W. H. Bostick - Lab Simulation of Galaxies

Books, journal articles, web pages, and news reports that can help to clarify the history and promise of the Electric Universe hypothesis.
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nick c
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W. H. Bostick - Lab Simulation of Galaxies

Unread post by nick c » Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:51 pm

Here is plasma universe pioneer who produced lab simulations of galaxies in 1955:


The paper:
https://www.plasmauniverse.info/downloa ... ctures.pdf
This dynamic plasma concentrates itself into clockwise and counterclockwise rotating vortices (electric
motors) each one of which is a potential homopolar generator which generates an EMF between its center and its
periphery. The ease with which nature can take the electrical energy in the plasma gun, turn it into directed kinetic energy and momentum of the plasma, and then turn a large share of that energy into rotating energy of vortices suggests that most of the rotational motion in the
universe (as well as in our solar system) is acquired by the dynamic effects of plasmas moving in, across, and with magnetic fields. These paired rotating diamagnetic plasma vortices are force-free (each one in its own rotating coordinate frame of reference) and each one is a minimum-free-energy construction because it rotates like a rigid body.

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Re: W. H. Bostick - Lab Simulation of Galaxies

Unread post by spark » Wed Jul 14, 2021 9:51 am

Video on Winston Bostick's work by See the Pattern on plasmoids forming into galaxies in lab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtYVTGlHGAk

Link to Bostick work: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1958IAUS....6...87B

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