now am forced to consider we have been looking at the illusion. I am not saying agree with everything at the link, just stretching my mind.
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:13 am

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:27 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "webolife"

Great link, J. Who is that? I could find no author name.
He draws several conclusions agreeing with some I have reached over 27 years of having abandoned Einsteinian relativity. He is still "stuck" in the paradigm of light waving [albeit as a standing waveform] and moving through space, which I also abandoned 27 years ago, however his criticisms of the Youngian acoustical theory of interference are quite correct. There is a lot of information on his index to wade through. Food for thought. Nice find.
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:13 am

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:41 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "webolife"

What do you mean about the scalar density field moving?
Aside from assumptions you learned "growing up" why do you think light has to move? I'm asking here that you treat me as a layman when it comes to your 3-field/12-dimension references. I think I'm missing something in the threads you post. I wonder if you are using the terms "scalar" and "density" in a way I may be misunderstanding? As I picture scalar density, my mind is moving toward the center of of the [scaleless/fractal] system field, the scalar density increasing ever closer to the center. Temperature exigently rises with scalar density [my picture of it], to the point of being defined/identified with it. Light intensity is defined/identified with it. PE in any system decreases with it, and typically KE increases, requiring work to be done to raise potential and decrease scalar density. Does this fit what you are thinking, or are our terms totally incompatible?
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:16 am

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:20 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "junglelord"

If the field is supposed to be homogenous then I don't see it getting denser at the center. Where would the center be? I thought that maybe Wilbert Smith was speaking of light in such a way that it seemed to maybe echo the thoughts of the last link. I am still trying to understand it myself to be able to explain questions about it. I am not fully functional with it yet.
A field is a region which has a unique characteristic. The space fabric, in displaying the characteristic of Change, has a unique characteristic, so that this characteristic which so appears can qualify as a field. But the filed must be "somewhere" and the space fabric fills this need, just as Area is necessary for the evolution of the concept of Volume.

Suppose we call this field of Change a Tempic Field to give it a name of its own, so that we can study its relationship to those things which impinge upon our awareness. Inspection of the Concept shows that if the Change is great the tempic field must be great, but we associate Change with our Concept of Time which is something against which we gauge a rate of change. Expressed mathematically this rate can be written as dS/dt which expresses the manner in which something changes with respect to time. More explicitly this should be written as TS where T is the tempic field operator, and S is the aspect of Reality upon which it operates. A convenient, though only partially adequate description of the Tempic Field is "Frequency", since we recognize frequency as being a certain number of somethings per unit of time, and is dimensionally the reciprocal of Time.

Heretofore we have always considered Time as an immutable flow against which everything evolving Change could be measured, whereas, it is really the converse which is true; Change is the basic concept and Time its derivative. Unfortunately, our mathematics are geared to the Time concept and will require considerable reworking to fit them into this more precise concept, but when this is done there will result a most elegant simplification in all the analysis involving time. In the meantime the transition in thinking can be made less painful if we merely regard Time as the consequence of the existence of a Tempic Field, and is by no means fixed.

It may be interesting at this point to mention something about the velocity of light. This quantity is generally recognized to be something rather basic in our universe, being the "rate at which space changes with time", but when viewed in the light of this new field concept is merely the tempic field intensity, or how the tempic field is distributed in space. We have been told that light doesn't "travel"; it "is", which is an idea not at all foreign to the field concept. Of course, it follows that the velocity of light will be a constant only under conditions of constant tempic field, and if this field changes so will the velocity of light change.

Having had a superficial look at the Tempic Field and its derivation we may now allow our Awareness to inspect the next parameter which is Divergence to see if it is something which can be recognized. Previously we noted that Reality had to extend to infinity from zero in order to establish Space and that unity, so far as Awareness was concerned, lay half way between. With the application of the Quadrature Concept to the parameter of Change or Tempic Field, Divergence is established, from which we derive a starting point a t zero and a finish at infinity. Between these two limits and through unity there is divergence, which we can recognize as the Electric Field, but with the exception that there is no point charge at the zero. Our Awareness, however, established the "charge" at radius unity, with exactly one half of it being "inside" and the other half being "outside". The real significance of this boundary will be apparent when we study the tenth parameter.

When Divergence was established by Awareness, the Quadrature Concept was applied to the Tempic Field, so we may expect within the electric field two quantities, scalar and vector, or quantity and its manner of distribution. These attributes we recognize immediately as pertaining to the electric fields with which we have experience.

While the Tempic field is purely scalar, the application of the Quadrature Concept gave it an aspect which is vectorial in establishing the Electric Field, in that it now has "direction" as well as "quantity". In dealing with this parameter both these aspects should always be included. Otherwise the analysis is bound to be incomplete. In other words, mere vectorial summation is not sufficient and the scalar values must be integrated also. Also, we must get away from the idea that they are the manifestation of the fifth parameter from zero to infinity and in themselves are the reality.

