Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by jackokie » Sat Jan 29, 2022 12:44 am

@Lloyd @Brigit @BeAChooser and anyone else I failed to mention - thank you so much for gathering and publishing this information. I had the feeling that things were pretty bad, but these detailed reports show the scale of the damage being done. With your permission I'm going to pass this info along to where I think it might do some good.
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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by Lloyd » Sat Jan 29, 2022 1:23 am


You have my permission, Jack.

My latest Covid update post is at ... =150#p6399

Here's a vaccine-injured woman's statement about what she wishes the public knew. Most of the vaccine-injured seem to be slightly aware that there is corruption or ignorance among societal leaders, including in the health profession. But the person below seems a bit more enlightened. She was an x-ray tech, a health care professional, like many of those who are now vaccine-injured.

For the whole interview, see:
Q: What do you wish others knew?
That this is so unsafe. Your better off without it. It has killed so many people. It has injured an obscene amount of people and counting. Lose the job, refuse the jab. It isn't worth it. I am a case among thousands that have been silenced and ignored by government and fake media. There is no reason to ban the injured. We are forgotten, abandoned and shamed. This is the emotional anguish that is hardest to deal with, not to be heard, told to shut up, forced to be hidden. This is unacceptable and inhumane. I was hung up on by Governor Charlie Baker assistant Pablo when I was questioning whether the Governor was aware of all the vaccinated injuries from the covid 19 vaccine. I was calm and well toned and did not deserve that. They just don't want to hear us. This is outrageous. We are being told that we injured are spreading misinformation. HOW? To all those whom are accomplises in this forced ultimatum, shame on them. They are not protecting anyone, and they do more harm. They are liars and thieves. Stealing innocent people's livelihood, leaving families in financial and emotional ruin. Trust the science they say. My injury is part of the science. Thousands of my vaccine injured warriors are part of the science.

Here's another message, this one from a vaccine-injured doctor.
Q: What do you wish others knew?
I wish those who refuse to acknowledge the vaccine injured could experience what we are going through. This includes all of those who run the FDA, CDC, NIH, vaccine manufacturers. Maybe then will they act to help us and fund research to come up with the cause of our reactions and how to treat us. I wish we can be seen, heard and believed, and not vilified or falsely labeled as being antivax conspiracy theorists just because we have been made sick from the covid vaccines.
Danice's letter to Janet Woodcock in December of 2021:
Dr. Woodcock,
Happy holidays. Hope your holidays are wonderful! Here is a little gift that you can peruse over the holidays. This website should be studied carefully:
There are profiles of 100’s of vaccine injured on this website that you can read about. My profile is there as well. These injured are representative of the multitude of vaccine injured who will not have enjoyable holidays due to severe illness caused by the vaccines. They are doubly injured because they cannot find medical care or treatment. We have lost too many to suicide. I thought you would like to know about us. I have tried to make you aware of us in the past. We don’t understand why you won’t acknowledge these injuries, educate the medical community and fund research to help us recover. Maybe something can be done to help all of these suffering Americans in the new year. Imagine if you were one of us, how you would feel? Reading about us may give you a better idea.
Danice Hertz MD

There are lots more vaccine-injured stories at

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by Brigit » Sat Jan 29, 2022 2:42 am

Lloyd says, " [They may be "free" to patients, but governments buy them with taxpayers' money]"

After a recent trip to Australia, Dr. Peter McCullough said that he found out their government has purchased 14 doses per citizen.
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by BeAChooser » Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:32 am

Lloyd wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:57 pm All Politics (from Communism to Capitalism) Are Controlled by the Ruling Class for the Ruling Class
Lloyd, first, I don’t agree with the above statement since I don’t think Trumpism meets that criteria. In fact, I think Trump and his followers are more akin to the Founders of this country who risked their “Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor” to do so.

Second, I’m not sure why there's a link from Miles William Mathis below that statement. The link doesn't say that although I suppose one could say he thinks something like that. But that link is basically just a wild rant against John Reed and Warren Beatty, of all people. He links a paper on Marx that he wrote and in it he again goes off in a rant will all sorts of tangents (one regarding Charlton Heston) making it very difficult to decide what he's really trying to say. Near the end, he claims “there are no real Marxists and never have been”, suggesting that Marx was paid by an intelligence agency beholden to the wealthy (if I understood him correctly). Seriously? is all I'll say on that.

I also take exception to some of the claims he makes about John Reed and Walter Lippmann.

Noting that Reed ended up at Harvard, he says he “joined the cheerleading squad and the drama team. Note that: drama. He became an actor … snip … At Harvard, he was president of the Glee Club. Not a lot of revolutionaries come out of the Harvard Glee Club and cheerleading squad, it pretty much goes without saying. “ The problem is that Mathis completely overlooked Reed’s association with the Harvard Fabian Society, which was very active at the time he was at Harvard … in the early 1900s. In fact both Walter Lippmann, who Mathis labeled a fascist, and John Reed were “prominent in that organization”. This is according the the Harvard Crimson ( ... ers-local/ ). The Fabian Society was a political organization with long term radically leftist objectives. It was founded at the death of Marx with the goal of continuing the effort to create a communist (but they called it socialist) world, using stealth, gradualism and infiltration rather than the revolutionary approach advocated by Marx as the means to that end.

Mathis also wrote that Lippman was “as a notable author for the Council on Foreign Relations, perhaps the premier fascist organization in the US.” I would argue that the CFR was closely tied to the Fabian Society. Back in the 1950's, CIA Director Allen Dulles protected the Fabian socialists infiltrating our government.  At that time, General Arthur Trudeau, the Army Intelligence chief, supplied the FBI with a list of 122 names that he claimed constituted a secret cabal of socialists and communists infiltrating the US government.   Trudeau’s charge was that “certain individuals in and out of Government were influencing the United States to take a soft policy against Soviet Russia and world communism.”   Related to that, here’s a somewhat redacted, formerly secret, 1957 document ( ... ile-776777 ) titled “Summaries of Pertinent Information On Individuals Named In General Trudeua’s Allegations Of Fabian Socialist Infiltration Of High Policy-Making Areas of the United States Government” with bios of the various names.   Here’s another set of documents ( ... ile-776771 ), starting with a memorandum from FBI agent A H Belmont to FBI agent L V Boardman, discussing the accusation.  Read that and you’ll see that during the time when Herbert Hoover Jr was an Under Secretary Of State, there was concern within the government that such an infiltration was in fact taking place.  That’s interesting in light of the fact that FDR’s inner circle of advisers was literally filled with Fabian Socialists, one of them being Walter Lippman.  

