Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:59 pm ... 495#p54882

Hypercube or Tesseract with 32 sides encodes 32 paths of Masonic hierarchy before the invisible top 33 symbolizing breaking through the other side.

Again the rhombic dodecahedron lost symbol shows us the real meaning of the Vesica Piscis and the Galactic cross through Venn´s diagrams when we fuse 6 and 9 "the crab" through the passage of Gemini “Twin towers 911” onto the Taurus bull "Baal" Milky Way, we open Hell´s Gate in 6+9= 15 = binary 1111. You get "Lucifer´s all seeing eye".

The Codex Bruschal or the west Chartres portal encodes the Galactic cross which opens the wormhole from Sirius into to our Solar system.

The tesseract through its cubes, which can be defined by circles, give us a perfectly understandable model on how dimension interact through these invisible magnetic strings.

The decimal numbers of the Lost Symbol rhombic dodecahedron tesseract shadow are defined by the natural binary Cartesian coordinates. You can figure 15 = binary 1111 standing for the center of the Galaxy black hole and time.

The rhombic dodecahedron shadow is the only form in which the tesseract cubes match at one point in the 69 example of Cancer the crab but now Gemini which adds to 15 creating a second massive wormhole and time 0 round Sirius binary system linking both dimension “cubes” of the tesseract and connecting the 8.6 Sirius light years from Earth on through the wormhole time O stargate.

Our time is so generated by the movement of the cubes of the massive tesseracts on through the Center of the Galaxy stationary time 0 axis; no movement no time.

Sirius B and the 69 decimal 0110 -1001 binary numbers wormhole origin: If we add 6+9 in one point we get 15 decimal = 1111 binary or time 0

Gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation. Sources of gravitational waves include binary star systems composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes.

19-69 Stargate SG 1 - Sirius Gemini in 69 binding in the middle of the Tesseract (4 dimensional conventional representation) rhombic dodecahedron projection and generating 6 + 9 = 15 = binary 1111 and time 0 stargate in the centre of mass of Sirius A and B binary System through gravitational perpendicular polarization waves that will impact earth and produce a pole shift; after the cataclysm the doorway will remain opened and they will come through as prophesied. ... 495#p54968

The number 13 is probably the most common of all superstitions, considered a bad luck.
Reality is myth, math and metaphor created by the patterns of Sacred Geometry that repeat in cycles called Time (Clock) and Space (Space). 12 Around 1 or 13.

13 = (1+3) = 4 = closure of our reality program or the evolution of consciousness back into light. 4 also references the number 40, given significance throughout history. Year 40 was a leap year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar.

13 is a Fibonacci Number (F7). 13 is the 6th prime number. 6 is sometimes considered an unlucky number due to its association with 666 (18=9=closure).

13 is the second Star Number. There are 13 circles in Metatron's Cube ... 495#p54969

The Eight Pointed Star is that of Ilu. This Star is also used in their evocation and transportation to Venus.

Bab-Ilu – Gate of God, referring to the winter solstice, December 21. There is a turtle (Orion?) in Africa which is never seen south of the tropic of Capricorn or north of the equator. This turtle has nine Ilus on the underside of its shell (five in the center and two on either side) and fifteen on the back thereof; the latter arranged with three in the center and six on either side. The natives speak of this turtle as the Ilu of God or Nine, the Ilu of God or Fifteen, and the Ilu or God of Twelve. In fact it is to those natives all that the swastika was to the ancients, a symbol of Jehovah and His work. By addition and multiplication of the Ilus all the sacred kabbalistic numbers may be produces, as 3,5,7,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,28,33,36,43 and 47.

The real purpose for these shapes is an Art called Tesseract. This is for bringing things into this dimension from the 4th.

Since once again we are in a binary world we also have another Sun directly on the opposite side of this Sun. You have to be in special locations to see it; they refer to it as a Sun Dog. The Black Sun is the opposite energy, a taker of life for strength rather than a giver. ... 495#p54971

The basic arrangement of 3D/4D interaction is best described by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life pattern. In this diagram, formed from the centers and intersections of four interpenetrating circles, we find the progression of related solids, in both dimensions. At the bottom is the tetrahedron, our singular physical form in 3D, and its counter-part, the pentatope, the 4D self-referencing switch plate that provides access to the other 4D solids. Above that is the cube/octa and hyper-octa/hyper-cube grouping. This coalesces into a matrix form, the 24 cell 4D polytope with no 3D analog, which mediates the upper part of the Tree, the dodeca/icosa and the 600 cell and the 120 cell 4D polytopes. The 24 cell polytope takes the Daat or gnosis position on the Tree. ... 495#p54972
A wormhole is a geometry of four-dimensional spacetime in which two regions of the universe are connected by a short narrow throat. A classical large scale wormhole is a solution of the Einstein's field equations, which governs the curvature of spacetime. The most interesting thing with wormholes is that they could provide relatively easy means of traveling to distant regions of space or even of traveling backwards in time.
A Stargate is an etheric inter-dimensional energy alignment between two points in interstellar space, which allows high vibrational energies to pass through long distances of space, along the space-time continuum. Put most simply, it is a sub-space vortex through which energy may pass. This passage of energy is most unrestricted during a solstice or equinox, when the position of the planet is such as to allow an optimal amount of energy through to Earth. ... 495#p54983

The most fundamental geometric form is the Vector Equilibrium Matrix (VEM). This geometrical form leads directly to the Diamond Body or Cube of Space.

The Vector Equilibrium Matrix is a geometrical mandala--a solid state mandala--resonating with the psychological analog for the Philosopher's Stone. A state of grace can be achieved where the key word is Access.
In the introduction to his book The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar describes an interesting variant of the Hindu theory of ages. According to him,

...the sun, with its planets and their moons, takes some star for its dual and revolves around it in about 24,000 years of our earth-a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac.

The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnunabhi, which is the seat of the creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates dharma, the mental virtue of the internal world.

Yukteswar goes on to explain that the sun's 24,000 year revolution around its companion star takes the sun progressively closer, and then progressively further away from the mystic center Vishnunabhi. In his system, dharma increases as we approach Vishnunabhi and decreases as we draw away from it.

The Coming of the Sixth Sun ... azine/1697
Archaeologists commonly refer to a calendar that was shared by all Mesoamerican cultures, the haab calendar, used primarily for bookkeeping and agrarian purposes. This is a solar year system of 360 days divided into an eighteen-month, twenty-day cycle. Because the solar year is longer than 360 days, five days have been inserted between the end of one 360-day cycle and the beginning of another.

The Maya also use a sacred daily calendar, commonly called the tzolkin calendar, to deepen their connection to the divine nature of the universe and assist them with the inherent challenges of life. The tzolkin is a 260-day divinatory calendar that is based on the cycles of the Pleiades, the “heart of the heavens,” as described in their creation story, the Popol Vuh, and in generations of elders’ storytelling.

A tzolkin consists of a cycle involving twenty day signs and thirteen numbers, each of which represents a sacred, archetypal energy. Each day is signified by a glyph that represents the lord (deity) of the day in the form of plant, animal, ancestor, or force of nature. Numbers are created using a place rotation system, which combines only three symbols—eggs, dots, and lines— to represent the numerical form of the most important gods and goddesses. These are the sacred “number beings” that influence the twenty “lords of the day.” Together each glyph and number creates a frequency that harmonizes with the universe. Working together like two cogged gears, the twenty day signs intermesh with the thirteen numbers, presenting a new combination each day.

The most widely known Mayan calendar, however, is known as the Long Count, and it is the source of the 2012 date. The Long Count consists of thirteen baktuns, each baktun equaling 144,000 days—a cycle of 5,126 years.

In the twentieth century, British anthropologist Sir J. Eric S. Thompson, in conjunction with John T. Goodman and Juan H. Martinez-Hernandez, correlated the Mayan Long Count with the Gregorian calendar. Their work, widely accepted by Western researchers, dates the beginning of the Long Count to August 11, 3114 B.C.. There is less agreement among Western researchers about the end date. Many peg it to December 21, 2012, but Swedish microbiologist and author Carl Johan Calleman, author of The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness calculates that this cycle will end on October 28, 2011.

Grandfather Cirilo speaks of an extended period of darkness that will come at the end of this “sun” or world age. The prophecies foretell that the earth’s second sun will pass in front of our existing sun, causing a period of darkness that will last between one and six days. He is ambiguous about the specific date for this occurrence, but indicates it may happen sometime around the Gregorian year 2012.

Clearly one of the most important elements of this teaching is the existence of a mysterious second sun that will eclipse our own and cause several days of darkness. The concept of a twin star can be found in other indigenous beliefs. The Dogon tribe of west Africa, who believe they came from the star cluster Sirius, knew, without the aid of instrumentation, that Sirius possessed two smaller stars that are invisible to the naked eye, as Robert Temple described in his celebrated book The Sirius Mystery. The Vedas refer to a similar idea. In Astrology of the Seers, Vedic scholar David Frawley writes:

We have two suns, an object that modern astronomers may call a Quasar, whose light may be obscured by dust or nebulae in the region of the galactic center. This “dark companion” appears to possess a negative magnetic field that obstructs cosmic light from the galactic center from reaching the Earth. Through this, it creates cycles of advance and decline of civilizations.

The elders say that at the end of the Long Count calendar a new sun, the sixth sun, is approaching. They do not specify exactly what this means. This new sun may replace our old one or continue on another path. Their legends say that this has happened before and will happen again. Herein may lay the basis for the Mayan fascination with time. If the second sun does appear around the year 2012, the Maya will gain a level of mathematical and astronomical credibility they have never before experienced, even at the peak of their civilization 1500 years ago.
Zuvuya & Surfers of the Zuvuya
Zuvuya is the Mayan term for the big memory circuit... the memory hotline. It works individually and collectively. Most importantly, it connects equally to the future as well as the past. Why? Because the Zuvuya is the interdimensional thread and we are all interdimensional.

The Zuvuya is the wave, and to surf this wave is to be at the dynamic crest that interfaces our 3rd-dimensional physical reality with the reality of the 4th-dimension -- the dimension of our dream bodies, energy bodies, or light bodies.

The Zuvuya is the circuit of radial, fourth-dimensional time that provides the wave you can ride from wherever you are to whatever point in the fourth-dimensional matrix of galactic time your destiny may draw you. It is a discipline to ride the Zuvuya, but so is surfing. If you do it right, you'll be able to surf "the big One," the one that is coming in right now!

The following excerpts from Dr. Jose Arguelles' Mayan Factor explain through the model of Double Helix Pattern/Loom of Maya with 64-unit Crossover Polarity Zone of Tzolkin, the galactic interdimensional constant, that Zuvuya is the two-way flow circuit, the coming from and returning to Hunab Ku, the galactic core, which enables galactic humans to become Surfers of the Zuvuya.

Our means of inspection is the 260-unit radiogenetic keyboard, the Tzolkin. Our focus is upon its 64 central units. Inscribed in this 64-unit matrix is the code and game plan of human destiny, the path beyond technology. Because of the design of the binary flow pattern, the Loom of Maya, this 64-unit matrix is referred to as the "Crossover-Polarity Zone." In other words, just as the chief feature of DNA is a double helix pattern by which a field is created for the crossing over of information from either molecular strand to the other, so the Loom of Maya pattern can be envisioned as a crossing over, to either side of the mystic central column, of the two symmetrical flows comprising the pattern of galactic activation.

The movement of this pattern of four units to the right and left of the central column defines the 64-unit symmetrical field. The 64-unit "keyboard" is the genetic matrix of transformation which unifies the entire 260-unit Tzolkin. The remainder of the Tzolkin, aside from the neural-valued twenty-unit mystic column, breaks down into 144 units of a four-phased radiant energy body, and 32 units of an eight-part crystal symmetry body. The total of twelve (four radiant energy body and eight crystal symmetry) fields of the Tzolkin contain the code information describing the pre- and post-genetic radiance of galactic unfolding. The thirteenth field of the Tzolkin is, of course, at the center and represents the DNA.

Modeling the pre- and post-technological formula defining history, DNA is the transformation matrix holding together primordial and synthesizing phases of radiant and crystalline energy activation. By its centrality in the overall matrix, the function of DNA is to vitalize the entire galactic activation pattern. As a fractal of the galactic whole, and of the geometry of DNA itself, the function of history/technology is to vitalize equally the radiant energy fields that define pre- and post-history.

How does this occur? The answer lies in following the pattern. This pattern, anchored by the fourteen galactic activation units on either side of the mystic column, describes the vibratory infrastructure not only of DNA, but of the universal light body. Holonomically registered at the cellular, individual organism, planetary, solar, and galactic levels, this vibratory infrastructure can also be read as the structural matrix supporting the wave harmonic of history as it passes through the 5,200-tun synchronization beam. Without the activation of the two-way flow during passage through the synchronization beam, the planetary light body would not be crafted. This two-way flow is the Zuvuya, the coming from and returning to Hunab Ku, the galactic core.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:02 pm

The Return & Crossover Of Planet X
According to the 2007 World Almanac, the Earth was at orbital perihelion (closest to the Sun) on January 3 and at orbital aphelion (farthest from the Sun) on July 6. These dates vary little from year to year. The Sun crosses the same celestial longitude (or right ascension) as does our brightest Star Sirius on July 3. This was an important conjunction to the Ancient Egyptians. The Sun's conjunction with Sirius is thus "coincidental" with Earth's orbital aphelion.

Also, on about December 18, the Sun enters the Constellation of Sagittarius along the plane of the Ecliptic. The Galactic Center is located in the "Dark Rift" of the Constellation of Sagittarius, along the so-called "Milky Way" or "Equator" of the Galaxy, a few degrees into the Constellation of Sagittarius. In 2007 the Sun will go into alignment with the Galactic Center on about December 21. Then, about two weeks later, the Earth will move into its usual orbital perihelion in early January 2008.

Our orbital aphelion is aligned with Sirius, and our orbital perihelion is aligned with the Galactic Center, almost exactly opposite Sirius.

When our Sun is in conjunction with Sirius the Sun's glare blocks our view of Sirius. Thus, for about three weeks on either side of July 3, we cannot see Sirius in the nighttime sky. As the Sun moves away from Sirius, the star reappears in the early morning dawn sky. This reappearance of Sirius is called the "heliacal rising" of Sirius, and this phenomenon was what was important to the Ancient Egyptians. This event would thus occur on about July 24, or perhaps a couple of days earlier than that.

The Egyptian New Year began with the heliacal rising of Sirius. Thus, the importance that the Egyptians placed upon the heliacal rising of Sirius ultimately was not intended to indicate the yearly flooding of the River Nile. Instead, it had to do with a regular, cyclical celestial event occurring with the early summer morning rising of the legendary Star Sirius or "Sothis" which was connected to the worship of the Goddess Isis.

With all that in mind, let us now return to the subject of Planet X Nibiru. We are informed by Enuma Elish that Planet X Nibiru becomes visible to the naked eye in the "Station of Jupiter".

This coordinates with the idea set forth by the late Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky in his landmark work Worlds in Collision that the "object" causing the devastation at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt and the eruption of the volcanic Greek Island of Thera/Santorini came from the direction of Jupiter. Thus, we can draw the conclusion that when Planet X becomes visible, it will be in conjunction with Jupiter, making it appear to the ancients that it was "ejected" from the "Station of Jupiter".

On the other side of the world, the Ancient Mayas recorded that this "object", which eventually makes its way along the celestial "Black Road" to its resting place atop the "Sacred Tree" of the north, arrives from the "Dark Rift" in Sagittarius, that is to say, from the direction of the Galactic Center. Sagittarius is a southern constellation and fits the ancient assertions that the "Planet of The Crossing" makes it first appearance from the south.

So we find ourselves as having two variables to consider when we contemplate the time and place for the Return, the Crossover, of Planet X. It arrives from the "Station of Jupiter", and it arrives from the direction of the Galactic Center. To satisfy both these variables, then Jupiter would have to be aligned with the Galactic Center when Planet X arrives from Jupiter's "Station". The Planet Jupiter will be moving into conjunction with the Galactic Center on about 21 December 2007, a few days after it enters the Constellation of Sagittarius.

Thus, as of today, Jupiter is about midway through the Constellation of Scorpius (probably in that short transit of Ophiuchus, which in astrology is normally included with Scorpio), inexorably moving towards Sagittarius and the Galactic Center. It has 12.713° left in its orbit this year before it moves into alignment with the Galactic Center.

This alignment on 21 December 2007 will fuse the two elements of the Sumerian and Mayan prophecies, prior to the projected Crossover of Planet X at the Mayan End-Time Date of 21 December 2012, exactly 3,600 years after the cataclysms that accompanied the Exodus and Santorini, as documented by Dr. Velikovsky in Part I of Worlds in Collision. Both these dates coincide with the Solstice, a moment that was highly significant to the builders of ancient monuments like Stonehenge, England. Jupiter will then remain in alignment with Sagittarius and thus the general vicinity of the Galactic Center until about 16 December 2008. This alignment of Jupiter with the Galactic Center will not occur again until about 2 November 2019, seven years after 2012.

A year from now, the Planet Jupiter will still be aligned with the middle of Sagittarius, around the M22 globular cluster, from which direction on 29 June 2001 NASA announced the discovery of a pack of microlensing wandering "rogue planets". Was that cryptic announcement from NASA, which was never repeated again or followed up on at least in public, an allusion to Planet X and its "host" of "rogue planets"?

After one more year, the Sun will again be aligned with the general vicinity of Sirius, approaching its "rising" in the morning sky, opposite Sagittarius; and Jupiter will again be rising in the east at sunset. Will next July's heliacal rising of Sirius signal that Planet X is about to "decloak" in the vicinity of Jupiter as it passes the Galactic Center?

Let me play the Devil's Advocate for a moment. People might ask: what if nothing happens between now and the end of 2008? That may simply mean that a conjunction of Jupiter with the Galactic Center is not an automatic condition for the Crossover framework. We shall still be within the period before the Mayan End-Time Date of 2012, and no conclusion about it should be drawn prematurely.

What will happen if 2012 comes and goes and there is still no sighting of Planet X? In that case, we should perhaps allow the process a few more years to play itself out, until Jupiter once again comes into conjunction with the Galactic Center in 2019-2020. If Crossover is a bit "late" and doesn't occur until after 2012 but in or before 2020, it would be easy enough to bring Exodus/Santorini down by about 8 years to accommodate this chronology. There is enough "leeway" within the Hebrew history to allow for this slight adjustment.

However, after 2020, as each year passes, it will soon become impossible to further adjust the Hebrew chronology and along with it to bring the Santorini Cataclysm forwards. At some point in the 2020s, if nothing has happened, then the conclusion will be forced that whatever happened during the two cataclysmic periods discussed by Dr. Velikovsky in Worlds in Collision had nothing to do with Planet X.

Since some of us never completely agreed with Dr. Velikovsky that these times of chaos and catastrophe were caused first by Venus and later by Mars, if they were also not caused by the arrival and departure of Planet X, then we shall be forever left with the enduring mystery of what exactly did cause these cataclysms! Dr. Velikovsky himself believed that these events were totally random and were not connected to repetitive "cycles" of catastrophe, so perhaps he may have been right. We shall simply have to wait and see as the next 20 years unfold.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:16 pm

The Black Sun, Ophiuchus, the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy and Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy

Is Sirius C an X-ray Source? ... 495#p55006
Though, not yet confirmed by scientist, "The Little Sun" Sirius C, exhibits similar characteristics to that of Sirius B. Sirius C, Emma Ya Tolo, is hard to observe, since its small faint stellar field is masked by the great brightness of Sirius A. It is a red Dwarf Star or Pulsar and is called the "Sun of Women." According to the Dogon, Sirius C lies at the centre of the Sirius Star System constantly emitting red solar rays - a Blazing Star transmitting its essence towards Sirius A and B from its orbital position. Sirius C is also accompanied by a satellite called Nyan Tolo, the "Star of Women."

But the designation of Nibiru as the Planet of the Crossing is really about the passage, orbit and convergence of the Sirius Star System. The Planet or Star of the Crossing is really the “Star of Women,” in Sirius.
There is another possibility I'd like to mention here. It's 'Emme ya'/'Sirius C' - claimed by the Dogon to exist but not yet confirmed by scientific observation. According to the Dogon tradition, this star "throws out two pairs of radii (beams)" and it's "the only star which emits these beams which have the quality of solar rays". These descriptions remarkably match the characteristics of a pulsar! What other celestial bodies "throw off pairs of beams" besides pulsars? Furthermore, 'emme ya/Sirius C is called the 'sun of women', 'a little sun', and it is said to be accompanied by a satellite called the 'star of Women'.
Is the idea of a solar companion to our Sun unprecedented? Not at all, in fact there have been numerous scientific publications examining the evidence for a "dark star", literally speaking, to which our Sun could be gravitationally bound in a definite orbit. A more suitable candidate would be a star closer to the plane of the Solar System, or celestial equator; Sirius meets this criteria.

Sirius is a binary system. Sirius A is the highly visible star, but there is a companion known as Sirius B, first described in modern times by the Dogon tribe of Mali (Africa) and subsequently verified by the observational science of astronomers.

The Dogon also described a third celestial body with characteristics of a neutron star (Sirius C?). While a neutron wouldn't be visible in the same manner as Sirius B, the combined gravitational attraction of a neutron star, a white giant star and a white dwarf would certainly provide the gravitational force needed to keep the Sun bound at a distance of 8.6 light years. In fact, the presence of a neutron star is by no means necessary for the gravitational interaction of the Sun with Sirius. ... 510#p55118
The recognition of Ophiuchus, the serpent tamer, is definitely pointing towards full acceptance of that emerging reality and an indication of the imminent convergence between Sol and Sirius since Ophiuchus represents the black hole or heart of the Milky Way. When our Sun is in perfect alignment with Sirius and the centre of the Universe, or "Hunab Ku", as known by the ancient Mayans, this marks the end of age and start of the next.
There is yet another aspect to Ophiuchus that alludes to historical celestial events in the chronological history of our Solar System that were documented in the constellations and the signs of the Zodiac.

Here, Ophiuchus is a personification of our Sun, Sol, with Hercules being Sirius C the companion star to our paternal star Sirius B when our Solar System was formerly a trinary system conjoined with the Sirius Binary before the Great Discontinuity.

The star in the right leg named Sabik relays "Ophiuchus enveloped in the coils of Ophis" and they were the Khorasmian Sardhiwa, the "Head of the Evil One" -- the Shepherd and his Dog, the two lucidae or alpha stars marking the heads of Ophiuchus (Ras Alhague the Shepherd) and Hercules (Ras algethi the Dog).

But who was this “Shepherd” but our original paternal star Sirius B which Ophiuchus holds in his hands as Serpens (Serpent), and most significantly it is not his Right Hand of Righteousness, but rather what is punctuated is his Left Hand of Defilement symbolized by the star Yed Prior, meaning “hand” (yed), which holds the Serpent, a representation of the coiling Sirius Binary, the missing half of our Solar System, being Star Wormwood.

And for this reason Ophiuchus’ Beta Ophiuchi is named Kelb Alrai (Celabrai) and means “The Shepherd’s Dog” (later confused into the corruption as “The Heart of the Shepherd”) and thus this indicates a direct link to the Great Dog Star, Sirius, the Coiling Serpent, which is approaching our Solar System… hence, 2012 + 7 years is the possible period of critical vertex of transversion through our Solar System.
The Black Sun symbol had several other meanings as well. It represented the Dark star, the Death Star or the fallen star or the dark moon. Blavatsky wrote in her book Isis unveiled that the return of the Black Sun or death star would be evident when the 13th house of Mazzaroth is active from the core of Ophiuchus. The 13th house is the Serpent holder and from it will come the Black Sun. ... 965#p48766

Other Solar Systems have gone thru the Red Giant stage and exploded near our Solar System.

"Sirius A", the Dog Star, only 8.6 light years away, is the brightest star in the night sky at mag -1.44 (23 times brighter than the Sun) and it dominates the constellation of Canis Major. Canis Major, the "Big Dog" is one of Orion's hunting dogs.

Sirius, the ancient Seirios has a meaning of Scorcher and originally applied to Sirius B the pup because of its scorching heat. Seirios is equivalent to "sear" as in to char, scorch, or burn the surface of something with or as if with a hot instrument. That surface scorched was the Earth and the instrument was the supernova of the Pup.

"Sirius A" is a binary star; with what experts call a white dwarf as a companion, named "Sirius B" or the Pup. It is an eight-magnitude (8.44), visually some 10,000 times fainter, the Pup star that is separated from "Sirius A" by only a couple of arc seconds making it difficult to observe in a telescope because of the primary's great brilliance.

About 13,000 years ago "Sirius B" itself, was at the end of its own Red Giant stage and was actually much more massive and brilliant than "Sirius A" is today. Sirius A in fact gained much of its energy from Sirius B.

There is a tribe in West Africa called the Dogons that believe that some form of human life came from one of these planets after being forced to leave by the onset of the up coming nova of "Sirius B".

Another interesting item is the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy which just happens to be the nearest galaxy to our own Milky Way. In fact the Milky Way is building up its own disk (by 1%) by absorbing portions of this smaller galaxy.

Even better yet, is the fact that the cannibalised Canis Major galaxy not only contributes to the outer reaches of the Milky Way but may also have passed close to our own Sun in the past and may possibly pass by again.

