Why all this jumping ahead?

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Why all this jumping ahead?

Unread post by sjw40364 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:17 am

Jupiter does not orbit closer to the Sun because gravity has nothing to do with planetary orbits, Planets orbit by the same force electrons orbit a nucleus, the electromagnetic force. Orbital distance is determined by composition and a planets ability to retain or release charge. It is no coincidence that planets orbit, this is what magnetic fields do, cause things to circle perpendicular to the electric field. this is why planets spin, they spin perpendicular to the electric field. Just as an electron spins and orbits the nucleus, so too planets spin and orbit the Sun.

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Re: Why all this jumping ahead?

Unread post by Rockgod30 » Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:58 am

JeffreyW I said this on your other thread, but I say it again here. You are making excellent points about gravity, electrodynamics and other ideas about the solar system. Around here on this forum your ideas and insights are like saying, "Water is wet, fire is hot and plasma is pretty."

Where do planets come from? A black dwarf is a great explaination as any. Creationist stories like the Big Bang do blind people and a gravity centic Standard Model has failed in every way. That is the point of Thunderbolts, to make discoveries and using the data collected by believers of the Standard Model to show them the Plasma and Electric Universe.

If you are looking for a dust up, debate, or challenge I have one for you. Look up 'TheSasss1' on Youtube. This person uses this channel to beat the Standard model over people's heads. TheSasss1 also loves to hold up Einstein, Hawking and other 'great' minds again to perpetuate the Big Band Myth and gravity centric model of the Universe.

I will even give you a secret technique to really get your point across to TheSasss1. TheSasss1 hates Catholics and organized religion in general. That even IF there is a god then that divine being is a 'celectial dictator' in TheSasss1's opinion. TheSasss1's view of those that argue religion against people like Stephen Hawking are aligned with Hitler basically.

Now comes the secret techniques and the irony for the foundation of TheSasss1 and even Stephen Hawking theory of everything like black holes, dark matter, dark energy and poppin' protons that 'triggered' the big bang comes from a Belgin Catholic Priest.

That is right, the whole expansion of the Universe, Microwave Background Radiation, Red-shift, all of it was based off the 'scientific' work of this Catholic Priest. That means Stephen Hawking though he tells a story of being summoned to Rome, the Vatican, that he should focus on the how of the origin of the Universe, and leave the why of the Universe to them ignorantly or maybe knowingly supports the creation myth created by a Catholic Priest.

'The Hypothosis of the Primeval Atom'.

All Hawking did was make the Primeval Atom a singularity that exploded when the poppin' proton showed up triggering the Big Bang. Yet the core of the Big Bang Theory mythology has not changed and is defended religiously by those that believe in the Standard Model of a gravity centric Universe.

All the evidence that the Big Bang is a myth is there for anyone to see by the 'brilliant' minds that construct mathematical models of nonsense and mythology to the general public.

You know the saddest part is people when presented with the evidence about the facts of the Sun find it disturbing. Not that they have been lied to, blinded or tricked. No they feel a sense of dread instead of excitment when seeing the real Universe.

If the myth is not true, the Big Bang is a lie, that the Universe is infinite with no beginning, and the Universe is NOT gravity centric to form the solar system and the Sun does NOT have a Fusion Core then that means instead of the Sun burning for Billions of years and have it burn billions more it in fact could die tomorrow or in their lifetime.

It means the Sun might not rise tomorrow if the 'power' goes out or the fuel is expended sooner that expected, but it really comes down to that the object in the sky that is 'safe', 'predictable', and 'steady' is now an UNKNOWN.

The Big Bang Myth assured the entire world that the Sun was 'safe' in that it is the perfect balance between energetic release and gravity. The Big Bang Myth made the Sun 'predictable' that it existed for billions of years and it will go on for billions more. Since the Big Bang Myth assured people the Sun was both 'safe' and 'predictable' they then assumed the Sun was 'steady' in that it can be relied on for billions of years.

Exposing the myth did not make people angry at being lied to or that the data was misinterpreted. No they don't want to even consider the possibility of a the Sun being UNKNOWN.

If the Sun is UNKOWN from what you call jumping ahead on a creation myth then EVERYTHING taught needs to be reevaluated. The 'Queen of the Sciences' Cosmology needs to be changed from a creation myth to actual science observed in the real world by experimentaion.

So if you are looking to challenge people's belifs of the Universe, debate creationist myths, and debunk psuedoscience that relies on mathematical constructs pay TheSasss1 a visit on Youtube.

Have Fun! :-)



Re: Why all this jumping ahead?

