Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sun May 25, 2008 7:28 pm

32. Magnetic field reversal.
Geologist Gregg Braden has pointed out that Earth’s magnetic field has dropped 58% in the last 2000 years, and that the rate has risen to a further 6% in the last 100 years. In other words, the global magnetic field is dropping at an accelerating rate towards a "zero point" at which the polarity of Earth will reverse. Geological surveys of the mid-Atlantic ridge shows that this has happened many times before in the history of the Earth. Braden says that the declining magnetic field is causing the Schumann resonance of the ionosphere to increase, and that it is currently resonating at between 8.6 - 9 hz, and will level out at 13 hz -the next number in the Fibbonacci series. The whole process is connected to the Mayan calendar, the largest increase being recorded in 1987, which is when the Harmonic Convergence occurred. (He says the last polar reversal was 13,200 years ago - close to half a precession cycle).
35. Birth and Death of Venus.
Immanuel Velikovsky has said in his book Worlds in Collision that the Birth of Venus occurred when Venus was “born” from Jupiter. A cosmic collision caused a part of Jupiter to burst out, becoming a comet, and leaving the famous red spot where it burst out. This is clearly illustrated in the Greek myth of Athene who sprang from the head of Zeus, making Mount Olympus tremble and stirring the sea, (Athene, reasons Velikovsky, is the planet Venus, and Zeus is the planet Jupiter). Velikovsky dated this event as contemporary with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, explaining the plagues and parting of the Red Sea. Several Mayan and Aztec myths were also cited as evidence, including the fact that Quetzalcoatl, which means feathered serpent, is the well-known name for the planet Venus
53. Something is Wrong with Our Sun
Kev is an Australian amateur radio operator, or "ham", who set out to study how earth's atmospheric and weather conditions affected his radio signal. He became immersed in a detailed investigation of the solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, interplanetary magnetic flux, solar wind, and more. One of the first things he noticed is that the graphs of solar activity show a clear incline over the last few hundred years since the records began. This means that solar activity has been steadily increasing for a long time. When he noticed that the Earth's geomagnetic activity was also increasing, along with earthquake activity, he contacted government agencies, who denied any increases and said that any apparent increases were due to more advanced instrumentation over the years. Kev re-checked and found that the official explanation did not explain the data.

Next, Kev started corresponding with a Malaysian UFOlogist called Ahmad Jamaludin, who had discovered a pattern to UFO sightings that fitted in with the solar cycle.

Jamaludin, (who has a "source x" theory (1) to explain it), provided maps of UFO sightings that followed Earth's tectonic plate junctions. Kev went on to examine reports of alien abductions and cattle mutilation. He came to the conclusion that the details show that, in the case of humans, the glandular examinations by the abductors, plus sampling of skin, blood, sperm, ova, and hair, is exactly the kind of tissue sampling that would be needed to show effects of increased radiation. In the case of animal mutilation, there is even more evidence of an interest by the perpetrators, in checking on an increase in carbon 14 from solar radiation. A rise in carbon 14 may, says Kev, be connected to the rise in cancer over the past century.

Kev concludes that, in July-August 2011, there is a possible coincidence of 4 factors that could, if they occur at the same time, endanger the Earth. These are the 4 factors:

1. The height of summer in the Northern hemisphere in June 2011 (summer solstice is June 21st), when the Earth's magnetic North pole is closest to the Sun.

2. There will be three eclipses that occur in June 2011, causing geomagnetic effects.

3. The solar maximum is due at this time, when the sun's magnetic field reverses (every 11 years on average).

4. The possible peak of a solar mega-cycle, or long-term sunspot cycle indicated by the incline in graphs of solar activity.

Kev says the result of these four factors coinciding will cause the Earth's magnetic field to collapse and reverse, and the "resulting earthquake and volcano activity bringing about the end of our civilisation by the end of 2012". A new ice-age would probably follow, due to a global temperature drop as volcanic ash cuts out sunlight.

However, the last solar polar reversal cycle (11-year sunspot cycle) was a year later than expected, lasting 11 years, 10 months, and reversing in February 2001. That brings the next expected peak to February 2012, but it is variable - between 8 & 14 year periods have been recorded in the past. So, if the current cycle is a little less than 11 years, we could be in big trouble, according to Kev's theory.

