Dr Frederick Alzofon & his UFT

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Dr Frederick Alzofon & his UFT

Post by neilwilkes » Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:37 am

I have been thinking about posting this thread for a long time now, and keep putting it off but cannot do this any longer as the importance of this UFT and the engineering solutions it allows for are simply too important to ignore any longer. So let's start with a question - how many here have even heard of Dr Frederick Alzofon? Very few, if any I imagine, and of those even fewer will be aware of his UFT and the published papers he wrote about it, the most comprehensive of which was "The Unity Of Nature" (see https://physicsessays.org/browse-journa ... eory.html for the full paper).

This was all derived from a correction to Einstein's STR (which I will cover here) and completely side-steps the GTR altogether so should find some new adherents in these forums - for the relativists who will scream "heresy" I will begin by quoting Dr Alzofon himself:
In exchange for a simple correction to the STR, I get unification of the fundamental forces, a solution to the wave/particle problem, elimination of infinities from field equations and quantum electrodynamics, and an operational definition of the gravitational force that yields engineering applications. Seems like a reasonable trade to me

- and I could not agree more. The key part of this statement for me is "an operational definition of the gravitational force that yields engineering applications" by which he is referring to Gravity Control, and not only this but it was possible to do in 1981 with existing, well understood technology. This is absolutely phenomenal and although the question will inevitably arise almost immediately I have no intention of going off on a conspiracy theory as to why he was utterly ignored.
But I digress.
Anyone who wants to follow up on this in greater detail should go to http://gravitycontrol.io/ and have a good look for him/herself. When you do this please also bear in mind that Richard Feynman thought that this theory definitely had something and he could not pick holes in it - in fact, nobody who has actually looked at it with an open mind can find any flaws (apart from relativists, and they don't count. Sorry but they don't. By Relativists I mean the adherents to the GTR here as well)