The "fallen ones" (fallen angels) were unable to return to heaven (space) and were cast down to hell (earth)…

Cronus led the Titans in their hopeless war against Zeus and the Olympian gods. After their defeat, the Titans were imprisoned in a section of the underworld called Tartarus.

Did something really happen in space to inspire the first scribes to tell such stories? If so, then Sirius B, "The Pup" would make a good "Fallen Star". Egyptian chronology depends on the Sothic Cycle (Thoth Cycle) as it relates to the heliacal rising of the "Dog Star" Sirius A. It is said that this cycle is equal to 1461 years and is the length of time it takes Sirius to return to its point of origin.
Scientists Now Know: We're From Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy!
This same sense of shock came as scientists announced that the Sun, the Moon, our planet and its siblings, were not born into the familiar band of stars known as the Milky Way galaxy, but we actually belong to a strange formation with the unfamiliar name of the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy!

Using volumes of data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS), a major project to survey the sky in infrared light led by the University of Massachusetts, the astronomers are answering questions that have baffled scientists for decades and proving that our own Milky Way is consuming one of its neighbors in a dramatic display of ongoing galactic cannibalism.

The study published in the Astrophysical Journal, is the first to map the full extent of the Sagittarius galaxy and show in visually vivid detail how its debris wraps around and passes through our Milky Way. Sagittarius is 10,000 times smaller in mass than the Milky Way, so it is getting stretched out, torn apart and gobbled up by the bigger Milky Way.

"It's clear who's the bully in the interaction," said Steven Majewski, U.Va professor of astronomy and lead author on the paper describing the results.

"If people had infrared-sensitive eyes, the entrails of Sagittarius would be a prominent fixture sweeping across our sky," Majewski said. "But at human, visual wavelengths, they become buried among countless intervening stars and obscuring dust. The great expanse of the Sagittarius system has been hidden from view."

By using infrared maps, the astronomers filtered away millions of foreground stars to focus on a type of star called an M giant. These large, infrared-bright stars are populous in the Sagittarius galaxy but uncommon in the outer Milky Way.

The 2MASS infrared map of M giant stars analyzed by Majewski and collaborators is the first to give a complete view of the Milky Way galaxy's meal of Sagittarius stars, now wrapping like a spaghetti noodle around the Milky Way. Prior to this work, astronomers had detected only a few scattered pieces of the disrupted Sagittarius dwarf. Even the existence of Sagittarius was unknown until the heart of this nearest satellite galaxy of the Milky Way was discovered by a British team of astronomers in 1994.

The fact that the Milky Way is seen in the sky at an angle has always puzzled astronomers. If we originated from the Milky Way, we ought to be oriented to the galaxy's ecliptic with the planets aligned around our Sun in much the same angle as our Sun aligns with the Milky Way. Instead, as first suggested by researcher Matthew Perkins Erwin, the odd angle suggests that our Sun is influenced by some other system. Together with data from the Two-Micron All Sky Survey we now know what it is. We actually belong to the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy.

We are from another galaxy in the process of joining with the Milky Way. The Milky Way is actually not our parent galaxy. The mystery of why the Milky Way has always been sideways in the night sky has never been answered -- until now.

"This first full-sky map of Sagittarius shows its extensive interaction with the Milky Way," Majewski said. "Both stars and star clusters now in the outer parts of the Milky Way have been 'stolen' from Sagittarius as the gravitational forces of the Milky Way nibbled away at its dwarf companion. This one vivid example shows that the Milky Way grows by eating its smaller neighbors."

"After slow, continuous gnawing by the Milky Way, Sagittarius has been whittled down to the point that it cannot hold itself together much longer," said 2MASS Science Team member and study co-author Martin Weinberg of the University of Massachusetts. "We are seeing Sagittarius at the very end of its life as an intact system."
Does this mean we are at a unique moment in the life of our galaxy? Yes and no.

"Whenever possible, astronomers appeal to the principle that we are not at a special time or place in the universe," Majewski said. "Because over the 14 billion-year history of the Milky Way it is unlikely that we would just happen to catch a brief event like the death of Sagittarius, we infer that such events must be common in the life of big spiral galaxies like our own. The Milky Way probably dined on a number of dwarf galaxy snacks in the past."

On the other hand, Majewski and his colleagues have been surprised by the Earth's proximity to a portion of the Sagittarius debris.

"For only a few percent of its 240 million-year orbit around the Milky Way galaxy does our Solar System pass through the path of Sagittarius debris," Majewski said.

"Remarkably, stars from Sagittarius are now raining down onto our present position in the Milky Way. Stars from an alien galaxy are relatively near us. We have to re-think our assumptions about the Milky Way galaxy to account for this contamination."

The new findings will help astronomers measure the total mass of the Milky Way and Sagittarius galaxies, and probe the quantity and distribution of the invisible dark matter in these systems.

"The shape of the Sagittarius debris trail shows us that the Milky Way's unseen dark matter is in a spherical distribution, a result that is quite unexpected," Weinberg said.

"The observations provide new insights into the nature of the mysterious dark matter," said Princeton's Spergel. "Either our galaxy is unusual or the dark matter has richer properties than postulated by conventional models."
Implications in Global Warming?

It has been postulated that this is the real reason for both global warming since higher energy levels of the Milky Way are almost certain to cause our Sun to burn hotter and emit higher energies. Indeed, temperatures have been seen to rise on virtually all the planets in our system. This seems quite apart from any local phenomenon like greenhouse gases etc.

This grand turning is possibly the root cause for the discontinuation of the Mayan calendar (the most accurate on the planet) because the 'read-point' of the Pleiades star cluster, which many believe the calendar was based upon, can no longer be a constant as we begin to steer away from the earlier predictable movements.
What does it all mean?

We of the overarching Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy have finally come down next to, and even with the massively powerful spiral armed equatorial plane of the Milky Way Galaxy.

In our movement through space, our Earth has now fully begun to respond to the more powerful galactic energies and electro-gravitational bias of the massive Milky Way. We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm. We have now been "adopted" by a new system, a stronger and more powerful system, and we can expect changes on almost every level of energy.

Whatever these changes are, they are all part of the natural birth, death, rebirth and transformation of the cosmos. As our knowledge of the universe grows, we cannot but understand how much we do not understand.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:54 pm

Our Binary Star System - Black Sun 2012
The premise of this website is that our Sun and Solar System are part of a binary star system.

The Earth endures a cataclysm every 11,500 years.

The Mayans, Egyptians and Chinese all have a count down calendar that ends in 2012.

The Earth changes are not limited to December 21st, 2012. They have already begun and the evidence is all around us.

If you wish to survive, you must begin your preparations now!

The Black Sun is the collapsed core of a star that went supernova.

The Black Sun is either a neutron star or a so called back hole with an immense gravitation and magnetic field.

The Black Sun is located in the direction of Orion, below the orbital plane of our Solar System.

Recently discovered dwarf planets Sedna and Xena at approximately 3 times the distance of Neptune on 12,000 year elliptical orbits, are most likely orbiting the Black Sun.

The axle tilt of the Earth is due to the influence of the Black Sun.

The axle tilt of Saturn and Jupiter are also due to the influence of the Black Sun.

The prepossession on the equinox is driven by the elliptical orbit of the Solar System around the Black Sun.

Saturn shares the same precession cycle as the Earth.

The precession of the equinox is not a constant rate but varies according to the point in the elliptical orbit at any given time as stated in according Kepler’s law. The fastest rate of being is the point of periapsis.

The steady increase in the number of earthquakes is due to our approach towards the Black Sun.

The weakening of the earth’s magnetic field is a direct result of the powerful magnetic field of the Black Sun.

Melting of the icecaps on Earth and other bodies in our Solar System is due to magnetic and or gravitational disturbances caused by the Black Sun.

Current changes in weather patterns are due to the Black Sun pulling the Earth into an increasingly elliptical orbit around our Sun.

There will be increasingly severe earthquakes from October 28, 2010 until February 2011, approximately every 15 days while the Earth is the closest planet in our Solar System to the Black Sun and the Earth and Moon align in the direction of the Black Sun. This will be repeated in 2012 but in that year they will be much more severe.

Depending on the location of the Earth at the point of periapsis, the rotation of the Earth could stop and the crust could be flipped as much as 180 degrees.

The Earth could be scorched by massive solar mass ejections from our Sun.

There will be a deluge of biblical proportions.
Binary Star System | Black Sun 2012
The Sun is the source of the magnetic field we feel on Earth. The field from the North pole of the Sun oscillates through the Solar System forming giant donut rings of ever increasing size but lower strength, the further we are from the Sun. It is this magnetic field that determines the placement of the planets.

It is the motion of the Solar System through the magnetic field of the galaxy that drives the motion of the planets. And in turn it is the motion of the planets through the Sun’s magnetic field that drives the rotation of the planets.
Of course if we are in a binary star system, there are in fact 2 main magnetic field sources influencing the planets. As the planets are all much closer to the Sun, it is the Sun that provides the dominant magnetic and gravitational field. However the second source (the Black Sun) provides a constant and perhaps predictable disturbance to what would otherwise be a very stable system.

As our Solar System approaches periapsis with the Black Sun, the disturbances to planets is so severe that a crustal displacement or pole shift can occur.
Earthquakes Sea Levels and the Orion Connection ... onnection/
The good news is that after carefully examining the data we have there doesn’t appear to be a direct link between comet Elenin and the increasing intensity of earthquakes or the tidal anomaly.

The bad news is there is a strong and increasing link between the Earth, Moon, Orion alignment and earthquakes as well as an undeniable and increasing tidal influence.

Orion is in the direction from which many expect the arrival of Planet X, the planet of the crossing. Whether or not you believe in planet X or call it by some other name such as Nibiru, Nemisis, Wormwood, or the Red Kachina, the data shows that something extremely magnetic in nature is rapidly approaching from the direction of Orion.

We are all familiar with the Moon’s influence on the sea, pulling on our oceans and producing high and low tides. We are also familiar with the Sun’s influence on the tides and how the highest high tides and lowest low tides occur during the new moon and full moon when the moon and sun are either in the same longitudinal position in the sky or 180 degrees apart.

Sun Moon Alignment and Sea Tides

A beautiful example of this can be seen when looking at the Bermuda sea level chart.

Moon Jupiter Alignment and Sea Tides

However it turns out that Jupiter plays a role in many tidal peaks. This can be clearly seen in the sea level data from the Chatham Islands in the South Pacific.

Ss you can clearly see, the Sun Moon alignment which is in yellow, is at a different frequency than the Moon Jupiter alignment. The Moon Jupiter alignment forms a perfect match while the Sun Moon alignment seems to have an almost insignificant influence.

Moon Orion Alignment and Sea Tides

In the North Western Pacific we find something even more unusual -- the perfect synchronization of the Moon Orion alignment with sea levels.

How can this be possible?

Here’s my short answer. We know that Jupiter’s gravity couldn’t have any significant pull on the sea. Yet the Moon Jupiter alignment is influencing sea levels. What about the Orion connection?

Perhaps it is not the sea that is being tugged at but the continental plate itself. Jupiter’s magnetic field via the moon is moving the plate under the Chatham Islands.

Likewise, some significant magnetic object, lets just call it Planet X, is via the Moon, tugging at the subducting North Western edge of the massive Pacific Plate.

Well so what, why is this bad?

This Orion phenomenon is new. Back in 2006 it was Jupiter that was moving the North Western Pacific Plate. Since 2009 it is clearly the Orion connection (Planet X).
2010 The Year We Make Contact 12-21-2010
The full lunar eclipse on December 21, 2010 at 8:17am UTC coincides with the near perfect alignment of the Galactic core, Sun, Earth, Moon and Black Sun.

On August 1st, 2010, all the planets in our Solar system were on the galactic core side of the Sun, leaving the Sun as the outer most object in the direction of Orion.
Supernovas, black suns and “heavy stars”

Champollion (1790 - 1832) unravelled the secrets of Egyptian writing but so far nobody has demystified Egyptian beliefs. Astrophysics is the key. 11,650 year ago, a supernova exploded close to Earth in the direction of Orion's Belt. It became the god Osiris who donated metals and resembled a scarab beetle (expanding nova). Twenty-eight years later the binary star Sirius B (the god Horus) exploded, sending a plasma tongue looking like a fiery dragon or winged serpent (Seth) speeding towards Earth. The northern hemisphere was devastated; the Ice Age ended abruptly and many animal species became extinct.

The idea that Osiris assumed the essence of the sun, later passing it on to his son Horus (whose mother was Isis, the surviving binary star Sirius A) gave rise to the idea of resurrection. Saintly haloes, the nimbus or crown and irrational millennarian apocalyptic prophecies all hark back to the shocks experienced 11,650 years ago (massive flooding, consuming fire, earthquakes, displaced firmament and '"falling stars", etc). ... 525#p39707

Are we describing two events here -- The Vela supernova explosion and the implosion of Sirius B? If so, then are we speaking of a particular location in the heavens?

Columba, Argo Navis and Centaurus and three stars called Wezen (Wazn), the weight

1) Columba: Phaet and Wazn. Muliphein is recognized as comprehending the two stars called Had'ar, ground, and al-wezn, weight.

2) Argo Navis: lambda Argo Navis (Alsuhail) (Vela) - The Vela supernova explosion - “The Ancient Sumerian cuneiform described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum and Lambda Velorum located in the southern sky.

3) Centaurus: alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) – Chiron, Ophiuchus – Jupiter kills Chiron with a “thunderbolt”.
There are three stars associated with the name “wazn” (“wezen”) or weight

lambda Argo Navis (Alsuhail) (Vela)
alpha Centaurus (Rigil Kent) (Centaurus)
Delta (δ) Canis Major, Wezen, (Sirius)

However, there were two stars “usurped” from Canis Major (Sirius) when Bayer created the constellation called Columba. The part thus usurped was called Muliphein from al-muhlifein. These two stars are now alpha and beta Columbae (Phaet and Wazn). Muliphein is recognized as comprehending the two stars called Had'ar, ground, and al-wezn, weight.

Phaet and Wazn are considered to be a “ground” and a “weight” which is the same association Phillip Coppens made between Sirius (the arrow) and Canopus (the plumb line)
The Cosmic Axis: Canopus -- Zeta Ursae Majoris (Alcor) ... 105#p46569

On the very same time and occasion there also was "born" as son of Mitra and Varuna -- the Rishi Vasishtha -- only the seed fell on the ground not in the jar. This is unmistakably zeta Ursae Majoris, and the lining up of Canopus with zeta, more often with Alcor, the tiny star near zeta (in Babylonia the "fox" star) has remained a rather constant feature, in Arabic Suhayl and as-Suha. This is the "birth" of the valid representatives of both the poles, the sons of Mitra and Varuna and also of their successors.

Thus in whichever dialect the phenomenon is spelled out, the fallen ruler of the Golden Age is held to dwell nearest to the celestial South Pole, particularly in Canopus which marks the steering oar of Argo, Canopus at the "confluence of the rivers." This is true whether Varuna fastened the sky to the seat of the Rita (and his own seat), whether Enki-Ea-Enmesharra, dwelling in Eridu, held all the norms and or whether Kronos-Saturn kept giving "all the measures of the whole creation" to Zeus while he himself slept in Ogygia-the-primeval.

Observing so many characters occupied with measuring the depth of the sea, one stumbles over the strange name given to Canopus by the Arabs: they call it the weight" or "the heavy-weighing Canopus. The epithet "wazn" has been given also to other stars of the southern sky.

This "weight" is the plumb at the end of the plumb line, by means of which this depth was measured. But where does Saturn come in? He can be understood as the "living" plumb line. ... c94#p48334
The Iranian mythology personified Sirius as Tishtrya, the divine archer (the corresponding character in the Vedic myths was Tishya). The name "Tishtrya" goes back to the Sanskrit term "three stars" and to an older Indo-European one of the same meaning. Some scholars prefer to see here a designation of the Belt of Orion, but it seems to be just an ad hoc conjecture. On the other hand, the name "three stars" is quite justified in terms of the Dogon concept of this stellar system. There is, by the way, a direct relationship between the word "Tishtrya" and the name of the hellish dog Cerberus.

Thus, there are in various parts of the world some traces of an ancient -- and rather clear -- concept of Sirius as a dangerous stellar system, consisting of three stars. Its transformation has been described, first, as the transition from Typhon (a fiery monster in rage, a red giant before its change into a Supernova) to Orphrus (a dangerous but suppressed beast that is the core of the red giant in the process of its "calm" turning into a white dwarf). Second, the Dog is usually chained up by sacred blacksmiths, which can be interpreted as a description of astroengineering activity by a supercivilization.

Nommos are also considered as heavenly blacksmiths, but they do not chain up the Fox; they simply circumcise him. This rather unexpected metaphor expresses very clearly the main point: it was necessary to remove the excess of stellar matter from Sirius B. The 240 years of increased brightness of the star looks like a slow explosion of this "cosmic bomb".

In Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, Sirius was depicted as a red triangle with a small semicircle and a five-pointed star near it. The Babylonians referenced to the star as "shining like copper". Finally, the Dogon represent Po tolo by a red stone.
As for the "wild dog" being "leashed" in a heavenly position near The Great Bear (Big Dipper), that is undoubtedly a reference to the "fearsome" Planet Nibiru being tethered or "leashed" electromagnetically to the North Pole at a ground-level visible height equal to that of The Great Bear. And it could be that the three objects that are linked mythologically to the Sirius System are not A, B and C -- but A, B, and Nibiru! Thus, images that point to The Cosmic Tree, like the Leashed Dog in the North Sky, are found interwoven into the mythology of Sirius.

It is my own contention that the Ancient Egyptian legend of "Osiris" and "Isis" originally referred to Red Giant Sirius B and its then smaller companion White Sirius A. The dismemberment of Osiris reflects the explosion that "dismembered" the Sirius System. "Isis", however, was always intimately connected to the remaining still visible Sirius A.
"Now the South Star, the Spirit Star, or Star of Death, comes higher and higher in the heavens, and nearer and nearer to the North Star; and when the time for the end of life draws nigh, the Death Star will approach so close to the North Star that it will capture the stars that bear the stretchers and cause the death of the persons who are lying ill upon those stellar couches. The North Star will then disappear and move away and the South Star will take possession of Earth and its people. The command for the ending of all things will be given by the North Star, and the South Star will carry out the commands. Our people were made by the stars. When the time comes for all things to end, our people will turn into small stars and will fly to the South Star where they belong."

[Think of "The South Star" as the Planet Nibiru arriving from its perpendicular orbit (in relation to the Ecliptic) from "underneath" the South Pole and rising to dock/tether as "The North Nail", displacing the North Star Polaris. Then this bit of "mythology" makes scientific and historical sense.]

Proclus informs us that the fox star nibbles continuously at the thong of the yoke which holds together Heaven and Earth; German folklore adds that when the fox succeeds, the world will come to its end. This fox star is no other than Alcor, the small star near zeta Ursae Majoris (in India Arundati, the common wife of the Seven Rishis, alpha-eta Ursae; see p. 302 about Arundati and Elamitic Narundi, sister of the Sibitti, the "Seven"), known as such since Babylonian times.

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Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by neilwilkes » Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:38 am

lizzie wrote:
How about Moray B. King's ideas in his book Tapping the Zero-Point Energy, where he describes a cascade of simple resonators with nonlinear breakover thresholds or switching, which is supposed to be able to shift high frequency energy down the spectrum into the lower frequencies, with attendant amplitude increase?
Sounds like something similar to what Christopher Dunn envisaged in the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
He says it is a ruined machine with all the inner workings removed.
(so-called "sarcophagus" has been measured, by him with photographic backup, to be flat to within 0.00001 inch and yet archaeologists have us believe this was bashed out with copper chisels & Diorite balls?)
See his outstandingly interesting book ... 913&sr=1-3

Absolutely fascinating stuff.
You will never get a man to understand something his salary depends on him not understanding.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:01 pm

Who is Hiram Abiff – Part 1 ... 255#p53574

Weakened by internal problems, Lower Egypt was taken over seemingly with little fighting by the invading or perhaps just immigrant Hyksos, who set up two contemporaneous dynasties. The 15th dynasty (1674-1567) of the great Hyksos kings, which, according to Manetho, consisted of six kings who dominated the 32 Hyksos vassal chiefs of the 16th dynasty (1684-1567). Alternatively there was a dynasty of five kings ruling at Thebes.
Who is Hiram Abiff – Part 2 ... 255#p53575

The Son of King Tao II (Djehuty) (Sekenenre) 17th Dynasty, (reigned c. 1539-14 BC), founder of the 18th dynasty, completed his brother Kamose's expulsion of the Hyksos (Asiatic rulers of Egypt), invaded Palestine, and re-exerted Egypt's hegemony over Nubia, to the south.
Who is Hiram Abiff – Part 3 ... 255#p53576

Manetho was a Graeco-Egyptian priest in the Temple of Heliopolis. He was born in Sebennytos (in the Delta) during the Third Centuary A.D. His "Egyptian History" divided the rulers into dynasties, or ruling houses and formed the basis of the modern system of dating Ancient Egypt.

The First historic event was that of the two brothers Kamose and Ahmose, the Theban princes and the struggle against the Hyksos with the final expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt.

The Second the Historic Episode was of king Akhenaten and His Time, which archaeological evidence proves an exodus from his city
Who is Hiram Abiff – Part 4 ... 255#p53577

Much that we know of the outer or profane history of Egypt came about through this compilation by Manetho. In fact, it is generally conceded that Plutarch acquired much of his information from this source. In a book of Manetho's, called Sothis, of which fragments only are to be found in the writings of others, appears the following letter to Philadelphus, from Manetho, telling of his efforts to compile the ancient wisdom.

Manetho's greatest work was his Egyptian history, which was done in three books, and in the Greek language. It is famous because it is the only work in Greek based upon a full knowledge of the Egyptian sources. Fragments of these works come to us today in the writings of Fiavius Josephus and Julius Africanus. In the History of Egypt by Manetho, there is an interesting reference to Moses, which shows him also to have been an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood of Egypt, and to have transmitted their knowledge in a veiled manner to his people. The excerpt reads:

"Moses, a son of the tribe of Levi, educated in Egypt and initiated at Heliopolis became a High Priest of the Brotherhood under the reign of the Pharaoh Amenhotep". This refers to Dr. Ross Kelly's 2nd Intermediate Period in which we see the succession of Egyptian Kings and the Hyksos pharaohs aligned together during the same time frame. These are completely "separate" rulerships, separate locations, and separate groups of people. The HYKSOS had their own dynasty that ran alongside the true Egyptian 12th - 17th dynasty. Abraham, Joseph and all the' Hibru' lived at Avaris/Memphis.

It is entirely possible for Moses to have been born in the period right before Ahmoses became King of Egypt. That would mean he grew up in the Seqenenre Tao household with a woman named "Thutmose" as his adoptive mother. The "mose" in her name and her other son's names was also given to him as was the custom.

The chronology of the "New Kingdom" shows Amenhotep I just after Ahmoses.

This article by Josephus in his "Antiquities of the Jews" confirms Moses led an army against Ethiopia. His stepmother’s name was Thermuthis, who we've been told is the same as 'Thutmose'. She also ruled along side her son as co-regent for several years as he was only 16 years old at the time. She later took the kingly name of 'Ahmoses' also.

Moses was elected by the Hebrews as their chief and he adapted to the ideas of his people the science and philosophy which he had obtained in the Egyptian mysteries; proofs of this are to be found in the symbols, in the initiations, and in his precepts and commandments. The wonders which Moses narrates as having taken place upon the Mountain of Sinai, are, in part, a veiled account of the Egyptian initiation which he transmitted to his people when he established a branch of the Egyptian Brotherhood in his country, from which descended the Essenes. The dogma of an 'only God' which he taught was the Egyptian Brotherhood interpretation and teaching of the Egyptian King who established the first monotheistic religion known to man. The traditions he established in this manner were known completely to only a few of them, and were preserved in the arcane of the secret societies, the Therapeutics of Egypt and the Essenians."
Hiram Abiff, the True King of Egypt, 1554BC
The Hebrew Torah supposedly written by Moses was also different than the original which was written sometime before 5000 B.C. "Original"? Yes - found in the Babylonian Epic of Creation, which is part of the Enuma Elish. The 10 Commandments are also found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead which is more than 5000 years old.

So, if our modern Christian Bible, first compiled around 426 AD, was taken from the Hebrew Torah, is it correct? The range of dates assigned to the Torah (Pentateuch) is rather broad. It is certain to predate the 2nd century BC, and estimates of its oldest elements range from the 10th to the 6th centuries BC. The bulk of the Tanakh was likely complete by the end of the Babylonian captivity (537 BC). This would mean the Torah was re-written between 1446 BC and 1406 BC.

The Enuma Elish which wasn't available until 1849 has the names of Cain and Seth's wives, plus other characters we see in the Genesis account. These have been dated to 7000 BC. Many of the texts deal with divination, but also with medicine, astronomy, and literature.

The Christian clergy, in selecting the texts for the New Testament 'cannon', deleted text from the gospel of Mark and they simply omitted the The Book of the Secrets of Enoch which should have been in the Old Testament. These books have become a treasure trove of information we are just beginning to understand. Masons are encouraged to read Enoch's books because they lend information not available anywhere else. Enoch was a righteous man and was favored by God. The bible says, "Enoch walked with God", but this has an allegorical meaning, something else not recognized by the bible readers or writers. The Bible was never meant to be understood in a literal sense.