Some of the other documents in that link are equally interesting.   One is a memo between FBI agent R. R. Roach and A H Belmont titled “Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Relations With G-2 (Department Of The Amry” (starting page 9) which indicates that the CIA was complaining that Army Intelligence (G-2) was spreading “derogatory information” about CIA operations and employees.   The document mentions an employee of G-2 who contacted a DemocRAT (called “Mr X”) and told him “that an official of the Army was in possession of highly sensitive information concerning communist penetrations in [the] CIA”.  A meeting was held between the two where the G-2 employee “produced documents and made statements charging that CIA was penetrated by Communists”.  Turns out the Mr X was a “long-time friend of [the] CIA” and called a CIA official to relate what happened.    The CIA then responded by complaining about G-2.    The letter goes on to indicate that the matter went all the way up to the Vice President.  So this was serious.   And the CIA’s complaint was that “G-2 has not handled the project of ‘Fabian Socialists’ in a secure and prudent manner.”  Not that it wasn't true.   And in the end, the FBI did what they’ve obviously been doing recently … they refused to investigate the possibility of Fabian infiltration … likely because many of them were already Fabians.  They officially dismissed the accusations as the result of nothing more than a feud between the CIA and Army Intelligence.    But was it?    When the smoke cleared, General Trudeau was relieved of command by President Eisenhower at the request of CIA Director Allen Dulles. Now it’s interesting to note that among the names on Trudeau’s original list were Allen Dulles, Director of the CIA and Frank Wisner, the Deputy Director.  Many other CIA officers were named but those two were critical.  And not that at the end of WWI, Allen Dulles and a bunch of American Fabian Socialists, including Walter Lippman, Felix Frankfurter and FDR, attended a Peace Conference in Paris.   After the conference, Dulles met with British Fabians John Maynard Keynes, R. H. Tawney and Arnold Toynbee at the Hotel Majestic in Paris in 1919.   From that group sprang the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council of Foreign Relations (yes ... the CFR that Mathis called a fascist organization). The Royal Institute of International Affairs is a very influential non-government organization supporting the progressive (socialist) agenda. After WW2 it was headed by Arnold Toynbee, a Fabian socialist, and remains in the left's camp. In 2013, for instance, it honored Hillary Clinton for her great contribution to society.

Mathis says that “Although Lippmann was later fashioned as a “lefty”, that did not mean he was ever red or even pink.” On the contrary, if Walter Lippman belonged to the Harvard Fabian Society, and he most certainly did, joining the Society in 1909, he most certainly was red at some point. And later, as a member of FDR’s “brain trust, he openly advocated that FDR become a dictator, urging cooperation with Stalin's Soviet Union in it's attempt to build a *socialist* Europe and a world socialist order. Clearly, he was still red.  His later writings caused many to naively label him anti-communist, because he took issue with the Soviet way of implementing a communist-like world. He lamented that the "revolution" should have taken place in advanced capitalist countries such as the US and England, rather than underdeveloped Russia. Implied was that is that it might then have succeeded. Lippman didn't give up on communism, he gave up on the Soviet State to implement it.  But he didn't give up on the American State to implement it.  He continued working for that outcome.
To prove that, consider this.    Graham Wallas was another noted Fabian Socialist … co-founder of the London School of Economics, the core institution of Fabians.   He wrote a book in 1914 titled "Great Society: A Psychological Analysis" in which he analyzed "the general social organization of a large modern state" ( ... 8/mode/2up ). If you read between the lines of the book, it's a text on understanding society well enough to manipulate people … something Fabians needed to be successful at to spread their ideology.  I'm sure more than a few Fabians studied his book in detail.   Indeed, the LATimes would write in 1989 that "some chroniclers" claim LBJ's naming his programs the Great Society can be traced to Wallas' book. Certainly, Fabian Socialist Stuart Chase lent considerable support to LBJ's "Great Society" policies. But even more interesting for this particular post is that the Preface of Wallas' book contains a letter Wallas wrote to Walter Lippmann, introducing the book to him as possibly useful in Lippmann's future writings.    And indeed, in 1937, Lippmann wrote a book titled, coincidently enough, "The Good Society". On top of that, Lippmann was also an advisor to LBJ. Here's are audio clips of phone conversations between the two: ... er-26-1963 , ... ber-5-1964 , and ... ly-30-1964. They prove that Lippman was on very good terms with LBJ, who did much to advance he Fabian agenda.  And here's an article Lippmann wrote in 1965 ( ... 911,695022 ) titled "The Principle of the Great Society".   In it, he calls what's happening "a benign revolution" and suggests the "basic idea" is that America can be "governed by consensus" now. Lippmann suggests the Great Society is
a breakthrough - that we are escaping from the immemorial human predicament of the haves and the have-nots. This predicament has been based on the assumption that the size of the pie to be divided is fixed and that, therefore, if some have more, others must take less.
The assumption that this predicament exists has been the central idea of socialism and communism. However, it has also been the tacit assumption of recent reformist and welfare programs. We can see this in slogans like "the New Deal" and "the Fair Deal." Both imply that there is always the same pack to be dealt.
So you see, Lippman not only admits that the New Deal and Fair Deal were socialist/communist in nature, but implies that we can now achieve the fairness goal that socialists/communists said they wanted … without labeling it that … because technology and our understanding of economic theory (like using planned deficits) will allow us to afford to improve schools and colleges (to manipulate young minds), reduce poverty (to manipulate the poor) and rebuild slums without concern about limited resources (because money grows on trees). He said "if a modern society like ours need no longer think of itself as irreconcilably divided over the distribution of wealth, it has become humanly possible to govern by obtaining wide agreement of the voters."   He didn't give up on the GOALS of communism. He was simply applauding a new way to achieve those goals … one that would turn out to be just as pie in the sky as the one he'd previously espoused. Too bad that once that consensus he called for failed and the new economics/policies he glorified didn't work as intended, the fallback position was once again to call for more SHARING OF THE WEALTH, communist style, something Obama and Biden have chanted.    And were Lippmann alive, I have no doubt he'd be out there amongst the protesters chanting that again. Mathis is wrong about him. 
By the way, Mathis goes on to write “Lippmann founded New Republic magazine in 1913, just three years after his graduation from Harvard. The magazine has always been sold as liberal, but it never has been. It was underwritten by Dorothy Payne Whitney, billionaire daughter of billionaire financier and Secretary of the Navy William Collins Whitney. Of course the New Republic was in favor of entering the war in 1917, with Lippmann as its premier hawk. So progressive of them to take a stand like that.” Again Mathis is suggesting Lipman wasn’t liberal, leftist, progressive or socialist. That he was on the right. But, of course, now we now know, thanks to Trump, that the New Republic is part of the UNIPARTY, which is to say Fabian Socialist controlled. Which is why they are anti-Trump and expressed a willingness to vote for democrats in the 2020 election to keep Trump out of office. Furthermore, Dorothy Payne Whitney was a socialist. Mathis failed to mention that she founded the New School for Social Research in New York City in 1919. Even left leaning Wikipedia admits that the New School was "a home for progressive thinkers." One of the founders was John Dewey, who became President of the American Fabian Society. It's faculty included noted Fabian Socialists Graham Wallas and Harold Laski.

