Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

What is a human being? What is life? Can science give us reliable answers to such questions? The electricity of life. The meaning of human consciousness. Are we alone? Are the traditional contests between science and religion still relevant? Does the word "spirit" still hold meaning today?

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by Divinity » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:52 am

soulsurvivor wrote: This entire electrical hypothesis/theory is going to eventually prove exactly what I'm saying here. Humanity is immortal in every sense of the definition. We have simply forgotten. All we need surrounds us. It is entirely up to each to find the balance. So, why are the skies so heavily sprayed day and night, worldwide? What would you do to stop a cyclic Golden Age if you were a controller? Why would you as a controller seek to keep earth and everything on its surface as a negative?

So much of what we have to refer to in ancient records is based in religious dogma. Why? Because it's not anything to do with religion, god, belief, on and on. It's our human ability to interact with an electrical plasma. Period.

And I'll have to bow out of the discussion. I don't have the knowledge base to discuss any of this. I only have personal experience that isn't well received in forums of scientific review.
Please don't bow out...you hit the nail right on the head, for me anyway. :D :D :D Your personal experience is worth its weight in gold! I would be grateful for further thoughts from you.

EDIT...I see you have added further thoughts - thank you!


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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by mague » Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:57 am

lizzie wrote:
Mague said: This is what i call advanced humanoid technology. Everything else is just a toy. :D Modern science is so [bleep]
Thanks, Mague. Come to think of it, they have always been my favorite standing wave makers; I used to sneak into the local church at night to listen to the organist practice. And that's my kind of spaceship, too -- lights and music (really reverberating music); what a way to travel; do they serve nectar and manna as well :D
The powerful infrasonic vibrations of jet chassis absolutely saturate the bodies of pilots. Continually saturated with these infrasonic energies throughout their flight time, pilot reflexes are severely diminished. Military procedure recognizes this factor, and routinely limits flight time. It is known that excess infrasonic exposures endanger pilots and their flight missions. Pilot damaging effects include decrements in vision, speech, intelligence, orientation, equilibrium, ability to accurately discern situations, and make reasonable decisions.
I think sound is able to do the opposite too. Increment vision, speech, intelligence, orientation, equilibrium, ability to accurately discern situations, and make reasonable decisions.

I couldnt find a manistream scientific article. But non-military crusiers use sound as weapons agains pirates allready. And i do know how i feel after a J.S.Bach concert in a church. And i mean concert, not religious ritual. It is cleaning and nurturing. Mind you, this isnt like listening with a walkman or stereo speakers. The pipes work with air pressure and the whole church, inlcuding wall, seats, your cloths and your whole body are virbrating in the same "field". Airpowered pipes can create infra- and ultrasound easily.


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:17 am

Mague said: I think sound is able to do the opposite too. Increment vision, speech, intelligence, orientation, equilibrium, ability to accurately discern situations, and make reasonable decisions.
I totally agree. They should have little organs installed in the jets so the pilots can listen to Bach; then they wouldn't want to bomb anybody. :D


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by Divinity » Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:23 am

soulsurvivor wrote:(snip) But what's so difficult to share is how I perceived it all and how it felt. It was ongoing, nonstop bliss. I loved being outside because I could hear and feel the music of nature. Trees and flowers and grass all have their own tones and it is all in perfect harmony. I could feel the sun giving me strength and power.

(snip)...I went to the local doctor, many days of medical procedures, and eventually found that I had a small pin stroke next to the pineal gland. My blissful reality had ended.

And if this was the only unusual experience I'd ever had, then I could reason it into the imaginary realm and keep it there. But it's not the only unusual experience. I have memory of unusual experiences back to when I was a child. I have memory of my past life when I was an illiterate black man living in the deep south. I spent most of my life living outside. I have memory of my next life. I'm again a man, really heavy set and bald, and I'm a counselor to others going through "the change". I have memory of how the rest of my current life sequences. I've known since 1990. I had a series of dreams that showed me the major events that were/are very personal and specific to me and those I love. I already know what to expect and I know that I cannot change anything. I've tried. Hasn't yet worked.