This, says Kev, explains why the goverments have been hushing up the alien presence - because they're here to study the effects of a solar mega-max; an event (possibly in combination with the other factors), that only occurs, says Kev, every 65 million years, and wiped out the dinosaurs last time.
Source X (1)
SOURCE-X THEORY: Proposed by Ahmad Jamaludin from Malaysia to explain the helio-centric geographical migration of major UFO waves around the Earth in a 10-year cycle (plus or minus 1 year). This "Source-X" is believed to be an astrophysical entity orbiting between the planet Mars and Jupiter (because of its 10-year cycle) but on a highly eccentric orbit. This "Source-X" must be emitting gravity waves which is aiding the UFOs to surf on it and hence it function as a corridor or highway to come to Earth. Its pulsating nature determine the number of UFOs appearing on Earth i.e. if it pulsate slowly, only isolated UFOs appear, but when it suffers a glitch and pulsate rapidly, UFOs will appear in large numbers and hence the UFO waves. This pulsating astrophysical entity is also believe to be responsible for triggering earthquakes on Earth due to the gravity waves it emit in exciting the Earth's weak spot. i.e. the fault lines. Source-X or this astrophysical entity is not a solid object but just a mass of energy. It must have formed from a planet that once existed between Mars and Jupiter but has dissipated for some unknown reasons. If UFOs appear out of "Source-X", then they must be coming out of it from a parallel universe (if there is any).
18. Sunspot Cycle Maximum: Now officially moved forward - 2000 to 2001 and 2011 to 2012
Kev Peacock's Geomagnetic Reversal theory was not like Cotterell's prediction of a long-term sunspot cycle (a shift of the solar warped neutral sheet), but a coincidence of other cycles (eclipses plus the North Pole being close to the Sun), and the 11-year sunspot maximum - all due in summer 2011, says Peacock. The peak of the sunspot cycle which was active through the nineties, according to most authorities, would occur in 2000 (Mar-April), and therefore, the next peak would be in 2011. There are several sites which state this, such as, Graphing Sunspot Cycles, or George C. Marshall Institute.

However, a recent post on the NASA website (15/2/2001) says that the sun's pole had just flipped, and "The Sun's magnetic poles will remain as they are now, with the north magnetic pole pointing through the Sun's southern hemisphere, until the year 2012 when they will reverse again. This transition happens, as far as we know, at the peak of every 11-year sunspot cycle -- like clockwork." This had actually been predicted in 1998 by Peter Jakubowski, and Earth Changes TV webmaster, Mitch Battros, has concluded in Feb 2000, that, since the cycle was "running almost three times higher then NASA's own prediction", the change in the cycle indicates the existence of a "Mega-cycle" terminating in 2012, and connected to the end of the Mayan Great Cycle.

For more information, Timo Niroma has produced a massive essay on "Sunspot Cycles and Supercycles and Their Tentative Causes"
Timo Niroma: One possible explanation for the cyclicity in the Sun.

Sun and Jupiter ... ml#jupiter
A speculative hypothesis to explain the Jupiter effect

Ever since Heinrich Schwabe and Rudolf Wolf in the years 1843-51 calculated that the amount of the sunspots varied in periods of about 11 years, there have been speculations that some planets, perhaps Jupiter in the first place, have something to do with the periodicity. Speculations are based not only on the fact that the orbital period of the planet Jupiter - 11.86 years - is near the generally accepted value for the sunspot period - 11.1 years - but also on the facts that there are no known mechanism that regulates the sunspot activity and that Jupiter is, besides the Sun, the only body in our planetary system whose output of energy is greater than the input.


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by shrunkensimon » Sun May 25, 2008 7:31 pm

You posted your thread twice my friend :lol: :oops:

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by davesmith_au » Sun May 25, 2008 8:50 pm

I just deleted the other one - it was incomplete anyhow.

Cheers, Dave Smith.
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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Mon May 26, 2008 8:08 am

48. Sphinx Stargate:
While we’re on the subject… this is the name of astrophysicist Dr. Paul LaViolette’s website, in which he gives some information about the content of his books; Talk of The Galaxy is about ET communication, SETI, Pulsars, Astronomy, Supernovae & Crop circles.

However, most interesting to us at the moment, is “Earth under Fire, - Humanity’s Survival of the Apocalypse." LaViolette combines recent scientific data with myth & legend to rediscover the reason that ancient civilizations tried to warn us of impending disaster. He lists 12 ground-breaking discoveries that he made, which were later vindicated by other researchers. These concern galactic core explosion cycles; Galactic super-waves of cosmic rays; cosmic ray levels fluctuation; tin isotopes; global warming; solar flare activity; geomagnetic reversals; radiocarbon date anomalies; gamma ray bursts; archaeo-astronomy (knowledge of Galactic Centre in tribal myth).