Anyway, enough politics ... I’ll close by noting all the article Mathis has written about physics and math: , in particular, an article titled "Galactic Magnetism" ( and several on Birkeland Currents: and . In the latter link, he discusses EU in great depth but believes it’s CHARGE that matters, not E/M fields. He also has an article on the corona and magnetic reconnection: . To his credit, he blasts magnetic reconnection as “ad hoc” but I really haven’t had time to sort out what exactly he believes. Just that it involves CHARGE again.

And I also have to hand it to him … he’s expressed deep skepticism of Dark Matter, saying "This failure to express charge as a physical field has caused a century-long muddle, one that gets more muddled with each passing decade. It has caused the dark matter muddle, where mainstream physicists can't see that their dark matter is just charge. ... snip ... physicists have forgotten about the charge field, they have to fill the hole of the charge field with something else over and over." In another paper, , he takes the notion of dark matter apart concluding that "I should think the theory has long since gone past the point of absurdity." And there are many other papers in the above index link on problems with Dark Matter that he claims to solve by considering CHARGE. I notice that there are quite a few posts on this forum about him and his theories. I’m going to look past the politics and take a closer look at what he says, so I guess I should say thanks for linking something he wrote in your list, Lloyd. :)

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by jackokie » Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm

@BeAChooser Thank you for a well-researched rebuttal. I also disagree with the statement "All Politics (from Communism to Capitalism) Are Controlled by the Ruling Class for the Ruling Class", but might agree with "The Ruling Class attempts to control all Politics (from Communism to Capitalism) for the Ruling Class". By the time of the 1930's there was surely an intersection between Communism, Fabian Socialism, and the NKVD and GRU, although I can only speculate that Soviet Intelligence was active among Fabian Socialists who were not members of the Communist party. I don't think Harry Dexter White was a (formal) Communist, nor do I know of any link to Fabian Socialism, but from his actions he might as well have been either or both. Same for Alger Hiss, Lauchlin Currie, and Harry Magdoff, to name just a few Soviet agents.

Something I only recently learned was how cozy Henry Wallace was with the Soviet Union. We really dodged a bullet when he was rejected in favor of Truman for the 1944 VP spot.

I have attempted (admittedly halfheartedly) to grok Miles Mathis points about Charge, but they seem unmoored somehow. I once interviewed a programmer who was all in for APL, convinced that it could do everything one could want from a programming language and also tap dance. Miles seems to lean in a similar direction.
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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by BeAChooser » Sun Jan 30, 2022 5:11 am

jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm "The Ruling Class attempts to control all Politics (from Communism to Capitalism) for the Ruling Class".
jack okie, I would agree with that less sweeping statement. Ruling classes will try to do that ... so we must try to prevent that. And the only way to do that is through politics, so politics in and of itself is not ALL bad as the previous statement implied. What the core of the MAGA movement was/is attempting to do is create a political system where the ruling class does not have such control over us. This is just the opposite of what UNIPARTY (Democrats and way too many Republicans ... Fabians, I think) have been busy creating. We need a system where the role of government is deliberately constrained, not unlimited. Like the Founders of this great nation wanted. Where manipulating government agencies (be it the FBI, DOJ, IRS, DOD, FDA, both DOEs, NASA, or Courts) to serve the interests of only one party or political belief is one of the worst crimes possible ... and punished as such. Where the same laws apply to all and are equally enforced by the courts, not manipulated by whatever the party is in power to enhance their agenda and control. Where market capitalism and individual freedom are celebrated and encouraged rather than constrained and degraded ... so that everyone, no matter who, has "mostly" the same opportunity for upward mobility if they work hard and have innate talents. By it's very nature, socialist/communist systems do just the opposite and there are countless historical examples now to prove it. Which is why they've failed over and over. And while there certainly are problems in capitalist systems, it fair to say that capitalism and market economics mostly work. They are the reason Western Civilization progressed so far so rapidly. By far, they have done more for the advancement of every ethnicity and gender than the opposing systems. What we have in the US now isn't that however, since (IMO) Fabian Socialists have spent the past 120 years corrupting the system.
jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pmI can only speculate that Soviet Intelligence was active among Fabian Socialists who were not members of the Communist party.
I suspect that Soviet Intelligence (being made up of Marxists) from the very beginning tried to penetrate Fabian Society dealings with the viewpoint that they were competitors for world domination. In a letter to 'Sorge' (probably Friedrich Adolph Sorge), Friedrich Engels, a very important communist, commented about Fabian Socialism back in January of 1893.   He saw from the very beginning what it was and what it planned. He wrote "The Fabians here in London are a band of ambitious folk who have sufficient understanding to comprehend the inevitableness of the social revolution but who cannot trust this gigantic work to the rough proletarian alone, and therefore have the kindness to place themselves at the head of it. Dread of the revolution is their fundamental principle. They are the cultured par excellence. Their socialism is municipal socialism - the commune, not the nation, shall at least be the possessor of the means of production. This Socialism of theirs is then presented as an extreme but inevitable consequence of middle-class Liberalism, and hence their tactics are to fight the Liberals not as decided opponents but to drive them on to socialistic consequences; therefore to trick them, to permeate Liberalism with Socialism and not to oppose Socialist candidates to Liberal ones, but to palm them off to thrust them on under some pretext."