(snip) I hold a small hope that this electrical hypothesis/theory will be "allowed" to develop. It's the only theory that has an outside chance of explaining what we as humanity are coming into...evolution.
Thank you very much for that, SS. I have more than a small hope that this electrical theory will develop BECAUSE of people with your experience and because the time is now right. We are in cultural change, whether we like it or not, as our minds expand and our receptors are wide open to receive! What I'm attempting to do over on my thread regarding the Socio-Political implications of this theory is to link/bridge the science with what is still known as the 'metaphysical' - my gratitude to you because that is exactly what you are assisting me to do.

You have covered a multitude of subjects here that Lizzie, particularly, has raised: ET interraction, telepathy, precognition, past/future lives, multidimensionality, the pineal gland as a receiver/transmitter. There is so much here we still need to explain but it can be no coincidence that our bodies are electric, our etheric bodies are electric and our Universe is electric. The 'We are One' concept and a unified field must go hand-in-hand. The proof is all around us and in your particular case, undeniable.

Bliss IS the nature of our Aetheric Universe, I'm sure you would agree. :D

Last edited by Divinity on Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:54 am, edited 2 times in total.


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by lizzie » Wed Aug 27, 2008 7:23 am

Divinity said: According to Dan Winter this is the relation between electromagnetism and gravity that Einstein was looking for. Russian scientists call these imploding electromagnetic energy fields, torsion fields. The spiralling wave that spirals into the zero still point is the torsion wave. Tapping the zero point energy from the universe is tapping the energy from the matrix of energy that makes up our physical reality! It’s tapping the energy from gravity itself!
Ah, Dr. Davydov and "tornado physics"

http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/forum/phpB ... =616#p5644


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by Divinity » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:04 am

soulsurvivor wrote: In late August of 1997, prior to Labor Day and Princess D's death, I was on my back patio lounge enjoying the late afternoon sun. I felt them before I saw them. First one, then two black triangle craft drifted silently in and hovered over my neighbor's roof viewing me. I telepathically read that they were human, but without human emotion, other than being surprised that I was using telepathy. That's all I could "see" before they cut me off from viewing. They viewed me some few minutes though before drifting off silently toward the south and disappearing. The next morning I didn't feel well, but it was a Saturday and I didn't go to the doctor. On Monday, while doing some errands at lunch, I had a physical collapse and my right side wasn't working with me. I went to the local doctor, many days of medical procedures, and eventually found that I had a small pin stroke next to the pineal gland. My blissful reality had ended.
Sorry, SS, I just re-read your post and realised 'they were human'. Just thinking aloud, it was probably some kind of scalar technology they may have used against you. What is curious is they appear to have intentionally altered your state of 'bliss', which had been naturally induced by your conscious interraction with the plasma Universe. I'm suspecting that's exactly why they did choose you. What do you think?

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:57 am

I appreciate all the support. I've been posting online since way back in the bulletin board days, so I'm not new to online discussion and the limits thereof. I've been banned from more than a few forums over the years too for posing questions that some don't want to hear or discuss. In all this online time, I've done a lot of reading and searching for answers. I do continue to be clueless in the mechanics of a computer. Example, I still don't cut and paste. It's due to my total lack of patience for anything tech. I can post links. That's about it. I'd much rather discuss with others what they see and feel and perceive. I like the honesty of that.

In the years since, I've done a lot of soul searching and trying to figure out exactly who was in those alien looking craft. For myself, I know that I have finally figured it out. They're immortal humans. They do feed on us, specifically on our ability to have intense emotions. They went through their own evolution as an extreme negative power. They do control this reality. They will be using everything at their disposal to stop our evolution. They don't want to lose their food source. And yes, I think they intentionally chose to view me. I felt that to be true. I telepathically laughed at them and told them that they couldn't touch me.

I have yet to see an alien. I had one experience in 1997 where I saw a shape shifter. I had an experience of abduction in 2003, but don't think that worked as they had planned. They weren't alien, even though they had gone to great trouble to make it seem they were alien. I've had several near death escapes throughout my present life. Kinda like a cat with nine lives here.