The arrow of Sagittarius and the sting of Scorpio define the position of Galactic centre, with accompanying mythology. The foot of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Handler, is also right over Galactic Centre, as Raymond Mardyks points out. This happens to be at the Golden Gate which Gilbert brings attention to, while at the Silver Gate lies the Galactic anticentre - the direction in which the Galactic Superwave departed, which is defined by Orion's club & the horns of Taurus, or the ankh in the hand of Osiris. The nearby Pleiades constellation is associated with catastrophe, not just in Mexico, but also ancient Persia and many other cultures, LaViolette tells us.

For reader interest, he also includes evidence from mythology, the tarot, astrology, prophecy and hypnotic progression! Here we can see where a mass extinction coincides with the start of a period lasting over a thousand years, of high solar flare activity due to cosmic dust from a Galactic superwave.This happened 12,700 years ago which is half a precessional period.

LaViolette confirms that at that time "...the intensity and declination of the earth's magnetic field underwent major variations in step with the eleven-year sunspot cycle. The amplitude of these cycles was hundreds of times larger than modern geomagnetic solar cycles, suggesting that solar flare activity at that time was also hundreds of times more intense, approaching levels normally observed in T Tauri stars."


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by shrunkensimon » Mon May 26, 2008 10:45 am

Lizzie, you should post all your stuff into one thread, rather than chopping it all up into pieces and making seperate threads.. i see what you're trying to put foward btw with the whole 2012 thing, and i agree with some of it to an extent, but you must realize that ALOT of it is blown out of proportion by the "New Age" crowd. I don't want to get all conspiracy on you, but ALL movements are infiltrated/controlled by the "powers that be", and the New Age movement is no exception.. please think about this carefully before posting lots of stuff 8-)


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Thu May 29, 2008 9:43 pm

Okay. Here is a "streamlined version." What "conspiracy theories?" I am not interested in who is conspiring against whom. Are there any valid scientific arguments for these claims?

The Plasma Environment: Plasma as the fundamental “consciousness unit” of the Universe?

Dr. Dmitriev and "Tornado Physics" ... ?f=8&t=616
Research shows that there is a consciousness field. Consciousness is not just something in the mind — it’s actually the energy that goes into making matter.

Within this inhomogeneous boundary, the theory suggests that the magnetic, electric, gravitic, and spin fields would be different from its surroundings.

Moreover, one may speculate that these anomalies may represent a gravitational vortex or even a portal or a wormhole to look into potential travel within other dimensions.
Vortexes, Propulsion and Matter Changes ... pter09.htm

Are vacuum domains (CU’s) portals or wormholes to other dimensions? Did the Ancients chart the precession of the equinox in order to locate the galactic portals when they opened? :o

The Portal into the Heart of Creation
"The "energy" field emanates from the Galactic Center and includes the entire electromagnetic/photon field in which our planet exists.
Where are the portals?

Galactic Superwave Theory
LaViolette discovered that the ancient star lore connected with the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations indicated the location of the Galactic center, conveyed the idea of an explosive outburst, and specified a significant past date of 13,865 ± 150 years B.C.
What is happening to the Sun?

53. Something is wrong with Our Sun
Kev is an Australian amateur radio operator, or "ham", who set out to study how earth's atmospheric and weather conditions affected his radio signal. He became immersed in a detailed investigation of the solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, interplanetary magnetic flux, solar wind, and more. Kev started corresponding with a Malaysian UFOlogist called Ahmad Jamaludin, who had discovered a pattern to UFO sightings that fitted in with the solar cycle.

Jamaludin, (who has a "Source X" theory to explain it), provided maps of UFO sightings that followed Earth's tectonic plate junctions.
Source X
This “Source-X” is believed to be an astrophysical entity (a Consciousness Unit?) orbiting between the planet Mars and Jupiter (because of its 10-year cycle) but on a highly eccentric orbit.

"Source-X" must be emitting gravity waves which is aiding the UFOs to surf on it and hence it function as a corridor or highway (a portal?) to come to Earth. Its pulsating nature determines the number of UFOs appearing on Earth, i.e. if it pulsate slowly, only isolated UFOs appear, but when it suffers a glitch and pulsate rapidly, UFOs will appear in large numbers and hence the UFO waves.