In the 1920s and 30s, Fabian Socialists, disillusioned with their slow progress in transforming the US and UK, visited and celebrated the "Soviet experiment", even though most Soviet leaders still believed in revolution and conquest as the best path to world domination. British and American Fabians visited the USSR and wrote glowing descriptions. They were just happy that progress towards communism was happening somewhere. But witnessing the excesses of Stalin in the 30's and 40s, the American Fabian movement came to believe that the Soviet brand of communism (Stalin's) wasn't for them ... that they could do much better. From then on, competition with the Soviets by Fabian Socialists became the norm. By the 70s and 80s, the Soviets began to realize that maybe the Fabians were right ... that the ONLY way *they'd* bring down America and turn it their form of communist was from within ... by infiltration. But it was too late by then ... the Fabian Communists had too big a head start and already enough power in the US to prevent that, especially when the non-Fabians were fighting Soviet infiltration too. Fabian Socialists were happy when the USSR finally came apart at the seams because that eliminated a major threat to their power and allowed them to put more effort into infiltrating the Republican Party. By the end of the 1990s, they had enough control over key Republicans to secretly establish the UNIPARTY. It wasn't till Trump came along as a reaction to some of the excesses of the UNIPARTY, that the American public (those that would still listen) learned how much control that was. Enough to steal an election.
jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm I don't think Harry Dexter White was a (formal) Communist, nor do I know of any link to Fabian Socialism, but from his actions he might as well have been either or both. Same for Alger Hiss, Lauchlin Currie, and Harry Magdoff, to name just a few Soviet agents.

As for being a "formal" Communist, White was identified as the “most highly-placed asset the Soviets possessed in the American government” by confessed spies and FBI informants Whitaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley, and the declassified VENONA decrypts of Soviet diplomatic traffic during the 1940s appear to confirm those charges. For example, they show he passed sensitive information to the Soviets on various occasions. The Treasury Department that White oversaw was full of communists. He allowed a Soviet intelligence ring known as the “Silvermaster Group” to operate under his nose ( ... lvermaster ) and when Silvermaster's communist links were exposed, "both White House advisor Lauchlin Currie (identified in VENONA as the Soviet agent operating under the cover name "Page") and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White (identified in Venona as the Soviet agent operating under the cover names "Lawyer"; "Jurist"; "Richard") intervened on his behalf. J Edgar Hoover sent five warnings to the Roosevelt and Truman Whitehouse that White was an active agent of the Soviets. All were ignored because FDR (and probably Truman) were Fabian Socialists, and that was a time when Fabian Socialists were still tolerating the Soviets as fellow communists. Plus, there was probably a fear that White, if accused, would tell the American People what Roosevelt and his cronies really were ... stealth communists.

White had plenty of links to Fabian Socialism. He came out of Harvard, the US hotbed of Fabian socialism/communism, and was a close associate of Fabian Socialist John Maynard Keynes.  He was a top member of FDR’s administration, which was literally riddled with known Fabian socialists. He was one of those who pushed for (in his words) a “New Deal for a new world”. That's significant because the term "New Deal" was coined by Stuart Chase, who openly admitted he was a Fabian Socialist in the books he wrote in the 30s and 40s, which White almost certainly had read.
jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm Same for Alger Hiss
As for being a Fabian Socialist, Hiss went to Harvard Law, and clerked at the Supreme Court for Felix Frankfurter ... a known and very important Fabian Socialist who at Harvard he was notorious for his pro-Communist sympathies. Later, Felix Frankfurter came forward as a character witness for Hiss when the Communist agent was being tried for perjury. Given that, I think it's reasonable to think that Hiss was a Fabian Socialist.

As for being communist later in life, the VENONA intercepts prove it. The evidence was undeniable. Hiss belonged to what came to be known as the first Communist underground "Ware" cell in Washington DC, named that because Harold Ware headed the cell. It turned out that almost the entire membership of this particular cell came out of the Harvard Law School. When Hiss was exposed, he was befriended by Mrs. Helen Lehman Buttenweiser who later supplied most of the bail for Dr. Robert Soblen, brother of Morton Soblen, one of the most important Soviet spies ever captured in the US.
jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm Lauchlin Currie
Lauchlin Currie's status as a Soviet agent was not only revealed in the VERONA intercepts. He (according to Wikipedia) attended the London School of Economics (which was officially founded to promote Fabian Socialism) under Edwin Cannan, Hugh Dalton, A. L. Bowley, and Harold Laski.

According to the London School of Economics ( ... d-cyclist/ ), "from the opening of the School in 1895 until his retirement in 1926, Edwin Cannon was the leading economist at LSE." He became Dean of the Faculty of Economics until 1904. And the LSE states that Cannan’s sixty lecture series on the principles of economics was the foundation of the study of economics at LSE" ... which was founded to promote Fabian Socialism. It was Sidney Webb (one of the Fabian Society's Founders) who in 1889 invited Cannon to join the school after he gave a paper to the Fabian Society on economics and socialism. Cannan was a Fabian Socialist.

Likewise, according to this (, Hugh Dalton, while at King's College, Cambridge, "became a socialist and joined the Fabian Society. Under the influence of Sidney Webb he took a doctorate at the London School of Economics ... snip ... Dalton returned to the LSE as a lecturer". According to this ( ... iption.asp), he was "lifelong" member of the Fabian Society. He was a Fabian Socialist.