In November of 2004, I had a heart attack and ended up in ICU/Critical Care over the Thanksgiving weekend. I was put on a pulmonary heart pump for several days and kept fully sedated. I woke up in a room full of medical personnel. My attending heart specialist was cutting the stitches on my upper legs that had held the pump in place. I told him to stop hurting me, but he didn't hear me. So my inside self set up outside of me and told them they were all evil MFs that had no mercy and to stop the pain. I was flat in bed but I could see through self and I saw all the shocked faces in that room with many of them making the sign of the cross on their head and chest. And then my inside self laid back down in me and "we" proceeded to scream at the top of our lungs. We felt the incredible pain when they yanked the pump from our pelvic. And then, the attending doctor got down in my face and very angrily told me that I should be down on my knees thanking god that I was still alive. Inside self and I thought about that and wondered how we could physically accomplish such a thing considering what we had just been through. Yea right, will get right on that. . .

I feel that it's taken me this long to fully seat inner self again within this body. Existence is only recently becoming maybe not easier, but some comfort has been found. It was as much of a shock for me to see inner self as it was for that room full of doctors. It's taken me awhile to become comfortable with it all. I've never had any doubt that it's me, but even with that trust it has taken me into parts of self that maybe I didn't want to know just yet. I think of myself as a normal person living a normal life. It's how others perceive me too, but only as long as I don't have these kinds of discussion with them. My husband of 30 years isn't open to it either. He much prefers "normal". Me too cause it makes for an easier existence. I'm old and comfort is a treasure that's appreciated when found.


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by Divinity » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:19 am

Divinity wrote:
.. It also tallies with Junglelord's 'double layer' system (again, as above, so below...the physics always seems to reflect the physical!). ;)

You cannot separate structure from function ;)


Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by Divinity » Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:37 am

soulsurvivor wrote: (snip)

I feel that it's taken me this long to fully seat inner self again within this body. Existence is only recently becoming maybe not easier, but some comfort has been found. It was as much of a shock for me to see inner self as it was for that room full of doctors. It's taken me awhile to become comfortable with it all. I've never had any doubt that it's me, but even with that trust it has taken me into parts of self that maybe I didn't want to know just yet. I think of myself as a normal person living a normal life. It's how others perceive me too, but only as long as I don't have these kinds of discussion with them. My husband of 30 years isn't open to it either. He much prefers "normal". Me too cause it makes for an easier existence. I'm old and comfort is a treasure that's appreciated when found.
Thank you SS, it must be a relief to be able to talk about your experiences to people who understand, and even better, to people who are trying to understand the phenomena in the scientific sense. :) This leads me to the 'etheric' or 'astral' 'self'. Since knowing about the plasma universe, I have suspected these other 'selfs/intelligences' (including the aura) are plasma-based life forms (the true us?), attached to our physical, carbon-based forms. Time will tell.

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by mague » Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:09 am

lizzie wrote: I thought what Mague said was interesting. I have read that these “entities” feed off of human emotion (energy/aura). Castenada talks about how the “flyer” feeds off of a human’s “glowing coat of awareness.” One person said when he understood that they viewed him simply as food he was able to get rid of them. Another person described them as “energy entities” – they “feed” off of a person who can provide them with the energy they lack.
I had to read the flyer story again. Its similar but not the same. I have to correct myself. Those i mentioned do not exactly eat our energy. We are not really food for them. They rather seek sort of a trade. They just dont ask and establish the connection unasked. They cant understand why to ask first. But trade/symbiosis in no way like the worms in stargate tv series. They like something we have and offer something we dont have.

As said before. Its not evil or good. Its a personal decission. Since soulsuviver felt bad the day after i wanted to let her know that she can decide to drop the connection. They wont be violent like daemons in classic possession dramas.

