Recovered: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

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Re: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:58 am

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:20 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "leokor"
Michael Mozina wrote: The part that really ticks me off about their claims is the fact that exploding double layer experiments do *not* support this idea at all. Alfven expressly explained that the explosive aspect of exploding double layers is directly related to the current flow inside the plasmas and the instabilities that are caused by the current flow and changes in the current flow. He specifically said that it was impossible for the magnetic fields to be responsible for this fundamentally electrical interaction between plasmas.
This is why it's so important to demonstrate what exactly happens in the process that they incorrectly call "magnetic reconnection" but which should instead be called "double layer reconnection."

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Re: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:59 am

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "junglelord"

You mean like this?
Cluster was able to detect the region based on its high-resolution magnetic field, electric field and ion measurements. But to understand the fundamental physics of the electron diffusion region responsible for reconnection, higher time resolution measurements are needed to resolve the layer.
Another way to understand would be to introduce electric current and double layers...

they must be afraid to be electrocuted if they say electric currents.
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Re: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:01 am

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:02 am Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "Michael Mozina"
junglelord wrote:
they must be afraid to be electrocuted if they say electric currents.

:) For some reason that statement really made me giggle. I like that line a lot. :)
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Re: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:04 am

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:43 am Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "mgmirkin"
Michael Mozina wrote:
junglelord wrote:
they must be afraid to be electrocuted if they say electric currents.
:) For some reason that statement really made me giggle. I like that line a lot. :)
I'm reminded of the scene in the Simpsons where the family goes to Dr. Marvin Monroe who decides that family electroshock therapy is the only thing that can help them.

Marvin: Now, before we...

Homer: *Hits button* Bzzt!
Bart: Oww! *hits button* Bzzt!
Lisa: he-eeyyy!

Marvin: Stop that! Now before we begin...

Homer: Bart, Lisa, stop it! *Hits two buttons at once* Bz-zz-zzztttt!
Bart and Lisa: Owwww!
Marge: *Hits her button* Bzzt!
Homer: Ow! Hey, I thought we were on the same team...
Marge: I don't believe in corporal punishment for the kids!

Marvin: Okay, now that we've gotten that out of the system...

Maggie: *Randomly punching buttons* Bzzt! Bzz-tt! Bz-zzttt! Bzzt!
Bart: Ow!
Marge: Whoaoaa!
Lisa! Hehe!
Homer: Why you!
Bart, Lisa, Marge and Homer: Randomly pushing buttons.

Mr. Burns: Ahh, ex-cellent... It appears the energy crisis is over! Look at them Smithers. Consuming energy like fat little piggies. *The city suffers rolling brown outs... Then goes dark.*

Marvin: I'm ruined... Ruined! Get out! Take your money back, and just get out...

Homer: I believe the commercial said that if you can't cure us we get DOUBLE our money back!


~Michael Gmirkin
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Re: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:06 am

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:32 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "saul"
Michael Mozina wrote:
leokor wrote: If this is what they call "magnetic reconnection," then it is nothing mysterious to us, except that we describe it in different terms.
No, what they call "magnetic reconnection" is based on the idea that magnetic field lines can connect and disconnect like electrical current.

They are quite literally trying to claim that magnetic field lines make and break connection and thereby release energy. Magnetic fields do not do that. They only form as a full continuum and they can't make and break connections like electrical circuits. Plasma flows can make and break connections because they are charge particles that flow with some velocity. They would automatically trigger induction currents in a fixed magnetic field. Plasma can ebb and flow as ESA suggests, but only because it is carrying current, not because the magnetic fields make and break contact. They are grossly mistaken in their basis premise which is why Alfven himself ridiculed the idea. The worst part is they keep trying to use MHD theory to support this false idea, even though Alfven publicly rejected the idea.

Don Scott's paper was extremely well written and approaches this mainstream nonsense from the perspective of an electronics engineer. EE folks understand that electricity makes and breaks connections, but magnetic fields form a full continuum. There is no such thing as "magnetic reconnection". It is a myth. No such thing happens in nature in a lab. This skewing of the language and the blurring of electrical behaviors (reconnection) with magnetic fields (continuum) is misleading and intentionally so. The worst part all of this nonsense IMO is the fact that the father of MHD theory claimed it was false. Now they turn right around and try to use MHD theory to support the idea using *uncontrolled* observations from space, and never once demonstrated how it works in a lab. The whole thing is stupid IMO. Many of them know what's really going on, but they can't publish anything with the term "current flow" in it, so they use bogus lingo and false concepts to convey electrical behaviors without mentioning electricity.
Thanks for the useful picture! First, I'd like to point out there is no "phobia" against electric fields or currents in mainstream science, not that I have seen. The undergraduate physics student is quickly taught that magnetism and electricity are simply different parts of the same thing: electromagnetism. If somebody says "magnetic field", you know there is also an electric field (just view it from another reference frame) and there are also charges and currents. Sure, there may be a bias against static electric fields in certain situations and reference frames (e.g. across a conductor in the rest frame of the condutor) but that is for obvious reasons.

Field lines can behave as they do in your picture, the interesting part is that the definition of a magnetic field line breaks down when B=0. This is called the "X point".. here there is no well defined magnetic field line through this point. That's where the "reconnection" occurs.. a point where the field line definition breaks down.

Another thing to keep in mind is that many people choose to draw field lines as "moving" with the fluid (as in your picture).. again just a trick of this visualization tool, they could just as well be defined any other way, in the case of your animation they could be drawn stationary and still be perfectly rigorous field lines. So the "reconnection" is indeed only an artifact of our description of magnetic fields (currents). Doesn't mean it is that bad of a misnomer..