A. L. Bowley also became an economics lecturer at the London School of Economics starting in 1895. He remained connected to the School until he retired in 1936. Given that, he was very likely a Fabian Socialist.

And, finally, Harold Laski was another noted Fabian Socialist. He was a professor at the LSE and eventual became Chairman of the Fabian Society in the UK. To demonstrate how important he was, consider that ( ... 1917-1963/) President John F Kennedy, his older brother Joe Jr, and Robert F Kennedy all studied under Harold Laski at the LSE. This is the way Fabian thinking was being infiltrated into American politics.

And given all of the above, is there any question whether Lauchlin Currie ended up a Fabian Socialist?
jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm Harry Magdoff
Harry Magdoff is another PROVEN (thanks to VENONA) Soviet agent in FDR's administration. He continued infiltrating America's institutions long after the war. In 1976 he was a founding sponsor of the Institute for Policy Studies/New American Movement, which played/plays a key role in the modern Democratic Party. IPS is far left ... with ties to the KGB, Cuban communists and Hugo Chavez. And guess who was listed in the IPS's 1993 30th Anniversary brochure as a former IPS visiting scholar or Associate Fellow ... Frances Fox Piven.  Robert Borosage, who served as director of IPS at one time in the past, was “a colleague and close acquaintance” of Hillary Clinton. IPS had a strong influence on the Clinton administration with numerous members being given top positions (including Leon Panetta, Morton Halperin, Anthony Lake, and Derek Shearer) ... all associated with nefarious deeds. Later, Friends of Obama and IPS members helped form and lead an organization called Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS).  MDS was a coalition of DSA, the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) and CCDS (Committees of Correspondence for Democracy & Socialism) plus several former leaders of SDS and the Weather Underground.  MDS then spawned Progressives For Obama which had more than a few SDS members as it's members.   Progressives for America worked tirelessly to elect Obama in 2008.  Out of Progressives for America sprang the idea for Obama's Organizing For America organization.  And from that came Obama's current Organizing For Action organization ( ), which was/is behind much of the current unrest. See how insidious the infiltration of America by communists has been? It's a trademark of Fabian Socialism.
jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm Something I only recently learned was how cozy Henry Wallace was with the Soviet Union.
Yes, Henry Wallace was communist but his methods make me think of a Fabian Socialist, rather than a Marxist. He founded a "Progressive Party" to become President. Notice how he and all the socialists and communists who belonged to it disguised what they were? When the Progressive Party collapsed with Wallace's loss in 1948, many of it's members then fled to the Democratic Party ... eventually taking it over. Frank Marshall Davis was one of those members.  And guess who he eventually mentored? Obama. And there are other connections between the Wallace and Obama. To cite one example, consider Leon Panetta, who Obama made CIA Director and then Secretary of Defense. Panetta for years maintained a friendly relationship with the late Hugh DeLacy. When was mentioned during Panetta's Senate confirmation hearings, the hearings moved behind closed doors ... probably because Hugh DeLacy was a known communist. And Panetta was on VERY friendly terms with DeLacy. There's a 1977 letter from then Representative Leon Panetta (D-Calif.) to DeLacy that starts out "Dear Hugh" and concludes with "If there is anything I can do for you in the future, Hugh, please feel free to call on me." When DeLacy passed away in 1986, Congressman Panetta spoke at his memorial service. The significance of this? Delacy had connections to Wallace. In fact, the LA TImes obit for DeLacy identified him as "a Founder of the Progressive Party that nominated Henry Wallace for President in 1948." Small world, isn't it? Everywhere you turn there are communists disguised as progressives using the tactics of Fabian Socialism.
jackokie wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:23 pm We really dodged a bullet when he was rejected in favor of Truman for the 1944 VP spot.
Maybe, but I'm reminded of Teddy Roosevelt and his "Progressive Party" running against Woodrow Wilson. Americans thought they'd dodged a bullet with the election of Wilson. That's because after Teddy left the Republican Party (like Wallace did), he revealed himself to be a Fabian Socialist. He followed the work of the Fabians in England. He was visited by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, two of the founders of the Fabian Society, in the 1890s, BEFORE he joined the Republican Party. What could be stealthier and more gradual than to pretend to be a Republican in order to gain office, then begin to do what Republicans wouldn't otherwise have done? Consider the fact that while Teddy began as a Republican, once he became President he was soon attempting to move the GOP toward Progressivism (Fabian Socialism). This is widely acknowledged. Teddy met with many Fabian Socialists.  One example is the Social Gospel minister Walter Rauschenbush, who had visited England and became a Fabian Society member. It is he who caused Teddy to express humiliation that the US lagged behind the rest of the "civilized" nations (that argument sure sound familiar, doesn't it?).  

Teddy’s own autobiography had an appendix titled "Social and Industrial Justice" (sound familiar?) in which he complimented a hardcore Socialist, Vladimir Simkhovitch who distinguished between revolutionary Marxism (which Teddy didn't like) and another socialism … one that would get to that beautiful world socialists envision, not by revolution, but by gradual change … in other words, by the means that Fabian Socialists advocated. And Teddy talked like a socialist because at heart, only disparaging capitalism. He was not the conservative many people still think. By 1907 Teddy was proposing even more radical reforms, which were blocked by the Republicans in Congress, not the Democrats. This is what finally caused him to split with Republicans. He’d gone as far as he could in that disguise.  So in 1904, when Teddy appointed William Taft as his Secretary of War, it was an effort to groom him as a handpicked successor for the President. He did this thinking that Taft was a Progressive Republican.  But after Taft won the Presidency, he turned more conservative. When he refused to support Progressive Republican and Democrat congressmen on a bill that would have limited the power of a conservative Speaker of the House, Teddy Roosevelt must have known that nothing more could be done from inside the Republican Party.   