Unread post by sjw40364 » Wed Oct 19, 2011 1:36 pm

Ahhh, but I have a scientific mind so I do not discount the possibility of God, that would be discounting a hypothesis without any empirical evidence for or against it. Why do we seek knowledge? To control the universe around us. And what is God but a being that has the knowledge to do just that. The mind uses electricity to function and God is supposed to be energy, but this is not the thread for that discussion. I find both evolution and creation has its flaws, debates I have participated in many times. I have no problems with someone that chooses to believe, just in those that have the audacity to tell me what God is or isn't if such a being did exist, as if they could explain such a being, basically with religion, not faith.

The Big Bang was the church's way to tie science into belief, so that those that chose to believe could also not be daunted by science. After all, according to the BB did not the universe come into being from nothing and therefore was it not created? besides, my interpretation of genesis is probably much different than yours or most peoples, so I'll leave it at that.

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Re: Why all this jumping ahead?

Unread post by ElecGeekMom » Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:33 am

sjw40364 wrote:Jupiter does not orbit closer to the Sun because gravity has nothing to do with planetary orbits, Planets orbit by the same force electrons orbit a nucleus, the electromagnetic force. Orbital distance is determined by composition and a planets ability to retain or release charge. It is no coincidence that planets orbit, this is what magnetic fields do, cause things to circle perpendicular to the electric field. this is why planets spin, they spin perpendicular to the electric field. Just as an electron spins and orbits the nucleus, so too planets spin and orbit the Sun.
More info, please. Got links?


Re: Why all this jumping ahead?

Unread post by sjw40364 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:39 am

ElecGeekMom wrote:
sjw40364 wrote:Jupiter does not orbit closer to the Sun because gravity has nothing to do with planetary orbits, Planets orbit by the same force electrons orbit a nucleus, the electromagnetic force. Orbital distance is determined by composition and a planets ability to retain or release charge. It is no coincidence that planets orbit, this is what magnetic fields do, cause things to circle perpendicular to the electric field. this is why planets spin, they spin perpendicular to the electric field. Just as an electron spins and orbits the nucleus, so too planets spin and orbit the Sun.
More info, please. Got links?
Not showing that this is why planets orbit, but it is a logical deduction from the right hand rule of electrical and magnetic forces.
A different form of the right-hand rule, sometimes called the right-hand grip rule, is used in situations where a vector must be assigned to the rotation of a body, a magnetic field or a fluid. Alternatively, when a rotation is specified by a vector, and it is necessary to understand the way in which the rotation occurs, the right-hand grip rule is applicable.

This version of the rule is used in two complementary applications of Ampère's circuital law:

An electric current passes through a solenoid, resulting in a magnetic field. When you wrap your right hand around the solenoid with your fingers in the direction of the conventional current, your thumb points in the direction of the magnetic north pole.
An electric current passes through a straight wire. Here, the thumb points in the direction of the conventional current (from positive to negative), and the fingers point in the direction of the magnetic lines of flux.

The principle is also used to determine the direction of the torque vector. If you grip the imaginary axis of rotation of the rotational force so that your fingers point in the direction of the force, then the extended thumb points in the direction of the torque vector.

The right-hand grip rule is a convention derived from the right-hand rule convention for vectors. When applying the rule to current in a straight wire for example, the direction of the magnetic field (counterclockwise instead of clockwise when viewed from the tip of the thumb) is a result of this convention and not an underlying physical phenomenon.
All force vector is applied in magnetism according to the right hand rule. A boat in a whirlpool does not itself spin on its axis, except randomly and sometimes not at all, so if planets were formed by a spinning nebula then there would be no reason for them to be spinning themselves. Comets have tails because they contain different charge than the Sun as spend almost all their time outside the solar system. Planets have remained in the vicinity of the Sun and are more closely alike charged, but never totally as the Sun acts as a sink. Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. If a planet approaches the Sun it picks up more positive charge and is repelled, if it drifts away it picks up more negative charge and is attracted. Since we know all planets are connected to the Sun electrically and well within the Sun's magnetic influence, apply the right hand rule to every planet and you will see they orbit accordingly. Do the same for spin and you will see they spin accordingly. Coincidence? I think not.
An example of what magnetism can do:
http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/psi ... ny-cooler/

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Re: Why all this jumping ahead?

Unread post by JeffreyW » Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:47 am

classic. lol literally a few days after the discovery.
http://vixra.org/pdf/1711.0206v4.pdf The Main Book on Stellar Metamorphosis, Version 4

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Re: Why all this jumping ahead?

Unread post by moses » Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:47 pm

Could you please explain your last comment.


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