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Re: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:11 am

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 3:47 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
OP "junglelord"
the interesting part is that the definition of a magnetic field line breaks down when B=0. This is called the "X point".. here there is no well defined magnetic field line through this point. That's where the "reconnection" occurs.. a point where the field line definition breaks down.
That is incorrect. You derived that from Maxwells theorum which is really a heaviside gibb reduced theorum. A invalid theorum for that part of the model. The entire electromagnetic formula can be found if and only if longitudinal energy is introduced. This will eliminate that false notion derived from Maxwells invalid forumla on induction. Faraday is correct on induction. Maxwells work needs to be viewed in its entirety in Quaternions as he wrote it and with his subset....not the heaviside gibbs reformatted work with xy vectors. To even begin to have a valid electromagnetic theorum in the first place we must work in Quaternions and with Maxwells full theorum and subset and also corrected Faraday Induction with self evident Tesla Longitudinal Currents to have a full theory of electromagnatism.

A quaternion has 4 degrees of freedom, so it needs 4 real-valued variables to be defined:

Quaternions - aliquot parts. All wave form vectors are really a composite of unseen or occulted forces acting in concert. Graphic shows the more natural way (on the left) using Quaternions Arithmetic and ellipses, as opposed to standard Hamiltonian method (below right) of describing vectors using Newtonian calculus and the squares which always have inherent inaccuracies. Using X-Y coordinates can at best be only approximations of the truth.
fig6ml6.gif (9.78 KiB) Viewed 9226 times
I refer you to Meyl
The unipolar generator
If one turns an axially polarized magnet or a copper disc situated in a magnetic field, then perpendicular to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the magnetic field pointer a pointer of the electric field will occur, which everywhere points axially to the outside. In the case of this by Faraday developed unipolar generator hence by means of a brush between the rotation axis and the circumference a tension voltage can be
called off.

The mathematically correct relation

E = v x B

I call the Faraday-law, even if it only appears in this form in the textbooks later in time. The formulation usually is attributed to the mathematician Hendrik Lorentz, since it appears in the Lorentz force in exactly this form. Much more important than the mathematical formalism however are the experimental results and the discovery by Michael Faraday, for which reason the law concerning unipolar induction is named after the discoverer.

We now contrast the “Faraday-law” with the second Maxwell equation, the law of induction, also is a mathematical description between the electric field strength E and the magnetic induction B. But this time the two aren’t linked by a relative velocity v.

Different induction laws
Such a difference for instance is that it is common practice to neglect the coupling between the fields at low frequencies. While at high frequencies in the range of the electromagnetic field the E- and the H-field are mutually dependent, at lower frequency and small field change the process of induction drops correspondingly according to Maxwell, so that a neglect seems to be allowed. Now electric or magnetic field can be measured independently of each other. Usually is proceeded as if the other field is not present at all.

That is not correct. A look at the Faraday-law immediately shows that even down to frequency zero both fields are always present.

Another difference concerns the commutability of E- and H-field, as is
shown by the Faraday-generator, how a magnetic becomes an electric
field and vice versa as a result of a relative velocity v.

This directly influences the physical-philosophic question: What is meant by the electromagnetic field?

In the commutability of electric and magnetic field a duality between the two is expressed,
which in the Maxwell formulation is lost as soon as charge carriers are brought into play. Is thus the Maxwell field the special case of a particle free field? Much evidence points to it, because after all a light ray can run through a particle free vacuum. If however fields can exist without particles, particles without fields however are impossible, then the field should have been there first as the cause for the particles.

Then the Faraday description should form the basis, from which all other regularities can be derived.

Obviously there exist two formulations for the law of induction which more or less have equal rights. Science stands for the question: which mathematical description is the more efficient one? If one case is a special case of the other case, which description then is the more universal one?

The new and dual field approach consists of equations of transformation
of the electric E = v x B Unipolar Induction
of the magnetic H = -v x D Equation of Convection

We now have found a field-theoretical approach with the equations of
transformation, which in its dual formulation is clearly distinguished
from the Maxwell approach. The reassuring conclusion is added: The
new field approach roots entirely in textbook physics, as are the results
from the literature research. We can completely do without postulates. ... sublevel=0
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There is something beyond our mind which abides in silence within our mind. It is the supreme mystery beyond thought. Let one's mind and one's subtle body rest upon that and not rest on anything else. [---][/---] Maitri Upanishad

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Re: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by bboyer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 4:13 am

That's all posts I found for recovery.

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Re: Recovered: Debunking "magnetic reconnection"

Unread post by seasmith » Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:52 pm

Couldn't find the "Themis Update" thread, so i'll dredge up this oldie-but-goodie;....

Plasma Bullets Spark Northern Lights

Although the explosion happened inside Earth's magnetic field, it was actually a release of energy from the sun. When the solar wind stretches Earth's magnetic field, it stores energy there, in much the same way energy is stored in a rubber band when you stretch it between thumb and forefinger. Bend your forefinger and—crack!—the rubber band snaps back on your thumb. Something similar happened inside the magnetotail on Feb. 26, 2008. Over-stretched magnetic fields snapped back, producing a powerful explosion. This process is called "magnetic reconnection" and it is thought to be common in stellar and planetary magnetic fields.
~ "Re-Connection" is just the side view, the real show is the (leaky) spherical capacitor swelling with ions and then explosively discharging back through the solar/galactic circuit. ... ist1066595


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