Deccan Traps picture of the day.

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Deccan Traps picture of the day.

Post by MerLynn » Wed May 15, 2019 6:34 pm

In thunderbolts picture of the day, the author Stephen Smith refers to the Tunguska Event of 1908.

It would appear Stephen has completely ignored all research and eye witness reports and atmospheric phenomena to draw his conclusions.
"The great 1908 Siberian event that flattened millions of trees was probably the result of an electric arc jumping from a charged object entering the field of Earth’s giant capacitor. "

Why the emphasis on it being an "Electric" event and ignoring the research to potentially re-write history is not what one would expect for this Site. ... uska07.htm
"He called the object a "devil".
"As I came to myself, he told Konenkin, I saw it was all falling around me, burning. You don’t think, Viktor Grigoryevich [V.G.Konenkin], that was god flying, it was really devil flying. I lift up my head - and see - devil’s flying. The devil itself was like a billet, light color, two eyes in front, fire behind. I was frightened, covered myself with some duds, prayed (not to the heathen god, I prayed to Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary). After some time of prayer I recovered: everything was clear. I went back to the mouth of the Yakukta where the nomad camp was. It was in the afternoon that I came there..."

Afterwards I.I.Aksenov repeated his account in the presence of V.G.Konenkin and V.M.Kuvshinnikov, an active participant of the Tunguska expeditions. In this case, however, he said that he had seen the "flying devil" not during hunting but in the afternoon, when already in the camp near the mouth of the Yakukta, also a tributary of the Chamba. The devil was going flying southward along the Chamba. It was going faster than airplanes now do. While flying, the "devil" was saying "troo-troo" (which were not at all loud)."

and ... 0&rel_no=1
"The impact of the event was so great that it caused an atmospheric shockwave that circled the Earth twice. For the following two nights of July 1908 the night skies of Europe and Asia were unusually bright."

"Local newspapers did report eyewitness accounts of the object's arrival. The Sibir newspaper in Irkutsk, 1,000 kilometers south of the event, reported that the peasants in the village of Nizhne-Karelinsk saw a bright bluish-white light in the sky. The glowing cylindrical-shaped object seemed to crash on the north-west horizon, resulting in the appearance of a "forked tongue of flames" and the sound of a loud crash: "All the inhabitants of the village ran out into the street in panic. The old women wept, everyone thought that the end of the world was approaching."

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Re: Deccan Traps picture of the day.

Post by D_Archer » Thu May 16, 2019 1:46 am

MerLynn wrote:In thunderbolts picture of the day, the author Stephen Smith refers to the Tunguska Event of 1908.

It would appear Stephen has completely ignored all research and eye witness reports and atmospheric phenomena to draw his conclusions."
? the eye witness account confirm the electric view even more... or why do you think it does not?

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Re: Deccan Traps picture of the day.

Post by nick c » Thu May 16, 2019 9:46 am

The referenced TPOD: Deccan Traps

TPOD's on Tunguska:
Tunguska - Fire in the Sky
The Tunguska Event 2

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Re: Deccan Traps picture of the day.

Post by MerLynn » Thu May 16, 2019 4:08 pm

In the Magnetic Universe where Memory Fields rule supreme, there exists the Akashic records. A subject the electric universe people don't recognize as its above their pay grade.
A beginners guide would be found in Edgar Cayce but its not an 'electric' subject so I doubt it would be understood.
Its a bit like the Universal Mind.

Tesla said that the day mankind studies the NON Physical he will learn more in a decade that all of previous history.
Walter Russell said there exists the Invisible Mind world and the Physical body world but neither of these two greats considered electricity to be that important, so here, its relegated to obscurity. Its not an electric universe but a magnetic universe.

This forum has no place for either the NON Physical nor the invisible Mind Universe and as such it lacks credibility on the spiritual plane. But some of us do try to enlighten the rest.

The Tunguska event was an 'energy' event but not electric. And the 'force' is still here with us doing what it came to do.... instill confusion and chaos on the planet and at thunderbolts its doing quite well thankyou.

Tunguska is a 'biblical' event. But the EU has no place for the Invisible non physical universal mind. Sad but true.

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Re: Deccan Traps picture of the day.

Post by nick c » Thu May 16, 2019 5:23 pm

Merlynn wrote:This forum has no place for either the NON Physical nor the invisible Mind Universe and as such it lacks credibility on the spiritual plane....
Yes, the non physical is not an appropriate topic for this forum.
Where does one get "credibility on the spiritual plane"? and why do I suspect it is you that makes that judgement?
But some of us do try to enlighten the rest.
Thank you. We really do appreciate your concern, however, topics discussed on these boards should be related to to the Electric Universe and Plasma Cosmology.
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Re: Deccan Traps picture of the day.

Post by MerLynn » Thu May 16, 2019 6:20 pm

Yes, the non physical is not an appropriate topic for this forum.

So the guy who invented the 'electricity' that every instrument runs on to make the hypothesis that its an electric universe is to be ignored in all his other writings.... Thats intelligent.

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Re: Deccan Traps picture of the day.

Post by nick c » Fri May 17, 2019 9:03 am


Your derisive attitude is not appreciated.
The Thunderbolts forum is for the discussion of EU and Plasma Cosmology topics and the analysis as such is based upon the traditional Scientific Method. ... -p2-606045

If that is unacceptable to you then I would suggest you go elsewhere, as there are numerous forums on the web that cover spiritual, religious, and non physical topics.

This post is made for moderation purposes.


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