The clergy omitted, mistranslated and deleted much more scriptural work than anyone ever imagined. Some clergy say the writings of Josephus are also forgeries, but we think not. This is just their way to discredit the writings and hope you will ignore them. They also claim heretical origin of the now famous Nag Hammidi and Dead Sea scrolls. Anyone interested in finding out what Jesus was really like should read these.

After 2,000 years of exclusions, re-writes, edits and mistranslations, what we are left with is a mis-mash of this and of that and very little evidence that any of it is true. For instance; the age old story of Cain and Abel was copied from the Epic of Summer and Winter. The brothers Emesh (Summer) and Enten (Winter) are created by the god.

We also recall the date of another 're-write' of the "Old Testament" 580BC by Ezekiel.

The history of the Hebrew and Christian religions then traces the people of Israel and the Northern kingdom when they were over-run and captured by the Assyrians in 721 BC.

Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar had over 43,000 people taken to Babylon, but he treated them decently. They were given food and allowed to live among the people of Babylon.

They found the religion to be similar to their own since it was originally brought from Babylon by the Sumerians. The gaps in the stories of the flood and creation seemed to come together as one with their own. Cuneiform tablets that recorded trade with King Jehoiachin and his five sons have been recovered from this area in Iraq.

During the formation of the early church, approximately 300 AD., four among ten of the early church fathers; Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch in Syria, Polycrap of Smyrna in Asia Minor, and Eusebius of Caesarea, figure prominently in the organization of the early church. They were viewed as Bishops and disciples of the original apostles of Jesus. In spite of this, the law at the time was that all subjects of the empire must worship the Roman gods.

Ignatius was thrown in a public arena to animals and killed when he fell foul of the dictate. Polycrap was stabbed by a Roman guard and burnt at the stake. Eusebius died (310) as a martyr in the Diocletian persecution.

What did they believe that got them killed?

More excommunicated priests and Catholic Church members from the 1st to 3rd century:

Valentinus, proponent of Gnosticism, Marcion of Sinope, originator of Marcionism, Montanus, originator of Montanism, Simon Magus, early proponent of Gnosticism, Hymenaeus and Alexander, excommunicated by Paul in the Acts of the Apostles, Arius, founder of Arianism. The Book Of Acts 7:54 has Paul killing Stephen, who is clearly a man of God's word! Eventually all the disciples were hunted down and killed because they were Gnostic.

Two priests from Egypt, Clement of Alexanderia, being one and Origen the other, taught a school at Alexandria. They both challenged the vote of the clergy. An excerpt from the Mar Saba letter, attributed to Clement of Alexandria, is the only evidence for the existence of a possible Secret Gospel of Mark. The paper attributed to Clement of Alexandria which Morton Smith claimed to have found was transcribed into the endpapers of a 17th century printed edition of the works of Ignatius of Antioch" These give a clearer version of the 'raising of Lazerus'. They are verses 34 and 35 of Mark 10. Clement wanted the verses "subdued".

Like Plotinus, Origen wrote that the soul or "the fabulous preexistence of souls,” passes through successive stages of incarnation before eventually reaching God. His views also consisted of a hierarchical structure in the Trinity. He is unique among Platonists of his era for introducing history into his cosmological and metaphysical speculations, and his insistence on the absolute freedom of each and every soul, thereby denying the fatalism that so often found its way into the more esoteric teachings of the various philosophical and mystery schools of his day. His Greek name means 'child of Horus'. Origen died in Caesarea Maritima after being tortured during a persecution, but his writings remain with us to this day.

Apart from the writings of these men, other texts of the era indicate how the liberal ministry of Jesus was already being reconstructed to become thoroughly dogmatic and separatist. From there Judaism was declared 'unholy' and circumcision was the 'work of the devil'. Most of us are aware of what happened next. People who lived under Roman rule were not allowed to have their own opinion about religious matters. Only the Pope had complete control over what anyone was allowed to believe. The Church went on to pronounce that only Catholic Bishops had the right to speak to God, forgive sins, etc.

What we present here is what the church deleted, forged, mistranslated and simply subdued: how they transformed Jesus to be just like the old Roman gods who rose from the dead. They also reconstructed his mother Mary to become the 'Mother of God'. This belief is actually thousands of years old and came straight out of Babylon from the now pronounced pagan evil mother Semiramis and her son.

The story about Hiram Abiff is separate from this, however, when we go back to what we think might be the beginning of the legend, in Egypt, we find startling connections and similarities between the old and the new versions of our biblical heroes.

They all had different names according to the country where they emerged, such as Abraham from UR and Noah also called Adrahasis, Hasisadra, and Xisithrus. In the ancient Akkadian language, Cain was spelled KA.IN. This is also how we get ABRAM. But the Egyptian names for Ham and his sons emerge to reveal the greatest secret ever discovered by mankind.

The clincher is a bible verse in Psalms that should have been brought forth in Genesis. This plus some information we found by the Egyptian Historian Manetho and some verses in the Jubilees text puts all the pieces together.

The Nag Hammidi Scrolls and The Dead Sea Scrolls are another example of a treasure trove of the writings of the disciples in the 1st century AD. Dismissed by the church as heresy, they reveal a great deal of the 'spiritual' insight of the early Christians.

We also have documentation of when rulers like Alexander changed history and tried to preserve everything he found in Egypt instead of trying to destroy it like the Romans did. He found what we now call the 'Emerald Tablets of Thoth'. These are a record of the words of the so-called mythical 'wisdom' God of Egypt recorded some time before 10,000 BC.

The Babylonian culture is where it all started...over 10,000 years ago.

The Turin Papyrus is another important record of the half-god, half-men who were kings before recorded history began. There are many more records on stone, scrolls, and papyrus’ and paper for us to research and read.

The writings of Josephus, Tacitus, Eusebius, or the contents of the Anglo Saxon Chronicle for that matter, will not go away just because they do not always suit the philosophies of present-day culture.

'In The Beginning', knowledge was not evil - it was necessary! Our research concludes that God gave it to Eve that she might teach Adam. Cain was taught Agriculture and Abel was taught Animal Husbandry.

Since the time of Adam and Eve, we have become disconnected with our spiritual insight or "gnosis" - knowledge.

In very ancient times all religions were once 'ONE' but as the people multiplied and spread throughout the world, they seemed to take their 'gods' with them as Abraham did when he traveled from UR. Everyone knows that UR was in Babylonia.

In one of the Babylonian creation stories, the original beings were Apsu, Mommu, and Tiamat. From them came the mythical demons and gods. The gods were Lakhmu, Lakhame, Ashar, Kishar, Anu, Ea, Enlil and others. Tiamat became a power of evil and Ea (Enki) and followers, a power of good. This is the version in Ashurbaipal's library's Creation Epic from about 650 B.C. There are other versions from Berosus (280 B.C.) and Damiscius (6th century A.D.)


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:09 pm

The history of the Rosicurcians - Part 1

The hidden Zionism of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons
The Rosicrucians say they promote ancient Egypt. But they support Akhnaten, against the traditional Egyptian religion. They identify Akhnaten with Solomon and his Temple.

Because Rosicrucian tradition traces the group's origin to the schools of philosophy begun by Pharaoh Thutmosis III in 1489 B.C., a natural connection to ancient Egypt was established.

It was Dr. Lewis' desire to share the experience of learning about ancient cultures that fueled the construction of the current museum building.

Rosicrucian Order is oriented to Akhnaton, and Solomon's Temple

Rosicrucian Questions and Answers With Complete History of the Rosicrucian Order -
By H. Spencer Lewis, Ph. D., F.R.C. First Imperator of The Rosicrucian Order For North And South America

The claim has been made that the AMORC is the oldest fraternal or secret order known to man. This claim makes the Order antedate Freemasonry and the latter has always claimed great antiquity.

On the point of its connection with the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry is more or less silent. It traces its antiquity to Solomon's Temple, and refers to characters whose history, if not actual existence, is cloaked with mystery.

So closely are the two Orders allied in some lands that many of the great exponents of the one are active workers in the other. Freemasonry has acknowledged its debt to the ancient White Brotherhood by adding a Rosicrucian Degree to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.

THE Rosicrucian Order had its traditional conception and birth in Egypt in the activities of the Great White Lodge.

The members of such assemblies became more and more select, the teachings more profound, and the discussions so dialectic that there arose a most autocratic and secret society of the truly great minds of the day. Thus was laid the foundation of the Great White Brotherhood.

The first Pharaoh who conducted the class in his private chambers was Ahmose I, who reigned from 1580 B.C. to 1557 B.C. Because he was capable of conducting the great school as well as ruling the people with more civilized and advanced principles (due to his training in the school, no doubt), he is referred to as the "deliverer of Egypt" by some historians.

He was succeeded as Pharaoh by Amenhotep I, who became a teacher in the secret school for three years.
On January 12 (approximately), 1538 B. C., Thutmose I was crowned succeeding Amenhotep I. He owed his position to his wife, Ahmose, who was the first woman to become a member of the class on equal terms with the men. The discussion regarding her admittance (preserved in the Rosicrucian Archives) forms an interesting story and reveals the origin of some of the doctrines of the equality of the sexes.

Thutmose I was succeeded by Hatshepsut, his daughter, who ruled as a "king" independently and as co-regent with her half-brother Thutmose II, a son of Thutmose I by his marriage to Isis.

It was Thutmose III who organized the present physical form followed by the present secret Brotherhood and outlined many of its rules and regulations. He ruled from approximately 1500 B. C. until 1447 B. C., and his reign is unimportant to us except for his establishment of the Brotherhood.

He appears to have been quite original in his application of the doctrines of mysticism, but held to the existing external form of religion, possibly because of political conditions. For this reason an immediate change in the fundamentals of their religion - such as was made by Thutmose's descendant, Amenhotep IV, in 1355 with such reactionary results - did not seem advisable or even necessary.

A gradual development in the existing mystical beliefs could be more easily and permanently accomplished by establishing a secret school of philosophy, the students of which would put into practice the high standards selected.

Many of these were students of the mystical doctrines as taught by Thutmose's predecessors, and they evidently had great faith in the final success of the principles; for when Thutmose proposed that the "class" which had been meeting in his chambers become a closed and secret order, "there was no dissenting voice, and articles of limitations were established ere the assembly dispersed in the early hours of dawn."

This grand "Council Meeting," for such it is considered in all official records of the Order, occurred during what would be the week of March 28th to April 4th of 1489 B. C., according to our present calendar.

Twelve known Fratres and Sorores were present at this first Supreme Council. The Sorores were the wife of Thutmose III, known in the Order as Mene; the wife of one of the Fratres; and another who was a descendant of one of the rulers of a preceding dynasty. Therefore, there were nine Fratres and three Sorores at this Council, a combination of numbers very significant.

No worldly name was decided upon for the Brotherhood, the records showing that the predominating thought was the maintenance of secrecy. The organization had no publicity; it required no propaganda other than personal advice to those whose presence was desired, and as the one word, translated into Brotherhood (a secret, fraternal body), was sufficient name for all purposes, we do not find any other term.

It must not be construed that the word Rosicrucian, or any variation of it, was used by, or applied to, this ancient brotherhood. This Egyptian Brotherhood was not Rosicrucian as we know the Order today, but rather the Order has its traditional roots in the ancient brotherhood. It derives its principles and objectives from it.

These words not only show that the twelfth or last degree has been the last circle within the Order, and known as the Illuminati, even to this day, but they also explain why some references are made to these documents as "Instructions of the Illuminati," which may easily be misinterpreted as "Instructions to the Illuminati" as one sees them referred to in works published abroad in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries A. D., where the Order Rosae Crucis is designated solely by the term Illuminati.

Though the Order had no definite name, Thutmose saw that it had very definite principles, rules, and modes of procedure, all of which have come down to us today without material change.

At the close of his reign in 1447 there were thirty-nine Fratres and Sorores in the Council, and the meetings, which had become regular and systematic, were held in a hall of the Temple at Karnak, outside of which Thutmose III erected two obelisks bearing a record of his achievements.

Thutmose signed most of the decrees of the Council with his own cartouche and it became the Seal of the Order "in testimony of the great work of our teacher (Master) to be forever a mark of honor and loyalty."

The Order here is to be congratulated on having in its possession one of the oldest, if not the most sacred, of all mystic jewels, one which has never been used by other than the Masters in Egypt. It means virtually the passing of the Master's Spirit from Egypt to America, as was planned by the founders centuries ago.

It is understood, therefore, that the present name of the Order was not used during the formative period of the Egyptian mystery schools.

Before his transition, Thutmose III made his son (by Hatshepsut) co-regent. Thus Amenhotep II took up his father's work in the Brotherhood about the end of September, 1448 B.C. In the month of March - the seventeenth to be exact - 1447 B.C., Thutmose passed to the Great Beyond, having been king (pharaoh) for nearly 54 years and being but one week less than 89 years of age.

Amenhotep II ruled from 1448 to 1420 B.C. and he in turn was succeeded by his son Thutmose IV, who ruled from 1420 to 1411 B.C. Amenhotep III, son of the preceding, occupied the throne from 1411 to 1375 B.C. and was the last of the truly powerful pharaohs or emperors.

Upon the transition of Amenhotep III the Empire fell to his son Amenhotep IV, with whose history all Rosicrucians are greatly concerned. He was the last Great Master in the family of the founders and the one to whom we owe the really wonderful philosophies and writings used so universally in all Lodge work throughout the world.

Amenhotep IV was born in the Royal Palace at Thebes, November 24th, 1378 B.C. His mother Tiy or Tia was of Aryan {Hittite} birth, but both he and his father paid the most sincere respects to her and were ever proud of designating her Queen Tia upon all monuments.

He was only eleven years old in 1367 B.C. when he was crowned and immediately began a career unequaled by any pharaoh of Egypt.

His father, having been the Master of the Order for a number of years, built the great Temple of Luxor and dedicated it to the Brotherhood. He also added to the Temple of Karnak and in many ways left "monuments of testimony and praise."

The Brotherhood numbered two hundred and eighty-three Fratres and sixty-two Sorores at this time, and at the time of the crowning of young Amenhotep IV, the Master, was one Thehopset who remained in the office until 1365 B.C. Amenhotep's installation as Master-by-Council-Decree occurred in the Temple of Luxor, April 9th, 1365, at sunset, in the presence of his bride and her parents.

Amenhotep IV being the only descendant, it was deemed advisable that he marry as early as the customs then permitted in order that an heir to the throne would be assured. But Amenhotep's children unfortunately were daughters, and this proved disastrous to the throne.

Since he was born in a country where people were given to idolatry, where the chief endeavors were those of building Temples to gods, it is easy to appreciate his attitude toward the existing religion (or religions) after he had been thoroughly instructed in the secret philosophy. So keen was his understanding that in his fifteenth year he composed many of the most beautiful prayers, psalms, and chants used in the organization today, as well as contributing to the philosophy and sciences.

To him came the inspiration of overthrowing the worship of idols and substituting the religion and worship of one God, a supreme deity, whose spirit was in Heaven and whose physical manifestation was the Sun -- the Symbol of life. This was in accordance with the secret doctrines, and it changed the worship of the Sun as a god to the worship of the God symbolized by the sun. This was the beginning of monotheism in Egypt and the origin of the worship of a spiritual deity which "existed everywhere, in everything, but was nothing of the earth" i.e., had no physical existence on earth in the form of inanimate or non-spiritual images.

Truly the religion of Amenhotep did not endure for long. Compared to the years of darkness, it was but a flash, for it ceased as a public and general religion when Amenhotep passed beyond the veil in 1350 B. C.

He, too, left many monuments to the glory of the Brotherhood. First, he removed as far as possible all "pillars to Ammon" and all references to Ammon as a god. So thorough was his work that he did not hesitate to mutilate the work done by his father, at Karnak and Luxor, by effacing all reference to the god Ammon - put there to appease the heathen priesthood - even to removing the name of his father and mother where they were connected with such idolatry.

In the fifth year of his reign - when he was only sixteen years of age - a sweeping reform was initiated throughout Egypt by his decree, which prohibited any other form of worship except that already mentioned.

He then changed his own name so that it would not be inconsistent with his reform. Amenhotep meant "Ammon is satisfied"; this he altered to Akhnaton or Ikhenaton meaning "pious to Aton" or "Glory to Aton."

He built a new capital at El Amarna (Akhetaton) in the plain of Hermopolis on a virgin site at the edge of the desert and abandoned Thebes because it was the magnificent city of Ammon. At El Amarna he also built a large Temple for the Brotherhood, in "the form of a cross," and a large number of houses for his Council. Here was the beginning of monastic life, for within the boundaries of El Amarna lived two hundred and ninety-six Fratres of the Order, each having taken an oath never to pass "beyond the shadow of the Temple."

These Fratres wore special costumes which included a "cord at the loins" and a covering for the head, while the priest in the Temple wore a surplice of linen and had his head shaved in a round spot on the top.

It is from this institution that all monastic orders, especially that of St. Francis, derive their methods, even their costumes.

During these years at El Amarna the Brotherhood was being made into a concrete organization, and the Fratres at this community outlined the initiations and forms of service as used today.

Akhnaton (Amenhotep TY) not only built his Temple in the form of a cross, but he added the cross and the rose as symbols and further adopted the Crux Ansata in a special coloring as the symbol to be worn by all teachers (Masters).

As a ruler, our Master failed to check the desire for war. He foresaw the result of the approaching crisis and, sad at his neglect of political matters in his enthusiasm for the spiritual, he weakened his health and was finally forced to take to his bed in the month of July, 1350 B.C.

Instead of using his mighty knowledge to regain his health it appears from his last dictated writings that his constant wish was to be spiritualized so that he might be raised up to that plane from which God's symbol shone down upon him. Then, on July 24, late in the afternoon, with his right hand upstretched to God pleading to be taken into the nous he was seen by his Fratres and Sorores of the Order watching there, to be actually raised for a moment and then to drop back in "sweet repose with a smile of illumination upon his countenance."
Thus, passed to the beyond our Great Master, who did so much and left so much for our organization.

He may have neglected Egypt politically, but she will always remember her young Pharaoh whose twenty-eight years left her art and architecture, her sciences and philosophies so greatly changed and improved. His reign was like unto the Renaissance of France, and even the hieroglyphics and arts show a vast improvement based upon the principles of Truth. At the time of his crowning he took the title of "Amenhotep, King, Living in Truth," which was the Rosicrucian phrase of fidelity as it is today, and he passed onward to the other life in truth.


One unbiased authority, William Singleton, in the History of Freemasonry (Volume V, page 1327) says: "During A.D. 1118, some writers say 1188, according to a Swedish legend, “the Rose Croix came from the East into Europe.”
"Many similar historical notations reveal the antiquity of the 'very secret and mystical Order of the Rose Croix (Rosy Cross).' Because it was not a sectarian religious order, its members and highest officers were permitted to embrace any religion. Its officers were often Priests or Masters in Oriental temples.

"That the Rosy Cross became the true esoteric symbol of not only the Rosicrucians, but of the inner circles of the Essenes, the Templars, and the Militia Crucifera Evangelica is due to the fact that all of these organizations were, and still are, channels for the work of the Great White Brotherhood. The secret ritual of the Templars contains many allusions to the significance of the Rosy Cross; likewise, the Militia contains definite explanations of its 'secret revelations."'

At the close of the first epoch of the Brotherhood's history, ending with the transition of Amenhotep IV (Akhnaton) in 1350 B.C., there was but one secret assembly, that which met in the Temple at El Amarna; and the Fratres and Sorores numbered four hundred and ten, including the Officers of the Lodge and the members of the Supreme High Council.

Plans had been made for years for the establishment of other assemblies or Lodges in various countries; but in those countries where a Lodge could have been established by one of the Egyptians who would have traveled there, war was raging and conditions were against any such institution.

Greeks were coming to Egypt to study its philosophies and become acquainted with its learning. Many of them sought entrance into the Order but it appears from various Council decisions that they were not admitted because of unpreparedness.

In 1203 several of the Fratres of the Order who were of the Illuminati were commissioned to go into other lands and spread the secret doctrines by the establishment of other Lodges. It was quite apparent that Egypt was to be subjected to a devastation and that its great learning might be lost.

As early as 3500 B. C., the word Maat appeared as the epitome of those values of the moral order which men conceived such as truth, justice, and righteousness.

About the year 1000 B.C. there came to Egypt a character whose name is recorded as Saloman but who was identified in later years with Solomon.

The records show that he had come from the West and had traveled over many lands and across waters. He was of a nation which was large and important, situated in some very distant land. All this is indicated from the report he made to the representatives of the fraternity whom he interviewed at Thebes "whither he had gone immediately upon his arrival in Egypt accompanied by his slaves and his najah (a word unknown to the translators)."

He desired instruction in the higher Egyptian sciences and philosophy, and was directed to El Amarna with a letter of introduction from the intendant at Thebes. He reached El Amarna on the 4th day of June, 999, under the name of Saloman, the youthful seeker.

Saloman did not complete his studies, for it is reported that he left El Amarna "before the fourth examination." He left with his Fratres and Sorores a definite feeling of love, wisdom, and virtue, and all were grieved at his sudden but announced departure.

The next word of him is as a resident at the royal home in Bubastis in the Delta where Shishak I (or Sheshonk) had established himself. This was in the year 952 B.C., and Saloman is referred to as an instructor to the Pharaoh's son. This is probably a mistake in translation, for in another place he is referred to as advisor in political matters, and this seems more probable in the light of future developments. Whether he had been at this residence all the intervening years from 999 to 952 B.C. is not definitely established, but there is a record of his presence at Thebes in the year 980 when he visited some games in company with the intendant of Thebes, and a group of scholars with whom he seemed on the most intimate terms.

Saloman seems to have been greatly influenced in Thebes and Bubastis by the religion of Ammon and conceived a form of philosophical religion which was a mixture of the Rosicrucian monotheism and the Egyptian idolatry. To him the sun became more than the mere symbol of a God; it was the living vital spirit of God, and while not God, it was God's ethereal body. This would indicate that Saloman conceived God as being (a) personal, rather than impersonal as the Rosicrucians taught, and (b) dual, body and spirit, Father and Holy Ghost.

When Shishak I secured Thebes he appointed his son priest in the religion of Ammon, and gave his daughter, Aye, to Saloman to wed. Then within a year or so Saloman departed for Palestine where he became a mighty power, and by a prearranged plan, permitted Shishak I to rule over his people. The history of Saloman or Solomon in Palestine is too well known to warrant any further comment except on one point.

Five years after Saloman began his rule in Palestine he completed a Temple there in which to house a "society" or brotherhood such as he had found at El Amarna. An examination of the plans and cross-section views of the so-called Saloman's Temple shows it to be not only typically Egyptian in architecture and decoration, but copied after the mystic Temple at El Amarna, even to the location of the Altar, with the exception that the side structures which made the original building a cross were eliminated in Saloman's plans.

Saloman had the assistance of two who had traveled in Egypt as architects and artists - Hu-ramabi of Tyre and one Hiram Abif.

The Saloman brotherhood was closely watched by the fraternity in Egypt, which had removed its headquarters to Thebes again because of political changes and the warring invasions in the territory of El Amarna, which eventually reduced the entire community to ruins.

It was found that Saloman restricted his order to males and adapted a great many of the details of the Rosicrucian initiations and services. At first it was believed that he would apply to the Grand Lodge in Thebes for a charter and make his work a branch of the R. C., but it became apparent before the first assembly was held that he was not adhering to the Rosicrucian philosophy, for he used the sun as the exclusive symbol of his order.

Of the growth of the Saloman brotherhood, as it was socially called in all ancient documents, one may read in all literature bearing upon Freemasonry. It has evolved into a semi-mystical, speculative, secret, fraternal order of power and great honor, gradually altering the principles laid down by Saloman but doing so for the greater benefit of man.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:20 pm

neilwilkes said: Sounds like something similar to what Christopher Dunn envisaged in the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid at Giza. He says it is a ruined machine with all the inner workings removed (so-called "sarcophagus" has been measured, by him with photographic backup, to be flat to within 0.00001 inch and yet archaeologists have us believe this was bashed out with copper chisels & Diorite balls?) ... c9e#p51753

Solitron Vortex Generators in Egypt

According to the authors of Pyramid Energy: The Philosophy of God, the Science of Man (Delta-K, 1987), the above pictured "Caduceus Coil" was used to levitate the stone blocks that were used to build the pyramids. Pathways were built, flanked by rows of sphinxes, along which a solitron field spiraled, powered by coil generators. Priests used tuned coils (misidentified by Egyptologists as djed pillars), one passive (on the left, above) and one active (on the right, above). The active coil was grounded to a "Sacred Spot" and tapped into the planetary energy grid. The reason present-day scientists cannot duplicate this simple feat is because "they have not studied the power source called the world grid." Hardy & Killick further explain:

The ancient people used the grid to achieve levitation and worldwide communication. This is why pyramids are found all over the world. The Cheops pyramid in Egypt is a coil generator and was built to tap into the grid. The main control panel for this grid was the Ark of the Covenant. [p. 169]

This theory may sound silly but an amazing number of people propose similar explanations. Andrew Collins, author of Gods of Eden: Egypt's lost legacy and the genesis of civilisation (Headline, 1998), cites a 10th-century Arab historian who recorded a folk tale about the origin of the Great Pyramid. According to the story, the builders struck the stone blocks with a special rod, causing them to levitate and float through the air for the distance of "one bowshot." Collins insists that "the ancient Egyptians were able to set up some kind of sustained sound vibration that enabled the building blocks to defy gravity." He adds, "Although simply a legend, there are traditions from all around the world that speak of the movement of stone blocks and the construction of walls and buildings by sonic levitation."