So in 1912 he decided it was the time to launch a new "Progressive Party", with himself as their candidate for President, just like Wallace did.   He believed that enough Republican Progressives and Democrat Progressives would switch to it for him to be elected. But he lost, just like Wallace, because Wilson didn't seem as radical. Unfortunately for America, Wilson turned out to be another Fabian Socialist. Just look at all the progressive statements he made once he was President. Just look at the things Wilson enacted that the Fabian Society had wanted enacted ... like creating the Federal Reserve Bank in New York in 1914. Do you know that George Foster Peabody, first director of that bank, wrote "I have always been most sympathetic to individual Socialist aspirations. I have particularly observed the Fabian System of England with hopeful anticipations." So it seems that the Fabians had all the bases covered in the Roosevelt/Wilson contest. Wilson won because he was better at disguising what he was ... the more Fabian of the two. And Fabians then had enough control of the Democrat Party to move forward without trying to form a new party again to challenge the Republicans.

Now I see a similar situation with Truman. Truman was a self-described Democratic Socialist.  And I think Truman was every bit as much a Fabian as FDR. He was just better at disguising his communist leanings than Wallace.  But once he was elected, he and his "New Deal Coalition" continued as many of the New Deal programs as he could.    He also started additional programs that the Fabian Society had wanted enacted.     Indeed, Truman was as beholden to Fabian Socialists as FDR.   You see, in 1947, leaders from the American Fabian Socialist movement helped found a political organization called Americans for Democratic Action (ADA).   Then, in presidential election of 1948, when most experts had written off Truman’s chances. ADA stepped in and coordinated the efforts of local AFL and CIO unions, organized college campuses through the Students for Democratic Action, and had ADA volunteers working precincts.   And as a result, not only did Truman win, but 79 representatives endorsed by the ADA were elected to Congress, nine of whom were declared ADA members … one of them being Hubert Humphrey. See how insidious Fabian Socialist infiltration of our society has been?

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by jacmac » Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:07 pm

The above discussion about the horrors of socialism (meaning communism of course) is missing something I think.
If we are to live in a "SOCIETY" of citizens then socialism is absolutely necessary:

Publicly funded Police is socialism.
As is fire and emergency medical response organizations.
Public libraries is socialism.
The massive road and highway systems are socialism.
The spectrum of radio and tv frequencies we all use are publicly owned(socialism).
The U S military is socialism.
The complex tax system at all levels is socialism.
As is the non taxation of churches socialism.
Public education is socialism.
The very use of fungible dollars for all economic exchanges is socialism.
All levels of government are socialism.
All pay checks to government employees and elected members to government jobs is socialism.
Then there is the hidden SOCIALISM FOR THE RICH you might know about that results in a real tax rate for the rich of 8 %.

I say this as a person who has worked for a regular paycheck for less than three years plus odd jobs in my college years.
I was born in 1942.
I say this as a person who (with my wife) has paid $18,000 in Federal tax for a small house sale in 2010;
the same year as EXON PAID ZERO FEDERAL TAX.

Almost everything you can think of involves socialism.
It's all a matter of how much and to whom it benefits.

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by BeAChooser » Sun Jan 30, 2022 11:11 pm

jacmac wrote: Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:07 pm The above discussion about the horrors of socialism (meaning communism of course) is missing something I think.
If we are to live in a "SOCIETY" of citizens then socialism is absolutely necessary:
You’re confusing socialism/communism, as intended by the left’s Fabian Socialists, with the fact that the members of ANY type of society willingly sharing the burden for certain infrastructure that society needs. Those things do not make a society socialist … not in the way Fabian Socialists meant. Societies do need police, EMS, transportation systems, a military, courts, schools, prisons … and few conservatives suggest otherwise. And most conservatives would agree that government does generally do a pretty good job of providing those things provided they aren’t politicized … provided they haven’t been weaponized against the members of society that don’t support the leadership. That’s the case today.

Those things are being weaponized against half or more than half of our populace. Being used to indoctrinate the populace in Fabian ideas. Being used to suppress opponents of Fabian thinking. The size of the infrastructure is being increased far beyond what is “necessary*, despite the fact the majority of the population are against such unrestrained government growth. Those in power are now simply ignoring the wishes of the people in pursuit of power ... party and personal. Furthermore, it’s not absolutely necessary that the government physically run many of those things as they do. There have been successful experiments to privatize police, EMS … even prisons. There have even been successful private road building and operating efforts. And as far as schools are concerned, the data shows that privatized schools do a better job of educating kids than public ones … for less money.

Plus there is the fact that the US functioned pretty well when government was MUCH, MUCH smaller … before Fabian Socialists came along and started expanding it’s size and powers. In 1917, during a world war, total US government spending (federal, intergovernmental, state and local) was only about 9-10% of the US GDP. In 1947, after another world war, it was still only 20% of GDP. And the country got along just fine after that with the middle class growing by leaps and bounds. With racial and gender inequities strinking rapidly. Then along came even more Fabian programs. Such as the Great Society (Welfare State). In 2020, total government spending was 47% of GDP ... HALF the economy of the US! And is life really any better as a result of that arrangement? Poverty any less. Racism any less. NO. The problem is that the Fabians in government need those problems to grow in order to expand their power further. And Fabian government has become unaccountable. That’s by design of first, Fabian Socialists, and now The UNIPARTY, which is a Fabian socialist construct. We are very close (perhaps one election away) from living in a communist dictatorship because of them. Close to becoming a society where the populace’s wishes do not matter one iota … where their vote is meaningless because the system is now that corrupt and rigged.

Many of the country’s key Founders warned us what would happen if certain things occurred. Thomas Jefferson told us that “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." He also told us that “it is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes." He added “The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." Today, it seems the UNIPARTY only wants a nation of debtors. And Jefferson warned us that "the democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." That’s seems to be what the UNIPARTY intends.

Benjamin Franklin echoed that sentiment saying “think what you do when you run in debt: you give another power over your liberty." That’s why the UNIPARTY wants that. He also warned "I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." Today the UNIPARTY spouts socialist/communist promises the make the life of the poor easy. So they have leverage with which to control them. And Ben Franklin prophecied "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

Samual Adams said “"The Utopian schemes of leveling and a community of goods are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the Crown.  [These ideas] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional.” There is no starker warning about what it means if Fabians win the next election. Alexander Hamilton wrote "In the main it will be found that a power over a man’s support (salary) is a power over his will." What do you think Social Security, started by Fabians, is really all about? What do you welfare programs are really about? Thomas Paine warned that “the greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes." The left spouts a hat full of noble *sounding* causes? BEWARE.