Grey Cloud
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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:54 pm

First off, thank you for taking the plunge, it's much appreciated.
All quotes by Soulsurvivor.
The diamond hard body being referred to is actually a state of existence that can happen within a human form when all conditions have been met.
Strange this. When Lizzie posted about the diamond body, I read 'diamond' and thought 'diamond'. and it made no sense to me. When I read your words I read 'diamond' and thought 'crystal' which did make sense. Aristotle, for one, mentions crystal spheres surrounding, for example, the planets. Unortunatley I can't find Aristotle's writing on this though I have looked. Kevin's posts in his 'Dowsing and the Lattice' thread set me off on this track also. I would recommend you reading them, if you have not already.
With regard to 'all conditions being met' I would suggest that the conditions involve activating all the chakras. If nothing else it would make sense with regard to the Buddhists and the alchemists in Lizzie's post. Note that there is a lot of mental preparation involved in these
two disciplines. I will return to this below.
I was constantly in a state of positive happiness. No negative was allowed by me. I could keep it on the perimeter of my reality. I had that power to do that.
Perhaps this was not the correct way to go about it? I am thinking harmony, balance and yin-yang here. This, I think, is where the mental preparation comes in. All these various disciplines or traditions, be it Buddhism, alchemy, Gnosticism, Sufism, etc, etc, all take place
within a philosophsy or paradigm - the practitioner has an understanding of the 'bigger picture'. You seem to have gained access to the practical side without doing the theory, if you will.
I could hear the orchestra of nature and all around me. I was a part of that.
Pythagoras and the music of the spheres springs to mind here. Also the choirs of angels which are frequently mentioned in the Christian tradition. As the Kybalion states: All is vibration.
I know that I have an inner self, a darker body of form, that has made itself known, not only to me, but to a room full of medical personnel.
Firstly I would love to know what the medicos made of this. Referring back to the negative and positive passage, above, I'm thinking harmony, balance and yin-yang. Positive and negative; light and dark, are the two ends of the same stick. They cannot, in this physical world, exist the one without the other.
Dark and negative are/were the origional condition of creation, at least according to every tradition I have read. (Potential must antecede its realisation; thought precedes the deed; the mental is prior to the physical).
In no way can I ever believe that I'm so different from any other human. It is distressing to me to consider that I am different.
Here we have another paradox of the physical world. We are all the same, only different. To stick with the musical analogy above, we are all variations on a theme.
Much has been written about how we are all connected and about collective consciousness and the like. My current understanding is that this is misleading. The 'message' (wrong word) I am getting at the moment is that we are here to be individuals; to think and act as our individual
conscience (or intuition or consciousness) tells us.
The late, great, Indian philosopher, U.G. Krishnamurti said that we are just the thought of a thought. All these, or, all we, thoughts are taking place in the same mind. If that sounds a little grim, think of a chandelier and we being the individual crystal dangley bits.
Incidentally, U.G. went through some very interesting(?) physical changes during his Enlightenment.
It's important that I continue for now because I will know when to let others know to move out of the way of a cataclysmic event that's coming here to my part of the world. I am not a prophet. I simply have memory.
I would advise caution when telling people something they might not want to hear. They are more likely to tear you to pieces than to thank you.
What you call memory is what Plato would call amenesis or unforgetting. It is something I too experience though in a different manner. Mine comes through thinking, in the sense of deep thinking, contemplation, medition etc. This is one of the reasons I bang on about using the mind instead of the brain.
It was ongoing, nonstop bliss.
Hmm. Again, I see this as related to the light/dark, pos/neg thing above. You can have too much of a good thing and all that. I have a different though related problem with bliss.
Sometimes when thinking I get blissed out and it is often almost too much to bear. The other side of this coin, which I call empathy, is that I can feel (what seems to me to be) all the pain and sorrow of the world. I get overcome by a sense of utter sadness at the waste (of human potential) and the pointlessness of it all (the waste, not the world). The stupid people doing stupid things to other stupid people.
As Michel De Montaigne put it: you may be installed on the most exalted throne in the world, but you are still sat on your own arse.
First one, then two black triangle craft drifted silently in and hovered over my neighbor's roof viewing me.
I too have read a lot about these things. My personal jury is still out as to what they are. I would however, not be too quick to judge them as bad or hostile. You said that you felt them to be feeding of your emotions. Might I humbly and with respect, suggest that this is your
