Ancient depictions of snakes

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light? If you have a personal favorite theory, that is in someway related to the Electric Universe, this is where it can be posted.
Open Mind
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Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Tue Nov 29, 2022 2:40 pm

As a result of the recent Netflix special Ancient Apocalypse, featuring Graham Hancock, there has been a considerable uptick in curiosity about the Younger Dryas cataclysm, and what if any ancient civilizations were destroyed prior to our present Holocene time, (IE Atlantis). As many of you are aware, the main theory Graham champions, is that of a comet impact. The Younger dryas Comet impact theory, while in question by many in the EU as the main cause, STILL serves the purpose of introducing the critical first step of understanding, that there is enormously growing evidence of a huge cataclysmic global event during the Younger Dryas climate period some 12,000 years ago. Whether it was from a comet or some as yet unclarified plasma outburst or solar induced event, the key discussion presently is about the damage it caused, which is a critical step the general public need to focus on to comprehend how an ancient civilization could have disappeared, before the more complex topic of the cause can begin to make it through the gauntlet of debunker's digressions.

So since it is discussed in the Netflix show that many ancient civilizations all seem to share the common descriptor of "A SNAKE" as what all people agree on as the most accurate representation of what people saw in that time, it seems at this time now, when everyone's interest is piqued, it would be very helpful to have some good visual representations available of what a plasma event would look like, that would simulate that Snake appearance best.

I raise this, because at present, with the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis being pushed as the best answer to the question, "What caused the Cataclysm", it is being pushed forward that a Comet tail is the streak of light that people decided to represent as a Snake. But its obvious that if you represent something as a snake, its definately not going to be a straight line of light. OF COURSE its going to have undulations to trigger that kind of visual, and as we all know, the only thing that's going to resemble those undulations is going to be SOMETHING electrical, with the Helix patterns or twisted pairs, or even at the very least, its going to have half hazzard undulations of the northern lights effects. Bottom line, as we know, it literally MUST be an electrical event.

So in discussions with relatively new people on the subject, I'm trying to introduce this idea of electrical events as an alternative that is nowhere near their lexicon of possibilities, but I can't find good visual examples anywhere to share this thought. And of course, as we haven't got any good real life examples to show as video footage, I'm even wondering if there's good animation out there somewhere.


I'm wondering if anyone in the know, could possibly post links of the best visual examples of some kind of plasma event, real in labs or animated, that can best demonstrate this electrical alternative concept as an event that would inspire a "SNAKE" as a description. I'm asking, because it seems like there is a new crop of people who are taking interest, and before they attempt to accept this poor association between the visual of a snake and the straight line of a comet tail, and as a result many of them abandon these poor associations and go back to sleep, its important to let them know now that there are far more likely alternatives as events that would inspire that image presented by some highly intelligent scientific minded authorities.

Open Mind
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Tue Nov 29, 2022 5:28 pm

I looked at this video for hope of something, but its all lab experiment close up and mostly about electrical crater research, so no good visuals that resemble snakes at all. Hell, I'd make an animation myself, but I don't have a clear idea of what it should look like based on what actual EU people could agree on.

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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by allynh » Tue Nov 29, 2022 7:40 pm

I love the series, I need to watch it many times.

He has 90% of what happened, he's just missing the EU stuff. The "Badlands" were clearly carved by Electric Discharge Machining(EDM) rather than water, but he'll get it and write another book.

That's what he's been doing for decades, discovering amazing insights, writing them up as books, then finding new insights that come out as another book.

Bit by bit, he's getting there.

- The Platinum and Iridium found in the "black layer" are clearly due to Transmutation rather than meteorites. The "glass spheres" were also caused by the EDM.

For visual stuff look at the videos listed on the Thunderbolts main page and see if there is something you can use.

- The videos are what Hancock needs to watch as well to get up to speed.