Or maybe I should just quote Nikita Khrushcev, who said "We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by jacmac » Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:43 pm

Benjamin Franklin echoed that sentiment saying “think what you do when you run in debt: you give another power over your liberty." That’s why the UNIPARTY wants that. He also warned "I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." Today the UNIPARTY spouts socialist/communist promises the make the life of the poor easy. So they have leverage with which to control them. And Ben Franklin prophecied "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
I would be more receptive to your concerns... IF... the political right in this country would be concerned about government programs
that benefit the wealthy and corporate control of the economy in equal measure with those programs that benefit the poor.

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by BeAChooser » Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:38 am

jacmac wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 3:43 pm I would be more receptive to your concerns... IF... the political right in this country would be concerned about government programs that benefit the wealthy and corporate control of the economy in equal measure with those programs that benefit the poor.
You’re certainly entitled to your opinion. I’ll just observe that Wikipedia, citing Forbes, lists ( ... _net_worth ) the following people as the ten wealthiest in the US in 2022:

Elon Musk
Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates
Larry Ellison
Mark Zuckerberg
Larry Page
Warren Buffett
Sergey Brin
Steve Ballmer
Michael Bloomberg

Their combined wealth (about $1.35 trillion) is almost 3 times that of the next 10 wealthiest on the list. Of these ten, only Musk might be labeled “right” and only because recently he donated more to republicans than democrats because he's upset about the way democrats have handled Covid-19. In 2016, for example, he supported Hillary, like all the rest. All the others are MAJOR Democratic Party supporters, and have been for a long time. So it appears corporate control of the economy is mostly in the hands of the left. Furthermore, these ten democrats, wealthiest of the wealthy in the US, have greatly benefited from democrats being in control of the Whitehouse during 10 of the last 14 years. They are considerably more wealthy than they were when Obama first entered office. In fact, the wealthiest one of the list in 2008 was Buffet … with just $62 billion in assets. So all of them have made out like bandits, primarily under democrat or UNIPARTY administrations. That being the case, you’d think folks of your persuasion would be railing against them. And given the fact they controlled the government for most of that period, one would think the left would already have dealt with the issue of wealth disparity. Yet the disparity is greater than ever. So it seems rather hollow to attack conservatives for that.

Note the next ten wealthiest Americans on the 2022 Forbes list …

Jim Walton
Alice Walton
Rob Walton
Michael Dell
Phil Knight
MacKenzie Scott
Charles Koch
Len Blavatnik
Stephan A Schwarzman

This list is also instructive. The three Waltons are called republicans by the left, even though in the 2016 election they gave 60 percent of their contributions to democrats. I'll concede that Michael Dell is certainly a republican. And so is Phil Knight. But many of the republicans that Knight supported are members of the UNIPARTY, which as I've noted above appears to be in league with the left. For example, Knight backed never-Trumper Paul Ryan. MacKenzie Scott (formerly Bezos) is appears to be a democrat, since she says she supports racial justice, LGBTQ rights, and climate change. Curiously, she’s given money not only to the Obama Foundation but also the George W. Bush Presidential Center ... which may confirm that Bush is UNIPARTY and hence secretly in collusion with the left. Charles Koch is a republican but he’s been a lukewarm Trump supporter at best.

Len Blavatnik is also *officially* a republican, but in 2011 he donated to both Obama and Romney (an anti-Trump member of the UNIPARTY). In 2015-16 he gave $7 million to six Republican candidates, including Senators Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and John McCain, all of whom have clearly proven themselves to be UNIPARTY and anti-Trump. Between 2015 and 2017, he also contributed $3.5 million to Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell's super PAC. McConnell is republican whose been working against Trump for the most part. And in 2016 Blavatnik sent a mixed message by giving $1 million to Trump's campaign but another million to an anti-Trump GOP group. He and his wife also gave money to Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo and Hillary Clinton in that election. Clearly he’s mostly supportive of the UNIPARTY establishment, and hence Fabian Socialism. Finally, there's Stephan Schwarzman. He's a republican and unlike most of the other republicans in this group of 10 , he's a real conservative and Trump supporter. But he's last on the list of the top 20 wealthiest Americans, hardly worth mentioning, asset-wise.

So the lesson in the second group of ten is that while most of them are presented by the media to be members of the "right", in truth they are members of the UNIPARTY and have been working against Trump's efforts to stop the advance of Fabian Socialism. And all of the above proves that corporate control is in the hands of the left, not the right, and growing, even with Biden and democrats solidly in control? In fact, Biden and his son now seem to be riding on the gravy train too? Trump was the only President to not take a salary and whose assets fell during his Presidency. I'll also add that during Trump’s 4 years, the poor arguably did much better than during the last 10 years (or 18, if you include the Bush years) when democrats and the UNIPARTY controlled the Whitehouse. During Trump’s administration, average Americans saw real income increases for the first time in a while ... and even blacks began to prosper economically economy. That progress all stopped when UNIPARTY democrats regained the Oval Office. And note that most of the uber rich wealth increases that occurred during Trump's tenure occurred because the owners of the companies that all lean to the left (mainstream media, social media, and healthcare) took advantage of Covid panic, arguably to the detriment of the populace at large AND SCIENCE. Just saying ...

But, like I said, you are entitled to your opinion.

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by jacmac » Tue Feb 01, 2022 2:30 pm

O, now I get it.
Because the ten richest people are mostly democrats
they are really responsible for the big tax cut for the rich passed by the Republican party and President Trump.
And they are also responsible for the Republican party being against any increase in the minimum wage.
Who knew ???
You’re certainly entitled to your opinion also.

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by nick c » Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:04 pm

...the big tax cut for the rich passed by the Republican party and President Trump.
The Tax Cut and Jobs Act stimulated the economy, created jobs and ultimately increased tax revenues for the Federal Government.
see: ... ll-review/

How does that work?