Source-X or this astrophysical entity is not a solid object but just a mass of energy (a CU?) . It must have formed from a planet that once existed between Mars and Jupiter (in the Asteroid Belt?)* but has dissipated for some unknown reason. If UFOs appear out of "Source-X", then they must be coming out of it from a parallel universe (if there is any).:o

* An anomaly in space caused by a planetary explosion? The infamous Planet X?

The Exploded Planet Hypothesis 2000

Planet X

Location of Planet X ... ..96.1476H
Planet X, if it exists at all, is most likely to be found, at present, in the region of Scorpius, with a considerably likely less likelihood that it is in Taurus
The Sun and Jupiter - One possible explanation for the cyclicity in the Sun - the "Jupiter Effect"

The Sun and Jupiter as a binary system ... 4/00234853

Solar Binary Model ... city.shtml

Our Binary System

Alignment 2012
by John Major Jenkins
The concept of Father Sun being reborn at the end of the age is very similar to the events in Maya Creation mythology (the Popol Vuh) in which First Father / One Hunahpu is reborn in the underworld ballcourt.

Here's the important connection. The date of the Pleiades's midnight zenith passage defines an event that always occurs exactly ½ year later: the conjunction of the Pleiades with the sun. Let's state it again: The midnight zenith-passage of the Pleiades defines the day exactly six months later when the sun and the Pleiades are in conjunction.

Are plasma cells the same as vacuum domains?

Are vacuum domains Consciousness Units?

Are vacuum domains spiraling vortices which could be portals to another dimension? Could such portals be located in the Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars?

Is the sun part of a binary star system? Is precession caused by the sun’s binary movement around its twin?

Is there a “rebirth” (a "revitalization") of our current sun at the end of the “Grand Cycle"? Or is there a “new” sun, a dark star (brown dwarf?) which will occlude our present sun for the next 12,500 years (a Saturn-type of sun)?

(One man's "conspiracy theory" is another man's truth.)


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 31, 2008 12:31 pm

Fulcanelli talked about the “double catastrophe.” What did he mean? Are there three "processes” involved here? Galactic, solar and cometary?


Source X
The astrophysical entity is not a solid object but just a mass of energy
Is this astronomical “anomaly” a vacuum domain?

Is this "anomaly” emitting “gravity waves?”

Is this “anomaly” the sun’s binary twin (a brown dwarf) that has entered our solar system somewhere between Jupiter and Mars?

Was this anomaly caused by the explosion of a planet that created a “gravity sink” (a “weak spot”)in the Asteroid Belt ?

What are Vacuum Domains? Are they Consciousness Units? Are They Plasma Cells? ... ?f=8&t=616

Are there Galactic Portals?
Sagittarius and Scorpius
Where was Planet X? ... tem07a.htm
In the region of Scorpius with a considerably likely less likelihood that it is in Taurus
Where is Source X?
Between Mars and Jupiter
The “alignment” of the “Grand Cycle”


Galaxy - The “galactic superwave” (the Wave) – The Grand Cycle

Solar – the return of the sun’s brown dwarf binary twin – the “Dark Star” – the cause of the precessionary cycle. (The Sun behind the sun) Nibaru as the Dark Star? Its current location is somewhere in the region between Jupiter and Mars (Source X)?

Planet X - a planet that exploded at the end of the last half of the precessional (Saturnian)
cycle (12,500 years ago) – Tiamet? (located in the Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars)?

Comets follow in the wake of the passage of the Dark Star: Phaeton, Marduk, Venus, etc.?


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sat May 31, 2008 8:24 pm

The Dark Star
The implication of this is that there are a great many of these objects orbiting stars which we have assumed to be singular. In these cases, the companion brown dwarfs make them invisible wide binary systems.

There are a great many solar system anomalies which remain unsolved. We know that the distribution of comet influx is non-random. We know that several of the most distant objects ever seen in the solar system have bizarre orbits, perhaps caused by a more remote and massive force.

Most importantly of all, we know that brown dwarfs can form far beyond the normal planetary zone, when star systems crystallise into existence. Presumably, even though these brown dwarf companions go dark with time, they maintain their presence around the stars they once formed alongside.