When Awareness inspects Divergence through the Quadrature Concept and establishes Curl. Similar appreciation results, and we see in Curl many of the characteristics of the Magnetic Field, but again we have a boundary within which is half the reality and outside of which is the other half. We call that within (or without) this boundary the magnetic moment, but again we cannot establish a point source. Also, dealing with magnetic fields we must always include the scalar as well as the vectorial aspects.

Just as Area has Length incorporated in it, and Volume has Area incorporated in it, so has the Electric Field the Tempic Field incorporated in it. Each of these three fields are mutually at right angles to each other. The three fields together are the manifestation of Reality in the Field Fabric as perceived by Awareness. The interrelationships between these various fields manifests to our Awareness as Matter and Energy, and the great variety of these manifestations is well known to us.
Table 1.
The 12 Dimensions of the New Science Four Fabric Parameter
Space Fabric: Length, Area, Volume
Field Fabric: Gradient, Divergence, Curl
Control Fabric: Randomness, Free Will, Sequence
Percipitation Fabric: Form, Multiplicity, Aggregation

The Space and Field fabrics are obvious principles for describing physical reality as we know it. The Length, Area, and Volume parameters of the Space fabric specify the 3-dimensional nature of our reality. The Gradient parameter of the Tempic Field fabric is a scalar that specifies the property of change, and is the basis for our experience of time. Divergence is a vector parameter that is the basis for electric fields, which spread out everywhere from points of reference. Curl is another vector parameter that, with the Divergence parameter, forms the basis for oriented magnetic fields.

The Control fabric deals with the role that free will plays in creation. The Randomness parameter is the basis for the unrestricted orientation that objects defined by the Space and Field fabrics can have. The existence of orientation introduces an asymmetry not present in operations on previous parameters. That is, not all orientations are equivalent. The parameter of Free Will addresses the need to make a choice to resolve the asymmetry. The Sequence parameter, which includes the previous element of free will, is the basis for order or specific arrangement in reality.

The Percipitation fabric contains the principles that permit the creation of matter. The Form parameter is the basis for the existence of boundaries in reality. The Multiplicity parameter permits the creation of more than one form, and enables the various elements of matter and energy to come into existence. The Aggregation parameter permits the assembly of these elements into purposeful structures, both animate and inanimate.

The set of principles takes on new meaning when it is recognized as a recipe for creating rather than merely describing reality. If we are to take an active role in creating the fundamentals of a complex reality, then inclusion of the Free Will parameter is essential.

Recall that each parameter includes all of the parameters that precede it. For example, the concept of volume includes the concepts of length and area. But note that Volume is placed before the principle of Free Will. From this, we can infer that volume is not subject to some decision in order to be a property of reality. Therefore, the concept of volume does not exist at the pleasure of some consciousness having free will. The placement of the Length, Area, Volume, Gradient, Divergence, Curl, and Randomness principles before Free Will means that these basic attributes of the universe are not altered by choice. The remaining principles of Sequence, Form, Multiplicity, and Aggregation are, however, all subject to free will. Physical entities such as atomic particles and biological organisms depend on these principles for their existence and, therefore, are subject to manipulation by consciousness.
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Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside."
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:23 am

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:18 am Post subject: Theory of Light Reply with quote
OP "SeaSmith"

junglelord wrote:

I am not sure if what we look at is the real or the illusion concerning light. Does light travel or does the Scalar gradient density field move underneath it?>

from: Greatest Mysteries: What Causes Gravity? ... 7&start=30
.....standing/scalar waves but,
not in this dimensional plane. The matrix, be it Aether,
or just the omni-directional..........

3rd cent:
Amazingly, recent galaxy-cluster mapping has shown geometry!
The local voids to outline Close-packed Octahedra
This seems stunning, but is probably due to gravitational / expansive forces finding equilibrium in minimum-energy vectors.
If we have 2 octahedrons (and presumably more in a 3-D grid) then we also have tetrahedral voids, because octahedrons
don't fill-space (like stacking cubes). It requires alternating Octa-Tetra combination to fill space in this type matrix.
Might the "matrix" have a charge-coherent, interconnected 3+D geometry?


