Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Plasma and electricity in space. Failure of gravity-only cosmology. Exposing the myths of dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, and other mathematical constructs. The electric model of stars. Predictions and confirmations of the electric comet.
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Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by Brigit » Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:28 pm

A quite popular astronomy youtube channel has just released a couple of reports, within the last week, about the "strange objects near the Galactic Center" including, among other interesting things, "stretched gas", baby stars, and "tadpoles."

There are a lot of very entertaining, curious, and exotic objects described in these reports, and most, if not all, are not well understood; nor are they necessarily expected to be found in the vicinity of a black hole -- the one which is theorized to be at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. I will leave a couple of links to the science media at the end. But first I would like to stop and take a look at the Milky Way through the eyes of the Electric Universe model.

In March of 2009 Wal Thornhill wrote in "The Black Hole at the Heart of Astronomy":
  • "The so-called 'queen' of the sciences, cosmology, is founded upon the myth that the weakest force in the universe -- gravity -- is responsible for forming and shaping galaxies, stars and planets. But even if this were true, gravity remains unexplained. How it works is still a mystery."
Some discussion of the standard model and the math of Schwartchild Solution follows. But there is another, alternative view of galaxies.
Wal Thornhill continues,
  • Electric Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

    The question for the Electric Universe is therefore: If black holes don't exist, how do we explain recent observations at the center of our own Milky Way?
He then proceeds to point out that the well-established study of plasma cosmology shows that galaxies are an electrical phenomenon, and gives a concise electrical explanation for the following structures seen in and around the Galactic Center.
  • filaments, arcs, and shells
  • the double helix nebula located close the Galactic Center
  • the circumnuclear disk
  • the magnetic field in the center of the Milky Way, which has dipolar geometry and is stronger than elsewhere in the galaxy
  • the energy of jets from active galactic nuclei
  • the lack of energetic jets issuing from our own galaxy
  • X-ray emissions and persistent high-energy flux from the heart of the MIlky Way, sometimes firing every 20 minutes
  • Gamma rays
  • orbits of stars close to the galactic center
  • young stars close to the imagined location of the black hole
  • a mini-spiral at the Galactic Center
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Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by Brigit » Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:54 pm

1. filaments, arcs, and shells
  • "Electric Galaxies have Electromagnetic Hearts
    The question for the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® is therefore: If black holes don’t exist, how do we explain recent observations at the center of our own Milky Way?

    The well-established study of plasma cosmology shows that galaxies are an electrical phenomenon. It has been found that filaments, arcs, and shells characterize the small-scale structure of molecular gas in the Galactic Center. They are all well-documented electrodynamic plasma configurations. A single charged particle in 10,000 neutral gas molecules is sufficient to have the gas behave as plasma, where electromagnetic forces dominate. Conventional theorists admit to “no plausible explanations either for the origin of the complex kinematics or for most of the peculiar features.”

    In May last year I described the plasma focus phenomenon generated at the Galactic Center by filamentary helical “Birkeland” currents flowing in along the spiral arms and out along the galactic spin axis.
2. the double helix nebula located close the Galactic Center
  • "A letter to Nature provides supporting evidence for that model in the form of the infrared “double helix” nebula. The nebula is located about 100 parsecs from the Galactic Center. Its axis is oriented perpendicular to the Galactic plane and is apparently connected to the circum-nuclear disk (CND), which is conventionally thought to be an accretion disk harboring a “supermassive” black hole.
    • https://www.holoscience.com/wp/wp-conte ... Nebula.jpg
      The 80 light-year long Double Helix Nebula (DHN) observed in infrared.
      The 80 light-year long Double Helix Nebula (DHN) observed in infrared with the MIPS camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The spatial resolution is 6 arcsec. On the right we see the context of the DHN with respect to the Galactic plane taken with the MSX satellite. The spatial resolution is 20 arcsec. The relative locations and sizes of the nebula, the circumnuclear disk (CND), and the proposed channel linking them, are all shown. Credit: M. Morris et al., UCLA.
    The double helix is the characteristic form of a Birkeland current filament. Like the filaments in the Galactic Center Radio Arc in the first image, it is a glowing section of the electric circuit connecting the central plasmoid to the galaxy and beyond. The CND is typical of a dusty plasma ring current circulating around a magnetized celestial object. There is no gravitational or dynamical explanation for the twin helical filaments. It has no place in black hole theory. The metaphors and language used in the scientific report are wrong and misleading. The title of the report alone highlights the problem—“A magnetic torsional wave near the Galactic Centre traced by a ‘double helix’ nebula.” As usual, there is no explanation for the presence of the magnetic field (which requires an electric current and circuit) or the source of the imagined “torsional wave.” The authors admit: “The absence of a negative-latitude counterpart is another potential weakness of the torsional wave hypothesis, inasmuch as such waves should propagate equally in both directions away from the driving disk, if that disk is symmetric about its midplane” and “One question that our hypothesis leaves unanswered is why the helical structure has two strands.”"