We just can't see them anymore.
Binary Star Simulation ... binary.htm

Does Our Sun have a Doomsday Twin?
The latest effort of Matese, Whitman and Whitmire studies 82 comets from the huge cloud of comets, called the Oort cloud, which exists around our solar system. They took the aphelia of these comets, the points on their orbit that are farthest from our Sun, and plotted them on a globe. Expecting to find an even distribution, they instead found that a particular band of sky, about one sixth the total, contained more than one quarter of all the comets, and that about 25 per cent of the comets coming from this cloud have anomalous paths.

So what was affecting the orbits? They went on to theorise that the best explanation is the existence of a previously unknown body -- our solar system is made up of the Sun and a shadowy partner, either a brown dwarf or a massive planet, in a wide binary system. In effect, the solar system had two stars, the Sun and a dark companion, spinning around each other.

Under their original theory, called the Nemesis theory, this small dark star, which lurks at around 90,000 times farther away than the Earth is from the Sun, may be on an orbit that once every 30 million years ploughs it into the densely packed inner cloud. Here its immense gravitational pull would drag out several of the Oort comets and give them the "kick" needed to send them towards the Sun on orbits perilously close to the Earth. This explains, in the professor's view, the ominous mass extinction cycle, due to regular periods of increased cometary activity every 30 million years.

Today, their current paper has moved away from the Nemesis theory and proposed, on the basis of comet orbits, a less massive planet about three times the mass of Jupiter.

None the less, with an explanation for the mass extinction cycle yet to be found, he has admitted that they may not be mutually exclusive; and that there could be two dark stars, one a failed partner to our own, and another one that is acting almost as an alarm clock for doomsday. Even so, he says: "I'm still hopeful that ultimately these might turn out to be the same object."
The Myth of a Sumerian 12th Planet: “Nibiru” According to the Cuneiform Sources

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by nick c » Sat May 31, 2008 9:09 pm

Was Velikovsky the first to refer to Jupiter as a dark star?
In Worlds In Collision (1950) p373 (Doubleday edition) he discusses the precarious position of our planet in terms of possible future threats:
Also, some dark star, like Jupiter or Saturn, may be in the path of the sun, and may be attracted to the system and cause havoc in it.
color highlight added
It is somewhat of an intuitive anticipation of the late 20th C discovery of Brown Dwarfs and dark stars. To the average reader on the forum here, the quote doesn't seem especially noteworthy, but believe me, in 1950 it would have been strange indeed!



Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:49 pm

This is an interesting article on planetary systems and their possible encounters with nearby binary star systems. The link is broken, so I had to copy the entire "cached" article.

Playing pool with planets

Hardly a month goes by without the detection of planets orbiting stars other than our Sun. A source of surprise and puzzlement is how, very often, these extrasolar planetary systems differ markedly from our own Solar System.

Some of this exoticism may come from dramatic, catastrophic games of planetary pool, played out in the early history of a planet's life. Close encounters between a planetary system and a nearby binary star system have potential for severe orbital disruption.

In a report in Astrophysical Journal Letters, Gregory Laughlin of the University of California, Berkeley, and Fred C. Adams of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, look at the likelihood of this kind of disruption in planetary systems forming in densely populated 'open clusters'. The researchers show that planets in this situation run a risk approaching 50 per cent of severe orbital disruption during their lifetimes – their circular orbits may be squeezed into elliptical shapes that take them far away or dangerously close to their parent star; their parent star may find itself becoming a binary; or the planet may be ejected from the system completely, projected into interstellar space.

All of which makes one grateful for the peace of our own Solar System, in which planets revolve around the Sun in orderly, near-circular orbits. Small planets, such as the Earth and Mars, orbit relatively close to the Sun. Larger planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, revolve at more remote removes. (Distant Pluto, which has a highly eccentric – that is, elliptical – orbit, is something of an oddity, but may also be thought of as a kind of giant asteroid than a proper planet.)

This is consistent with the idea that the planets condensed from a gaseous 'nebula', the thickest parts of which at a distance from the young Sun of between five and 10 astronomical units (AU, where one AU equals the mean Earth-Sun distance of about 93 million miles) – distances corresponding to the orbital radii of the giant planets. Jupiter, for example, orbits at 5.2 AU, Saturn at 9.5 AU.

But ideas about planetary formation were challenged in 1995 by the very first extrasolar planet found, 51 Pegasi B – a body around half the size of Jupiter, but orbiting its star, 51 Pegasi, at a distance far closer than the torrid planet Mercury is to our own Sun. In other words, here was a giant planet so close to its star as to be almost grazing it. Several other so-called 'epistellar Jovians' have since been found. In addition, several planetary systems have been found in which the planets are large, and have highly eccentric orbits – and there is even one observation of what is claimed to be a planet in the course of ejection from a system. What is going on?