-Corporate taxes serve no purpose other than to raise the costs of production for businesses. These higher costs result in firms charging a higher price for their product, which contributes to inflation. The consuming public ultimately bears the burden of such a tax. Furthermore, if there were no corporate taxes, what are the options for a firm to do with the money that do not have to pay in taxes?
Firms have two options:
1. they can pay dividends to stock holders, or,
2. they can put the money into retained earnings which is investment; usually within the same firm or in other endeavors.

So what is the economic effect of these corporate taxes?

1. raising the costs of production, hurting the consumer with higher prices and exerting an inflationary effect upon the macro economy.
2. decreasing employment, ie causing unemployment - corporate taxes lower the amount of funds available for investment which translates to less jobs.
3. corporate taxes actually decrease total tax revenues because of several things. Less jobs means less people paying income taxes. Less dividends which would have gone to stockholders who tend to be in higher income groups, and therefore pay income taxes at a higher rate.

see: ... sequence=1

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by nick c » Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:32 pm

jacmac wrote:And they are also responsible for the Republican party being against any increase in the minimum wage.
Here is another example of government implementing a law without consideration of the unintended consequences.

Minimum Wage laws ultimately result in less jobs for the people that are intended to benefit from the law.

There are three factors of production: Land, Labor, and Capital.
1. Land is the real estate or space upon which production takes place
2. Labor is human activity, including management, workers, and entrepreneurial leadership that each contribute to production
3. Capital is plant/buildings, equipment, machinery, tools, etc that are utilized in the production process.

When the price of one of these factors rises relative to the other two than firms will substitute for that factor. For example, the price of land in urban areas is very high. So firms that choose to locate in those areas substitute Capital for Land. They build tall buildings which in essence increase the available real estate. A ten story building can have up to ten times the available "land" as a one story building on the same site. Therefore Capital has been substituted for Land.
In the same way when you raise the minimum wage firms inevitably substitute Capital for Labor. So when you go into a fast food restaurant instead of having 4 burger flippers now you have 1 person operating a burger flipping machine and 3 burger flippers are out of work.
Another example: construction companies in the past would have had a team of laborers each with a shovel. As the wages for workers rose, mechanical means were used to replace manual laborers. Now a backhoe with one operator has taken the place of 20 ditch diggers.

Minimum Wage Laws force firms to innovate by substituting Capital for Labor, causing unemployment among those for whom the law was intended to benefit.

Of course, in the overall economic picture, this substitution of the factors of production eliminates many menial jobs but overall it creates more skilled jobs, and fosters economic growth, which requires that Labor acquire in demand skills to increase their marketability. ... m-wage-law ... -wage-laws

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by Lloyd » Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:33 pm

I said: All Politics (from Communism to Capitalism) Are Controlled by the Ruling Class for the Ruling Class

JacMac said: Lloyd, first, I don’t agree with the above statement since I don’t think Trumpism meets that criteria. In fact, I think Trump and his followers are more akin to the Founders of this country who risked their “Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor” to do so.
Did you read the paper at that link? The rulers of both parties and of the parties of other governments are all related. That paper and many others at the same site show that they are related. They show that the leaders of socialist/communist movements were and still are wealthy aristocrats. The so-called pandemic illustrates the conspiracy better than any event in history, IMO. Did you ever see all governments on Earth cooperate with each other like this any time in the past? NO. And they are cooperating apparently because they (the ruling class of all governments) have mutual interest in cooperating. The same website shows that many events in history have been faked in order to frighten the common people and to keep us from organizing against them and from attaining enough wealth to be considered a threat to the ruling class. Naturally, the ruling class wants us to think they are divided against each other, so we can't readily notice their conspiracy. After many months of constant brainwashing about Covid, after forgetting that they were supposed to have enemies among Muslims attacking all over the world and forgetting that there are supposed to be Racists and Sexists and Serial Killers etc, they finally got around to getting back to some BLM and Antifa and murders and trannies in the fake news. Trump is no hero and the founders of our country weren't either. See the same website. The ruling class has experts at brainwashing. That's their "intelligence" agencies etc.

Nick said: Minimum Wage Laws force firms to innovate by substituting Capital for Labor, causing unemployment among those for whom the law was intended to benefit. -- Of course, in the overall economic picture, this substitution of the factors of production eliminates many menial jobs but overall it creates more skilled jobs, and fosters economic growth, which requires that Labor acquire in demand skills to increase their marketability.
I guess this still falls under the subject of this thread, Economic Science during the so-called pandemic. I think economic science has been manipulated all of the time and I don't know that it's any different during the fake pandemic. But the best info I've seen on economics is at . The writer there is over 85 years old by now, I think, but he seems to be smart on economics, but dumb on science and politics. Anyway, he explains on his site that some countries, like the U.S., the U.K., China, Japan and one or more others are monetarily sovereign. That means they can never run out of their own money. And they can create as much money as they want to improve their economies without significantly increasing inflation. Inflation is due to scarcity, not to too much money. Federal taxes are entirely unnecessary and are not used to pay for federal government programs. States are not monetarily sovereign, so they need taxes to pay for their programs. The same applies to countries that are not monetarily sovereign.

This is where science can tell us if MythFighter's claims about economics are correct or not. Programmers should be able to set up a simulation of a monetarily sovereign economy to see if increasing the money supply to various groups within the economy would increase economic activity without increasing inflation or not. The various groups would include the old, the disabled, the young, the poor, and others. Presently, it's mostly the wealthy class that receives the most largesse from the government. MythFighter said the economic stimulus checks helped quite a bit to bail out most of the states from going bankrupt. He said more such checks would have helped a lot more. Anyway, do we have any programmers in the house who can help do this simulation?

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Re: Science during the Supposed Pandemic

Unread post by Lloyd » Tue Feb 01, 2022 10:51 pm

Aortic Stenosis: The latest heart attack scapegoat
The so-called authorities have another scheme to make it look like vaccines aren't causing problems, but natural health problems are? ... -scapegoat

Pfizer/FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide ... b-Genocide

Are the Globalists Intentionally Destroying the Food Supply Chain to Create a Crisis of Hunger and Starvation? ... tarvation/

Military Medical Whistleblowers Reveal Miscarriages, Birth Defects, and Infertility Rates Exploded in 2021 Following COVID Vaccines ... -vaccines/




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