Symbols of an Alien Sky

Thunderbolts—The Tutorial

Discourses on an Alien Sky ... -series-2/

Remembering the End of the World ... pH&index=1

Thunderbolts of the Gods ... pH&index=1

Symbols of an Alien Ky ... pH&index=2

The Lightning Scared Planet Mars ... pH&index=4

The Electric Comet ... pH&index=3

BTW, the stuff about "Giants" that he talked about is harder to prove, but links back to The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes.

It's the old concept of one mind spread across many bodies. The Tower of Babel is an example of that. All of the ancient structures clearly show the stigmata of "One Mind, Many Bodies".

The novel Cell by Stephen King, and Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, are based on the Jaynes. King goes into the expression of Paranormal powers that were needed to build the megalithic structures, but that takes us places that are best talked about in "Fiction".

- It's "safer" to say that "We don't know" how the pyramids were built and simply acknowledge that they are amazing, and scattered all over the planet.

It's going to take developing new ways to "scan" the structures, like in Star Trek, to see what is below the ground. Combinations of Tomography, and high resolution deep-penetrating radar. Imaging what lies beneath the surface will end up a trillion dollar industry.

Open Mind
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:22 pm

“The Platinum and Iridium found in the "black layer" are clearly due to Transmutation rather than meteorites”

Interesting. All this time, I’ve been suggesting that all the impact proxies are the same as you’d see from a plasma strike. High heat is high heat. I can see how that could be possible with the Safire findings as the example. But I was starting to lean towards the cool idea that transmutation was happening inside the earth instead. That’s a tough one. I think I might continue suggesting they’re high heat proxies though. Its just easier to comprehend.

I’ve seen all your vids and none of them present a devoted part to how to tie in the Snake visual with some kind of event that includes clearly an undulating tail. I don’t think there’s going to be any good real or lab visuals with enough density to appear on the nose enough, so I’m expecting its going to have to be an animation. Like I said, I'd overlay my own animation on a scene as I imagine it. Just wish I could comprehend what the leading guys would be willing to put on paper as a committed suggestion of what it might have looked like. At this point, I'm pulling it out of my ass, but you gotta admit, that 'undulation' has gotta be part of it for a global recognition of form.

I just think we need that visual to anchor the idea that Snake = Straight Comet tail, is a poor comparison. Its so bad, we’ll lose people to all of this stuff IMO. Its too easy for the civilian main stream'er to dismiss IMO.

I’d agree with him to leave Giants alone. You gotta leave a bunch of stuff as the recognized inference that you EARN once you agree to the initial premise. Some idea’s are really only effective as debunking fuel.

Open Mind
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Wed Nov 30, 2022 2:32 pm

I'm picturing something like this explanation of the Magnatar Bursts from the lower L shells in this vid from Suspicious Observer. I know people don't like the 'end of the world' stuff from Ben, but I'm specifically talking about a visual I'm looking for. Not a segue to prepping here..

If this concept could be tweaked to illustrate a person on the ground POV perspective showing that the actual lightning demonstrated some kind of undulations to link the snake idea, that would be cool. But that's just a wish list and maybe I'm dead wrong about it. Wish I knew what electrical event actually demonstrated the effect to tie this all together.

I'm open to being completely wrong and in fact it was a comet tail this entire time. I'm just under the presumption that a global identification of a 'snake' visual seems so obviously linked to the undulation visual AND that the twisted pair idea seems like it might play into this.

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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by allynh » Wed Nov 30, 2022 8:53 pm

I think episode six is where they feature the "Serpent Mound":

Remember, that is a "map" for observing the sky, that's not how the comet looked to them. Comets look like "serpents", some look like "feathered serpents" with many tails fanning out behind.

- People saw living things in the sky, "serpents" or "snakes", and described them based on what they knew.

I suspect that you are being too literal minded. Watch the Electric Comet video again and you will see what I mean.

The Electric Comet ... pH&index=3

BTW, Transmutation occurs all over the planet, all the time, not just in the crust. It's not about "high heat" it's about different frequencies of light or electrical frequencies, catalyzing the Transmutation.