3. the circumnuclear disk
  • "The CND is typical of a dusty plasma ring current circulating around a magnetized celestial object."

https://www.holoscience.com/wp/the-blac ... astronomy/
emphasis added
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Re: Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by Brigit » Sun Mar 12, 2023 9:51 pm

More recent observations at the center of the Milky Way are better described by the Electric Universe:

#4. the magnetic field in the center of the Milky Way, which has dipolar geometry and is stronger than elsewhere in the galaxy

  • "Researchers also report that “the magnetic field in the central few hundred parsecs of the Milky Way has a dipolar geometry and is substantially stronger than elsewhere in the Galaxy.”

    Birkeland filaments align with the ambient magnetic field which is, in turn, generated by electric currents flowing into the central plasmoid."

https://www.holoscience.com/wp/wp-conte ... asmoid.jpg
In the electric universe model of galaxies, there is no black hole at the center accreting matter and emitting radiation. At the center of both quiescent and active galaxies are plasmoids, which are a plasma formation well-known in the lab to emit jets of radiation. An electric current also produces a magnetic field.
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Re: Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by jacmac » Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:28 am

Excellent Brigit:
If galaxies have hearts then everything they spawn have electromagnetic hearts as well.
Like life.
Like people.
Electric heart muscles.
WE also have electric brains and electric nerves.
And all our cells have electric membranes that supply the cells with energy.
It is the electromagnetic force (double layers) in the universe that enables all life to exist.
The electromagnetic force was and is there at the beginning.
Lightning, throws off cell sized double layers.
Where our eyes will be, light up first.
Bioelectrics leads the way.
Michael Levin
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ... 7421002233

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Re: Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by Cargo » Tue Mar 14, 2023 3:46 am

Cue: Michael : Functions in the Cosmos
interstellar filaments conducted electricity having currents as high as 10 thousand billion amperes
"You know not what. .. Perhaps you no longer trust your feelings,." Michael Clarage
"Charge separation prevents the collapse of stars." Wal Thornhill

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Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by Brigit » Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:59 am

Cargo says, "Cue: Michael : Functions in the Cosmos"

That was so funny, and I hope jacmac got a chuckle as well (:

A reference to more than a few of Dr Michael Clarage's thunderbolts presentations, actually !
“Oh for shame, how these mortals put the blame upon us gods, for they say evils come from us, when it is they rather who by their own recklessness win sorrow beyond what is given…”

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Re: Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by jacmac » Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:45 pm

Cargo says, "Cue: Michael : Functions in the Cosmos"
That was so funny, and I hope jacmac got a chuckle as well (:
I actually don't understand the references to my post.
I have watched Michael Clarage's video.
He explains how earth's magnetosphere ALLOWS life on earth to flourish.
I certainly agree there.
My posts elsewhere on plasma and Abiogenesis have received about zero comments so far;
leading me to wonder what is the chuckle about actually.?
And has anyone read the link to the Michael Levin publication ?

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Re: Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by Brigit » Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:39 am

jacmac says, "I have watched Michael Clarage's video. He explains how earth's magnetosphere ALLOWS life on earth to flourish. I certainly agree there. My posts elsewhere on plasma and Abiogenesis have received about zero comments so far; leading me to wonder what is the chuckle about actually.?"

I am sorry jacmac. Michael Clarage has made more than one video likening plasma formations in space to biological forms. "Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, deftly describes how and why he sees function in a living Universe."

So when you brought up biology on a thread which is about the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, I felt -- and perhaps Cargo did too -- that you were referencing the "living universe" theme explored in some of TBP publications.

No offense, please. Do you need more examples ? There is a talk in Bath, likening cellular structures in interstellar space to cellular structures on earth, for example. There are others which I can link if needed, to explain the connection to Dr. Michael Clarage.

As for abiogenesis, I never bother with that subject. To me, life and even simple cells turned out to be so unutterably complex, that if a person does not see the complexity, I feel totally inadequate to reveal it. Totally inadequate for the task. I would rather people enjoy their talk together and not interrupt.
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Re: Electromagnetic Galaxies Have Electromagnetic Hearts

Unread post by jacmac » Sun Mar 19, 2023 4:34 pm

Thank you Brigit for the clarifications.
I do recognize that my comments were a bit off topic, but many topics tend to DRIFT .
The HEART in your title led me astray......sorry.
Michael Clarage has made more than one video likening plasma formations in space to biological forms. "Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, deftly describes how and why he sees function in a living Universe."
I had seen some of Mr. Clarage's video's and watched two more yesterday.
I felt -- and perhaps Cargo did too -- that you were referencing the "living universe" theme explored in some of TBP publications.
I was referencing that theme; but more directly my idea of a specific detail in Abiogenesis linking plasma to the beginning of life.

That is: lightning striking the "primordial soup" of Darwin actually throws off cell sized spheres of double layer charges which are then occupied by all manner of chemistry. This, as I see it, provides an actual cell membrane prototype, with voltage, which eventually all evolves into living organic forms.

Michael Clarage suggests that one function of the plasma universe enables life to evolve.
I agree, adding a mechanism of how it has happened.

Michael Levin is a biologist at Tufts University who is putting BIOELECTRICITY patterns before all the complex chemistry you mentioned.
He describes the bioelectric events that lead to the morphology (shapes) in living organisms.
We have seen this presented often on our forum for years, as in The M. Clarage video with the cut leaf photo"s.

I am very keen for any more info you might have about:
There is a talk in Bath, likening cellular structures in interstellar space to cellular structures on earth,

Thank you !!

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