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:32 pm

The history of the Rosicurcians – Part 2

The hidden Zionism of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons
The Greeks were now coming to Thebes to study, and it was at this time that the world-wide spread of the organization began.

Pythagoras is very often mentioned as one of the earliest Messiahs of the order, but in truth there were many who preceded him. Among the first to become worldly famous in the order was Solon, who became the first chaplain who was not an Egyptian. He entered the order in 618 B.C., and remained a true Messiah until his transition in 550 B.C., leaving for our use some of the most beautiful and inspiring prayers ever spoken by a yearning soul. His sagacity is also seen in the counsel he gave those who sought his advice.

Contemporary with him was Anaximander, who came from Miletus to study at Thebes preceding the coming of Pythagoras.

Pythagoras was born in Samos on November 26th, 582 B.C. He entered the Order at Thebes on the second of April, 531, and having passed through all the initiations and examinations he entered the Illuminati, October 16, 529, and left at once for Crotona (Krotono), Italy, with jewels and documents to found a Grand Lodge there. There were a few so-called secret cults in existence at that time in Italy, and when Pythagoras began to promulgate his plans and admitted that women might not only become members, but could hold office, he attracted the attention of the most advanced thinkers of the day. Theano, the wife of Pythagoras, was one of the principal officers for three years. The Grand Lodge eventually had 300 brothers and sisters and issued many charters for local lodges of the order throughout Italy.

Outer activities of the Great White Brotherhood, during the pre-Christian Era, were centered in a number of branches controlled by one group of supreme officers who constituted the Rosicrucian Fraternity of Brethren of the Rosy Cross. The Supreme Masters of the Great White Brotherhood withdrew from public activity and with a council of eminent advisors constituted the esoteric body known thereafter as the Great White Lodge.

The first spread of Rosicrucianism to the Western world was from the great seats of learning of ancient Egypt, namely, Tell el-Amarna, Thebes, Heliopolis, and Alexandria. The great masters, sages, or Kheri Hebs (high priests), who presided over the instruction, were initiates of the Great White Brotherhood. They authorized eminent scholars as disciples to go forth and disseminate the light under various organization names.

Philadelpllus, the Ptolemy principally responsible for the establishment of the first great university at Alexandria, Egypt, about 305 B.C., sought in the beginning, it is believed, to create a center of eclectic philosophy. For this purpose, he had the Athenian orator and statesman and his personal friend, Demetrius, invite the great minds, the philosophers of Greece, to teach or impart their knowledge to Alexandrian students.

Philadelphus became aware of the vast knowledge of natural law and of a Cosmic philosophy had by those who were initiates of the mystery schools. Much of such knowledge seemed to parallel that which he was having introduced in Alexandria from the West Ñ from Athens. His consequent actions prove that he realized that much of the Western knowledge was syncretic, and had formerly come from Egypt.

In fact, Plato tells us that Solon got his information from the priests of Sais, who told him that all of the records were preserved in the Temple of Neith. A further tradition relates that Solon, Thales, and Plato all visited the great college at Heliopolis, and that the last mentioned studied there.

A contemporary of Philadelphus was Manetho, a High Priest at Heliopolis, and a learned man, also a prominent scribe of the Great White Brotherhood, who had access to the secret teachings of the Order. Manetho was also a master of the ancient Egyptian writing, or Hieroglyphics, which, in the Third Century B.C., was becoming archaic and could not be generally read. The Egyptians were at that time reading a modern version of the ancient writings, the Demotic, and Greek was becoming still more popular.

Philadelphus commissioned Manetho to compile a history of Egypt, and particularly a text of the mystic philosophy of the Secret Schools of the Great White Brotherhood and Rosicrucians. This knowledge, we are told, was mainly contained in the Hieroglyphic inscriptions in the library of the priesthood at Ra. It will be recalled that Amenhotep IV (Akhnaton) declared Ra, the sun, to be a physical manifestation or symbol of the great sole God. This library, therefore, must have contained the great truths of his monotheistic religion, and the truths which the thinkers with which he surrounded himself at Tell el-Amarna discovered.

Much that we know of the outer or profane history of Egypt came about through this compilation by Manetho. In fact, it is generally conceded that Plutarch acquired much of his information from this source.
Manetho's greatest work was his Egyptian history, which was done in three books, and in the Greek language. It is famous because it is the only work in Greek based upon a full knowledge of the Egyptian sources. Fragments of these works come to us today in the writings of Flavius Josephus and Julius Africanus. The former is a more reliable authority and refers to Manetho in his treatise, Against Apion.

In the History of Egypt by Manetho, there is an interesting reference to Moses, which shows him also to have been an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood of Egypt, and to have transmitted their knowledge in a veiled manner to his people. The excerpt reads:

"Moses, a son of the tribe of Levi, educated in Egypt and initiated at Heliopolis, became a High Priest of the Brotherhood under the reign of the Pharaoh Amenhotep. He was elected by the Hebrews as their chief and he adapted to the ideas of his people the science and philosophy which he had obtained in the Egyptian mysteries; proofs of this are to be found in the symbols, in the Initiations, and in his precepts and commandments. The wonders which Moses narrates as having taken place upon the Mountain of Sinai, are, in part, a veiled account of the Egyptian initiation which he transmitted to his people when he established a branch of the Egyptian Brotherhood in his country, from which descended the Essenes. The dogma of an 'only God' which he taught was the Egyptian Brotherhood interpretation and teaching of the Pharaoh who established the first monotheistic religion known to man. The traditions he established in this manner were known completely only to a few of them, and were preserved in the arcanae of the secret societies, the Therapeutics of Egypt and the Essenians."

Nearly five centuries later, during what might be said to be a period of decline of mysticism, or the mystic philosophy in the Western world, an emissary was sent from Egypt to Rome to capture the hearts and minds of the peoples, with a true mysticism free of the superstitions of the cults, and tempering the cold intellectualisms that were flourishing there. The world generally calls his great work Neo-Platonism, but it corresponds to the Rosicrucian doctrines of mysticism before as well as subsequent to his time.

This master teacher was Plotinus. He was born in Lycopolis, Egypt, in 205 (?) A.D. For eleven years he was the personal student of Ammonius Saccas, at the great school at Alexandria. Ammonius Saccas related to him the doctrines of Plato, and he was instrumental in having Plotinus initiated into the inner circles of the Great White Brotherhood. He was carefully trained and prepared to introduce an aspect of the Platonic philosophy, with which the world was generally familiar, combined with the true mysticism and occult philosophy of the Secret Schools. This combination was necessary, for if he had attempted to present the latter in its true form during his time, it would have been rejected.

Plotinus travelled extensively, as part of a military expedition in Persia, so that he could learn firsthand the Persian religion and philosophy {i.e. Zoroastrianism}. The influence of their beliefs is found in his dualism of good and evil as a single force, which is recognized in the mystical teachings of the Rosicrucians today. He entered Rome in 244 A.D., and founded his school as part of the great outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood. He was universally revered, not alone for his learning, but for his character. He was held in high respect by Emperor Gallienus and his consort Salonina.

Notable among the phases of the spread of the work of the Rosicrucians to other lands was the establishment of two branches known as the Essenes and the Therapeuti. The Essenes constituted that branch which went into Palestine and adopted a distinct name in order to veil its preliminary work while the Therapeuti was a similar branch established for the same purpose in Greece.

In Palestine the Essenes established a community of members and associate members at Galilee where they had many homes in this non-Jewish, Gentile part of the country, and built their principal monastery and temple on the top of Mount Carmel where Elijah, as one of the descendants of the Great White Brotherhood, had previously established a retreat and had taught many of the mysteries of the Brotherhood.

Just before the Christian period, the Great White Brotherhood had also established a new monastery and temple and other structures for a great central point of their activities at Heliopolis, and the temple here was known as the Temple of Helios, or sometimes called "the Temple of the Sun." The intercourse between the temple at Heliopolis and the one on top of Mount Carmel was intimate and frequent, and many of the philosophers who journeyed from European points to Egypt to study spent some of their time at Mount Carmel.

Just about the time of the birth of Jesus the great library and archivist records maintained at Heliopolis were transferred to Mount Carmel, and the Essene Brotherhood in Palestine together with other branches of the Great White Brotherhood were preparing for the coming of the great Avatar who was to be the reincarnation of Zoroaster, a famous Avatar of the Brotherhood in centuries past.

The birth of Jesus in a family of Gentiles living in the Essene community at Galilee fulfilled the expectations of the Brotherhood, and from this time on the outer and inner activities of the Brotherhood became centered around the ministry of the great Master Jesus. The details of the birth, preparation, ministry, and culminating events of the Master Jesus are all set forth in a separate volume entitled The Mystical Life of Jesus wherein are given details from the records of the Essenes and the Great White Brotherhood and which have never been published before.

At the close of the life of Jesus the Christ, the disciples of Jesus and the high officers of the Great White Brotherhood planned to carry on the new cycle of illumination and revelation of doctrines as presented by him, and an outer congregation or public movement was established known as the Christine Church. This movement gradually evolved into a more or less independent public organization. While it was sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood, and all of the principal workers like unto the original Apostles were men chosen from the Essene Gentile community at Galilee, the Great White Brotherhood did not establish the Christine Church as a part of its activities, because it was interested in the work of all religious movements in all lands, and did not become a part of any of them.

Several hundred years after the foundation of the Christine Church, and while it was being actively promulgated by the representatives of the Great White Brotherhood in those lands where the doctrines and teachings would do the utmost good, the Supreme Temple and monastery, as well as the library and archivist records, were transferred from Mount Carmel to new structures built in an isolated section of Tibet where the Headquarters of the Great Masters of the organization was maintained for some time.

During the time of the organization of the Christine movement, and throughout all the centuries thereafter, the inner circle of the Great White Brotherhood continued to function as a nonsectarian, nonreligious school of mystical, occult, and scientific teachings. All of the outer activities such as the Essene movement, the Christine movement, and similar bodies in various lands, represented the outer congregation of the Great White Brotherhood while the secret schools and temples with their high priests and instructors and large membership of students represented the inner congregation.

All through the ages up to the present time the Great White Brotherhood has continued to function in this dual manner. It was during the period of contentions and strife which the Christine movement faced, that the Great White Brotherhood found it advisable to establish another organization composed almost exclusively of men, and called the Militia Crucifera Evangelica.

Its purpose was to protect the cross as a mystical symbol, against its misuse by those who attempted to carry on crusades of persecution against others who would not accept a sectarian interpretation of the symbolism of the ancient emblem. It was in the foundation of this Militia that we find the origin of all the militant organizations which became defenders of the faith in later years.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:20 am

It is interesting that both the Knights Templar and the Mandaeans were followers of John the Baptist (the Johannite tradition). They believed that Jesus was a rebel and a heretic and a “betrayer of the secrets.” John the Baptist, of course, was beheaded. The Templars possessed a magical object, a Head (Baphomet), that they revered and consulted. Did they receive their occult powers from this “Oracular Head”? If so, I wonder if it is the head of John the Baptist and if that was one of the “sacred relics” they found in the vaults underneath Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem. ... 510#p55022

In southern Iraq, an orthodox purity cult sect called the Mandaeans live much as they have for the last 2,000 years. They are apparently an offshoot of a group that followed an earlier Christian teaching in the tradition of John the Baptist, or possibly the Essenes - one of many groups of the era that broke away from mainstream religion for various reasons, usually because of a belief that the mainstream religious establishment had 'sold out,' or became too worldly or preoccupied with wealth and power.

It has been determined by researchers that the Mandaeans of southern Iraq are in fact the Nasoreans, who were driven from Judah circa 37AD. Along with many other fugitive 'churches,' they fled groups of hired mercenaries intent on suppressing the growing Christianity movement. In THE HIRAM KEY, authors Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas speculate that the Mandaeans may have even fled Saul (Paul) of biblical New Testament fame.

Strangely enough, the Mandaeans view Christ as a rebel heretic who betrayed secret Nasorian traditions, but accept John the Baptist as a holy man - they practice washing and bathing rituals similar to modern Christian baptism ceremonies.
The Secrets of the Knights Templar ... emplar.php
Humankind lives at the dawn of the manifestation of the Kingdom or mankind’s anchorage in a new dimension. Consequently, information about the Royal Lineage and the Grail is now available to the public. The Templars, being associated with the royal lineages, are coming back strongly as they try to recover a strategic position in the occult wheels of the planet.

Why the Templars? Because all the major modern occult groups who have secretly influenced politics and, therefore, history have issued from the Templar Order. But mostly, in their time, the Templars were the guardians of the Tradition and of the Bloodline.

During the Middle Ages, the handling of occult forces as well as the practice of magic and ritual were a part of daily life. Although of a Christian origin, the Knights Templar lived next to the Jewish and Islamic Initiates. They traveled and established commanderies in countries in which operative magic, Kabbalah and astrology, were taught. They collaborated with the Muslim Assassins from whom they learned alchemy and the occult arts.

During the Crusades, tens of thousands of Europeans in the Holy Land became steeped in the very creeds they had marched to extirpate. The Sicilian court of the Hohen-stauffen Emperor Friedrich II became a veritable clearing house for Judaic and Islamic currents of thoughts. The Templars were another major conduit for such currents.

In all occult organizations, magic and the sacred were the basis of power and of the cult. In order to establish their power all people have tried to appropriate for themselves the forces and prerogatives of nature, of Heaven and of Hell. The greed of princes and priests for the esoteric knowledge was and still is based on the search for universal power. They have avidly searched for communication with the invisible world that was supposed to bestow onto them the wisdom, the vision of the future, as well as the support of Heaven.

Moses himself utilized magical practices to confront the Pharaoh and to drive his people out of Egypt. The only change brought by Christendom has been the consolidation of hypocrisy and dissimulation. In the twenty-first century, the high executives of the initiatic and secret societies, as well as those in politics and business, frequently use magic. When the members of a secret order do not feel powerful enough to perform their magical rituals and get the desired results, specialists are recruited and paid.

The kings of antiquity and, more specifically, the kings that are a part of the Divine Bloodline, held the double function of priest and king. As such, they were the intermediaries between the Divine and the human realms.

For a long period of time, the sovereign, because of his blood and DNA, innately had the capacity to communicate with the inner planes. His main function was to anchor and to embody the Divine Plan. He was guiding and protecting his people with the wisdom illustrated by Solomon, whether he was a real or a symbolic figure.

At the start of human history, the first kings were the direct descendants of the Creators. Their filiation, as well as their proximity in time to their divine parents, allowed them to keep themselves naturally linked with Heaven. But with time and with the progressive fall into matter, the Priest-Kings, the Children of the Dragon and of the Archangels, have slowly fallen into a state of spiritual amnesia and degradation.

They first had recourse to subterfuges, to magical practices, in order to reconnect with the Divine. Little by little, they have completely sunk into darkness and have become unable to connect themselves with the High Planes. Their level of consciousness (the capacity to remember their Divinity and their capacity to live it in matter), their rituals and their incantations no longer allowed them to rejoin the superior spiritual planes.

They could only reach the astral plane inhabited with powerful entities, yet far from the refined vibrations of the divine planes. The Priest-Kings sank into an obscene mating with demonic entities. Their actions, their religious practices, were a reflection of their level of consciousness as well as of the invisible planes and the entities with whom the Kings were communicating. This is the reason why the Priest-Kings, while sensing the divine call as shown by many refined aspects of their cultures, have still practiced the barbarian law of the blood, coupled with human sacrifices, and a lack of respect for the innocence of the children.

Magic is an intervention in the order of the world. We all do it as soon as we consciously use our volitive faculty to intervene in another’s life or to change the nature of things. It is enough, if one is capable, to just emit a Thought. Fortunately, very few individuals have the capacity to manifest at will; our world would only be a little more chaotic than it is already!

There are three relational levels with the universe - three levels of the Sacred:

The level of primary magic: The being has noticed the existence of material, animistic forces and constrains them in order to fulfill a desire or a physical or emotional need

The level of pure thought: I do not rely on anything or anyone but on my capacity to broadcast the right thoughtform; I do it in such a way that I do manifest the object of my covetousness.

I have understood that I am a part of the Whole, about which I know and respect the Sovereign Will: I know that I am loved by the Universal Soul. Consequently, I live in trust and innocence and receive the gifts and blessings of the universe at each instant and in all aspects of my life.

The rituals of the Catholic Mass and the transubstantiation are magical acts.

The Judaic law prohibits occult practices. However, the families and clans owned figures, called Teraphims, which were consulted as oracles. The exact nature of the Thummin is not known, but it is said that these objects were interrogated by the Chief Priest so as to make decisions under divine guidance. Later in history, the kabbalists write the names of or invoke spiritual and demonic powers; they manipulate the divine names, the sephirots of the Tree of Life and the Hebrew language, in order to fabricate talismans and to anchor their will.

The Crusades lasted two centuries and have definitely changed the course of European history. The role and visible power of the Roman Catholic popes was reinforced while the population was submitted to an intense intellectual and religious manipulation. In secret deep modifications of the creed and of the faith of the Christians were initiated. The contacts and exchanges that occurred with the mystics from the Islamic and Judaic faiths nourished a need to a return to the esoterical Tradition, and reintroduced the occult sciences in the European culture.

Sylvester II accessed the papacy in 999, at the dawn of the millennium. He made contact with the Caliph and organized in 1001 an expedition of Chronicler-monks in Syria and Palestine:

"Al-Hakim greeted the pope’s entourage with honor. The caliph was so impressed by their sincerity that he gave them, in September 1002, the use of the Byzantine Greek church on the outskirts of Jerusalem for their chapter house and library. By the time of the First Crusade, they were established in a Greek Basilica on Mount Zion, with the name of the Order of Our Lady of Mount Zion"

Between 970 and 1020 C.E., a series of masterpieces was produced by one of the most influential schools of painting in Europe. The artist workshop was housed in the Benedictine Abbey of Reichenau and located on an island at the center of Lake Constance.

One of the most important pieces of this series is the Bamberg Apocalypse, which is said to have been ordered by the Emperor Otto III. It reproduces the text of the Apocalypse. The Emperor died before the completion of the codex and his successor, Henri II, donated it in 1020 to the Collegiate Abbey of Saint Stephan at Bamberg.

The text of the Apocalypse announces the emergence of a monarch who represents the Christ on earth. The monarch participates in the establishment of the New Jerusalem which, according to Saint John, will be built after the Last Judgment:

The adviser to the German imperial family, Sylvester, probably dreamt of installing such a monarch in Jerusalem as an answer to the prophecies of the Apocalypse. Sylvester had most likely compiled a genealogy allowing him to consider Otto III as the divine heir to the Throne of the Christ.

Sylvester II did not see the completion of his projects. The pious and idealistic emperor died at the age of 21 in 1002, while his genius adviser expired on May 12, 1003. It is whispered that both fatalities were suspicious.

A series of popes succeeded Sylvester II. Once more, Jerusalem falls to the hands of the Turkish infidels in 1071. In 1088 Urbain II takes on the papacy. Supported by the majority of European kings, he focuses on the reunification of the Eastern and Western churches, divided since the Great Schism of 1054.

In 1095 Pope Urbain II, after convincing the kings in power, harangued the people and the knights, asking them to conquer Palestine so as to free it, as well as the Holy Sepulchre and the Christians, from the Muslim yoke. This call triggered the First Crusade that started in 1096.

The fist wave, lead by Peter the Hermit, gathered an anarchic crowd of 20,000 volunteers without any military education or leadership. After having sacked the Jewish communities on their way, they succumbed to the hands of the Turks.

Then an army followed, organized in sections, commanded by:

- Godfrey de Bouillon, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and his brother Baldwin
- Bohemond, Norman Prince of Taranto, Italy, and his nephew Tancred
- Raymond, Count de Toulouse and Saint Gilles
- Duke Robert of Normandie, son of William the Conqueror, plus Robert of Flanders and Stephen of Blois, William’s son-in-law
- Hugh, Count of Vermandois

The sudden death of several characters who contributed to the setting into action of the Crusades, the recurring presence of specific monastic orders concomitantly with the intervention of particular royal lineages, are enough clues pointing at the existence of a global plan, secretly conceived and imposed. This plan would include the access and control of the Holy City, and the initiation of a millennium of peace under the ruling of a specific bloodline.

It is true that some of the Crusaders were moved deeply by religious motivations but, as time went by, the Crusades became the weapon of the ruling powers, whether political or religious.

But, beyond all plans for territorial conquests or political plot, the deepest and most powerful motivation, the one that uplifts or corrodes the human soul, is the feeling of divine power and the desire to align oneself with the sacred.

Enthused by their thirst for power and their erroneous interpretation of the spiritual message, the Templars or/and those who supported them - kings, nobles, and popes - assaulted the Middle East. In their minds, it was necessary to conquer and rule in and from the physical city of Jerusalem. The First Crusade ended with the conquest of the Holy City in July 1099.

Godfrey of Bouillon, one of the leaders, refused the crown but was elected Advocate of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Less than one year later, his brother was crowned under the title of Baldwin I of Jerusalem.
"The most important of these events was the political conjunction between East and West begun by Pope Sylvester II, the new Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, and the mad Caliph Al Hakim one hundreds years before the first crusade was announced.

It is said that the Crusaders took hold of the Spear of Destiny but the Templars’ treasure was another kind. One of the accusations against the Templars had to do with the possession of a magical object, the Baphomet that they revered and consulted.

Initiates of all nations were an elite group compared to the general population.

Nevertheless, for thousands of years a few individuals could directly communicate with Spirit or manifest it. Communication through oracles and magic was then an integral part of religion and power.

The Cranium represents the celestial vault. It is also the Cavern in which the brain, the tool of consciousness, lies. At the base of the cranium/skull is located the Alta Major Center, intermediary between the body and the head. It is the center that permits the human to synthesize the chakra system and to start multi-dimensional consciousness. In the right side of the brain is situated the sacred inter-dimensional door that gives access to universality of egoic consciousness and to immortality. On the Cranium sits the King’s Crown. Above it is located the Coronal chakra, bridge between heaven and earth.

Sylvester II studied mathematics and sciences at the Santa Maria of Ripoll Monastery in Andalousia. There, he perfected his occult knowledge with the kabbalists as well as with the Jewish and Islamic magicians. Except for the desire to place on the throne in Jerusalem a king who would be part of the Sacred Bloodline, it is easy to imagine that His Holiness was also looking for relics, for corpses, with which he would be able to exert his talents to satisfy his obscene desires as a magician, and to connect himself with the vibrations of the Bloodline.

The information found by the Chronicler-monks allowed the Pope to follow the path of the Royal Bloodline. In search of relics, of memories, Sylvester II and the Templars consciously and magically connected themselves with the Sacred Royal Bloodline.

When the Templars claimed the right to dig under the Temple of Jerusalem, they found sepulchers. In these tombs, the bodies of Initiates had been resting for centuries. At least one of them, known to be a Wise Prophet, gained their attention.

In Jerusalem the Knights removed from the earth one of the bodies, which had been anchoring the memories of the Lineage and the DNA of the Dragon. By listening to their instincts as magicians, the Templars desecrated the sepulchers and the embalmed bodies of these Initiates, whose heads they severed. By this act, the Templars had recognized their inability to connect themselves to the memory fields of our planetary system and to God. Through their misdeed, they have subsequently confessed their failure to manifest their personal power.

During their scabrous ceremonies, the knights were used to kneeling in front of these macabre relics, from which an astral part would give them information and temporary power. This head allowed them to connect vibratorily with the Divine Royal Bloodline that they knew, and to use its phenomenal power. In return, Spirit, the Consciousness, asked them to temporarily protect the bloodline.

This Head with Divine Power is the centerpiece of the Templars’ treasure. The main function of the Head was to anchor the power of the Lodge that possessed it.

This treasure has been hidden in a secret location until the present time while the attention of the gullible public is purposely directed toward Scotland. The famous Rosslyn Chapel is proficiently decorated with mystical symbols in order to attract attention. The public’s interest is steered toward the Templar groups and their descendants.

In order to utilize this head and his memories, the Knights and their descending branches have attached entities to it and have fed it throughout the centuries with magical and obscene bacchanalias. While sustaining this body, they have partially constrained its soul. These heads have been honored by the Knights but did not belong to them. Through those relics, the Templars have captured the soul’s power, some of them being among the most powerful in human history. In addition to one of those bodies, the Templars had also seized a treasure that was later exploited to strengthen their organization.

The heads utilized by the Templars belonged to different times/epochs and allowed them to establish contacts or vibratory bridges with other space-times. This has facilitated the Knights’ research and exploits in regard to riding multi-dimensions.

When the Templars lost their position, the Head was secretly passed from one order to the other, insuring the chain of world power. The Head has followed the travels organized by the Secret Orders. The Templars migrated all over the globe and in particular to Scotland, Portugal and America. In Portugal, they re-emerged under the name of Knights of Christ. Two famous members of this order are Vasco de Gama and Prince Henry the Navigator. Christopher Columbus was married to a Knight of Christ’s family member who provided him with maps and information.