Does a crystal-like electro-magnetic field resonate ?

the last question was meant to be largely rhetorical....
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:27 am

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:36 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "webolife"

I'm too confused by the metaphysics to fully grasp what you're saying... :cry: The center of a local field, any at scale, determines, or becomes the focus of, the local geometry of the system, whether it is subatomic, molecular, macroscopic, solar system, galactic, or as SeaSmith replayed for us here, local intergalactic, or universal. I include universal because I believe there is a finite universal system, although the exact center of it may be indeterminate. I think it is appropriate to refer to [or analogize] the spacial aspect of any system as crystalline. I believe that the universe is the center point of an infinite field, so it does not confuse me to speak of the geometry of any [scaleless] system as being the geometry of the unified field. That's about as metaphysical as I can handle in this dialogue.

Reality vs. Illusion -- I appreciate your reference to creation of reality, not just description of same, but my personal search for the unified field does not require, or even allow, that I "create my own" reality... just my own understanding of it.

The Tempic field -- At various points in my 27 year search, I have seen the unified field as inclusive of gravitation, electric-magnetic, light [as a distinct manifestation from EM], and tempic fields, although the tempic field is most elusive to my ability to explain, even to myself. Is time changing, or is space, or does it matter? How we answer this certainly helps to determine our view on whether or not light moves, ie, what is the meaning of "c"; but in my perspective, light and gravity are manifestations of the same field, and I have no trouble viewing gravity as not moving through space.
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:28 am

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:43 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "junglelord"

The Tempic Field is the same as Meyls Hydromagnetic Field as far as I can tell. I dont think its metaphysical, I just dont fully understand it.

I will say my gut instinct for three primary fields makes more sense then most theories. Especially if the primary field is homogenous and hard to notice. Tom Bearden and Smith make the same basic statements to this effect.
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Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside."
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:28 am

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:06 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "webolife"

I can generally picture the tempic field as surrounding, pervading, and in effect "squeezing" the universe, the manifestations of which are gravity, light, EMF/voltage, and the strong nuclear force, etc. Sometimes this picture is as muddy as chocolate for me, other times as clear as ice. Never quite see through it. EU is helping me understand/include the effects of electric currents in the universal squeeze [pinch] frame. Your energy vortices are filling in a gap in my understanding about the scalelessness of electrical field action...

All in all, I'm undaunted [but quite open to challenges that make sense to me -- meaning they must be presented in terms that are not too esoteric] about the relatively instantaneous action of light across distance.
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:30 am

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:36 pm Post subject: Theory of Light Reply with quote
OP "SeaSmith"
torsion.jpg (5.48 KiB) Viewed 6557 times
It might be slightly more descriptive, instead of the EM verb , to use the term EMG fields.
The tripart flows, or vortices, being mutually interactive, then seen to form resonant or nullifying crystal-like patterns in Space [contingency] and Time [synchronicity]; with the propagating Matrix [aether].

Photons [light] might then be seen as the virtual valences, in either covalent or ionic sense, between the ‘crystalline’ morphologies.
All are transients, as are the multiplicities of waves throughout the ocean.

Neutrinos, {as i think Millennium Twain may have alluded}, could be counted as the various beats, harmonics and resolutions of the primary wave integrations.

Since we are attempting to describe digital solid-state (not to mention holographic and fractal) effects by means of linear analog image streams, some patience r required.

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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:40 am

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:31 am Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "arc-us"
junglelord wrote: <snip>
here is a video of a electron riding a wave of light taken with laser pulses of attoseconds in length, the first time ever.

Whether or not it's the thing posited as an electron is debatable, I guess. A good demonstration, I'd say, of the pitfalls encountered in projecting the equivalency of named things (nouns) upon perceived dynamic structural patterns (e.g. geometry) of nature's eventing (verb).

Seems rather ubiquitous. A ringing by any other name:

Supposed electron, ringing (electron-related structuring perhaps?):
Negative Lichtenberg, ringing:
Magnetic pole on fluid media, ringing:
(13.8 KiB) Downloaded 318 times
Humpbacked whale, ringing:
Waterspout, ringing:
TubularWaterspoutHiRes.jpg (8.76 KiB) Viewed 13013 times
Tree, ringing:
Jupiter (main), ringing:
Saturn, ringing:
Hoag-Type galaxy, ringing (this one, Hoag's Object):
(3.4 KiB) Downloaded 316 times

Note: Post moved to this thead as being perhaps more appropos. At least this thread seems slightly more comprehendible in its technical jargon, using less mixed-bag esoteric -- and rather disjointed -- new-age-speak where first posed at <Existence of Electromagnetic Aether/Spirit ... old forum link no longer valid> :? . English is at least spoken in a more-or-less linear fashion in this one. :lol:

Last edited by @rc-us on Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:42 am

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:50 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "webolife"

Thanks, @rcus, for your anti-esoterica comment.
I know that my unified field view is foreign to most contributors here, and being able to discuss/explain it in such a way as to actually achieve understanding [both others' and my own], rather than mystification, is my hope and intent.

