Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Has science taken a wrong turn? If so, what corrections are needed? Chronicles of scientific misbehavior. The role of heretic-pioneers and forbidden questions in the sciences. Is peer review working? The perverse "consensus of leading scientists." Good public relations versus good science.
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Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by michael.suede » Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:01 am

Janice Fiamengo is a retired professor of English from the University of Ottawa. She discusses the hiring requirements for a Professor of Astronomy job posting at UC Berkeley. She makes the point that the position doesn't really care about scientific credentials so much as is it demands ideological conformance.

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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:52 pm

Science was already dead from the beginning. ... -medicine/
Science was invented to make claims from authority.

In my university, there were 2 girls /~250 boys in my year.
These girls quit after half a year, and ~100 boys quit, because it was too difficult.
Not due to oppression, harassment or other factors.
The difficulty were the exact sciences.
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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:28 pm

Another problem is the banning of Climate Scepticism
If you find out that the sun's variation in activity and energy drive the
temperature on earth, and publish about it, you are condemned.
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nick c
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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by nick c » Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:19 pm

The problem with much of academia today, is that science has become subservient to an over reaching political agenda.

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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Xuxalina Rihhia » Wed Feb 12, 2020 1:53 am

nick c wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:19 pm The problem with much of academia today, is that science has become subservient to an over reaching political agenda.
I agree fully and that's a crying shame. What comes out is no real science at all--just dogmas.
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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:11 pm

Found out today:
TIL many scientists have Imposter Syndrome. The science is too difficult.

Link: How do you deal with Imposter Syndrome?

I was amazed how many had similar experience, because I always found science easy.

So I wrote my own analysis of the problem -
TIL many scientists have Imposter Syndrome. The science is too difficult. How does this affect your field?
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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by paladin17 » Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:20 am

Zyxzevn wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:11 pm Found out today:
TIL many scientists have Imposter Syndrome. The science is too difficult.

Link: How do you deal with Imposter Syndrome?

I was amazed how many had similar experience, because I always found science easy.

So I wrote my own analysis of the problem -
TIL many scientists have Imposter Syndrome. The science is too difficult. How does this affect your field?
I thought this post was inspired by this article from today.

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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Zyxzevn » Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:39 pm

Nice find, Paladin :geek:
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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by danda » Wed May 27, 2020 4:25 pm

Zyxzevn wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:11 pm TIL many scientists have Imposter Syndrome. The science is too difficult.

Link: How do you deal with Imposter Syndrome?
That thread annoyed/inspired me enough to write the following comment:
or maybe, just maybe, it's because most of what is being taught in physics classes today is absolutely wrong and makes no sense. You find it difficult to hold paradoxical concepts in your mind because it should be. They are wrong. You will recognize and know truth when the concepts are simple and elegant.

Your professors were taught wrong theory and they pass it on to you. If you don't figure that out, you will pass it on to others. Your inner voice is telling you this, but the whole system is built around it and so you figure you must be wrong, not everyone else. But if you ever want to achieve breakthroughs in physics (natural philosophy) you must be strong: listen to your gut and internally (at least) call BS when your professors talk about totally unproven things as if they were fact: such as dark energy, dark matter, black holes, big bang, expansion/inflation, quantum mechanics, relativity, etc. These things are just mathematical extrapolations and fantasies.

Stick with what you can verify for yourself, eg: classical mechanics, and then read/experiment for yourself. Look for the real, physical explanation of each phenomenon, not just math. Do thought experiments: what if you keep dividing matter in two? Do you reach a smallest unit, or not? A largest size, or not? If so, what do these endpoints look like, and how do they work? Read up on the works of the real natural philosophers, people like Weber, Maxwell, Tesla, Kristian Birkeland, Charles Townsend Brown, Hannes Alven, Royal Raymond Rife, Ralph Juergens, Anthony Peratt, Halton Arp, Wal Thornhill, Tom Van Flandern, Andre Assis, Paul La Violette, Steven Bryant, Velikovsky, Eric Dollard, even Edward Leedskalnin. People that looked for themselves, rather than trusting and regurgitating wrong ideas of others.

If most of these names are unfamiliar to you, that in itself should be an indictment of your university, professors, and your personal interest/ambition to understand the universe around you. There are fascinating books about or by each one, rich with forgotten/ignored science. Places where scientific mainstream took a wrong turn rather than pursuing the thread of truth. Some are alive today and you can contact them and get involved.

Finally, ask yourself a question. Do you want to "have a comfortable career in physics" or do you want to learn nature's secrets and satisfy your burning curiosity? If the former, forget what I said above, and keep on the mainstream path. If the latter, you'd better take my advice to heart.

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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:42 pm

I really don't mind finding out some science is bad-we're always going to have that. What bothered me is that science is supposed to be the truth and since ideological preferences are now involved the answers given are conformist and have nothing to do with truth. I cannot watch Mitchiu and Tyson without the words 'FAKE SCIENCE' coming to mind. Susskind, I think still believes but continues on without including much of the EU.
To watch them is to kowtow to the common 'speaking points' designed to lock you into the settled science paradigm. I absolutely abhor Tyson as he laughs and smiles when he speaks and I can't help it. I've stopped watching them and continue to try to watch sometimes, I don't want to miss any real science in case THAT happens. It stinks of cronyism and really, has no place in science......HOWEVER, scientists (some of them) are very very protective, prideful, and sometimes antagonistic if you argue their views, Hence the rules for this forum. Intelligent and very intelligent people become stuck up and positive no one is smarter than them and thinks and speaks condescendingly. Often, falling into SJW mode or other name calling modes. I know. I am just a layman :ugeek: , I understand there are a lot of people smarter than I am :geek: and smarter than I ever will be. But that doesn't stop me from thinking. Sometimes I surprise myself but I am a little off so surprising me doesn't surprise me :lol:
The introduction of ideological preferences has undoubtedly stifled creation and experimentation and the bigbux backing of certain projects has delineated away some of the best to 'paradigms' and their creativity won't be nurtured or given the freedoms we 'deplorables' :o , (ok sorry) are currently chasing down via the web or private funding through the funding pages or direct contributions via the web. BUT what it has done is proliferate the private scientific entrepreneurs such as TTP, Suspicious Observers and the EU, who do more with less and discovering amazing old techniques, combined with new science to give us astoundingly amazing discoveries that could affect change in the entire scientific paradigm program that has been feeding off and from the Govt's teet,
Until there is a scientific collaboration or union of some kind we may never know everything and some things will forever be unknown to us.

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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:44 pm

Luvit!!! So on point! ;)

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Re: Science Goes To DIE at UC-Berkeley

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:54 pm

Capitalism plus science in itself is not bad. Science needs support for wanted and unwanted projects and studies. The problem exacerbates with humans in the equation, like everything, like a gun, it is the user who is responsible, not the tool chosen to alleviate the situation. The 152 dropout is good. 152 people did not have the work ethic to see the class through-it was not for them, i.e, their choice. Don't blame the narrow-minded school and exact sciences. Things like medical science have to be exact. People may die with casual ineffectiveness as a rule. Not trying to troll you, just another point of view, thanks for the time tho-

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