The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by kell1990 » Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:35 pm

I realize that this sounds crazy, but I do think think that you're onto something here.

I think that about 35,000 years ago, something catastrophic happened on Mars that caused their entire atmosphere to be blown away. Probably a massive solar flare or a more distant eruption.

I also think that there were people on Mars that saw this coming and were ready to leave their planet,,.they became the forebears of the "Indians" that we recognize today...all over the Earth.

Crazy, I will admit, but something that's been rattling in the depths of my mind for a long time.

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by JHL » Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:09 pm

Wasn't the last thread just like this closed?

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by tholden » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:22 am

Brief history of NASA Mars images since 1976:

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by JHL » Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:24 pm

Is linking to your own book on a commercial sales website allowed by forum rules?

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by kell1990 » Fri Sep 09, 2016 5:37 pm

Just to be clear here: I do not think there are any human or animal species currently alive on Mars.

I DO think that in the past, there was a thriving community on Mars, but that they left just prior to a catastrophic event that occurred on Mars.

I DO think that this coincides with the rise of the Cro-Magnon culture on Earth. In short, they came from Mars.

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by tholden » Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:41 am

kell1990 wrote:Just to be clear here: I do not think there are any human or animal species currently alive on Mars.

I DO think that in the past, there was a thriving community on Mars, but that they left just prior to a catastrophic event that occurred on Mars.

I DO think that this coincides with the rise of the Cro-Magnon culture on Earth. In short, they came from Mars.

Cro Magnon man came here from Ganymede, and not Mars. Mars was in the same dark Purple-Dawn environment as Earth and if anything resembling humans would have lived on Mars originally, it would have been hominids with their huge dark-world-adapted eyes. Humans with their relatively tiny bright-world eyes had to have originated within the bright part of the ancient system i.e. the sun and Jupiter and Jupiter's large moons, particularly Ganymede.

Unless a catastrophe were to annihilate a planet like Mars altogether, it will not kill all the mice, rats, or small predators which eat mice and rats.

Try a google image search on "squirrel on mars": ... 8Q_AUIBigB

or, better yet, watch the video I just linked here, again:

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by tholden » Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:44 am

The squirrel on Mars:


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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by JHL » Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:28 am

The human genome was created on Nibiru when it was in Sirius where a great computer devised the Egyptian culture. The pyramids are clearly devices designed to beam primitive humanoids from their incubator on Io to the Fertile Crescent, where they became the legendary Anunnaki's progenitors the Giants who teleported back and forth to and from India, where they waged the first sky war with the chariots of Mercury mentioned in Ezekiel.

I also believe strongly that Mercury is an escaped binary companion of Pluto, that was hurled toward the Sun when Jupiter swung into Saturn's influence and tore it from its original orbit around Alpha Centauri, back before the Sun was in its present galactic orbit, it having been expelled from the Andromeda galaxy when the black hole at its center pulsed due to a trans-universe oscillation with the adjacent Universe.

The Egyptians kept a regular channel of quantum sub lightspeed communications open between themselves and Nibiru and when they completed their first phase, escaped the planet just as the early genome came to consciousness as the result of a beam of energy shot into the Giza pyramid from the giant ship trailing the Sun on its course from Andromeda.

I also want you to know I strongly believe that crop circles are trans-dimensional projections of the alter-inverted work of Puppeteers living on the distant circular ring planet Teela, where they seek to communicate the recipe for Spice before giant worms from Mars return and drink all the oceans.

My opinion - which I'm preparing a commercial YouTube channel for in order to promote my book on Amazon - is also that the Earth is hollow and that invisible crabs shoot through its poles faster than we can register, and that they leave behind flying skyfish rods in the atmosphere that transmute gold into thought waves that only tin foil can shield man from. The crabs then live on Mars in the company of Martian squirrels who eat bugs and watch for furry titanium-eaters that attack rovers.

I feel very strongly about this. In my opinion it's going to revolutionize the Electric Universe and expose the deeper Hydraulic Universe floating on the Sea of Ether supported by an infinite pile of camels.

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by Grey Cloud » Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:21 pm

I'm sorry but I wont be buying your book - the world is flat not hollow. I have this on good authority, my neighbour is from Atlantis.
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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by Atlas » Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:19 am

I think life on Earth right now is as it was on Mars right before Mars met its end. I think Earth is at its end, as well, and seen enough the Sun will eject a planet-sized comet which will hurtle toward Earth and turn Earth into Mars. I think that's how the cycle goes, anyway. Civilization is timed to coincide with these cyclical catastrophes.
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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by tholden » Sat Sep 17, 2016 2:01 am

The solar system is fairly stable at this point. The catastrophes we need to worry about at this point are the self-inflicted kinds.

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by tholden » Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:03 am

This has baffled me greatly over my life but especially more recently. To me, it’s very weird to just live our lives without knowing those 2 critical factors.

1- Where do we come from ?
2- Why are we here ?

Can't help you with #2. #1 I can help you with.

There appear to be two basic human groups in our world and that has nothing to do with race or color, either group appears to be able to produce any color or feature you'd ever see in humans. The two groups are genetically all but the same, there being very little genetic variation amongst modern humans. But the original cultures and technologies were totally different due to the vast span of time between the two saltations.

The more recent group is basically just the Bible antediluvians starting with Adam and Eve who either were brought here or created here ex nihilo some 5000 - 6000 years ago.

The older group is Cro Magnon man who appear to have originated within Jupiter's moon/planetary system and who came to Earth more like 45,000 - 60,000 years ago. Cro Magnon descendants today include native Australians, some if not most native Americans, the Basque of Northern Spain/Southern France, the Gaunche people of the Canary islands, and a number of other groups.

[link to (secure)]

There is no relationship between humans and hominids other than similar design. Hominids were native to and adapted for this planet. Humans were not.

For any hominid to have ever evolved into a human, that hominid would have needed to lose:

1. His fur while ice ages were going on.
2. Almost all of his night vision while surrounded by large predators which all could see quite well in the dark.
3. Almost all of his sense of smell while trying to make it as a land prey animal, which would have been instantly fatal.

An aquatic mammal doesn't really need much of a sense of smell. Humans are basically aquatic mammals. 60,000 years ago, Ganymede was a fresh water ocean world with bergs and islands of pumice and luxuriant vegetation.

Human origins, the real version:

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15-minute intro to the basic idea of the Ganymede hypothesis:

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Re: The question of indigenous humans on Mars

Post by tholden » Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:08 am

The two basic human groups, the absolute human/hominid disconnect, why humans lack fur, why anybody ever made tools and weapons out of stone etc. etc.


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