Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

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Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by Brigit » Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:22 pm

New York Herald Tribune
September 22nd, 1929 ... dio-theori
..."When Dr. Heinrich Hertz undertook his experiments from 1887 to 1889 his object was to demonstrate a theory postulating a medium filling all space, called the ether, which was structureless, of inconceivable tenuity and yet solid and possessed of rigidity incomparably greater than that of the hardest steel. He obtained certain results and the whole world acclaimed them as an experimental verification of that cherished theory. But in reality what he observed tended to prove just its fallacy.
"I had maintained for many years before that such a medium as supposed could not exist, and that we must rather accept the view that all space is filled with a gaseous substance. On repeating the Hertz experiments with much improved and very powerful apparatus, I satisfied myself that what he had observed was nothing else but effects of longitudinal waves in a gaseous medium, that is to say, waves, propagated by alternate compression and expansion. He had observed waves in the ether much of the nature of sound waves in the air.

"Up to 1896, however, I did not succeed in obtaining a positive experimental proof of the existence of such a medium. But in that year I brought out a new form of vacuum tube capable of being charged to any desired potential, and operated it with effective pressures of about 4,000,000 volts. I produced cathodic and other rays of transcending intensity. The effects, according to my view, were due to minute particles of matter carrying enormous electrical charges, which, for want of a better name, I designated as matter not further decomposable. Subsequently those particles were called electrons.
"One of the first striking observations made with my tubes was that a purplish glow for several feet around the end of the tube was formed, and I readily ascertained that it was due to the escape of the charges of the particles as soon as they passed out into the air; for it was only in a nearly perfect vacuum that these charges could be confined to them. The coronal discharge proved that there must be a medium besides air in the space, composed of particles immeasurably smaller than those of air, as otherwise such a discharge would not be possible. On further investigation I found that this gas was so light that a volume equal to that of the earth would weigh only about one-twentieth of a pound.
"The velocity of any sound wave depends on a certain ratio between elasticity and density, and for this ether or universal gas the ratio is 800,000,000,000 times greater than for air. This means that the velocity of the sound waves propagated through the ether is about 300,000 times greater than that of the sound waves in air, which travel at approximately 1,085 feet a second. Consequently the speed in ether is 900,000 x 1,085 feet, or 186,000 miles, and that is the speed of light.
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by Brigit » Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:27 pm

Nikola Tesla's further views on aether:
A Question Tesla Asked.
“It is true,” said Mr. Tesla, “that many scientific minds envisaged the theory of a gaseous ether, but it was rejected again and again because in such a medium longitudinal waves would be propagated with infinite velocity. Lord Kelvin conceived the so-called contractile ether, possessing properties which would result in a finite velocity of longitudinal waves. In 1885, however, an academic dissertation was published by Professor De Volson Wood, an American, at a Hoboken institution, which dealt with a gaseous ether in which the elasticity, density and specific heat were determined with rare academic elegance. But, so far, everything pertaining to the subject was purely theoretical.

What, then, can light be if it is not a transverse vibration? That was the question he asked himself and set out to find the answer.
“I consider this extremely important,” said Mr. Tesla. “Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether.”

This appears clearly, Mr. Tesla explained, if it is first realized that, there being no Maxwellian ether, there can be no transverse oscillation in the medium. The Newtonian theory, he believes, is in error, because it falls entirely in not being able to explain how a small candle can project particles with the same speed as the blazing sun, which has an immensely higher temperature.
“We have made sure by experiment,” said Mr. Tesla, “that light propagates with the same velocity irrespective of the character of the source. Such constancy of velocity can only be explained by assuming that it is dependent solely on the physical properties of the medium, especially density and elastic force. ... -are-sound
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by crawler » Fri Nov 27, 2020 10:49 pm

I will have a read of Tesla's aether stuff.
Here are 2 other articles, from my computer.
Tesla and the aether. ... aether.pdf
Unknown manuscript of Nicola tesla. ... _Tesla.pdf
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The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
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Re: Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by Brigit » Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:34 pm

Alright! thanks for the pdfs.

If that is a pseudepigraph, it is fairly sensitively done, and matches his sentiments in other articles.

It must be the source of the Tunguska rumor.
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by crawler » Sat Nov 28, 2020 8:39 pm

I think that somewhere Tesla mentions that DeVolson Wood calculated that an Earth sized amount of aether would have a mass of 1.7 pounds, & that Tesla calculated about 0.1 pounds (i forget the number). But i couldnt find a free copy of DeVolson Wood's book to see how he did it. All i could find is the following commentarys.........

The LUMINIFEROUS ^THER. By Professor De Volson Wood. (about 1880 i think).

