EU Gravity and the past

Beyond the boundaries of established science an avalanche of exotic ideas compete for our attention. Experts tell us that these ideas should not be permitted to take up the time of working scientists, and for the most part they are surely correct. But what about the gems in the rubble pile? By what ground-rules might we bring extraordinary new possibilities to light?

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Open Mind
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EU Gravity and the past

Post by Open Mind » Tue Jun 12, 2018 1:43 pm

Its hard to find anything on the EU's interpretation of the past Gravity, as an electromagnetic state of the earth, and how so much evidence suggests that the past earth gravity was lower. Considering the EU's way of thinking about gravity, and so much evidence demonstrating that all life, plants, insects, fish, animals, etc was much bigger until relatively recently, I would expect to hear someone going out on a limb and explaining a perspective of earths past in terms of a different electromagnetic gravitation state to allow these huge things to get that big.

Its actually a pretty exciting paradigm shift that could really do with some representation. So does anyone have any links to articles or youtubes on that idea?

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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by kevin » Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:39 am

Open mind,
Gravity is a consequence , not a force, a variable consequence relative to the rate of implosion over outrush.

What is imploding is utilised up in creation and transmutation.

Many upon here may call this plasma, I term it consciousness.

The rate is variable relative to resistances created externally to this planets consciousness via what many upon here would call Birkeland currents, the resistances are via the planets and stars interactions as they spiral about the galaxy.

The past condition been variable to the present is rarely taken into consideration, excellent questioning by You.


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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by nick c » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:13 pm

Open Mind wrote:Its hard to find anything on the EU's interpretation of the past Gravity, as an electromagnetic state of the earth, and how so much evidence suggests that the past earth gravity was lower.
Hi OM,
Are you looking for something specific? a formalized theory? If so I do not think that it has reached that point. The observation has been made starting with the Ted Holden's writings on the subject. It fits in with Thornhill's proposition that mass is a variable function of matter, but the two propositions are not mutually dependent, that is, there are other possibilities.

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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by ja7tdo » Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:04 pm


The earth is expanding.That gravity may have changed.But it has nothing to do with dinosaurs.

The earth was made inside the Jupiter, using the fragments of the asteroid as a material. So fossils are creatures of other planets that were included in asteroids.

Jupiter produced Earth one million years ago ... hs-gravity

Open Mind
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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by Open Mind » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:37 pm

nick c wrote:
Open Mind wrote:Its hard to find anything on the EU's interpretation of the past Gravity, as an electromagnetic state of the earth, and how so much evidence suggests that the past earth gravity was lower.
Hi OM,
Are you looking for something specific? a formalized theory? If so I do not think that it has reached that point. The observation has been made starting with the Ted Holden's writings on the subject. It fits in with Thornhill's proposition that mass is a variable function of matter, but the two propositions are not mutually dependent, that is, there are other possibilities.
I'm looking for anything that relates to a plausible explanation that earths gravity could have changed in the past and it doesn't necessarily have to do with the mass of the earth or the rate of rotation as are considered in modern cosmology and physics as the only factors that would have to have changed for the gravity on earth to be different.

If EU's model for gravity can formulate an alternative scenario that could affect the measurable gravity on the earth in the past then that theory will generate so much interest. Its such a tantalizing idea and so needed to explain why prior to the ice age, there existed so many plants and animals that were much bigger. And dinosaurs so big and designed for agility and speed, but as a result of their mass would lumber around in our present gravity like a flat footed elephants, negating the necessity for their designs in the first place. Not to mention all the alts who have a fascination with the possibility with ancient giants, the whole Nephilim stuff, the mystery of the hidden archeological giant remains stored away somewhere. Doesn't it strain logical reasoning when you consider that even giant apes like Gigantopithecus existed in the past, which then means the belief is that everything was bigger EXCEPT humans?

Its a plausable fear that evidence of this kind of stuff might be suppressed since 90% of the global population believes in an order and a religion and a 'known history' as seen from their perspective informed by their cultural religious beliefs, then any public knowledge of things that unravel that belief could cause war, disruption, and significantly shake our delicate social order.. Its a terrifying prospect that genuinely justifies its suppression really. But EU people are wandering into this discussion with their gravity perspective, so I'm awaiting something on this front with baited breath. ..

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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by nick c » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:18 am

which then means the belief is that everything was bigger EXCEPT humans?
Not necessarily. The size of the flora and fauna then and now, encompasses a range of scales from small to large. The postulation of variable gravity would expand the upper end, it does not imply that there were no smaller life forms. Life adapts to fill available niches in the environment, the point is that there were niches for larger sized plants and animals which do not exist today.
That being said, would it be a surprise if it were discovered that there was some group of ancient humans that were significantly larger than today? Certainly there exists a body of tales from around the globe of "giants" but a presentation of some sort of physical evidence, for example fossilized bones, would go a long way to supporting that proposition.
Is there any such evidence?

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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by kevin » Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:26 am ... ORM=VDQVAP

Many long barrows in this country ( GB) are often called giants graves, as they are aprox 300 feet long.


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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by Open Mind » Tue Jun 19, 2018 2:48 pm

nick c wrote:
which then means the belief is that everything was bigger EXCEPT humans?
Not necessarily. The size of the flora and fauna then and now, encompasses a range of scales from small to large. The postulation of variable gravity would expand the upper end, it does not imply that there were no smaller life forms. Life adapts to fill available niches in the environment, the point is that there were niches for larger sized plants and animals which do not exist today.
That being said, would it be a surprise if it were discovered that there was some group of ancient humans that were significantly larger than today? Certainly there exists a body of tales from around the globe of "giants" but a presentation of some sort of physical evidence, for example fossilized bones, would go a long way to supporting that proposition.
Is there any such evidence?

I didn't mean ONLY bigger. Of course as we see today there are a full range of scales of lifeforms. I was implying that upper end. Meaning why would there be so many species that take full advantage of that upper limit EXCEPT humans.

The possibility of giants also would go along way to aiding the challenge of the megalithic works as well. So many mysteries that could be somewhat cleared up if we could establish the plausability of a weaker ancient gravity, (weather by the changing mass of an expanded earth or by some EU interplay of electromagnatism and planet proximity).

But here's another question I'd be curious about. Is density relative? Meaning if density is fixes regardless of gravity, then are rocks simply 'softer' to a giant, and therefore far easier to carve? Is that just a result of their increased strength? Or does density actually change under different gravity? It would be interesting to see an analysis of relative density scaling with respect to a changing gravitational environment. LIke for example with Ted Holden's square Cube rule about weight lifters, it would be interesting to have a scaled up example of comparitive densities for different scaled people. LIke if I was twice as tall in proportion, and the gravity change maintained my relative strength, then would granite be more like hard packed mud, or to a double sized me in appropriate gravity, would wood be more like styrofoam?

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Re: EU Gravity and the past

Post by hajaklin » Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:05 pm

Since gravity is an electric type of force that attracts, if the electric field changes I would assume gravity as well would have to change.
These electric forces both attract, on a ground to what lives on the ground level, and pushes away on an interplanetary/planet-sun/moon planet level.
Also another fact is that gravity is not constant on earth, it changes f.ex. in deep tunnels into the earth, and also have I heard in different measurements, like with the speed of light that also differs in time and place on earth


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