So let's take a quick look at the correction to the STR by using Dr Alzofon's own words:
The UFT is a natural outgrowth of the STR and is not a totally new beginning.
It is a consequence of this fact - the natural outgrowth of the UFT from the STR - that the UFT reduces to the special theory in the appropriate context, that is, it makes the same predictions as the special theory wherever the special theory is valid. However, the UFT extends the special theory to the region of high energy processes where matter and radiation can be transformed into one another.* Moreover, the UFT offers a means of removing troublesome and physically unrealistic infinities from the Coulomb-type laws that are valid for static fields (and low energy processes), as well as those that occur in quantum electrodynamics. The latter features are not possible with the special theory in any direct manner.
Finally, the UFT provides a clear connection between the origin of inertial mass and the radiation field and a similar relation between inertial and gravitational masses. The special theory does not offer any such direct connections.
I will briefly pause here whilst the relativists reading this go into collective apoplexy ;)
And now onwards, again quoting Dr Alzofon directly:
One of the central concepts introduced in the STR is the notion of the light signal used for distant clock synchronization. There are, however, some assumptions made in the course of the clock synchronization procedure that must be altered in the light of present-day, improved knowledge of the properties of the electromagnetic field.
It is advisable, in this connection, to review the assumptions that lie at the root of Einstein's distant clock synchronization, since these are not always made explicit.
The use of the imaginary "observer" who is the agent for establishing a space-time coordinate system sometimes disguises that one is concerned here, not with a formal mathematical process, but with a real radiation field with experimentally determined properties. At minimum, this fact appears in the occurrence of the experimentally determined speed of light everywhere in the theory, even in the example used in Einstein's original paper on the STR, in which the collision of two elastic spheres was invoked. That is, although the STR was formulated to explain how material bodies interacted through the electromagnetic field, there was no mention of the electromagnetic field as a means of interaction in the latter example.
This feature could either be explained as due to the observer's use of the field for signalling, oor to the fact that every material body interacts through the mediation of an electromagnetic field and in no other way. For example, in later developments of the ST which use the Minkowski metric, it is pointed out that two events which cannot be connected by a light signal cannot affect one another at all, clearly a statement about the interaction of any two bodies. The latter is a statement about physical systems interacting, not about observers. Another example we can cite is the derivation of the Lorentz force from the Coulomb static electric field expression by use of the Lorentz transformation; the invention of passive observers cannot be imagined to affect the accuracy of this description.
It is remarkable that only one experimentally determined parameter, the speed of light,, is enough to yield all of the above-varied results. But it is as a result of an experimentally determined property of the electromagnetic field, and not of a mathematical concept alone that all these advantages are available. If there are other properties of the real radiation field which have a bearing on the interaction of material bodies, surely these ought to be included in any considerations leading to a theory describing these interactions. These properties must figure in every such interaction to be of value.
There is, however, more to the STR than distant clock synchronization.
In the STR, it is assumed that a light signal preserves it's identity when observed by observers in relative uniform motion (i.e. moving with constant relative velocities). It is agreed that not all properties of the light field remain invariant; for example, the frequencies (colours) composing the signal change according to the Doppler shift. But in terms of the idea of a light signal as a means of material body interaction there is a difficulty, for the interaction of two bodies may indeed depend on the frequency content of the mediating fields. Thus, as a physical entity, the light signal is, even in the context of the STR, not an invariant.
Returning again to the STR, the fact that the light signal retains it's fundamental character to each observer (material system) as light, with a characteristic speed of propagation, is recognized by requirement that each observer sees the signal to be travelling with the same velocity, c, whatever their relative velocities. The consequent apparent contradictions in their interpretation of their measurements is resolved by the use of the Lorentz transformation: a dictionary which they can use to reconcile their differing sets of numbers used to describe the same physical event. More than this, the latter principle (of covariance) is extended to the assertion that the equations of motion for particles and radiation must have the same form in every observers coordinate system.
Thus, by excluding all properties of matter and radiation except the speed of light alone, we can avoid the difficulty pointed out above in connection with the Doppler Effect. But where additional properties of the real radiation field might have a drastic effect on all interactions, these properties cannot be ignored.
We are almost done with the heavy quoting here - just another couple more paragraphs to go so please bear with me.
Quantum electrodynamics has shown that the Maxwell electromagnetic field is not an adequate description of the real radiation field. In order to bring the predictions of the theory into agreement with experiment, it was necessary to assume that the vacuum of classical theory was altered to contain an "infinity" of energy, with corresponding creations and annihilations of radiation and particles. This formal device had a precedent at the outset of quantum theory in attempting to incorporate the possibility of the "spontaneous" radiative transitions which Einstein had found it necessary to introduce in his statistical analysis of black-body radiation.
Thus, a light signal passing through this infinite sea of energy could hardly avoid being altered in a fundamental manner; an alteration that would not become evident until a scale of measurement suitable to observe such effects was adopted. Such a scale of measurement was used in the observation of the Lamb-Rutherford Effect.On the other hand, since Einstein has adopted the point of view that the vacuum possesses a structure determined by light signals used to probe it, this structure (or metric) must also be altered by the creation and annihilation processes introduced on the basis of accepted modern theory.
But it would be far more believable to ascribe the alteration in the interaction of material bodies, not to a vacuum occupied by an infinite amount of energy (a contradiction in terms) but to an intrinsic property of the radiation field. This is not without precedent: the radiation field is known to undergo fluctuations that, in principle, may become infinite, although with decreasing probability (on the basis of classical radiation theory)
It has been the approach of the UFT to incorporate all of the above phenomena into the structure of space-time in a manner that familiar ideas and methods can be used as a practical matter of convenience
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Re: Dr Frederick Alzofon & his UFT

Post by neilwilkes » Tue Aug 13, 2019 4:51 am


There is still more to come that is important when taken into conjunction with the above, so please don't write anything in this thread yet - at least, not until I get the next section posted.
Thanks chaps
You will never get a man to understand something his salary depends on him not understanding.


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