A bolt of energy hitting the ground causes gold and other metals to be created from silicon dioxide. There are regions in New Mexico where Thunderbird walked and you have copper mines with gold, silver, etc...

Open Mind
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:44 pm

"I suspect that you are being too literal minded"

Damn, maybe.

Well I have no issues with the thunderbolt images. But I was really hoping for some kind of undulating plasma thing that we can point to as a better alternative. It would have been a good EU recruiter if real. lol

I'm sold on the transmutation idea. Maybe the Great Pyramid was a transmutation machine. lol

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nick c
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by nick c » Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:02 am

Open Mind wrote: it is being pushed forward that a Comet tail is the streak of light that people decided to represent as a Snake. But its obvious that if you represent something as a snake, its definately not going to be a straight line of light.
It seems that the above quote is exhibiting a bit of unintentional uniformitarian bias. (No offense intended!)
The electromagnetic forces within our solar system, that gave rise to world wide cometary imagery, were of a scale that is not observed today.

Remember, comets are not a type of celestial object, but rather they are an electrical condition imposed upon some celestial objects. Today's comets are puny left overs and remnants of a past catastrophic solar system.

Comets can be very large objects, including planets, stars, and even galaxies...that is they are exhibiting a tail... see

"Super Hot Planet With A Unique Comet-Like Tail"

"A Star With A Comet's Tail"

The Tadpole Galaxy

Open Mind
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:52 am

no offense taken. but that is a swear word around here though...

I see your images. I DO get that. I have seen all the animations associated with what was presumed to have happened in the Saturn Myth. Those are all interesting images anchored in ancient imagery around the world in ancient symbology. But it was just this fascination with snakes/dragons, that seemed to scream 'undulations' and I really thought I was just missing something you all, as part of the EU, already knew, but I guess I was wrong.

Looks like there are no obvious snake like light shows that happened back then. Its a disappointment to hear though. I wasn't prepared to find out that everyone on earth depicted images poorly maybe in this particular case. I mean unless they're talking about the waves of the northern lights, but that's obviously not it.

I understand the comet tails point away from the sun regardless of their direction of motions. I'm sold on the electrical nature of the attractive or repellent relationships. I don't know. Is it possible that when comets entered the earths Ionosphere, there might have been some kind of short circuit that resulted in some kind of waivey plasma outbursts or something? I mean we have no historical reference so is spitballing on this hypothetical event possible?

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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Cargo » Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:48 am

You remind me of something I saw and asked about, take a look ... ?f=5&t=775
interstellar filaments conducted electricity having currents as high as 10 thousand billion amperes
"You know not what. .. Perhaps you no longer trust your feelings,." Michael Clarage
"Charge separation prevents the collapse of stars." Wal Thornhill

Open Mind
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Thu Dec 01, 2022 4:55 pm

hey Cargo, that video is EXACTLY what the dr ordered. Thank you for that.

Excellent full description of what I'm talking about. Man, you nailed it.

There's a comment made during that video as follows:

"The twisting and pulsing plasma discharges that last only several nanoseconds at a laboratory scale,
could last for days or weeks at a planetary scale.”

If plasma benefits from its scalability in laboratory experiments to be able to confidently extrapolate up to global events, I'm curious where the confidence comes from in that statement. Because if that duration of event difference between lab and planet is a presumption, the claim of these mechanisms in this video risks falling short if wrong. I’d be very interested to understand how we can make that claim based on calculation and provability.

Specifically, what can you suggest is the difference between the lab event that lasts nanoseconds and a similar plasma outburst in the sky above the planet, that would allow it a duration of days or weeks? What are the inputs that control that duration? What are the conditions that differentiate between the lab and planetary scale that affect the duration of the event? For the lab examples to qualify as illustrations of global events, it seems being able to understand how to scale up the duration to a long enough time in the sky to make the impression it did on ancient people carving into rock, its a pretty important part of the value of this theory.