I supposed that I had reported Herschel so faithfully that there was no occasion for criticism, and 1 now infer, from the statements
of Prof. Chase in the last October number of this Journal, that had I used " hypothesis " for "assumption" he would have
been satisfied. I waive this point without discussion. The " questionable as to the correctness of the facts," that writer has
misapplied. In the August number, he referred to "results which I supposed were new." As I had not confided that secret to any
person, the correctness of the statement might be questioned. On page 300, he continues : " Prof. Wood says that ' in a
pound of the aether there is 100,000,000,000 times the kinetic energy of a pound of air.' This discrepancy arises from his inad- vertently omitting one cipher and making a rougher approxima- tion than Herschel." This is an error. The "inadvertence" belongs to Prof. Chase. What I said was " in a pound of aether there is some 100,000,000,000," etc. I inserted the word " some" on purpose that I might agree approximately with those who should make a microscopic examination of the figures ; knowing that in an off-hand statement of this kind, in a number of such magnitude, it was of little consequence whether the left hand figure were seven, eight, or even nine times as large. The word " some " inserted as it was, shows that it was only a rough approximation.

Then he proceeds to say: "Wood's result being 8 X 10^11 nearly, while Herschel's is 811,801,000,000." I supposed that I must have given the result apparently attributed to myself, but I am unable to find it in my article ; and I believe that it is a result of Prof. Chase's computation, and if so, why did he not make it agree with Herschel's. I do not, however, object to the value given, for I get 814,400,000,000, by using 186,300 miles as the velocity of light per second. Moreover, is not Herschel's result "8 X 10^11 nearly? " But these hair-splittings belittle the subject.

For the benefit of those who are interested in the subject, but have not time to study it, I will give a very brief statement of the
[(page464) Wood. [J. F. U]] manner in which the problem has been attacked. Herschel, on the hypothesis that the aether is as dense as air at sea-level, esti- mated the ratio of the elasticity to the density of the aether to be 17 X 10^12 pounds per square inch. He made no estimate as to
the actual density, nor actual tension, but gave it as his opinion that its tension was very great. Thomson, on the assumption
that the mean displacement of a particle from its normal position was one-fiftieth of a wave length, found a corresponding density of
the aether. Maxwell, in his article on "Ether '"in the Encyclopedia Britannica, IX edition, on the hypothesis that the displacement
was yl-^ of a wave length, obtained his estimate of the density and elasticity. Other writers have obtained results on this principle.

Preston, on the hypothesis that the tension of aether exceeds the force necessary to separate the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen
in a molecule of water, and that the probable inferior limit of this tension was 500 tons per square inch, computed its corresponding density.

In my solution no such arbitrary assumption or hypothesis was made. It was simply assumed that the aether conformed to
gaseous laws, and the two constants — the solar constant and the velocity of light — were the data for making the equations
numerically determinate in regard to the elasticity and density. This and other processes and results given in my article have nut been attacked so far as I am aware.
The Luminiferous /Ether. By De Volson Wood, C. E., M. A. Van Nos- trand's Science Series, No. 85. Price, $0.50. Reprinted from the Philo- sophical Magazine, with additions. New York. 1886.

In view of the importance which has been assumed by molecular hypo- theses, in scientific investigation, the vague ideas which are still enteitained respecting molecular aether — so vague as to have led to variations of more than a million-fold in estimates of aethereal density — are a reproach to science.
This reproach, our author has, very commendably and very judiciously, en- deavored to overcome, and, considering the number of novel questions he has had to meet, he has been very successful.

There have been too many printer's errors, and the very serious collateral misunderstandings, in which others had already given a wrong bias to popu- lar interpretations, have already been noticed in the Journal ; but his pro- posal on pp. 9-1 1 is admirably and satisfactorily stated.

He asks, p. 10-11, " Can the kinetic theory, which is applicable to gases in which waves are propagated by a to-and-fro motion of the particles, be
applicable to a medium in which the particles have a transverse movement,, whether rectilinear, circular, elliptical, or irregular ? In favor of such an application, it may be stated that the general formulae of analysis by which wave-motion in general, and refraction, reflection, and polarization in partic- ular, are discussed, are fundamentally the same; and in the establishment of the equations the only hypothesis in regard to the path of the particle is — it will move along the path of least resistance. The expression V 2 oc e ~ 6 is generally true for all elastic media, regardless of the path of the individual molecules. Indeed, granting the molecular constitution of the aether, is it not probable that the kinetic theory applies more rigidly to it than to the most perfect of the known gases?"