subjective opinion? I don't doubt for a moment that this is what you genuinely felt. Could it be that they were monitoring your emotions? Perhaps it was you who was 'broadcasting' and they had come to see who this was in Kentucky who was doing it?
...I had a small pin stroke next to the pineal gland.
Interesting that it was near the pineal gland. This being the top (crown) chakra which is associated with knowingness, charisma, awareness, higher self, visionary, etc. The negative side of it is associated with depression, alienation, mental illness, confusion, senility, etc.
So perhaps if those craft were connected to your stroke it was to save you from the problems. This is one of the reasons for the mental training and discipline I mentioned above. You had access to a lot of power there.
I had a series of dreams that showed me the major events that were/are very personal and specific to me and those I love. I already know what to expect and I know that I cannot change anything. I've tried. Hasn't yet worked.
Again, this may be one of the reasons why it stopped. The dreams or what you saw in them might have become too much for you to handle.
I used to be religious. But for personal reasons, I'm not at all religious now. I've had to drop every belief I've ever been taught and start over because nothing about "me" can be explained using any belief system I can find.
My definition of religion is state-controlled spirituality. I am somewhat opposite to you here, as I came into this with 40-odd years of hard-core atheism behind me. I originally got into this through studying ethics (moral philosophy) but kept getting bounced to metaphysics which I, originally, had no time for.
I would argue that every belief system can explain what has happened to you, if for no other reason than they are all the same at base. You have stated the problem and the solution to this. You have been 'taught' and now are learning for yourself. The word education comes
from a root which means to draw out. Nowadays, education means to cram in.
It's the only theory that has an outside chance of explaining what we as humanity are coming into...evolution.
I agree about the (non-Darwinian) evolution. The Maya and the Hopi on your continent, Sri Yukteswar from India and the western Age of Aquarius all point to us moving onto the ascending cycle. And it all seems to point to more mental and less physical.
I used my imagination to avoid the fear and the pain. I imagined I was a princess and everyone was seeing to my every need.
I have taken this quote out of order as I wanted to deal with it last. The word 'princess' is the key here methinks. I'm an expert on princesses (I have two of my own). You will, I'm sure, be familiar with the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. This story, as they all are, is chock-full of symbolism. For the sake of brevity and to keep us close to your experiences, I'll skip most of it and concentrate upon the main characters or actors. (I'm also cobbling together several versions).
Sleeping Beauty. Female, maiden, asleep in glass or crystal 'coffin'.
Intrepid Hero. Male, rides horse and wields a sword or lance.
Villain. Dragon.
Sleeping Beauty represents the soul (or highrer-self). The soul is female in virtually every traditon. Maiden because it is pure and because it is unused or untouched. Female equals potential (untapped). The coffin/casket represents the body. The soul is a prisoner of the physical body (e.g.Plato). It is the soul which is crystaline but myths and fairy tales often invert one or more things to make you think.
The hero is male because he represents action and realisation of potential. The horse represents the physical, material aspects of the world (you can't get much more solid than a horse). The hero rides the horse; he controls it, is its master. The rider is also, in effect, off
the ground and nearer to the heavens. The (short) sword and the lance are both piercing weapons (as opposed to slashing or bludgeoning) which pierce the illusion (the maya of the Hindus). He awakens the princess with a kiss. The kiss can be viewed as either breathe, love, or speech.
I'll go with the last two. Love = heart and speech = talking (in this case to yourself).
The dragon (or serpent) in these allegories usually represents either matter or spirit (Fire, the element). Given that nobody learns anything from this critter, I'll go for matter.
Okay, so where does that leave the Princess of Kentucky? I think that somehow, during your illness you awoke, or made contact with, your soul.
I'm guessing that your experiences in that hospital bed made you re-evalute your priorities and values to a greater or lesser extent.
Only you know what was going on inside you at that time so I'll say no more and let you figure it out for yourself. The only advice I would give (or can give) is to talk to yourself, that is ask yourself (from the heart, not as an intellectual exercise) and listen for the answer - it will come. Maybe not in the way you anticipated or from the direction you were expecting and it may not be the answer you want, but it will come. It does with me and I'm not different either.
I hope these witterings give you some food for thought.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by moses » Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:29 pm