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nick c
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by nick c » Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:00 am

David Talbott on the "Serpents in the sky":
The pervasive role of cosmic "serpents" in world mythology is a mystery
often mentioned in historical and astronomical studies, but never
satisfactorily explained. Frequently adorned with feathers or wings,
sprouting long-flowing hair, or breathing fire, these monsters rank
among the most enigmatic and outrageous cultural icons, invariably
eluding the grasp of the researchers attempting to explain them. Yet
around the world, these biologically absurd serpents reveal numerous
features in common--the clearest indication that the monsters DO have an
explanation. But when investigators, exploring every possibility they can
imagine, still find no answer, it becomes increasingly likely that the
truth is simply "off the map"--outside the limits of current thinking.
The boundaries of perception have excluded a memory so powerful that it
influenced every ancient culture. From the infancy of civilization
through all prior epochs of human history, world-altering serpents were
claimed to have once moved in the heavens.

In most great mysteries, recurring patterns are the key to discovery. Is
it significant, for example, that wherever the theme of Doomsday or
celestial chaos occurs, a great serpent or dragon (mythic alter ego of
the serpent) presides over the disaster? The connection is as old as the
earliest civilizations. In ancient Egypt, the serpent Apep, whom the
Greeks called Apophis, was the arch-enemy of the creator and of
celestial order. His plotting against the supreme god Ra produced an
earthshaking tempest in the heavens, and numerous Egyptian rites
commemorated the victory of Ra over Apep, whose hideous forms and
terrible roar haunted the Egyptians throughout their history. At the
temple of Ra in Heliopolis the priests ritually trod underfoot images of
Apep to represent his defeat at the hands of Ra. At the temple of Edfu,
a long series of reliefs depict the warrior Horus and his followers
vanquishing Apep or his counterpart Set, cutting to pieces the
monster's companions, the "fiends of darkness."

Comparative investigation confirms that every well-documented culture
possessed its own names and images of the serpent or dragon of
chaos--the monster whom the Babylonians called Tiamat, the Greeks knew
as Typhon or Python, and the Hindus called Vritra or Ahi. In Australia
it was the Bunyip-monster, sometimes identified as the "Rainbow
Serpent," that once decimated the earth. And in North America remarkably
similar stories were told of the "Great Horned Serpent."

The above is an excerpt from "The Serpents of Creation"

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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Tue Dec 06, 2022 1:37 am

exactly. So its not such an obsessive fixation to focus on the expectations of undulations as what is likely the key observation to justify those particular symbolic images. But I'm stuck with a poor understanding of all the electrical vehicles and their own distinctive appearances. What ever it is though, there has to be some aspect of the same kind of visual light movement as you'd see from a regular aurora borealis. But the aurora like events don't appear to be the kind of event that scars the earth. Associations with thunderbolts perhaps, but the Aurora type don't actually seem likely to do the damage.

So there's wispy plasma effects that waive and undulate up in the sky, but there's also other arc mode events that strike the earth. I wonder if the super charged arc mode stuff has undulations. Because in my mind I'm picturing more lightning like angular shapes and straight lines.

Could that be it? Snakes/dragons are the wispy sky plasma, and Thunderbolts are the arc mode destructive part of the events? And if so, wonder if there are stories that distinguish between the two events being related as one happens before the other, vs vs, or do they happen all at the same time.

Just spitballing here, out of possible ignorance if these scenarios are already well known in their specifics.

Poppa Tom
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Poppa Tom » Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:58 am

Here, at 5:03 slow motion lightening gives you a great rendition of
a many headed snake.

Open Mind
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Re: Ancient depictions of snakes

Unread post by Open Mind » Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:30 pm

Poppa Tom wrote: Wed Mar 08, 2023 5:58 am Here, at 5:03 slow motion lightening gives you a great rendition of
a many headed snake.
That absolutely MUST be what was depicted by many headed snakes, you'd think. What else can represent that image? Although, I'm still wondering about the undulation of a serpent, being most visually represented by an auroral image of that kind of shape. We can easily see that even in present day, but unassociated to a catastrophic event. So I wonder what an auroral event looks like, ramped up to catastrophe levels.

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