After the official “disappearance” of the Templars, the Order of Malta secretly inherited the Templar initiation. The chief of the Order of Malta had ambassadors and he was dealing as an equal with the pope. In Portugal, the Order was not forbidden but was simply renamed the Order of the Christ.

These occult groups are, in fact, secretly controlled by the same characters. The most renown are the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem or Knights of Rhodes/Malta, the Teutonic Order, the Order of the Garret, the Order of the Star, the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Orders of Saint Michael and the Order of Santiago.

Who usurped the position of the Bloodline at the time of the Merovingians? Who detained the reins of world power at this time?

"The first permanent English settlement in what became the United States was at Jamestown, Virginia, in the early 17th century. The financial and land ownership of America was assured from the start with the formation of the Virginia Company set up by King James I in 1606. James knighted Francis Bacon. Under James’s patronage, the Templars, Rosicrucians and other secret societies joined forces under one name, Freemasonry.

Who owns the assets apparently owned by the Virginia Company? Answer: The Vatican. On October 3, 1213, King John as “King of England Corporation Sole” (controlled by the Templars) claimed autonomy over the sovereign rights of England and assigned them to the Pope, who as Vicar of Christ, claimed dominion over the whole world. In return, the Pope granted executiveship to the English Crown over all these dominions. In other words, the Crown is the Chief executive and the Vatican is the owner.

The Dragons were the Creators and the initiators of human history. The Royal Blood is the Blood of the Dragon and of his Descendants. The Dragon’s Lineage, from which the Merovingians are only a link, did not need to be consecrated by any authority. They were Kings and Priests by divine right and represented the Universal Order.
The sovereigns of the Divine Lineage, the illustrious characters of the religious and occult history, and belonging to the Bloodline, are the points of anchorage of the Divine Plan on the Earth. Through their presence, whether physical or magical/occult, they are the foundation of the nations’ power, of Secret Societies, and of the Templars and their descendants.

The head, in which the brain and the main glands are located, is the seat of the Father’s Energy and Presence. It is in the head, linked to the crown chakra or vortex that is situated in the Origin, the emitter and receptor of the Divine of the absolute and total power. The Head stolen by the Templars belonged to a very specific soul of the Royal Blood and was overshadowed by Spirit, the Engine of the Divine Plan. Consequently, this misdeed was the easiest and most secure manner for the Templars to insert themselves in the steps of history and to exert power.

In the process of manifestation of the idea or Divine Plan, the energy or signature of the Creators spread into three vases. These recipients and conduits are:

The Dragon; the Mother-Goddess; and the King, anointed by Spirit

These three energies pervade through three vortices or, more exactly, three systems of vortices, on the planet. To simplify, we will speak about three vortices or chakras:

The earth base chakra is linked to the Eternal Dragon; the second or sexual chakra, is connected to the Mother; the crown chakra, tied with the pineal gland and located above the head is therefore out of matter and duality. This center is connected to the extra-temporal power of the Father, incarnated by the King.

The first center contains the Vital Fire, the life potential. It is the depository of the DNA. This fire is held by the Dragon. The Dragon is the force that exteriorizes itself into the magma, in the volcanoes, the fault lines and the earth meridians. It is also a Consciousness, an Intelligence, who experiences a life-cycle. The Dragon Energy is masculine in polarity.

The second center, female in polarity, carries the feminine manifestation of the Dragon. It is the feminine Archetype or Mother Goddess. The Dragon’s and the Mother’s Consciousnesses are One. The Dragon brings the semen, the DNA, while the Mother, after receiving it, makes it blossom.

The Crown center is the point from which the Origin, the Plan and the Creative Consciousness, expresses Itself. Occultists and magicians know the importance of the Head as well as its symbolism and have then naturally utilized this part of the body in order to steal and use each other’s power.

During human history, God or the Divine Consciousness has temporarily abandoned Its power to the Dragon and its descendants, the human beings. For millions of years, the Father has voluntarily abdicated in favor of terrestrial and human experiences.

The supreme sacrifice was the death of the Sovereign, of the Head of the Royal Bloodline.

When a magician appropriates an individual’s head, he takes, at least symbolically, the will, the original power of manifestation, and the political and spiritual authority.

The Dragon Pharaonic Dynasties have left tangible traces of their passage and of their knowledge of architecture. But the account of the building of the Temple of Solomon, as reported in the Bible, leaves archeologists perplexed. Also, according to archeological searches, at the time when Kings David and Solomon were supposed to live, the city of Jerusalem was only a small, insignificant village. Solomon did not even have a palace in which he could shelter his fabulous harem.

Nevertheless, Solomon was an important link in the Bloodline. Also, according to the Masonic legend the building of this jewel would have been entrusted to the foreign King, Hiram; yet Hiram of Tyre in the Bible only provided the cedar trees.

The famous legend of the death of Hiram Abif, at the core of the Masonic rituals, also speaks about the destiny of the Lineage, of the King and of this latter’s association with the Building of the Temple. Hiram Abif is a composite character whose exact origin is still unknown. He is certainly not the King of Tyre.

What is certain is that this character abruptly appears in the Masonic documents of the early eighteenth century, in 1723. It emerges from nowhere at the same time as a new grade in the young Great Lodge of London, based on the legend of Hiram Abif. It is also the time when the Scottish and London Lodges were fighting for power.

The sovereign is the one who builds the temple. His role, contrary to that of his subjects, is not limited to the building of the personal temple. The King erects the divine temple or New Jerusalem, the spiritual and lasting temple that opens the path to the manifestation of the Divine Plan.

The Kings who have consecutively represented the Bloodline were only intermediaries, points of anchor. Not only were the sovereigns also humans and subject to bodily death, the time of the advent of the King and of the manifestation of the New Jerusalem had not arrived yet. This is why the King dies and resuscitates.

In Egypt, the funerary rite of the deceased pharaoh is concomitant to the crowning of the new King. At his death, the old pharaoh becomes Osiris and retires to Orion, while the new pharaoh endorses the identity of Horus, the son. The two travel together to Orion where they sojourn with the gods. The young pharaoh, probably assisted by a narcotic, lies inert in a sarcophagus for several days. He magically comes back to life at sunrise as the morning star rises above the horizon.

Hiram Abif symbolized all those from a Royal Blood who have participated in the building of the temporary temple. They are meant to fail because the time is not propitious.

Jesus or Joshua means "Son of Nun," son of the Fish. In the first century, Jesus introduced a new doctrine that dominated the Pisces Era. But, at the time of the first century and compared to the divine calendar, it was still too early to establish the Kingdom.

The Christic-Body (Christ-body) is composed of twelve Masters or twelve extensions. Each is to complete its task in a different space-time. It is only when the Christic-Body and the Earth are simultaneously ready that the Divine Purpose can be manifested and that the Royal Bloodline can bear fruit.

At the end of a creation cycle, the Father or Spirit fully takes back his power. That means that all parts of creation return to the Father and vanish in Unity and then into Nothingness. But before this reconciliation or dissolution, the Father closes the loop of evolution, brings back his idea/thought to Himself, and completes the Plan. This is called the Kingdom, the manifestation of the Father’s will, through the Son who is His Ambassador on the planet. This is the role of the Messiah or the King.

For the purpose of taking back his power, the King, at the head of the Royal Bloodline, successively takes a position in the energy mechanisms and then in the material ruling of the planet. The King represents the Creator who divided Itself in the terrestrial mitosis. His Energy, as mentioned earlier, spread through the Dragon’s Consciousness, itself invested in the Great Mother’s Consciousness.

The King takes back his power successively from the Dragon, from the Mother, and then from the manifested Father or Head. Logically, the King comes back or resuscitates, as in the eternal myth of all earthly religions:
The one who has already incarnated under multiple faces as the Father’s Royal Ambassador has accepted bestowing his power for centuries to the humans. He has permitted the utilization of his Essence, of his memories, of his power, through his Blood, the Dragon’s Blood, but also through his Heads.

When time is right, at the time of the Resurrection, according to the astral and solar cycles, the King returns and takes back his power. When the King takes back his head, he wakes up within him the Father’s memories and commands. Nothing can stop him or slow down the establishment of his Kingdom, because his Kingdom is the manifestation of his Father’s Will.

The True Head, object of veneration and object of use in the occult societies, was retrieved and its power taken back by its owner. In virtue of this act of will, imprinted by a sacred rite that occurred inter-dimensionally at the time of the Spring Equinox, the power was officially removed from the occult orders and handed down to the shoulders of the successor to the Throne.

By virtue of this decision, all those individuals and groups who have assumed throughout the centuries the titles of Father by Divine Right or heir are condemned to bend to the natural order or to move aside. Their occult, religious, or political organizations shall accept the transmutation or disappear.

Today, there is still a belief that skulls can be used to capture and contain the flesh and blood of a demon.
According to Nicholas de Vere, in Dragon Legacy, "the cult of the severed head, as part of Celtic religious practice, originated with the Druids, and therefore the Scythians.

In the Rennes le Chateau Church, Mary Magdalena is represented sitting, apparently pregnant, with a skull ostensibly lying next to her. Is this the skull of her Famous Lover or of Saint John the Baptist? It is said that during the first century the healers and preachers organized miracle contests. For instance, Jesus would have been in competition with Simon the Magus. The magicians of the first century used the technique consisting of constraining the soul and power of a deceased who had exceptional capacities.

The study of ancient magic led some researchers to presume that "the powers which had worked in John had gone over to Jesus. Jesus was called “John” because it was believed that he had, that is, he possessed and was possessed by, the spirit of the Baptist. If a magician could call up and get control of or identify himself with such a spirit, he could then control inferior spirits or powers.

Did Jesus inherit, whatever motivations could be invoked, the Baptist head, which would have increased his personal power? This would explain the relentless desire of some groups to point at the Baptist as the true owner of the occult power. But, one detail: according to the Gospels, Jesus started his miracles BEFORE the death of John the Baptist.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:31 am

The Templar Spell
Ceremonial magic is the ancient art of invoking and controlling spirits by a scientific application of certain formulae. A magician enveloped in sanctified vestments and carrying a want inscribed with hieroglyphic figures could by the power vested in certain words and symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements and of the astral world.

While elaborate ceremonial magic of antiquity was not necessarily evil, there arose from its perversions several false schools of sorcery or black magic.

In Egypt the black magicians of Atlantis continued to exercise their superhuman powers until they had completely undermined and corrupted the morals of the primitive mysteries. Thus black magic dictated the state religion and paralyzed the intellectual and spiritual activities of individual by demanding his complete and unhesitating acquiescence in the dogma formulated by the priestcraft.
Chris Everard -- Esoteric Technology of the Illuminati

Ritual Magic, Mind Control and the UFO Phenomenon ... _Magic.htm
It was not long after my own encounter with strange aerial phenomenon that I began to see a link between UFOs to such seemingly disparate topics as psychedelics, psychotronics, and ritual magick. As the years pass, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) makes far less sense to the observer than other theories ranging from mind control conspiracies or — on the other hand — fissures in the space-time continuum which provide a portal of entry for ghostly apparitions.

UFOs are also — in my estimation — a product of altered consciousness, which is not to suggest that all sightings are in part, or in whole, complete hallucinations. What I'm suggesting is that in order to observe UFOs, one must often enter into a more receptive state, much like a psychic or channeler tunning into voices or subtle energies.

A corollary to the above statement is the famed Amalantrah Working of legendary occultist Aleister Crowley, which consisted of a series of visions he received from January through March of 1918 via his then "Scarlet Women," one Roddie Minor. Throughout his life, Crowley had a number of Scarlet Women, who acted as "Channels" for otherworldly transmissions of angelic and/or demonic origin.

“Crowley was aware of the possibility of opening the spatial gateways and of admitting an extraterrestrial current in the human life-wave... It is an occult tradition — and Lovecraft gave it persistent utterance in his writings — that some transfinite and superhuman power is marshaling its forces with intent to invade and take possession of this planet. This is reminiscent of Charles Fort's dark hints about a secret society on earth already in contact with cosmic beings and, perhaps, preparing the way for their advent.

It was through the Amalantrah Working-- which included the ingestion of hashish and mescaline in its rituals -- that Crowley came into contact with an interdimensional entity named Lam, who by the way just happens to be a dead ringer for the popular conception of the "Grey" alien. Crowley called them "Enochian entities" because he purportedly contacted them by using "Enochian call", a Cabalistic system/language devised by 17th century Elizabethan magician, Dr. John Dee.

What Grant is speaking of is a form of ritual magic(k) practiced by such groups as the Golden Dawn, and the Ordo Templi Orientis(O.T.O.). "Sigils" are line drawings and diagrams that serve as signatures of entities accessible to a trained magician familiar with "Enochian calls" and other methods of summoning "spirits". A grimoire is a directory of such sigils, and a manual for their use.

A noted disciple of Crowley's, Jack Parsons -- one time head of the California branch of the O.T.O., and renowned rocket scientist -- carried on this tradition of interdimensional contact when, in he made contact with some sort of entities not at all unlike Crowley's "Lam". What makes this story all the more bizarre is that Parson's accomplice in this endeavor -- Frater H. -- became more commonly known afterwards as the charismatic cult leader L.Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.

Apparently, Hubbard played a role similar to that of Edward Kelly, "scryer" for the aforementioned Dr. John Dee, of whom Crowley was an ardent admirer. A scryer works as a receptor of otherworldly communications, often using a crystal ball or similar device in conjunction with the magician's rituals and ceremonies to summon beings from other dimensions. Together magician and scryer work hand-in-hand in summoning these otherworldly beings: be they angels, demons or spirits of the dead.

Furthermore, the portal of entry for the extraterrestrial beings that Crowley theoretically opened may have been further enlarged by Parsons and Hubbard with the commencement of the Babalon Working, thus facilitating a monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness.

Such researchers as John Carter suggest that the detonation of atomic bombs over Japan during the latter part of World War II may have also played a part in opening this door between dimensions or, at least, attracted the curiosity of our intergalactic neighbors.

George Hunt Williamson went on to author several UFO books, such as Other Tongues -- Other Flesh, and promulgated the idea of a cosmic good-versus-evil battle taking place between the "good guys" from the dog star, Sirius, versus the evil entities from Orion. Strangely enough, the planet Sirius is a recurring theme found throughout Occult and UFO lore.

Of note in this regard is Robert Temple's The Sirius Mystery, published in 1977, which documents the history of the Dogon tribe in Africa, and their fabled meetings with the Nommo, a race of three-eyed, crab-clawed beings from Sirius. It was these intergalactic emissaries that passed onto the tribe as far back as 3200 B.C. various astronomical data, among which that Sirius has a companion star invisible to the naked eye. This "companion" star -- Sirius B -- wasn't even photographed until 1970.

In the Sirius Mystery, Temple traces contact with the Nommos all the way back to Sumeria circa 4500 B.C. At that time, he says, these creatures appeared in their mighty space ships from the stars, bestowing unto humankind vast secrets; revealing mysteries and esoteric knowledge passed on to initiates in various secret societies in Egypt, the Near East, and Greece. These initial contacts Temple contends, planted the seeds for the various mystery religions, whose offshoots include the likes of Giordano Bruno, Dr. John Dee, and the overall foundation which laid the stones for Freemasonry, and other secret schools of esoteric knowledge such as the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians.

In fact, Freemasons believe that civilization on Earth was initially formed by initiates from the Sirius star system, whom they equate with the Egyptian Trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus. In these legends, Osiris has been portrayed as a precursor to Christ, who was first crucified then later resurrected, forming the basis of an Egyptian priesthood that worships Sun gods.

The adepts of these mystery religions have always referred to themselves -- in one form or another -- as the Illuminati; those who have been "illuminated" by their worship of the various Sun gods/Moon goddesses.

In his treatise, Temple further notes that the entire Egyptian calendar revolved around the movements of Sirius, and that the calendar year began with the "dog days" when Sirius started to rise behind the Sun. The Great Pyramid is oriented to give a view, from the King's Chamber, of the area of the southern sky in which Sirius moves throughout the year.

The brightest star in the heavens, Sirius is used for navigational purposes because it usually remains fixed in the sky. Comparatively speaking, it's approximately 35 times brighter than our own sun, and is regarded in occult circles as "the hidden god of the cosmos." The famous emblem of the all-seeing eye -- seen hovering above the unfinished pyramid -- is a depiction of the Eye of Sirius, and is a common motif found throughout Masonic lore. It is no secret that many of our nation's founding fathers were Freemasons, which explains the odd appearance of the Eye of Sirius on the dollar bill.

The imprinting of such imagery has been called into question in recent times by a whole host of conspiracy theorists, who -- in their New World Order scenarios -- connect such fraternal orders as the Knights of Malta, Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism with the "insidious" symbol of Sirius, the eye in the triangle.

Right around the turn of the century, a gentleman named Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine formed an order in Haiti called the Cult of the Black Snake that used rituals borrowed from Crowley's O.T.O. in combination with certain voodoo practices. In 1922, these rituals reportedly summoned forth a disembodied being named Lam, the very same entity that Aleister Crowley made contact with a few years earlier. In fact, Kenneth Grant has stated that Crowley "unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with Sothis(Sirius), or Set-Isis."

Later in the 1950's and 60's the aforementioned saucer "contactee" George Hunt Williamson once again summoned forth certain denizens purportedly from Sirius, conversing to them in the same "Enochian" or "Angelic" language used by John Dee and Aleister Crowley. Williamson also spoke of a secret society on Earth that has been in contact with Sirius for thousands of years, and that the emblem of this secret society is the eye of Horus, otherwise known as the all-seeing eye.

Williamson was a close associate of George Adamski who claimed to be connected with astronomers at Palomar Observatory in California, in whose company he allegedly witnessed several UFO sightings. Author James Shelby Downard describes a "Sirius-worship cult" reaching all the way to the highest levels of the CIA. He describes one of their rituals taking place at the Palomar Observatory under the telescopically focused light of Sirius, bathing its participants in luminance of the majestic Dog-Star; a true Illuminati ritual on high.

In 1974, Science fiction writer Phillip K. Dick had some sort of "mystical experience" which at first he attributed to “psychotronic transmissions,” as he called them which showered him with endless reams and streams of visual and audio data.

At the outset, Dick felt the emanations invading his mind were of a malevolent nature, although in time he began to believe they were something entirely different. Dick went into more depth on those psychotronic transmissions, claiming that they "seemed sentient". He felt that an alien life form existing in some upper layer of the Earth's atmosphere had been attracted by the Soviet psychotronic transmissions. Apparently, this alien life form operated as a "station", tapping into some sort of interplanetary communication grid that "contained and transmitted vast amounts of information."

What Dick initially received were the Soviet transmissions, but eventually this alien life form whom he called Zebra became "...attracted or potentiated by the Soviet micro-wave psychotronic transmissions."

Prior to the publication of VALIS, Dick had never made any mention of Sirius in connection with the events that so drastically impacted his life. However, in his classic work, Dick renamed Zebra to VALIS (Vast Active Living Intelligence System) and identified it as a product of Sirius star system, identifying its operators as three-eyed crab-clawed beings.

During this period noted author Robert Anton Wilson was having his own experiences with "ET denizens" which at the time he thought were "telepathic communications from Sirius" as recounted in his mind-blowing book, Cosmic Trigger.

But not only has Sirius cropped up time and again in Occult and UFO lore, but the ubiquitous Dog Star has also been mentioned in relation to certain mind control experiments which fall under the nefarious umbrella of the CIA’s MKULTRA project. MK-ULTRA agents and “spychiatrists” tested radiation, electric shock, microwaves, and electrode implants on unwitting subjects. The ultimate goal of MK-ULTRA was to create programmed assassins ala The Manchurian Candidate.

In recent years, various info on remote mind control technology has filtered into the conspiracy research community through such “alternative” publications such as Full Disclosure, Resonance as well as a Finnish gentleman by the name of Martti Koski. Over the last decade, Mr. Koski has been sharing his horrifying tale with the mind controlled world at large, documenting as it does the discovery of rampant brain tampering committed upon himself and countless others. The perpetrators of these evil doings allegedly include various intelligence agencies.

Where Sirius comes into the clouded picture is quite interesting: at one point during a mind control programming episode, the “doctors” operating on Koski identified themselves as “aliens from Sirius.” Apparently, these “doctors” were attempting to plant a screen memory to conceal their true intentions. What this suggests is a theory that a handful of researchers started kicking around in the early 90’s: that Alien Abductions were a cover for MK-ULTRA mind control shenanigans perpetrated by Intelligence Agency spooks.

According to Walter Bowart — in the revised edition of Operation Mind Control — one alleged mind control victim related an incident along these lines, purportedly occurring in the late 70’s. In memories retrieved by way of hypnotic regression, it was revealed that the victim had been the recipient of a mock alien abduction, the intention of which was to create a screen memory that would conceal the actual mind control programs enacted on the victim. The subject in this instance claimed to have seen a young child dressed in a small alien costume.

None of this, of course, dismisses outright the ETH; nor does it mean that ET’s have never visited us. Nevertheless, its implications are staggering when one considers the impact and subsequent commercialization of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon, and how it has challenged and reshaped the belief systems and psyches of millions upon millions of the planet's inhabitants, in essence creating a new paradigm that prior to thirty years ago was virtually non-existent.

As chronicled in Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control, in the late 70’s Congressman Charlie Rose (D-N.C) met with a Canadian inventor who had developed a helmet that simulated alternate states of consciousness and realities. One such virtual reality scenario played out by those who tried on this helmet was a mock alien abduction. Congressman Rose took part in these experiments, which consisted of the aforementioned alien abduction programme. Much to Rose’s amazement, the simulated scenario seemed incredibly realistic.

This device sounds quite similar to Dr. Michael Persinger's "Magic Helmet", which has been receiving a fair amount of press in recent years. Equipped with magnets that beam a low-level magnetic field at the temporal lobe, the “Helmet” effects areas of brain associated with time distortions and other altered states of consciousness. Persinger's name has also been bandied about by mind control researcher, Martin Cannon in his treatise The Controllers as a behind the scenes player in intelligence operations related to MK-ULTRA.

Persinger is a clinical neurophysicist and professor of neuroscience, whose work over the years has focused on the effects of electromagnetic fields upon biological organisms and human behavior. Persinger is an adherent to the theory that UFOs are the products of geomagnetic effects released from the Earth’s crust under tectonic strain. His “Helmet” approximates the characteristics of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) of which many theorists have attributed as being responsible for Phil Dick’s VALIS experiences. One of the most common attributes of TLE are visions of the divine, in the form of direct communications with God, or gods be it aliens, angels, fairies or elves.

Early on in his efforts to explain his own abduction experience author Whitley Strieber entertained the possibility that he might have been one such victim of TLE. Because of this, Strieber underwent extensive medical examinations including several CAT scans and MRI’s to determine if such was the case, but the results of all these tests came up negative. Aside from such speculations, there is an undeniable magical component to Whitley Strieber’s experiences. After his initial hypnotic regression when the presence of the “visitors” were first revealed to him Strieber subsequently practiced a form a mediation to further conjure their image in his mind, so as to better identify their features. The first time he attempted this approach an alien grey immediately appeared in his “mental field of view”, allowing Strieber to delve deeper into the mystery of the phenomenon.

In a sense, Strieber perhaps performed unconscious or subconscious magical workings on several occasions, in essence summoning forth these beings from behind the veils of perception. Furthermore, it is my belief that hypnotic regression can, under certain circumstances, perform a sort of magical working, and it was through hypnotic regression that Strieber was able to come to terms with his “visitor experience”.

Strieber was also a member of the Gurdjieff Foundation, a self-transformational organization dedicated to a system of techniques devised by the famed mystic G.I. Gurdjieff. As Strieber explained: “I believe that the techniques I learned in that training -- particularly a form of double-tone chanting -- have enabled me to remain conscious in some experiences with the visitors where I otherwise would have been unconscious.” What Strieber doesn’t acknowledge is that Gurdjieff himself was in contact with certain denizens of Sirius via this method of double-tone chanting, which could also be describe as “Enochian chants”.

Strieber points out that the mental state produced by his encounters with the “visitors” could be approximated by a rare drug called Tetradotoxin, which in small doses causes external anesthesia, and in larger doses may bring about “out of body” experiences. Even greater doses of the drug can simulate near death experiences. According to Strieber, Tetradotoxin is the core of the “zombie poisons” of Haiti. What he doesn’t mention is that Tetradotoxin was just one in a vast number of psychoactive compounds utilized by the CIA for their fabled MK-ULTRA project.

Strieber brings up the possibility that the Greys may not have been actually using mental telepathy to communicate, but that something of a more technical nature might have been occurring, such as extra-low-frequency waves beamed into Whitley’s brain thereby producing the requisite “voices in his head”.

Along these lines, Strieber adds the interesting aside “that the earth itself generates a good deal of ELF in the 1 to 30 hertz range. Perhaps there are natural conditions that trigger a response in the brain which brings about what is essentially a psychological experience of a rare and powerful kind. Maybe we have a relationship with our own planet that we do not understand at all.

Time travel, mind control, quantum physics, weather modification, teleportation, suppressed technologies, and gray alien hijynx merely scratch the surreal surface behind the many mind-blowing scenarios detailed in the numerous books authored by Montauk fraternity.

To the casual observer, the Montauk Project appears to be a hodge-podge of many diverse disciplines, much of which would be considered by the mainstream as "crank science." Take a little Wilhelm Reich, sprinkle it with Nikola Tesla, then add a dose of Aleister Crowley, and what you end up with one either discounting this entire sordid tale or conversely becoming so caught up and confused in this cosmic conundrum that the Montauk mythos becomes the focal point in their lives.