A comment on your allur-ring rings ringing :D : The cause-effect question is always on the forefront of my thoughts... does geometry invoke structure? or does structure invoke geometry? Is the building the product of the blueprint, or is the blueprint based on the building? My tendency is to first look through the latter window, then through the former, but then I rest in the light of the former. When I see hexagonal/trisogonal structure, for example, at various scales/orders of magnitude, I clarify my unified field. When I apply the unified field to understanding new vistas, at whatever scale, I find myself satisfied and undaunted. Energy vortices puzzled me at first, and then Axis Monday throws Morning Glory roll clouds at me[Planetary Science forum], and I'm thinking, well of course!! This is a bit random, sorry... to sum it up, where others may see coincidence, I see a fundamental principle at work, with either a geometric cause or consequence.
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:42 am

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "junglelord"

Indeed the dual opposite vortex spirals and geometry of those interactions is the bedrock of matter and energy.
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Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside."
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:45 am

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 3:30 am Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "arc-us"
webolife wrote: Thanks, @rcus, for your anti-esoterica comment.
I know that my unified field view is foreign to most contributors here, and being able to discuss/explain it in such a way as to actually achieve understanding [both others' and my own], rather than mystification, is my hope and intent.

A comment on your allur-ring rings ringing :D : The cause-effect question is always on the forefront of my thoughts... does geometry invoke structure? or does structure invoke geometry? Is the building the product of the blueprint, or is the blueprint based on the building? My tendency is to first look through the latter window, then through the former, but then I rest in the light of the former. When I see hexagonal/trisogonal structure, for example, at various scales/orders of magnitude, I clarify my unified field. When I apply the unified field to understanding new vistas, at whatever scale, I find myself satisfied and undaunted. Energy vortices puzzled me at first, and then Axis Monday throws Morning Glory roll clouds at me[Planetary Science forum], and I'm thinking, well of course!! This is a bit random, sorry... to sum it up, where others may see coincidence, I see a fundamental principle at work, with either a geometric cause or consequence.
I'm pretty much with you all the way here. I really get the cause-and-effect relationship as you describe it. But for me, personally, I think I'm quitting that model, breaking symmetry as it were with old conditioned mental patterns (i.e. what I was taught or told about how things work from since I can remember). Where I used to see cause-and-effect everywhere I now see simultaneous, reciprocal co-arisings. Synchronous co-incidence even. :)

In your blueprint and building example I can for sure see the conventional cause-and-effect relationship. But now I'm also aware of a ... transverse? ... view where the blueprint itself can be seen to result from a working backwards from an envisioned mental image or concept of a building. So that the architect "sees" (or "feels" or "intuits" or whatever sense channel) this mental image presence of a building [in my view, the only essential difference between thought energy-matter-time-space and physical reality energy-matter-time-space being that of frequency gradient from the more ephemeral (thought) to the more gross (physical)] ... so the architect conceives or gets a concept of a building and, working backwards from that, draws up plans/blueprints to bring it across-over-down into grosser, physical existence.

So, just seems to me that from an archetypal perspective the blueprint and the building are one-and-the-same and it's only a matter of choice which is selected (naturally or not :) a la Darwin) or assigned the role of cause and which is given the moniker, effect. Again, that chicken and the egg thing. As I said somewhere else, strikes me as two sides of the same coin where one is assigning cause-and-effect to obverse-reverse relationship. Or the zen thing about whether a tree crashing in a forest with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Like, which came first, the forest or the listener? (even if only a termite, a bird, a deer, a dynosaur) Smile [swerving now to avoid further esoterica] :lol:

Still, I have no problem with living in a world generally seen and experienced by others as ruled by the conceptual law of cause-and-effect.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around your concept of motionless light, however. I sense there's something to it, just not sure yet what is nagging at me about it. Perhaps it lies in what Junglelord has mentioned as the ubiquitous homogenous scalar gradient density field (luminiferous aether).

I wish you'd write more fully about your perceptions of it (i.e. the nature of light). Not worrying about which terminology to use, just using your own natural style and vocabulary. Not to pressure you, though; I'm aware of timing in these things. ;)
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Re: Recovered: New Theory of Light

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:47 am

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 9:27 am Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "biknewb"

I am having a hard time trying to visualize this double vortex nature of reality. But in this description:
@rc-us wrote: ... so the architect conceives or gets a concept of a building and, working backwards from that, draws up plans/blueprints to bring it across-over-down into grosser, physical existence.
I suddenly saw one vortex "Idea>blueprint" and another vortex "blueprint>building". This phenomenon has a symmetry that can be played forward and backwards in time.
I may be wrong completely so I'd better get back to visualizing vortices in three fields.

There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad


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