Much progress has been made in explaining unusual planetary orbits, such as that of 51 Pegasi B, in terms of tidal interactions between planets, and between planets and the stellar nebula, as planets form. The idea is that large, Jupiter-style planets emerge relatively far from the star, but in unstable orbits – stability is achieved by spiraling closer to the star. But this cannot explain everything.

Laughlin and Adams suggest that gravitational disruption in densely packed star clusters may explain much more. They cite as an example the Trapezium, an 'open cluster' in Orion, in which the density of population is around 200 per cubic light-year. This contrasts with our own relatively sparse part of the galactic neighbourhood, in which the population density per cubic light-year is precisely 1 – our own Sun, and that's that.

In a dense region, stars often approach one another close enough – of the order of 200 AU – to perturb the orbits of any planets they might have. But how often might this occur? Laughlin and Adams's computer simulations take an imaginary star cluster with a density of around 40 stars per cubic light-year, in which each star moves at around a kilometre per second. They home in on an imaginary star in this system, a star that has a Jupiter-sized planet moving in a circular orbit of 5 AU. They then ran 40,000 simulations in which this system made a close approach to a binary star system. The characteristics of the binary star system, and the trajectory of the approach, could be varied from simulation to simulation. The researchers then tabulated the results of each run.

Their results show that a planet orbiting a star in this situation has a 13% chance of suffering severe orbital disruption from an approaching binary in any given 100-million-year interval. As the initial planetary orbit was circular, the result of most encounters was to make the orbit more elliptical, and the notional planet was carried further away, or drawn towards the star. Within the body of 40,000 trials, there were 995 escapes, showing that a planet stands a 5% chance of being shot out of the system altogether, as a result of the interaction.

The results cannot explain everything. For example, an estimate that up to 2% of all star-systems contain an 'epistellar Jovian' represents a proportion too great to be explained by planetary pool-playing – tidal mechanisms within each system must also be at work.

So much for simulations – is there any evidence that the cosmic pool-player has been at work? Of the 40,000 trials, 148 events showed 'captures', in which the planet jumped between stars, or in which the imaginary solar system itself captured one of the two approaching stars. Laughlin and Adams look at a binary system called 16 Cygni, in which the two stars are separated by 835 AU. One of them, 16 Cygni B, has a Jupiter-like planet with a highly eccentric orbit. Spectroscopic analysis of both stars suggest that they are unlikely to have formed together, from the same nebula – they had very different origins, and may have come together as a result of the kind of encounter described in Laughlin and Adams's celestial pool hall.

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Sun Jun 01, 2008 4:19 pm

Eclipsing Binary Stars

Saturn & Jupiter as Binary Twins

The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies
An attempt is made to explain solar system formation from the time a newly formed twin star system leaves the galactic center to when it develops its solar system by the capture of comets.

The new model's main result is that twin star systems are formed near the galactic nucleus. It also explains the cause of the high degree of symmetry found in galactic structure.

Also, the observation that 5000 asteroids lie within Jupiter's orbit with only a few beyond shows the organizing effect of capture by a twin star. Thus, with over 75% of the stars in double systems, and many single stars with unlit companions, developing planetary systems should be found in all of these.

The second paper deals with the star-like nature of Saturn (and Jupiter).

Thus the Sun acts as a Van de Graaff generator while the solar wind holds back a nebular ion cloud estimated to begin somewhere near the orbit of Jupiter. This is one source of matter for the comet tail and will be seen to contain the light elements up to at least sulfur. The heavier elements will be seen to come from the other source of tail material, the zodiacal disk.
Correlation between sunspot cycles and planets Jupiter and Saturn
Solar activity has a variable period from 10 to 12 years.
Jupiter’s orbital period is 11.87 years.
Question: Are there correlations between these two periods?

What causes the correlations between these periods?

A) Gravity acceleration of the planets creates radial motion of plasma that becomes subject to the Coriolis force and creates a “Hurricane in the Solar plasma” = Sunspots.

B) Gravity acceleration of the planets creates Solar tides and deforms the Solar sphere. Deformed Solar sphere will intersect with the Solar spherical shape that is controlled by magnetic forces and perturb the magnetic layer by forming Sunspots.