Sleeping Beauty. Female, maiden, asleep in glass or crystal 'coffin'.
Intrepid Hero. Male, rides horse and wields a sword or lance.
Villain. Dragon. Grey Cloud

I do not argue with what you are saying here, but I wish to point
out the origins of the story. Sleeping Beauty is a planet probably
surrounded by a glowing plasma. The Intrepid Hero is probably
Mars with the sword being a thunderbolt, as is the dragon. This
story would have been used by priests, writers, shaman, etc, to
illustrate cosmic principles as you describe. But just about all
such stories arise from planetary events.

Grey Cloud
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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by Grey Cloud » Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:20 am

moses wrote:Sleeping Beauty. Female, maiden, asleep in glass or crystal 'coffin'.
Intrepid Hero. Male, rides horse and wields a sword or lance.
Villain. Dragon. Grey Cloud

I do not argue with what you are saying here, but I wish to point
out the origins of the story. Sleeping Beauty is a planet probably
surrounded by a glowing plasma. The Intrepid Hero is probably
Mars with the sword being a thunderbolt, as is the dragon. This
story would have been used by priests, writers, shaman, etc, to
illustrate cosmic principles as you describe. But just about all
such stories arise from planetary events.
That it absolute crap old boy.
Just because Talbott, Cardona and a few others keep saying it is so, does not make it so.
Give me one ancient source from any cutlure which even remotely supports this rubbish.
If I have the least bit of knowledge
I will follow the great Way alone
and fear nothing but being sidetracked.
The great Way is simple
but people delight in complexity.
Tao Te Ching, 53.

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by soulsurvivor » Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:56 am

Again, I thank everyone for your sage knowledge and opinion, but I don't want the focus to be on "me". I want this electrical plasma hypothesis/theory development to include a focus on how the human body INTERACTS with surrounding plasma. What are "prime" conditions? I recall reading somewhere that the tail of Venus was very close to Earth during the period of my own "bliss" reality. What I'm attempting to say here is that I didn't set out intentionally to create a reality of bliss. It was so easy a child could have done it. Yes, I had full responsibility, therefore "power", of the reality I created, but it was created and maintained without any effort.

I tend to lose patience with anything that hashes on and on about what "master" individuals have accomplished in the creation of bliss. It's not that difficult, or else I would never have been able to do it. Besides that, most I've read about don't seem to have a clue. They're close to it, but they haven't actually created their own reality of bliss. I don't perceive there are "lessons" that can or could "teach" us about this. And I guess that's why I'm so fed up with religion. Everything, everywhere, in this reality is pointing us in the wrong direction. Everything tells us that we have to look somewhere else for our power. Rarely are we told that we have our own power source within, but we do have one. It's just been temporarily disabled. I don't think it's all our fault either. I think this entire environment has been manipulated to disable our inner power source.

And I need to clear up a misconception - I didn't "feel" the humans in the black craft "feeding" on me. I knew they were viewing me, but that's as far as it went. I'll have to throw this in the mix too - the sky spraying started here in my area exactly on the next day. I clearly remember the tic tac toe pattern across the sky here and wondering what the holy h*ll was that? It was the first time I had noticed it, certainly it continues. They're messing with us and someone somewhere needs to figure out how and why.

So, I'll continue to read here, but don't perceive that I can offer anything further.

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Re: Quantavolution,Solaria Binaria,Homo Schizoid,Bicameral Mind

Unread post by GaryN » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:06 pm

Cosmic Connections. Interesting, I thought.

http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Arti ... /Smith.htm
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. -Buckminster Fuller


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