As legend has it, this whole weird tale began towards the end of World War II, an alleged result of the U.S. Government's top-secret Rainbow Project. According to varied sources, the initial goal of The Rainbow Project was to make a ship — specifically the USS Eldridge — undetectable by radar. Such endeavors as The Rainbow Project were quite obviously a precursor to future stealth fighter craft technology, or in the parlance of Star Trek, a "cloaking device."

For you see, not only was the ship made invisible to the naked eye, but it also produced an unexpected consequence, in that it teleported the Eldridge and its passengers straight out of the space-time continuum, and into the Void. The end result of this Rainbow/Montauk technology was the creation of an alternate reality vortex.

It's the present author's opinion that disinformation scams more likely than not been used to discredit serious research into such topics as mind control, hidden technologies, UFO's and covert Black Ops. What I'm suggesting is that there may be a certain amount of truth surrounding the Montauk case, but a means of obscuring and distorting truth can sometimes be accomplished by releasing spurious stories that do indeed contain within them a measure of truth, but are also so thoroughly littered with red herrings that sincere researchers are diverted off course, and the theory itself becomes so muddied with misinformation that it's hard to take it seriously at all.

During their original programming, the Montauk Boys were entranced via some sort of MK-ULTRA/psychosexual programming. For those unfamiliar with MK-ULTRA, it was the CIA's covert mind control project. It has also been documented that Nazi doctors covertly imported into the US after World War II were instrumental in the early years of the MK-ULTRA project.

Nichols would then be able to undo the previous programming by using similar mind control tactics, which included tantric message and certain other unspecified "Reichian Techniques." I'm not all too familiar with "Reichian Therapy" except that it apparently falls in line with Dr. Wilhelm Reich's overall worldview that the basic fundamental energy pumping life into the cosmos is the sex drive, and that this energy is defined in Reichian terms as "Orgone Energy." Part of Reich's therapy had to do with removing the layers of psychic armoring that turns large segments of humankind into a bunch of repressed and uptight, sexually dysfunctional tight-asses. The intent of Reich's various therapies was not so much to control minds as it was to set them free. Apparently Montaukian mind controllers took certain elements of these "Reichian therapies" and used them in a manner that Reich had not originally intended.

Wilhelm Reich, a one time student of Sigmund Freud, went on to establish his own name in the fields of psychology, science and alternative heath. Reich was the Father of the "Orgone Box". Many of his published materials were subsequently burned by FDA officials and because of his controversial research, Reich was unjustly imprisoned. A common perception of Reich supporters is that he was railroaded into prison as a means the government used to suppress his alternative health cures and controversial research into such subjects as UFO's. Shortly after his imprisonment in the late 50's, Reich died of a heart attack in jail, although he was not known previously to have had any heart problems.

Reich perspective was that UFO's were not so much actual nuts and bolts craft as they were some sort of spectral space critters -- interdimensional amoeba undulating through the known universe for unknown reasons.

Reich was also of the opinion that UFO's were powered by Orgone Energy, the aforementioned fundamental cosmic power source of the Universe. It seems that these Reichian perceived UFO-nauts had somehow tapped into the Orgone Energy grid of Earth, sucked up vast quantities of said substance, then spat out a form of exhaust that Reich referred to as Deadly Orgone (DOR). DOR, Reich contended, was quickly destroying the environment.

In response, Reich developed what came to be known as the "Cloudbuster", which was basically a space gun that could be aimed directly at UFO's and cause them to disappear. The Cloudbuster also had the power to purportedly seed clouds with rain.

Perhaps the most important piece of apparatus in this whole jumbled mess was the legendary "Montauk Chair" upon which Duncan Cameron sat and radiated his psychic powers with the intent of creating artificial reality vortexes. The ultimate purpose of these experiments was to not only alter physical reality, but to alter as well the mental landscape of all humankind. Supposedly the chair itself was developed in the 1950's with "sensor technology" that could display a person's thoughts, and was in essence a mind-reading machine. This device operated on the principle of tuning into the electromagnetic fields of human beings and translating their ethereal or Orgone Energy into a tangible form, ala thought-into-matter. The object in question, which accomplished this daunting task, was the aforementioned "Chair."

To make the legend even more abstruse, the Montauk bunch claims that beings from the Sirius star system are also tangled up in this convoluted tale. Apparently, the Sirians provided the basic design, and then Montauk scientists took those original blueprints and developed The Chair. The Chair, in turn, was hooked into a complex grid of computers and amplifiers. Eventually The Chair was fine-tuned to the point where a person could visualize something and a 3D image of those thought-forms would appear on a computer monitor, and then could be printed out.

In a deep psychic trance state, Cameron was able to visualize a solid object and actually make it appear from out of nowhere. This was accomplished via an amplifier that would transmit a matrix, and then build up enough power to materialize whatever Cameron mentally cooked up, under the direction of his Montauk handlers. As indicated, Cameron took part in these experiments in an altered state of consciousness. Agents of the CIA and/or NSA under the auspices of MK-ULTRA funded experiments had given Cameron special training. The emphasis of this programming focused on diverting the mind through sexual bliss. It was then that the "primitive mind" would surface, as the individual would be transferred into an "orgasmic trance" state. It was eventually discovered that Cameron had the power to bend time, thus creating vortexes, or time portals.

A reoccurring claim of Montauk experiencers is that advanced mind control experimentation has been perpetrated not only upon themselves, but also the local townspeople. This is what is more commonly known as the art and science of psychotronics, and specifically — the transmission of UHF/microwave energy through the atmosphere, ostensibly bombarding the beleaguered brains of unwitting subjects, not to mention various and sundry indigenous animals — domestic and wild — that have been reported going berserk upon occasion and running amok through the town of Montauk.

This psychotronic experimentation consisted of operating the Montauk transmitter at different pulse widths, different pulse rates, and varying frequencies. The ultimate goal behind all of these fantastic fiddlings was to see how brain waves could be changed and entrained, whether it would be for controlling a super psychic to create the aforementioned alternate reality vortexes used as time travel portals or the ability to generate transmissions that could change people's moods, and cause agitation. The ultimate goal of all this is total control of the human species, which apparently is what the Montauk Project was all about.

Once again this illustrates how high tech black ops can be used to replicate a so-called alien encounter. As Dr. Michael Persinger has demonstrated, certain frequencies approximate the alien abduction phenomenon in the brains of human beings. So perhaps the entire Montauk Project is exactly that: an MK-ULTRA program designed to mess with the mass mind of humanity to see how far it can push the general populace towards complete and utter lunacy.

One of the most visible critics exposing the use of covert technologies of this type is Col. Tom Beardon. A former military intelligence officer, Beardon at one time published Specula, a magazine devoted to "psychotronics" and "bio-energetics."

Beardon spoke of a mysterious "woodpecker" signal, which during that era had become quite the hot topic among ham operators around the world. Beardon claimed this signal emanated from the Soviet Union which had been traced to an alleged "Tesla Generator" in the cities of Riga and Gomel, and that the "woodpecker" signal was responsible for weather modification wars covertly waged upon an unsuspecting United States citizenry by the wily and unscrupulous Russians.

It has been suggested that weather modification and mind control are the driving forces behind the mysterious Project HAARP, which likewise is said to have originated from the brilliant mind of Nikola Tesla. The Montauk Project has been allegedly involved to a certain extent in weather modification using technology similar to both the HAARP Project, as well as Wilhelm Reich's "Cloudbuster." Tesla, so states the Montauk crowd, was the main man behind the first phase of The Philadelphia Project, but later bowed out of the experiment when he witnessed its deleterious side effects. Tesla also claimed contact with aliens, and that they were responsible for passing on certain knowledge that helped with his inventions, much in the same fashion as Montauk scientists supposedly received guidance form extraterrestrials concerning "The Chair."

One apparent goal of the Montauk Project was to send military operatives back in time to alter historical events, allowing the Montauk Group to hold the future hostage; to manipulate it for their own nefarious means, thus manipulating reality.

Peter Moon believes there is a strong occult connection to The Montauk Project, mainly in the form of Aleister Crowley, who Moon suggests was manipulating reality way back in the early part of the 20th century, traveling backwards and forwards in time "through a purely magical basis." The apparent reason Crowley was able to so freely time travel was due to the fact that he wasn't locked into any dimension or illusion of reality. Moon believes that Crowley was able through his Will-To-Power to jettison himself literally through time and space, and into other dimensions.

During the summer of 1918, Crowley took a "magical retirement" to Montauk Point, the specifics of which remain obscured to this day although Peter Moon suspects that his visit there was related to the future developments associated with the Montauk Project. In Montauk Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity, Moon alludes to the possibility that Crowley may have been "creating worm holes from the physical realm to other realities and back again”.

A former Scientologist, Peter Moon makes no bones about the vital influence he feels L. Ron Hubbard had upon these multifarious Montaukian mysteries. Hubbard was intimately involved with Crowleyan protégé Jack Parsons in a magical endeavor called The Babalon Working. Apparently Parsons with help of Hubbard and Parson's wife, Marjorie Cameron, succeeded in creating a fissure in the space time continuum, which was quite similar to the type of vortex associated with The Philadelphia Experiment: a doorway into another dimension. After the Babalon Working, UFO sightings began to be reported en masse, as if a Devil's Floodgate had been opened.

Peter Moon portrays Hubbard as a White Knight in a realm of high-tech black magicians; one of the "good guys" engaged in psychic warfare with malevolent mind controllers. Hubbard, it has been conjectured, was an agent of Naval Intelligence, and later claimed that he had infiltrated Parson's O.T.O. group on behalf of the government in order to break it up.

Moon suggests that there exists a certain bloodline connected to the Cameron namesake, of which Hubbard is an apparent member. Among other members of this bloodline are as would be expected super psychic Duncan Cameron, and his immediate family. Add to this list Jack Parson's wife, Marjorie Cameron, as well as such evil mind control geniuses as Dr. Ewen Cameron of MK-ULTRA infamy, and what we have is a genetic-Cameron-code inherently adept at such practices as magick and interdimensional travel.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:43 am

One of my favorite researchers was Jim Keith, the author of “Saucers of the Illuminati”, first published in 1993. Of the hundreds of books I have purchased from Amazon, it was the only one that was ever “lost in the mail.”

What I like about Jim Keith is the way he keeps an open mind and tries to look at “all sides” of the issue. To me it’s quite interesting how so much of what he predicted would happen has “evolved” over time.

His last chapter is on the “Year of the Light”. This is the year upon which the Freemasons base the beginning of their calendar. Supposedly it started with the Vela Supernova which is said to have occurred around 4000 B.C. and "recur (return) around 2000 A.D.

I would like to suggest that the “return of the light” is really about the reappearance of the “Second Sun”, the Sun’s binary twin red/brown dwarf star. If the Sun's "twin" is a member of the Sirius star system, then it would help to explain why the Freemasons worship this star.

The year 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar all seem to involve a very specific timeframe. If so, then “time is of the essence” if the “illuminated brotherhood” wishes to enact their “ritual black magic millennial workings”. ... c2d#p47252

The Freemasons begin their calendar from A.L., “In the Year of Light,” found by adding 4000 to the modern year. Thus 1990 + 4000 is equal to 5990 A.L. George Michanowsky wrote in “The Once and Future Star” that “the Ancient Sumerian cuneiform described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum and Lambda Velorum located in the southern sky. (An) accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years.” According to the Freemason’s calendar it will occur around 2000 and indeed it will. "Behold a Pale Horse" – William Cooper – page 72
Jim Keith
He fell from a stage and broke his knee at the annual Burning Man arts festival held on the Black Rock Desert in Nevada, about 120 miles north of his hometown of Reno. He went to the Washoe Medical hospital there and died shortly after surgery, in ICU, when a blood clot released and entered his lung, although the coroner's report listed cause of death as "blunt force trauma." Cryptically, Keith stated, prior to his death, "I have this feeling that if they put me under I'm not coming back".
The co-author of the book The Octopus, about a writer who died mysteriously investigating an international conspiracy, has died under mysterious circumstances. Jim Keith, who co-wrote The Octopus with Kenn Thomas based on the notes of writer Danny Casolaro, died at Washoe Medical hospital after going in for knee surgery. Rumors suggest that he was killed after revealing the name of the physician who claimed Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of here death. "I have long noted the connections between the Octopus story and the death of Diana," says Keith's co-author, Kenn Thomas. The web news service where Keith named the source has become inaccessible since his death.
Saucers of the Illuminati - Part 1

Saucers of the Illuminati -- Forward ... m#FOREWORD
So, while I am perfectly aware of the fact that the U.S. military and others have experimented since at least the early 1950s with aerial craft that fit the description of UFOs, while I also know that the UFO experience has been hoaxed, including by American intelligence agencies and by UFO buffs, and that UFOs and abduction experiences may sometimes be a ruse to conceal mind control operations as described in a number of my books, I also leave the latch string out for other more "alien" interpretations of at least a percentage of UFO events.

Of these strange visitors John Keel has said:

Many flying saucers seem to be nothing more than a disguise for some hidden phenomenon. They are like Trojan horses descending into our forests and farm fields, promising salvation and offering us the splendor of some great super civilization in the sky.

It was the famous UFO researcher Jacques Vallee who coined the term "Messengers of Deception" and he has speculated of the UFOs:

They are physical objects, the product of a technology, but they are also something else: the tools of a major cultural change. I think UFOs are perpetrating a deception by presenting their so-called occupants as being messengers from outer space, and I suspect there are groups of people on Earth exploiting this deception.

Speaking of the experiences of abductees in Messengers of Deception, Vallee surmises:

It is more likely that they have taken a non-physical trip, controlled and guided by a system that acts on human consciousness (the Soviets use the term "psychotronic" to designate such devices), rather than one that is purely physical. The symbols it uses are engineered to have certain effects.

Vallee also reports, "I believe there is a very real UFO problem. I have also come to believe that it is being manipulated for political ends. And the data suggest that the manipulators may be human beings with a plan for social control."
Saucers of the Illuminati - Introduction ... troduction
My purpose for authorizing this informal edition was to get into print certain interesting connections that I had made between occult philosophy, the lore of UFOs, and the totalitarian New World Order - ideas that I had discussed at length with other researchers and that were already twinkling into being in a firmament of articles by some of those worthies.
The Human Factor ... man_Factor
If you were to assimilate the information contained in a large quantity of current books, motion pictures, and television presentations on the subject of UFOs and UFO abductions, I believe that you would be likely - by weight of the evidence presented - to come to one of three conclusions.

1) We are being invaded by aliens from outer space; or 2) that a high percentage of the human race is crazy and suffering from hallucinations of little green men or worse, or
3) you would take an "agnostic" approach undecided on one of the first two possibilities.

I will not discount either of the first two possibilities as being the ultimate explanation of what is going on; however I consider it highly unlikely that you would even suspect, based upon information that is generally available, what I consider to be the most likely origin of this phenomenon.

My investigations have shown me that UFO sightings in all probability are the product of an entirely different praxis or control process than either alien invasion or hallucination, and that the parties responsible for the phenomenon have, so far as I can determine, never been named as such.

What these and similar accounts seem to say is that UFOs and encounters of the third kind are not always an entirely alien affair, that tabloid television may not have all the answers, and that humans may be involved to some unknown extent in many of these incidents - perhaps in some unknown plan of directed transformation that they are trying to implement.

Few, very few, contemporary researchers have made this connection, most of them instead opting for the more-easily-graspable notion that the ufonauts are visitors from nearby star systems. There, leave it at that, they seem to say.

There are exceptions in the research community, however. Some prominent investigators such as Jacques Vallee, Martin Cannon, Alex Constantine, and John Judge seem to have entirely abandoned the idea that UFOs are extraterrestrial phenomena, although any alternate hypotheses are rarely hinted at in the mass media.

When humans are mentioned in relation to UFOs it is always in the context of some eldritch and vast science fictional conspiracy that includes government/alien collaboration and secret treaties, underground bases, and macabre scenarios of human-alien vat clonings.

The monolith of this unlikely scenario is sustained upon a foundation of no hard evidence whatsoever; odd, since it apparently involves hundreds of thousands of human participants scuttling in the dark underbelly of terrestrial politics and selling out the human race for a place in the sun after the coming alien takeover of Earth.

An additional filter on the truth is that the whole subject of the existence of secret, conspiratorial groups manipulating politics from behind the scenes is treated as a big joke by the media, and as the province of crackpots.
Saucers of the Illuminati - The Mind Manipulators ... nipulators
To understand the motives that might prompt humans to organize such a massive deception, a mass mind-twisting of this scope, I believe that we should look outside the literature of UFOs, consulting the history of other recent and verifiable mass manipulations and deceptions.

If we are attempting to unravel the secret of the most perplexing mystery of this century, we should acknowledge that certain segments of mankind, in order to accomplish their power-hungry plans, have often been happy to pull a veil over the eyes of (if not put out the eyes of) their fellows who inhabit this earth.

Since the middle of this century (and very probably before that) the intelligence agencies of the United States, as well as other countries, have been involved in covert programs intended to modify beliefs and behavior - to control the minds of the population of the world. The rubric "National Security" is employed by these manipulators as a catch-all shield to veil the illegal (and definitely immoral) activities of intelligence agencies involved in a welter of Orwellian mind-bending programs such as ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, and MKDELTA.

Although intelligence agency brainwashing is only very rarely spoken of in the mass media, this does not reflect on its prevalence or on the magnitude of its ambitions, which have involved thousands of programs and billions of dollars of funding into research on mind alteration and the control of often unwitting victims.

Many volumes (although few published by major publishing houses) have been filled with horrendous accounts of brainwashing, electroshock, psychosurgery, drug experimentation, and the experimental injection of hostile bacteria and viruses, all performed by "our" employees, the U.S. military and intelligence agencies.

Walter Bowart in the classic expose Operation Mind Control characterizes the purpose of intelligence agencies as being take human beings, both citizens of the United States and citizens of friendly and unfriendly nations, and transform them into unthinking, subconsciously programmed "zombies," motivated without their knowledge and against their wills to perform in a variety of ways in which they would not otherwise willingly perform.

This is accomplished through the use of various techniques called by various names, including brainwashing, thought reform, behavior modification, hypnosis, and conditioned reflex therapy.

During the 1960s a shift seems to have taken place in emphasis in mind control projects.

The U.S. military commissioned a number of experimental projects delving into the use of electromagnetic frequencies for controlling and altering the behavior of subjects. Between 1965 and 1970, Project Pandora researched the effects of low intensity microwaves on the health and psychology of humans. This was at the same time that the American embassy in Moscow was being irradiated by microwaves by the Russians, causing numerous harmful physiological effects in the employees there.

Studying Soviet literature on microwaves for the CIA, Milton Zarat determined, "they believe that the electromagnetic field induced by the microwave environment affects the cell membrane, and this results in an increase of excitability or an increase in the level of excitation of nerve cells. With repeated or continued exposure, the increased excitability leads to a state of exhaustion of the cells of the cerebral cortex."

Sharp was able to record spoken words that were modulated on a microwave carrier frequency by an "audiogram," an analog of the words' sound vibrations, and carried into his head in a chamber where he sat.

Dr. James Lin of Wayne State University in his book Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications discussed the Sharp experiment and remarked that, "The capability of communicating directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the field of therapeutic medicine."

Anna Keel writes: What is frightening is that words, transmitted via low density microwaves or radio frequencies, or by other covert methods, might be used to create influence.

Keel also remarks: Another indication that the government entertained notions of behavior control through use of fields and sound, is a 1974 research proposal by J.F. Schapitz. To test his theory, his plan was to record EEG correlates induced by various drugs, and then to modulate these biological frequencies on a microwave carrier. Could the same behavioral states be produced by imposing these brain wave frequencies on human subjects?

In an upcoming chapter we will examine the possible use of an "information beam" employed in a highly science fictional manner.

The Russians told Morris of a demonstration in which a group of workers were outside the hospital working on the grounds. The staff sent an acoustic psycho-correction message via their machine to the workers telling them to put down their tools, knock on the door of the hospital and ask if there was anything else they could do. The workers did exactly that, the Russians said.

Being an infrasound, very low frequency-type transmission, the acoustic psycho-correction message is transmitted via bone conduction. This means that earplugs will not restrict the message. An entire body protection system would be required to stop reception. The message, according to the Russians, bypasses the conscious level and is acted upon almost immediately. They also say that the messages are acted upon with exposure times of under one minute.

Morris envisions this technology will be miniaturized into a handheld device.

Trilateral Commission kingpin Zbigniew Brzezinski has nicely summed up the mindset of the brain tinkers in these government-sponsored programs, in between gloating over the wonders of the coming New World Order in his book Between Two Ages - America's Role in the Technetronic Era:

In the technocratic society [that Brzezinski sees as the New Order of society coming into ascendance after Marxism] the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communication techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.

Could Zbig have been any more straightforward in talking about mind control?

We do know that authoritarian (and often covert) control of society continues unabated, the techniques becoming more finely honed as experimental subjects are utilized by the thousands and then discarded. The populace has been drugged, shocked, irradiated, made ill, manipulated, and even killed in the efforts of the military and intelligence agencies and their psychiatric dupes to devise the most effective and invisible manacles for the containment of members of our "democracy."

Is there any suggestion that this sort of mind programming might have been expanded to incorporate UFO incidents and the public's belief in UFOs to assist in their bamboozling? Whatever the answer, I believe that there is little doubt that such UFO incidents could be simulated in this fashion.

What additional capabilities than those described above, and the perhaps added usage of hallucinogens and hypnosis, along with various "extraterrestrial" stage props, would be required in order to convince an abductee that he had been waylaid by a flying saucer, rather than a dark blue van?

I am not suggesting that this is the entirety of the answer to the UFO riddle - but might not mind control experimentation of this sort, conducted with UFO space trappings, comprise a statistically significant part, and might not hoaxing, unusual natural phenomena, and the tendency for many UFO buffs to be extremely gullible account for most of the rest?

Ufologist Otto Binder has said, "At any rate, it would seem that the expanding series of saucer sightings in waves, from 1964 to date, is all building up to a crescendo, as if the saucer men are conditioning earth people in seeing saucers, and gradually forcing even the most recalcitrant scientists and government authorities to realize the sightings are not figments of imagination, but real."

The recent huge, triangular UFO seen by thousands of residents over Arizona is exactly the sort of sighting that cannot be ignored.

But why would extraterrestrials have to be, or be interested in, conditioning humans to believe in their existence?
Saucers of the Illuminati - Infiltration ... filtration
Although thus far we are only able to evaluate circumstantial evidence of UFOs being connected to human occupants (rather than aliens) and the military, there are a number of accounts of the military attempting to infiltrate public UFO research organizations, apparently in an attempt to monitor and disinform the field, and to delude the public at large on the subject of UFOs.

On a number of occasions the UFO field has been infiltrated by military intelligence personnel, and well-known UFO "researchers," possibly even the majority of the prominent ones, have loyalties that seem not to reside with the UFO research community or with the truth.

Caldwell wrote: With world-wide sightings reported, it was found that, up to the time of the investigation, there had been in the Soviet press no report or comment, even satirical, on flying saucers, though Gromyko had made one humorous mention of the subject. With a State-controlled press, this could result only from an official policy decision.

The public concerns with the phenomena, which is reflected both in the United States press and in the pressure of inquiry upon the Air Force, indicates that a fair proportion of our population is mentally conditioned to the acceptance of the incredible.

In this fact lies the potential for the touching-off of mass hysteria and panic... A study should be instituted to determine what, if any utilization could be made of these phenomena by United States psychological warfare planners...

In the book Clear Intent, authors Fawcett and Greenwood detail the destruction of the early civilian UFO investigative group, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), by government intelligence agents.

Lear is the man who has done more than anyone including Bill Cooper to convince the public that aliens are among us, living in huge underground bases, and collaborating with the government to put us all in the vat-prepared soup. Collins furnished Lear and Howe with more alleged secret documents on the aliens, and mentioned to her that he had worked with William Moore for years.

It also is within the sphere of William Moore's influence that the bogus MJ-12 paper, a faked 1947 presidential "briefing document" on crashed saucers, surfaced.
Last edited by lizzie on Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:02 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:52 am

Saucers of the Illuminati - Part 2

Saucers of the Illuminati - MJ-12 ... #5_-_MJ-12
In mid-1987, when UFO buffs first got the MJ-12 document in their hands, many of them thought that they were fondling the Holy Grail of UFO research.

This photo reproduction of an eight-page alleged government document is purported to be a preliminary briefing on UFOs for President-elect Eisenhower, released on November 18, 1952 (also officially the first day of the formation of the CIA).

The MJ-12 document was allegedly used to brief Eisenhower by Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, said to be a member of Majestic-12, a top secret research team composed of scientists and military men empowered to investigate UFOs. The MJ-12 document claims that in July, 1947, an alien disk craft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, and that a second craft crashed on the Texas-Mexico border in 1950.

The document was published and re-published in magazines, analyzed, touted as extraterrestrial gospel, decried as a hoax. But it captivated the imaginations of many UFO researchers, and injected life into an ailing UFO research field to a degree that had not been seen since the halcyon days of the 1960s.