We predict a correlation between the cycles of magnetic activity in binary stars and their orbital periods. We also predict a correlation between cycles of magnetic activity in stars and the orbital periods of their planets.
Planets as Binaries

When the orbit periods and the rotation periods of dark matter partners are the same and if they are in the magnitude of the sidereal rotation periods of the planets in our Solar System then: the partners of the binary system are relatively close to each other and may remain a binary system when entering the Solar System, i.e. it may not be likely that one partner of the binary system starts orbiting the Sun while the other leaves the Solar System or falls on the Sun.

When the dark matter is a mono system (one planet) it may be more likely that it will either escape the Solar System or fall on the Sun than that it starts rotating stable and enduring around the Sun.

Planets that formerly were dark matter binary systems may be, according to their sidereal rotation period:

1. the Earth and Mars
2. Jupiter and Saturn
3. Uranus and Neptune

The chemical composition and internal structures of Uranus and Neptune resemble each other, which may be due to the possible fact that they once were a binary system (perhaps once Uranus and Neptune were two stars that originated from the same gas cloud, very long ago.

Also Jupiter and Saturn have chemical and physical characteristics that resemble and the same goes for the Earth and Mars

If a binary system like Earth/Mars, Jupiter/Saturn or Uranus/Neptune comes swirling into the Solar System then: the closer the binary is to the Sun the less the binary system will disrupt itself, or rather: the further the binary system is from the Sun the bigger the distance between the two binary partners because of their former orbiting velocities (which are relatively more powerful when the binary system is further away from the Sun).


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:30 am

More info on vacuum domains and stargates:

Is a vacuum domain an example of a "universal vortical singularity?

Are Vacuum Domains Consciousness Units?
The very odd behavior of some Will-O-Wisps/Spook Lights/Ball Lightning has suggested to Vincent Gaddis and others that these may be forms of intelligence, "electro-animals,"
Source X:

Is Source X a portal?
But UFOs may be more than just generated by the earth, like Earthquake Lights (EQLs) - they may simply be more able to visit our part of the superspectrum during times of abnormal EM activity in these "window zones." The gateway between our territory and their "Borderland" may be open during those times.
Is the end of Grand Cycle of the precession of the equinox all about opening the portals (stargates)?
The arrow of Sagittarius and the sting of Scorpio define the position of Galactic centre, with accompanying mythology. The foot of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Handler, is also right over Galactic Centre, as Raymond Mardyks points out. This happens to be at the Golden Gate which Gilbert brings attention to, while at the Silver Gate lies the Galactic anticentre - the direction in which the Galactic Superwave departed, which is defined by Orion's club & the horns of Taurus, or the ankh in the hand of Osiris


Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by lizzie » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:23 am

nick c said:
Was Velikovsky the first to refer to Jupiter as a dark star?

In Worlds In Collision (1950) p373 (Doubleday edition) he discusses the precarious position of our planet in terms of possible future threats:
Also, some dark star, like Jupiter or Saturn, may be in the path of the sun, and may be attracted to the system and cause havoc in it.
Interesting, isn't it. I started out trying to figure out if the sun had a binary. Then I thought about whether Jupiter and Saturn might be binaries and if either one of them might be a binary to the sun.

Then you come along with Velikovsky and Jupiter as a "dark star".

I found more than one reference to the sun and Jupiter as binaries; and even one reference to Jupiter and Saturn as binaries.

Jupiter & Saturn as Binaries:

Many stars in the neighborhood of our Solar System are part of binary systems. With dark matter objects descending from stars the dark matter objects therefore also may be often in binary systems.

Binary planets are what you expect within an infinite universe where dark matter objects (single planets) are around a lot and have plenty of time to become gravitationally attached to another (single) object.

Planets that formerly were dark matter binary systems may be, according to their sidereal rotation period:

1. the Earth and Mars
2. Jupiter and Saturn
3. Uranus and Neptune
The Sun and Jupiter as binaries

The Sun and Jupiter as part of a binary system ... 4/00234853
I view the solar system in my paper as basically a double star, with the sun and Jupiter as components. Although the acceptance of this model may still be a philosophical choice, I introduce in my paper powerful arguments in favor of its support. Those arguments cover a wide range of conceptual, physical, and mathematical analysis.
Binary star systems as an explanation for cometary origins:

The article is a condensed version of a 450 page manuscript (Origin of the Planets, Comet Capture Processes in the Formation of Solar Systems, also by the author) which further develops each aspect of the new comet theory. Although it was never intended, the theory explains Velikovsky's claims of Venus transforming from a comet into a planet and is supported by data from recent space probes.

