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An interesting parallel with cosmology

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:26 pm
by jackokie
Study: Decreased proteins, not amyloid plaques, are tied to Alzheimer's disease

From the article:
The conventional wisdom in the field of Alzheimer's research for more than 100 years stated that Alzheimer's was caused by the buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. But Espay and his colleagues hypothesized that plaques are simply a consequence of the levels of soluble amyloid-beta in the brain decreasing. These levels decrease because the normal protein, under situations of biological, metabolic or infectious stress, transforms into the abnormal amyloid plaques.


The research found that with a baseline level of soluble amyloid-beta in the brain above 270 picograms per milliliter, people can remain cognitively normal regardless of the amount of amyloid plaques in their brains.

"It's only too logical, if you are detached from the biases that we've created for too long, that a neurodegenerative process is caused by something we lose, amyloid-beta, rather than something we gain, amyloid plaques," Espay said. "Degeneration is a process of loss, and what we lose turns out to be much more important." ... -tied.html

Re: An interesting parallel with cosmology

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:17 am
by jacmac
Yes. good update on Alzheimer's jackokie.

I have seen a recent 60 Minutes video which reports the results of a large multi decade study
with many people interviewed every 6 months.
They collected data on diet, exercise, drug use, coffee, lifestyle, smoking, etc, etc.
As people died many were autopsied.
About half with Alzheimer's had the plaques.
About half without Alzheimer's had the plaques.
The study had data on what seemed to help with longevity;
like exercise and moderate coffee intake :D

But what stood out to me was the separation
of the presence of the plaque build up linked to Alzheimer's.

So, is the parallel with cosmology.... that after 100 years of believing an incorrect theory
there is hope for a big change ???

Re: An interesting parallel with cosmology

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:03 pm
by jackokie
@jacmac I think the JWST provides an opening. I hope everyone who understands the flaws of the Big Bang will take every opportunity to broadcast them far and wide, no matter what their beliefs about alternate cosmologies are, with the main point being that dark matter, etc. are NOT science, because fantasy is not testable.

The fundamental solution is to ensure that research in all fields no longer ignores the scientific method in favor of "gnomes". That's a tall order I know, but one we can't give up on. I've been encouraged by the number of favorable comments on Gareth Samuel's videos, as well as Eric Lerner's Big Bang challenges. But I will own up to being a cock-eyed optimist.