For those UFO buffs who are interested in objective evaluation the fact that no original copy of the MJ-12 document is available is only one of the difficulties in proving or disproving its validity. Because of this fact, no evaluation of the authenticity of signatures, paper, or ink can be made.

The MJ-12 report does not resemble in style or substance anything else that I have seen originating from the government, and I have examined hundreds of government documents originating from the same period, many of them dealing with UFOs. The document is also not written in typical "bureaucratese," that elusive jargon so valued in government circles.

The main problem with the MJ-12 document for me, however, is that it solves too much, wrapping up too many of the loose ends of the contemporary UFO controversy, and "proving" exactly what most UFO buffs "already know."

That aside, it is obvious that the government is attempting to defuse UFO investigations by overwhelming them with incendiary disinformation and by having informants report on the activities of groups and individuals. This is no longer the matter of conjecture that has buzzed among UFO researchers since the earliest days of these investigations. Now there is more than enough proof to show that this is the case.

Providing more support for the idea that UFO abductions may have more to do with humans than aliens, we do know that the American government, at least, is in possession of top secret aircraft of a radically different type than orthodox aircraft, and that these may include saucer craft. Certainly there is much evidence to show that advanced disk craft designs confiscated from the Germans after World War II may have been put into production.

But that does not make these craft extraterrestrial, nor does it make them extraterrestrial/ human technological hybrids. It does make it obvious, however, that the people who maintain that this is the case, without a shred of hard evidence, are blithering idiots.

The relatively common occurrence of garden variety humans being seen in the vicinity of, entering and leaving, and sometimes piloting UFOs may be another significant clue as to the meaning and origin of these craft.

Many operations which are said to take place inside the saucers and performed by "alien" beings are in fact carbon copies of the kind of operations performed on the restraining tables of psychiatrists in the employ of the CIA and other military and intelligence agencies - right down to the reports of tiny electronic brain implants inserted through the nose, the standard insertion technique for both brain control shrinks (as exemplified by Dr. Jose Delgado, the originator of the technique) and, so we are told, the grey aliens.
Saucers of the Illuminati - Symbolic Odyssey ... ic_Odyssey
It has been established, I think, that there are aspects of the UFO mystery that owe more to the activities of humans than extraterrestrials. But my purpose is not simply to show that human forces of some sort - perhaps the CIA - are hoaxing the populace into believing that the aliens are here and pose a threat to the well-being of mankind. I am hoping to provide a look into the purpose behind the hoaxing.

There are strange clues that need to be examined in detail; these involve a tangled web of symbolism in the UFO mythos that, fortunately, resolves into a single meaning: As I cite each reference in this symbolic odyssey, I will try to distill the relevant images that will assist in forming a conclusion.

In the incredible account "My Life Depends On You" which has circulated widely in the underground press, Martti Koski describes the experience of literally going mad. In 1975 he began to be plagued by unwanted voices that he believed were being broadcast from the hotel room above him.

Assuming that he was experiencing a neurotic bout he put up with the voices until, in the late summer of 1979, his mental torture escalated. Now Koski found that he was losing control of his bodily functions, and that his senses were being scrambled. His heartbeat became erratic to the point that he entered the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, Canada.

Once checked into the hospital, the voice in his head identified itself, claiming to be a spokesman for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and telling Koski that he had been chosen to be a spy.

After leaving the hospital, Koski attempted to escape the barrage of voices by traveling to his native Finland, but to no avail. The voices did not let up.

In Finland Koski works with other individuals who claim that they have been victims of government mind control experimentation, some of them being able to back up their claims with x-rays that seem to show tiny mushroom-shaped brain implants.

Koski's plight may be interpreted in at least two ways. He may be simply crazy, and the voices may be entirely the product of his own mind. He may be mind controlled by, as he suspects, the RCMP.

Certainly there is a huge body of literature detailing the activities of government intelligence operations on civilians, and there is proof that brain implants in fact actually are performed, including numerous x-ray photos of tiny, otherwise unexplainable brain implants.

But there is an additional strange element to the Koski story that may provide a piece to the puzzle that we are researching. After Koski returned to Finland, the voices he was hearing began to tell him a different story. Now they told him that they weren't RCMP, at all.

They were beings from the "Dog Star," Sirius. So Koski is being mind-manipulated by extraterrestrials?

There are further symbolic linkages on this speculative trail that may or may not lead to the stars. At the beginning of this century, contact with the Sirius star system was claimed by the occultist Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine who, through the famous occultist Papus, learned the rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge, founded by Aleister Crowley, and formed his own group in his native Haiti.

Jean-Maine is said to have in 1922 combined the OTO rituals with voodoo practices to form the Cult of the Black Snake in Haiti.

He also claimed to be in contact with a disembodied being or voodoo loa named Lam, an entity who OTO Grand Master Kenneth Grant said was one of the Great Old Ones, an elder as well as eldritch god nigh-identical with those portrayed by the American horror writer H.P. Lovecraft in the 1920s and 30s.

Lam, according to Grant, has the task of uniting the current that emanates from the Andromeda galaxy with the current that flows from Sirius. Grant believed that a dimensional portal exists in the Andromeda galaxy, and through this portal will enter the Old Ones, demonic entities intent on returning Earth to their dominion and having humanity for breakfast.

Prior to Jean-Maine's contact with Lam, the famous occultist and founder of the OTO Aleister Crowley reported that he had summoned the same entity through one of his own "magickal" workings.

Crowley, relates Grant, also, "unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with Sothis (Sirius), or Set-Isis."

The obvious connection here is the significance of Sirius, although the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge, Crowley, and Lam also have their own special relevance.

Evaluating this mish-mash of occultism, who would imagine that the telepathic transmissions from Sirius might have something to do with military intelligence? Occult investigator James Shelby Downard, in his wonderful "Sorcery, Sex, Assassination, and the Science of Symbolism" researches the existence of a Sirius-worship cult that he believes exists at the highest levels of the CIA!

He cites as one of their ritual locations the telescope viewing room of the Palomar Observatory in California. There, he says, the adepts of the Sirius-military intelligence cult enact rituals in the telescopically-focused light of the Dog Star, in imitation of the Egyptian priesthood, astral rays bathing the viewing chamber and the participants when the telescope is aimed Sirius-ward.

Utter madness? Tell that to Colonel Michael Aquino of U.S. military intelligence, the admitted head of the satanic Temple of Set, a deity identified in occultism with Sirius. Aquino makes no bones about the fact that he is the head of his offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, known to draw many of its leaders from military circles. Again, we see the strange conjunction of Sirius, occultism, and military intelligence.

Another occultist and "spirit channeler," championing the cause of Sirius, the Dog Star, in the 1950s and 60s, was well-known ufologist George Hunt Williamson. He authored the classic UFO book Other Tongues - Other Flesh, an extended treatise on the beneficence of the ufonauts from Sirius, who supposedly provided mankind with civilization in the far distant past.

Williamson treats this theme at length again in his book Secret Places of the Lion, extolling the "Children of Light," who "migrated to earth" - the "dark star" - "planet of sorrows" - about eighteen million years ago and have worked ceaselessly and tirelessly in their gigantic task of acting as the Creator's mentors to a backward, fallen race.

Williamson also rhapsodizes on the seemingly-unrelated theme of Solomon's Temple and the reappearance of the Messiah, hinting at certain "secrets" relating to same.

Drawing upon a selection of quotes from his book, Williamson maintains that:

The promise of an Eternal King, to arise out of David's Family, was repeated over and over again: to David, to Solomon, and again and again.

But what do the Temple of Solomon, Hiram, King of Tyre, the "Holy Vine of David," the ancient manipulation of Earthlings by space aliens, and the coming "Fulfillment in Israel" have to do with Sirius, the Dog Star? A surprisingly large amount, it turns out.

A more recent version of essentially the same Sirius scenario is provided by the UFO contactee Oscar Magocsi.

After contact with the extraterrestrials, Magocsi believes that he has a mission to impart the wisdom of the "Psycheans," members of the "Interdimensional Federation of Free Worlds," whose base of operations is located near Arcturus.

Magocsi reports that humanity migrated from the Pleiades thousands of years ago, and that we (and the Interdimensional Federation) are at war against evil forces from Draconis. These Dark Forces, Magocsi maintains, rely on human allies - the Illuminati secret society - whose mission it is to assist in enslaving mankind through a long term disinformation operation intended to portray them as forces of good hailing from the Orion nebula.

There are, Magocsi claims, actual good guys from Orion - he dubs this faction the Lords of Light - but the Illuminati are a different bunch altogether.

Magocsi also maintains that a particular area of positive influence is Sirius, the intelligences there supposedly beaming telepathic transmissions intended to counteract the bad vibes of the Dark Forces.
Saucers of the Illuminati - Increase of Resolution ... Resolution
A few additional notes need to be added to this mystic cacophony before a conclusion can be drawn about Sirius, the Temple of Solomon, and the nature of UFOs.

A remarkable UFO group was contacted by Jacques Vallee in Paris, France. The group is called the Order of Melchizadek, and it uses the Star of David for its emblem, and for its program espouses a one world government and the doing away with money and religion.

The Order is cabalistic in its mystical practices, the Qabalah being an ancient form of Jewish mystical cosmology, a philosophy also employed by other occult groups such as the OTO and the Freemasons.

Here relevant crosscurrents include cabalism, the Order of Melchizadek, and the Star of David. Throw in one world government and the abolition of money and religion for good measure.

Another French UFO group that Vallee investigated should be stirred into the mélange. The Frenchman Claude Vorilhon was taking a pleasant hike in the mountains one day when he saw a UFO hovering nearby, the craft bearing a Star of David with a swastika inside the emblem. A glowing childlike figure stepped forth from the craft.

The child conversed with Vorilhon, bestowing a new name on him, "Rael," and informing the man that the reason he had been chosen to be contacted was because France was the birthplace of earthly democracy during the French Revolution. The being entrusted Vorilhon with the mission of building an embassy in which the aliens, which Vorilhon calls the Elohim, from the biblical reference, could meet with dignitaries of Earth, with the stated task of spreading "Peace, Love and Fraternity."

Vorilhon was informed that humans had been created by the Elohim, godlike space travelers who were also skilled in the arts of DNA alteration and cloning. Vorilhon was now to assist the Elohim in preparing mankind for the final age of Revelation.

Of the Rael cult, Jacques Vallee observes:

The most remarkable facts about Rael-Vorhilon are that he has acquired a large number of disciples - including thousands of followers in French Canada - and that the cult seems to have sources of income beyond the donations from his flock, leading some to speculate that the Raelian movement... like Jim Jones' People's Temple, may have attracted the attention of social engineers motivated by the observation and management of such belief systems.

An additional case, that of Betty Andreasson, should serve to link this twisted chain of incidents.

Although her case has been discussed at great length in the UFO-related press, and has been the subject of a number of television segments, no one has satisfactorily explained the extremely strange nature of the events she experienced, ones that are quite different from typical UFO abduction events, as least as they are usually presented.

Arriving at an underground chamber, Andreasson experienced, in a manner that she describes as highly painful as well as emotional, a kind of mythic psychodrama enacted before her which may not have been different from the kind of mystical dramatizations enacted in ancient Mystery Religions and other mystic cults.

Since we are ranging cosmically far afield in our search for connections, it should be noted that Eye in the Triangle emblems have been seen on some UFOs and the uniforms of their occupants, that Men in Black sometimes wear the same emblem and speak of themselves as being members of the "Nation of the Third Eye."

This may be the same gigantic aircraft seen over Phoenix, Arizona in 1997 - again, the Phoenix! - a craft identified as being a UFO in the news media, but conforming to descriptions of top secret aircraft currently being produced by the military.

To reiterate the elements I have been stirring together in this and the preceding chapter:

The "Dog Star," Sirius - the "Lords of Light" and various other references relating to light - the Eye in the Triangle - the Illuminati - Set - Isis - the Temple of Solomon, the Star of David, and God's reported covenant with Israel - the Qabalah-and the Phoenix. All of these symbols convey a single Earthly origin.

Is it surprising to note that these are the symbols and catchphrases of a secret society that has existed since-conservatively - at least the 1700s, and which draws upon mythology that began with the Egyptians, if not earlier.

That society is the Illuminati, whose most visible proponents currently are the Freemasons, a secretive fraternal order with many members among the ranks of prominent world leaders, politicians, intelligence and military, and with conclaves located in virtually all towns of any size in America. Although the vast majority of Freemasons know very little of such arcane imagery and purposes, the information is there to be perused in their books and in the performance of their mystical initiatory rites.

Albert Pike, the head of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the 1800s, announced that,
"Sirius still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star."

He also spilled the symbolic beans when he said that Sirius was interchangeable with the Eye in the Triangle, the Mother Goddess Isis, and the pentagram beloved of many a mystical sect.

One of the secrets, perhaps the core secret of the Illuminati and of their related societies (including the Freemasons and the Priory of Sion secret society as revealed and simultaneously concealed in Baigent, Lincoln, and Leigh's seminal Holy Blood, Holy Grail) is that the overall goal of this secret society is the rebuilding of the destroyed Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

The secret within the secret is that this is the purpose of the New World Order (another Illuminati conception), namely the enthronement of a new Messiah from the genetic line purported to descend from King David (and Jesus, thus fulfilling the ambitions of both Jews and Christians) who will rule over the world in feudal fashion and supposedly usher in a new era of transcendent wonderfulness.


When Freemasons tell you that the group is all about performing good works and driving around in funny little cars on the fourth of July, don't believe them. They have a metaphysical agenda, although only those initiated at the highest levels are aware of it.

This agenda is exactly what George Hunt Willamson is getting at when he talks about the "Holy Vine of [King] David": a physical bloodline of individuals descended from the alleged marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and from King David. This scenario is also a key to the battle plan of the New World Order (whose agenda seems to go back, in this instance, to at least the time of the Knights Templar).

If it is thought that Williamson is merely echoing biblical themes and in fact had no secret Masonic orientation woven into his writings on UFO contact, we should listen further to his words:

"Solomon," Williamson says, "was a great artist; he designed most of the burnishings for his Temple of God. He was an alchemist, and manufactured by alchemical means the gold used in his Temple. The transmutation of base metals into gold was accomplished by 'vibrations.' Alchemy was more than a speculative art - it was also an operative art!"

Similar, perhaps, to the speculative and operative lodges of Freemasonry?

The Andreasson encounter reiterates a number of secret society symbols, including its familiar 'light' motif, but centers around the explicitly Masonic symbolism of the death and rebirth of the phoenix.

In the informative book The New World Order, Ralph Epperson asserts,

"The phoenix bird symbolizes a rebirth, not only of an individual inside the Masonic religion but also of a new civilization arising out of the ashes of the ruined one."
And this appears to be the plan of the Illuminati.

In recent years the highest levels of political manipulation have been directed toward fulfilling the biblical prophecy and Freemasonic philosophic cornerstone of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem on the site of the Dome of the Rock, a Muslim holy place, and placing a World King of Davidic bloodline on its throne.
Millions of dollars have in fact been channeled into the terrorist organizations from Christians in the United States in their fanaticism and belief that the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple will set off the advent of the Messiah, which conveniently also carries all the earmarks needed for it to parallel the second coming of Christ.
Philip K Dick and the Illuminati ... Illuminati
The most revelatory account I have I come across of a possible contact with an alien intelligence is the book VALIS by Philip K. Dick.

Aspects of the book are symbols that point to an encounter of some sort with what we can accurately term the Illuminati. Again, the messages in VALIS are coded, and the meanings encoded are Freemasonic, comprising in fact a relatively exhaustive recapitulation of Freemasonic lore and agenda.

Dick's vision came about when, in March of 1974, and suffering from two impacted wisdom teeth, he waited in his apartment in Anaheim, California for a prescribed plain killed from a local pharmacy. When the delivery person from the pharmacy arrived at the door it was a young woman wearing a golden fish-emblem necklace:

For some reason I was hypnotized by the gleaming golden fish; I forgot my pain, forgot the medication, forgot why the girl was there. I just kept staring at the fish sign.

"What does that mean?" I asked her.

The girl touched the glimmering golden fish with her hand and said, "This is a sign worn by the early Christians."

In that instant, as I stared at the gleaming fish sign and heard her words, I suddenly experienced what I later learned is called anamnesis - a Greek word meaning, literally, "loss of forgetfulness." I remembered who I was and where I was. In an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, it all came back to me. And not only could I remember it but I could see it. The girl was a secret Christian and so was I.

We lived in fear of detection by the Romans. We had to communicate in cryptic signs. She had just told me all this, and it was true.

This sudden influx of knowledge had been caused by a beam of light that had shot out of the necklace the girl was wearing, the beam apparently penetrating directly into Dick's head and imparting a vast array of information, including the knowledge of several languages that he had not previously understood.

Aside from feeling a sort of hyper-rationality, Dick sensed that he had been taken over by a superior mind that had memories dating back in excess of two thousand years.

From these experiences and others Dick evolved a complex body of speculation, from which he drew a trio of books that included VALIS and a lengthy Exegesis consisting of several thousand pages of handwritten notes speculating on the nature of his contact with what he determined to be God.

What Dick believed to be the source of his contact is particularly interesting:

"Where did the plasmate [VALIS] originally come from?"
After a pause Fat said, "From another star system."
"You wish to identify that star system?"
"Sirius," Fat said.

In VALIS Dick relates the fairly widely-known information on the African Dogon tribe and their startling and unexplainable exact astronomical knowledge about the Sirius star system (as described in The Sirius Mystery by Robert G.K. Temple - possibly a pseudonym?).

Dick says, "The Dogon got their cosmogony and cosmology directly from the three-eyed invaders who visited long ago. They are mute and deaf and telepathic, could not breathe our atmosphere, had the elongated misshapen skull of Ikhnaton and emanated from a planet in the star-system Sirius. Although they had no hands, but had instead, pincer claws such as a crab has, they were great builders."

Dick also believed that, "Our world is still secretly ruled by the hidden race descended from Ikhnaton, and his knowledge is the information of the Macro-Mind itself. From Ikhnaton this knowledge passed to Moses and from Moses to Elijah, the Immortal Man, who became Christ. But underneath all the names there is only one Immortal Man, and we are that man."

Real Time ceased in 70 C.E.," Dick asserted, "with the fall of the Temple at Jerusalem [i.e. the Temple of Solomon]. It began again in 1974. The Empire never ended, but in 1974 a cypher was sent out as a signal that the Age of Iron was over; the cypher consisted of two words. The two-word cypher signal was not intended for human beings but for the descendants of Ikhnaton (Akhenaten), the three-eyed race which, in secret, exists with us."

This is reminiscent of the terms with which the Freemasons refer to themselves in such tomes as Pike's Morals and Dogma. There is no mistaking the connection for anyone with the slightest familiarity with Masonic lore.

And VALIS, we learn, employs the same mystical communication system as the Masons:

"All its verbal information is stored as Cabala."

The Qabalah (alternative spelling, Cabala) is an ancient form of mysticism that pervades Freemasonry, top of pyramid to base.

Dick describes the method by which VALIS initiates secretly communicate with each other. The connection with the secret handshake of the Freemasons is obvious.

In Exegesis, Dick amplified on his beliefs:

For the first time I have inferential evidence that a genuine secret fraternity of authentic Christians exists, and has affected history and possess supernatural powers and immortality, due to direct links back to Christ - so they are the true hidden church.

The two historic interventions which I am sure of collate: the secret fraternity fights the Empire (Rome in all its manifestations) and promotes the evolution of man to higher levels by inner and outer regeneration. The 16th, 17th century Illuminati are connected with this secret brotherhood...

What was communicated to Dick seems to be approximately what the Freemasons and their brethren want us to believe about their mission: that theirs is an ancient tradition resting on an immortal bloodline that comes from the star system of Sirius, and that fulfillment of their plans (including the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon, and the enthronement of a World King (their secret agenda hidden in their convoluted inner circle cant) is the only salvation for this soon-to-be One World.

There are other indications that the actual VALIS that Dick contacted may have come from another source than Sirius.

He theorized that, "The Rosicrucians [the philosophic precursors to the Masons] were telepathically beaming pictures at him, probably boosted by micro-relay systems of an advanced order.”

"All that was involved from the start was advanced laser technology. The Russians can do the same thing. Microwaves can be used as well.

It happens that information beam experiments of exactly the type that Dick speculated on were at about that time being conducted by both the CIA and the KGB.

CIA Director Richard Helms described research taking place in the 1960s into
"sophisticated approaches to the 'coding' of information for transmittal to population targets in the 'battle for the minds of men'" as well as "an approach integrating biological, social and physical-mathematical research in attempts... to control behavior."

He described "the use of modern information theory, automata theory, and feedback concepts... for a technology for controlling behavior using information inputs as causative agents."

Anna Keel, in Full Disclosure magazine, writes:

Due to [the CIA's] Project Pandora, it is now known that applied biological (and other) frequencies can also be used as direct "information inputs" (e.g. of feeling or emotion) and to reinforce brain rhythms associated with conditioning and information processing.

One way to get such a signal into a human may be through the use of a high frequency carrier wave. Results of research into information processing, unconscious processes, decision making, memory processes and evoked brain potentials would likely be exploited or integrated in an interdisciplinary system.

There are substances that have psychological or psychobiological effects ranging from subtle through devastating, and that cause increased susceptibility to conditioning.

Convenient to the agencies involved in covert influence, is that among primary symptoms of schizophrenia or mental illness are ideas that one is being influenced by "transmissions" (e.g. radio frequencies), "voices" or even telepathy; unless complaints about covert psychological weapons are well organized, they would tend to be discounted as indicative of mental imbalance.

Another approach that may have been used is the transmission of "key concepts" to matters that the subject is already conversant in, creating a realignment of the subject's sense of reality by the injection of just a few bits of information, images, or sentences.

A fast acting hallucinogen and a beamed transmission of religious concepts might have made him very susceptible to the idea that, due to an unexplainable event of "gnosis" he had tapped into the secrets of reality.

Dick describes a message broadcast “sent out over the airwaves by one of the largest TV stations in the world, NBC's Los Angeles outlet, reaching many thousands of children with this split-second information which would be processed by the right hemispheres of their brains; received and storied and perhaps decoded, below the threshold of consciousness where many things lay slumbering and stored."

What we do know is that, for whatever reason, in whatever fashion, Philip Dick had almost the entire Illuminist/Freemasonic mythos fired into his forebrain, and that he struggled with those images, trying to make sense of their symbolism, for the short period of time that remained in his life.

Either he was force-fed a massive injection of Freemasonic mythology via electronic beam (as he believed), or in a moment of dreadful illumination - or perhaps hallucinogenic receptivity - Philip K. Dick saw the truth of the world.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:05 am

Saucers of the Illuminati – Part 3

Saucers of the Illuminati - The Sirius Connection ... Connection_
The Freemasons tell a very curious story about the origin of their order and of civilization. They believe, in a mythology with roots dating back to the time of the Sumerians, that civilization on Earth (not to mention the secret occult doctrine) was established by divine visitors from the star system Sirius, which they symbolically equate with the Egyptian god triunity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus.

In the Sumerian mythology they are explicit in stating that these extraterrestrial visitors, who they term Oannes, were fish-like in form. Isis, it may be observed in Egyptian representations, wears a fish headdress. The home system of these alien visitors, the star Sirius, was of such significance to the Egyptians that they based their calendar and the alignment of their temples on the star's rising times.

Harry Lebelson in an essay titled "The Search for Ancient Astronauts" reports the following of the fish-like extraterrestrials:

The Oannes were described as teachers who gave the people insight into letters, the sciences and art. Referring to cuneiform and pictographic records compiled several thousand years before his time, [the scholar] Berossus describes how the Oannes taught the people to found temples and codify laws; they taught the principles of geometrical knowledge and 'everything to humanize mankind,' as Berossus put it.

Here is the theme of extraterrestrials visiting Earth thousands of years ago and civilizing it, along with the information that these visitors specifically imparted information on building ("The Builders") and geometrics, orientations central to Freemasonic lore and symbolism.

We do know that, for whatever reason, there was a sudden quantum leap in civilization that took place virtually simultaneously in Sumeria and Egypt. According to Professor W.B. Emery in Archaic Egypt:

At a period approximately 3400 years before Christ, a great change took place in Egypt, and the country passed rapidly from a state of advanced Neolithic culture with a complex tribal character to two well-organized monarchies, one comprising the Delta area and the other the Nile valley proper.

At the same time the art of writing appeared, monumental architecture and the arts and crafts developed to an astonishing degree, and all the evidence points to the existence of a well-organized and even luxurious civilization. All this was achieved within a comparatively short period of time, for there appears to be little or no background to these fundamental developments in writing and architecture.

Although the truth has not filtered into the hallowed studios of the 6:00 News, it is not in question as to whether mankind has come into contact with an extraterrestrial culture. We have. There is complete confirmation of the legend of the Oannes, which has been obtained in the 20th century. Proof of that contact resides in the secret cosmological traditions of the Dogon tribe of Africa.

The traditions of the Dogon have been transmitted in oral fashion for centuries, and may comprise the most pure offshoot of the secret tradition that underpins the religious beliefs of diverse religions and secret societies -including the Illuminati. Their tradition clarifies the secret agenda of the major occult and religious traditions of this planet. And that pure transmission from the Dogon speaks of, verifies and conclusively proves extraterrestrial contact.

It might have only been a lucky guess that the Dogon attributed an orbiting companion to Sirius, if only they hadn't made so many more "lucky guesses" that prove their scientific knowledge of the star system.