As the data arrived from around the solar system, the author witnessed repeated efforts within the space science community (primarily NASA) to ignore the importance of electrical phenomena.


Galactic Formation,Saturn. and the Charging Processes Used by Comets

A new concept of galactic evolution has been proposed in one paper which is consistent with the new comet capture theory of OSS and is contradictory to both the density wave concept and nebular collapse theories of OSS. The new model's main result is that twin star systems are formed near the galactic nucleus.

The twin star system is necessary for capture in celestial mechanics; thus the formation of binary stars that are observed in abundance in the sky is an essential part of OSS by capture processes.

Comet captures are well understood and well documented. Also, the observation that 5000 asteroids lie within Jupiter's orbit with only a few beyond shows the organizing effect of capture by a twin star. Thus, with over 75% of the stars in double systems, and many single stars with unlit companions, developing planetary systems should be found in all of these.

The second paper deals with the star-like nature of Saturn (and Jupiter).

A major result of the Saturn paper is the identification of two charging processes, both resulting in a net negative charge on a body moving in a hot plasma (either planetary radiation belts or the solar wind). The first has been detected and is induced as the body enters regions of varying electrical potential within the plasma.

The second charging mechanism occurs during the discharge of the Sun's (or Saturn's) capacitor formed by an excess current of protons in its solar wind. The capacitor forms between the negatively charged central star and positively ionized nebular cloud which surrounds the star in the shape of a donut.

The standard argument raised against the existence of electric fields in space is that "in the plasma environment of space, any charge accumulation would be quickly neutralized". This would be true if this plasma were not controlled by a powerful charge separating cell in its center (the Sun). The mobility of free space charge must be taken into account as it is the varying mobility of charged particles that causes the comet nucleus to charge. Thus the Sun acts as a Van de Graaff generator while the solar wind holds back a nebular ion cloud estimated to begin somewhere near the orbit of Jupiter.

This paper shows that comets are not ice balls melted by solar radiation, but are asteroidal bodies which become electrically charged within the Sun's sphere of influence and are attracting the dust and ions observed in the comet tail.
McCanney's article was published in 1983 (KRONOS IX: 1, Fall 1983, pp. 17-39), so I assume he is known to EU people.

I ran across McCanney when I was researching “Planet X.” The only “legitimate” scientist who seemed to have done any work on “Planet X” was Robert Harrington. Harrington worked with Tom Van Flandern.

James McCanney website:

Robert Harrington and Planet X

Location of Planet X ... ..96.1476H

The Exploded Planet Hypothesis - Tom Van Flandern

He claims that NASA is covering up the existence of Planet X (sun's binary twin?). At times he seems like a very well informed physicist; at other times he seems like a "spooky scientist" or a "scientific spook." But I found "his stuff" very interesting.

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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by webolife » Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:53 pm

Jupiter's high temperature "corona"/upper atmosphere and plasma core certainly qualify as sunlike properties. Jupiter and Saturn's domination of the asteroid ring of the sun and their mini satellite systems clearly have attracted the imagination of astronomers back to
Galileo. The Saturn-as-Earth's-ancient-sun stuff on the mythology thread keeps me whirling in mental doo-doo, so I avoid that forum generally. But Jupiter's "gravitational" influence far outweighs its theoretical capabilities on the basis of mass alone. The idea of Saturn and Jupiter acting in concert or as a binary/threesome to sphepherd the inner planets, and especially the stabilization of Earth's orbit have some appeal to me. What hard scientific evidence is there for how the giant planets have dominated Earth's past?
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Re: Solar cycle, sunspots, solar flares, & the “Jupiter Effect”

Unread post by davesmith_au » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:23 pm

Lizzie wrote:McCanney's article was published in 1983 (KRONOS IX: 1, Fall 1983, pp. 17-39), so I assume he is known to EU people.
Just as an FYI Lizzie, McCanney is known to the EU community, though the name is pretty much the equivalent of a swear word. The unfortunate thing with him is his propensity to imply he's single-handedly 'discovered' most everything to do with electric comet theory and EU too. Rather than acknowledge prior sources and theories as EU proponents usually do, he says everyone else is 'stealing' his ideas... which lends itself to accusations of ego-centricity and paranoia, neither of which help his credibility. As such he is not considered to be part of the EU movement.

Cheers, Dave Smith.
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