Finnish mythology

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Finnish mythology

Unread post by Ukkoskivi » Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:12 pm

Made a video about the mystery why finland has a lion in his flag. There are no lions living here and probably never did. No one knows why there's a lion in the flag but still it is a very important thing! You can buy t-shirts, mugs and all kinds of stuff with the finnish lion.
The lion isn't a lion and in the (quite long) video I try to explain why it is so and what it really is.

...and yes, I "know", there is probably a writing mistake in the beginning...finish...or finnish...I don't know :lol:

Please tell me what you people think about this.
There's a small Playlist about finnish mythology wich is growing...

Best regards
Stefan Ahmala

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Re: Finnish mythology

Unread post by Lloyd » Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:09 pm

I read long ago that what look like lions on some flags etc are actually Chow dogs. I think China has that.
Your dating of past events, like the Younger Dryas etc, which seems to follow conventional dating, is almost certainly way wrong, because the continents are likely only 6,000 or so years old and the Great Flood that deposited most of the sedimentary rock strata occurred only about 5,000 years ago. The Younger Dryas strata are atop the other strata, so they must have been deposited after the Flood. The rapid continental drift event likely occurred close to the YD time, when mountains first uplifted, due to a large asteroid impact that broke up Pangaea and separated the continents. My threads on Creationism, Myths and Catastrophism etc discuss this extensively.

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Finnish mythology

Unread post by Brigit » Fri Jul 16, 2021 12:25 am

Ukkoskivi, you brought up the subject of Finnish mythology which will be interesting to look into in the context of the Electric Universe. I am having trouble playing the video at the moment and will look at what you have already said soon, when my viewing is restored.

I value what Lloyd has to say, and his thread has plenty of worthwhile material on catastrophist geology. Yet there is nothing in the published Electric Universe material which requires continental drift, or even plates of "broken crust" to slide over the earth's mantle.

The electrical scarring of the planets and moons in the solar system has been well researched and there are a lot of excellent Thunderbolts Project videos, as well as written material in the POTDs and holoscience, which make a formidable case for the electric origin of craters, hexagonal craters, crater chains, rilles, and rays, for example. As far as earth's geology is concerned, there are various views to be sure. But neither the earth's mid-ocean ridges nor its mountain ridges require moving continents in the Electric Universe.

Lloyd of course your thread is overflowing with good catastrophist discussion and references.
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Aw:Re: Finnish mythology

Unread post by Ukkoskivi » Sat Jul 17, 2021 9:29 am

Thank for your time and comments!

About the lion: I found out that in europe (maybe also in places) the animals used in flags (bears, lions or look a likes) are quite easily possible to track back to about 1000 a.d. (wich doesn't mean that the event recorded in form of a flag also happened then) and are likely related to Dragons. Other animals used in flags such as bulls, goats, pheasants, swans may refer more to planet alignments (and/or other things in the sky)

If you go further back in time, the record gets all of a sudden really vague.
I guess it has partially to do with somekind of systematic destroyed collective memory (Roman's, Christians?) or/and it was just too difficult for historians so they just didn't dive into it. I don't know... Since I am no university person I don't have access to many university papers, my research is 100% based on free material, available to anyone.

One thing I also pondered about is the Petroglyph wich is at the Plasma Rocks site. I still didn't find any similar looking Petroglyphs anywhere yet. I am aware of that the one here might be uncomplete (erosion or human activity).
If anyone has seen somewhere a similar petroglyph I would be glad to know! It would probably help dating it and also it would help to figure out what it means.

For me the asteroid impact theory is a bit hard to grasp...

Let's keep talking! Exchanging ideas and gathering evidence to make it possible to draw a full picture!


Ps: I'm "expanding" the Playlist about finnish mythology (and swiss mythology) slowly, with no rhythm and in the same sketchy way I did until now. Only free data and only with a mobile phone...

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Re: Finnish mythology

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:31 pm

@ Ukkoskivi, what's the Plasma Rocks site? Do you mean Thunderbolts?

Maybe folks would be more interested in your ideas if you write them down. I don't have time to view many videos myself. If I want to study something, I like to be able to read most of it and maybe have images etc for reference.

Do you want to tell us what the Lion is on the Finnish flag? Lions in mythology etc often refer to the constellation of Leo.

There's quite a bit of discussion of Finnish mythology at ... oom_cat=-1 probably mostly just brief excerpts or comments.

The best site for evidence and explanation of the asteroid impact that broke up the supercontinent (less than 8,000 years ago) is likely Mike Fischer's site at . The continents likely didn't slide over the Earth's mantle, which is very deep, but over the Moho layer, which as Peter James said is a plasma layer with very low friction. The Moho is only about a meter thick and about 5 miles deep under the oceans and about 20 miles deep under the continents. The mass of a high velocity large asteroid would have penetrated the supercontinent all the way through and would have imparted enough momentum to parts of it to move the parts a few thousand miles within 2 days time.

The best EU site is likely Charles Chandler's site at . He has figured out in great detail how electrical forces formed galaxies, stars, exotics and planets and how they produce nearly all of the features of the Sun and the Earth.

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Aw:Re: Finnish mythology

Unread post by Ukkoskivi » Sun Jul 18, 2021 10:23 pm

I just have a phone so writing is a pain in the uranus... That's why it easier for me to make a video, often the video is just a slideshow of pics and a short description of what you are looking at. There would be an endless amount to write about the things.
The "Plasma Rocks Site", I just started to call them like that, because if they have a name "everyone" knows what I mean. The Rocks wich where featured are here👇 ... ing-truth/
they are quite at the end, Andy drew the marks of the molten parts.
The catastrophism link is behind some payment (I don't have money) but it surprised me to hear that Velikovsky mentioned the kalevala!
The finnish lion mystery video got a funny twist right after. After I finished the video (wich is made without script or anything, like all others) my girlfriend said to me that: did you know that there is an actual dragon in the kalevala? "NO!" I DIDN'T! It felt really funny that I made the conclusion that the lion has been originally a dragon without the knowledge of the dragon in finnish mysticism 😀 So I took it as a confirmation...what else should I have done?
If you don't like to watch videos go to the description box and read through the links...
I will check the links you sent but it may take a while...

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