Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Unread post by tholden » Wed Apr 17, 2024 6:49 pm

Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Mars was much more heavily damaged in the series of catastrophes that exterminated the megafauna on Earth. The surface has never been reconstructed. NASA/JPL images posted on US government websites show ruins and the remains of ancient civilizations as well as indigenous people and small animals (no large animals or flying birds) that appear to be living mainly underground, but seem to be coming out for an hour or two of sunlight during the middle of the day.

Of course

Ganymede, the other interesting place, aside from Earth and Mars, in our system ... and-images

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Re: Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Unread post by Arcmode » Thu Apr 18, 2024 10:30 pm

I've looked at Mars a lot, for many many hours, all over the planet. I know it far better than earth. I have never seen anything I would call an intelligently made structure or artefact. If you want to determine if the 'face' is artificial, you should compare it to formations you know are not artificial, to see if it looks like the other natural formations. The 'face' looks like other natural formations.

The sad thing is, all you guys with your theories of everything (word salad mostly), or your alien artefacts on Mars (debunked in seconds), or your constant complaining, could be doing actual work and advancing this shift.

Makes you wonder who really benefits from all this waste, disinformation, and confusion.

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Re: Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Unread post by galaxy12 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 12:16 am

Arcmode states: "Makes you wonder who really benefits from all this waste, disinformation, and confusion."

That is a good question. It seems amazingly counterproductive for a society.

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Re: Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Unread post by Arcmode » Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:59 am

It's also funny how Thunderbolts people usually base thier ideas on evolution, accepting it as dogma, while creationists and ID people reject EU and treat mainstream astronomy as dogma, keeping the two seperate, when combined they make the most sense of the universe. Combining them doesn't lend itself to the ususal 'theories of everything/creation/human origins', because when we are honest about what we really know, we are light years from anything like that. We are addicted to narrative due to the imposition of a linear conception of time by colonial atheists who thought they were the smartest thing around. We are also addicted to the noteriety the 'winning' narrative gains for its creator, following the example of the same loser atheists.

Open Mind
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Re: Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Unread post by Open Mind » Mon Apr 22, 2024 2:10 pm

Arcmode said "Makes you wonder who really benefits from all this waste, disinformation, and confusion."

I worry about the 'one step forward, two steps back' dynamic sometimes as well. Personally, I haven't looked at Mars surface as much as you suggest you have, but I did spend some time checking out claims of evidence of structures on Mars, and so far I don't share the 'certainty' at all with the images shown. I do remember reading about some scan data indicating an enormous high tower on the edge of a crater, that unfortunately didn't have a clear image, and while that seemed compelling, I do have to wonder if its the same kind of glitch as you find in the ocean bottom bathymetry data that triggers so many into thinking they're seeing structure vs an artifact of the scanning process. I'm open to the idea that Mars perhaps did support life in the distant past, but for now, with the available evidence, I wouldn't preach to anyone outside of the tiny group of those of us who have arrived at this openness through a variety of multi disciplinary curiosities.

I'm seeing the same kind of things discussed with respect to the recent discovery of incredible precision in the scans of ancient stone vases pulled from the Pyramid of Djoser centuries ago. The scan data clearly show's a precision level well above anything we could ever expect to achieve by eye, and the implications for this are staggering and incredibly important to further the idea of ancient advanced civilizations. But now each time informed people talk about this, they get into some numerology about the mathematical associations of its measurements that, if accepted, imply a complex design intention that requires advanced design processes, and this is where most people still grappling with the idea of extreme precision, begin to glaze over and become skeptical about the entire thing, because now its not just precise workmanship, but now we also have to accept that they had computers and understood advanced math, etc.

If any of that is true, its beside the fundamental point that needs to be established first - that there is a physical piece of stone work that demonstrates they had capabilities of precision. That alone makes mainstream spin. Add extra layers of confounding stuff to that, and you're literally talking them out of lowering their defenses. I worry that some area's associated with this EU movement, while interesting, are ultimately going to damage the chances of pulling in more 'undecideds'. If you think of it like politics, its like letting the extremists of the party run the general campaign. Its not a good strategy.

Personally, though, I do love Teds talk about dinosaurs and gravity. I'd love a cleaned up and professionally narrated version of his talk on that subject. Absolutely fascinating and compelling, including the square cubed law, the illustrated scale limit, the impossibility of flight of large birds, the idea about how muscle tissue cross section to strength ratio scales identically all the way up from mosquito to elephant, etc. It also might be another example of one of those 'keep it in the closet for now' kind of idea's, but personally, I thought it was very cool. Thanks for that Ted.

Poppa Tom
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Re: Mars Images & Other Evidence of a Secret Space Program

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Fri May 17, 2024 2:01 am

Arcmode wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 10:30 pm I've looked at Mars a lot, for many many hours, all over the planet. I know it far better than earth. I have never seen anything I would call an intelligently made structure or artefact. If you want to determine if the 'face' is artificial, you should compare it to formations you know are not artificial, to see if it looks like the other natural formations. The 'face' looks like other natural formations.

The sad thing is, all you guys with your theories of everything (word salad mostly), or your alien artefacts on Mars (debunked in seconds), or your constant complaining, could be doing actual work and advancing this shift.

Makes you wonder who really benefits from all this waste, disinformation, and confusion.
I contend that waste, disinformation and confusion is what we get from the establishment. So we seek our own truth. And truth always remains when the lies fall away. Be prepared.

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