This is the hypothesis of Herschel, the only one which has ever led to any numerical verification, or ever received any practical confirmations. It has given, correctly, the elasticity which the aether would have at the same density as the atmosphere, from which it is easy to find the elasticity for Thomson's or any other supposed density. If Prof. Wood will examine all the best density- estimates and give us one which is as accurate as Herschel's combined elas- ticity-density estimate, he will restore the credit which he helped, wrongly but unintentionally, to take from Herschel, and he will help remove all claim Dec, 1886.] Book Notices.
to scientific value from two solutions which are based on the same data, and one of which is more than 1,600,000 times as great as the other.

On page 5, of his brochure, Prof. Wood says: "Beyond these facts, no progress can be made without an assumption." There is no assumption in
saying that action and reaction must always be equal. The action of radiation from every point of the sun, produces a wave-velocity in the aether which is the same as that of light, and the rotary time-integral of the cyclical reactions of solar centripetal gravitation also produces a velocity, at every point, and for the whole cycle, equivalent to the velocity of light. The sum of the im- pulses communicated by the acceleration of solar-superficial gravitation during any cyclical rotation on its axis (gt), equals twice the average veloc- ity which would be communicated if the efficiency of all the impulses were retained ^. The sum of the wave-disturbances of solar radiation during a solar rotation on its axis could have no more fitting representative reaction than the sum of the reactionary gravitating accelerations on the oscillating particles themselves.

If we represent the time of solar rotation by t, solar-superficial gravitating acceleration by g, and the velocity of light by v^, this perpetual equality of acceleration and re-acceleration may be represented by the equation = 7/ 2 ^
By the law of conservation of angular momentum, / oc r 2 , while g oc 1 , so r 2
that gt is constant at all stages of nebular condensation, and the dependence of solar rotation, planetary revolution and luminous radiation upon a single energy at the centre of our solar system has been recorded in the heavens since the day of the great fiat, " Let there be light." P. E. C.
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The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by Brigit » Sat Nov 28, 2020 9:25 pm

Oh my goodness, look at that.
  • Dropping a word and taking a different meaning, then
  • "hair-splitting to belittle the meaning," then
  • using a "wrong bias to a popular interpretation"
-- do these scientists attend journalism classes?
So they can properly misunderstand eachother? (:
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by crawler » Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:30 pm

Podkletnov used smoke to see what was happening around one of his whirling gizmo's (initially a visitor's pipe smoke blew towards the gizmo & then exited vertically). And then used weighing scales to measure the change in gravity above a spinning disc (in say 1990).

I see that Tesla did much the same, ie he used smoke, & then he used scales, near one of Tesla's whirling gizmo's (in say 1890).
Both Podkletnov & Tesla measured a gravity effect. But their effects might have had opposite signs/direction (Tesla's sign/direction is confusing).

Depalma didnt use smoke, but he did use a clock near his whirling gizmo, & found that it affected ticking (in say 1980)(quartz watch).
But i dont think that Depalma looked into gravity effects.
Podkletnov too found that a spinning disc affected ticking (quartz watch).
I dont think that Tesla ever thought about ticking (they didnt have quartz watches in the oldendays).

I happen to have a theory that gravity & ticking are affected near spinning/orbiting objects. I reckon that it is all caused by the centrifuging of aether. Aether is sucked in near the equator & aether is spat out at the poles. I call it a faux-gravity effect. Anyhow its all interesting.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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Re: Nikola Tesla: Positive Experimental Proof of Aether

Unread post by crawler » Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:37 pm

I found the following old jotting of mine that says that Krafft had a centrifuging of aether theory, but at a micro level not my macro level.

(2) And Krafft's non-nuclear atom is similar to Miles Mathis's atom, altho MM doesn't mention Krafft's ether, MM's glue is the spin-flow of charge (MM's charge being a kind of slow photon i think).

(3) On page 31 Krafft says.......
..........The reason why it is the protons rather than the electrons that act gravitationally is because the ether which flows throo a proton follows a converging path, entering at the equatorial periphery and leaving at the poles, where it will have maximum velocity...........
That micro subatomic theory is very similar to my macro centrifuging of aether theory where aether is inertially drawn in near the Equator of a spinning (or orbiting) object & then the aether is spat out axially at the two poles (ie driven out by the entering aether). The acceleration of this aether inflow outside the object must have a 1/R relationship (because the streamlines converge in 2 dimensions), & must give a 1/R pseudo gravity effect (whereas proper gravity is 1/RR)(the inflow streamlines converging in 3 dimensions).
The axial outflow is unlikely to have much acceleration or produce much pseudo gravity outside the object, but there must be an internal acceleration (& some pseudo gravity) due to the bent trajectory of the veering aether.
STR is krapp -- & GTR is mostly krapp.
The present Einsteinian Dark Age of science will soon end – for the times they are a-changin'.
The aether will return – it never left.

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