Where did they obtain this information?

They say that they were taught it by intelligent amphibious beings called the Nommo - the term used in both a singular and plural form - who came from Sirius thousands of years ago in a circular, spinning ark. Their tradition is a precise correlation with the Sumerian tradition of the Oannes.

The Dogon call the Nommo "the Shaper of the world"-note the similarity to Phil Dick's concept of "the Builders."

The Dogon have a number of interesting things to say about Sirius and the Nommo. During Dogon ceremonies the Sirius system is portrayed on a checkered blanket, recalling the tessellated or checkerboard pattern that the Freemasons favor for their floors: is this a reference to Sirius?

The Bozo tribe, cousins to the Dogon, call Sirius the "Eye Star," a concept hearkening to the Eye in the Triangle and to the Egyptian glyph for Isis' consort Osiris. It is noteworthy that the Bozo say that Sirius A is "seated." Isis is depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphics with a symbol of a seat or throne.

Remarkably, there is another religious tradition on which the lore of the Dogon may cast a penetrating light. The Dogon refer to mankind as Ogo, the imperfect, the outcast. They say that the Ogo were rebellious and were unfinished as a creation. In order to make up for the rebellious - sinful - nature of the Ogo, one of the Nommo, named O Nommo, "Nommo of the Pond," was sacrificially crucified on a tree to atone for our imperfect nature, died, and will return in an ark with the ancestors of men.

The helical rising of Sirius was key in Egyptian - as well as Dogon - religious ceremonies.

The Dogon also portray the helical rising of Sirius as a cross with a flower-like sun in its center, an image very reminiscent of the flowering cross of the Rosicrucians and their successor groups like the Freemasons and the Ordo Templi Orientis.

It may be speculated that the fish symbol of the secret society that Philip K. Dick felt had contacted him may have derived from the Oannes/Nommo connection.

The fish symbol, stood on its head, also portrays a representation of the fertility cult of Isis, and it is even possible that the Christian fish symbol is similarly derived, since it may be argued that Christianity is at core a Mystery Religion of Osiris-Sun God worship, transmogrified by claims of an historical uniqueness that it specifically does not possess.

As Aleister Crowley wrote in The Book of Thoth:

In this card [Death, a Tarot card] the symbol of the fish is paramount; the fish and the serpent [symbolizing the Messiah] are the two principal objects of worship in cults which taught the doctrines of resurrection or reincarnation. Thus we have Oannes and Dagon, fish gods, in western Asia; in many other parts of the world are similar cults. Even in christianity, Christ was represented as a fish.

Michael A. Hoffman II in Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare observes the following of the star Sirius, that it is "regarded in the highest occult circles as analogous to the 'hidden god of the cosmos'. The emblem of the All-Seeing Eye above the unfinished pyramid is the representation of the eye of Sirius, of its omniscient surveillance."

An investigation of the beliefs of Freemasonry shows that this "charitable fraternity" is merely an updated version of ages-old and archetypal Osiris/Isis Sun God/ Mother Goddess programming. This form of worship can be traced back to the literal beginning of recorded history, its mythology anciently crystallizing into the Isis/Osiris Sun/Moon cultus of the Egyptian priesthood.

The adepts of the Sun/Moon programming (of which Freemasonry is a major surviving branch) have always called themselves variations on the term "the Illuminati," the origin of the phrase betraying its source. Illuminati - Illumination - the adepts of the Sungod and his consort. When I state this derivation of the term there are no doubt many who will think I am distorting and oversimplifying this religio-occult progression - but I am not.

A quick and cursory sketch of the main branches of the Illuminati might go something like this, although I admit that others might offer a family tree somewhat different in its branchings.

This is a secret society and what we know of the Illuminati has been obtained by accident (as when lightning struck down a member of the Bavarian Illuminati in the late 1700s, providing us with a cache of inner circle documents), or has been eked out through conjecture, inference, and interpretation of their double-talk code language.

In Isis/Osiris veneration, we can see the beginnings of the ritual trappings of the Mystery Religions that were to follow. One reason that the Greek and Roman Mystery Religions are mysterious is that little is known of what actually took place in their rites, celebrated primarily at night and in caves.

We do know that Mystery Religions were the source of many of the practices that were taken up by later secret societies including the Freemasons, and that they partook - practices varying somewhat from one Mystery group to the next - of secret ritual initiation involving dramatizations of the lives of the gods, the imbibing of psychedelic drugs such as magic mushrooms, sex orgies (with an emphasis on homosexuality), and at least in some instances, human sacrifice.

The symbology of "light" pervades the Mystery Religions, adepts having been said to "have seen the light," "had their eyes opened," and so forth, all very appropriate to celebrants who enacted their rites in the dead of night in caves. Light = Illumination = Illuminati.

From the Mystery Religions, which were extremely influential upon the tenets of Christianity, came the philosophies of the Gnostics, composed of a number of secretive European sects, the most prominent perhaps being the highly secretive, perhaps even fictional, Priory of Sion.

Again, we know very little of what the actual practices of the early Gnostics were, but we do know that the Sun God/Mother Goddess orientation had in certain cases taken on a more philosophical bent, dealing with the eternal cosmic war between darkness and light. Again, the motif of "illumination" is represented. A recent translation of a document of the Cathars, perhaps the most prominent of the Gnostic groups, suggests that one of their secrets was that they were a straightforward Isis cult.

The Jewish/Gnostic mystical practice of the Qabalah whose origin may have been about the time of Jesus or shortly after, was a primary influence on a number of secret society tributaries, including the Rosicrucians and the Knights Templar.

Qabalism was also the singular greatest philosophical influence on the Freemasons, which in the mid-1700s evolved a return to an overt Sun God/ Mother Goddess mythology, along with an emphasis in their practices on the importance of the star Sirius. Freemasonry, aside from being an essentially Gnostic religion, has comprised since its inception a vastly important influence in world politics and in world intelligence agencies, and may be the most active and far-reaching of the Illuminati fronts at the present time.

Freemasonry and the Rothschilds international banking group (the Rothschilds being from the beginning of their dynasty Freemasons) were the main influence on diamond magnate and Freemason Cecil Rhodes' Round Table secret society, formed around the turn of this century.

Rhodes was the single most important Freemasonic spearhead into world political control. Currently we may note the Trilateral Commission (with their symbolic "666" triangular emblem and orientation), the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberger Group as being among the most influential organization on this planet; these sprung from the Round Table group.

It is very possible to trace the twistings and turnings of the Illuminist philosophy until we encounter the secret Freemasonic rituals of the elitist leaders of today, men like George Bush of the Skull and Bones German Illuminati offshoot, Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig, alleged to be members of the Freemasonic P-2 group, and in all probability the (Cecil) Rhodes scholar, Trilateralist, and saxophone player from Little Rock, Arkansas (Bill Clinton), the highly symbolic Masonic location where the arch-Mason Albert Pike formulated his schemes.

As the cult of the Sun God and his consort first evolved, the Illuminati made it well known that they were the chosen representatives of these immortal deities - and did the people REALLY want to take a chance on not believing what they told them? The masses had better treat the Illuminati real nice, or they might have a word with the Sun God and his consort and have them bring a punishing plague of frogs.

In time (say about the time of the Chaldeans) the Illuminati started to believe some of their own programming and began to study the movement of the Sun and moon and their brother and sister stars and planets. This gave the Illuminati another leg up, via astronomy, in being able to predict coming occurrences like eclipses and comets. By the time astrology was formulated, the Illuminati had it all pretty well sewn up, with franchises in operation all over the planet.

But the dominant belief modes of humanity have always been given names like "Science," which simply means "knowing." During the sixteenth century when the noble Illuminati popularized this latest version of "knowing," they had lots of free time to dabble in astrology and alchemy (the forerunner of modern chemistry) and, for a change of pace, to participate in sex orgies in groups with names like the Hell Fire Club.

Since the Sun God (and his various relations, including sons and wives) was, after several thousands years of worship, beginning to fray around the edges in terms of believability, and a lot of commoners were beginning to grumble that this stuff was all made up, the Illuminati came up with a new and improved version of their mind control software that didn't depend upon the Sun God or Moon Goddess for ultimate authority.

As the Sun/Moon cult lost some of its popularity, "Scientists" were quick to take up the slack. According to their propaganda, the physical laws of the universe were the ultimate causative factors, and naturally, those physical laws were only fathomable by the scientific (i.e. Illuminati) elite.

Their vision of the universe and society, as fostered by members of the British Royal Society and other Illuminati-conceived groupings, became the predominant worldview. The main tenet of their new religion, Science, was that whether you understood it or not, it was always Right. Not so different a creed than the programs that preceded it.

The British Royal Society of the late seventeenth century was the forerunner of much of the media manipulation that was to follow.

After the re-tooling into "scientific" values was accomplished by the Illuminist masters, society (in the view of the Illuminati) needed to be conditioned for stability in a capitalist and non-religious format. The cogwheels had to be greased. This was accomplished by the launching of non-religious, pro-scientific attitudes through the same media vehicles that influence us today: newspapers and books, with radio, motion pictures and television soon to follow.

And heretics against either Science or Religion have always been dealt with in summary fashion - sometimes possibly in dark blue vans by CIA technicians dressed to look like space aliens.

Now we are in an era - which we arbitrarily term "modern," but which seems to have no claim to that appellation - whose religion is a hybrid of both science and mysticism: this is the religion of the UFO and the New Age. It is a religion that performs the functions of all religion: it induces awe and susceptibility and confusion and guilt and re-stimulation of infantilism, and opens up the believer to intervention by the priesthood.

Attempting to crack the secret of the nature of this elusive beast, the UFO:

Isn't it odd that the U.S. military just happened to be working on disk craft back in the 1950s when the whole UFO flap started?

Isn't it odd that the mind control implants that are supposed to be inserted through the nostrils of UFO abductees just happen to conform exactly to the implants designed by Dr. Jose Delgado, the CIA mind control researcher?

Isn't it odd that several of the most prominent among "UFO researchers" have been members of military intelligence, men such as John Lear, "formerly" of the CIA?

And isn't it the oddest thing of all that the intelligence agencies of all countries crawl with Freemasons, and that the CIA just happens to have a reported faction of Mother Goddess cultism within its ranks?

Attempting to get a grip on this topic, why would "UFO" testing be done relatively "out in the open," on military reservations that can be fairly easily observed by a public notified of UFO flights by "former" CIA men eager to spread the truth about the little grey men? Are the military authorities teasing us, as it were, with this open testing, along with all the other revelations of the secret order that underlies the normalized facade of our society and media?

Michael Hoffman II has spoken about similar processes involving "revelation of method" or the purposeful giving away of arcane secrets of Freemasonry, which he dubs "the cryptocracy."

He likens this to the activities of the alchemists:

This is what simplistic researchers miss: the function of macabre arrogance thumbing its nose at us while we do nothing except spread the tale of their immunity and invincibility further. That is the game plan operant here.

To the belief system of the modern man it sounds too crazy. Why would the perpetrators want their secrets revealed after the fact?

This question can only be definitively answered if one has an understanding of the zeitgeist which overseers in the cryptocracy have partly manufactured and partly tailored their own operations to coincide with. As I've pointed out, secrets like this were rarely revealed in the past because traditional people had not yet completed the alchemical processing (of mind control).

To make such perverse, modern revelations to an unprocessed, healthy and vigorous population possessed of will, memory, adherence to their deepest inner intuition and intense interest in their own salvation, would not have been a good thing for the cryptocracy. It would have proven fatal to them.

But to reveal these after-the-act secrets in our modern time, to a people who have no memory, no willpower and no interest in their own fate except in so far as it may serve as momentary titillation and entertainment actually strengthens the enslavement of such a people.

There is an occult/Freemasonic stratum in the command structure of media and world control.

There is a long-term occult agenda in geopolitics that is just now coming to poisonous fruition.

Saucers of the Illuminati - Demons and Adepts ... and_Adepts
Secret societies such as the Freemasons have been linked throughout their history with the kind of otherworldly visitations that we associate with UFOs, having now conveniently pigeonholed the phenomenon into a "scientific" categorization that removes them from the relatively discredited earlier pigeonhole of being demonic.

Historically many occultists have claimed to channel alien beings that conform exactly to allegedly extraterrestrial visitors that are described today, although in the past this phenomenon was considered to be related to religion.

Jacques Bergier, in Extraterrestrial Visitations from Prehistoric Times to the Present even credits the possibility that these entities actually exist, suggesting that the proliferation of alchemical, occult, and scientific knowledge that took place in the fifteenth and sixteenth century may have been due to contact with otherworldly beings by Illuminati such as Roger Bacon, Jerome Cardan, and Leonardo da Vinci.

Is it possible that during the Middle Ages the Nommos made a return visit?

Bergier attributes the alien influx of knowledge to "Information Source X" and believes that this knowledge was connected with alchemy but went beyond it...

Certainly, during the Middle Ages contact with angels and Men in Black and sundry demons was almost taken for granted by the populace, although I have the suspicion that it was probably in the interests of the clergy and secret mystical societies to play this material up and to weave legends around it.

At that time the term "demon" did not always carry the satanic overtones that it does in this era, and the descriptions we have of the otherworldly beings from that time suggest that they were of two general descriptions.

There were the monstrous succubi and tormentors of humans that the clergy - including Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish - got a kick out of spooking their aptly-termed flocks with. There was also the category of entity said to have been in contact with the Illuminati of the day, and that group seems to have been more interested in imparting the advanced and arcane knowledge of alchemy and astrology and science than in forging diabolic pacts and wagering souls.

Note the difference: the clergy would be well-served by the imps of hellfire, while the Illuminati, affirming their possession of transcendent knowledge, would be served by contact with wise, unearthly spirits who didn't have anything to do with the bugaboos of mainstream religion. Not that I am absolutely positive that some of these "demons" may not have been real, but this dual orientation suggests that at least some of them were invented, just as some UFOs are invented.

Bergier also reports that during the Middle Ages, appearances of creatures with garments of light were most common. These messengers went to meet rabbis, with whom they held lengthy discussions on the cabala, the powers of gold, the knowledge and exploration of time, etc. They stated that they knew the guardians of the sky, but were not guardians themselves...

While I don't know whether the Freemasons and their cohorts ever really contacted the sort of beings who we would now term "extraterrestrials," it may be that they did. Or it may only be that they only thought they did. Certain areas of human history - and the history of disinformation - elude easy answers.

Yet I can't help reflecting on the fact that contact with extraterrestrial aliens might have been just as profitable a pursuit then for the occult adept - and the rank charlatan - as it is today.


Re: Bill McDonald's General Composite of the Roswell Spacecraft

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:08 am

Saucers of the Illuminati – Part 4

Saucers of the Illuminati - Occult Espionage ... _Espionage
Elizabethan scholar Francis Yates places John Dee, Illuminatus Extraordinaire, at the center of the formation of the Rosicrucian secret fraternity, because of the references to Ros Crus, or the "Dew of Light" in his work. The Dew of Light is also a cabalistic image.

Today we primarily know Dee as cabalist, alchemist, court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth, and ET channeler - at least one of whom who bore a close resemblance to a grey alien.

But Dee had another interesting side to his character that falls into the grey area between scholarly disciplines that few are willing to talk about. John Dee was one of the founders of what has come to be known as British Intelligence, which in its early days used alchemical ciphers of Dee's invention for passing secret messages. For what it is worth, Dee's code name was 007.

As late as World War II, Himmler claimed that the Rosicrucians were a branch of British Intelligence, although my sense is that he may have gotten it backwards.

To this day, British Intelligence remains heavily Freemasonic in its membership.

Linking the Mother Goddess cult (of which Freemasonry is the most prevalent example that we know of) to intelligence agencies, the authors of Dope, Inc. give a highly interesting interpretation:

The Cult of Isis was developed in ancient Egypt no later than the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, approximately 2780 B.C. and represents one of the earliest formal articulations of the entropic and backward ideology of mother-worship. As known to the priesthood of the Temple of Isis - true believers themselves - the Isis cult formalizes the elements of a capability for social control, exploitation, and destruction of creative free will in subject populations.

The elements include:

Use of various schizophrenia-inducing drugs;

Use of repetitive, heteronomic sounds in "music" to supplement the effect of psychotropic drugs, and to create a societal aesthetic that endorses and encourages the use of the drugs;

Creation of synthetic cults based on the original reactionary Isis myth but specific to the psychological profile of the population which the priesthood has targeted for subversion;

Enforcement of a political-economic model antagonistic to general human progress, and containing targeted populations within noncreative, manual slave-labor projects such as pyramid building

This combination of Pharaonic cult capabilities was taken as a model for further refinement in this century by the British Secret Intelligence Service's Tavistock Institute in London - an institution which launched the "counterculture" in the United States and Europe, based on the very drugs, mescaline and hashish, the ancient priesthood had employed.

The occult underpinnings of the spy business should not be glossed over if we are attempting to understand historical world manipulation by secret societies, much less the real nature of UFO abductions.

It may be interesting to note that many occultists channeling "alien" entities have had one foot in the occult camp, the other foot among spy agency contacts.

Aleister Crowley was a "magickal" adept who functioned as a spy for the British, and - opinions differ - perhaps simultaneously for the Germans. During his career as the world's foremost occultist of the time, Crowley claimed to be in contact with any number of alien beings, including gods of ancient Egypt, and to channel written material such as The Book of The Law, which he attributed to an extraterrestrial entity named Aiwass.

A 1923 U.S. military intelligence report reveals that Aleister Crowley, as well as another famous occultist, Rudolph Steiner, the founder of the Blavatsky-esque Anthroposophy, were being investigated as the leaders of a New York occult group allegedly involved in "subversive Bolshevik activities."

The report, written by a Norman Armond, goes so far as to suggest that the Russian Revolution may have been controlled by occult networks. Armond states that Steiner and Crowley, through a holding company Steiner controlled, had been involved in an alliance with Lenin that had begun in 1909.

Aleister Crowley is reported - whether reliably or not, I do not know - to have initiated "psychedelic guru" Aldous Huxley into drugs.

While this connection may lie somewhat far afield of what we are discussing, Huxley was the grandson of Thomas Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Round Table, which was the base from which later well-known elitist control mechanisms such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderbergers were launched.

Aldous Huxley was raised in the "Children of the Sun", a school for children of Round Tablers, and was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells who, during World War I, was the director of British foreign intelligence, and as the author of books like The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution, the most influential mouthpiece of the Rhodes/Illuminist New World Order.

During 1952 and 1953 secret meetings are reported to have taken place between CIA Director Allen Dulles, Ford Foundation Director Robert Hutchins, and Dr. Humphrey Osmond, Huxley's friend and personal physician. These meetings involved the funding by the Ford Foundation for a number of experimental research projects using LSD and mescaline.

Huxley started a number of groups that, by furnishing LSD, mescaline, and settings for controlled trips, launched virtually all of the acid-occult missionaries of the 1960s, including Tim Leary, Ken Kesey, Richard Alpert (Baba Ram Dass), Gregory Bateson, and Alan Watts.

As poisonous as it may seem to a mostly-liberal audience, the LSD invasion of the world may have been a form of chemical warfare launched by British Intelligence (and their apparent masters), much in reflection of the kind of drug warfare that England had waged in the previous century during the Chinese Opium War.

Certainly LSD and a connected doctrine of occultism as furnished by men like Crowley and Huxley has paved the way for future interventions of the occult (and possibly ufological) kind, and for a possible alchemical transformation of which we are only beginning to be aware.

The espionage strategy of drug and occult philosophy-induced destruction of a culture is reminiscent of the process that Carl Raschke attributes to UFOs in "Ultraterrestrial Agents of Cultural Deconstruction" in Cyber-biological Studies of the Imaginal Component in the UFO Contact Experience.

Another "child of Crowley" was rocket scientist, Caltech founder, and California OTO head Jack Parsons.

In Pasadena, California in January of 1946, Parsons, assisted by Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard (who later claimed he was working in Naval Intelligence at the time) participated in a "magickal" working intended to incarnate the demonic Whore of Babylon via Crowleyan sex rites.

Hubbard was later to abscond with Parson's girlfriend and his money, going on to form the Church of Scientology with its Freemasonry-like "grade chart" of spiritual processing and its cross emblem that is almost a duplicate of Crowley's Book of Thoth cross.

Before his death Parsons was interviewed by FBI agents and admitted that he had been illegally in possession of a number of classified documents relating to explosives taken from Hughes Aircraft Corporation, and that he had furnished them to the Israeli government.

The question remains open as to who was responsible for Parson's death -infernal forces or Howard Hughes playing turnabout?

James Shelby Downard, in "The Call to Chaos" in Apocalypse Culture provides additional deep background on the intelligence agency-occult connection:

Consider that the secret society which became the nucleus of the Office of Strategic Services-Central Intelligence Agency octopus was making biotelemetry implants in unsuspecting people as early as 1933.

The early implants were made to stimulate the pudenda nerve, when triggered, so that the sexually excited and amnesiac-drugged victims could be used in the sex circuses of the OSS-CIA secret order. Those victims were not infrequently operated on while anesthetized by morphine and scopolomine, which produce analgesia and amnesia (twilight sleep, to esotericists). They too were brainwashed after healing. This evil program, supposedly for the sake of national security, was oriented to the Cult of GAOTU (The Freemasonic god, the Great Architect of the Universe).

Is Mr. Downard projecting all of this?

I am not entirely certain, but I do know that there are strong verifiable linkages between occultism, politics, and spycraft. One of the less-spoken-of aspects is their connection to homosexual and bisexual practices, long a mainstay of certain forms of ritual magick. With the risk of straying into Political Incorrectness (truth, as always, being a secondary concern of the arbiters of our national mindset), I will speak of such matters.

Jim Brandon in his excellent The Rebirth of Pan has commented on the attraction of UFOs, inexplicable Fortean events, and alien entities to sex activities of various sorts. It should be noted that homosexual orgies seem to have been an integral part of many Mystery Religion rituals, the precursor of many current secret societal practices, and that in primitive tribes homosexuals were often looked upon as partaking of divinity, and took on the role of shamans (read "channelers" in latter-day parlance).

The Mystery Religions in addition utilized hallucinogenic drugs, Sun and Mother Goddess worship and human sacrifice - at least on occasion.

Aleister Crowley engaged in bisexual practices for some of his magickal workings, as did the cabal of "Apostles," a Cambridge University student group that was thoroughly infiltrated by the KGB and took over British intelligence in the 1930s, their influence said to have continued until the present day.

One of the founders of the Apostles, which was termed by members as "the Higher Sodomy" and "a sort of gay Freemasonry," was Sidney Reilly, "Ace of Spies" as the media has it. Reilly was also part of the Rhodes Round Table group at 120 Broadway in New York that provided funding for the Bolshevik revolution.

From the ranks of the Apostles came such highly-placed British intelligence turncoats as Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean, Kim Philby, and Guy Burgess. These men were KGB agents who infiltrated and controlled the highest levels of British - and in certain instances - American spycraft.

In recent years Victor (Lord) Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family (which bankrolled Cecil Rhodes), a member of British intelligence during World War II, was fingered in the British Parliament as the most likely candidate for the highly-placed "Fifth Man" Soviet spy among his Apostle friends Blunt, Burgess, Philby, and Maclean.

Although there were calls for prosecution, Margaret Thatcher defended Rothschild and within months the case was closed.

Another homosexual cabal that allegedly included Knight of Malta, British intelligence agent, and Rhodes Round Table lawyer Louis Bloomfield, along with homosexuals Clay Shaw and David Ferrie, as described by "Torbitt" in his pivotal investigative document Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal, is said to have been responsible - in an organizational sense - for the John F. Kennedy assassination.

There is a tangled web of Masonic symbolism that can be discerned in the events of the JFK assassination, beginning with the fact that the killing took place in the "Lone Star" (i.e. pentagram, Sirius) state. Remarkable research in this regard has been done by James Shelby Downard, demonstrating that the Kennedy assassination was manipulated for ritual purposes in an enactment of the ages-old "Killing of the King" fertility ritual, admittedly a radical theory but one backed up by a good deal of evidence.

As John Michell has said in The Flying Saucer Vision, "What we now suspect was in the past openly known. The 'gods' demand sacrifices, perfect specimens for their own scientific purposes.

In the days when the nature of the gods was known, their desires studied, and the benefits they could bring enjoyed, sacrifices were left for them on the high places which they frequented. The relationship between the gods of mythology and the superior race from the sky to whom the first sacrifices were made is a large subject which must soon be studied in detail."

In "The Call to Chaos" in Apocalypse Culture, Downard explains,

"The third degree of 'Blue' (basic) Freemasonry, and more particularly the ninth degree of Scottish Rite work, embody symbolical assassination and death ritual; but in GAOTU [the Great Architect of the Universe] operations they go in for the real McCoy: heavy snuff stuff."

It is verifiable that Masons and their allied secret societies are hardwired into the control systems of government and intelligence agencies, comprising a level of unseen motive and hidden intention in agencies that have the power of life and death over the citizens of the United States and the world. They control the controllers, so to speak, and if there was a conspiracy and a cover-up in the John F. Kennedy assassination, then they were certainly in a position to accomplish them.

James Shelby Downard, again, has stated:

But the ultimate purpose of that assassination was not political or economic but sorcerous; for the control of the dreaming mind and the marshaling of its forces is the omnipotent force in this entire scenario of lies, cruelty and degradation.


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